A Materialist on Marriage. General Young, at a wedding In ■Washington, was condemning material tots and materialism. "What, precisely. Is a materialist?’' » young girl asked. “A materialist." said General Young, "Is one who sees only the material rid« of things, one lo whom the spiritual side Is Invisible.” He looked about him at the hnppy bridal party. “Thus n materialist,” he went ort, “would call marriage merely a stats wherein you give a woman half yout victuals to have the other half cooked." Mm. Winslow* sooTarso wntr* rnr r-h'Mrsn Ssstbiny i softens tbs trims, rsdur-o* iniisinmaiioa, layspun. cures wind dm. lineant about* Stayed Away Too Long. From the New York Weekly. Stranger—"Pardon—my—my hesitat ing speech—but the fact Is, I been haf— I hRv been nvay so long I haf a’most t'-rgot by natlf language.” Philadelphian—"Ah! Been many years In Europe I suppose?” "No. I hnf living been—I haf been Jiving In Chicago.” BOY’S TERRIBLE ECZEMA. Mouth and Eyos Covered with Crusts —Hands Finned Down—Miracu lous Cure by Cuticura “When my little boy was six months old, he had eczema. The sores extend ed so quickly over the whole body that we at once called In the doctor. We then went to another doctor, but be could not help him, and In our de epalr we went to a third one. Matters became so bad that he had regular holes In his cheeks, large enough to put * huger Into. The food had to be giv es* with a spoon, for Ills mouth was covered with crusts ns thick as a lin ger, and whenever be opened the mouth they begun to bleed and sup purate, as did also his eyes. Hands, arms, chest and back, In short tho whole body, was covered over and •ever. We had no rest by day or nlgbt. Whenever he was laid In his bed, we had to pin his hands down; otherwise he would scratch Ids face, and make an open sore. I think his face must have Itched most fearfully. “We Anally thought nothing could help, and I had made up my uilnd to send my wife with the child to Eu rope, hoping that the sea air might -euro him, otherwise he was to be put under good medical care there. But, Ixnrd bo blessed, matters came differ ently, and we soon saw a miracle. A friend of ours spoke about Cuticura. We made, a trial with Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Resolvent, and within *en days or two weeks we noticed a decided Improvement. Just as quickly as the sickness had appeared It alsc began to disappear, and within ten weeks the child was absolutely well and his skin was smooth and white as -never before. F. Hohrath, President •f the C. L. Hohrath Company, Man ufacturers of Silk Ribbons, 4 to 20 Elnk Alley, South Bethlehem, Pa. . June 5, 1000.” __ 1 * ' 'Christie, Bucket-Shop King. From Everybody’s. And now we come to C. C. Christie, tho tnau who so truly said "the ‘bucket shop’ Is n thief.” Christie was formerly a legiti mate broker at Kansas City and St. -Joseph, Mo., but a predilection for crooked •work brought about his expulsion from regular exchanges, and he went to the “buckets" as natuarally as a hog goes ' to the swill-trough. He began buckot shopplng In the ‘90s, under the style of “Christie Oraln and Stock company,” ■ which still is the name of his syndicate. -John Hill, Jr., who so ably managed tho i,great crusade the Chicago board of trade tmade against bucket shops In the first •years of this century, caught Christie ateallng quotations by means of a deli cately adjusted telephone receiver con cealed behind the blackboard In a legltl .snate broker's office, and connected with -Ms own “plant” by hidden wires. This ■ quotation thievery was broken up, and in .1900 Christie began suit against the Chl ■«sigo board of trade to restrain It from 'refusing him quotations. The courts de .elded he was a bucket-shopper, and he lost Ills suit. May S, 1905, the United Jtates supreme court, in a decision al veady quoted, enjoined Christie and hts autflt from stealing Chicago board of wade quotations. Christie then established the National Board of Trade of Kansas City for use as a "quotation foundry.” FACTS GUARANTEED Neuralgia and Anaemia are Cured by Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. For nearly a generation the people ol this country have known Dr. Williams' Pink Fills, during which time proof ol thousands of enres by this remedy has been published aud confirmed and not one person has been harmed in the slight -tat degree by thoir use. The pills con tain no opiate, narcotic or stimulant, nor any drug which could injure the most delicate constitution. “For over a year, ’ ’ says Miss Charlotte Van Salisbury, of Cnstleton, N.Y., “I Buffered from neuralgia aud palpitation of the heart. My skin was paid and sal low aud I was troubled with dizziness, fainting spells and fits of indigestion. 