IUneeda Biscuit the soda cracker that contains in the most properly balanced proportions a greater amount of nutriment than any food made from flour. llneeda Biscuit | NATIONAL BISCUIT*COMPANY |MMaMaaMaMHlaBMBnaaaaiMaaBaBMB IBEI3IM3ISISI3!SIEIBI@EISI3E®HJSiS RURAL WRITINGS Siai3Ti3l3!5ISJa!ISISISIBISEIBISISIilSISI [Items from the country are solicited for this department. Mall or send them In as early In the week as possible; Items received later than Wednesday can not b e used at all and It Is preferred that they be In not later than Tuesday. Always Bend your name with Items, that we may know who they are from Name of sender notforpubllo*tton. See that your writing Is legible, especially names and places, leaving plenty of space between the lines for correction. Be careful that what you tell about actually occurred.1 Phoenix Pick-Ups Too late for last week. Arielgh Moore was at Phoinlx over Sunday. Gorge Golder had business at Naper last week. Lida Wearne visited friends and relatives in town last week. Ben Kinney and family, and Henry Bartels are now located at Phoenix. Nelson Ames was an Atkinson visitor the latter part of the week. March certainly came in like a lion and continues to stay that way. Frank Reiser of Badger spent last week, at the home of John Damero. L. G. Coburn went to Atkinson Fri day, returning the next day. Mr. Flnke moved on to his place here which was recently vacated by Bert Parshall. Jas. Garin and family visited their daughter, Mrs. Haynes and husband, a day last week. Rev. Kirkland and family moved to their home near town, a week or so ago. Ed Pruss and another from Emmet, were In this vicinity Wednesday, buying cattle. Otto Nllson went to Boyd county, Wednesday, returning the next day with a load ol goods for Ben Kinney. Mr. McMain and family are now located on the Stephenson place, which they have rented for the com ing year. We understand that a party from Iowa, has recently purchased land here Including the places formally owned by Ames and Stansberry. School closed here last week and Daisy Nearhood, who has been teach ing for the past three months, return ed to her home In Atkinson. Howard Greeley was at home the first of the week. Henry Stansberry called at Mr. Lamphler’s Wednesday. Peter Greeley and Ben Kinney were Atkinson visitors last week. Merta Manchester was a visitor at John Damero’s Sunday last. School began In the Christenson district last Monday with Minnie Storjohann as teacher. Mrs. Kirkland and Harold visited at the Lamphier’s home a day last week, as did also Bert Parshall and wife. Ethel Anderson returned home last week from a two week’s visit at Mr. j; Keeler’s. Otto Nllson returned home from 1 O’Neill Sunday, but went back Tue» | day. George Syfie and Edith Damero, L. G. Coburn and family, Ray Coburn and children and Maggie Garin visit ed at Mrs. Coburn’s Saturday. 1 Friend Keeler and Margie Elliott, George Golder and Isabel McKathnie, also Roy and Clyde Nilson were Sun day visitors at Mrs. F. Coburn’s. Work is being done on our phone line nearly every day. Those of us who are on the line are entertained evenings with music of all kinds. Our mail carrier C. E. Howe has been laid up for a week or two and a gentleman from O’Neill by the name of Mr. Waldron has been carrying mail. Henry Stansberry and Jessie Coburn ■ went to O’Neill Monday, to meet Mrs. F. Coburn, who came up from Laurel that evening on the 9:30 train. She reports a very pleasant month’s visit. Ben Kinney and wife went to O'Neill Sunday, to attend the funeral of Mr. Kinney’s father, which was held from the Presbyterian church there the fol lowing day. Mr. Kinney was hurt by a haystacker about two years ago and had never fully recovered. Ray Iten| I R r^l ; [T. 'f gftjjjjN’ Jfe Trade Marks rNBHH' Designs 'rym Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketch and description may ; quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an ' invention Is probably patentable. Communlca- : : tlons strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents ; sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Muun A Co. receive ; 1pedal notice, without charge, in the I Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir- ; culation of any scientific journal. Terms, $3 a year: four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers. : MUNN & Co.36,B"","**> New York» 4 Brancb Office. 625 F St- Washington, D. ©. t V 'V V V V V V w T’T1 V 'V ▼ V"T v v v fvrvrv DATCIITQ tra^Sks \ TA I CN I O^OT"! ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY PflFF ’ Notice in “ Inventive Age ” tm |jr« j§B In -i • Book “How to obtain Patents” | IImimi 1 ’ Charges moderate. No fee till patent is secured, j Letters strictly confidential. Address. 1 ^E. C. SIGGERS, Patent Lawyer. Washington, D.C. J The 0 NEILL BOTTLING WORKS R. J.'MARSH, Proprietor Bottlers of Carbonated Beverages CIDER MANUFACTURERS A. 9. Htomoni Abstract Title Abstractors Office in First National Bank Bldg. J. C. HORISKEY Staple and Fancy Groceries Flour, Salt, Country Produce JOHN HORISKEY Drayman our property handled without smashing it and delivered when and where you want It. DR- J- P- GILLIGAN Physician and Surgeon Calls may be left at Gllllgan & 8toutdruK store or at residence 1 block north and ii east of stand pipe Phones: Office 41, res. 10 DR. P. J. FLYNN Physician and Surgeon Night Calls will be Promptly Attended Office: First door to right over Corrigan’s Telephone Nos.: Office, 68; Residence, 96 R. R. DICKSON Lawyer & RCFCRCNCEl FIRST NATIONAL BANK, O’NEILL E. H. BENEDICT LAW A REAL ESTATE Office first floor south of U. S. Land Office REAL ESTATE I have good farms for sale at reason able prices and on good terms. Parties buying will be conveyed to and from land free of cost. May And me 4 blks. west First Nat’l Bank. Address is O’Neill, Neb. 20-3m B. A. JOHRING M. J. ABBOTT Attorney - at - Law JV PAQE, NEBRASKA IP Spoe'al attention given to collections and probate business. D. W. CAMERON Practical Cement Worker Manufactures Cement Walks, builds Foundations, Caves, etc. In fact all cement work neatly and promptly done. Address, Atkinson or O’Neill V. ALBERTS Mro* A O CALC ft IN Harne?? & Saddlery Good? Also Agent for Bliss Native Herbs, 200 days treatment for II and money refunded If not benefltted. Also Wbeeler & Wilson Ball Bearing Sewing Maob. _*gs£^Dr- A. H. 16th to 30th every month Dr. E. T. Wilson PHYSICIAN and SURGEON (Late of the U. S. Army) Successsor to Dr. Trueblood. Surgery and Diseases of women. SPECIATLIES: EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Spectacle! correctly fitted and Supplied. O'NEILL, NEB. * ' .■ — Lyman Waterman NOTARY PUBLIC Mortgages, Deeds, and Contracts Carefully Drawn •—'• -. --=» SHORTHORN BULLS AND HEIFERS SCOTCH tops on best BATES fami lies, 35 BULLS 14 to 26 mo. old. 20 HEIFERS and 10 COWS bred to our tine Scotch bull MISSIES FRINGE 75402. Over 200 head in heard to seiect from. These are the cattle for western men,as they are acclimated. Come and see them or write for prices. THE BROOK FARM CO., J. R. Thomas, foreman O'Neill. Holt Co..Net ScoHish sharoi).... Or GREYTOWER 153330, Assisted by Imported ICINU TOM 171879. Both prize-winning bulls of the Pan-American, heads the Ak-Sar Ben home herd of Shorthorns. Young bulls for sale. J. M. ALDERSON & SONS, Chambers, ... Nebraska t ' i ^ ONLY ^ 2 Double Track £ ’ ^ RAILROAD W* ^ Between Missouri River end f' j| Chicago ^ 5 Direct line to St. Paul ^ v and Minneapolis. ^ gb Direct line to the Black ^ ^ Hills, South Dakota. ^ v Only line to Bonesteel, V M S. D., the Rosebud Indian «• Reservation. ^p '. Through sleeping car T 0 service to Omaha, making ^ ^ direct connections at Om 6 aha Union Station for v ^ Chicago and all points east. ^ ^ No delays, no change of W £ cars, Northwestern all the ^ V Apply to nearest agent for ^P rates, maps and time cards, or \ Jk write to— ^p J JOHN A. KUHN, ^ sr A, U. F. and P. A., Omaha THE Has 100,000 Strawberry & Raspberry Plants The largest and most complete stock of all kindsof fruit trees that we have ever had to offer; Crimson Rambler roses and oranmental flowering shrubs of all hardiest kinds; elms, ash, box elder, maple and basswood, 8 to 12 feet tall. Small forest tree seedlings of all kinds for planting groves. We have two varities of raspberries —one red and one black—that are very hardy and prolific and are annual bearers They have bourne a good crop of berries every year for the last 15 years. Order 100 or 200 of these plants and you will have plants that will bear fruit, $5 per 100delivered at your town. Order at once and pay when you get stock at depot. Call at Nursery and select your trees or send in your order by mail and have it booked for next April delivery. Ad dress, E. D. HAMMOND, Norfolk, Nebraska. Chicago £ Northwestern Railway TRAINS EAST tPassenger, No. 4, 3:00 a. m. •Passenger, No. 6, 9:40 a. m. •Freight, No. 116, 3:35 p. m. tFreight, No. 64, 12:01 p. m TRAINS WEST tPassenger, No. 5, 3:35 p. m. •Passenger, No.ll, 10:25 p. m •Freight, No 119, 5:32 p. m. tFreight, No. 63, 3:35 p. m. The service is greatly improved by the addition of the new passenger trains Nos. 4 and 5; No. 4 arrives in Omaha at 10:35 a. m., arrives at Sioux City at 9:15 a. m. No. 5 leaves Omaha at 7:15 a. m., leaves Sioux City at 7:50 a. m. •Daily; tDaily, except Sunday. E. R. Adams, Agent HOTEL EVANS ONLY FIRST-CLASS HOTEL IN THE CITY FREE BUS SERVICE W. T. EVANS, Prop. (Wiimar & Sioux Falls Ry.) Going East. LEAVE O’NEILL ARRIVE SIOUX C’V 7:00 a. m. 104 Passenger H:ftO a. in. 0:30 p.m. 324 Mixed 0:20 a.m. Going West. LEAVE 8IODX C’V ARRIVE O’NEILL 5:00 p.m. 163 Passenger 9:60 p. m. 4:00 a.m. 323 Mixed 3:50 p.m. Close connections at Sioux City for all points. For rates and further Information call on or address— F. E. Willis, Agent THE 0’BEILL ABSTRACT * 00. Compiles Abstracts of Title THE ONLY COMPLETE SET OF AB STRACT BOOKS IN HOLT COUNTY