/ The Frontier. VOLUMF XXV111. O’NEILL. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUNE ,77, 1907 NUMBER 1 I _I . i _ _ __ _ ___ BB I'Z T 1 j. PA Da„ j. discount will bo deducted from our JJ3 lO JU rer vein present, low price on Shoes and Clothing; Sale begins Saturday, June 29, and will continue until Saturday, July 20. The above discounts are GENUINE. At SULLIVAN & CO. Shoe & Clothing Store you get the bargains of your life,such as nobody every saw in O’Neill or elsewhere We have a strong line of men’s cloth ing we will sell at a sacrifice. Men’s $20 suits $12.50 Men’s $15 suits sio.ool Men’s $12 suits .$7,981 Men’s $10 suits $6.98 Men’s $8 suits fS.98\ A large stock of men’s pants and men’s heavy work shirts at prices that beat them all. Our shoe stock for men, .women and children is the largest and most com plete up-to-date shoe stock in the county and our prices without any discount are far below those of any body else. Dursing this sale we have many lines of shoes we are closing out for this season. Men’s patent leaf her shoes, C9 5 fl worth $4 and $5, now — Men’s gun metal, valure, vici kid and box calf, all fine dress shoes, worth $3 50 and $4, will be sold $2.35 Large line of $2shoes to C/ AG close out at .ApM.w Men’s work shoes and boys shoes at great bargains. We have ladles’ shoes at great sacrifice. Ladies’ patent leather $4 f 9 G and *5 values at . Ladies’ vici kid $3 and $4 C? .9G values at. In ladies’ shoes we are closing out some lines for the season and you will find among them some big values for the money. Extensive line of ladies, misses and childrens oxfords. \ ou will rind it to your advantage to examine our stock of shoes and clothing. You 1 will clearly see that it will not pay you to send away for anything in these lines. We j can beat any price you can get elsewhere. Bring along your catalogue and coupon prices. We defy any and all competition. SULLIVAN ®. CO. Shoe and Clothing Store. 2d Door Sooth P. O. ^ O’NEILL, NEB. 'k3B—■BE—B—II—I Him mil BALL GAME AND RACES| Atkinson Wins Game on Score ol j Three to Two. c • g FOLLOWED BY TROTTING RACES < Home Horses Give Speed Exhibition s At Afternoon Matinee.—Events I Well Attended. I _ i Manager Tommy Campbell of At- < kinson brought his unconquerable 1 braves to O’Neill Friday morning to i cross bats with the undefeated O’Neill : warriors. He also brought an umpire, i who, excepting pitcher Kirkland, was 1 ths best man on the team. When i Campbell’s braves struck town they s were sure of victory and for a few l moments had some coin of the realm : which they desired to place upon the i results of the game, but as soon as O’JNeill money appeared they sudden ly decided that it would not be in keeping with morality ethics to put a wager upon the national game so “backed down.” In fact one Atkin sonite who had placed twenty-five simeoleons upon his team early in the morning crawfished and the O’Neill sport allowed him to draw his money. Lucky O’Neill! About eighty of the finest looking ladies and gentlemen of our sister city came with the ball team to cheer them on to victory and while cheering from the Atkinson corner was rather low until the seventh inning they made up for lost time as soon as opportunity presented. The game was as fine an exhibition f the national game as one could pos ibly see, being a pitchers battle from ieginning to end, with honors about ven. While Atkinson secured two fjore hits off Bradley than O’Neill se ured off Kirkland the hits were not ecured until opportunity waspresent d to retire the side. In the first Gahagan was out from hort to first. Smith was easy, pitcher o first. With two down Kirkland lassed Wilson, then hit Shea advanc ng Wilson to second. Bradley then ame up and placed a two bagger in eft field upon which both wilson and >hea crossed the plate. The umpire, ifter taking the matter under advise nent, called it a foul and sent them )ack. With one strike on him Bradley lailed the next one over for a nice ingle which scored Wilson and Shea >ut Bradley was caught at second in ittempting to make it a double. Re mit—O’Neill 2. The first Atkinson nan to bat got a nice single but he lever got off of first the next two up 'anning the breeze, the third going lut pitcher to first. Nothing doing in either side until the seventh, At iinson getting but two hits before ;his, the one in the first by Hale and me in the third by Kirkland. In the seventh Chambers, the first man up vas out, Biglin to Wilson; Douglas ?ot a hit and in trying to catch him it first Shea threw to Wilson, the lat ter playing off too far could not reach she ball and Douglas took second, By virtue of the poor eyesight of umpire SVhilhite, E. Tomsick walked, Snyder lit to Bradley who threw wild to irst and Douglas scored. Kirkland ihen got a hit and the bases were r ...