The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 02, 1906, Image 5

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One and a quarter million acres to be
opened to settlement on the
Dates of registration July 16th to 31st.
Low rates from all points, less than one
fare for the round trip from Chicago, daily
July 12th to 29th via
The only all rail route to Shoshoni, Wyo.,
the reservation border.
S. F. MILLER, A. G. F. & P. A., Chicago & Northwestern Ry.t
Omaha, Neb.: ’
Please send to my address pamphlets, maps and infor
mation concerning the opening of the Shoshone or I Wind
River reservation to settlement.
(Cut out this Coupon)..
1 ' .. ——^
V \—ammimmm—mim■■■■■■i*m^mmmmmmm w—mmam
MifixiiBiirhftnft^iiBiiiinirTi.airiBinBMnimtfii'BihigMmini <ni n< in ir~inA'iii~ nor ~
| -> SMITH'S 4- I
1 Pianos and Organs |
1 Stringed Instruments, Sheet Music, Music Book |
1 and flusical Merchandise f
i Pianos and Organs sold on easy payments. Personal attention given g
1 to tuning and care of instruments put out. Special attention given P
1 to supplying country localities with piano and organ teachers. Get B
i my prices and terms. P
c fc
PTf» y Ml B WMnPP*!
ffi Farm Loans interest paid on time deposits Insurance |j
j= "Inis Bank aims to concerve the interests of its customers in every Ej
|g honorable way. jg
® 1
b E. E. Halstead, president. o. f. biglin, Vice-President b
David B. grosvenor, cashier
[3 Directors: E. E. Halstead, E. H. Halstead, O. F. Iliyrlln, F. J. Dishner, [2
[3 D. 1!. Grosvenor. (3
<D. <D.SNYDER & G0.
Bumber, Goal
Materials, etg.
The Misses Nellie Grown and Maud
Clyde are here from Pender, Neb.,
visiting their parents and friends.
Mrs. Michael Johnson and children
of O’Neill, spent a few days with her
mother, Mrs. VV. A. Grown, last week.
Ira Willey met with a bad accident
last week in taking a pistol from ids
pocket. The weapon was discharged,
sending a bullet in his Unger.
Mrs. II. A. ltakowstarted Thursday!
; morning on the passenger train for
Lamont, la., with two children, fora
visit witli her mother.—The Reporter.
For the good of those suffering with
eczema or other such trouble, I wisti
to say, my wife had something of that
kind and alter using tire doctor’s
remedies for some time concluded to
try Chamberlian’s Salve, and it prov
ed to be better than anything she had
tried. For sale by Gilligan & Stout.
Fred Primus left for Hulett, Wyo.,
last Sunday, with his stock and furni
ture, his wife and children following
him on Tuesday night. They expect
to make their home there in the
Ten or twelve of Lincoln’s business
men are camped at Sievers’ lake, and
from the wagon loads of material
hauled out there, we believe they in
tend to stay awhile. By their appear
ance we should say they have lived up
on the fat of the land.
Spencer Cortelyou stopped oil here
Saturday night, on his return from the
Phillipincs, where he has been in the
employ of the government as a civil
engineer for the past three years, lie
visited with A. B. Yanzandt and fam
ily until Tuesday, and then went on
to Omaha.—The Advocate.
In Self Defence
Major Hamm, editor and manager of
the Constitutionlist, Eminence, Ky.,
when he was tircely attacked, four
years ago, by Piles, bought a box of
Buckieu’s Arnica Salve, of which he
says: “It cured me in ten days and no
trouble since.” Quickest healer of
Burns, Sores, Cuts and Wounds 25c at
Pixley & nanley’s drug store.
Geo. Herzog’s little son, who was
kicked by a horse some time ago, is
slowly improving.
Mrs. Henry Shaw of O’Neill is visit
iug her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tibbits,
west of town.
Mrs. W. L. Mann, of Kankakee, 111.,
arrived today on a visit to her sister,
Mrs. W. S. Grimes.
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Fouts have rented
the Higgins house and will soon move
from O’Neill.
Rev. Gilllth left Tuesday for St.
