The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, February 08, 1906, Image 7

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tTlgoroua Health Is the Great Source of
Power to Inspire and Encourage
All Women Should Seek It.
One of the most noted, successful and
richest men of this century, in a recent
article, has said, “ Whatever I am and
whatever success I have attained in
this world I owe all to my wife. From
thS day I first knew her she has been
an inspiration, and the greatest help
mate of my >ife.”
' To be such a successful wife, to re
lain the love and admiration of her
husband, to inspire him to make the
most of himself, should be a woman’s
constant study.
If a woman finds that her energies
lire flagging, that she gets easily tired,
dark shadows appear under her eyes,
»he has backache, headaches, bearing
Bown pains, nervousness, irregularities
Dr the blues, she should start at once
to build up her system by a tonic with
specific powers, such as Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound,
Following we publish by request a
tetter from a young wife :
Dear Mrs. Pinkham:
“ Ever since my child was born I have suf
fered, as I hope few women ever have, with in
flammation, female weakness, bearing-down
pains, backache and wretched headaches. It
BTected my stomach so I could not enjoy my
Beals, and half mv time was spent in bed.
“Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound
Bade me a well woman, and I feel so grateful
that I am glad to write and tell you of my
Barvelous recovery. It brought me health,
pew life and vitality.”—Mrs. Bessie Ainsley,
til South 10th Street. Tacoma, Wash.
What Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound did for Mrs. Ainsley it will
Bo for every sick and ailing woman.
If you have symptoms you don't un
derstand write to Mrs. Pinkham,
Baughter-in-lavv of Lydia E Pinkham,
lit Lynn, Mass. Her advice is free and
always helpful.
It is just about impossible to bo
sick when the bowels are right and
not posssible to be well when they
are wrong. Through its action on
the bowels,
Lane’s Family
cleans the body inside and leaves
no lodging placefor disease. If for
opce you wish to know how it ficis
to be thoroughly well, give this
famous laxative tea a trial.
Sold by all dealers at 25c. and 50c. J
That Delightful Aid to Health
I Toilet Antiseptic
Whitens the teeth — purifies
mouth and breath — cures nasal
catarrh, sore throat, sore eyes,
and by direct application cures
all inflamed, ulcerated and
catarrhal conditions caused by
feminine ills.
Paxtine possesses extraordinary
cleansing, healing and germi
cidal qualities unlike anything
else. At all druggists. 50 cents
The R. Paxton Co., Boston, Mass.
$16.00 ANAGRi
is the amountth?it man?
farmers will realize from
their wheat crop this year
will be Ihe average yield of wheat
The land that this was grown on cost many of
the farmers absolutely nothing, while those who
wished to add to the 160 acres the Government
grants, can buy land adjoining at f ROW $6
TO $IO AN ACRE. Climate splendid, schools
convenient, railways close at hand, taxes low.
For "20th Century Canada” para
phlet and full particulars regarding rates, etc.
Apply for* inform tiou . Superintend nt of Immigru.
Sion, Ottawa. < anada, or to E. T. Hoi lues, 815 Jackson
St., oL Paul, Minn.; J. M. MacLuchlan, Box 116 Water
town, ftonth Dakota, and W. V. Bennett, 001 New York
Life .Building, Omaha. Nab , Authorized Government
Please say where yon saw this advertisement,
~ Positively eared by
these Little Pills.
They also relieve Dis
tress from Dyspepsia. In
digestion and Too Hearty
Eating. A perfect rem
edy for Dizziness. Nausea,
Drowsiness. Bad Taste
In the Mouth. Coated
Tongue, Pain in the Side,
regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Genuine Must Bear
Fac-Simile Signature
JESS'tSTtonpsoi’s Eyewater
Beatinq the Corporation*.
From Judge.
Judge—Well, Jim, I see you lost your suit
for damages against the railroad.
Farmer Corntossel—Betcher life I didn’t,
lodge! I’m collectin' them damages every
Judge—Why, how Is that?
Farmer Corntossel—Fare to town's forty
cents each way, ain't it? Well, by heck:
] when I go to town now I walk both ways.
i Itching, Blind, Bleeding Protruding Piles.
I Druggists are autborsed to refund money If
PAZO OINTMENT falls to cure in 6 to 14
| days. 60c.
