®l3i5ISI3I51SISIBI3ISI3@ElQ>iMS!31SlSI3]513IMS@ 1 RURAL WRITINGS I (.Items from the country are solicited for this department. Mail or send them in as early in the week as possible; items received later than Wednesday can not b e used at all and It is preferred that they be in not later than Tuesday. Always send your name with items, that we may know who they are from. Nameof sender not forpublloation. See that your writing is legible, especially names aud places, leaving plenty of space between the lines for correction. Be careful that what you toll about actually occurred.1 Phoenix Pick-Ups Bert Parshsll and wife spent Sunday forenoon at Ray Coburns. Pearl West visited at Mr. Keelers from Friday over Sunday. Mrs. McKathnie and Grace Hitch cock called at Mr. Bells last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Finke were visitors at Mr. Lamphiers Sunday. Otto Nilson took supper at Mrs. Flora Coburn’s Saturday evening. Nye Berry was up from Paddock Saturday, returning Sunday. S. W. Anderson and wife were call ers at Hugh O’Neill’s at Anncarr Sat urday afternoon. Sam Abdnor went to O’Neill Thurs day and from there started for his place in Lyman, S. D. Mrs. Parshall left for Loup City last week, taking her son Floyd with her for medical treatment. The dance last Friday evening in Mr. Golder’s new house was a success, all having a fine time. Charley Christensen and sister Mrs. Jeppeson are down from Carlack at present. Margie Elliott will leave for her home near Belle Fourche, S. D., this week, having spent the winter here with her Aunt Mrs. Keeler and family. She will be greatly missed here. The singing school entertainment at the hall Saturday evening was well attended and enjoyed by all. The class do very well for having taken on ly a few lessons. It reflects great cre dit to their teacher, Mr. Fuller. The following spent a pleasant after noon at Mr. Keelers Sunday, Mrs. Anderson, Ted and Verne, Ray Ald ridge, Pearl West, George Golder, Jake McKathnie, Ralph and Jessie Coburn and Henry Stansberry. The ones from a distant that attend ed the entertainment here Saturday evening were as follows: Will Spind ler, Will Katzor, Anna, Minnie, Clara, Laura, Herman and Joe Stein all of Meek, Frank Reiser of Badger. Too late for last week. Are you going to the show May 26th? Mrs. Wearne has been laid up the past week with neuralgia. Verne Anderson took supper at Mrs. Coburn’s Monday evening. Verne Anderson was a caller at Mrs. McMains Monday. Mrs. F. Damero and Edith were Atkinson visitors Monday last. S. W. Anderson and Verne went to Boyd county and back Sunday. Merta Manchester was a Sunday evening visitor at Mrs. Damero. Henry Stansberry called at Frank Damero’s Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Becker and children were visit ors at Mrs. Golders Sunday. Mrs. John Hunt of Anncarr visited at Mrs. Coburns one day last week. Grace Hitchcock has been visiting her grand parents for over a week. Mabel Keeler was a caller at Mrs, Knfboroughs Friday morning. Mrs. Ray Coburn and children visit ed at Geo. Kirklands in Atkinson about a week ago. Henry Bartels left for the west, the fore part of last week. He will be missed in our neighborhood. Mr. Finke accompanied by his wife, mother and father were pleasant cal lers at Mrs. Dameros Sunday after noon. Tor Vour Protection we place this label on every package of .Scott’s Emulsion. The man with a fish on his back Is our trade-mark, and It is a guarantee that Scott’s Emul sion will do all that is claimed for it. Nothing better for lung, throat or bronchial troubles in infant or adult. Scott’s Emul sion is one of the greatest flesh builders known to the medical world. We’ll seat! you a sample free. SCOTT & BOWME, 40#£«erios,t*reet Trust Doctors If you are suffering from impure blood, thin blood, de bility, nervousness, exhaus tion, you should begin at once with Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, the Sarsaparilla you have known all your life. Your doctor knows it,too. Askhimaboutit. Ton must look well after the condition of your liver and bowels. Uuless there Is daily action of the bowels, poisonous products are absorbed, causing headache, biliousness, nau sea, dyspepsia, and thus preventing the Sar saparilla from doing its best work. Ayer’s Fills are liver pills. Act gently, all vegetable. The dose is only one pill at bedtime. A Made by J. C. Ayer Co., Ijowoll, Mass. /I Also manufacturers of jA-1 y hair vigor. / H 7//,7*C AGUE CORE. -*■*, W- # O CHERRY PECTORAL. I wwr1 m ■ , i '■* The surprise dance on Bub Keeler last Friday night, given by his moth er was a success in every way. All who attnded went home with the feeling that they would like to go again. Ray Items. A good rain would be appreciated right now. Hazel Twyford spent several days with her grandparents this week. Farmers are nearly through planting corn, grain looks its best. Mrs. Anna Harding has had real good luck with her new incubator. The boys had a real good ball game the first of the week. Mrs. Lizzie Johnson visited Mr. and Mrs. Dodge Friday this week. Several parties were fishing on Eagle creek Sunday, but had no luck. An agent for McCommon’s extract and drugs from O’Neill, passed through this neighborhood this week. Mrs. Effle Twyford and Hazel and Louis, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. Twyford Tuesday afternoon. A few of the young folks from here attended the Fuller Entertainment Saturday evening. CHAMBERS Cap. McGowen is the first to put in a concrete sidewalk. Let the good work go on. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Fouts moved to O’Neill Tuesday where they will re side in the future. Lester Harding feft for Sioux City Monday to arrange for moving his family to Harold. A Ranson, wife and daughter, of Neola, la., are visiting at the Howard and Eastwood homes. Mrs. L. C. Barney and daughter, Effle, left Sunday on a business trip to Sioux City and points in Dakota. E. W. Wilcox, of Sioux City, was in town yesterday bringing some pros pective land buyers. Miss Grace Alderson came home from Page Friday, having completed her school at that place. Katie and Fannie Clauson arrived in Chambers Monday from Los An geles, Cal., where they have been spending some months. Malt Sageser, Carl and John Thomp son, all of Newport were visiting Frank, John and Dode Sageser the first of the week.—The Bugle. EWING J. M. Freeman has purchased the property formerly owned by Mrs. M. L. Swain and sold to Ilarve Groves last winter. Fred Primus came down Wednesday morning from Hulet, Wyoming, where he has tiled on a claim and expects to, move his family up there in a short time. Mrs. George E. Butler ran a nail in her foot last week and is having quite a serious time. She came to town and had to have her foot lanced twice Monday night. A. L. Blanchard moved from Plain view to Ewing, arriving Wednesday. He and his family will occupy the E. S. Gilmour house, having rented it for an indefinite time. A telephone message Tuesday night from Neligh informed G. L. Butler that his son Bert was dangerously ill. Mr. Butler went down on the early passenger and Mrs. Butler on the 10 o’clock passenger. They expect to bring him home as soon as he is able to be moved.—The Advocate. ATKINSON Mrs. N. J. Tuller and daughter, Mrs. George Collins, were visiting friends in O’Neill Saturday. Howard Miller of Battle Creek, came up last Friday and spent a couple days trout fishing on the Eagle. Mrs. A. Kelley left Sunday, on the belated train, to join her husband who is now stationed at Wisner. Mrs. It. R. Dickson of O’Neill came up Saturday and visited with Atkin son friends till Sunday afternoon. Jacob Hahn and family went to Stuart Sunday to attend the funeral of his brother, George, who died last Friday. Mr. Hahn was well and fav orable known in this vicinity. Chas. Steinbronn, who went to look at some of South Dakota lands for the purpose of making an investment, re turned to Atkinson on Monday with out making any purchase. He seems to be of the opinion that Holt county is good enough for Jiim. County Clerk W. P. SimarspentSun | day in Atkinson and was not recog nized by some of his best friends on ac count of his improved appearance, caused, as some of the old maids were heard to say, “by the discarding of that fierce drooping mustache,” that he formerly wore. Hon. R. R. Dickson of O’Neill was In Atkinson last Saturday as counsel for the defendant in the case of J. P. McNichols vs. August Moeller for the possession of the building now occupied by Moeller. The jury failed to agree. The case was tried in Jus tice Haven’s court. W. E. Scott ap peared for the plaintiff.—The Graphic. STUART Dr. Reichard and Ward Bryton ship ped three registered Herefords to Johnstown, Neb., last week. Miss Blanchard, the capable 8th grade teacher who has taught at Stuart the past year, has accepted the principalship of the Inman school. A prairie fire got beyond control Fri day, starting about fifteen miles north of Stuart. W. E. Prescott lost his house and all the out buildings. Mrs. J. W. Wertz was called to Evanston, Ills., some days ago by an imperative telegram. On reaching Illinois, she found her mother had died suddenly of apoplexy while sitting in her pew at church. Dr Burkard of Omaha is in Stuart, the guest of Father Breitkopf. He will take charge of Dr. Colburn’s pa tients for a few days, while Dr. and Mrs. Colburn take a short vacation visiting relatives in Waterloo, Iowa. The Stuart high school alumni as sociation held its annual business meeting Monday evening at the home of Miss Echo Bhank. Arrangements were made for the reception and ban quet to be given in honor of the grad uates of 1906. Miss Bertha Wise is home from San Francisco, alive and well, but suffer ing from nervousness caused by the terrible fright of the earthquake. She says; “I’ll take Nebraska with its cyclones in preference to California with its earthquakes. As long as you have the earth to stand on, you are al right. But when the earth opens to swallow you, there is no place to go.” —The Ledger. The Markets South Omaha, May 23.—Special market letter from Nye & Buchanan —This week opens with very liberal runs of cattle again. Chicago had 31, 000 Monday and South Omaha 7,000 Tuesday. Receipts are delayed some by wash-outs, but the market has eased off from a shade lower on best 10 to 25 lower on the commoner kinds. The handy fat medium weights are in best demand. Butcher stock, Stockers and feeders are all some lower. We quote— Choice steers.$5 10@5 60 Fair to good. 4 60@5 00 Common & warmed up. 4 20(a)4 60 Cous and heifers. 3 00(a>4 50 Canners & cutters. 1 752 90 Good feeders. 4 00(