The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 12, 1906, Image 1

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H Copyright 1905 by Hart Schaffner Marx
Are you acquainted
with P. J. McManus?
If not, that’8 a mis
take. For fifteen years
lie has been selling the
clothing illustrated in
the accompanying pic
ture. It makes the
young man delighted
with his appearance
when dressed in one of
these suits and the old
man young again. Both
young and old are of
the same opinion that
there is no better cloth
ing made.
Stock is complete now
for Easter suits in
men’s, youth’s, boys’
and children’s sizes. j
Hot weather
I have a large stock
of hot weather waists,
all up-to-date in style,
. Persian lawns, India
lawns, China silks,
peaudesole and percale.
This is one of the
lines of merchandise
that requires the at
tention of all, as the
quality is very essential
—there is none better
than Cooper-Wells Iron
The better you know the facts the more you appreciate them. Roswelle
hats have taken that place in the world that every man appreciates their
value, correct in style, and the best value that can be produced. I have |
a large stock to select from. iii
— 1 I I
We’ve made special provi
sion for you, with the finest
assortment of plain and fancy
shirts you ever had a chance
to take your pick from.
They’re Cluett and Monarch
shirts—none better made; the
Cluett full dress shirt will
suit you. There’s money to
be saved in buying them.
If you were asked what is the first thing to consider t*
when fixing up your attire it would certainly be your shoes I
—the shoe are the foundation to a stylish dressed man. jjj
The "Vogue” fills all the requirements of style and &
durability. JK
The Opening of The Shoshone Reser
The land of profitable opportunity
still lies open to the homesteader.
The Western frontier is rapidly dis
appearing, but the homesteader and
settler still finds an occasional oppor
tunity to pick up a quarter section of
Government land. One of the last
chances of this kind will be given by
Uncle Sam when the Wind River or
Shoshone Indian Reservation lands are
thrown open to the homesteaders
some time this summer.
This tract of something over a mil
lion acres is situated in central
Wyoming, just east of the Jackson
Hole country and the Yellowstone
Park forest reserve.
In the mountains, elk, bear, deer
and other wild game have been most
abundant. It has been without rail
road facilities in the past, but The
Wyoming & North-Western Railway
is now rapidly laying rails across
Wyoming from Casper, the present
terminus of the North-Western Line,
to Shoshoni, the new town which has
sprung up since the reservation open
ing has been announced and to Land
er in the Lander Valley, one of the
richest spots in Wyoming, where
numerous small irrigated farms pro
duce forty to forty-five bushels of
Permit us to direct your attention to the fact tl\at we have pur
chased the P. C. Corrigan Drug Store, and will carry a full
and complete stock of pure drugs and sundries. Special care and
attention will be given our Prescription Department, and by
courteous treatment and prompt service hope to merit a share of
your patronage. Eespectfully,
Pixley (Sl Hanley.
wheat, two hundred bushels of pota
toes, and sixty bushels oats to ttie
This new line of railway opens up
millions of acres of sheep and cattle
range, where the rich buffalo grass and
gramma grass make the best pasturage
on earth, curing like grain, so that
stock will fatten on it in the fall.
The new line passes through Wol
ton, one of the biggest original wool
shipping points in the world, and will
be completed to Shoshoni within the
next sixty days or less.
Shoshoni is two and one-half miles
from the reservation border, and here
and at Lander the government will
probably establish land offices for re
gistration when the Indian land* are
thrown open.
The reservation has been inhabited
by a docile, law-abiding people, who
are engaged in farming in a small
way. The most of them have taken
up land by allotment, preparatory to
abandoning the reservation, and the
government is encouraging the leasing
of these Indian farms, which are very
choice lands, to white farmers.
The State of Wyoming controls the
waters of Wind River and Little
Wind River, and the State engineers
are making surveys and preparing for
(Continued on last page.)
A Svinrvy
Sunday is
ovir best
wish for all
We have endeavored to have a new stock of goods on hand that will enable even the
most fastidious of the ladies to pick out a new dress, fancy collar, new belt, pair of gloves,
and in fact a full new outfit for Easter Sunday.
For the men, we have a full line of new shirts, ties, collars, hats, gloves, shoes, etc.
Among the good things to eat, we will have on Easter Saturday