A Jungle Tragedy.
From Harper's Bazar.
Mr. Monkey—What became of the baby?
Mrs. Monkey—Mr. Hippo, who Is running
for office, came around and kissed him.
We use Plso’s Oure for Consumption In
preference to any other cough medicine.
—Mrs. S. E. Borden. 442 P atreet, Wash
ington, D. C., May 25, 1901.
On© of Them.
From the Philadelphia Ledger.
“You people in Chicago,” said Kadley,
with a sneer, “think of nothing but killing
“Well, well,” replied the Chicago man.
“I must have misunderstood you a mo
ment ago.”
“How do you mean?’*
“I understood you to say you had been
Wnln» Canada’s Marvelous Crop
The Increase In the crop returns of
the Canadian West, In the past seven
! years, has approached the marvelous,
and there is no reason to believe that
a corresponding Increase will not re
sult for many years to come. The In
crease has been particularly noticeable
In what was formerly known as the
Northwest Territories, but which, on
Sept. 1, 1905, became the provinces of
Alberta and Saskatchewan. From the
official returns we find the following
results in the acreage sown to wheat,
oats and barley, In the years mention
ed, and a more favorable showing can
not he pointed to In any other country
during a like period.
Wheat Oats. Barley.
1898 .307,580 105,077 17,082
1899 .303,523 134,938 14,276
1900 .412,804 175,439 17,044
1901 .504,697 229,439 24,702
1902 .625,758 310,367 36,445
1903 .837,234 440,662 68,974
1904 .905,549 523,634 98,154
The yield has been uniformly good
every year except 1900, when there ap
pears to have been a slump all along
the line. This, however, was more than
compensated for In the following year,
when the bumper crop in wheat, oats
and barley put the returns of all previ
ous years completely in the shade, and
gave an Impetus to settlement In the
West which has prevailed to the pres
ent, as the following table by bushels
will show:
Wheat. Oats. Barley,
i 1898.. 5,542,478 3,040,307 449,512
j 1899. . 6,915,623 4,GS6,030 337,521
! 1900.. 4,028,294 4,226,152 353,216
| 1901.. 12,808,447 11,113,000 795,100
! 1902.. 13.956,850 10,061,295 970,417
j 1903. . 1 (1,029.149 14,179,706 1.842,824
! 1904. .16,875,537 10,332,551 2,205,434
It will he seen that the number of
acres sown to wheat, oats and barley
in 1S9S was 429,749, and that this had
| increased in 1904 to 1.587,337. The to
tal crop in tlie cereals mentioned was
9.023.297 bushels in 1S9S. and in 1904
it had grown to the magnificent total of
25,413.522. Ill the year just closed the
‘‘forward movement” in the agriculture
of the West lias been tl»e wonder and
. envy oi'tlie world. New sections of the
i country have been placed under tribute
i to tlie plow and harrow, and the grain
area lias been largely increased. Tills
I is particularly the ease where it has
been demonstrated that “Alberta Bed”
winter wheat may he successfully
grown, and along tlie lines of tlie new
railways towards the center of the
country, where mixed farming prevails.
The future of tin1 Canadian West is
assured, and for years to come it is
bound to lie the land of promise to tlie
agriculturist of every nation and of
every clime, and tlie laud of opportu
nity to every settlor within its bounds.
Fullest Information can be secured
from any Canadian Government Agent.
Tit for Tat.
From the New York Weekly.
Mr. Jinks—Who has been fooling
with' tlr -• gun?
Mrs. Jinks—The new girl got hold of
it tais n.oming and discharged it.
“My gracious! W'hat did you do?”
“I discharged her.”
How’s This?
, We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
I any case of Catarrh than cannot be cured
by Hall’s Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHEXRY & CO., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him perfectly honorable iu all business
transactions and financially able to carry
out any obligations made by his Arm.
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken Internally,
acting directly upon the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent
free. Price 75c per bottle. Sold by all
Take Hall’s Family Pills for constipation.
"What will be your chief aim now you
are In congress?” asked the Interviewer.
“To stay here,” answered the laconlo
young statesman.
5 Tons Grass Hay Free.
Everybody loves lots and lots of fodds*
for hogs, cows, sheep and awine.
