D. W. CAMERON Practical Cement Worker Manufactures Cemeut Walks, build Foundations, Caves, etc. In fact all cement work neatly and promptly done. Address, Atkinson or O’Neill DR. P. J. FLYNN Physician and Surgeon Night Cat a will be Promptly Attended, Office: First door to right over PIxley & Hanley’s drug store. Residence phone 06 R. R. DICKSON Lawysp q* fttrcRCNCc: riMT national sank, oncili DR. J. P. GILLIGAN Physician and Surgeon Special attention given to DISEASES OF WOMEN, DISEASES Or THE EYE AND CORRECT FITTING OF GLASSES FRED L. BARCLAY STUART, NEB. Makes Long or Short Time Loans on Imputed Farms and Ranches If you are In need of a loan drop him a line and he will call and see you. theO'REILL ABSTRACT * SO. Compiles Abstracts of Title THE ONLY COMPLETE SET OF AB STRACT BOOKS IN HOLT COUNTY I HAVE REOPENED THE GATZ Meat Market With a full line of meats of all kinds and solicit a share of the public’s patronage. 6000 MEATS AND LIBERAL WEIGHTS *A. H. POE* First door east Hotel Evans. Phone 80 O’Neill’s Bakery is now lo cated in its “new home” where you can get Bread, Pies Cake i and all sorts of bakery pro ducts. Also canned goods, fruits, nuts, candies, cigars, tobacco, etc. 5 w. J. SALEM, Prop. | 3d door east Hotel Evans | ALDERSON’S GOT EM! GOOD AND PLENTY Not the Measles, nor the jim jams, but pure bred young bulls of the best families. Mostly Red, sired by Scottish Sharon of Greytower, 153330, one of the Pan American prize winners, and Golden King 152918. Two of the best bulls on the uppor Elkhorn valley today. Time will be given on bankable note to responsible Sarties. Delivered to nearest !. R. station free. JOHN M. ALDERSON Chambers, • • - Nebraska C. C. FOUTS, of O’Neill, - Nebraska. -SAY WE DO— Veterinary Work and don’t you forget it. A prac tical man with 20 years in the business and always up-to-date. Performs all the principal Operations of Veterinary Surgery, Castration of Ridgelings, Spaying Dentistry, etc. Successfully treat! the so-called (but wrongly named swamp fever. Will go in any OUI BREAK and treat it. No Cure No Pay What more do you WANT. Writ! me, call and see me, or phone me, Theiephone No. 132. O’Neill, - Nebraska (First publication Oct. 31.) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of tlie Interior, Land Office at O’Neill, Nebraska, October 28,1907. “Not coal lauds.” Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at O’Neill, Nebraska, on December 12, 1907, viz: Joseph .1. Fcsler, IT. E. No. 1661 >, Jan. 2. 1901, for the N4 NEi, See. 15, Twp. 30, N. 11. 11 W. 6th J*. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence up on and cultivation of said land, viz: James Brennan of O’Neill, Nebr., H.B. Hubbard of Agee, Nebr., A. Peterson and Andrew Schmidt, both of O’Neill, Nebr. B. E. STURDEVANT, 19-6 Register. (First Publication Nov. 21.) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at O’Neill, Nebraska. Novem ber 18, 1907. “Not Coal Lands.” Notice is hereby given that John Gaughenbaugh, of Emmett, Nebraska, has filed notice of his intention to make final live year proof in support of his claim, viz: Homestead entry No. 17181, made October 1, 1901, for the northeast quarter section 24, township 28 north, range 13 west 6th P. M, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver, at O’Neill, Nebraska, on December 28, 1907. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence up on, and cultivation of, the land, viz: A. Maring, of Emmett, Nebr., L. I. Pucket, of Emmett, Nebr., Andrew Clark jr., of O’Neill, Nebr., J. B. Maring, of Emmett, Nehr. 22-fi B. E. STURDEVANT, Register. (First Publication jnov. zl.; ORDER OF HEARING ON PRO BATE OF FOREIGN WILL. State of Nebraska, Holt county, ss. In the probate court of said county. In the matter of the estate of Her man Bruner, deceased. On this 16th day of November, A. D. 1907, Lyman Waterman filed his petition in this court, and presented an authenticated copy of the last will and testament of Herman Bruner, de ceased, late of La Salle county, and state of Illinois, the prayer of said petitioner being that a day be fixed by this court for the purpose of ap proving and allowing said last will and testament, and causing the same to be filed and recorded in this office. It is therefore hereby Ordered, That Saturday, the 7th day of December, A. D. 