SUPERVISOR SESSIONS Official : Publication : of : Proceeding O’Neill, Neb., March 8,1900.—Boar met at 9 o’clock a in., all membei present. The following claims were allowec on general fund of 1905: II E Hall. Maude Lurnsueu. ***'JV A S Kates. nf (J) Peter Anderson. ;*? JJ* U K SI ay maker .. .. **5 JJ C K Hall.*10.75 and 3 75 Holt County Telephone Co. »4 Vo L C Chapman.'. ,25 'JJ it E Slaymaker. Mb w .1 M Morgan. & JJ P E Kryger. 2 00 K E Slay maker . 10« uu llurkley Printing Co. 35* 20 Ewing & Deloit Telephone Co. 1J 00 8 E Hammond. .. ij \VV Houck. 100 00 Rosa Hudspeth. Fred Mlinar. 4 H J Gushee . 1* 9 Fred Brucker.. **■ Ts Baker. 60 0 Wm Beck. 26 1J A J Davis. 6 O' Golden & Hodgkin. •.. 64 i. Komalne Saunders.*3 50 and 2 ot 11T True blood. “ J M Morgan. 3 llurkley Printing Co. 2“' ' 51 M Lumsden. Phoebe Mulleu. 1J9 0t J.M Morgan. I960 D w Cameron. ”0} M A Slattery. » ®6 O O Snyder. ,1, Triggs & .. * 9. Burkley Printing Co. 20t> u> E H Whelan. ]» JJ D H Cronin. JJ Fred Alberts. £ Mabel Martin. 40 00 Galena Lumber Co. 285 no Rudolph Mitchell. 5 80 Clyde Derby. 2 00 \V B ' ooper. >00 01 Caspary & Simons. 150 7o Charles Bigler. 28 41 Ed Harris. 15 00 A F Mullen . » 9( Hammond & Stephens. 6 0 A F Million. 7 7 Charles Pruss. 1 * Maurice Malloy. l 9U L JC Skidmore. 60 W HO Lindsey. 83 45 .1 P McManus. 17 85 Galena.Dumber Co. 19° 85 E Kline-. 2 00 Jennie Krziza . i 80 WJ Doherty. b 00 Marv Krziza. 4 10 PJ Flynn . 16 00 KSPoud. 2 00 J F Gallagher. 2 00 .1 P Glllighan. 8 00 WBEarl. * 60 Frank Dlugosli. n 9U W B Cooper. 24 30 John Kane. 2 10 FD Smith. JJ? 6® Burkley Printing Co. HI JJJ State Journal Co. . •> JJJ Henry Martfeld. ® 2J Phoebe Mullen. JJJ JJJJ GO Snyder A Co. JJ 4? K 1, Tunender. Je o« WV Houck. 150 i.awrence Barrett. JJJ Michael Huli. . 6; 9JJ Lawrence Barrett. J Jj! J H Logeman. 00 F. J Hershiser.... . 36 96 J H Wilkerson A Son. *? “0 Townsend Bridge Co . 5394 2.) Edwards & Bradford Lumber Co.J036 80 George M Farr. "j® -8 no Snyder A Co . 2033 01 Galena Lumber Co. 1664 14 Walrath A Sherwood Lumber Co. 824 05 Wm Krotter A Co— . 20 73 Neb. L’br & Live Stock Co. 089 41 Lawrence Barrett. 27 On JE Wright. 150 Adams Lumber Co. 43 48 J R Thomas. 5 00 J H Otter. # 09 Coffey A Dailey. 24 50 At.kinsen Hardware Co. 13 85 W J Reisinger. 1 05 H Renting. 45 50 H R Sprague. 5 00 S W Ltghtner. 79 82 John V Bond. 4 8) M Gonderlnger. 18 60 Geo H Moore. 10 00 Brook Hardware Go. 32 75 1 F A Taylor. 3 75 JohnD Kelly. 10 00 Board adjourned until 1 o’clock p. m. Board met at one o’clock p. m. All members present. Petition of John M. Alderson to strike from the tax list, the personal tax assessed against Alderson and Grimes in O’Neill in 1905, for the rea son that said property was assessed in Chambers and tax paid by Alderson and Grimes, was granted. Petition of G. P. French for a re fund of $3 paid as for 1905 was granted, he having paid same in cash and labor. On motion Daniel Grady was grant ed a refund of $0 paid as poll tax for 1892 and 1894, he having paid same in cash and labor. Petition of E. B. Treat for a refund of $7.52 paid twice on out lot D in Stuart for 1897 was granted. The following official bonds were ap proved: Henry G. Schmidt, constable, Ewing township. R. P. Woeppei, jus tice of peace, McClure. W. H. Steans, road overseer, district No. 46. Petition of Thomas H. Hicks for re fund of $22.35 erroneous interest paid on NW* NEi N* NWJ and SEi NW* 11-32-15 for the years 1898 to 1904 in clusive was granted, for the reason Pale, Thin, Nervous ? — Then your blood must be in g a very bad condition. You certainly know what to take, then take it —Ayer’s Sarsa parilla. If you doubt, then consult your doctor. Weknow what he will say about this | grand old family medicine. Sold for over 60 years. | This is the first question your doctor would ask: “Are your bowels regular?” He knows that daily action of the bowels is absolutely essential to recovery. Keen your liver active and your bowels regular by taking laxative doses of Ayer’s Pills. A Made by J. O. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass. /a Also manufacturers of /LA y HAIR VIGOR. / 8 AGUE CURE. A JSULf VI O CHERRY PECTORAL, g HE above picture of the man and fish is the trade mark of Scott’s Emulsion, and is the synonym for strength and purity. It is sold in almost all the civilized coun tries of the globe. If the cod fish became extinct .t would be a world-wide calam ity, because the oil that comes from its liver surpasses all other fats in nourishing and life-giving properties. Thirty years ago the proprietors of Scott’s Emul sion found a way of preparing cod liver oil so that everyone can take it and get the full value of the oil without the objectionable taste. Scott’s Emulsion is the best thing in the world for weak, backward children, thin, delicate people, and all conditions of wasting and lost strength. Send for free sample. SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists 409*415 PBABL 8TBEET, NEW YOBK 50c. and $1.00. All druggists. that this land was not placed on the tax list for said years until May 1904 and interest should have been charged only from the time it was put on the tax list until date of sale. On motion the depository bond of Atkinson National bank was approved. The county clerk was directed to advertise for bids for construction of a storage vault for the county treas urer’s office, as pr plans now on file in clerk’s office. Board went into committee of settle ment with county treasurer at three o’clock p. m, March 9,1906, 9 a. m.—Board con tinued settlement with county treas urer with Conrad Kramer as chairman. The following motion was made: Mr. Chairman, I move that the bond of C. O. Tenborg be approved and that the clerk issue to him a license as petition ed for payment to the county treasur er of $500. Bod ell Root Conrad Kramer. The above motion carried. Board adjourned till one o’clock p.m. Board met at one o’clock p m. and continued settlement with county treasurer. March 10,1906—Board met at nine o’clock a. m. and continued settle ment with county treasurer; 5 o’clock p. m. board adjourned until March 12,1906. March 12,1906—Board met at nine o’clock a. m. with Kramer as chair man and continued settlement till 5 o’clock p. m. Board adjourned until 9 o’clock a. m. March 13,1906. March 13, 9 o’clock a. m.—Board met and continued settlement until 5 o’clock p. m. Board adjourned until 9 o’clock, March 14,1906,9 o’clock a.m. Board met and continued settlement until noon. One o’clock p. m., board met, all members present. The following motion was carried, Mr. Chairman I move that the sum of $32.26, be transferred from the school fund of district 33 to school fund of dis trict 147 and that a refund of $12.10 be given toD.S.O’Brien&Co.,out of school district fund of district No. 147, also that a refund of $3 be given to D. S. O’Brien & Co. out of the road fund of district No. 46 for poll tax erroneously assessed. Bodell Root Conrad Kramer. The following was read: I hereby agree to pay all taxes now due on the Wi SEi-1-28-15 upon the dismissal of the case now pending for the foreclos ure of taxes on above described land. M. Keefe By M. H. McCarthy. The above was granted. The petition of E. L. Burnham pray ing county to redeem SWJ SWi-2-32 15, SEi SWi and Si SEi 3-32-15, SEi SEi SWi SEi and SWi NEi 4-32-15, from an erroneous tax sale was granted. The bond of Ewing State bank was approved as a county depository. The following report was read: » Your committee on settlement with county otticers report on settlement with John A. Ilarmon as follows: Fee* earned for first lmlf of 1905.II 191 35 l ees earned second half of 11X15. 1419 9# Salary for Iasi half as required by law ax) IX) Total....-.12814 31 Or. Clerk salary for 1905.HUM 00 Cr. Deputy salary for 1905. TOO ifl Cr. Extra help for I9n5. 88 30 Cr. Typewriter for 1905 . 8 1X1 Cr. Expense for 1905. 2 00 Cr. Postage for 1906 . 2ft 40 Cr. Excess fees for 1905 . 394 61 Total. .12814 31 ! We further find due John A. Ilar ; mon for fees in scavenger and other county cases $1118.06, from which we deduct excess fees, $394.61; leaving now due $723.45.