wm .. .... -—— • * ——1 --— — "' 1 ■■ ■ 1 ..... - —.....— f w This is Our Wish to AH, Both Great and Small ■ 1' 11... ' ■ l - ^ E desire to call your attention to the fact that , —as of yore—we are headquarters for Holi day goods, for the old as well as the younq. g j We purchased of the traveling representa fgjNrgg) five of Pitkins & Brooks of Chicago its entire sample line of China and Cut Class, which v v he had on exhibition in Omaha during the Aksarben week. This places us in a position | to put a price upon these goods at least 20 per cent lower than others can sell them for. I TEDDYBEARS & TO YS— We have Teddy Bears and an exceptionally large and assorted line of toys. The latest inventions in toy land shown in our stock. FOR LADIES—Splendid line of Manicure Cases, Toilet Sets, Comb and Brush Traps, also the famous Palmer*s New York Perfumes. 1 FOR MEN—Smoking sets, cigars and cigar cases, purses, card cases and many other things. Books to suit all—from infancy to old age. The Frontier Published by 0. H. CHONIN. KOMAINE SAUNDKKH. Assistant Kditor and Manager. II 50 the Year 75 Oenta Six Montba Official paper of O'Neill and Holt county. ADVHKTISINO BATES: Otspiay advertlsments on pages «, 6and8 re charged for on a basis of 60 oenta an lnoh one column width) per month; on page 1 the oharge Is II an lnoh per month. Looal ad vertisements, 6 oenta per line eaoh Insertion. Address the office or the publisher. If the congress gets it ail done the president suggests there will be a busy bunch around the national capital this winter. I Xmas. Suggestions The “unwritten law” is still doing good service. The jury in the Bradley case at Washington evidenely conclu ded that the erstwhile senator from Utah invited a severe retribution for a more or less checkered career and let it go at that. Perhaps if the county board would refuse to let any more contracts for bridges and in fact shut down business altogether maybe some people would discover that if the necessary improve ments, additions and rspairs on pub lic works are to be kept up to the de mand it costs something to do it. Our democratic friends regard the issue of the Panama bonds and treas ury certificates as something of a joke on republicans and endeavor to draw something of a comparison with the Cleveland bond issue. The compari son is entirely out of order. The Cleveland bonds were issued to replen ish an impoverished public treasury made so by an excess of expenditures over receipts. There is no such con dition in the present instance. The bonds are issued not because Uncle Sam needs the money as he did under the last democratic administration, but to encourage people with money to put the same in circulation at a time when it is most needed to carry on the business of the country during the big money demand period of crop moving. Our amiable contemporary in the cellar thinks it has scored a hit'by a news item published in The Frontier relative to the taxes of Holt county. The Independent can rely upon the information it gets out of this paper as trusthworthy, but in view of its oft repeated assertion that “it is absolute ly impossible for The Frontier to tell the truth” it would appear that that great apostle of truth and accuracy should go direct to the records instead of jumping at conclusions. Perhaps if the Independent will take the time to investigate that it will discover that the grand total of the tax roll in Holt county is larger today than it was ten, twenty or thirty years ago. It will also discover that the railroad taxes have doubled in Holt county since the enactment of the “infamous revenue law” by a republican legisla ture. . P. J. McManus Furs Handkerchiefs Laveliers b Neckwear Linnen Pieces Hat Pins i Gloves Manicure Sets Fancy Buckles ] Plosiery Cigar Holders Belts c/ Dress Goods Broaches Fancy Supporters / Silk Head Scarf Neck Laces Shirtwaists Leggins Fans Sifk Skirts IN Oxfords Shoes Boston Garters Ladies’ Cloaks Misses Cloaks Children’s Cloaks t ' Wool Socks Bedspreads Suspenders Mens Dress Gloves Moche Mitts Neck Scarfs k White Vests Fancy Vests Nightrobes Mens Overcoats Boys Overcoats Childs Overcoats Cravenettes Boys Suits Childs Suits jj Lambswool Soles Wool Hose Stand Covers Table Covers Couch Covers Pillow Tops Trunks Suit cases Hats Caps Shoes Silk Throws Back combs Side combs Chetlan bags j Purses ‘ Box candy Ladies Neckwear Pipes Sugar Mixed Taffy Tablets STAPLE ANI) FANCY OROCERieS —. \ Other Staple Merchandise too numerous to mention. ^ J Mail Orders promptly attended to. Now that Mrs. Bradley has been ac quited of the murder of Ex-Senator Brown of Utah, the stage of sensation alism has been cleared for the Thaw trial which will start some time next month. If holiday shoppers can’t find what they want advertised in The Frontier there is no use looking anywhere else. O’Neill merchants have the goods and they know how to tell the people about it. For the third successive time Joe Cannon has been elected speaker ol the national tjouse of representatives. He may never be president but he car probably be boss of the house as lonf as he wants to. K Nebraska congressman, Judgi Boyd of the Norfolk district, is ou with a proposition for the protectioi cf depositors in national banks. Con gressman Boyd has introduced a bil in congress providing for a federal ta: on national banks similar to the plai outlined in these columns last week Western bankers are inclined to ap prove the plan and many of then think that is all the “currency legis lation” needed. With assurance c absolute safety people will have n hesitancy about putting money int banks, and such legislation wouli therefore greatly strengthen the re sources of the banks._ iilE ; *