The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 23, 1907, Image 7

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    Tired Nervous Women
Make Unhappy Homes
A nervous irritable woman, often on
the verge of hysterics, is a source of
misery to everyone who comes under
her influence, and unhappy and mis
erable herself.
Such women not only drive hus
bands from home but are wholly unfit
to govern children.
The ills of women act like a fire
, brand upon the nerves, consequently
' seven-tenths of the nervous prostra
tion, nervous despondency, the
“blues”, sleeplessness, and nervous
irritability of women arise from some
organic derangement.
Do you experience fits of depression
with restlessness alternating with ex
treme irritability ? Do you suffer
from pains in the abdominal region,
backache, bearing -down pains,nervous
dyspepsia, sleeplessness, and almost
continually cross and snappy? If so,
your nerves are in a shattered con
dition and you are threatened with
nervous prostration.
Proof is monumental that nothing
in the world is better for nervous
troubles of women than Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegeta’ le Compound,
made from native roots and herbs.
Thousands and thousands of women
can testify to this fact.
Mrs. Nellie Makham, of 151 Morgan
St., Buffal N. Y., writes:—
Dear Mrs. 'Dink!iam:—
“i a. week from nervous prostration.
I suffered so I did not care what became of
me, and my family despaired of my re
covery. Physicians failed to help me. I
was urged to try Lydia E. Pmkham’s
Vegetable Compound and I want to tell you
that it has entirely cured me. I think it
is the finest medicine on earth and I am
recommending it to all my friends and
Mrs. Geo. A. James, a life long
resident of Fredonia, N. Y,, writes:
Dear Mrs. Pinkbam:—
“I was in a terribly run down condition
and had nervous prostration caused by
female trouble, in fact I had not been well
since my children were born. This con
dition worked on my nerves and I was ir
ritable and miserable. I had tried many
remedies without getting much help but
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
brought me back to health and strength. It
has also carried me safely through the
Change of Life. I cannot too strongly
recommend your medicine.”
Mrs. Plnkham’s Invitation to Women.
Women suffering from any form of
female weakness are invited to
communicate promptly with Mrs.
Pinkham, at Lynn, Mass. From the
symptoms given, the trouble may bo
located and ..he quickest and surest
way of recovery advised. Out of her
vast volume of experience in treating
female ills Mrs. Pinkham probably
lias the very knowledge that will help
y ur case Her advice is free and
always helpiul.
Lydia E Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, made from native roots and
herbs contains no narcotics or harmful drugs and today holds the record for
the largest number of actual cures of female diseases of any medicine the
world has ever known, and thousands of voluntary testimonials aro on
file in the laboratory at Lynn, Mass., which testify to its wonderful value.
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound; a Woman’s Remedy for Women’s Ills.
The Canadian
West is the
Best West
The testimony of tens of thousands during the
past year is that t!ie Canadian West is the best
West. Year by year the agricultural returns
have increased in volume and in value, and still
the Canadian Government oilers 160 acres tree to
every bona tide settler.
* Some of the Advantages
The phenomenal increase in railway mileage
main lines and branches—has put almost every
portion of the country within easy reach of
churches, schools, markets, cheap fuel and every
modern convenience.
CROP of this year means $60.000,oco iu the
farmers of Western Canada, apart trom the
results of other grains and cattle.
For advice ami information address the
Superintendent of Immigration, Ottawa, Canada,
or the authorized Canadian Government Agent,
W. D. Scott. Superintendent of Immigration,
Ottawa, Canada, or E. T. Holmes, 315 Jackson
St.,St. Paul, Minn.; 1 M. MacLachlan, Box 116
W atertown. South Dakota, and W. V. Bennett,
801 New York Life Building, Omaha, Neb.»
Authorized Government Agents
PleuMftMtr1 where you savt thin advertisement.
•n American Continent. Wenithiest corporations and individ
uals investing there. Group of practical, experienced Western
wen have organized n company and arr. purchasing well estab
lished lumbering business in Oregon with mill of Sh.oimi feet
capacity and large amount standing timber. ( <>st <>f production
low : profits very large : demand enormous. Portion of capital
stock for sale, constituting u safe, sensible and most profitable
investment in either large or small amounts. Write today to
Sunset Luiuli(rCu.,kOC Mclvuy Portland,(Ira
Learn at home during your leisure hours
in three to live weeks by The Tonsori Sys
tem; when qualified there is always a po
sition open for you at from $15 to $25 per
week. We teach you by mail and save
you from $35 to $50 besides loss of; time.