The enormous crops of our Northern
Grown Pedigree Seeds on our seed farms
the past year compel us to issue a spe
cial catalogue called
This is brim full of bargain seeds at bar*
gain prices.
and receive free sufficient seed to grow 5
tons of grass on your lot or farm this
summer and our great Bargain Seed Book
with its wonderful surprises and great
bargains in seeds at bargain prices.
Remit 4c and we add a package of Cos
mos, the most fashionable, serviceable,
> beautiful annual flower.
John A. Salzer Seed Co., Lock Draw
i er C., La Crosse. Wis.
Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills tho Tonle
That Most People Need for
Blood and Nerves.
In winter the air of the close rooms in
which we spend so much of the time
does not furnish enough oxygen to the
lungs to burn out the foul matter in tho
blood. In the cold season we do not exer
: cise as much and the skin and kidneys do
not throw off the waste matter as freely
as usual. Tho system becomes overloaded
! with poisonous platter, aud too feeble
to throw it off. Relief can be had only
: through the use of a remedy that will
j promptly and thoroughly purify and
i strengthen the blood, and the one best
adapted for this purpose is the great
blood tonic known as Dr. Williams' Pink
“They acted liko magio in my case,”
said Mrs. Clara L. Wilde, of No. 877
Fnrnsworth avenuo, Detroit, Mich. “ I
was weak aud thin aud could not sleep.
My stomach and nerves were out of or
der. I can't describe how miserable I
really was. I dragged through six
months of feebleness, growing weaker
all the time until I finally hadn’t strength
enough to leave my bed.
“Then a glad day came, the day when
I began to take Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills.
They made me feel strong right away.
My appetite came back, I took on flesh
and the color returned to my cheeks.
People wondered that those pills did for
me what the doctors couldu't do. I took
only six boxes aud then I was perfectly
well. If I had not found this wonderful
remedy I surely thiulc that I must have
wasted to death. Believing firmly that
these pills saved my life by the strength
which thev gave mo at a critical mo
ment, I unhesitatingly recommend them
to others.”
Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills contain no
stimulant but give strength that lasts.
They may be obtained at any drug
Wicked Little Boy.
From the Chicago Chronicle.
Professor Starr, the famous ethnologist,
was In his humorous and whimsical way
accusing woman of barbarism.
"And she Is not only barbarous—she Is
Illogical and Inconsistent!" he exclaimed.
"I was walking In the country one day
with a young woman. In a grove wo
came upon a boy about to shin up a tree.
There was a nest In the tree, and from a
certain angle it w'as possible to »ee in It
three eggs.
" ‘You wicked Tittle boy," said my com
panion, ‘are you going up there to rob that
" ‘I am,' the boy replied coolly.
" ‘How can you?' she exclaimed. 'Think
how the mother will grieve over the loss
of her eggs!’
" ‘Oh, she won’t care,’ said the boy.
‘She’s up there in your hat.’ "
The Escape.
From Puck.
She awakes from a deep sleep to find
the flames roaring and cracking all about
"MercifuTheavens! am I lost?" she cries.
No. On the contrary. The fire, In point
of fact, has heated her curling tongues to
such a degree that she can make ready to
effect her escape without the loss of a
precious moment.
“How little we know!" she murmurs,
when at last she is borne down the ladder,
looking too sweet.
Robbed in Church.
Just think what an outrage It Is to
be robbed of all the benefits of the
services by continuous conghing
throughout the congregation, when
Anti-Gripine is guaranteed to cure.
Sold everywhere, 25 cents. F. W. Die
mer. M. D., Manufacturer, Spring
field. Mo.
The Drug Drummer—How are the pat
ent medicine exposures affecting your bus
The Rural Druggist—Darn bad! Ever
since the foxy farmers discovered the in
gredients of the leadin’ brands they’re
makin’ their own stuff!
Take LAXATIVE Li ROMO Quinine Tablets.
Druggists refund money if it fails to cure.
E. W. Grove’s signature is on each box. 25c.
-• • i .
Father's Part.
From Harper’s Weekly.
There is a man living in Waterbury,
Conn., who is the head of a largo family,
nearly every member of which is a per
former on some kind of musical instru
A Bostonian who was visiting the house
of the Waterbury man, referred to tills
fact, remarking that It must be a source
of great pleasure to the family, but to this
observation the father made no reply.
