The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 04, 1907, Image 8

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    _ __^———m i »■
> The effect of malaria lasts a long time. ^
You catch cold easily or become run
down because of the after effects of malaria.
Strengthen yourself with Scott's ^
Emulsion. 2
It builds new blood and tones up your nervous ^
, system. «&
ALL DRUOOISTSi 60c. AND $1.00. ^1 ;
(First publication June37.)
Tract No. 447.
The State of Nebraska, I'laltitfff, v«.
The several paroels of land hereinafter
described, and all persons and corporations
having or claiming title to, or any Interest,
right or claim in. and to, such parcels of
real estate or any part thereof, defendants.
To A. B. Iron and to the occupants of the
real estate described below.
Notice Is hereby given that under a decree
■ of tho district court of said county, rendered
in the state tax suit for the year 1005, tlic
following described real estate situated in
the county of Holt and state of Nebraska, to
wit: Loti, block I. Duffy's addition to tho
village of Atkinson, In Unit county, Nebras
ka. was on tho 15th day of November, 1005,
duly sold at public vendue by the county
treasurer ot said county in the manner pro
vided by law and the period of redemption
from sucli sale will expire on tho 15th day of
November, IOT.
You are further notified that the owner of
the certificate of tax sale issued by the
treasurer will make application to the court
In the above ontltled cause for confirmation
of such sale as soon as practicable after the
period of redemption lias expired, and you
are hereby notified that the time and place
of the hearing upon such confirmation will
be entered in’ the confirmation record kept
a the clerk of said court, on or before the
li day of November, 11107. Yon will examine
skid confirmation record to ascertain the
time of such bearing and may be present. If
you desire, to make any objections or show
cause why tliosale should not beoonfliined.
1-3 I’urohaser.
(First publication Juno 37)
, jf Tract No. 435.
Th<4 State of Nebraska, I'lalntlfT, vs
The several paroels oT land hereinaTtOr
1 "■ described, and all persons and corporations
I having or claiming title to, or any interest,
right or claim In. and Ui. such parcels of
real estate or any part thereof, defendants.
Tn'Ernncis L. Tower and to the ocoupunts
of tQe real estate described below.
Notice Is hereby given that under a decree
Of the district court of said county, rendered
In the state tax suit for the year 11X15, the
following described real estfito situated in
the (lOunty of Holt and state of Nebraska, to
wiflC Lot I, block 33, Ultuey’s addition to
tke village of Atkinson, in Holt county, Ne
hranks, was on tho 15th day of November,
10W, duly sold at publi i vendue by the coun
ty treasurer of said comity In the manner
provided by law and the perl id of redemp
tion from such sale will oxplre on the 15th
day of Novembor, 1007.
• >"Vnii nro furt her tmtHWxl IliRt. tho nwiiEI1 nf
the certificate of tux sale Issued by the
treasurer will make application to the court
In the above entitled cause for confirmation
of suoh sale as soon as practicable after the
period of redemption has expired, and you
are hereby notified that the tlmo and place of
the; hell ring upon such confirmation will be
entered In the confirmation record kept by
the clerk of said cmirt, on or before the IStn
day of November, 1907. You will examine
Bifid confirmation record to usoertaln the
time of such bearing and may be present, If
you Ueslro, to make any objections or show
cause why the sale should not be onflrmed.
J. O. MUKl’HY,
Is! Purchaser.
(First publication June 27.)
Tract No. 2094.
The State of Nebraska. Plaintiff, vs.
The several parcels of land hereinafter
described, and all persons and corpoiaiions
having or claiming title to, nr any interest.
rll(lrt or olalm 111. aud to. such parcels of
. • real’ estate or any part thereof, defeud
,’ ’ fihtif
To John McHugh aud to the oooupants of
the real estate described below, whose names
are Ben Johrtng.