Address The Tonsori Co., 14.1.1 A, Broadway,
Kansas City, Mo.
* A 1 u Not One Cent in Advance.
Do not experiment with uncertain treat
ments. If you suffer from Fits, Epilepsy
or Falling Sickness you should have prop
er treatment at once. To prove what E
LEP-TINE will do we will send full treat
ment on approval. If satisfied pay us $1.50
in two weeks; if not satisfied, pay nothing.
Give express office. Miller Medicine Co.,
Box 20, St. Marys, Kansas.
When writing to advertisers, please
rav you saw their “ad” in 'this paper.
SIOUX CITY P'T’G CO., 1,191—21, 1907
Cause and Effect.
From the New York Weekly.
Enamored Youth—“Your father e-eems
worried about .something tonight."
Sweet Girl—“Yes, poor pa has so many
business cares."
Little Brother—“That isn’t it. He’s mad
because the big dog he bought didn’t
The inducements to adopt Nature’s per
fect Laxative. Garfield Tea, are many!
It is made wholly of simple Herbs and
is guaranteed under the Pure Food and
Drugs Law; it overcomes constipation,
regulates the Liver and Kidneys, purities
the blood and brings Good Health.
The Dumbwaiter.
In a restaurant once a dumbwaiter
Broke away on its waiter tne top;
And while dumbly the waiters all waited;
The dumbwaiter came to a stop.
“Get some weight, you dum waiter!” then
The waiting head waiter below;
‘The waiter lix up a dumbwaiter
Is to waiter, as all waiters know.”
—Harper’s Weekly.
Slrl'N Hash Spread and Grew Worse
Under Specialist’* Care—Perfect
Cure l»y Cutieura Iteiaedle*.
“When my daughter was a baby she
had a breaking out behind the ears.
The doctor said that she would outgrow
!it, and It did get somewhat better until
she was about fifteen years old, and
after that she could get nothing that
would drive it nwny. She was always
applying something In the way of
salves. It troubled her behind the
knees, opposite the elbows, back of the
neck and ears, under the chin, and
then it got on the face. That was about
three years ago. She took treatment
with a specialist and seemed to get
worse all the time. We were then
advised to try the Cutieura Remedies,
and now I don’t see any breaking out.
M. Curley, 11-1!) Sixteenth street, Ray
City. Mich.. May 20. 1!)0<*,’>
Many a man rushes to embrace an
opportunity only to ilnd himself hug
ging a delusion.
He Knew.
From Llppincott's.
A teacher in an isolated school situated
in the cattle country of Wyoming, where
the chilren learn their leters from the
brands on cattle before they learn the al
phabet, was endeavoring to teach her pu
pils the different sounds of a as denoted
by the marks above the letter.
“Now children,” she Inquired hopefully,
j pointing on the blackboard to the letter
| and the mark signifying the long sound,
“what is thi3?”
There was a long and discouraging sil
ence; then an embryo cowboy cried excit
edly as he waved his hand: “I know,
teacher; that’s Bar A.”
$100 Reward, $100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased
to learn that there Is at least one dreaded
disease that science has been able to cur© In
all Its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall'©
Catarrh Cure Is the only positive cure^now
known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a constitutional disease, requires a
constitutional treatment. Hull’s Catarrh
Cure is taken Internally, acting directly
upon the Mood and muepus surfaces of the
Wtfm. thereby destroying the foundation
of the disease, and giving the patient
strength by building up the constitution and
I assisting nature in doing Its work. The
l proprietors have so much faith in its cura
!!Vm P°"ers that they offer One Hundred
Hollars for any case that it fails to cure,
bend for list of testimonials.
Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Take Hall's Family Fills for constipation.
Cashier—“You’ll have to bring a prop
erty holder to identify you before we can
transfer this stock. Got any rich friends
Applicant—“No, sir; I’m an automobile
-. 1 --
Mr*. Winslows aooTnmo strop tor ChtMrsa
CsstbinR; voftsna the game, reduces infiaminaUoa, ah
lajra rail!, cures wind colic. 'Id cent.' a bottla
When "Old Hutch” Lost.
