The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 15, 1906, Image 5

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Official : Publication : of : Proceeding
O’Neill, Neb , February 9, 1906.—
Board called to order, all members
present. Minutes of last session read
and approved.
Petition of M. H. McCarthy: To
the Honorable Board of Supervisors of
Holt county, Nebraska.—Gentlemen:
I hereby petition your honorable body
to dismiss the case of the county oi
Holt vs. the unknown heirs of William
Anderson, deceased, being for the
foreclosure of taxes against the ni swi
nwj sei 26 and nei 27-27-16, for the
years 1897, 1898, 1899 and 1900, upon
tlie payment of all taxes due on said
* land, lor the reason that the taxes for
the years 1897 and 1898 were paid and
should not have been included in the
foreclosure. Walter I. Knight,
By M. H. McCarthy. Executor.
Petition of E. A. Clark asking for a
refund of $3, he having paid road tax
by cash and labor, was granted.
Report of settlement with county
Money received from January, 1905, to
January, 1906.$6195 60
Clerk’9 salary. 1500 00
Deputy . ?U0 00
A pistants. 2284 67
Postage. 146 76
Excess. 1562 76
Total .$6195 60
Report was adopted.
Report of county judge’s office was
read and approved, as follows:
Probate, total ..* 486 40
Civil. 104 80
Criminal. 165 B5
Miscellaneous . 147 10
Licenses and ceremony. 204 00
Grand total.*1207 75
Repotof settlementcoramittee with
the sheriff: To the Honorable Board
of Supervisors.—I, C. E. Hall, sheriff
of Holt county, Nebraska, hereby
certify that this is a true statement
of the fees earned in my office for the
year ending January 1, 1906:
Total fees earned for six months end
ing July 1, 1905.$311 25
Total fees earned for six months end
ing January t, 1906. 206 24
Total feees earned In 1905, order of sale 222 77
Total fees earned during year 1905—$740 26
Chairman. Sheriff.
Mr. Chairman: 1 move that all
money in bond funds in school dis
tricts Nop. 118, 29, 131 and 168 be
transferred to the general funds of
their respective districts, all bonds
having been paid. L. E. Skidmore.
Motion carried.
To the Honorable Board of Super
visors of Holt county, Nebraska.—
Gentlemen: On November 17, 1903,
the si swj of section 24, township 27,
range 12 west, was sold by the county
treasnrer for the delinquent taxes for
tlie years 1901 and 1902 to T. A.
Thomson, and the subsequent taxes
for the years 1903 and 1904 have been
paid thereon. The land is embraced
in H. E. No. 20155 by Elmer Coolage,
made January 5, 1905, and on which
final proof ha3 been made. Your
petitioner is the present holder of the
certiticate of tax sale and would
respectfully request that the county
treasurer be authorized to redeem
said land from said erroneous tax
sale. Respectfully submitted.
S. J. Weeks.
On motion the following bonds were
approved: Anton Pruas, Green Val
ley, justice of peace; R K. Sievens,
Iowa township, justice of peace; J. H.
Dobias, Green Valley, township clerk;
Wilson Brodie, Cleveland, township
clerk; Willie Calkins, Conley, town
ship clerk; Jerry P. Hanley, Grattan,
township clerk; Mike Sullivan, Grat
tan, road overseer No. 26; John J.
Hunt, road overseer: Leslie M. Puck
et, Emmet, road overseer No. 18; P.
C. Peterson, Rock Falls, road over
seer No. 9; Earnest Cracher, Deloit,
constabie; F. G. Weller, Atkinson,
constable; A. E. Gwin, O’Neill, con
Claim of D. J. Cronin for $1227,
allowed. Petition of W. McMonagle,
asking that poll tax of 1905 be stricken
from tax list, he being sixty years of
age and not subject to poll tax.
On motion the board adjourned un
til nine o’clock tomorrow morning.
O’Neill, Neb. Feb. 10,1906.—Board
called to order at nine o’clock a. m.,
all members present, minutes of yes
terdays session were read and ap
Moved and seconded that the follow
ing petitions for refunds be granted:
James F. O’Donnell, $6; Charles
Christenson, $3; J. C. Harnish, $3.
