THE YOUTH'S COMPANION SSSSSSFop 1908SESSSSS The Best Christmas Present for $1.75 ■■■ -i.gga.-n Atchison Globe Sight*. Nearly every person thinks he has a license to laugh at the man who has lumbago. After a man reaches 40. he cannot be expected to tell the truth In speaking of his age. When a man fails In business, some people are sure to say, 'Til bet he feathered his nest.” When a boy goes on a visit, his good ness is wonderful; he will carry in wood without being told. When people try to give the impres sion that they are rich, it is a dead sure thing that they are poor. A man imagines he is misunderstood; that he Is too deep to fathom, though everyone sees clear through him. A boy gets an orange so dirty when he peels it that no one but his mother will take a bite when he tries to bo gallant. / Times are so hard since the financial flurry that men ore cutting their mus taches oft that they may smoke their cigars shorter. Arter a widow has read the lovely inscription she has had engraved on her husband’s tombstone, all doubts as to whether he was a good husband vanish. In the savage countries, as soon as a man becomes a burden to himself or others, he is put out of the way; in those countries, a man of 60 is com pelled to walk mighty straight, or get killed. _ _ _ From the Baltimore American. "You don’t hear any more of that slx teen-to-one cry now.” “Don’t you? You haven’t been visiting any of the summer resort hotels lately have you?” The largest lightning conductor In the world is on the Lugspite weather sta tion, in Bavaria. It runs down the mountainside for three and a half miles to a lake. "Do you think that smoking conduces to tranquility of mind?" “Not Judging by the population of Cu ba.” The 52 Issues for 1908 will gioe as much reading for $1.75 as twenty 400-page hooks of fiction, history, etc., ordinarily costing $1.50 each. 250 Good Stories Serial Stories. Stories of Character, Adventure and Heroism. 350 Contributions Articles. Sketches. Reminiscences by Famous Men and Women. 1000 Up-to-Date Notes on Current Events. Discoveries and Inventions In Nature and Science. 2000 One-Minute Stories Bits of Humor and Miscellany, the Weekly Health Article, Timely Edi torials. the Children’s Page. etc. PROOF FOR TWO CENTS. If You Suffer with Your Kidney* ■ad Back Write to Thi* Men. G. W. Winney, Medina, N. Y., Invites kidney sufferers to write to him. To all who enclose postage he will re ply telling how Doan’s Kidney P1113 cured him after he had doctored and had been in two different hospitals for eighteen months, suffering intense pain in the back, lameness, twinges when stooping or lifting, languor, dizzy spells and rheumatism. “Before 1 used Doan’s Kidney Pills,” says Mr. Winney, I weighed 143. After taking 10 or 12 boxes I weighed 162 and was completely cured.” Sold by all dealers. 00 cents a box. Foster-Milbnrn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. CHRISTMAS PRESENT COUPON. Every Neu> Sabecriber who at once cate oat and eende thie elip (or mention, thie Jj publication) with SI• 75 for the 52 ieeaee of 1908 will receive e'Y.r* w All the Issues of the paper for the remaining weeks of V»llt 1. 1907, including the Beautiful Holiday Numbers, rri.r. n The Companion's 4-Leaf Hanging Calendar for 1908 In Ajlrt £e, Full color—exclusively for Companion subscribers. Then The Companion for the 52 Issues of 1908 —a library In Itself. Send for Sample Copier of the Paper and Iilurlrated Announcement for 1908. THE YOUTH’S COMPANION, BOSTON, MASS. fPll \ "^MEMBER OF THE FAMILY/"*-* MEN, BOYS, WOMEN, MISSES AND CHILDREN. •a. W. L. Douglae ntakee and wff* mere wrj. **» man'* $2.SO. $3.00 and $3.50ahoea __than any other manufacturer In the Iff" world, becauae they held their ahapo, tU better, wear longer, and •are of greater value than any ether ahoea In She world to-day, W.L. Oeuglaa 04 and 08 Gilt Edge Shoea cannot be egualled at any price, fry- CAUTION. — W. L. Douclas name and price is stamped on bottom. Take No Sub stitute. Sold by the best shoe dealers everywhere. Shoes mailed from factory to any part «f the world. Illustrated catalog free. W. L DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mas*. He Knew. An Irishman out of work applied to the "boss" of a large repair shop in Detroit. When the Celt had stated his sundry and divers qualifications for a "Job,” the superintendent began quizzing him a bit. Starting quite at random, he asked: "Do you know anything about car pentry?” “Shure." “Do you know how to make a Ven etian blind?” “Shure.” “How would yo do it?” “Shure, I'd poke me finger in his eye.” From the Somerville Journal. Hicks—Did you ever succeed In per suading your wife when she gets angry to count ten before she speaks? Wicks—Yes, but she Is a very rapid counter. Kn, WlMlowf boothixo mup nr Ohlldna (••thing; BofUnB th« gun*, mducM inflgwmnUog. »* tgn pun. com wind oolie. 