The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 24, 1905, Image 5

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This falling of your hair!
| Stop it, or you will soon be
bald. Give your hair some
Ayer’s Hair Vigor. The fall- |
ing will stop, the hair will §
Hair Vigor
grow, and the scalp will be
clean and healthy. Why be
satisfied with poor hair when
you can make it rich?
“ My hair nearly all came out. T then tried
Ayer’s Hair Vigor and only one bottle stopped
the falling. New hair cnine in real thick and
just a little curly.” —Mrs. L. M. Smith,
Saratoga, N. Y.
?1.00 a bottle. j. C.'AYRR CO.,
;Thick If air
Healthy Mothers.
Mothers should always keep in good
bodily health. They owe it to their
children. Yet it is no unusual sight
to see a mother, with babe in arms,
coughing violently and exhibiting all
the symptoms of a consumptive ten
dency. And why should this danger
ous condition exist, dangerous alike to
mother and child, when Dr. Bochee’s
German Syrup would put a stop to it
once? No mother should be without
this old and tried remedy in the house
—for its timely use will promptly cure
any lung, throat or bronchial trouble
in herself or her children. The worst
cough or cold can be speedily cured by
German Syrup; so can hoarseness and
congestion of the bronchial tubes. It
makes expectoration easy, and gives
instant relief and re-freshing rest to
the cough-racked consumptive. New
trial bottles, 25c; large size, 75c. At
all druggists.
Men and women in this and adjoin
ing counties for home or traveling
work, representing and advertis
ing the Wholesale and Educational
Departments of an old established
Manufacturing House. Salary $3.50
per day with expenses advanced. Kig
furnished when necessary; position
permanent. Address, Blew Brothers
& Co., Dept. H., Chicago, 111. 48-0
A Continual Strain
Many men and women are constant
ly subjected to what they commonly
t erm “a continualy strain” because of
some financial or family trouble. It
wears and distresses them both men
tally and physically, affecting their
nerves badly and bringing on liver and
kidney ailments, with the attendant
evils of constipation, loss of appetite,
sleeplessness, low vitality and despon
dency. They cannot, as a rule, get rid
of this “continual strain,” but they
can remedy its healthdestroying effects
by taking frequent doses of Green’s
August Flower. It tones up the liver,
stimulates the kidneys, insures
healthy body functions, gives vim and
spirit to one’s whole being, and event
ually dispels the physial or mental
distress caused by that “continual
strain.” Trial bottle of August
Flower 25c; regular size, 75c. At all
; is the
■ that makes the
that makes a
i Sweet
I Tempered
1 People
■' Yeast Foam Is the yeast that
■ ? took the First Grand Prize at
h/j the St. Louis Exposition, und
; ; is sold by all grocers at 5c
| ; » package—enough for 40
^ loaves. Send a postal card
| for our new illustrated hook,
t y Good Bread: How to Make
! Ei ill
LItems from the country tire solicited for
tics department. Mail or semi them in us
early tit the week to possible; items received
later than Wednesday eau not be used at all
and It is preferred that they bo in not later
than Tuesday. Always send your name with
Items, that we may know who they are from.
Name of sender not for public 'lion s ee t list
your writing is legible, especially names and
places, leaving plenty of spare ta ftveen the
lines for correction. He careful that wlrnt
you tell about actually occurred I
Ray News.
The.boys played ball at Christen
sen's Sunday.
Misses Emma Thavenet and Mary
Zahranicek called on Stella Ross Sun
Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. Loui
Stebenor visited with Mrs. Ross Tues
Mr. and Mrs. C. Christensen visited
Sunday afternoon at Will Stern’s.
Mr. Tvvyford and family visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Loui Stebener
Mr. and Mrs. Will O’Brien, Mary
Zahranicek and Emma Thavenet vis
ited at Wilcox’s Sunday.
Sick headache results from a disord
ered condition of the stomacli and is
quickly cured by Chamberlain’s Stom
ach and Liver Tablets. For sale at
P. C. Corrigan’s drug store.
Phoenix Pick-Ups
Ted Anderson went to Boyd county
the latter part of the week. Ilis
brother, Verne, returned with him
Saturday and remained at Phoenix
over Sunday.
Mrs. Damero and Edith visited at
the Kelley and Wilkinson homes Fri
Mrs. Parshall and Floyd returned
from Lincoln the latter part of the
Air. Stansberry of Crescent, Iowa,
was renewing old acqurintances at
Phoenix last week.
Ella Johnson and A^nna Garin spent
a few days with their sister, Mrs.