1 was very nervous and would start at the •lightest sound. At times a great weak ness would come over me and on olio oc casion my limbs gave way under me and X fell to the sidewalk. “ Of oonrse I was treated by our local physicians and also consulted a noted doctor at Albany, but nothing they guvs me seemed to benefit me. One day 1 read in a newspaper about Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People and I imme diately gave them a trial. I soon felt much better aud my color had begun to return. I continued -using the pills and by the time I had taken eight boxes 1 was entirely cured. “ My sister, Sarah Van Salisbury, suf fered terribly from anaemia. She was pale Hud thin and we feared that she ■would become a victim of consumption. She tried Dr.Williams’ Pink Pills for Pale People aud in a short time slio bo pan to gain in strength aud weight. 8h*is now strong and well and wo both heartily reooinmcnd Dr. Williams’ Pinb Pills to all who are in ill health.” Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills are sold by nil druggists ov sent, postpaid, on receipt •of price, 50 cents per box, six boxes foi *2 50, by the Dr. Williams Medicine Co. ■Schenectady, N.Y. Descriptive pam phlets free on request. (-—^ BY A. CONAN DOYLE. Copyright. 1903, Copyrt|ht, 1905. by A, Conan Doyla and Collier's Waakly. by McClara, rkillipo 41 Co. k. .. in i .■.I.., - ..i—i m -A VIII—THE ADVENTURE OF THE Sl> NAPOLEONS.—Continued. Holmes had taken several notes dur ing Mr. Harding’s evidence, and could see that he wns thoroughly satis fied by the turn which affairs were tak ing. He made no remark, however save that, unless we hurried, we shoulc be late for our appointment with Les trade. Sure enough, when we reachec Baker street the detective was already there, and we found him pacing up am down in a fever of impatience. Hi? look of importance showed that hi? day’s work had not been in vain. "Well?" he asked. "What luck, Mr Holmes." "We have had a very busy day, anc not entirely a wasted one,” my frlenc explained. "We have seen both the re tailers and also the wholesale manu facturers. 1 can trace each of the busts now from the beginning.” "The busts!'* cried Lcstrade. “Well well, you have your own methods, Mr Sherlock Holmes, and it is not for me to say a word against them, but I think I have done a better day’s work than you. I have Identified the dead man.’1 "You don’t say so?’’ "And found a cause for the crime." "Splendid!" "We have an Inspector who makes a specialty of Saffron Hill and the Italian quarter. Well, this dead man had some Catholic emblem round his neck, and that, along With his color, made me think he was from the south. Inspector Hill knew him the moment he caught sight of him. Ills name Is Pietro Venuccl, from Naples, And he is one of the greatest cut-throats in London. He la connected with the Mafia, which, as you know, is a secret political society, enforcing its decrees by murder. Now, you see how the affair be gins to clear up. The other fellow is probably an Italian also, and a member of the Mafia. He has broken the rules in romo fashion. Pietro Is set upon hi track. Probably the photograph we found in his pocket is the man himself, bo that he may not knife the wrong por tion. He doc** the fellow, he sees him en ter a house, he v/alts outside for him, and n the scuffle he receives his own death wound. How is that, Mr. Sherlock Holmes?” Holmes clapped his hands approvingly. "Excellent, Lestrade, excellent!" he cried. "I3ut I didn't quite follow your ex planation of the destruction of the busts.” "The busts! You never can get those busts out of your head. After all, that is nothing; petty larceny, six months at the most. It is the murder that we are really Investigating, and I toll you that I am gathering all the threads into my hands.” "And the next stage?" "Is a very simple one. I shall go down with Hill to the Italian quarter, find the man whose photograph we have got. and arrest him on the charge of murder. Will . ter and rattle. The man was so Intent upon what he was doing that he never heard our'steps as we stole across the grass plot. With the bound of a tiger Holmes was on his back, and an instant later Lestrade and I had him by either wrist, and the handcuffs had been fas tened. As we turned him over I saw a hideous, sallow face, with writhing, fur ious features, glaring up at us, and I knew that it was indeed the man of the photograph whom we had secured. But it was not our prisoner to whom Holmes was giving his attention. Squatted on the doorstep, he was engaged in most careful examining that which the man had brought from the house. It was a bust of Napoleon, like the one which we had see that morning, and it had been broken into similar fragments. Carefully Holmes held each separate shard to the light but In no way did it differ from any other shattered piece of plaster. He had just completed his examination when the hall lights flew up, the door opened, and the owner of the house, a jovial, rotund figure In shirt and trousers, presented himself. “Mr. Josiah Brown, I suppose?” said Holmes. “Yes, sir; and you,* no doubt, are Mr. Sherlock Holmes? I had the note which you sent by the express messenger, and I did exactly what you told me. We locked every door on the inside and awaited de velopments. Well, 1 am very glad to see that you have got the