2» cant • bottl* Got What He Asked For. From LJpplncott’s. A distinguished professor of bacter iology, wishing to study Infected meats, went Into a butcher shop and asked the butcher If he had any measly pork. “No, no, sir!” answered the indig nant man. “All our meats are fresh— first class.” “I'm sorry Could—couldn’t you In some way procure me some?" “Why, yes; If that’s the kind you want.” A few days later the professor stepped Into the shop. “I cairn In to see if you had se cured that measly pork for me?” “Why, yes, sir. Didn’t you get It? I had it sei.? up for your dinner last night.” CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Reflection* of a Bachelor. From the New York Press. In these days they sugar-coat the catechism as well as liver pills. Bather a criminal that gets caught is In Jail or he runs a corporation. When you see a woman having a good time out in the rain it’s her own complexion. A girl blushes when you kiss her be cause it wouldn't be right not to when ,you do. Heaven will be a very satisfactory place for women if the fashions there cult both the fat and the thin. Borneo holds the record for mos gultoes. 6IOUX CITY P’T’G CO-, 1,219—49, 1907 Misted His Vocation. From Success Magazine. Reginald de Koven, the composer, tells of a grocer and a druggist who attended a Wagner concert. As the program did not please them, they be gan talking on music In general and on Wagner In particular. “Another example of the fact that every man wants to do something out of his line," said the druggist. "That's right," assented the grocer. “Now I'm a grocer, but I’ve always wanted to be a banker.” “You'd probably fall,” added the druggist. "Look at me. I'm a success as a druggist, yet I've always wanted to write a book. This man Wagner tries his hand at music. Just listen to It. And yet we all know he builds good parlor cars!" _ PUTNAM FADELESS DYES J for old people who suffer /£lsl 7 from rheumatism.stiff joints. goat Itimhannl-y JL.I ^neuralgia,sciatica and paralysis ^jyl m SIomVs Lminveivt I A V gives quick relief. It penetrates I ijHAt v through the nerves and tissues,relieves the I allm \ inflammation and congestion.quickens I JHFJ^^\the blood and gives a pleasant tingling 1 ^M^ttmjTS^sensation ofcomfortand warmth. I ^(Hjj^^^^Needs^^jvery liftle rubbinq. I —price 25* SQ*^ $1.00 I VH ) w D^orl S.Sloon, Boston MossJ CONTAGION A QUESTION OF PREVENTION. Sinks, drains, eating and cooking utensils, sick room linen and clothing frequently carry the dreaded dlseuse gcrm unnoticed by the household. I Thorough and hygienic cleansing lsj the best safeguard against Infection, and such a safeguard is found In ths^ universal household necessity—Borax. This simple preventive carries in It self, disinfecting qualities which enter the fabric or act upon the article to be1 cleansed In a hygienic manner, elimi nating every unwholesome property, rendering It contagion-proof, while at the same time Borax is of itself as harmless as salt. Unlike most disinfectants which de pend upon their strength of odor or harmful-to-the-system qualities, to ar rest or prevent contagion, Borax is Na ture's remedy, being easy to obtain and easy to apply, a simple solution in hot water being all the application neces sary and requiring no prescription. It can be obtained from any grocer or druggist In convenient, economical household packages. In addition to Its disinfecting quali ties, Borax Is especially a household, necessity, and can be used for soften ing water, cleansing and whitening clothes, clearing the skin, whitening hands, makes an excellent dandruff re mover and can be used on tho llueat laces or most delicate fabrics without Injury, while as an adjunct to the bath It removes all odor of perspiration and leaves the skin soft and velvety. Eight Flights Up. From the Bohemian. When the first fire company. In re sponse to an alarm, reached the long row of tenements, the fire captain at once jumped from his engine and en deavored to locate the fire. When he had Ineffectually hunted through three or four structures for It, he descried an old woman sticking her head out of a window of the topmost floor of an eight-story tenement, a little farther up the street. “Any fire up there?” he yelled when he had reached the pavement beneath this building. In answer, the old woman motioned for him to come up. Accordingly, the captain, with his men lugging their heavy hose behind them, laboriously ascended the eight flights and burst into the room where the old woman was. "Where’s the Are?” demanded the captain, when no fire or smoke became visible. “Oh, there ain't none here,” replied the old woman, flashing an ear trum pet. I asked y’ up ’cause I couldn’t hear a word you said ’way down there.” The dally consumption of pens Is 