The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 14, 1907, Image 5

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Official : Publication : of : Proceeding
[continued from last week]
I move you that the clerk be in
structed to furnish the O’Neill In
dependent with a copy of super
visor proceedings for the year ’07
to he published without cost to
the county. —J. A. Golden, J. C.
Clark. Motion carried.
On motion the hoard adjourned
to 9 o’clock tomorrow morning.
Jan. 18, 9 a. m. — Board called
to order with all members present.
The following official bonds were
approved: Constable—Tob Hen
derson, McClure; town clerk—
George R. Boomer, Swan, H. S.
White, Wyoming, R. K. Cosner,
Dustin; town treasurer, D. L.
Noziska, Green Valley, Nicholas
O’Connell, Sheridan, Leslie I.
Puckett, Emmet, W. jj. Graver,
McClure, P. J. Fritchioff, Sand
Creek; justice—A. E. Pierce,Mc
Clure; road overseer—John Wal
ters, 51 Chambers, B. Richmond,
64 McClure, S. A. Segar, 33
To the Honorable Board of
Supervisors of Holt county, Ne
braska: The tax committee hav
ing examined the county records
in the matter of the 1905 tax of
$1.24 assessed against 7-29
acres in ne% of nw^, sec. 32-29
11, Holt county, to E. H. Bene
dict, tind there is no such tract of
land in said quarter, and hereby
move that said tax be stricken
fiom the tax list of Holt county.
—J. C. Clark, B. E. Sturdevant,
Rodell Root. Motion carried.
To the Honorable Board of
Supervisors of Holt county, Ne
braska. — Gentlemen: Please
transfer all money in special fund
of school district No. no to the
general fund of said district.—
Fred Cronk, director. On motion
petition was granted.
1 o the Honorable Board of
Supervisors.—Gentlemen: Please
transfer all money in bond fund of
school diftnct 156 to the general
fund of said district.—C. E. Frar
rier, director school district 156.
On motion petition was granted.
County Board.—Dear Sirs: We
have in school district 143 $40 in
bond funds which we would like
to have you change to the general
fund of said district.—Yours truly,
Ed F. Humpal, director. On
motion the transfer as above was
To the Honorable Board of
Supervisors of Holt county.—
Gentlemen: Please transfer the
sum of $10.84 or any other sum
now in the hands of the county
treasurer belonging to the bond
fund of school district —, all
bonds having been paid.—M. P.
Sullivan, director, Jacob Hirch,
moderator. On motion the above
was ordered transferred.
Application of Jos. McCaffrey
for the purchase of n of sec. 16
27-13 was read and chairman ap
pointed Supervisors Root, Sturde
vant and Golden as a committee
to appraise same.
un motion tne communication
of the county' attorney was order
ed spread upon the records.
Honorable Board of Supervis
ors of Holt county, Nebraska.—
Gentlemen: To your question
referred to me, whether you may
make an order to strike from the
tax lists levied for an unauthorized
purpose, will say: Sec. 164 of
the revenue law of 1003 provides
as follows: “No county or town
board, city council, or village
trustees, shall have power to
release, discharge, remit or com
mute any portion of the taxes
assessed or levied against any
person or property within their
respective jurisdictions for any
reason whatever. Any tax so
discharged, released, remitted or
commuted, may be recovered by
civil action from the members of
such board, council or trustees,
and the sureties on their official
bonds, at the suit of any citizen
of the county, township, city or
village, as the case may be, and
when collected shall be paid into
the proper treasurer. Nothing in
this section contained shall be
construed to prevent the proper
authority from refunding taxes
paid, as provided in sections 162
and 163 of this chapter, not to in
terfer with the powers of any'
officers or board, sitting as a
board, for the equalization of
taxes.” This leaves you the au
thority' to refund the taxes upon
demand, but would forbid you to
cancel the taxes cn tnasse. The
tax payer must proceed according
to the second method provided in
section 162 of the revenue law, in
cases where the tax is void, which
is true of the village taxes of Page.
Thej' must matte a written request
to the treasurer for a refund with
in 30 days after payment; the
treasurer must submit a copy of
this request to you, whereupon
you make an order directing the
treasurer to refund the illegal
portion of the lax. If demand in
writing is not made within 30
days after payment, the right to
the refund is waived. This me
thod does not apply where the
property is not taxable at all nor
where it has been twice assessed
in the same year. In the latter
case, the taxes must be paid under
protest according to the first me
thod provided in section 162 of
the reqenue law. The sections of
the revenue law referred to above
are general sections 5083, 5084
and 5085 of Brown & Wheeler’s
statutes, which you are using.