James, Neb., for a weeks visit to his
parents and other relatives.
Mrs. Arthur Horan left for her home
in Valpariso Saturday, after a few
week’s visit with friends and relatives
in Chambers and Harold.
Mrs. W. Calkins is so far recovered
from her operation that she is able to
be out again. Mrs. Calkins is with
her sister at Minneapolis.
Miss JanieTrainer left this morning
for Sioux City where she was called by
a telegram to the bedside of her moth
er, who is seriously ill in a hospital in
in that city.—The Bugle.
For an Impaired Appetite.
To improve the appetite and
strengthen the digestion try a few
dusc» of Chamberlain’s Stomach and
Liver Tablets. Mr. J. II. Seitz, of
Detroit, Mich., says: “They restored
my appetite when impaired, relieved
me of a bloated feeling and caused a
pleasant and satisfactory mevement of
thebowels.” Price, 25cents. Sample
free. Gilligan & Stout.
Miss Althea Brayton gave an in
formal 0 o’clock dinner to the follow
ing young ladies last evening: Miss
Ruth Myers, Newport; Helen Huds
peth, Omaha; Elva Douglas, Bassett;
Lena and Charlotte Fike, Omaha;
Misses Echo Shank and Maud Planck,
The dancing party given Friday
evening at the opera house by Miss
Echo Shank was one of the most de
lighful social functions of the season.
More than twenty couples were pre
sent, including a number from O’Neill,
Atkinson, Newport and Bassett. An
oichestra from Atkinson furnished
tlie music, and at midnight a pretty
luncheon was served at the home of
Miss Shank, who received many com
pliments as princess of entertainers.
The McGrew-Poindexter case ttiat
was tried in Justice Isenhart’s court
Saturday was a long-drawn out aifair,
the court adjourning several days and
sitting in session till late at night.
County Attorney Mullen represented
Mr. Poindexter and Attorney Dono
hue Mr. McGrew. The case was one
of forcible detention, Mr. McGrew
bringing suit against the defendant
for not fulfilling his contract, after
signing a contract to cultivate the
McGrew farm. Mr. McGrew won his
case. The case will be carried up to
the district court.—The Ledger.
A Mystery Solved.
“How to keep off periodic attacks of
biliousness and habitual constipation
was a mystery that Dr. King’s New
Life Pills solved for me,” writes John
N. Pleasant, of Magnolia, Ind. The
only pills that are guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction to everybody or
money refunded. Only 25c at Pixley
& Ilanly’s drug store.
For that
There is one thing that will
cure it—Ayer’s Hair Vigor.
It is a regular scalp-medicine.
It quickly destroys the germs
which cause this disease.
The unhealthy scalp becomes
healthy. The dandruff disap
pears, had to disappear. A
healthy scalp means a great deal
to you—healthy hair, no dan
druff,no pimples,no eruptions.
The belt kind ol a teitlmonlal—
"Sold lor over ilxty years."
A Mad# by J. O. Aybr Co.. Lowell. Mm«.
SW Also manufacturers of
flyers lEMn^IXTORALj
Earl Stilson received a letter from
his father at Denver, saying that Mrs.
Stilson was improving and they were
on their way to Colorado Springs.
14. O. Clifford and Mr. and Mrs. M.
Bennett went to Texas the first of the
week, with the object of making some
investments in real estate.
A trade lias been consumated where
by J. G. Murphy becomes sole owner of
the Atkinson Mills, a division having
been made last Tuesday to that effect
between him and Frank ltehberg, his
partner, Mr. Itehberg getting posses
sion of all tliu real estate formerly
owned by the Arm.
Last Monday the three-year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. F. Boettcher met witli
a serious accident while out in the hay
field. lie was playing around the
stacker and accidently got his Angers
caught in the pulley,severely crushing
them. It is thought that two of them
will have to be amputated.
Last Monday Mrs. Mose Campbell
discovered smoke coming out of the
upper story window of W. Dickerson’s
residence. Upon investigation it was
found that the children had set lire to
the bed which was nearly consumed
when discovered. A few palls of wat
er put a stop to the blaze which would
soon have gained a headway and de
stroyed his home.