Haynes, the fore part of the week.
Bert Parshall was a caller at Mrs.
F. Cobuin’s Sunday.
Mrs. Damero and Edith were in
town a day last week.
Ray and Ralph Coburn marketed
hogs in Atkinson last week.
Jess Brook and family also Mrs.
Foote of Atkinson visited Phoenix
friends from Sunday until Tuesday.
Emma Moore was a caller at Mrs.
F. Coburn’s one day last week.
Did you see the eclipse? Lookout
for the next one, on the sun, Aug. 30.
Hazel Wagner was a caller at Mrs.
Coburn’s Sunday.
Bert Anderson was at Phoenix Sun
Mrs. Greeley visited with Mrs. Co
burn a day last week.
Public is Aroused.
The public is aroused to a knowledge
of the curative merits of that great
medicinal tonic, Electric Bitters, for
sick stomach, liver and kidneys. Mary
H. Walters of 540 St. Clair Ave., Co
lumbus, O., writes: “For several
months, I was given up to die. I had
fever and ague, my nerves were
wrecked; I could not sleep, and my
stomach was so weak from useless
drugs that I could not eat. Soon after
beginning to take Electric Bitters, I
obtained relief, and in a short time I
was entirely cured.” Guaranteed at
P. C. Corrigan’s drug store; price 50c.
Mrs. Emeline Malone returned from
Kansas last week, where she has been
visiting for the past four months.
A representative of the Williams
Murphy Wholesale Grocery Co, of
Omaha who sells groceries exclusively
to the consumer, delivered a part of a
car load of goods to the farmers of this
vicinity last Saturday.
Miss Violet Phelps of Rochester,
Minn., and Lois Fawcett of Stewart
ville, Minn., nieces of Mrs. Blain, vis
ited here last week. The old folks
were almost young again during the
three days; they drove around the
country and visited relatives and oth
ers. The young ladies took the Fri
day morning train for Mason City,
Iowa, where they expected to spend
the Sabbath with relatives and go to
their homes in the North Star State
early this week.—The Reporter.
Loren Bailey of Orchard unloaded
eight carload of 237 head of western
horses at the Ewing stockyards on
Tuesday evening and Wednesday
morning, with the assistance of sev
eral others, drove them west of town
to feed. While passing by W. N. Daw
son’s residence the “historical yellow
dog” ran out and stampeded the
whole bunch, causing them to run
through several pasture fences, lifting
out the posts in their mad rush with
the wire cutting and tearing their
flesh in a horrible manner, and as is
generally the case the best were the
ones that received the worse cuts.
The amount of damage cannot be esti
mated at this writing owing to their
nervous condition making it impossi
ble to examine them very closely.
They were rounded up after some
hard riding and are being watched
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
very closelyjto avoid another ;stain
pede—The Advocate.
Gertrude Ilayes returned from
O’Neill Tuesday where she lias been
visiting for sometime. She was ac
companied by her cousin, JuliaCronin.
Last Thursday night Alma Fritch
olt graduated from the Fremont nor
mal, and returned home Friday. Miss
Fritchoff is the proud owner of a life
Wash Chapman’s large herd of cattle
got exposed to the scab and lie lias
wisely concluded not to take any more
chances and will henceforth dip before
The stock yard here was ordered to
be disinfected by the governor inspec
tor Wednesday on his finding a case
of scab on a bunch of cattle which
were in the yards.
IT. W. Phillips went to Omaha last
Friday and returned Monday evening.
While away lie closed a deal for the
sale of his half section of land three
miles west of town which brought
him $25 per acre
Mesdames Friel of St. Louis and
Cronin of O’Neill and the Misses Paul
of New York City and M. S. Graw of
O’Neill returned to O’Neill last Mon
day after a few days visit at the home
of J. F. Hayes and Dennis Hunt.
The friends of Julius Doliman, the
staunch populist of Atkinson tywn
ship, are trying to induce him to al
low his name to come before the pop
ulist nomination convention for coun
ty clerk. If there is any merit in
fidelity to the cause Julius ought not
to have any opposition.
W. P. Simar has consented to have
his name presented to the republican
county convention for county clerk,
which meets at O’Neill September 9.
This meets with the approval of his
many friends, who claim that if nomi
nated the largest vote ever given to
any candidate will be rolled up for
him in November by the voters of
western Ilolt county.
Unnecessary Expense.
