Be B.T.Tf&KM©©d PHYSICIAN and SURGEON SRCCIATLIES: CYE. EAR, NOBC AND THROAT Spectacle* correctly fitted and Supplied. O'NEILL, NEB. DR. J. F. GILLIGAN Physician and Surgeon Calls may be left at Ollllifan ic Htoutdrinc store or at residence 1 block north and V, east or stand pipe l'hones: Office 41, res. 10 DR. P. J. FLYNN Physician and Surgeon Night Gall» will be Promptly Attended Offioo: First door to rlifht over Corrlftun's Telephone Nos": Office, f>8: Kesldence, Ml R.1*. DICKSON p * » , ' <£ Lawyer REFERENCE: FIMt NATIONAL RANK. O'NEILL E. H. BENEDICT LAW A REAL ESTATE Office f rat door south of U. 8. Lead Offioo M. J. AI3BOTT ^ Attorney - at - Law jjrf PAGE, NEBRASKA - -- Special attention given to collections and probate business. D. W. CAMERON Practical Cement Worker Manufactures Cement Walks, bull Foundations, Caves, etc. In fact > cement work neatly and prom ! done. Address, Atkinson or O’f I The Q'HEILL BOTTUNGW I R. J.: MARSH, Proprietor Sottlin of CuboBitoi SoTeragei I CIDER MANUFACTURE S. F. McNichoia ; FLOUR and FEE™ All Kinds of Grain Bought and Sold I JOHN HORISKEY I Drayman LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. ...—— ■ —.j:—-f-r—-—am NOTICE. (First Publication July 13.) To Frank Witousek: You aro hereby noti fied that on November 2.1903, L. A. Wight purchased at public sale, for taxes for the year 1902 tho following described tract of land, to-wlt: the s!4 of nwk and tho n'A of Hwhi of section *1, township 30n, range I4W, In Atkinson precinct. Holt bounty, Nebraska. Hald lam! was tayed In tlie name of Frauk Witousek. The time of redemption will ex pire November 2, IMO.'i. . it-g I,. A. WillHT. NOTICE. ( First Publication .Inly lit) To John Hofmann: Yod am hereby notified that on November 10. 11413, L. A. Wight pur chased at public sale, for taxes for the years 1900, 1901, and 1912 tho following described tract of land, to-wlt: t)ic s{4 of nwla of see llon2H, township 26n, range I2w, In UOnley precinct, Holt county. Nebraska. Maid laud was taxed In the name of E. M. Eves. The time of redemption wlwexplre Nov. la, 1905. 3-3 L A. WIGHT. HltlDUE^IOTlCF,. (First Publication July 2o) Sealed proposals will be received at the olllceof the County iflerk, O’Neill. Neb, until 12 o’clock noon, Aijfcjist lltli, 1005, for the construction of a sfity foot span pile and stringer bridge on tie north end of the Bad ger bridge across thp Niobrara river, bidders are required to furnish their own plans and specifications. All bids to be sealed and marked “proposalsfor bridge." The hoard of supervisors reserve tho right to reject any or all bids. / Gated July 15, ll|p 4-4. K. S. filLMOUB, County Cli rk. (First publication July «.) NOTICE POtt PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, Land Office at O’Neill, Nebraska, Juno 0. ItiOfl. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler pas filed notice of his Inten tion to make (Inal proof In support of Ills olatm, and that said proof will be made be fore the Register and Receiver at O’Neill, Nebraska, on August 7,1906, viz: John Cleary of O’Neill. Neq.. H, E. No.10160, for the lots Sand 4, NWJ4/SKJ4, NH!4 SW>4, Sec.7. T. 30 N.j R. 12 W. | He names tb^following witnesses to prove bis continue esldenoe upon and cultiva tion of said 1 viz: Lawrence ry, of O’Neill, Nob. H. G. Bellinger, of cill, Neb. Dell Johnson, of Ray, Net). Ze, .rner, or Atkinson. Neb. g.ft J H.J. WEEKK8, Register. -luuunbiuii >ruuv 10 LAND SALE. Depart"1* f the Interior, United States Office. O'Neil ., June 17, 1905.