Last Monday, the 23d of July, oc
curred the marriage of Hiram Stearns
and Martha Gordon, both of this coun
ty. This was intended to be a sur
prise to their friends so they went to
Butte to have the ceremony performed,
thus to throw the neighbors off the
scent, but it was of no avail; it leaked
out and Tuesday night they were
treated to an old fashioned charivari.
The groom is 64 years of age and the
bride is 46 years.
Chas. Baumann returned Monday
afternoon from his trip to the Pacific
coast. He went there with the Inten
tion of investigation, but after due
deliberation and looking around in
Washington and Oregon lie concluded
there was nothing to be made. Mr.
Baumann says he is perfectly content
ed to stay, having found no place to
compare with this part of Holt county
John Seger, who accompanied him,
stopped off in Omaha, but is expected
to arrive home tomorrow.—The
Graphic. __
But Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Itemedy Cured Him.
It is with pleasure that I give you
this unsolicited testimonial. About a
year ago when I had a severe case of
measles I got caught out in a iiard
rain and the measles settled in my
stomach and bowels. 1 had an awful
time and had it not been for the use
of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Itemedy I could not have
possibly lived but a few hours longer,
but thanks to this remedy I am now
strong and well. I have written the
above through simple gratitude and I
shall always speak a good word for this
remedy.—Sam H. Gwin, Concord, Ga.
For sale by Gilligan & Stout.
Very Low Rates to Roanoke, Va.,
Via the North-Western Line. Excur
sion tickets will be sold August II to
13, inclusive, with favorable return
limits, on account of Annual Conven
tion National Firemen’s Association.
Apply to agents Chicago & North
Western ll’y.
Galveston’s Sea Wall
makes life now as safe In that city as
on the higher uplands. E. W. Goodloe,
who resides on Dutton St., in Waco,
Tex., needs no sea wall for safety. lie
wites: “I have used Dr. King’s New
Discovery for Consumption the past
live years and it keeps me well and
safe. Before that time 1 had a cough
which for years had been growing
worse. Now it’s gone.” Cures chronic
Coughs, LaGrippe, Croup Whooping
Cough and prevents Pneumonia. Plea
sant to take. Every bottle guaranteed
at Pixley & Hanley’s drug store. Price
f»0c and $1.00. Trial bottle free.
Low Rates to Milwaukee, Wis.,
Via the North-Western Line. Excur
sion tickets will be sold August 11,12
and 13, with favorable return limits,
on account of Grand Aerie, Fraternal
Order of Eagles. Apply to agents
Chicago & North-Western R’y.
Best quality house and barn paint
for sale by Frank Campbell. 1-4
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has boon
in use for over 30 years, bas borne tlio signature of
— and lias been made under his per
sonal supervision since its infancy.
4 Allow no ono to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just-as-good” are but;
Experiments that trilio with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment.
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. Ifc
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie
substance. I ts ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tlio Food, regulates the
.Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
FTTiiiT'FWfflllill'PI|llillBBIIIIWMiaillllBllilillilffl 111! 'PI l||||i||Hli| lllnllll—
hie a 111
If your dishes are getting broken up and you need 'to
replace your table service you will find Horisky’s j
Grocery has some excellent bargains this summer. We
have figured our prices down to the lowest possible
notch and are now offering—
A 100-piece semi- flQ AH |
porcelain dinner set. tpOiUU ;
6-piece decorated toilet dJO CA
sets, reduced to.
I have a fine selection of German and Japanese china- j
ware glassware, dishes and lamps and can save you ‘
money on all these lines.
J. C. Horiskey
. .. i■ ■! mmmmmnmmm■w—i—n————
Account t he Biennial Siengerfest of the Sa;ngerbund of Jn
the Nortwest, to be held at St. Paul July 26-29. Hf
From O’NEILL lo 1
Minneapolis & St, Paul I
AND RETURN, via the V
Great Northern Railway I
Tickets on sale July 24-25-26. Very liberal return
limits. For further particulars inquire of F. E.
Willis, agent, O’Neill. f|5
Township Order Books