Very truly, E. H. Whelan.
On motion the board adjourned
until 1 o’clock p.m.
One o’clock p. m.—Board call
ed to order. Hiram Stearns ap
peared before the board in regard
to the road petitioned for by him
self and others.
Mr. Chairman: I move you
that a committee of three mem
bers of this board be appointed to
view the road petitioned for by
Hiram Stearns and others, and
also view the section lines be
tween sections 13-24, 14-23 and
15-22 and report as to the best
route for road. Motion carried.
On motion a refund was grant
ed to M. O’Donnell of $3, he hav
ing paid his poll tax in cash and
labor for 1906 in district 32.
On motion a refund was grant
ed to H. S. Septer, he having
paid his tax in cash and labor for
1906 in district 19.
On motion the board adjourned
until 9 o’clock tomorrow morn
Jan. 19.—Board caueci 10 order
and on motion went into com
mittee of the whole to continue
settlement with county officers,
remaining in such committee un
til 4 o’clock p. m. Jan. 22, 1907,
when the board convened in bu
sinees session, the following being
had and done:
Mr. Chairman: I move that
inasmuch as road district No. 62,
in Green Valley township, had no
road overseer for the year 1906,
and a number of tax payers are
charged with poll tax in said
district for the said year, that
when a tax payer shall show by
affidavit that the proper amount
of work has been done bj' him in
said district to entitle him to a
road receipt that the treasurer be,
and is hereby, instructed to accept
such affidavit in lieu of a road
receipt. — Rodell Root, W. S.
Roberts. Motion carried.
O Neill, Neb., Jan. 16, 1907.—
Honorable Board of Supervisors
of Holt county, Nebraska. —
Gentlemen: Your petitioner
respectfully represents that he is
the present owner of the sej^ of
sec. 34, twp. 31, range 15 west;
that prior to the purchase of said
land your petitioner examined the
numerical index in the office of
the county clerk of Holt county,
Nebraska, and the alphabetical
index in the office of the clerk of
the district court of Holt county,
to ascertain if any action was
pending against said land; that
your petioner found no evidence
on either of said records of any
lispendence, or any other evidence
that any action was pending
against said land; that subsequent
to the purchase of said land your
petitioner discovered that on Oct.
2, 1899, the county of Holt com
menced an action to foreclose
apainst said land for delinquent
taxes for the years 1895 to 1897
inclusive; that the title of said
case is the county of Holt vs. W.
E. Damson, which case will be
found in appearance docket No.
15, Pa£e 298, ^e number 6044;
that said W. E. Damson has no
interest nor never had any inter
est in said land, and the action
and notice in said case was er
roneons on the part of the county
attorney in commencing said ac
tion against the land in question;
that by reason of said erroneous
action your petitioner was de
ceived as to the true status of
said land; that an examination of
the records show that the taxes
on said land are delinquent since
the year 1892; that your petition
er is willing to pay said taxes
since the year 1892, with accrued
interest to date, provided your
honorable body will instruct the
county attorney of Holt county to
dismiss the erroneous and illegal
action now pending against said
land. The taxes, with accrued
interest against said land, amount
to approximately $235, which, as
before said, your petitioner is
ready and willing to pay provided
the erroneous and illegal action
against said land is dismissed. At
the time said action was com
menced and until the time the
title was conveyed to your peti
tioner the title of said land was in
the name of Elijah C. Dickerson.
As before stated, W. E. Damson
has not, nor never did have, any
interest in said land. Very re
spectfully, S. J. Weekes.
On motion the above petition
was granted.
On motion the following bonds
were approved: Town clerk—J.
Fracis Stoddard, Francis, S. M.
Aldridge, Sand Creek; justice—
Ole E. Torake, Saad Creek; road
overseer—Fred Dobrovoley, dist.
35, S. J. Widman, dist. 49.
On motion a refund was grant
ed R. E. Chittick to reimburse
him for money paid out in re
deeming erroneous tax sales, No.
572 for $24.27, No. 2625 for
$19.65 and No. 3912 for $10.20,
and clerk ordered to draw refund
for same.
