A Printer’s Funny Error. • 'William F. Waller, of 3417 Harrison •treet. now a real estate man, but for merly a printer, newspaper man and pub Uah«r, waa talking recently of amusing gypographical errors. •■From 1881 to 1884, when Rose Field was fianagtng editor of the old Kansas City Times. I was foreman of the composing toosn." he said. ’’One night Field wrote an editorial paragraph poking fun at the Katin a morning contemporary had print ed. Field wound up his effort with a quo tation from one. of Cicero's orations. The fords were: ’O temporal O mores!’ mean ing t} the times, O the manners.' The #aragraph went up late and the proof deader didn't even get a long distance look at It. The paragraph was In the paper the Mtt morning, but the quotation read, 'O tempest, O Moses!’ ” More Room for Economy. The house of representatives has voted to abolish all the pension disburs ing agencies but one—that maintained at Washington. It was a sensible move. Why not go ahead now and abllsh use less custom houses, at which the cost at collecting a dollar ranges from $7 to $1,263? Mate of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas Coun ty, ss.: Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he la Mnlor partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney • C*., doing business In the City of To **•«. County and State aforesaid, and that 2fid„!*rm w!M P"y lines are sending an 80-page "book descriptive of this great country ■Rnd making very low round trip excur Rion rales to all who write to John Se bastian. Passenger Traffic Manager, •loom 5(5. La Salle station, Chicago. Owing to the unusuul activity in rail road building, It is estimated that in Ontario alone 4,500,000 ties will be cut fthts year. olulv HEADAGHE B—s—-| Positively cured by D C these Little Pills. I\0 They also relievo Dte tress from Dyspepsia, In E digestion anu Too Hearty ■ n Eating. A pertoct rcm ■ edy tor Dizziness, Nausea. ,5. Drowsiness, Dad Taste In the Mouth, Coated Tongue, rain In the side, -1 TORPID LIVER. They ivcguiato tfco Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE ‘HHMaHWMUBMHMMHUMUWIHaMMyH Genuine Must Bear Fac-Similo Signature REFUSE SUBSTITUTES. A Positive CURE FOR CATARRH Elj’s Cream Balm to quickly absorbed. Clvas Roli.l at Once. It cleanses, soothes, heals and protects •be dieeased membrane. It cures Catarrh «ad drives away a Cold in the Head quickly, lies tores the Senses of Taste and Smell WulJ size GO cts. at Druggists or by mailt (Trial size 10 etg. by mail. Elv Brothers, $6 Warren Street. New York. . | ' I .9 send her absolutely free a large trial ,*» her of Paxtlne with hook of Instnio H Jio.se and genuine testimonials. Send ■ J vac a a inn uud address ou a postal curd. PMTINEUi lections, such as nasal catarrh, pelvlo ■ cat.ir, h and Inflammation caused by fend- D ■ nine ills; sore eyes, sore throat and n I mouth, by direct lo-al treatment. Its cur-a H alive )>ower over these troubles is extra- I |j ordinary and gives Immediate relief. B D Thousands of women are using and rce- fl ■ ommendiug It every day. 60 cents at H ■ druggists orby mall. Remember, however, B 9 IT COSTS yin; NOTHIN•! TO TItV IT. B ■ TIIK It. PAXTON CO„ Uo.tou, Mass. I <20011 SOLICITORS WANTED—Entirely r.e,/ propoeit.or.; big money maker. Send •tamp for particulars. The J. & J. Mfg. st*.. cancel., Ohio. VINAIGRETTES BACK. The old fashioned vinaigrette has come Into favor again. Society women have discovered that its effects are more potent than a Turkish clgaret or a glass of liquor. The vinaigrette Is made In a variety of designs, fitted with a tiny square sponge, soaked in some aromatic per fume. "There has been an enormous de mand for vinaigrettes," a jeweler in Baltimore, said. "Some women carry half a dozen of them, but It Is not only for their appearance. Kach box con tains a different perfume, which acts as an antidote to a variety of ills. “A silver box studded with turquoise will contain aromatic ammonia, which Is a certain cure for faintness; a quaint oriental box In the shape of an ele phant, in Ivory, with jeweled eyes, Is filled with an eastern spiced perfume, and Is guaranteed to bring color Into the palest cheeks, a lavendar water in which cloves have been soaked Is held In a vinaigrette of lilac colored enamel powdered with amethysts. This win refresh its owner after a long day s shopnlng. “We are making a pretty box In the shape of a Parma violet with a dia mond In the center. A nervous head ache will be cured If this violet be held under the nose, as It exhales tho refreshing odor of the real flower. "A rose vinaigrette Is composed of a sinble rose leaf In pink enamel, bear ing a dewdrop In the shape of a moon stone. This moonstone, when pressed, releases a spring, which opens the box, ahd at the same time throws a. spray of mossrose scent.” TO SCENT THE HAIR. A splendid way to perfume the hair Is to rub oil of roses or any preferred odors on the hair brush and run this through the hair. It Is more lasting if the oils and not the alcohol perfumes are used. Remember the oil Is very strong and it takes a very little to scent the hair. TWICE-TOLD TESTIMONY, A Woman Who lima Suffered Telia 11 on to Find Relief. The thousands of women who suffer backache, languor, urinary disorders and other kidney ills, will find comfort In the words of Mrs. Jane Farrell, of GOG Ocean Ave., Jersey City, N. J„ who says.' "I reiterate all I have said before In praise of Doan's Kid ney Pills. I had been having heavy back aches, and my gen ?ral health was affected when I began jsliig them. My feet were swollen, my ?ycs puffed, and dizzy spells were fre juent. Kidney action was Irregular ind the secretions highly colored. To lay, however, 1 am a well woman, and [ am confident that Doan's Kidney Pills lave made me so, and are keeping me well." Sold by all denlers. 50 cents a box, t'oster-Mllhurn Co., Buffalo, N. Y. MO USE CRYING TO STRANGERS The Boy Waited Until Ho Reached Home to Weep. From the Kansas City Star. A boy living on L'.nwood boulevard came juok from the skating pond during the ■old weather Inst week, wet to the skin, rle alighted from a Brooklyn avenue car ind went "sloshing” down tho street to wards home. He uttered no complaint. 3ut when he got within twenty rods of Us home he let out a yell that was heard wo blocks and then ran Into the house Tying. "Son! son: what on earth Is the matter?” ixclalmed the fond mother. “Sk-sk-skatln — an'-an'-fell In,” he blub >ered. "Well, my hoy." chided the mother, 'why did you wait until you got home to try?" "Well," muttered the future Great Suc Tss. "d-d-durn It all, there wasn't none V you there t-t-to hear me. What good would It a-done?" l’repnre This Your.rtf. For those who have any form hlood disorders; who want new. rich hlood and plenty of It, try this: Fluid Kxtfact Dandelion, one-half ounce; Compound Kargon, ohe ounce; Compound Syrup Sarsaparilla, three ounces. Shake well In a bottle and take In teaspoont'ul doses after each meal and at bedtime. Any good pharmacy can supply the Ingredients at small cost. This Is the prescription which, when made up. Is called “The Vegetable Treatment;" by others, the “Cyclone Blood Purifier.” It acts gently and certainly does wonders for some peo ple who are sickly, weak nnd out of mm is iviuiii ii iu n’ucic m-uuui long-stnmllug cases of rheumatism an