1907, at 10 o’clock a. m. be fixed for hearing said petition, when all persons interested in said matter may appear and show cause why the prayer of said petition should not be granted; and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hearing thereof, be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in The Frontier a weekly newspaper printed In said county, for three weeks prior to said day of hearing. [Spall C. J. MALONE, 22-;i County .1 ddge. (First Publication Nov. 21.) NOTICE. In the court of Holt county, Ne braska. In the matter of the estate of William F. Smith deceased. To all persons interested in said es tate. You are hereby notified that on the 20th day of November, 1907, Eliza oeth G. Smith administratrix of the estale of William F. Smith, deceased, filed in said court her final account as said administratrix and a petition tor final settlement and distributitioa of the residue of said estate; that tiie said final account and petitioa for final settlement and distribution wilt be heard on the 7th day of December. 1907, at 10 o'clock a. m. at the county court room in O’Neill in said county, at which time and place any persons interested in said estate may appear and show cause, if such exists, why said final account should not be ap proved and a decree of distribution made of the residue of said estate in the possession of said administratrix. It is ordered that a copy of this notice be published for three succes sive weeks in The Frontier a news paper, printed and published in said county. Dated this 20th day of ^November, 1907. [Seal] C. J. MALONE, 22-3 County J udge. (First Publication Nov. 28 ) NOTICE. In the court of Holt county, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of John W. Dahlin, deceased. To all persons interested in said es tate. You are hereby notified that on the 27th day of November, 1907, J. J. Troyer administrator of the estate of John W. Dahlin, deceased, filed in said court his final account as said ad ministrator and a petition for final settlement and distribution of the residue of said estate; that the said final account and petition for final settlement and distribution will be heard on the 14th day of December, 1907, at 1 o’clock, b- m. at the county court room in O’Neill, in said county, at which time and place any persons interested in said estate may appear and show cause, if such exists, why said final account should not be ap proved and a decree of disbirutio made of the residue of said estate in the possession of said administrator. It is ordered that a copy of this notice be published for three succes sive weeks in The Frontier, a news paper, printed and published in said county. Dated this 27th day of November, 1907. [Seal] C. J. MALONE, 23-3 County Judge. (First Publication Dec. 5.) NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land i Office at O’Neill, Nebraska, Novem ber 29,1907. “Not Coal Lands.”, i Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing named settler has tiled notice of ills intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said , proof will be made before the R gistcr and Receiver, it O’Neill, Nebraska, on Jauuary 15,1908, viz; George Law rence one of the heirs and for the heirs of Guy C. Lawrence, deceased, H. E. 17H80, August 1, 1902, for the N1 bVV'i section 14, township 28, north range 13, west 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence up on and cultivation of said land, viz: Morion E Hiatt, of Emmet, Nehr., Leslie I. Puckett, of Emmet, Nehr., Alexander Maring, of Emmet, Nehr., Thomas E. Maring. of Huimet, Nebr. 24-6 R E STUilDEVANT, Register. KKPOKT Ok IHIO CONDITION OF THE O’Neill National Bank of O'Neill, Xeb.. Charter No. 5770 At the close of business, December 3,1007. RESOURCES Loans and discount?-.. .$142,999 44 Overdratts ■ < t ured and unsecured.. 1,095 57 IJ. S. bonds to seem circulation- 50,000 00 1'remi'imson U. S v >nds . 1.800 00 Banking house furniture & fixtures 5,000 00 Due from nation**l hanks (not re serve agentsi. 5,935 94 Due from state banks and bank ers. 82 13 Due from approved reserve agents . 1(1,043 1K> Cheeks and other cash Items. 398 93 Notes of other national hanks.. 12.225 00 Fractional paper currency, ruckles and rents . 52 75 Lawful money reserve In hank, viz: Specie.... .