On motion a refund was grant
ed to L. A. Simonson for $3, he
having paid his poll tax in cash
and also in labor for the year
1906 in road district 25.
To the Honorable Board of
Supervisors: Your petitioner
respectfully asks that you refund
school tax paid in district 88, as
he lives in school district 83,
Ewing township, and not in 88,
Verdigris township, and has no
property in said district 88.—L.
A. Combes. Petition granted.
To the Honorable Board of
Supervisors: Your petitioner re
spectfully asks you to refund him
$3 labor tax erroneously assessed
and paid in cash by him in road
district 17, Conley township, for
1906. Your peritioner further
states that he is 59 years old and
not subject to poll tax.—James
Thompson; by W. J. Doherty.
Petition granted.
On motion the claim of B. E.
Chittick, county treasurer, for
$963.79, expense account 1906,
was allowed and the clerk order
to draw warrant for the same.
On motion the board adjourned
until 9 o’clock tomorrow morning.
Jan. 23, 9 a. m.—Board called
to order, all members present.
Minutes of Jan 17 and 18 read
and approved.
Mr. Chairman: I move you
that the following papers be giv
en the publishing of the supervis
or proceedings for the year 1909:
The Frontier, Atkinson Graphic,
Stuart Advocate, Ewing Advo
cate and Chambers Bugle, they
to divide one legal rate between
them. — C. D. Keyes, B. E.
Sturdevant. Motion carried.
Mr. Chairman: I move you
that The Frontier of O’Neill, be
designated as the official paper for
the year 1907.
The above motion carried.
Mr. Chairman: I move that
the claim of Ed F. Gallagher
agent for Fidelity Guarentee Co.
in the sum $135 for county treas
urer bond. C. D. Keyes, J. A.
/"V . • .1 ^ 1 •
Un motion the above claim was
On motion board went into com
mittee of whole to continue settle
O’Neill, Neb., Jan. 24, 1907.—
Board continued settlement, un
til 4 p. m. at which time board
asked to sit as a board as superui
Mr. Chairman: In the matter
of the personal tax of F. E. Craw
ford for the year 1905 the said F.
E. Crawford having left the state
in April 1905, and not having left
any property in this country, and
his farther offering to pay said
personal tax less than $3 poll tax
assesses against said F. E. Craw
ford, the undersigned hereby move
you Mr. Chairman that said $3
poll tax for the year 1905 be strick
en from the tax list.
J. C. Clark,
B. E. Sturdevant.
O’Neill, Neb., J an. 24, 1907.—
Mr. James Mullen has this day
paid his personal tax in village of
Page amounting to $38.45 of
which $6.17 is village tax which
was paid under protest J. C. Har
nish treasurer.
Gentlemen: I respectfully re
quest your honorable body to re
fund $6-17 village tax as above,
and obliged. Respectfully,
James Mullen.
Prayer of above petition was
Bond of C. H. Beatte, as town
ship clerk of Emmet, was ap
Ray Items.
Mrs. Estella Twyford visited Mrs.
Ross Tuesday evening.
The remarkable change in the
weather makes us think of spring.
Mrs.Ed Harding was a pleasant visi
tor at Jim Harding’s Tuesday after
Emery Thavenet passed through
here enroute to O’Neill one day last
Ed Harding and Matt Ernst were
over in this neighborhood on business
Mrs. Ross lias been sick for several
days, she is feeling better at the
present time.
Johnnie Grutsch and H. Twyford
and family spent Sunday afternoon at
R. Twyford’s.
The three Mchaley brothers called
on R. Twyford Sunday, they were
wanting to purchase a good team.
A fine baby girl arrived last week at
tlie home of Henry Alfs, also a new
girl at Lee Morrison’s living near
C. H. Bigler went to O’Neill Tues
day to consult with a doctor about a
sore on his face, it seems gradually
getting worse.
Wm. Townsend from the Honey
Creek visited friends on the creek a
few days and also visited the school in
district 33.
Clias Bigler of O’Neill was out to .
the farm and made a short visit and
also visited his son and daughter, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Twyford and
Mr. and Mrs. R. Twyford spent a
pleasant afternoon at Mrs. Thavenet’s
one day last week.
Phoonix Pick-Ups
Mary Bartels was at Spencer Thurs
Charley Christensen returned from
Carlock last week.