Notice Is hereby given that under a decree
of the district court of said county, rendered
In the state tax Buit for the year 11)05, the
following described real estate situated In
the, county of Holt and state of Nebraska, to
wit: Lots In and 19, block Ik), lu Rlgg's ad
dition to O'Neill. In Holt county, Nebraska,
was outlie 18th day of November, 1905, duly
sold at public vendue by the county treasurer
of said county In the manner provided by
law aud the period of redemption from such
sale will expire ou the 18th day November,
You are futher notified that the owuer of
the certificate of tax sale Issued by tbe i
treasurer will make application to the court
lu the above entitled cause for confirmation
of such sale as soon as practicable after the' i
period of redemption has expired, and you
art) hereby notified that the time and place I
of the hearing upon such confirmation will
be entered lu the confirmation record kept
by llio clerk of suld court, on or before the i
18th day of November, 1907. You will examine
said confirmation record to ascertain the I
time of such bearing and may bo present, if ]
youdcslre. to muke any objections or show
cause wbyktho sale should not bo confirmed. I
1-8 Purchaser. I
————-■ .,
(First Publication July 4) . I
Tract No. 3899 to 8900 B.
The State of Nebraska, Plaintiff, vs. 1
The several parcels of land hereinafter des- •
erlbed, and all persons and corporations 1
having or claiming title to. or any interest, ]
right or olalm In. and tosuoh parcels of real 1
estate or any part thereof, defendants. <
To Clara L. Radley and D. E. Chase aud to
the occupants of the real estate described ■
below, whose name is William Tucker.
Notice Is herebv given that under a decree I
or tne districtconrt of said county, rendered
In the state tax suit for the year 1905, the fol
lowing described real estate situated In the
oounty of Holt and stateof Nebraska, toiwlt:
Lot 3. 8, 7,8, block 0, east side addition to the
village of Page, In Holt oounty, Nebraska,
was on the 82nd day of November, 1805. duly
sold at public vendue by the county treasurer
of said county In the manner provided by
law and the period of redemption from such
side will expire on the 22nd day of November, 1
You are further notified that the owner of 1
the certificate of tax sale Issued by the t reas- '
urer will make application to the court lu the
above eutltled cause for confirmation of such 1
saie us soon as practicable after the period of
redemption has expired, and you are hereby
notified that the time and place of the hear- 1
lng upon such confirmation will be entered
lu the confirmation record kept by the clerk 1
of said court, on or before the 22nd day of 1
November, 1907. You will examine said con- 1
flrmatlon record to ascertain the time of
such hearing and may be present, If you de- '
sire, to make any objections or show cause
why the sale should not be confirmed.
8-3H. C. HOWARD, Purchaser.
(First Publication duly 4)
Tract No. 38SH, 38118 C.
The State of Nebraska, Plaint iff. vs.
The several paroeis of land hereinafter des
cribed, and all persons and corporations
having or claiming title to, or any interest,
right or olalm in, and to, sueh parcels of
real estate or any part thereof, defendants.
To Clara L. Hadley and to the occupants
of the real estate described below, whoso
names are Aaron Harris.
Notice is hereby given that under a decree
of the district court of said oounty, rendered
In the state tax suit for the year isuri, the
following described real estate situated In
the oounty of Holt and state of Nebraska, to
wlt: Lot 1 to 4. block 8, east side addition to
the village of Page, In Holt oounty. Nebraska,
was on the 22nd day of November, 1905. duly
sold at public vendue by the county treasur
er of said county In the manner provided by
law and the period of redemption from such
sale will expire on the 22nd day of November,
You are further notified that the owuer of
the certificate of tax sale Issued by the treas
urer will make application to tbe court in
the alKive eutltled cause for confirmation of
such sale as soon as practicable after the
period of redemption has expired, and you
are hereby notified that the time and place of
the hearing upon such confirmation will be
entered in the confirmation record kept by
the clerk of said court, on or before the 22nd
day of November, 1007. You will examine
said confirmation record to ascertain the (
time of such hearing and may be present, If
you desire, to make any objections or show
cause why the sale should not be confirmed.
•»-;j H. C. HOWARD, Purchaser.
(FirstPublication July 4)
Tracts No. 3001 H, 3002. 3903, 3003 A. ,
The State of Nebraska. Plaintiff, vs.
The several parcels of land hereinafter des- '
erlbed, and all persons and corporations
having or claiming title to, or any interest. .
right or claim in, and to, such parcels of
real estate or any part thereof, defendants. <
To Chester Hunt and I). K. Chase and to ,
the occupants of the real estate described be
low. whose names are Uenri L*. Clark.