rascal. I hope, gen tlemen, that you will come In and have some refreshment.” However, Lestrade was anxious to get his man Into saf?; quarters, so within a few minutes our cab had been summoned and we were all four upon our way to London. Not a word would our captive say, but he glared at us from the shadow jf his matted hair, and once, when my hand seemed within his reach, he snapped at it like a hungry wolf. We stayed long enough at the police station to learn that a search of his clothing revealed nothing save a few' shillings and a long sheath knife, the handle of which bore copious traces of recent blood. “That's all right,” said Lestrade, as we parted. “Hill knows all these gentry, and he will give a name to him. You’ll find that my theory of the Mafia will work out all right. But I’m sure I am exceedingly obliged to you, Mr. Holmes, for the work manlike way in which you laid hands upon him. I don’t quite understand it all yet.” “I fear it is rather too late an hour for explanations,” said Holmes. “Besides, there are one or two details which are not finished off, and it is one of those cases which are worth working out to the very end. If yo*u will come round once more to my rooms at G o’clock tomorrow, I think I shall be able to show you that even now you have not grasped the entire meaning of this business, which presents some features which make it absolutely original in the history of crime. If ever I permit you to ohronicle any more of my little problems, Watson, I foresee that you will enliven your pages by an account of the singulaf adventure of the Napoleonic *T think not. I fancy we can attain our end in a simpler way. I can’t say for certain, because It all depends—well, it all depends upon a factor which Is com pletely outsklo our control. But I have great hopes—In fact, the betting is ex actly two to one—that If you will come with us tonight 1 shall be able to help you to lay him by the heels." “In the Italian quarter?" v "No, I fancy Chiswick Is an address which Is more likely to find him. If you will come with me to Chiswick tonight, Lestrade, I'll promise to go to the Italian quarter with you tomorrow, and no harm will bo done by the delay. And now I think that a few hours' sleep would do us all good, for I do not propose to leave oeforo 11 o’clock, and It Is unlikely that wc (hall bo back before morning. You'll dine with us, Bestrode, and then you are wel come to the sofa until It is time for us to start. In the meantime, Watson, I should oe glad If you would ring for an express messenger for I have a letter to send, and it Is Important that It should go at once." Holmes spent the evening in rummaging among the files of the old dally papers with which one of our lumber rooms was packed. When at last ho descended, II was with triumph in Ills eyes, but he said nothing to either of us as to the result ol his researches. For my own pnrt, I had followed step by step the methods by which he had traced the various windings of this complex case, and, though I could uot yet perceive the goal which we would reach, I understood clearly that Holmes expected this grotesque criminal to mak< an attempt upon the two remaining busts ono of which, I remembered, was at Chis wick. No doubt the object of our journey was to catph him in the very act, and 1 could not but admire the cunning wlti which my friend had Inserted a wrony clue In the evening paper, so as to glv< the fellow the Idea that he could con i tlnuo his scheme with Impunity. I was 1 not surprised when Holmes suggested tha I I should take my revolver with me. Hi 1 had himself picked up the loaded huntlnj 1 crop, which was Ills favorite weapon. | A four-wheeler was at the door at 11 and in It we drove to a spot at the othe side of Hammersmith bridge. Here tin cabman was directed to wait. A shor walk brought us to a secluded road frlngei with pleasant houses, each standing In it own grounds. In the light of a stree lamp wo read "Laburnum Villa" upon th gate-post of one of them. The occupant had evidently retired to rest, for all wa dark, save for a fanlight over the hal door, which shed a single blurred clrcl on to the garden path. The wooden fene which separated the grounds from th 1 road threw a dense black shadow upon th Inner side, and hero It was that w crouched. "I fear that you’ll have a long wait. Holmes whispered. "We may thank ou sturs that it is not raining. 