“Really," continued the Bostonian, “it ii
remarkable. Your younger son is a cor
netist, both your daughters are pianists,
your wife is a violinist, and, I understand
the others are also musicians. Now what
are you, the father of such a musical com
“I," replied the old man, sarcastically,
"I am a pessimist."
No Information.
From Puck.
"Have you seen Professor Gabbleto*s
the scientist, lately?"
“Yes. I listened to him for more than
an hour at the club last night."
“Indeed! What was he talking about?"
“He didn’t say.”
Would Scratch and Tear the Flesh Un
less Hands Were Tied—"Would
Have Died but for Cuticura.”
“My little son, when about a year
and a half old, began to have sores
come out on his face. I bad a phy
sician treat him, but the sores grew
worse. Then they began to come on
bis arms, then on other parts of his
body, and then one came on his chest,
worse than the others. Then I called
another physician. Still he grew worse.
At the end of about a year and a half
of suffering he grew so bad I had to
tie his hands in cloths at night to keep
him from scratching the sores and tear
ing the flesh. He got to be a mere
skeleton, and was hardly able to walk.
My Aunt advised me to try Cuticura
Soap and Ointment. I sent to the drug
store and got a cake of Soap and a box
of the Ointment, and at the end of
about two months the sores were all
well. He has never had any sores of
any kind since. He Is now strong and
healthy, and I can sincerely say that
only for your most wonderful remedies
my precious child would have died
from those terrible sores. Mrs. Eg
bert Sheldon, K. F. D. No. 1, Wood
vllle, Conn., April 22, 1005.”
1 >
An Unreliable Mnemonio.
From Judge.
j The following anecdote Is a good Illus
tration of what psychologists call "place
i Miss Ilrowne Is principal of a school In
a down town district, and one of her pat
rons is Jacob Swerdloff, who has a large
family of children.
As she was passing Mr. Bwerdloffs sec
ond hand store one day Miss Browne no
ticed a new member of the family, a little
girl of 3 or 4, playing near the shop door.
Bhe knew it was a Swerdloff, for she rec
ognized the red print dress and blue blb
spron garb worn by three older feminine
Bwerdloffs live out of the seven days of
the week.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Swerdloff," said
Miss Browne. "This Is a little girl I have
never seen before. What Is her name?”
"Heere nam?" stammered the father,
with a look of dazed helplessness.
"Heere nam 7"
And again ha glanced uneasily about as
If searching for a clew to the answer.
“Veil, Mees Prowne, X not kno‘ all times
my shildren’s names eef you yump me
qvlck at like dat. Xhit eef you vait tcel I
call heem all unt shtant dame each van
mft heem pack pehlnt hemself put pevor
hees peeger van vat coomes pehlnt heem
een pegness put povor heem eon year olt,
dane I tells you qvlck dees leetle van hees
nam. l’ut ven dey alon' pe shtant py
damesel' onlee dane I reemember not hees
pehtnt-shtantor unt hccs pevor-shtanter,
unt bo I reemember not hees nam. Put
ven doy pe all shtantet In hees line, so”—
and Mr. Swerdloff deftly Indicated a stair
step series of Imaginary heads—"dane I
say heem qvlck ofer—'Vakey, Ikey, Sarah,
Repecca, Apey,’ unteel I coom to dees van
heere, unt dane I tell hes nam qvlck to
you as veil.”
Wiser Counsel.
“What’s that sign you're making there?”
asked the grocer.
“ 'Fresh eggs,' ” replied the new clerk.
"Make it 'Fresh-laid eggs.’ ”
“Why—er—everybody knows the eggs
were fresh when they were laid.”
“Exactly, and that's all that it’s safe
for us to say about them.”
Was Fast Drifting Into the Fatal
Stages of Kidney Sickness.
Dr. Melvin M. Page, Page Optical
Co., Erie, Pa., writes: “Taking too
many Iced drinks In New York in 1895
sent me home with
a terrible attack of
kidney trouble. I
had acute conges
tion, sharp pain in
the back, headaches
and attacks of diz
ziness. My eyes
gave out, and with
the languor and
sleeplessness of the
of the disease upon
me I wasted from 194 to 122 pounds.