Notice is hereby given that under a decree «
of the district court of said county, rendered
In the state tax suit for the year 1905, the fol
lowing described real estate situated In the *
county of Holt and state of Nebraska, to-wlt: \
Lot 11, 12,13, 14, block fi. east side addition to ,
the village of Page, in Holt county, Nebraska, 1
was on the 22nd (lay of November, 1905. duly
sold at public yfendue by the county treasur- |
nr of said county In the manner provided by t
law and the period of redemption from such 1
sale will expire on>thc 22nd day of November, |
1007. , (
You are further notified that the owner of
the certificate of tax sale issued by the treas
urer will make application to the court iu the
above entitled cause for confirmation of such
^alc as soon as practicable after the period
i»f redemption has expired, and you are here
by notified that the time; and place of the
hearing upon such confirmation will be en
tered In the confirmation record kept by the 1
ulerk of said court, on or before the 22nd day
of November, 1907. You will examine said
Donfirmation record to ascertain the time of
such hearing and may be present, if you do
dre, to make any objections or show cause <
why the salo should not bo con fl rined.
2-3 WILLIAM TUCKER, Purchaser. (
(First publication July 4)
Tract No. 3853.
Fhe State of Nebraska, Plaintiff, vs (
The several parcels of land hereinafter '
described, and all persons and corporations 1
having or claiming title to, or any Interest. t
right or claim In, and to, such parcels of .
real estate or any part thereof, defendants. 1
To William Davidson and to the occupant [
i)f the real estate described below, whose ,
Notice 1h hereby given that under a decree I
the district court of said county, reudered j
In the state tax suit for the year 1905, the fol- ,
lowing described real estate situated In the 1
jounty of Holt and state of Nebraska, to-wlt: (
Part NW NE of section 11, in t iwnunip31, I
north of range 9. west of Uth P. M. In Holt
jounty, Nebraska, was on the 20th <F»y of
November, 1905, duly sold at public vendue t
by the county treasurer of said county in the j
manner provided by law and the period of
redemption from such sale will expire on the '
Kith day of November. 1907. I
you are further notified that the owner of t
the certificate of tax sale Issued by the treas
urer will make application to the court In the si
Above entitled cause for confirmation of (
»ueh sale as soon as practicable after the .
period of redemption has expired, and you 1
Are hereby notified that the time and plaoe f
*f the hearing upon such confirmation will e
t)o entered in the eontirmutlou record kept
>y the clerk of said court, "ii or before the
!0t|i day of November, 1907. You will ex- (
inrhic said confirmation record to ascertain i
ihe time of such hearing and limy be present,
f you desire, to make any objections or show J
muse why the sale should not be confirmed. I
2-3 JOHN DAltlt, Purchaser.
(First Publication July 4)
Tract No. 8309.
Phe State of Nebraska, Plaintiff, vs f
Phe several parcels of land hereinafter des- .
orlbed, and all persons and corporations ^
having or claiming title to, or any interest, 1
right or claim In, and to, such unreels of [,
real estate or auy part thereof, defendants ;
To Samuel Monroe, or the heirs of Samuel u
Hon roe deceased, and to the occupants of the y
•eal estate described below, whose names are
llonzo Caddie and Mina F. Gaddio his wife. J
Notice Is hereby given that under a decree t
>f the district court of said county, rendered r
n the state tax suit for the year 1905, the fol- *
owing described real estate situated in the u
:ounty of Holt and state of Nebraska, to-wlt; Li
'art SE„ NW section 11, in township 31, range ^
, west of the 0th P. M. In Holt county, Ne
iraska, was on the 20th day of November, u
005, duly sold at public voudue by the county s
reasurer of Baiu county ill the manner pro
ided by law and the period of redemption
rom such sale will expire on the 20th day of u
tovoraber, 1907. t
You arc further notified that the owner of Q
he certificate of tax sale issued by the troas
laer will make application to the court in H
he above entitled cause for oontlrmatlon of t
uch sale as soon as practicable after the
•eriod of redemption has expired, and you ,
.re hereby notified that the time and place a
•f the hearing upon such confirmation will t
>e entered In the oontlrmatlon record kept
•y the clerk of said court, on or before the J
Oth day of November, 1907. You will ex- t
.mine said oontlrmatlon record to ascertain r
he time of said hearing and rnuy be present, j
f you desire, to make any objections or show
ause why the sale should not be confirmed. F
2-3 JOHN DARR, Purchaser. r
(First Publlbation July 4)
Tract No 1786—B. „
L*he State of NebraHka, Plaintiff, vs.
