The Frontier. VOLUMF XXVII. O’NEILL, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1906 GT1 fn] frD tHlfrO Gil Hr) f vr&;l Gil fp3 P/rvIGfl frtl p"--^l GT1(70 |vir*^IGT] IT' ' j i SI ITO NUMBER 26. I ill I rn ra! &£ Whatever your wants may be, we can meet them with up-to-date and appropriate selections, Our beautiful holiday stock was never more complete and we invite your careful investigation. Select your gifts from our complete stock and yoii will be sure to get the best and most appropriate pres ent at the lowest price. fnral TOYS Our toy department reigns su preme to anything before exhibited in this line. You will find in this department dolls, toolboxes, trunks, iron trains, toy pianos, doll beds, bureaus, drums, games of ail kinds and in fact everything a child's heart desires. FANCY GOODS TOILET ARTICLES, ETC. Here's where we shine. The pres ents were never nicer and never before so cheap. Comb and brush sets in ebony with Sterling trim mings; celluloid, /rare/ wood, etc.; dressing cases, albums, glove and hanckerchief boxes, manicure sets, work boxes, child's jets, collar and cuff boxes, etc. CfllNAWARE | We have a reputation for nice Ip China, and our line this year sur- Si passes all efforts heretofore. Our Ha vilandware beats anything || you ever saw for beauty. H Cream and sugars, mayonnaise || chops, salids, bread, cake, cups pi j and saucers, mugs and plates in g§ ; all sizes. CUT GLASS 1 SI Our assortment of cut glass is un- g] questionable the best to be found is anywhere in this section. Every lady admires pretty dishes ||| or cut glass, and you will make no |g mistake selecting your gifts from gg these lines. GILL1GAN & STOUT 1 IHf dSfiil I Only a short time remains for holiday shopping. The early shoppingjis more satisfactory^ the pur chaser than the buying done the day before Christmas. Below we are naming only a few of the many : articles we have procured for the holiday trade. We cordially invite the public to visit our store, regard less ot their intention to buy, and look over our Christmas goods. ■ gfl Ladies’ handkerchiefs Men’s handkerchiefs Mufflers and Sweaterettes j House slippers for men and women Silk suspenders Fany Bx hose, bracelets Side and back combs Shirt waist sets, beads Cuff buttons and stickpins China of ail kinds New rugs, fancy lamps Purses and bags New belts and collars Cloves for men, women and children Fancy silk waist patterns Plaid silks Opera scarfs and shawls Ladies * kimonos Furs, ail kinds & all prices Baby shoes and caps Men*s neckties Ladies* silk skirts gggggg ** *j ‘ " " It is our intention to have a full line of vegetables for Christmas, lettus, radishes, parsely, etc. Remember I our phone number, 64, and place your orders early. § T. P. Gr A. 3Li L A G-131 IS R I iL. .. .