At the time I started using Doan’s Kid
ney Pills an abscess was forming on
my right kidney. The trouble was
quickly checked, however, and the
treatment cured me, so that I have
been well since 1890 and weigh 188
Sold by all dealers. 50 cents n box.
Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Knew Nothing, of Course.
"An Englishman came to New York to
make some Investments,” said Governor
Folk of Missouri.
“He got the annual reports of all the
biggest financial Institutions In the land.
These reports were very favorable. All
the Englishmen now needed was a little
"Accordingly he sought out a man
prominent in public life.
“ 'I think of Investing,’ he said, 'In the
Sure Thing company. You are connected
with It, aren't you?’
“ ‘I am,’ the public man replied.
" ‘Will you kindly tell me, then.’ said the
Briton, ‘something about the linancial
standing of the concern?'
“ 'Really, I'm afraid I can't. You see,’
the public man explained, Tm only one of
the directors.’ “
How frequently does a head line simi
lar t» the above greet us In the news
papers. The rush, push and strenuous
ness of the American people has a strong
tendency to lead up to valv alar and other
affections of the heart, attended by Ir
regular action, palpitation, dizziness,
smothered sensations and other distress
ing symptoms.
Three of the prominent ingredients of
which Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Dis
covery is made are recommended by soma
of the leading writers on Materia MetUca
for the cure of just such cases. Oolden
Seal root, for instance, Is said by the
United States Dispensatory, a stand
ard authority, "to Impart tone and In
creased power to the heart's action."
Numerous other leading authorities rep
resent Golden Seal as an unsurpassed
tonic for the muscular system In general,
and as the heart Is almost wholly com
posed of muscular tissue. It naturally
follows that It must be greatly strength
ened by this superb, general tonic. But
probably the most important ingredient
of " Golden Medical Discovery/ so far
as its marvelous cures of valvular and
other affections of the heart are con
cerned, Is Stone root, or Cotlbusonia Can.,
Prof. Win. Paine, author of Paine’s
Epltomy of Medicine, says of it:
"I. not long since, had a patient who was
so much oppressed with valvular disease of
the heart that his friends were obliged to
carry him up-stalrs. He, however, gradually
recovered under the Influence of OolUnsonln
(medicinal principle extracted from Stone
root), and Is now attending to his business.
Heretofore physicians knew of no remedy
for the removal of so distressing and so dan
gerous a malady. With them it was all
guess-work, and It fearfully warned the
afflicted that death was near at hand. Col
llnsonln unquestionably affords relief In
such cases, and lu most Instances effects a
Stone root Is also recommended by Dra.
Hale and Elllngwood, of Chicago, for
valvular and other diseases of the heart.
The latter says: "It Is a heart tonic ol
direct and permanent Influence."
"Golden Medical Discovery,” not only
cures serious heart affections, but Is a
most efficient general tonic and lnvlgor
ator, strengthening the stomach, invig
orating the liver, regulating the bowels
and curing catarrhal affections In all
parts of the system.
Dr. Pierce’s Pellets cure Constipation.
A Positive
Ely’s Cream Balm
Is quickly absorbed.
Gives Relief at Once.
It cleanses, soothes
heals and protects
the diseased mem
brane. It cures Ca
tarrh and drives
away a Cold In the
Head quickly. Re
stores the Senses of
Taste and Smell. Fall size COcts., at Drug
gists or by mail; Trial Size 10 eta. by mail.
ElyBrothers,W Warren Street, Ns* I«i*
---- - . . ■ rr.r,. ,'■»
Pneumonia Followed La Grippe—
Pe-ru-na the Remedy That
Brought Relief.
Mr. T. Barnecott, West Aylmer, On
tario, Can., writes:
“Last winter I was ill with pneumonia
after having la grippe. I took Peruna
for two months, when I bees me quite
well, and I can say that any one can be
cured by it. In a reasonable time and at
little expense.”
Systemic Catarrh, the Result of La
Grippe, Pe-ru-na Receives Credit
for Present Good Health.
Mrs. Jennie W. Gilmore, Box 44, White
Oak, Ind. Ter., writes:
“Six years ago I had la grippe, which
was followed by systemic catarrh. The
only thing I used was Peruna and Man
alln, and I have been in better health the
last three years than for years before. I
give Peruna all the credit for my good
Pe-ru-na—A Tonic After La Grippe.
Mrs. Chas. E. Wells, Sr., Delaware,
Ohio, writes. “After a severe attack of
la grippe, I took Peruna and found it a
very good tonic.”
“Most Effective Medicine Ever Tried
for La Grippe.”
Robt. L. Madison, A. M„ Principal of
Cullowhee High School, Painter, N. C.,
is chairman of the Jackson County
Board of Education. Mr. MadlRon anys:
"I am hardly ever without Peruna in
my home. It is the most effective medi
cine that I have ever tried for la grippe.”
Mrs. Jano Gift, Athens, O., writes:
“1 had la grippe very bad. My husband
bought. Peruna for me. In a very abort
time I saw improvement nod was soon
able to do my work.”
Suffered Twelve Years front Aftor>=
Effects of La Grippe.
Mr. Victor Patneande, 828 Madlsos
Rt., Topeka, Kan., member of Knlghts
and Ladies of Security, writes:
“Twelve years ago I had a severe ab>
tack of ia grippe and I never really re
covered my health and strength—but
grew weaker every year until I was
unable to work.
“Two years ago 1 began using Peruna
and it built up my strength so that in a
couple of months I was able to go to
work again.
“This winter I had another attack of
la grippe, but Peruna soon drove It oof
of my system.
“My wife and I consider Peruna s
household remedy.”
FREE pon receipt of your name_._I
good for Druggist's Name__
purchase His Address__ ►
And ioc in stamfs or silver to pay postage we will mail yon a sample free,
if you have never used Mull’s Grape Tonic, and will also mail you a cer
tificate good for one dollar toward the purchase of more Tonio from jour
druggist. Address
I MULL S GRAPE TONIC CO., -21 Third Ave., Rock Island. I1L |
from Constipation and Stomach Trouble. _ . i \
Wl Why suffer or take needles* chances with constipation or stomach troubles when there le a
perfect, harmless, natural, positive cure within your reach ?
cause blood poison, skin dlsoa»es. sick headache, biliousness, typhoid fever, appendicitis. pUea
and every kind of female trouble as well as many others. Your own physician will tell you tint
all uhlsls truo. But don’t drug or physio yourself. Use | -ji
tho natural .strengthening, harmless remedy that builds up the tissues of your digestive organa
and puts your whole system l n splendid condition to overcome all attacks. It is vary piaaanat
to take. The children like It and it does thorn great good. _ . _ _ {
85 cent, 60 cent and 81.00 bottles at all Urugglstc. The $1.00 bottle contains about sir times na
much as the 85 cent bottle and about throo times as much as the 60 cent bottle. 1 here le a great
saving in buying the HAJO sue. &
’■ ■*! II fCcO^’i 1 won’t sell JLntt-GrlplMe to a dealer who wont Onarantee It. I
nASHOCQilALFOfi WiS 0(111 ,or your M01*1*'* BACK IF IT OOE«I»T CVSB. i
u-^ , Sr jy. IHetner, JT. J>.« Manufacturer, AjrritujfitrM, HI* I
A Good Opinion of Herself.
From the Boston Transcript.
He—I saw the prettiest girl In town on
the street this afternoon.
She—Aren’t you mistaken, sir? I haven't
been out today.
Worth Knuwlaff
—that Allcock’s are the original and
only genuine porous plasters; all other
to-called porous plasters are imitations.
The Benedictines irom France, who
have settled at Malvern, England, have
merely come home again. King Ed
ward, the confessor, founded a hermit
age at Malvern, and after the Norman
conquest. In 1066, the hermitage became
a Benedietlne prlery.
. Wanted—Partners to buy interest in
| producing mine at $S per month and up.
i Want money to get the ore out with,
I Fairest opportunity ever offered. Will
give references. Address. The Yellow
Aster, Ward, Colo.
1,920 acres, 5 miles from Highmore, in
the great corn belt of S. D, Price, $10.GQ
per acre cash. Neil Grindall, Highmore,
S. D.
SIOUX CITY P’T’G CO., 1,124—6, 1906
1 CtSttWuatSi. |