L’he several parcels of land hereinafter des- d
cribed, and all persons and corporations c
haviug or claiming title to,or any interest. a
right or claim In, aud to, sucb parcels of .
real estate or any part thereof, defendants. 1
To Michael K. Bannin and to the occupant ,
>f the real estate described below:
Notice Is hereby given that under a decree h
»f the district court of said county, rendered r
u the state tax suit for the year 1905, the fol
owing described real estate situated In the f
ouuty of Holt and state of Nebraska, to-wit: l
jot 12, block 13, In the original town of O’Neill J
n Holt county, Nebraska, was on the 17th »
lay of November, 190ft, duly sold at public 1
'endue by the county treasurer of said coun- a
y In the manner provided by law and the r
>orlod of redemption from such sale will
expire on the 17th day of November, 1907. *
You are further notified that the owner of S
he certificate of tax sale Issued by the treas- t
irer will make appllcatlou to the court lu the f
ibove entitled cause for confirmation of said ^
ittle us soon as practicable after the period of (j
redemption has expired, and you are hereby 0
lotified that the time and place of the hear
th? upon such confirmation will be entered in c
die confirmation record kept by the clerk of I
mid court, on or before the 17th day of No- }
member, 1907, You will examine said confirm- _
ttion record to ascertain the time of such J
icaring and may be present, if you desire, to I
nake auy objections or show cause why the T
lale should not be continued.
2*3 JOHN GKUTSCII, Purchaser. t
-——- C
(First Publication July 4 > r
Tract. No. 1786.
The State of Nebraska. Plaintiff, vs. r
rile several parcels of laud hereinafter des- ,
cribed, and all persons and corporations *
having or claiming title to, or any interest. 8
right or claim in, and to, such parcels of 1
real estate or any part thereof, defendants. J
To Michael K. Bannin and to the occupants t
3t the real estate described below, whose «
names are Maggie Orutsch and Elizabeth
McMilleu. \
Noiice is hereby given that under a decree
of the district court of said county, rendered T
in the state tax suit for the year 1905, the fol- *
lowing described real estate situated in the *
county of lloit and state of Nebraska to-wit: l
,ot 10. block 13. in the nriirinel town of
I’Nelll, In Holt county, Nebraska, was on
tie 17th day of November, 1905, duly sold at
uhlie vendue hyllie county treasurer of said
oumy in the manner provided hy law and
he period of redemption from such sale will
xpirc on the ITth day of November, 19,17.
You are further notified that the owner of
he certificate of tax sale Issued hy the troas
rer will make application to the court la the
hove entitled cause for confirmation of such
ale as soon as practicable after the period
f redemption has expired, and you arehere
y notified that the time and place of the
earing upon such confirmation will be en
ered In tne confirmation record kept by the
ierk of said court, on or before the 17th day
f November, 1907. You will examine said
onllrmatlon record to ascertain the tine of
uch hearing and may tie present, if you de
ire, to make any objections or show cause
rliy the sale should not be confirmed.
•i-A MAGGIE GRUTSOH. Enrollttser.
(First Publication July 4)
In the court of Holt county, Ne
n the matter of the estate of Peter
Mohr deceased.
To all persons Interested in said
:state: You are hereby notified that
in the 28th day of June, 1907, A. C.
dohr administrator of the estate of
i’eter Mohr deceased, tiled in said
iourt his final account as said admin
stratorand a petition for final settle
nent and distribution ot the residue
if said estate, that ttie said final ac
;ount and petition for final settle
nent, and distribution will be heard
>n tlie 2lird day of July, 1907, at 10
(’clock, a. m. at the county Court
oom in O’Neill in said county. At
vhich time and place any per ons in
vested in said estate may appear and
ihow cause, if such exists, why said
inal account should not be approved
ind a decree of distribution made of
lie residue of said estate in the pos
,ession of said administrator.