1 don’t thin we can even venture to smoke to pass th time. However, It's a two to one chanc that we get something to pay us for ou trouble." It proved, however, that our vigil wa not to be so long as Holmes had led us t fear, and it ended In a very sudden an singular fashion. In an Instant, wlthor the least sound to warn us of his comint the garden gate swung open, and a Uthi dark figure, as swift and active as a ape, rushed upon the garden path. W saw it whisk past the light thrown froi over the door and disappear against th black shadow of the house. There was long pause, during which wo held or breath, and then u very gentle creakln sound came to out ears. The window wi being opened. The noise ceased, and agal there was a long silence. The fellow' wi making his way Into the house. We sa the sudden flash of a dark lantern inslc the room. What he sought was evident! not there, for again we saw the Has through another blind, and then throug another. "Let us get to the open window. We w! nab him as he climbs out," Lestrade whl pered. But before we could move, the man lu emerged again. As he came out into tl glimmering patch of light, we saw tin he carried something white under h arm. He looked stealthily all around hit Turning Ills back upon us he laid down h burden, and the next instant there was tl 1 cvuud of u shaip tap. followed by a cla UUJHS. When we met again next evening, Les trade was furnished with much informa tion concerning our prisoner. His name, it appeared, was Beppo, second name un known. He was a well-known ne’er-do well among the Italian colony. He had once been a skillful sculptor and had earned an honest living, but he had taken to evil bourses and had twice already been in gaol—once for a petty theft, and once, as we had already heard, for stabbing a I fellow countryman. He could talk Eng lish perfectly well. His reasons for dc | stroying the busts were still unknown, and he refused to answer any questions upon the subject, but thtf police had discovered that these same busts might very well have been made by his own hands, since he was engaged in this class of work at the establishment of Gelder & Co. To all this Information, much of which we al ready knew, Holmes listened with polite attention, but I, who knew him so well, could clearly see that his thoughts were elsewhere,' and I detected a mixture of mingled uneasiness and expectation be neath that mask which he was wont to assume. At last he started In his chair, and his eyes brightened. There had been a ring at the bell. A minute later we heard steps upon the stairs, and an el derly, red-faced man with grizzled slde whiskers was ushered In. In his right hand he carried an old-fashioned carpet bag, which he placed upon the table. “Is Mr. Sherlock Holmes here?” My friend bowed and smiled. “Mr. Sandeford, of Reading, I suppose?” said he. “Yes, sir, I fear that I am a little late, but the trains were awkward. You wrote i to me about a bust that is In my posses sion.” “Exactly.” “I have your letter here. You said, ‘I desire to possess a copy of Devine’s Na poleon, and am prepared to pay you ten • pounds for the one which is in your pos > j session.’ Is that right?” : j “Certainly.” I j “I was very much surprised at your let i ter, for I could not imagine how you knew that I owned such a thing.” 5 “Of course you must have been sur 5 prised, but the explanation is very sim ? pie. Mr. Harding, of Harding Brothers, l said that they had sold you their last 3 copy, and he gave me your address." 3 “Oh, that was it, was it? Did he tell 3 you what I paid for it?” 3 “No, he did not.” 3 “Well, I am an honest man, though not a very rich one. I only £ave fifteen sHlll • ings for the bust, and I think you ought r to know that before I take ten pounds 1 from you.” 2 ”1 am sure the scruple does you honor. 2 Mr. Sandeford. But I have named that r price, so I intend to stick to it.” “Well, it is very handsome of you, Mr. s Holmes. I brought the bust up with me, j as you asked me to do. Here it is!” He j opened his bag. and at last we saw placed t upon our table a complete specimen of 1 n l iif Z\/ND (?EAIIY WA5 HOTHEfY.VfRY 1. J d e lS HELPED HII10W. THAT YOUTH 50 l' . TAME /\H0 later oh Hf f» fathe r. t- dip the j/ine,. that bust which we had already seen more than onoe in fragments. Holme* took a paper from hi* pocket and laid a ten-pound note upon the table. “You will kindly sign that paper, Mr. Samleford, in the presence of these wit nesses. It is simply to say that you trans fer every possible right that you ever had In the bust to me. 1 am a methodical man, you see, and you never Know what turn events might take afterwards. Thank you, Mr. Sandeford; here is your money, and I wish you a very good evening.” When our visitor has disappeared, Sher lock Holmes' movements were such as to rivet our attention. He began by taking a clean white cloth from a drawer and lay ing it over the table. Then he placed his newly acquired bust in the center of the cloth. Finally, he picked up his hunting crop and struck Napoleon a sharp blow on the top of the head. The figure broke into fragments, and Holmes bent eagerly over the shattered remains. Next instant, with a loud shout of triumph he held up one splinter, fn which a round, dark object was fixed like a plum in a pudding. “Gentlemen,” he cried, “let me introduce you to the famous black pearl of the Bor gias.” Lestrade and I sat silent for a moment, and then, with a spontaneous impulse, we both broke out clapping, as at the well wrought crisis of a play. A flush of color sprang to Holmes pale cheeks, and he bowed to us like the master dramatist who receives the homage of his audience. It was at such moment that for an instant he ceased to be a reasoning machine, and betrayed his human love for admiration and applause. The same singularly proud and reserved nature which turned away with disdain from popular notoriety was capable of being moved to its depths by spontaneous wonder and praise from a friend. J. gVIJ IIUIICH, S-U.IU UO, 1L la lilXJ most famous pearl now existing in the world and it has been my good fortune, by a connected chain of Inductive reason ing, to trace it from the prince of Col onna’s bedroom at the Dacre hotel, where it was lost, to the interior of this, the last of the six busts of Napoleon which were manufactured by Gelder & Co., of Stepney. You will remember, Lestrade, the sensation caused by the disappearance of this valuable jewel, and the vain ef forts of the London police to recover it. I was myself consulted upon the case, but I was unable to throw any light upon It. Suspicion fell upon the maid of the prin cess, who was an Italian, and it was proved that she had a brother in London, but we failed to trace any connection be tween them. The maid’s name was Lu cretia Venuocl, and there is no doubt in my mind that (his Pietro who was murd ered two nights ago was the brother. I have beer* looking up the dates in the old files of the paper, and I find that the dis appearance of the pearl was exactly two days before the arrest of Beppo, for some crime of violence—an event which took place In the factory of Gelder & Co., at the very moment when these Lusts were being made. Now you clearly see the se quence of events, though you see them, of course, In the Inverse order to the way in which they presented themselves to me. Beppo had the pearl in his possession. He may have stolen it from Pietre, he may have been Pietro’s confederate, he may have been the go-between of Pierto and his sister. It is of no consequence to us which is the correct solution. “The m*in fact Is that he had the pearl, and at that moment, when it was on his person, he was pursued by the police. He made for the factory in which he worked, and he knew that he had only a few min utes in which to conceal this enormously valuable prize, which would otherwise be found on him when*he was searched. Six plaster casts of Napoleon were drying the passage. One of them was still soft, in an instant Beppo, a skillful workman, made a small hole in the west plaster, dropped In the pearl, and with a few touches covered over the aperture once more. It was an admirable hiding place. No one could possibly find it. But Beppo was condemned to a year's imprisonment, and in the meanwhile his six busts were scattered over London. He could not tell which contained his treas ure. Only by breaking them could he see. Even shaking would tell him nothing, for as the plaster was wet It was probable that the pearl wrould adhere to it—as, In fact, it has done. Beppo did not despair, and he conducted his search with consid erable ingenuity and perseverance. Through a cousin who works with Gelder, he found out the retail firms who had bought the busts. He managed to find em ployment with Morse Hudson, and In that way tracked down t4iree of them. The pearl was not there. Then, with the help of some Italian employe, he suoceeded in finding out where the other three busts had gone. The first was at Harker’s. There he w-as dogged by his confederate, who held Beppo responsible for the loss of the pearl and he stabbed him In the scuffle whi«hi followed.” ‘‘If he was his confederate, why should he carry his photograph?" I asked. "As a means of tracing him, If he wished to Inquire about him from any third per son. That was the obvious reason. Well, after the murder I calculated that Beppo would probably hurry rather than delay his movements. He would fear that the police would read his secret, and so ho hastened on before they should get ahead of him. Of course, I could not say that he had not found the pearl In Harker’s bust. I had not even concluded for cer tain that it was the pearl, but It was evi dent to me that he was loklng for some thing, since he carried the bust past the other houses In order to break it In the garden which had a lamp overlook it. Since Harker's bust was one in three, the chances were exactly as I told you—two to one against the pearl being Inside it. There remained two busts, and it was ob vious that he would go for the London one first. I warned the Inmates of the house, so as to avoid a second tragedy, arid we went down with the happiest re sults. By that time, of course, I knew for certain that it was the Borgia pearl that we were after. The name of the murdered man linked the one event with the other—there only remained a single bust—the Reading one—and the pearl must be there. I bought It in your presence from the owner—and there it lies.” We sat in silence for a moment. "Well," said Lestrade. "I’ve seen you handle a good many cases, Mr. Holmes, but I don’t know that I ever knew a more workmanlike one than that. We’re not Jealous of you at Scotland Yard. No, sir, we are very proud of you, and If you come