Republicans Sweep Everything in Holt County But Clerk of the District Court REPUDIATE RING RULE & SLANDER Republicans ami Honest Democrats Unite and Give tin* Strategy Board a Black Eye.—Harrington Loses Eight Hundred Votes in Holt and Boyd Counties.—Western Counties Go Republican On Every thing Hut District Judges, Which Reelects Harrington and Westover. The result of last Tuesday's election in Holt county is an emphatic rebuke to the high handed methods of the fusion bosses, whose campaign of falsehood, deception and slander knew no limit. The unfair and high handed methods were continued to the last minute, even to replacing legally appointed members of the election board by men who had no kind of authority to sit on the election board. Through the united action of republicans and honest democrats, every republican county candidate whs elected except one, that of clerk of the district court, to which the democratic incumbent was re elected by a reduced majority. The republican candidates were elect ed in three of the four supervisor districts and this makes the board four republi can and three fusion. Hence the repub licans have all the county offices but One and the board of supervisors. In the Judicial fight the fusion vote was reduced 800 votes in Holt and Boyd counties. Four years ago Harrington carried Holt county by 539, this year he carries it by 158; four years ago West over carried the county by over 400, this year by 24; four years ago they carried Boyd county by 300, this year they lost it by 150. A peculiar circum stance appears in the counties in the western part of the district. The major ity of them went republican on every thing but the judicial ticket, which went fusion and reelect Harrington and y Westover by about 250. The total vote of Holt county was 3122 with the head ot the ticket very close, Loomis, the fusion candidate for supreme judge having a majority of only 3, while the republican regents carried the / county by a small majority. The fusionists made a desperate effort to secure control of the board of super visors and sheriff’s office and their signal defeat is a vigorous protest from the voters of Holt county against deception and fraud. The following are the totals for the county: Douglas 1446 Jtenokes 1310 Harrington 1604 W estover 1470 Harnish 1708 Robertson 1327 Simar 1637 Morgan 1363 Hall 1628 Mathis 1445 Malone 1699 Simmons 1325 Sturdevent 1404 Hannon 1618 Zink 1590 VanConett 1437 Skidmore 1524 Lell 1483 Page 1493 Norton 1497 Wilson 1546 Flynn 1450 VOTE ON SUPERVISORS Roberts 228, Bedford 167. Roll 266, Coover 199. Rocke 284, Shorn 230. Hickman defeats Root by 38 or 40. .% * • —. .. The loss of the judges ' is the only regret of republicans and the honest democrats who voted with them. It can be accounted for * in no other way than ineffective organiza tion and lack of fighters in the western counties, as the east end did M It KKKSK wore than its share to swing the district into the republican column as shown by the vote. There may have been some sore spots also left from the primaries that festered at the polls and encompassed defeat for republican candidates. The state is still strongly in the republican column, Reese be ing elected to the supreme bench over Loomis by 20,000. The ringsters ere “licked” to a finish in Holt county. The re publicans promised a square administration two years ago and have been re-elected because thev made good. The same square deal policv will be pursued in the future as in the past.