‘ Conrad Kramer, Chairman. The above report was accepted. Petion of H. C. Bartow of Stuart for a refund of $15.70 erroneously assessed for 1905 was granted, and the amount of refunded wasordered applied on the personal tax of H. C. Bartow and Van Wormer in Stuart township. Moved and carried that a refund of $18 be given to John Peter, Sr., by reason of an excessive assessment on his cattle for 1905. Petition of Hugh McKenna for re fund of $9.11 erroneously assessed on personal property in O’Neill for 1905 was granted. On motion Ole Mead and H. Hook stralwere granted a refund of $3 each, they having paid same in both cash and labor. Board adjourned until 9 o’clock, March 15. March 15, 1906 9 o’clock a. m. Board met, all present except Kramer. Petition of Patrick Donigan for re fund of *10.20 granted for the reason that he was assessed In school district No. 215 when he should have been as sessed in school district No. 125. Petition of Fred Van Fleet of Atkin son for a refund of *3 paid as poll tax was granted, he having paid in cash and labor. The matter of assessment of I. E. Deck of Atkinson was referred to county attorney. Board adjourned until 1 o’clock p.m. Board met at 1 o’clock p. m., all present except Kramer. The official bond of S. L. Thompson as deputy sheriff was approved. Board took up and discussed public road business (until 5 o’clock p. m., at which time the board adjourned until 9 a. m. tomorrow. March 16,1906.—Board met at 9 a. m. Motion made and carried that the sum of *3,199.92 docket fee be trans ferred to general fund of 1905. The following claims were allowed on general fund of 1905: M H McCarthy. 200 00 Angela Martin. 200 00 Ed P Loy. I 10 (' D Keyes. 30 00 Ed Johnson. 5 50 J O Clark. 30 00 H C Howard. 1 00 C E Hell. 2 oo Sam Howard. 2 10 A M Hopkins. 0 00 Joe Gang. 7 30 Daniel Gallagher. 5 40 J W Kttleman . 4 00 OFBiglin. 98 00 Edward Adams. 4 00 A Hothleuter. 4 00 J W Holden. 8 20 W E Workman. 2 00 J M Morgan. 1 50 Gustav Thondel. 9 50 C J Malone. 2 00 C E Hall. Ill 80 L K Skidmore. 33 00 Rodell Hoot. 47 40 Nellie McHugh. 200 00 Ezra Moore. 0 00 Conrad Kramer. 27 00 John Kane. 2 10 Fred Hitchcock. 3 10 S U Howard. 200 00 John A Harmon. 744 63 ' K Hall. 2 0O Gan lei Gallagher.—. 2 00 I You | will never Taste I Better Bread than that which any woman can make with Yeast Foam The Wonderful Yeast that took the First Grand Prise at the St. Louis Exposition. Teast Foam Is sold by allgro* cere at 6c a package—enough If for 40 loaves. Send a postal card for our new Illustrated book "Good Bread: How to Make It." NORTHWESTERN YEAST CO. ; CHICAGO, ILL. 1 'Valter Grimes. 8 (Ml Michael Gallagher. ft ftp T J Coyne. 28 00 K A Clark. 7 t.p <> F Hlgtlii. See'y. 50(1 (Mi Mamiml Taggart . 4 no KF Porter. 4 00 H Ij Thompson. 2ft fto M|U McUarthy. 40 0J .1.1 Troyer. 4 (Ml 'V Saekett. 4 uo JSSolinlder. 4 CO Anthony Buddy. 7 So V \V Phillips. 1> L Pond. J L Palmer. Peter ltyan.. J A Ptnkerman. J antes O' Donnell. The following motion was made and carried; Whereas it is the opinion of this board that the charge made against the county by the clerk of the district court for issuing certificates to wit nesses and jurors is not a lawful charge against the county; therefore, I move you that the county pay no more claims of this kind, and that the clerk of the district court be notified of this action of the county board. The county treasurer was instructed to redeem tax sale No. 2929 on Si SE1 3-32-15 for the year 1890 for the reason that taxes on said land for 1896 was paid on June 14, 1897. The following petition was read: O’Neill Neb., March 10, 1906—To Honorable County Board. We, the the undersigned tax payers of Holt county or depositors of the Elkhorn Valley bank of O’Neill do hereby peti tion you to increase the reward for ar rest of Patrick Hagerty who Is now a fugitive from justice to the sum of $1000. L. G. Gillespie Peter Kelly and 87 others. Tlie above petition was granted, and said reward increased to $1000, said offer to hold good during year 1906. The county assessor was instructed to notify Ills deputies to return the schedules to him immediately up on tiie completion of the assessment by them, and the assessor authorized to employ two competent clerks to complete and balance all assessor’s books, at a salary of $40 per month. Motion made and carried that a committee of three be appointed in regard to employing an expert to check up the books of the county officers. The chairman appointed Biglin, Skidmore and Keyes as such committee. The following motion was made and carried: O’Neill, March 14, 1906.