It is ordered that a copy of this
lotice be published for three succes
ive weeks in The Frontier a news
laoer, printed and published in said
Dated this 28th day of June, 1907.
(Seal) C. J. MALONE,
Countv Judtre.
(First Publication July 4.)
State of Nebraska, Holt county, ss.
At a County Court, held at the
lounty Court room, in and for said
ounty, on the 2nd day of J uly, 1907.
Present, C. J. Malone county judge,
n the matter of the estate of Henry
J. Hershiser, deceased.
On reading and tiling the petition
4 iSarati Jllershiser praying that the
nstrument, tiled on the 2nd day of
uly, 1907, and purporting to be the
ast will and testament of the said de
eased, may be proved, approved, pro
iated, allowed and recorded as the
ast will and testament of the said
lenry J. Hershiser deceased, and that
he execution of said instrument may
le committed and the administration
if saia estate may be granted to Jacob
j. Hershiser as execuior.
Ordered, That Monday the 22nd day
f J uly, A. L>. 1907, at 10 o’clock a. m.
s assigned for hearing said petition,
rhen all persons interested in said
natter may appear in a County Court
0 be Held in and for said county and
how cause why the prayer of the pe
itioner should not be granted: and
hat notice of the pendency of said
etition and tHe hearing thereof, be
iveu io an peisons interested in said
latter by publishing a copy of this
rder in Tile Frontier, a weekly news
aper printed in said county, for three
uccessive weeks, pricy to said day of
earing. C. J. MALONE,
2-3 County Judge.
Notice is hereby given that the
toard of Supervisors of Holt county,
lebraska, in regular session June 28,
907, found that the high water and
:e in the Nioorara river, suddenly in
lred, broke down and washed away
early all of the superstructure and
Iso greatly injured and damaged the
restructure and approaches of the
ridge over the Niobrara river at a
lace knowu as the Whiting crossing
t said river, said river being on the
oundary line between Hoct and Boyd
runties and said bridge being located
n said boundary line and found that
lid bridge was located upon a public
Laveled road and that said road could
ot be traveled without a bridge at
rat place, and that said road is ttie
aly road accessible to the people liv
ig in the vicinity thereof who desire
1 travel back and forth.
And further found that it is the
uty of tlie counties of Boyd and Holt
i repair and restore the substructure
ad approaches thereto and to place
lereon, when repaired, restored and
ibuilt, a superstructure, and that
nmediate action by the Board ol' Su
ervisors of Holt and Boyd counties is
Hfuired to prevent inconvenience and
jimnirp. nnii hiiIpsq tho unhstniAf.
re and approaches thereto be repair
1, that the same will be further dam
ped and destroyed, and that thedam
ge to said bridge was a sudden
isualty and that by reason thereof
n ,emergency exists which demands
nmediate action by the Board of Su
ervisors of Holt and Boyd counties,
:iat tire damage done to said bridge
lay be immediately repaired and said
yad made passible and tit for travel
nd that it is the intention of the
ioard of Supervisors of Holt county,
lebraska, to immediately repair the
ljury and damage done to said bridge
nd the approaches thereto and to en
sr into a joint contract with Boyd
junty for the repairing of the sub
jructure and approaches thereto and
lie building of a superstructure
hereon, and that the public good re
uires immediate action on the part
f the Board of Supervisors of Holt
aunty, Nebraska, and Boyd county,
febraska, in the repairing of said
ridge and the approaches thereto,
nd that it is the intention of the
Ioard of Supervisors of Holt county,
febraska, with the concurrance of
he Board of Supervisors, of Boyd
ounty, Nebraska, to immediately re
air the damage done to said bridge
nd the approaches thereto.
Therefore, as directed by the Board
f Supervisors of Holt county, Nebras
a, notice is hereby given to all per
ons interested of the intention of the
Ioard of Supervisors of Holt county,
febraska, to repair said bridge and
he approaches thereto and the dam
ge done thereto in the manner pro
ided by law.
