The Frontier. VOLUMF XXVI11. O’NEILL. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1907 NUMBER 24 f JUST ARRIVED—A large line of 1 Waggons, Buggies and Implements. I We have the Stoughton, Weber & Lancing and O’Brien waggons; Veloc, i John Deere and Parry buggies & sur f ries that we are selling at right prices. CLOSE-OUTS—We have 6 Great Western Manure Spreaders which we will close out at a very low price. We would be glad to have you come in and look over our line, which is one of the largest ever in the county. FURNITURE—A large line of new Furn it ure. Christmas is coming and a nice piece of furniture make a fine 1 Christmas present. Golden Furnituref^Hd.Co. .... 4 The Markets South Omaha, December 4—Special ’ market letter from Nye Schneider Fowler Co. The first two days of this week brought about 10,000 cattle on this market. Chicago had very heavy runs and reported their market lower on all offerings except best beeves, which is about the condition of the trade here with the exception that the packers seemed inclined to prefer the good western rangers to the com mon natives and the market was about 10 cents lower on short fed stuff, and stronger on good western feeders. We quote: Choice dry lot beef, corn fed$5 00(a)5 00 Fair to good. 4 40(a>5 00 Choice range beef. 4 80(a)4 90 Others down to. ( Choice cows. 3 50(a)4■ 00 Canoers & cutters. 1 25@2 00 Veal calves.i3 00fn)5 75 Bulls, stags, etc. (a) Heavy feeeders. (a) Medium . ( Stockers. @ Stock heifers... ( Hog receipts are light with advanc ed prices over last week, the bulk sell ing at $4.60 to $4.65, top $4 75. Sheep market is active to 10 cents higher than last week’s close. For that Dull Feeling After Eating. I have used Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets for some time, and can testify that they have done me more good than any tablets I have ever used. My trouble was a heavy dull feeling after eating.—David Freeman, Kempt, Nova Scotia. Tfiese tablets strenghten the stomach and improve the digestion. They also reg ulate the liver and bowels. They are far|super.or to pills but cost no more Get a free sample atGilligan