—Whereas, It is the opinion of this board that the banks of this county have entered into a combination to secure the de posit of the county funds at a lower rate of interest than heretofore paid; and, whereas, such combination will cause a financial loss to Holt county, and is, as we believe, unlawful; there fore we do hereby direct the county attorney to take such action as may be neccessary to protect the interests of Holt county and cause the disolu tion of the alleged combination of the the banks as above stated. Conrad Kramer Rodell Root. The following motion was made and carried: Mr. Chairman: I move you that the county cease paying the expense of a stenographer in the county at torney’s office from and after April 1, 1906, for the reason that we do not deem i t necessary for the business of tire county. Rodell Root, Conrad Kramer. The following motion was made and carried: Whereas, ex-treasurer D. J. Cronin had on deposit in the Elkhorn Valley bank at the time of its failure the sum of $1500 more than he could legally have on deposit in said bank, and he and said bank have failed to pay to his successor said $1500; Therefore, be it resolved, that said D. J. Cronin he charged with said sum of $1500, unlawfully deposited in said bank, and that his report of the money in said bank be not accepted, and the county attorney is hereby instructed to bring suit against said D. J. Cronin and his bondsmen to recover said amount illegally deposit ed in said bank. Conrad Kramer, Rodell Root. On motion board adjourned until one o’clock p. m., April 9,1906. F. W. Phillips, Chairman. W. P. Simar, Clerk. Torture By Savages “Speaking of the torture to which some of the savage tribes in the Phil ippines subject their captives, reminds me of the intense suffering I endured for three months from inflammation of the Kidneys,” says W. M. Sherman, of Cushing, Me., “Nothing helped me until I tried Electric Bitters, three bottles of which completely cured me.” Cures Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Blood disorders and Malaria; and re stores the weak and nervous to rebust health. Guaranteed by P. C. Corri gan, druggist. Price 50 cents. If it is a bilious attack take Cham berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets and a quick cure is certain. For sale by P. C. Corrigan. A Lively Tussle with that old enemy of the race, Con stipation, often ends in Appendicitis. To avoid all serious trouble with Stomach, Liver and Bowels, take Dr. King’s New Life Pills. They perfect ly regulate these organs, without pain or discomfort. 25c at P. C. Corrigan, druggist. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of — and has been made under his per CjPLsonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive yon in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment* What is CASTORIA Castor'a, l a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare* Boric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotio substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness, It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colie. ii relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep* The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend* GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY* YY MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. The Wonderful Growth* of Calim Baking Powder Is due to its | Perfect Quality and Moderate Price Used in Millions of Homes WINCHESTER FACTORY LOADED SMOKELESS! ROWDER SHOTGUN SHELLS! Good shells in your gun mean a good bag I in the Held or a good score at the trap. | Winchester “Leader” and “Repeater” ■ Smokeless Powder Shells are good shells. I Always sure-fire, always giving an even I spread of shot and good penetration, their ■ great superiority is testified to by sports- I men who use Winchester Factory Loaded I Shells in preference to any other make. I ALL DEALERS KEEP THEM! Figures that Fascinate^ ^ ere those on the pages oj a bank book. Each entry means a lot. It means a certuin measure of success and Inde pendence. Monay in the bank makes a man of you, with the respect of your fellow citizens. Why not start an account at our bank? It needn’t be a large one at first. You can make it larger as fast as you like. O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK