6’ UPER VISOR SESSIONS Official : Publication : of : Proceeding O’Neill, Nebraska, June 10th, 1907.— Board of supervisors met pursuant to adjournment, there being no quorum present, board adjourned until June 14th, 1907. W. P. Simar, County Clerk, Chairman. O’Neill, Nebraska. June 14th, ’07., 10.o’clock a. ra.—Board called to or der, members present were Clarke, Golden, Keyes, Root and Skidmore. Minutes of April 23rd, 24th, 25th, 27th, 30th, and May 1st and 2nd read and approved. To the Hon. Board of Supervisors of Holt County, Nebraska: Your pe titioner, Patrick S. Hughs, respectful ly showeth that he is the owner of the southeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section twenty-nine (29) in township twenty-nine (29), range elev en (11), west of the 6th P. M. in Holt county, Nebraska, excepting about two acres in the southwest corner thereof, which is owned by the Great Northern Railroad company and used for rail road purposes. Your petitioner further showeth that this land was formerly owned by the Holt County Agricultural society for a number of years previous to the time your petitioner acquired title to said property was exempt from tax ation under the laws of Nebraska dur ing all the time that said Holt County Agricultural society was the owner of said nremises. Your petitioner respectfully states that through clerical error said above described land was assessed for taxa tion for the years 1892, 1893, 1894 and 1895, and for said years was taxed in the name of the Holt County Agricul tural society, and said land was en tered upon the scavenger tax sale book for the delinquent for the years above named, and said property was bid in at tax sale under said scavenger tax sale law in the name of the county of Holt and the amount bid was $176.75. Your petitioner further showeth that this land was not subject to taxation for said years 1892, 1893, 1984 and 1895 and as further evidence of this fact, I will respectfully refer you to the tax list of 1890 and 1891 and you will And that for these years, said land was not taxed. Wherefore yo\jr petitioner respect fully prays that your honorable body will instruct the county treasurer to redeem said land from the above men tioned tax sale. Your petitioner further showeth that he has paid taxes on the above described property for all the years from the date that he acquired title to said land by sheriff’s deed, all of which is respectfully submitted for your consideration. P. S. Hughs. Upon motion the prayer of the peti tion of P. S. Hughs was granted. On motion the board adjourned until 1 U CIUCK p. III. One o’clock p. m., board called to order. To the Honorable Board of Super visors of Holt County, Neb. Gentlemen: Please transfer all money In bond fund of school district No. 137 to general fund of said district as all bonds have been paid. Edward Adams, Treasurer of school district No. 137. On motion prayer of the petition as above was granted. On motion the official bonds of Ed. Hull, road overseer of district No. 42, were approved. On motion the official bonds of H. C. Grimes, road overseer of district No. 54, were approved. On motion the official bonds of J. H. Otter, road overseer of district No. 34, were approved. Mr. W. A. Slack and A. E. Pierce appeared before the board in regard to a road petitioned for in McClure township. of D. Abdouch & Co. All lines of General Merchandise Here are a few prices to give you an idea of the many bargains we offer the purchaser: Work Shirts, each.40c Dress Shirts, from.50c to $1.25 Men's Pants.$1 to $3 26pairs men's $3 guaranteed Shoes, per pair.$2.50 Oxfords for men, women and children Boys shoes, size 84 to 2 .98c 25 per cent discount on dress shoes Girls oxfords...98c to $1.15 A few 3 50 mens Red Cross hats 1.98 Womens oxfords.1.25 to 2.00 Mens suits.4.98 to 7.50 Boys guaranteed shoes. .1 50 to 1.75 Leather gloves.50c to 98c Mens plow shoes.1.45 to 1.75 No discount on groceries. Come up to the “little store” next to the Golden hard ware; we will treat you right and make you prices that will please you. We make special close prices on every thing and guarantee our goods. Butter and eggs wanted. D- ABDOUCfl & CO. THOS. LAHAM, Manager. / -— Mr. Chairman: -I move you that we postpone any further action in the above road case to some future time. Motion carried. The bids for heating the court house were opened and examined. Board found the bid of B. M. Hurst as per plans and specification, to be $1,870.00; Norfolk Plumbing company as per plans and specifications, to be $1, 385.00; James Davidson, as per plans and specifications, to be $2,125.00. O'Neill. Neb., June 14th, 1907.—Mr. Chairman: I move that we accept the proposition of the Norfolk Plumbing & Heating company, for the heating af the court house of Holt county, and that the contract be entered into the aforesaid company at some future Sate, and that the county clerk is here by instructed to return all other certi fied checks. B. E. Sturdevant, J. A. Golden. The ayes and nays being called for, those voting were Clarke, Golden, Keyes, Sturdevant and Skidmore, five, those voting nay were Root I. Roberts, absent. Chairman declined; the mo tion carried. On motion the board adjourned un til 9 o’clock a. m. June 15th, 1907. W. P. Simar, County Clerk. O’Neill, Neb., June 15th, 9 o’clock i. m.—Board called to order; members present, Clarke, Golden, Keyes, Root, Sturdevant and Skidmore. Resolution by supervisors, John A. jOlden. Whereas the recent high water in :he Elkhorn river caused by an un usual fall of rain has suddenly injured, iamaged, broken down and partially washed away and destroyed a part of ;he bridge and approaches thereto and caused great damage to the entire bridge located on the half section line running north and south a short dls :ance north of the main bridge over ind across the Elkhorn river in sec tion 31, township 29, north of range 11, west of 6th P. M. in Holt county, Nebraska, and whereas, a bridge has been maintained for more than twenty years at this place at the expense of Holt county, and whereas said bridge Is located on a public traveled and legally established road and whereas, said road cannot be traveled without a bridge at that place and whereas, said bridge in its present condition is unfit, dangerous and unsafe for public to travel over and whereas, said road upon which said bridge is situated is the only road leading into the city of O’Neill from the south and upon which the people south of O’Neill can travel to and from said place and the only road accessible to the people living south of O’Neill which is the trading place for a large number of persons who could not go elsewhere and trade and transact their business without great inconvenience, hardship and loss and whereas, said bridge and ap proaches are in need of immediate re pair on account of the condition there of brought about and caused by and on account of the reasons hereinbe tore stated and set torth and wnereas it is the duty of the county to repair said bridge and the approaches there to, that great inconvenience and dam age may be prevented and whereas if said bridge and the approaches there to be not repaired at once, that the road upon which it is situated cannot be traveled and said bridge and the approaches thereto will be further in jured and the county greatly and fur ther damaged and if the same be not repaired, will be totally destroyed, and whereas by reason of the foregoing facts, an emergency exists which de mands immediate action by this board and that said bridge and approaches thereto be immediately repaired. Therefore, be it resolved by the board of supervisors of Holt county, Nebras ka, that by reason of the foregoing facts, that an emergency exists and that said bridge and the approaches thereto are in need of immediate re pair on account of and by reason of the foregoing facts, and be it further resolved, that the public good requires immediate action on the part of this board in the repairing of said bridge and the approaches thereto that great inconvenience and damage may be pre vented. and be it further resolved, that notice of the intentions of this board to repair the damages to said bridge and the approaches thereto be given by this board as by law required to the end, that this board may, on be half of Holt county, enter