- .' > HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR HIDES NEW Harh :ss Store I take pleasure in announcing to the citizens of O’Neill and people of Holt county that I have purchased the stock of Harrvess (8Jl Saddlery of the late E. S. Gilmour and that I will continue the business at the same old stand. With increased stock and prompt and courteous treatment, we hope to merit a share of your patronage. We have at present to offer at reduced rates during the next two weeks a fine line of Double and Single Driving Harness. We call particular attention to our fine stock of Team Harness, Saddles, Bridles, Flynets, Dusters and all Stable requisites, all new and up-to-date. Thanking you in advance, respectfully, v A. E. McKEEN v full, Hale knocked a tly into Coffey’s mits which he let drop andTomsick and Snyder scored, although the last man has not touched the plate yet, the score counted. In O’Neill’s half of the seventh Shea fanned,Bradley went out, third to first. With two down Coffey walked, Coyne got a nice hit whicn advanced Coffey, Biglln was then given four wide ones. With two down and the bases full Hammond came up. Herb had a chance here to have his name emblazoned In letters of gold in the base ball history of O’Neill, to be the hero of the small boy and the champion of champions to O’Neill’s fair charmers. But he was unequal to the task, with three balls and two strikes upon him he threw himself down to get out of the way of one of Kirkland’s ins and the umps says “your out.” This ended our only chance to score and Atkinson was never near the plate except in the Onnnnf h C n / i ** A • O’Neill....2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0—2 Atkmson..0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0—3 Hits—Atkinson 5; Hale, Kirkland 2, Douglas, Snyder. O’Neill 3; Bradley, Smith, Coyne. Bases on balls—Kirk land 4; Bradley 3. Struck out—Brad ley 12; Kirkland 12. Batteries— O’Neill, Bradley and Shea; Atkinson —Kirkland and Chambers. Umpire Whilhite. Results of Races. The four trotting races for Holt county horses came off immediately after the ball game, with the follow ing results: | Driving horses — First, Spokane, owned by Wm. Froelich, driven by M. Stannard; second and third money divided between Mabel K, owned and driven by Thos. Qullty, and Wlseon, owned and driven by J. B. Mellor. Glass A—First, Dickland, owned and driven by Wm. Mather, second, Lucky J, owned and driven by Geo, McLeod. Class B—2-year-olds—Mark K, own ed and driven by Thos. Qullty; Minnie Lapham, owned by Ira Lapham, driven by M. Stannard. Each one heat; money divided. Free-for-all—First, Shadey O’Neill, owned and driven by Hugh McKenna, second, Whltewings, owned and driven by Geo. McLeod. The afternoon program was witness aH hv n. IftrorA A.rnwri Notice to the Public. I hereby notifiy all persons Interest ed that I have granted to my sons, John S., and William H. Martfeldt, privilege to work for themselves and use their own earnings. Hence I will not be responsible for any obligations or In any transactions contracted by them. Emmet, Neb., June 26,1907. l-2pd Henry Martfeldt. Tonight. If you would enjoy tomorrow take Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets tonigh. They produce an agreeable laxative effect, clear the head and cleanse the stomach. Price 26 cents. Samples free at Gllligan & Stout’s drug store. The best flour is needed for the best bread. Mystic excells anything on the market. For sale by J. C. Horris key. 61 Dr. Corbett, Dentist, in O’Neill 2nd, 3rd and 4th Mondays, 4 days each week. McManus’ Great mid-Summer CLEARING SALE! Now on and Will Continue as Long as the Goods Last 20,331 & 50 Per Cent Off I Wash fabrics.20 per cent off Shirtwaists.20 percent off Ladies' skirts.20 per cent off White parasols.20 per cent off Ladies' wrapers.20 per cent off Missses^drens oxfords 20 per cent off 1 Ladies' oxfords 20 per cent off 1 Ladies' cravenetts 20 per cent off Ladies' top coats 33h per cent off Ladies’ Ready - to=wear Suits at One=Half Price The Stock where you have a selection Boys clothing.20 per cent off Men's cravenetts 20 per cent off Men's suits, selected20 per cent off Men's straw hats 20 per Gent off (Some swell sailor among them—don’t miss this chance) Large line wool hats 50 per cent off Entire stock of caps 20 per cent off Men's top coats Lai‘prln, 20 per cent off All out of style shoes 33% per Gent off — 3- - I