3,500.000. Habitual Constipation flay fee Jjcnronenljy ^overcome fey proper hab*t& daily So t)td.wi>«WTO ■» «w ture may be gradually dispensed wiih *nen no longer needed afcthebestef remedies, when required, are to assist nature and not to supplant the netunw atfunctions, which mast depend ulti mately upon proper nourishment, l.vinggenemlly iogel ds benepctal effects, always buy the genuine Syrubfegs^lDwirfSenrui ' mawupwturrjbyib* California Fig Syrup Co. only SOLD BYALL LEADINC DRUGGISTS canoe only, regular pme 50f yer Bottle ■■■m ■■■■ To conrlnoo any ■ ■ ■ ■ ' ■ woman that Pax k k# km km tin* Antiseptic will B V k™ Improve her health g 11 k_ k_ and do all wo claim ■ ■■■■^■lorlt. Wo will ■end bar absolutely free a large trial box of Paxtlso with book of lnstruc- , tion* and genuine testimonials. Send your name and address on a postal card. 1 BAVTINC™ 1 rAA I IReeh fcottons, ouch as nasal catarrh, pelvic catarrh and Inflammation caused by tend- , nine Ills I sore eyes, sore throat and ' mouth, by direct local treatment. Its cur- j atlve power over these troubles Is extra ordinary and gives Immediate relief. Thousands of women are using and rec ommending It every day. 80 oents at druggists or by mall. Remember, however, IT COSTS TOC NOTHING TO TRY IT. ' THU JU PAXTON CO.. Boston, Maas. In the Wrong Flock. From the Youth’s Companion. The temperance society was to meet that afternoon. Mrs. Phllpots dressed in a hurry and came panting down stairs. She was a short, plump woman. "Addie run up to my room and get my blue ribbon rosette, the temperance badge,” she directed her maid. ”1 have forgotten It. You will know It, Addle— blue ribbon and gold lettering.” "Yas’m, I knows It right well.” Ad tile could not read, but she knew a blue •ribbon with gold lettering when she saw It and therefore had no trouble In finding It and fastening It properly on the dress of her mistress. Mrs. Phllpots was too busv greeting hou' friends or giving close attention to the speakers at the meeting to rote that they smiled when they shook hands with her. When she reached home supper was served, so she went directly to the dln Jng room, where the other members of J.he family were seated. "Gracious me, mother!” exclaimed tier son, "that blue ribbon—have you neen wearing that at the temperance | neettng?” ’ A loud laugh went up on all sides. "Why, what Is It. Harry?” asked the good woman, clutching at the ribbon in surprise. "Why, mother, dear, didn't you know that was the ribbon X wore at the show?” The gold lettering on the ribbon read: "Atlanta Poultry Show. First Prize. Bantam.” Tableau With a Moral. Dr. Albert E. Palmer, who won the blue ribbon at the recent Chicago Husband show, was talking to a reporter about mar riage. i "Marriage will grow happier," said Dr. Palmer, "as men learn to regard It more unselfishly. Men are still too much like the Ravage. They still Incline to consider their wives too much tn the light of serv ants. • "Why, not long ago at the seashore, do you know what 1 saw? I saw a little tableau that revealed to me In miniature the chief cause of unhappy marriages. "A little boy and a little girl were dig ging In the white sand with toy spades and buckets. The little boy laid down his tools and said: “ ‘Clara, do you want to be my wife?’ ’’ ‘Yes,’ said tho little girl, with a happy smile. “The boy sat down on the sand and put up his feet towards her. " ’Then,' he said gruffly, ’take off my shoes and stockings.’ ” Lecturer—And what man Is most apt to reach that elevation whence the earth may be viewed "as one vast plain?" Smart Student—The one that works tn a gun-powder mill. Seven hundred British subjects are borti at sea every year. SORES AS BIO AS PENNIES. Whole Head and Neck Covered—Hair All Caine Oat—Cured In Three Weeks by Cuttcura. “After having the measles my whole head and neck were covered with scaly sores about as large as a penny. They were Just as thick as they could be My hair all came out. I let the trou ble run along, taking the doctor’s blood remedies and rubbing on salve, but It did not seem to get any better. It stayed that way for about six months; then I got a set of the Cuttcura Rem edies, and in about a week I noticed n big difference# and In three weeks It was well entirely and I have not had the trouble any more, and as this was seven years ago, I consider myself cured. Mrs. Henry Porter, Albion, Neb., Aug. 25, 1906/’ U. S. Made Him Famous. A correspondent of a London. Eng land, paper, who has been staying al Stratford-on-Avon, relates that he one day asked his landlady, “Who Is thlB Shakespeare, of whom one hears sc much In the town? Was he a very great man?” “To this she replied: “Lor, sir, he warn’t thought nothing on a few years ago. It’s the Americans as 'as made him wot he Is." Prodnctlve Power of Western Can ada Soil. Winnipeg