Whereas, this board on the 18th day
of January, 1906, passed the following
resolution: Mr. Chairman—1 move
you that the county attorney be re
quested by this board to at once
examine all bank bonds and bids on
file for the depositing of county
money. And that he give this board
his opinion in writing within five
days, as to their legality and if in his
opinion the bonds are legal. Also,
that he advise us by his opinion in
writing whether or not the board has
the legal right to disregard the bids
now on file and solicit bids from
banks outside of the county that are
not public depositaries in their respec
tive counties that will pay at least
three per cent interest on county
deposits. And, whereas County At
torney Mullen has reported on the
legality of said banks only. And on
the 24th day of January, 1906, filed
with the county clerk what he reports
to be a copy of a letter written by the
attorney general to W. I. Allen,
County Attorney of Colfax county,
Nebraska. And, whereas County At
torney has not given this board his
opinion in writing on this question.
Therefore, be it resolved by this
board that County Attorney Mullen,
within three days give this board his
opinion in writing on said question,
this board deserving the opinion of
our county attorney and legal adviser,
and not that of the attorney general
or any attorney. Conrad Kramer,
C. D. Keyes.
*($e experienced farmer
has learned that some
grains require far differ
ent soil than others;
some crops need differ
enthandling than others.
He knows that a great
deal depends upon right
planting at the right
time, and that the soil
must be kept enriched.
No use of complaining
in summer about a mis
take made in the spring.
Decide before the seed
is planted.
best time to reme
dy wasting conditions in
the human body is be
j fore the evil is too deep
rooted. At the first evi
dence of loss of flesh
Scott’s Emulsion
should be taken imme
diately. There is noth
ing that will repair
wasted tissue more
quickly or replace lost
flesh more abundantly
than Scott’s Emulsion.
It nourishes and builds
up the body when ordi
nary foods absolutely
Wc 'fotll send you m sample free.
I'I ■ll,M ' ...
Be sure that this
picture in the form
of a label is on the
wrapper of every
bottle of Emulsion
you buy.
409 Pearl Street
50c. and $1;
all druggists
Ayes and nays called for. all voting
aye were Clark, Kramer, Keyes, Boot,
Skidmore and Phillips, voting nays
Biglin. Carried.
To the County Board of Holt county,
O’Neill, Nebraska; Gentlemen: I
have examined the bonds of the fol
lowing banks, to-wit: The Chambers
State bank, Citizens bank, Ewing
State bank, First National bank of
Atkinson, First National bank of
O’Neill, Inman State bank and tbe
O’Neill National bank. These bonds
are regular in form. The following
banks have failed to annex tbe cor
porate seal to the bonds executed by
them: Chambers State bankt First
National bank of Atkinson, First
National bank of O’Neill, Inman
State bank and the O’Neill National
bank. The date of the bond of tiie
Ewing Suite bank is not correct, it is
evidently an error on the part of the
bank, it should be January 4, 190(1,
instead of January 4, 1905. Outside of
these corrections, these bonds appear
regular on their face. If you are In
doubt as to the signatures or the
terms of the bonds you should call
before you the cashiers of the banks
and tiie sureties. Yours respectfully,
Arthur F. Mullen, county attorney.
To the Honorable Board of Super
visors of Holt county, Nebraska: Gen
tlemen:—On tiie 18th day of January,
1906, you passed a resolution directing
that the county clerk ascertain tiie
rate of interest paid by the banks on
county deposits, in adjoining counties
and in the counties along the North
western railroad, as far east as Madi
son and as far west as Dawes counties.
I beg leave to report that I wrote to
the county clerk of the counties men
tioned below and received from them,
replies to the rate of interest paid by
the county depositories in their re
spective counties. The following is a
list of the counties and tiie interest
paid by the depositaries: Garfield, 2;
Brown, 2; Boyd, 2; Knox, 2; Ceder, 2;
Pierce, 2; Box Bute, 2; Stanton, 31:
Keya Paha, 2; Wheeler, 3: Sherdlan,
2: Rock, 2; Antelope, 2; Dawes, 2;
Wayne, 2; Madison, 2. Respectfuly
submitted, W. P. Simar, county clerk.