And notice is further given that said
matter will be heard before the Board
f Supervisors of Holt county, Nebras
a, at the court house in the city of
O’Neill, on the 12th day of July, 1907,
at 10 o’clock, a.|m.
Dated this 2«th day of June, 1907.
Chairman of the Board of Supervisors
of Holt county, Nebraska.
(Seal) W. P. SIMAR,
County Clerk of Holt county, Ne
braska. 2-1
First publication June 13.
First: Notice is hereby given that
this corporation shall be known as
“The Mineola Telephone Company.”
Second: That the principal place of
transacting its business shall be at
Mineola, Ilolt county, Nebraska.
Third: That the general nature of
the business to be transacted is to
build, own, equip and maintain a tele
phone line situated in the county of
Holt and state of Nebraska.
Fourth: That the amount of capital
stock authorized is $5,000.00 divided
into 100 non-assessable shares of $50 00
each; $1100.00 to be fully paid upon the
organization of said corporation.
Shares shall be paid for in cash or its
equivalent in property or labor and
issued only when fully paid.
Fifth: That the time of commence
ment of the corporation shall be on
the 1st day of March, 1907, and to con
tinue fora period of twenty-live years
from said date.
Sixth: That the highest amount of
indebtedness or liability to which the
corporation is at any time to subject
Itself is 50 per cent, of its paid up cap
Seventh: That the affairs of the
corporation are to be conducted by a
Board of Control, consisting of the
president, vice-president, secretary
and treasurer and three directors.
That the articles of incorporation
were tiled with the Secretary of State
of the state of Nebraska, on the 9th of
February, 1907, and that a certified
copy of same was filed with the county
clerk of the county of Holt, state of
Nebraska, on the 18th day of March,
Dated June 10, 1907. 51-4
J. M. HUNTER, President.
E. D. HENRY, Secretary.
First publised June 13,1907.
Maria Louise Dorsey, Alva Beecher,
-Beecher, his wiie, S. II. Elwood
and C. H. Toncray, defendants,
will take notice that on the
Btli day of June, 1907, Charles F.
Dodge, plaintiff herein, tiled his peti
tion in the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, against said de
fendants, the object and prayer of
which are to foreclose the certificate
of tax sale, Issued by the treasurer of
said county, March 8, 1904, on the
south half of the south half of section
three, in township thirty-two, north
of range eleven west, in said county,
on which is due $225.53, with interest
thereon from March 8, 1904, at 20 per
cent per annum, and the liens for sub
sequent and prior taxes on said land
by said plaintiff paid, respectively,
$52.00, paid March 8, 1904; $7.65, paid
June 8, 1905; $21.10, paid August 29,
1906, and $7.20, paid June 5, 1907,
with interest at 20 percent per annum
on each payment from date of pay
ment; and plaintiff prays that said
land may be decreed to be sold to sat
isfy the amount due on said certifi
cate and payments with interest and
costs. Said defendants are required
to answer said petition on Or before
the 22d day of July, 1907.
E. F. GiIay,
Attorney for Plaintiff.
(First publication June 13 )
On motion the City Council made
the following estimate of the proable
amount of all moneys necessary for all
purposes to be expended by the city
government during the present fiscal
year, commencing May 7th, 1907, and
ending on the first Tuesday of May,
Salaries of city officers.$1500
Fuel. lzOO
Railroad sinking fund. 2000
Streets, repairs and sidewalks... 1500
Repairs on water works. 1000
Water bond sinking fund. 2500
Interest on Water bonds. 770
The entire revenue for the previous
fiscal year was as follows:
Received of County Treasurer.$3448 34
Occupation tax. 2700 00
City scales. 142 80
Water rental. 1096 39
Miscellaneous.. 473 00
Total.$7860 53
Dated at O’Neill, Neb., June 8,1907
J. G. McBride, Clerk. 51-4
(First publication June 37.)
In the court of Holt county, Ne
In the matter of the estate of Nich
olas Grass, deceased.
To all persons interested in said es
tate: You are hereby notified that on
the 24th day of June, 1907, Lucy
Elizabeth Grass administratrix of the
estate of Nicholas Grass, deceased,
filed in said court her final account as
said administratix and a petition for
final ssttlement and distribution of
the residue of said estate; that the
said final account and petition for
final settlement and distribution will
be heard on the 16th day of July, 1907,
at 1 o’clock p. m. at the county court
room in O’Neill in said county. At
which time and place any persons in
terested in said estate may appear
and show cause, if such exists, why
said final account should not be ap
proved and a decree of distribution
made of the residue of said estate in
possession of said administratrix.
It is ordered that a copy of this
notice be published for three succes
sive weeks in The Frontier, a news
paper, printed and published in said
Dated this 24th day of June, 1907.
1-3 County Judge.
Tt]c Palace Stables
Bowen Bitos., Proprietors.
(First publication June 20.)
Tract No. 1842.
The State of Nebraska, Plaintiff, vs.
The several parcels of land herein
after described, and all persons, and
corporations having and claiming
title to, or interest, right or claim
in such of real estate, or any
part thereof, and especially Stephen
H. Elwood and Gusta Elwood, his
wife, and C. H. Toncray and lots 17
and 18, block 21, of O’Neill, Neb.,
defendants. .
To Stephen II. Elwood, and Gusta
Elwood, his wife, and C. II. Toncray,
non-resident defendants. You are
hereby given notice that under a de
cree of the district court of said coun
ty, rendered in the state tax suit for
the year 1905, for the taxes for the
years of 1894 to 1904 inclusive, the
following described real estate, situat
ed in the County of Holt, and state of
Nebraska, to-wit: Lots number seven
teen and eighteen (17 and 18), of block
twenty-one (21), of the original town
of O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, as
the same is of record in the office of
the county clerk of said county, was
on the 17th day of November, A. D.
1905, duly sold at public vendue by
the county treasurer of said county,
in the manner provided by law, and
the period of redemption from such
sale will expire on the 17th day of
November, A. D. 1907.
You are futher notitied that the
owner of the certiticates of tax sale
issued by the treasurer will make ap
plication to the court in the above
entitled cause for confirmation of
such sale as soon as practcable after the
period of redemption has expired, and
you are hereby notified that the time
and place of the hearing upon such
clerk of the district court at his office
in the city of O’Neill, Holt county,
Nebraska, in the confirmation record
kept by the said clerk, in his office, in
the court house, in said county and
state, on ot before the 17th day of
November, A. D. 1907.
You and each of you will examine
said confirmation record to ascertain
the time of such hearing and may be
present, if you desire, in person or by
attorney, to make any objections, or
show cause, if any you have, why the
said sale should not be confirmed.
Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska this 20th
day of June, A. D. 1907.
Attorney for owner of said certifi
cates. 52 3
(First publication June 20.)
Tract No. 1902.
The State of Nebraska, Plaintiff, vs.
The several parcels of land herein
after described, and all persons and
corporations having or claiming
title to, or any interest, right or
claim in, and to, such parcels of
real estate or any part thereof, de
To Michael E. Bannin and to the
occupants of the real estate described
below, whose names are A. L. Cowper
Notice is hereby given that under
a decree of the district court of said
county, rendered in the state tax suit
for the year 1905,the followingdescrlbed
real estate situated in the county of
Holt and state of Nebraska, to-wit:
Lots 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16, block 36, original town of
O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, was
on the 18th day of November, 1905,
duly sold at public vendue by the
county treasurer of said county in the
manner provided by law and the
period of redemption from such sale
will expire on the 18th day of Novem
ber, 1907.
You are further notified that the
owner of the certificate of tax sale
issued by the treasurer will make ap
plication to the court in the above en
titled cause for confirmation of such
sale as soon as particable after the
period of redemption has expired, and
you are hereby notified that the time
and place of hearing upon such con
firmation will be entered in the con
firmation record kept by the clerk of
said court, on or before the 18th day
of Nevember, 1907. You will examine
^id confirmation record to ascertain
the time of such hearing and may be
present, if you desire, to make any
objections or show cause why the sale |
should not be confirmed.
52-3 Purchaser.
(iurst puoncation June zu.)
Tract No. 1115.
Tire State o' Nebraska, Plaintiff, vs.
The several parcels of land herein
after described, and all persons and
corporations having or claiming
title to, or any interest, right or
claim in, and to, such parcels of real
estate or any part thereof, defen
To David Fitzgerald, and to the
occupants of the real estate described
below, said real estate vacant and
Notice is hereby given that under a
decree of the district court of said
county, rendered in the state tax suit .
for the year 1905, the following des
dribed real estate situated in the
county of Holt and state of Nebraska,
to-wit: Lot 16, block 16, original town
of O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska,
was on the 17th day of November, 1
1905, duly sold at public vendue by the |
county treasurer of said county in the
manner provided by law and the
period of redemption from such sale
will expire on the 17th day of Novem
ber, 1907.
You are further notified that the
owner of the certificate of tax sale
issued by the treasurer will make ap- ,
plication to the court in the above
entitled cause for confirmation of such .
sale as soon as practicable after the
period of redemption has expired, and
you are hereby notified that the time
and place of the hearing upon such
confirmation will be entered in the
confirmation record kept by the clerk
of said court, on or before the 17th day
of November, 1907. You will examine ,
said confirmation record to ascertain ;
the time of such hearing and may be
present, if you desire, to make any
objections or show cause why the sale
should not be confirmed.
52-3 Purchaser. *
Mystic flour at Horriskey’s grocery.
(First Publication July 4)
By virtue of three executions direct
ed to rue from the clerk of the district
court of Holt county, Nebraska, on a
judgment obtained in the Justice
Court in and for Grattan precinct in
Holt county, Nebraska, on the 9th
Jay of_ January, 1907, for the sum of
8180.15 and on the 3rd day of April,
1907, for the sum of $77.20 and on the
1th day of June, 1907, for the sum of
89.00 in favor of Eva S. Ziemer as
plaintiff, and against Thomas Cain as
defendant, for the sum of Two Hund
red Sixty-six dollars and Thirty-five
cents, and the costs taxed at $9.75 and
accruing costs, I have levied upon the
following real estate taken as the
property of said defendant, to satisfy
said order of sale, to-wit:
The northeast quarter of section
twenty-eight (28) township twenty
seven (27) range thirteen (13) west of
the sixth P. M. in Holt county, Ne
And will offer the same for sale to
the highest bidder for cash, in hand,
on the 5th day of August, A. D. 1907,
in front of court house, in O’Neill,
Hole county, Nebraska, at the hour of
10 o’clock A. M. of said day, when and
where due attendance will be given by
the undersigned.
Hated at O’Neill, Holt county, Ne
braska, 3rd day of July, 1907.
2-5 C. E. HALL,
Sheriff of said county.
W. T. EVANS, Prop
Not the Measles, nor thejim
jams, but pure bred young
bulls of the best families.
Mostly Red, sired by Scottish
Sharon of Grey tower, 153330,
one of the Pan American prize
winners, and Golden King
152918. Two of the best bulls
on the uppor Elkhorn valley
today. Time will be given on
bankable note to responsible
parties. Delivered to nearest
R. R. station free.
Chambers, - - - Nebraska
Meat Market
With a full line of meats of all kinds
and solicit a share of the public’s
*A. H. POE*
First door east Hotel Evans. Phone 80
Dr. E. T. Wilson
(Late of the U. S. Army)
Successsor to Dr. Trueblood. Surgery
and Diseases of women.
Eve. Ear, Nose and throat
Bpectaolei correctly fitted and Supplied.
i*E Lawyer &
)fflce first door south of U. 8, Land Office
Physician and Surgeon
>alls may be left at Gilligan & Stout drug
tore or at residence 1 block north and *4
last of stand pipe Phones: Office 41, res.
Physician and Surgeon
Night Calls will be Promptly Attended
)fflce: Flr6t door to right over Pixley &
Hanley’s drug store. Residence phone 96
Harness & Saddlery Goods
Also Agent for
Hiss Native Herbs, nuo days treatment for II
■nd money refunded If not benefltted. Also
Vbeoler & Wilson Ball Bearing Sewing Mach.
Staple and Fancy Groceries
Flour, Salt, Country Produce