into a valid and binding contract for the repairing of the damage to said bridge and tho approaches thereto. I move the adoption and passage of the foregoing resolution. J. A. Golden. I second the motion of Mr. Golden for the adoption and passage of the foregoing resolution. B. E. Sturdevant. The above resolution was adopted. To the Hon. Board of Supervisors of Holt County, Nebraska: We, the undersigned, Ed. F. Galla gher, mayor, and J. G. McBride, clerk, of the city of O’Neill, Nebraska, gives this honorable board to know and be informed, that on the 4th day of April, 1900, the Finance Company of Iowa, ob tained a judgment against the city of O’Neill in the United States circuit court at Omaha, Nebraska, in the sum of $3,418.68, and also on the same day and in the same court the Addyston Pipe & Steel company obtained a judgment against said city of O’Neill for the sum of $3,129.28. That a special judgment tax was icmcu agaiuot ocuu V/itj ui. vy iiciu iv/i the purpose of paying each of said judgments above referred to. That each of said judgments have been ful ly paid and satisfied, and there is now in the hands of the county treasurer of Holt county, Nebraska, about the sum of one thousand dollars which was levied and collected for the pur pose of paying said judgments, and that there will continue to come into the hands of the county treasurer from time to time under the same levy, oth er monies. Therefore, the undersigned officers respectfully request that the county board of Holt county, order and direct the county treasurer of Holt county, Nebraska, to transfer all monies now in his possession or that may here after come into his possession by vir tue of said special tax levy to the gen eral fund of said city of O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska. Dated, O’Neill, Nebraska, June 13th, 1907. Ed. F. Gallagher, mayor, J. H. McBride, clerk. On motion the prayer of the above petition was grant ed. O’Neill, Nebraska, May 14th, 1907.— Hon. Board of Supervisors of Holt County, Nebraska. — Gentlemen: I have the honor to request that your honrable body instruct the county treasurer to redeem from erroneous tax sale the following described land which was erroneously sold at tax sale on Nov. 14th, 1905, viz: SMs SE14 NW14 SE>4 NE% SWVi Sec. 33, T. 25 N. R. 14 W; the S% SE!4 NW% SE!4 of said section, township and range is embraced in H. E. No. 17281 made Dec. 6, 1901, by William J. Mey er, on which entry final proof has not been made. The NE% SW14 of said section, township and range is embraced in H. E. No. 20884, made Aug. 28, 1906, by William T. Dexter, on which entry final proof has not been made. Your petitioner holds the tax sale certificate on said land and respect fully requests that it be redeemed. Very respectfully, S. J. Weeks. On motion the prayer of the peti tion was granted, and clerk ordered to strike from the assessor’s books the same, and also the treasurer was ordered to strike from the tax list of 1905. Mr. Chairman: I move that the county treasurer be and is hereby in structed to refund J. A. Trommershaus ser three dollars labor tax paid by him April 27, 1907, for the year 1906, said J. A- Trommershausser being over fifty years of age when said as sessment was made. B. E. Sturdevant. T a Motion carried. Inez, Neb., June 8, ’07.—Mr. J. C. Harnish, O’Neill, Neb.—Dear Sir: En closed find tax statement of Wyom ing precinct which please hand same to Rodell Root and have same can celled, as I was assessed also in Fran cis precinct With Lierman Bros., which C. F. Liermann paid on the 21st of May, ’07. Youts respectfully, Herman Liermann. On motion the poll tax assessed to Herman Liermann in Wyoming Twp. was ordered stricken, he having paid poll tax in Francis Twp. for 1906. O’Neill, Nebraska, June 1st, 1907.— We, P. A. Anderson and August An derson, assessed in Verdigris town ship under the name of Anderson Bros, respectfully ask your honorable body for a refund of $3.00, said amount being paid by us as poll tax. As a matter of fact we are both over 50 years of age and consequently should pay no poll tax. P. A. Anderson. August Anderson. Subscribed and sworn to before me this first day of June, 1907. W. P. Simar, county clerk. Roy Smith, deputy. [Seal] On motion the prayer of the peti tion was granted. O’Neill, Nebraska, June 12th, 1907. —To the Honorable Board of Super visors of Holt County, Neb.