oorre»pondence: Tliere has never been any who have doubted the productiveness of the soli of Western Canada, but there are some times found those who question the fact of Its superiority. During the past season It has been shown that In grain raising qualities It possessed the very best. The late spring prevented grain being sown In many cases before the middle of May. Yet, a large percentage of that sown at that time produced ex cellent yields. Had It not been for the frost early In August, which visited most of the north half of the continent, there would have been a magnificent yield in every district in W’estern Can ada. Throughout the Southern Alberta district, where about 100,000 acres was sown to winter wheat, the yield will be enormously large. There are vast tracts of valuable grain-growing land In Western Canada that are available for homesteads, the Canadian Govern ment giving 160 acres free, and entry may be made by proxy, by any near relative, thus saving considerable cost to the American who may have entry made In this way. Any Canadian Gov ernment Agent will give you the par ticulars. Your correspondent has Just received the following letter from Cralk, Sas katchewan. which bears out the state ment made In the first part of this let ter : “Craik, Sask., August. 1007. “May 24th we planted a Dahlia root, "which we brought with us from Min neapolis. Aug. 12th, 80 days later. It “was In bloom. The plant is now 4>4 “feet high and covered with blossoms. “We uover got half as many flowers on “it in Minneapolis, even during Sep tember and October, although we had “more time to attend to It there.” I mention this only as an example of the great productive power of tbs ■oil here In Saskatchewan, Cixjix. He Meant It. From IApplncott's. There 1s a western politician, r.ow serving his state in the halls of con gress. who Is well known for his disin clination to admit that he is ill, ps well as for his circumlocutory method ol expression. One day a friend asked after th« great man's health. "Thomas,” said the conservative rep resentative cautiously, "l am not well, but I am better than i was when I was ' worse than I now am.” NIGHT SWEATS, NO APPETITF USED PE-Rt-NA ISmmSSmBMwSi I*|r$. IuzieIoh^ Mrs. lizzie lohr. 1133 w. 13th St., Chicago, Ills., writes: “I take pleasure in writing yoa these few lines, thinking there may be ether women suffering the same as 1 did. "I had my complaints for over a year, night sweats «'■ winter and no appe tite. I was run-down so far that I had to ait down to do my cooking, 1 was so weak. “I tried many different medicines and doctors also. Nothing seemed to do me any good. The doctor* wanted to oper ate on me. “At last I wrote to Dr. Hartman. I told him just exactly how I was, and he told me what ailed me and how I should take Peruna. "1 did as he told me for four months, and now I am all cured. “No one can tell how thankful I am to him, ns I had given up all hopes of ever getting well again. “I ant a widow and the mother of six small children who depend on my sup port. I work all day and seldom get tired. “I took live bottles of Peruna In all. “Any woman wishing to know more about my case may write to me and I will gladly tell all about It. “I thank Dr. Hartman for wbat he has done for me.” # 4 MNew and Liberal Hameslead Regulations Western^Canada NEW DISTRICTS Now Open for Settlement Some of the choicest tends In the grain growing belts of Saskatchewan and Alberts have recently been opened for settlement under the Revised Homestead ^®fui8t*on8 °* C*0*^*- Thousands of homesteads of 160 acres each are now available. The new regula tions make it possible for entry to be made by proxy, the opportunity that many In the United Stateahave been waiting for. Any member of a family may make entry for any other member of the family whchmay be entitled to make entry for himself or hbrself. Entry may row be made before the Agent or Sub Agent of the District by proxy (on certain conditions', by the father, mother, son. daughter, brother of sis ter of an Intending homesteader. "Any even numbered section of Dominion Lauds in Manitoba or the North-West Provinces, excepting 8 and 26. not reserved, may •taaded by any person the solo head of i or male over 18 years of oae-euarter section, of 160 The fee in each case will be $10.00 Churches, Schools and markets convenient. Healthy climate, splendid crocs and good lawn. Crain growing and cattle raising principal industries For further particulars as to Rates. Routes, Beal Time to Go and Whsre to Locate, apply to W D Scott. Superintendent ot Immisra'ioa, Ottawa, Canada, ot K. T. Holmes, 315 Tacksoa St..S( Pam. Minn.,J. If. MacLachlan, bos 116 Watertown. South Dakota, aud W V Bennett, 801 New V ork Lite Building, Omaha. Nebt* Authorized (Government Agents Fmmum awl where yen ««this . . ... ...J