From the Chicago Record-Herald.
"B. P. Hutchinson used to say no
burglar ever could get Into his house
without waking him,” said a Central
station detective the other day; "but
it remained for Chief Simon O’Donnell
to put one over on the famous trader.
"You know, Mr. Hutchinson was fa
mous in Chicago's commercial life years
ago and was known popularly as 'Old
Hutch.’ He prided himself on the fact
that burglars had never gotten into
his house, and often boasted of the
fact to his Intimates. One day. while
he was at lunch with Chief O'Donnell
and a number of other friends, the
company fell to discussing a crime that
had been committed the night before.
“ 'I'd like to see anybody get Into my
house,’ Mr. Hutchinson said. 'Why, 1
hear every tick of the clock all night.’
“ 'I'll bet you dinner for this crowd,
said the chief, 'that I can produce a
man who will enter your house and
you will not know of his visit till
"Mr. Hutchinson accepted the wager,
and it was agreed that he was to let
the chief have a latch key so that the
burglar could get In without being dis
turbed by some patrolman. Mr. Hutch,
inson also agreed to leave some article
of value In the parlor where It could
be found readily. The chief said the
robbery would be committed within the
following week.
Three days later Mr. Hutchlnsod
awoke In the morning and discovered
that both sheets of his bed, which had
been In place when he retired, were
gone. So was the antique gold clock
he had left on a mantel. He hurriedly
dressed and hastened after breakfast
to the chief's office. O’Donnell saw hire
coming, and, as ho entered the office*
greeted him with;
“ ‘Mr. Hutchinson I have two sheets
and a clock that belong to you. W«
will have the dinner today.’
"The burglary was done by a former
criminal who at the time had reformed
and was in a respectable line of busi
ness. He did the job at the request of
the chief. How did he get the under
sheet? He rolled Mr. Hutchinson over,
rolled the sheet after him and thee
rolled him hack.”
A Wonderful Restoration Caused i
Sensation in a Pennsylvania
Mrs. Charles X. Preston, of Elkland.
Pa., says: ‘‘Three years ago I found
that my housework
was becoming a bur'
den. I tired easily,
had no ambition and
was fading fast. Mj
complexion got yeh
low, and I lost ovef
50 pounds. My thirst
was terrible, and
| there was sugar in
tlie kidney secretions.
My doctor kept me on a strict diet, but
as his medicine was not helping me, 1
began using Doan’s Kidney Pills. They
helped me at once, and soon ail traces
of sugar disappeared. I have regained
my former weight and am perfeetlj
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents a bGi.
Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo, N. Y.
Trying to Get Rich.
From the Denver Post.
A man named Rich is a fugitive from
justice with a reward on his head in
California. All the officers out that
way are trying to got Rich.
Are you happy? Not if your liver and bowels don’t work.
Happiness depends on the bowels. Every time you eat, you
put into your body not only good material for repairs and
fuel, but a mass of useless stuff that has to be removed
promptly or it will clog your machinery, poison your blood,
throw your liver out of gear, and make you act mean to those you love.
Your stomach is sour, your skin yellow, your breath offensive, and you hate
yourself and all mankind. Winter or summer it’s all the same, when you
are unclean inside, you are unhappy and so is everybody near you. The
cure is pleasant, quick, easy, cheap, never fails. Cascarets, the world’s
greatest bowel cleaner and liver tonic. Cascarets are guaranteed to cure
constipation, lazy liver, bad blood, bad breath, sour stomach, biliousness,
and all summer and winter bowel troubles. Don’t be un
happy—buy a box today. AA druggists, 10c, 25c, 50c.
Write for health booklet and free sample. Address Sterling
Remedy Company, Chicago or New York.
\ -—zJ
Tho lingerie robe promises to have an
unprecedented success this season. It
Is almost Invariably a ono piece frock.
It may not be what one would call
strictly a princess gown, for often tho
waist lino Is definitely marked by rows
of Insertion, sometimes forming a cor
selet effect. The one piece frock Is
found In all summer fabrics for any
thing that Is intended to be a little
dressier than tho tailored silk shirt
waist suit. From comparatively plain
designs It ranges Into marvels of filmy
lace and handwork.