Acute attacks of colic and diarrhoea
come on without warning and prompt
relief must be obtained. There is no
necessity of Incurring the expense of
a physician’s service in such cases if
Chamberlin’s Colic, Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy is at hand. A dose of
this remedy will relieve the patient
before a doctor could arrive. It has
never been known to fail, even in the
most severe and dangerous cases and
no family should be without it. For
sale by P. C. Corrigan, druggist.
Low Rates to State Fair at Lincoln.
Via the North-Western Line. Ex
cursion tickets will be sold at one fare
for round trip, plus 50 cents with ad
mission coupon to the Fair grounds.
Dates of sale September 4 to 8, inclu
sive, tickets limited to return until
September 9, inclusive. Apply to
agents Chicago & North-Western R’y.
Summer Diarrhoea in Children.
During the hot weather of the sum
mer months the first unnatural loose
ness of a child's bowels should have
immediate attention, so as to check
the disease before it becomes serious.
All that is necessary is a few doses of
Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy followed by a dose
of caster oil to cleanse the system.
Rev. M. O. Stockland, pastor of the
first M., Little Falls, Minn.,
writes: “We have used Chamberlin’s
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
for several years and find it a very val
uable remedy, especially for summer
disorders of children. Sold by P. C.
Corrigan, druggist.
Special Summer Excursion Rates to
Chicago and Return
Via the North-Western Line Excur
sion tickets will be sold to Chicago
and return until Sep. 30, 1905, limited
to return uutil October 31. Apply,to
agents Chicago & North-Western R y
They Appeal to Our Sympathies.
The bilious and dyspeptic are con
stant sufferers and appeal to our sym
pathies. There is not one of them,
however, who may not be brought
back to health and happiness by the
use of Chamberlain’s Stomach and
Liver tablets. These tablets invigor
ate the stomacli and strengthen the
digestion. They also regulate the
bowels. For sale by P. C. Corrigan.
1 Those who ere gaining flesh
5 and strength by regular treat
h menc with
Scott’s Emulsion
t should continue the treatment
* fn hot weather: smal'er dose
2 and a little cool milk with it will
J do away with any objection
( which is attached to fatty pro
t ducts during the heated
3 season.
3 Send for free sample.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists,
E 400-415 Pearl Street, E'ew York.
The Suil Title »( tlie rrolMnor
the laurnAlht.
Prof esse r Trombetti, whoso praises !
were so much sung hi the foreign press
us knowing the greatest number of
languages of any one ever born, relates
an anecdote of himself which occurred
just after he was “discovered.'’ In
Rome ho was so pestered by journal
ists that lits patience at last gave way,
and when cet.'nered by the gentlemen
of the press his language became dis
tinctly lurid.
One day as be was coming out of the
central postolilce a frank looking
young man stepped up to him, and,
holding out Ids hand, said: “I am so
glad to make your acquaintance; I
have been trying to find you for days.”
"And may I inquire with whom I am
speaking'/” “Why, I am X! Not a
near relation to be sure, but near
enough to offer you congratulations,”
etc. Professor Trombetti, reassured,
and glad to get hold of sorno one to
unburden himself to, took the stran
ger’s arm, and, as they went down the
street, gave, In emphatic terms, a
description of his sufferings, Ids opin
ion of journalists, and, Incidentally,
much Information about himself which
the papers had been vainly sighing for.
Finally they parted with an engage
ment for dinner the next evening.
That night the professor was sitting
tranquilly In a restaurant, the observed
of all observers, when suddenly he was
seen to spring to his feet with a smoth
ered exclamation. Ills friends crowded
about .for an explanation, but be could
only sit down weakly and point to his
newspaper, the Uiornnle d’ltalia.
There, In largo print, were his impru
dent revelations of the afternoon. lie
had been “done” by a journalist.—Tall
Mall Gazette.
From Time Immemorial Three Uua
Ilatl Ununual Significance.
The perfect number of the Pythago
rean system, exprcssivo of beginning,
middle and end, was the number three.
From time Immemorial greater promi
nence has been given to It than to any
other except seven. And as the symbol
of the Trinity Its Influence has waxed
more potent in recent times. It appears
over and over again In both the New
and Old Testaments. At the creation
of the world we find land, water and
sky, sun, moon and stars. Jonah was
three days and nights In the whale’s
belly, Christ three days in the tomb.
There were three patriarchs, Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob. Abraham entertained
three angels. Job had three friends.
Samuel was called three times. Sam
son deceived Delilah three times.
Three times Saul tried to kill David
with a Javelin. Jonathan shot three ar
rows on Dnvid’s behalf. Daniel was
thrown into a den of three lions be
cause he prayed three times a day.