Mr. Chairman: I move you that
this board refuse to accept or approve
any bank bonds for depositories for
county money at any rate less than 3
percent. O. F. Biglin,
J. C. Clark.
Motion to lay the above on table.
Aye and nay called for, those voting
aye were Kramer, Keyes, Root, Skid
more and Phillips, those voting nay
were Biglin and Clark. Motion lost.
Tiie bond of A. A. Wager, road
overseer district No. 24, approved.
Mr. Chairman: I move you that
the county clerk be and hereby is
directed to advertised for plans,
specifications and bids thereon for the
construction of a bridge across the
Niobrara river, between Holt and
Boyd counties, at a point known as
Parshall crossing, in township 33,
range 13. Board reserves ihe right to
reject any or all bids.
L. E. Skidmore,
Rodell Root.
Mr. Chairman: I move you that a
motion to build a bridge across the
Niobrara at a point known as Parshall
crossing be laid on the table, for the
reason that there is no legal petition
before this board asking for a bridge
and for further reason that there is at
present and has been for the past 12
years a bridge across the Niobrara
river two miles above this point, and
for the further reason that present
condition of the bridge fund of this
county will not allow of this unneces
II will sell at public auction at my place, two and one-half miles
north and one and one-half west of O’Neill on
1 Tuesday, Feb. 211,19116
S Commencing at 10:30 o’clock, the following property to-wit:
1- _
9' Hea^d of Horses
/ gray team 9 years old, wt 2600.
1 black team 11 years old, wt. 2500
1 bay team 12 years old, wt. 2400
1 roan mare 8 years old, wt. 1150
1 bay mare 9 years old, wt. 1200
1 saddle pony
27 Hea^d of Ca.ttle
10 cows, nearly all fresh by April
10 heifers, coming one and two
years old
6 steers, coming one year old
1 fresh milch cow
25 head of shoats
One Stoughton wagon
One Studebaker wagon
One Tiger corn planter
One John Deere lister
Two Standard riding cultivators
One walking cultivator
One two-row Badger eli
One John Deere riding plow
One walking plow
One Molinesixteen-elghteen in. disc
One McCormick mower, 5-foot out
One ten-foot harrow
Two sets double work harness
Two saddles, and several other
articles too numerous to mention
ITERMS-Nine months time on all sums over $10 with approved |
security and 10 per cent interest. All sums under $10 cash. 1
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of
— and has been made under his per*
sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
infants and Children—Experience against Experiment*
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare*
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotie
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
The Kind You Hare Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
sary expenditure of money.
O, F. Biglin,
J. D Clark.
Ayes and nay called for. Vote on
the amendment. Those voting ayes
Biglin, Clark and Kramer; nays
Keyes, Root, Skidmore and Phillips.
Amendment lost. Vote on the original
motion. Nay Biglin, Clark and
Kramer. Aye Keyes, Root, Skidmore
and Phillips. Motion carried.
On motion the claim of D. J. Cronin
for docket fee and cost of sale be re
considered. Motion carried.
Mr. Chairman: I move you that a
committee of three members of this
board be appointed by the chairman
to investigate the legal changing of
the 1905 tax schedule of John Peter.
L. E. Skidmore,
Rodell Root.
Motion carried and the chairman
appointed Skidmore,(Biglin and Keyes.
On motion G. W. Davis be appoint
ed justice of peace,of Deloit township,
Petition of A. Baker, Chas. Hayden
and F. A. Thompson, asking for
refunds, petition refered to tax com
On motion board adjourned to go
in committe of the whole.
F. W. Phillips, Chairman.
W. P. Simar, Clerk.
C. T. Alien took the train east Tues
day morning.
R. E. Gallagher is in Omaha this
week, where be went to consult an
Mrs. Michael Johnson of O’Neill
was down Saturday, visiting her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Brown.
C. A. Townsend is expected home
from Iowa tonight, where he went to
help E. E. Hunter with his hardware
stock,-which he purchased recently.
Miss Viola Van Conett and Mr.
Wm. Hawkins from Plainview were
married at the home of Mr. and Mrs
S. G. Lewis last Monday evening.
They took the evening train for Plain
view where they expect to make their
future home.—The Reporter.
Martin and Robert Chlttick spent
Saturday with their father in O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. G. O. Whitney return
ed last week from a long visit with
friends in Chicago.
Mike Flannigan was called to Iowa
yesterday by a telegram informing
him of the illness of his wife who
went to Des Moines last week to visit
her parents.
Miss Ida Kraft returned from the
Omaha hospital Friday much improv
ed in health and expects td be able by
the first of March to go back into the
Krotter Telephone Co. where she will
be advanced to the position of super
intendent of the various offices of the
Inter-state Co.—The Ledger.
Miss Myrtle Speer left Wednesday
morning for California, where she ex
pects to keep house for an unci 3.
A. V Ruby sold his farm northeast
of town to a man by the name of
George Bolden from Laurel, Neb.
W. D. Baxter’s father, sister and
two children arrived in Ewing Wed
nesday night from Arkansas and will
visit a short time with friends and re
latives in these parts.
Joe Sullivan has contracted to build
several blocks of cement walk next
spring and sand is being hauled now
so as to be in readiness as soon as the
weather will permit the building of
the walks.
Last week the state veterinarian
was out southwest on the Cache creek
and found a team of horses belonging
to Ferdinand Rankey afflicted with
tlie glanders. They were shot at once.
He then went to Albert Rothleutner’a
where lie found three more with the
same disease and they were shot. It
is quite a loss for both as they were
all valuable ones.—The Advocate.
W. R. Currie, private secretary to
Congressman Klnkald, has resigned
his position and left Washington, re
turning to his home at Crawford, Ne
Mrs. Geo. Donnely, who has been on
a visit with friends in Washington,
D. 0., for the past six weeks, returned
last Wednesday. Her daughter Agnes
who accompanied her will remain in
Mary Roddy, who has been assistant
principal in our public schools, has tak
en a month’s vacation and the board
secured the services of Mrs. Lena Peck.
Miss Roddy returned to her home at
Nebraska City.
Joe Kaplan had on exhibition in At
kinson a forty-eight pound Bronze
turkey gobbler which he raised on his
farm. It was a beauty and goes to
show that with breeding and proper
care Holt county can make a showing
that is second to none.
Supervisors Root and Kramer came
up from O’Neill Saturday afternoon
on the passenger and interviewed our
bankers in regard to the county de
posits for which, so far, they have
been offered two per cent, which the
board deems insufficient and are try
ing to get it raised. They went from
here to Stuart the same evening.
John Ziska, one of the pioneer set
tlers of Green Valley precinct in south
western Holt county, who has been
ailing for the past year, died last Sat
urday night. His remains were
brought to Atkinson Monday morniDg
and the funeral services were held at
St. Joseph Catholic church, Father
Lorcher officiating. His remains were
intered in the Catholic cemetery. He
was eighty years of age and leaves
eleven children to survive him, nine
of which are residents of Holt county.
—The Graphic.
Common Colds are the Cause of Many
Serious Diseases.
Physicians who have gained a na
tional reputanon as analysts of the
cause of various diseases, claim that
if catching cold could be avoided a
long list of dangerous ailments would
never be heard of. Every one knows
that pneumonia and consumption ori
ginate from a cold, and chronic ca
tarrh, bronchitis, and all throat and
lung trouble are aggravated and rend
ered more serious by each fresh attack.
Do not risk your life or take chances
when you have a cold. Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy will cure it before
these diseases develop. This remedy
contains no opium, morphine or other
harmful drug and has thirty years of
reputation back of it, gained by its
cures under every cohdition. For sale
by P. C. Corrigan.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of