—Gentle men: Your petitioner respectfully represents that an error was made in assessor’s book for Stuart township for 1904, and that the northeast M of section 9, southeast V* of 9, south east % of section 9, township 29, range 15 west, was placed on the tax list in school district No. 169, when it should have been placed In school district No. 143. I ask to have the same corrected, and have No. 143 given credit for the tax due said district No. 143. Ed. F. Humpal, Director of district No. 143. On motion the prayer of the peti tion was granted. Mr. Chairman: In the matter of road petition of W. A. Slack and thir ty-four others, and in view of the fact of a remonstrance being filed by A. EL Pierce and thirty-five others to that part of said road running east and west, I move that the clerk be and he is hereby instructed to proceed to have that part of the above road not remon strated against, viewed and appraised according to law. C. D. Keyes, J. C. Clarke. Motion carried. O'Neill. Nebraska, May 2nd, 1907.— To the Honorable Board of Supervis ors of Holt County, Neb.: I hereby petition your honorable body to re fund me the difference in my school tax, I was erroneously assessed in school district No. 169, Stuart town ship, when I should have been as sessed in school district No. 143, where my land is, for the year 1906. Respectfully, James F. Humpal. On motion the prayer of the petition was granted. O'Neill, Nebraska, May 13, 1907.— To the Honorable Board of Supervls ors, non. county, Nenrasua.—uenue men: Your petitioner respectfully represents that she is the owner of the SWti, 13, 26, 12. Your petitioner further represents that the taxes on the above land for 1901 were on May 24th, 1902, but through clerical error in county treasurer's office no cred it was given for said taxes on the tax books for that year and as the result, said land was sold to J. W. Whiffen on Nov. 5th, 1902, for the 1901 taxes. This tax sale is void for the reason that the taxes had been paid several months prior to the time of the tax sale to the said J. W. Whif fen. Wherefore your petitioner respect fully prays that your honorable body make an order instructing the county treasurer to redeem the above men tioned erroneous tax sale. Julia McNair Wright, By A. J. Hammond, Agent. On motion the prayer of the peti tion was granted. O’Neill, Nebraska, June 8th, 1907.— To the Honorable Board of Supervis ors of Holt County, Nebraska.—Gen tlemen: Your petitioner represents that he paid school tax for the year 1906 on SW14 31, 27, 14, amount $3.34, should be school district No. 243 in stead of No. 78. I therefore ask you to order the treasurer to charge dis trict No. 78 with $3.34, and credit same amount to district No. 243. See error in#treasurer’s book. Respectfully, C. W. Moss. On motion the prayer of the petition was granted. On motion the claim No. 690 for Horses Actual Assesse Atkinson .$59.35 $11.87 Chambers . 56.15 11.23 Conley . 56.50 11.30 Cleveland . 54.10 10.82 Dustin . 56.60 11.32 Deloit . 54.75 10.95 Emmet . 57.50 11.50 Ewing .. 55.00 11.00 Eairview . 52.10 52.10 Francis . 50.75 10.15 Grattan _ 52.15 10.43 Green Valley. 52.50 10.51) Iowa., 54.80 10.96 Inman . 57.00 11.40 Lake . 57.80 11.56 McClure . 52.25 10.45 Paddock . 52.25 10.45 Pleasant View. 51.90 10.38 Rock Falls . 54.80 10.96 Shields . 56.75 11.35 Stuart . 50.85 10.17 Sheridan . 51.75 10.35 Swan . 54.20 10.84 Shamrock . 51.40 10.28 Steel Creek . 59.25 10.05 Saratoga «.... 57.50 11.50 Sand Creek . 52.90 10.58 Scott .. 56.75 11.35 Verdigris .. 53.50 10.70 Willowdale . 58.10 11.62 Wyoming . 53.75 10.75 Ewing Vill . 00.65 12.13 O’Neill . 55.00 11.00 Stuart ... .. 55.20 11.04 Atkinson . 60.60 12.12 Total average for county $10.62 Total average for county 11.57 Moved by Root and seconded by Roberts that the assessments as re turned by the county assessor be ac cepted as above. Motion carried. On motion the board adjourned un til 11 o’clock a. m. June 12th, 1907. W. P. Simar, county clerk, Chairman O'Neill, Nebraska, June 12th, 1907 9 a. m.—Board met pursuant to ad journment for the purpose of equaliza tion of taxes. George Spilger appeared before th€ board and made complaint that the SWy4 of 11 and W% of SEJi of 11, 28 1G, Green Valley township, was as sessed too high in comparison wit! the adjoining land. Moved and seconded that the SW14 of 11, 28, 16 be reduced from $1,280.0( to $720.00. Also the W% SE’A of 11 28, 16 be reduced from $640.00 tc $360.00. Motion carried. W. A. Wheeler appeared before the board, complaining of the excessive as sessments on lot 6, block 6, village oi Atkinson, total actual value $750.00 and asked to have the same reduced to $500.00. On motion the above was granted and ordered changed on the assessor’s book. No further business appearing board adjourned until 9 o’clock a. m. June 13, ’07. Chairman. County Clerk. $4.00 issued to Frank Oberle was or dered canceled, same being a dupli cate. To the Honorable Board of Super visors: Yoiir petitioner represents that Thos. McGrain was assessed poll tax in Intnan township for 1906. Peti- ! tioner states that said Thos. McGrain was a resident of Wyoming for the ( past two years, and not liable to pay poll tax in Holt county. Petitioner asks to have said tax stricken from * the tax list, of 1906. Mrs. Thos. McGrain. On motion the prayer of the petition ■ was granted. I To the Honorable Board of Super visors: We find Wm. T. Kusel is en titled to a refund of $3.00 on poll tax as he has caused it performed in la- 1 bor and in cash also, year 1905. I D. B. Perkins, clerk, ' W. H. Graver, Treas. I A. E. Pierce, J. P. On motion a refund was granted as | above. On motion the county treasurer was 8 ordered to redeem erroneous tax sale No. 1908 on SW 13, 26, 12. Also a re- t fund was granted to J. C. Harnish, t county treasurer, for $11.60 for same, c On motion a refund was granted to s James MePharlln for $3.00, he having j paid road tax in cash and also in labor In district No. 53, Swan township, for .. * a On motion a refund was granted to A. Baker for $3.00, he having paid his poll tax in cash and also in labor, for t year 1900, in O’Neill. \ On motion a refund was granted to L. M. Butler for $3.00 in Swan Twp., year 190G, he not being liable to poll tax. i To the Honorable Board of Super- ^ visors, O’Neill, Nebraska.—Gentlemen: i hereby petition your honorable body for a refund of $8.11, amount of taxes erroneously paid on the northeast quar ter of section nineteen, township twen- * ty-seven, range fifteen. This receipt should have been writ- • ten for the southeast quarter of sec- 1 tion ineteen, township twenty-seven, I range fifteen. < You will see by the records in the county treasurer’s office that James Kennedy has paid the taxes on the northeast quarter of 19, 27, 15, for the same year and holds a receipt therefor. Yours respectfully, F. J. Dlshner. On motion the prayer of the peti tion was granted. On motion a refund was granted to Charles C. Fink, for $3.00, he having paid same in cash and also in labor, in road district No. 9, for 1906. On motion the board adjourned un til June 26th, 1907, at 10 o’clock a. m. Chairmen. W. P. Simar, County Clerk. O’Neill, Nebraska, June 11th, 1907. —Board of supervisors met as a board of equalization. Members present were Clarke, Golden, Keyes, Root, Rob erts, Sturdevant, Skidmore, Assessor Cooper and Clerk Simar. The following was found to be the average valuation by precincts qp re turned by county assessor: Mules Cattle 1 Actual Assessed Actual Assessed $61.15 $12.23 $16.05 $3.21 65.30 11.05 15.35 3.07 60.00 12.00 16.75 3.35 62.10 12.22 15.30 3.06 58.40 11.68 17.90 3.58 55.10 11.02 17.60 3.52 66.25 11.25 15.90 3.18 61.75 12.35 15.55 3.11 G0.00 12.00 17.10 3.42 60.50 12.10 16.60 3.32 57.50 11.50 17.00 3.40 55.00 11.00 15.63 3.33 63.00 12.60 17.00 3.40 64.00 12.80 15.80 3.16 55.65 11.13 16.00 3.20 46.20 9.24 17.70 3.54 65.10 13.02 15.70 3.14 51.80 10.36 15.70 3.14 56.60 11.32 15.10 3.02 50.00 10.00 15.25 3.05 49.50 9.90 15.55 3.11 52.50 10.50 16.25 3.25 59.60 11.92 16.20 3.24 49.10 9.82 16.10 3.22 50.40 10.08 15.20 3.04 60.75 12.15 15.20 3.04 62.00 12.40 16.85 3.37 59.00 11.80 15.50 3.10 60.40 12.08 17.40 3.48 62.10 12.42 16.25 3.25 58.00 10.60 17.35 3.47 55.00 11.00 16.60 3.32 58.00 11.60 18.10 3.62 62.00 12.40 15.80 3.16 18.00 3.60 $11.90 $3.25 11.G5 3.42 O’Neill, Nebraska, June 13th, 1907.— Board met pursuant to adjournment for the purpose of equalization of taxes. Edwards and Bradford of the vil lage of Page, appeared before the board to show cause why their assess ment should not be raised. Board and assessor took the matter up and discussed same with the Ed wards & Bradford people. On motion the board adjourned un til 1 o’clock p. m. One O’clock p. m. board called to order, all members present. Ella M. Tuttle appeared before the board, complaining of the excessive assessment of the V* of section G, and the SE14 of section 5, township 31, range 16. On motion the Assessor Cooper was instructed to investigate and assess the same. Mr. T. A. Berry testified under oath as to amount of invoice of Edwards & Bradford lumber and hardware at Page, and assessment was allowed to stand as it was made by assessor. No further business appearing the board adjourned until July 8th, at 10 o’clock a. m. Chairman. W. P. Simar, County Clerk. Get your coupon book at the New Cash Meat Market, at 5 percent dis count. Kola Items. Miss Lilly Monroe marketed a load if hogs for her aunt, Mrs. Bruner, last veek. Miss Ethel Smith is back on her lomestead, after teaching all spring. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw returned from heir visit, leaving their eldest daugh er, Ethel, with her grandmother to pend the summer. James McPharlin with his sons, toy and James, came from O’Neill vltli a load and has gone back to iring out the rest of his family. The Kola school district, No. 245, vas organized, officers elected and iverybody at the meeting, that was nterested, offered to donate one days vork in August to build the school louse. Let the good work continue. Miss V. Nelson is back again on her lomestead. She has been teaching chool the past three months. Mrs. P. J. Kennedy and Grace Pfund nere out two days this week clrcula ing a petition to have the postofflces f Inez and Blake connected via Oar on and Kola. A change of that kind 3 much desired by the patrons of this dice and we hope the change can be ecured. Mr. Hubble, the postmaster t Inez, started the good work. Jacob jr. and William Pfund visited heir father at the county seat this reek. Notice. For sale to the highest bidder, on or efore July 9th, a school house in dls riot No. 8. l-2pd James Crowley, Director. Hay Farm for Sale—In Brown coun y near Ainsworth, 320 acres, cheap, rndy loam, cuts about 300 tons, 6 ores timber, has water, no rock, 'rice $20 per acre, easy terms, quest ons [promptly answered, write to iwner.—J. A. Douglas, Bassett, Neb l THE PRAISE GIVEN BLISS NATIVE .HERBS BY PEOPLE IN YOUR LO CALITY IS THE STRONGEST PROOF THAT THIS FAMOUS HOUSEHOLD REMEDY DOES ALL THAT IS CLAIMED FOR IT. n it NO ONE need suffer withy Rheumatism, Dyspaprta, Liver Trouble, Kidnap Dis orders, Catarrh, Diabetes, Gsntfk pation, Eczema or any aSsNnt : arising from impure blo«A OH* tablet Of Bliss Native Herbs taken each day will quickly put the most weakened system in per fect order. Each root, herb and bark in its composition has a spe cial mission to perform. Each box of the remedy contains 200 Tablets for $1.00 and a Registered Guaran tee to CURE or Money Refunded. A 32 Page Almanac tells the story completely. The medicine is NOT sold in drug-stores, only by agents. THE ALONZO O. BLISS COMPANY. WASHINGTON. D. C., ARE SOLE MAKERS OF BLISS NATIVE HERBS -SOLD BY ALBERTS' HARNESS SHOP O'NEILL, NEB. O’Neill’s Bakery is now lo cated in its “new home” where you can get Bread, Pies Cake and all sorts of bakery pro ducts. Also canned goods, fruits, nuts, candies, cigars, • tobacco, etc. W. J. SALEM, Prop. 3d door east Uotel Evans t EDISON Phonographs THE BEST MONEY CAN StfY. 1200 Records to Select Promt WM. M. LOCKARD O'NEILL. NEB. FRED L. BARCLAY STUART, NEB. Makes Long or Short Time Loans on Improved Farms and Ranches If you are in need of a loan drop bim a line and be will call and see you. i