Fine batiste Is used exclusively for
thin frocks and tho manner In which
It Is worked up with hand embroidery,
laco or tucks or sometimes all three
together, gives a variety In design
worthy of admiration.
A few choice models show the clever
treatment followed In making up these
most delectable summer gowns. Ono
of these, for Instance, Is Inset with
an openwork surrounded by hand em
broidered sprays of flowers. This forms
tho bib front and runs Into long panels
in tho skirt. Tho pointed vest and
skirt flounce are Inset with Valencien
nes lace, and tho entire frock is laid In
narrow tucks.
Another gown has Insertions of lace
and the tucks on the flounce are grad
uated In width. A row of lace Insertion
marks the waist line, and the bodice
and .root panel, as well as a broad
band above the flounce, are elaborate
ly hand wrought.
These hand embroideries are not al
ways In white, but where color Is used
It must be handled delicately or avoid
ed. Ono design, not shown here, has
straps crossed on tho bodice and
around the skirt worked with rose
buds of the very palest pink and green
shades. The gown has a corselet and
From McCall’s Magazine.
Occasionally I cannot help wondertn*
If some mothers ever were young. If I
they were I should think they would
remember how they used to feel them
selves when they are little. It la one
thing to take charge of children and
merely guard them from falling Into
any great danger, and quite another to
take an Intelligent Interest In the little
ones, showing that one feels that they
are not chairs or tables that must only
be kept tidy and uninjured.
I always remember the remark of a
little boy to his mother when she took
him to see a very beautiful park and
gardens, where there were a number
of signs up requesting people not to go
on different pathways or touch the
plants. The little fellow was walking
along, with no wish to do any of the
forbidden things; so, looking up at his
mother, he quietly remarked: "There
seems to be a great many 'please
dont’s' In this garden!”
Have you ever eonsldered how many
times a day you say to the little one*
"Don't do this?" or “Don't do that"T
Just count it up some fine day and you
will And, perhaps, that there Is very
little they do that does not cause you
to use the word In one form or another.
It would make an agreeable change,
both for you and the children, to try
another plan, and when you see them
about to do something you do not wish,
suggest to them something which you
know will prove equally as agreeable.
For instance, when your little girl b»*
gins to ildget and play with the pleca
of needlework you have In hand you
might suggest that she get a needle
and piece of muslin and play at making
doll’s clothes. If It Is ever such a. cob
ble she will get an Immense amount of
amusement out of It. When youv email
The low neck is becoming to nearly all little girls—and the one here Illus
trated being espec’clv attractive, as it is very easiy made. It Is of fine Per
sian lawn, having a square yoke of insertion 1V& Inches wide. The skirt Is fitted
to this with fullness in the front and back, and an inverted plait under each
arm, having the insertion set in the skirt with three tucks on each side and
completed by a deep hem. The sleeves are made full, and have a cuff of the
Inset bands on tho skirt of palest pink
| batiste, laid In the narrowest pin tucks,
! and It is also elaborately but Judlclous
I ly Inset with fine lace.
Many of these one piece robeB havo
I the Insertion running up and down
but tho effect Is equally happy when
thq lace runs around Instead of up and
down. Such a one has quite wide
strips of princess lace from which tuck
ed flounces of the material spread, each
one fastened to the lace strip below,
but each flaring mote until It reaches
the floor, ending In a number of nar
row tucks.
4 1. The pyramids In Egypt. 4
4 2. Hanging gardens at Baby- 4
4 Ion. 4
4 3. The mausoleum at Hallcar- 4
4 nassus. 4
,4 4. Temple of Diana In Ep- 4
,4 hesus. 4
4 6. The colossus of Rhodes 4
4 built to Apollo. 4
4 6. Statue of Jupiter In the 4
t temple of Olympia. 4
7. The Pharos of Alexandria, 4
4 4
Now that summer days are said to
be on their way the woman whose locks
refuse to stay curled as she would have
them Is looking about for some lotion
guaranteed to perform the miracle.