Sliadrach, Meshach and Abcdnego were
rescued from a fiery furnace. The
commandments of the Lord were de
livered on the third day. St. Paul
speaks of faith, hope and charity.
Three wise men came to worship
Christ with presents three. Christ
spoke three times to Satan when he
was tempted. He prayed three times
before he was betrayed. Peter denied
him three times. He suffered three
hours of agony on the cross. The su
perscription was In three languages,
and three men were crucified. Christ
appeared three times to his disciples
and rose the third day^-New York
Hitvo Too Got Them T
Do you feel anxious and preoccupied
when the gas man goes by?
Do you sleep badly?
Do you go to bed hungry?
Does your heart palpitate when you
see a steak?
Is there an all gone feeling In your
Do you have nightmares?
Do you do mental arithmetic every
time you contemplate the purchase of
“coffee and?”
Have you a hunted look?
Do you walk down dark alleys when
you go downtown?
Beware! Those ore the symptoms.
You’re busted^-San Francisco Bulletin.
• French Conceit.
Etienne Dumont, writing In the early
part of the last century, said: “The
prevailing character of the French Is
that of conceit. Every member of the
assembly considered himself capable
of undertaking everything. I often
said that If you proposed to the first
hundred men you met In the streets of
raris and to the same number In the
streets of London to undertake the
charge of the government ninety-nine
of them would accept in Paris and
ninety-nine would refuse In London."
The Tibetan Connetnnce.
The Tibetans offer dally prayer* for
the minute Insects which they have
■wallowed Inadvertently In their meat
and drink, and the.formula. Insures the
rebirth of these microbes In heaven.
Yet they eat meat freely and square
their conscience with thelr'appetlte by
the pretext that*the sin rests with the
outcast assassin, the public butcher,
who will be bom in the nextTncarna
tion as some tantalized spirit, or agon
ized demon. Thart, however, islhls own
Optical! Indecision.
The Daughter—No, mother, dear, I
could not marry Mr. Smith. He
squints. The Mother—My dear girl, a
man who has £20000 a year may bo
affected with a slight optical indeci
sion, hut a squint, -never!—London Tat
It is said that .rats may be driven
from the premises by the playing of
bagpipes. Bats harve a great many
humanttraits^afterialfc—Chicago Jour
nal. -f \ \ ( i . ■
- xs&aai i •> j _• - -.. ..'J
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been
in use for over 30 ycar.s, has borne tho signature of
and has been made under his per*
sonal supervision since its infancy*
Allow no ono to deceive you in this*
All Counterfeits, Imitations and “Just-as-good” are but
Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of
Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment*
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare*
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It Is Pleasant. 16
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago Is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
nnd allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep*
Tho Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
9“'.^ j
hem Railway
row Rics”
ir growlng small grain, corn,flax,
rchards, for other fruits and ber
omato and general truck farms;
lerchantable timber; for raising s *.
and Angora goats. '
oral Lands, Rica Lands and Timber
its,” Business Opportunities, 1
Fruit Book
sale first and third Tuesdays of
B. a. WABJTEK, O. P. and T. A.
Kansas City, Mo.
Baking* Powder
The only high grade
Baking Powder sold at a
moderate price. Com
plies with the pure food
laws of all states.
Trust Baking Powders sell for 45 or j
50 cents per pound and may be iden
tified by this exorbitant price. j
They are a menace to public health, j
as food prepared from them con
tains large quantities of Rochelle
salts, a dangerous cathartic drug.
1 Township Order Books ]
| --
|. _BY_
Pennyroyal pills
H Original unit Only (lenulnfc
WJ ?4iL*®\SAFE. Always reiiahlo. I.tulle*. n*k Prugglal
Lf*\d£p>^\ *11 ami Hold metallic boxes. *ealed
• -v with Mue ribbon. Take no other. Rcfuan
■ W I*aoireroua SiihMtltutlona anil Iiulta*
I fry tioiiH. Huy of your Druggist, or semi 4e. tn
W stainpH to- I’urtltMilarn, Testlmonlalit
l «t and •» Ridiot* for l.udieN,” in falter, by re*
.JVJ ‘ P turn Mail. 10,000 Testimonials. Sold by
v"r all Druggists. 4'hieheater Chemical Co.,
Mention thin paper. lladlaou square, lkUlLA., I*A*
1 have good farms for sale at reason
able prices and on good terms. Parties
buying will be conveyed to and from
land free of cost. May find me 4 blks.
west First Nat’l Bank. Address is
O’Neill, Neb. 45-3m B. A. JOIIRING