$5,844 55 Legal tender nof»-s . 8,470 00 $14,314 55 Redemption fund with U. S. treas urer (5 per cent of circulation)— 2.500 00 Total.$252,247 07 LIABILITIES Capital stock paid in.$50,000 00 Surplus fund. 0,750 00 Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid. 008 10 National bank notes outstanding... 50,000 00 Due toother national banks. 10,072 21 Due Instate hanks and bankers. 12,978 50 individual deposits subject to check 02,047 94 Demand certificates of deposit— 5k,530 80 Total. $->52,247 07 State of Nebraska. County of Holt. ss. I, Jas. F. O’Donnell, cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. .1 AS. F. O’DONNELL. Cashier. Correct—Attest: T. B Purcell, Thos. II. Fowler, H. P. Dowling. Directors. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 5th day or December, 19<»7. .1. H. Meredith, Notary Public. My commission expires March 25, 1913. HOTEL EVANS ONLY FIRST-CLASS HOTEL IN THE CITY FREE BUS SERVICE W. T. EVANS, Prop Trade Marks [ Designs t Copyrights Ac. • Anvono sending a sketch mid description may r qnieiilv ascertain our opinion free whether an [ . invention is probably patentable. Communion- . 1 tions at rictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents t i sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. ► j Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive t j special notice, without char»?o. In the r ScksSie Jlmrto*. J A handsomely Illustrated weekly. largest dr- ► j culation of any soienliHo journal. Terms, $8 a ► i year: lour months* :j>i. Sold by all newsdealers. i 1 MUNN Je (]5)t361Broadwiy, New York 1 Brnuch Office. G26 F St- Washington, D. G- t $• utrad Title Abstractors Office in Firnt National Bank Bldg. The Warming Closets Of a rT’HE Warming Closets on all | ^ Majestic Ranges have ' malleable iron doors and frames. The doors can be dropped down , without fear of breakage, form* I ing a perfect shelf, and holding the weight of an ordinary size | man. At a glance you would think ■ the roll back door on other warming closets would better suit your purpose. Let us use a little reasoning: First, with the roll back door closet you have no shelf to set things on before you slide them into the closet, while on the drop door you have. Second, with the roll back door you have very little room in closet, the roll door taking up most of it. Third, if you are not careful you will break the dish in closet by back of roll door hitting it. The Majestic has good strong drop doors—you can’t break them. N sSlNEIL BRENNANS* H rciware and Farm Impelments » - ' • - *” ' '«- . ■ - r Methodist Church Items. Hie u-.ual services will be held at our church Sunday, beginning at 10 o’clock a. m., with a class meeting led by Mrs. O O. Snyder. Sermon by the pastor at 10:30, subject, “Seeking a Kingdom and the Result.” Sunday school at 12 m. Plenty of room and a place for any and everybody. Come and study the lesson with us. The Jotiior League service at 3 o’clock will be led by Miss Ethel Conklin. We should like to see every Junior in his or her place. At 6:30 p. m. we expect to have a very interesting Epworth League service, to which all of our young people and any others who wish to attend, are cordially invited. Ser mon by the pastor at 7:30 p. m., sub ject, “The Lord’s side.” To this, as to all other services of our church, you are cordially invited. Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 7:30. T. S. Watson, Pastor. Good Cough Medicine for Children. The season for coughs and colds is now at hand and too much care can not be used to protect the children. A child is much more likely to contract diptheria or scarlet fever when he has a cold. The quicker you cure his cold the less risk. Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is the sole reliance of many mothers, and few of those who have tried it are willing to use any other. Mrs. F. F. Starclier,of Ripley, W. Va., says, “I have never used anything other than Chamberlain’s Cough Rem edy for my children and it has always given good satisfaction.” This remedy contains no opium or other narcotic and may be given as confidently to a child as to an adult. For sale by Gil ligan & Stout. The Wayne Normal opens a new term December 30. Here is a chance for young men and women to go to school, at least, a few months this winter. Students can take just the studies they want; no examinations to enter. You will get great good by going a single term. Write Pres. J. M. Pile for a catalog which tells of the work, the excellent accommoda tions and the small expense for at tending. This school can care for 1000 students nicely. 21-4 Advertised Letters. The following letters remain un called for in the O’Neill postoffice for the week ending November 30, 1907: OrlandoS. Carver.Miss M. K. Smith, Mary K. Smith, Gilbert Swartzlerider, Mrs. Hope Stansberry, George Mus sear, Mrs. Lillie Nichols, Mrs. Mary Murphy, A. Linkinson. Mrs. Frank llammerberg, D. J. Gibbons. Postal cards: Miss Mary K. Smith, George Mussear. In calling for the above please say “advertised.” If notcalled for in two weeks will be aentto dead letter office R. J. Marsh, Postmaster. Beware of Frequent Colds. A succession of colds or a protracted cold is almost certain to end in chronic catarrh, from which few persons ever wholly recover. Give every cold the attention it deserves and you may avoid this disagreeable disease. How can you cure a cold? Why not try Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy? It is highly recommended. Mrs. M. White of Butler, Tenn., says: “Several years ago I was bothered with my throat and lungs. Someone told me of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. I be gan using it and it relieved me at once. Now my throat and lungs are sound and weli.” For sale by Gilligan & Stout. FOR SALE—Thoroughbred Poland China boars.-William Mather, O’Neill, Nebr. 22-3 ~ ~ ' ■** ■ 11 1111111 r '» >■ ■ .’‘if r~i t •gtjgKifiii.ii''.'rrinfH.n,..... ar-ra ST OF EVERYTHMG Maximum travel safety, and everything for the complete comfort of patrons is provided via The North Western Line, with its splendid service to Chicago, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, St. Paul and all points east. Be sure your ticket reads via the Chicago & North Western Ry. thereby surrounding yourself for the journey / with a perfection of service that includes The Best of F-Very thing. Meals in dining cars a la carte. The most direct route to the East is over the “Only double track railway be tween the Missouri River and Chicago.” For sleeping car reservations, tickets and full information, apply to Ticket Agent, The /forth Western Fine. Send for Booklet entitled °W©LsKii\gtoi\M It tells how farmers succeed there; about the cheap land, the productive yields and the grand opportunities for moneymak ing and home building. It tells about wheat raising in the Big Bend country— fruit raising in the Wenatchee valley and dairying in the Puget Sound region. Farmers in Washington are not satisfied to merely make a living. They BECOME INDEPENDENT. High prices for farm products, good transportation and low priced land make this possible in a few years. The climate in Washington is a mild and healthful one. The book give the climatic and ogricultural conditions of the country and tells what others have done. You can do as well. Send for it today, its free for the asking. Address— C. E. NOONAN, District Passonger Agent, Sioux City, Iowa. —% Great Northern Railway | M. DOWLING. President JAS. F. O’DONNELL. Cashier I SURPLUS ^ $55,000.00 I ✓ O’NEILL NAT’L BANK Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent. This Bank carries no indebtedness of Officers or Stockholders O. O- SILT^IDEIR Ldumber, Goal Building Materials, etg. PHONE 32O’NEILL, NEB girajg aiSEEEiaiSlS] lajaMiSEKIS® l| farm loans interest paid on time deposits insurance j| I FIDELITY BANK j (§ This Bank aims to oonoerve the Interests of its customers in every £ H honorable way. J|j !«._OFFICERS-• I E E HALSTEAD, PRESIDENT. O. F. BlGLI N, VlCE-PRESI DENT 1 DAVID B. GROSVENOR, CASHIER ' § Directors: K. F,. Halstead, E. H. Halstead, O. F. Blglln, F. J. Dlshner H D. B. Grosvenor. e! ljamiFnmraiHiiHiii3fr3lilinii[iainilraniilBIKiliiiliiiligjglBiaai£’3!IBJaiglBlgigigElglglglgiiBlglBlgiaic!lBigiiajBliillBIBll Dr- E. T. Wilson Jf,G pa]acB g tables PHYSICIAN and SUROCON i u ■ " Bowen Bros., Proprietors. - (Late of the U. S. Army) Successsor to Dr. Truebiood. Surgery GOOD RIGS, PRICES RIGHT and Diseases of women. FEEDING A SPECIALTY speciatlies: HORSES BOUGHT <& SOLD EVE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Spsctacl..-"«t^«ttadandSuprlKd. O’NEILL, NEB