One tablespoonful of bruised quince
seed boiled In one pint of distilled
water and then strained through
[cheesecloth and one and one-half
ounces of alcohol and the same amount
of cologne added will. If applied to the
.hair before curling, keep it sufficiently
wavy for two or three days or a week
before renewing tho application.
The woman who does not care Just
how she gets thin nor what effect It
jwtll have on her can easily lose ten
pounds In a week or two by taking
hot soda baths.
Four pounds of common soda dis
solved In a tub of hot water will do the
[work. Tho water must bo as hot as
can be endured and the temperature
Increased as the body becomes accus
tomed to It. Such a bath is weakening
but It starts the perspiration which Is
a great flesh reducer and If a certain
amount of exercise Is taken the next
day may not after all make one feel
These baths should he taken just be
rore going to bed. If they are top
weakening they should of course ba
son sails in with the hammer In his
hand, nnd visions of smashed furniture
rise before your eyes, Instead of saying
“Don’t, Bobby,’’ give him some pieces
of broken boxes, and let him have a
seat ih the garden or the back kitchen,
nnd set him to work to make a dog
house. Of course no such thing as a
dog house will bo the result of his lal
bor, but he will think he la making
one, and It will keep him amused foi
some time.
Mothers should try to suggest amuse
ments more often for the children. The
little ones get tired of finding games
for themselves, and wander aimlessly
about, meddling first with this and then
with that, to be checked In most cases
with the hated word "don’t.” The mind
of an adult Is so much fuller of ideas,
and children, as a rule, are so ready to
grasp them that a little thought and
exertion on the part of the mother now
and then would not only keep the chil
dren amused and good natured but out
of mischief too.
I spent the afternoon recently with
the mother of two little boys, who said
“Don't do that” so often that at last
the elder turned to her and said, with a
grieved and puzzled look on his llttl#
face, "What can we do. mamma?"
It is,a very delicate piece of work to
cut button holes In a satin waist, and
they should always be of an exact size,
something quite difficult to make even
with scissors for that purpose. If one
will get a sharp chisel, a heavy block
of wood and a small hammer, the
neatest and prettiest kind of button
holes can be cut In this manner; It
makes a clean cut. In selecting a chisel
of the right size, take one which Is a
trifle wider than the button. For heavy
woolens the chisel is much better than
The ear ready for slander makes the
lips ready to slay.
♦ A „ 4'
4 A German woman went Into a 4
4 city department store the other 4
4 day and asked for the follow- 4
4 ing: +
4 "For a shoke I want three 4
4 ducks mit a wait a little while 4
4 and three ducks." +
4 The clerk tried in vain to inter- 4
4 pret her w;uits, so called a floor- 4
4 walker, who was equally unsuc- 4
4 cessful. A clerk who understood 4
4 Germau was sent for. The worn- 4 i
4 an wanted some tucked material 4
4 Cbr a yoke with small spaces be- 4
4 tween each cluster of tucks. 4
♦ 4
That our American forests abound to
plants which possess the most valuable
medicinal virtues Is abundantly attested
by scores of tbe most eminent medical
writers and teachers. Even the untu
tored Indians had discovered the nsefnl
ness of many nativo plants before the
advent of tho wlilto race. This Informa
tion, imparted freely to the whites, led
tho latter to conttnuo Investigations until
to-day wo have a rich assortment of mos%
valuable American medicinal roots.
-Qy O -O
Dr. Pierce believe* that our American for
ests aHb^pd In most valuable medicinal root#
foi the cutoff most obstinate and fatal dis
eases. If wtvwobtdproperly Investigate them*
anti In^Mt&raaarbm of this conviction, be
polikacwlth prlufe-db Ihn almost rntirr-lnns
cures effected by t)'s " Dnl/len Medical Pis.,
covery.",which has proven Itself to he.lhq
rntwt cfHclcjit. stumsch lnntc. liver Invlimr
amr. heart tonic and regulator, and blooq
cleanserknowiMojiieditaLSclence. Dyspep
and evon valvular and other afTectlons of
the heart yield to its curative action. The
reason tchv it cures these and many other
affections, la clearly shown In a little book
of extracts from the standard medical work#
which Is mailed frre to any address by Dr. B.
V. Pierce, of Buffalo. N. V.. to all sending
request for tbe same.