Howard Wagner is staying at L. G.
Coburn’s at present.
Chas Reiser of Badger was a Phoe
nix visitor Monday.
Henry Bartels was a caller at Mrs.
F. Coburu's, Friday evening.
Arleigh Moore was a caller at Hugh
O’Neill’s Saturday._ _
L. G. Coburn and H. J. Stansberry
were Atkinson visitors Monday.
Mrs. Damero and Edith were callers
at Mr. Thavanet’s Sunday afternoon.
Sam Abdnor and George Syble spent
Wednesday evening at S. W. Ander
Otto Nilson and wife drove to
Spencer Monday, to consult Dr. Skel
Andrew McKathnie returned from
the west last week, after an absence
of three years.
Hugh O'Neill and Arleigh Moore
were callers at Mrs. Coburn’s Satur
day afternoon.
Mrs. Lewis and Walter, also Frank
Haynes and wife, were visitors at
James Garin’s Monday.
Frank Damero and family, and Ben
Kinney and family were visitors at
the Nilson home Sunday.
Henry Stansberry visited at the
Keller home the forepart of the week
and reports a pleasant time.
Otto Nilson has been laid up with
an attack of rheumatism the past
week, but is better at this writing.
Mrs. Cady and children returned to
their home near Bassett after a four
week’s stay with relatives here.
Ray Coburn and family, who have
been laid up with colds, etc., for a
couple of weeks, are somewhat better
at this writing.
Ruth Coburn was quite sick last
week with a bad cold, Dr. Skelton
was called from Spencer. She is better
at this writing.
Miss Mills and Isabel McKathnie
planned a surprise party for Mrs.
Keller Monday night, it being her
birthday. A pleasant time was had
by all present.
Mrs. Coburn, accompanied by Ralph
and Jessie, were at Spencer Friday.
Mrs. Coburn went to consult Dr. Skll
ton in regard to her injury, received
last August, He informed her that it
was Improving as well as could be ex
pected and she feels she has no cause
to feor.
Neglected Colds Threaten Life.
I From the Chicago Tribune.!
" ‘Don’t trifle with a cold,’ is good
advice for prudent men and women.
It may be vital in the case of a child,
proper food, good ventilation, and dry,
warm clothing are the proper safe
guards against colds. If they are
maintained through the changeable
weather of autumn, winter and spring,
the chances of a surprise from ordin
ary colds will be slight. But the or
dinary light cold will become severe if
neglected, and a well established ripe
cold is to the germs of diphtheria what
honey is to the bee. The greatest
menace to child life at this season of
the year is the neglected cold.” Wheth
er it is a child or adult, the cold slight
or severe, the very best treatment that
can be adopted is to give Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy. It Is safe and sure.
The great popularity and immense
sale of this preparation has been at
tained by its remarkable cures of this
ailment. A cold never results in
pneumonia when it is given. For sale
by Gilligan & Stout.
Skin Disease of Twenty Years’ Stand
ing Cured.
I want you to know how much
Chamberloin’s Salve has done for me.
It has cured my face of a skin disease
of almost twenty years’ standing. I
have been treated by several as smart
physicians as we have in this country
and they did me no good, hut two
boxes of this salve has cured me.—Mrs.
Fannie Griffen, Tory, Ala. Chamber
lain’s Salve is for sale by Gilligan &
Sacrifice Sale!
commences at our store on
Monday, February 18
^nd_wijj_continue_untn further notice.
jO Per Cent
off or\ ev.ll of our Dress Goods
Calicos at 5c per yard
Outing flannels at actual
Men's heavy fleesed lined
underwear 75c suit.
Duck coats, slicker lined,
usual ^ „OW $1,43.
Men fs pants, 73c to $2.
Boy’s duckcoats 83 c to 98c
Caps 37c to 73c.
I 25 per cent off on men's (®L women's shoes I
Sweaters 43c to $2.25.
Dress shirts 44c to 75c.
Work shirts 39c.
Men's overcoats $4.25 up
to $11.
Ladies' furs 65c to $3.43.
Corresponding discounts on everything except groceries
Shaheen (&L Saunto
i mriimi ——i———im
of Live Stock, Farm Ma
chinery, Household Goods
and Real Estate, flakes
a specialty of handling
stocks of General Mer
For dates and terms, write, call
on or phone me at O’Neill, Neb.