Not less marvelous. In the unparalleled
euros It is constantly making of woman'*
many peculiar affections, weaknesses and
distressing derJncements. is Dr. Plcrcc’a
FaTOrlto\PrcscrlpUobvas Is amply attested
by thousands ofsjyjtrttcjlbdjestlmpnlals con
tributed bjNcJrteful patTbnds who have been
cured by It of cstarrhnl nclvlc (Irk Ins. palnhlf
periods, Irregularities, prolapsus and ollief
dlsul'accmeuts-causSTby weakness^ ulcer
til on <_. nidus and kriKlriMLauectlons. often
after "■•■ny other advertised medicines, and
phyA-Vhad failed.
Both ulfc above mentioned medicines ar*
wholly made up from the glyceric extracts of
native, medicinal root*;. The process^ em
ployed In their manufacture were original
with Dr. Pierce, and they are carried on by
skilled chemists and pharmacists with tni
aid of apparatus and appliances specially
designed and built for this purpose. Rotk
medicines are entirely free from alcohol and
all other harmful, habit-forming drugs. A
full list of their ingredients Is printed oa
each bottle-wrapper.
Dress Makes the Man.
From the New York Weekly.
Customer— See here! I’ve only worr
tnese pants one day, and they already ba|
at the knees."
“Dealer—"Yah, das vas recht. Does li
our patent knee-stretching pants vat mak»
effery gustomer of ours look like a liter
ary man See? You vear does pants*
mein frelnt, and folios dak© you vo
tiharles Dickens or Shakesbeore.“
Spring always brings into special favot
Nature’s blood purifier, Garfield Tea. I
Is made wholly of clean, sweet Herbs
It purifies the blood, cleanses the system*
clears the complexion, eradicates disease
and promotes Good Health. For youa
and old.
A Willing Pupil.
Her poor suitor did not discern
That her gowns cost much more than he’**
Said she, "How could you dress me?"
He blushed and said, "Bless mel
That’s something I think I could learn."
Yon Can Get Allen's Foot-Ease FREE
Write to-day to Allen S. Olmsted, L# Roy
N. Y., for a FREE sample of Allen's Foot
Ease, a powder to shake Into your shoes
If cures tired, sweating, hot, swollen, acl»
Ing feet. It makes new or tight shoes easy
A certain cure for Corns and Bunions. Al’
Druggists and Shoe Stores sell It. 25c.
It’s a terrible shock when the bride*
gTOom finds his new wife looking a*
him for the first time critically instead
of tenderly.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the < vy""*
Signature of
Corned Beef
is a mild cured nnd perfectly
cooked corned Beef, and carefully
packed in Libby’s Great White
j Kitchens. It is prepared as care
fully as you would make it in
your own kitchen.
It has the characteristics and
delicious flavor of the right kind
of corned beef.
i For Quick Serving.—Libby’s Corned
Beef, cut into thin slices, arranged on a
I platter and garnished with Libby’a Chow
■ Chow makes a tempt
ing dish for luncheon,
dinner or supper.
Ask your grocer Ar
Libby's and Insist
upon got ting Libby's
Libby, McNefll A
Libby, Chicago
, TO C0nvtnce any
woman that Pax
tino Antiseptic will
improve licr health
<d and do all we claim
for It. We will
send her absolutely free a large trial
box of Paxtine with book of Instruc
tions nnd genuine testimonials. Send
your name and address on a postal card.
fectlons, such as nasal catarrh, pelvic
catarrh and Inflammation caused by femi
nine Ills; sore eyes, sore throat and
mouth, by direct local treatment. Its cur
ative power over theso troubles Is extra
ordinary and gives Immediate relief.
Thousands of women are using and rec- B
H ommending it every day. GO cents at fg
■ druggists or by mail. Remember, however, w
■ THK K. PAXTON CO., Boston, Mau. B
▲ Certain Cure for Feverishness*
Constipation, Headache*
/ Stomuelt Troubles, 'IVotbing
Disorders, and l)rairo|
Mother Gray, Worms. They Break up Cold*
Nurse in Child- *•* hours. At all rruggists,
run’s IIoniH Sample rustled FRTdi Address,
N«v Yitk OiO. A. S. Oi.BASTED, Le Roy. N %