—No tice is given that in pursu ance of tions from the Commis sioner, General Land Office, u ity vested in him by . Itev. Stat., as amended ress, approved Feb. 26, oceed to otter at public :7th day of J uly, next, at a. m at this office, tire icts of land, to-wit: , Sec. 10, NWi SWi, Sec. , R. 13 W. all persons claiming ad i above described lands are tile their claims at this or before the day above d for the commencement of otherwise their rights will ,ed. 52-5 J. Weeks, Register. . Clem Dkavek, Receiver BUY TK2 SEWING MACHINE Do not be deceived by those who ad vertise a $60.00 Sewing Machine for $20.00. This kind of a machine can be bought from us or any of our dealers from $15.00 to $18.00. WE MAKE A VARIETY. THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST. The Feed determines the strength or weakness of Sewing Machines. The ]>ouble Feed combined with other strong points makes the New Home the best Sewing Machine to buy. Write tor CIRCULARS Sewing Machines wo munu&olure and prices before pure turning THE HEW HOME SEWINE MACHINE GO. ORANGE, MARS. 28 Union Sq. N. Y., Chicago, 111., Atlanta, On., Bt. Louis,Mo., Dallas,Tex., Ban Francisco, Cal TOR SALE BY O. F. BIGLIN O'NEILL. NEB. HOTEL The Ideal Editor. ' You of the “ideal news paper.” It is, says an exchange, like the flower that never withers, the b!rd that never alights, the land where sunlight never fades—it only exists in the imagination of the suck er whom we are told the elements consume. Writing* from the stand point of a count ry editor, if you have ever been lu it is shoes you know lie is the repository of the secrets of the community, none of which lie lias ever divulged. lie must publish a paper chuck full of local news whether any thing happens or not. Jlis judicial mind must be far superior to the dis trict judge and give him pointers in instructing the jury. lie must dis course with equal fluency upon the trust question and Farmer Jones’ Jer sey calf, china painting and poland china hogs, preserved peaches and the perseverance of saints, foreign wars and local strikes, justification by faith and justification by type, the doctrine of election, the election returns, the doings of the last synod and the de tails of prize fights. The receipts of church socials and the squabble in the town council must be equally familiar to the versatile mind. With all this he must wait on the delinquent subscribers, discount the patent medicine fakes, stand off his wasli bill, always go well dressed, pay his printer on Saturday night, whether a cent lias come in or not; write free putts, teach the city admin istration how to run the city and be content with $2 a year for printing the proceedings when it is worth $250; never ask for any honors, but help others to get them; boom the local ; statesman who owes three years’ sub scription—in short be all things to all men, make no mistake in dates, take tlie cussings of the community ana never cuss back. Tills is the ideal editor and his paper is a daisy. We never saw one. Very Low Excursion Rates to San Francisco, Los Angeles, Portland, Tacoma, Seattle, etc., Via the North-Western Line. Ex cursion tickets will be sold from ail stations to Portland, Tacoma and Seattle daily and California points July 25, 26 and 27, and August 10 to 17, inclusive, with favorable return limits, on account of various meet ings. Two fast trains to the Pacific C6ast daily. "The Overland Limit ed” (electric lighted throughout), less than three days en route. Another fast train is "The California Express” with drawing room and tourist sleep ing cars. The best of everything. For rates, tickets, etc., apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R’y. Forced to Starve. B. F. Leek, of Concord, Ky., says: ( “For 20 years I suffered agonies with a sore on my upper lip, so painful, < sometimes that I could not eat. After ( vainly trying everything else, I cured it with Bucklen’s Arnica Salve.” Its great for burns, cuts and wounds. At P.C. Corrigan’s drug store; Only 25c. Low Excursion Rates to Lincoln, Neb, Via the North-Western Line. Ex cursion tickets will be sold August 1 to 10, inclusive, limited to return un til August 11, on account of Nebraska Epworth League. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western lt’y. PUT ON THE BRAKES. ■low Up, or Before Yon Know It Yen May Be Off the Track. The limited goes sixty miles nn hour. In the smoker men joke and play cards and tell risque stories. The day coach es are crowded and comfortless. The heavy sleepers as they sway to and fro make only a gentle rocking for the people who chat and read and nap. Crash! Engine and cars and flesh and blood are ground up together in a shapeless, horrid mass. Off the track! So goes humanity's trnin. Here is a boy who got to running ou a fast schedule. He began by pilfering from his father’s till. As he grew older lis made faster time. Down .grade he goes, and soon comes the crash. News boys cry a murder end a suicide. The crowd halts for a moment His friends murmur, “I never thought he was so bad!" A young man is off the track! A young girl thinks her mother is too slow for these record breaking times. Mother is "old fashioned.” The girl goes to places her mother has warned her she should not frequent The bloom is brushed- from the fruit. • • c One day a brazen, drunken crea ture, cursing and shrieking, is loaded into the patrol wagon. A woman is off the track! A man gets in a hurry to be rich. His father went slowly, carefully, suc cessfully. But father’s methods will not do. What's the use of moiling and toiling when a quicker way may well do the business? So-and-se has spec ulated successfully. Surely I am as ila-hrewd as be. • • • A pistol shot A ^“•ulsoff the track! 1 \,nge is a rapid one. Business and w go at a sixty mile clip. Rather t it sidetrack* d for it time men ‘their trains into the ditch, gjpn run wild. There are tdons and wrecks innu -J" Vig off the track. *5 ing but venturesome ^”a$s young woman -jlruriiThe race is not - on the brakes. «ml know it you Vnir.^qkee Jour wieio Or. Price’s Cream Baking Powaer Awarded Gold Medal Midwinter Fa»r, San Francisco. nan CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH PEfSSmOYAL PILLS „.Oriuriiiftl And Only Genuine. Alwayn reliable. Ladle*. ask Dru«ri«1i r»r CHK'HKSTKH'K KNGLISII in K!,ll and Gold metallic bote*. aealed with blue ribbon. Take no other. Refuse Onueeroua Mubatllutionn und Imita tion*. Buy of your Druggist, or send 4c. IB stamps for rurtlcnlnrfi. TcatlmonlaU •nd Relief for I,ad leu,” tn Utter, by re turn Mull. 10.000 T estimonial*. Sold by „ all Druggitts. i'hlcheater Chemical Go., Roatioa thla taper Uudltou Square. 1*111 LA.. PA. Scottish Sharon OF GREYTOWER 1S3330, Assisted by Imported KING TOM 171879. Both prize-winning bulls of Tie Pan-American, heads the Ak-Sar Ben home herd of Shorthorns. Young mils for sale. J. M. ALDERSON & SONS, Chambers, - - - Nebraska O’NEILL ABSTRACT COM PAN Y Compiles Abstracts of Title rHE ONLY COMPLETE SET OF AB STRACT BOOKS IN HOLT COUNTY I r only f Double Track J P RAILROAD ^ W Between Missouri River and 0 a Chicago Ja V Direct line to St. Paul ^ W and Minneapolis. 0 A Direct line to the Black ^ P mils, South Dakota. Y P Only line to Bonesteel, 0 )<• S. D., the Rosebud Indian Reservation. ^ C Through sleeping car 0 service to Omaha, making 0 V direct connections at Om- ^ W aha Union Station for 0 V Chicagoand all points east. ^ W No delays, no change of 0 \ cars. Northwestern all the ^ V Apply to nearest agent for v rates, maps ami iltne curds, or write to— ^k JOHN A. KUHN. ^ A. U. F. and P. A.. Omaha “ V ^ ■- -irljr’ :: V f ■ '-ife'.. ...vii'. A strictly high-grade Family Sewing Machine, possessing a'J modern improvements. GMlM E|dl Id !lid Best. Prices very reasonable. Obtain them from your local dealer anci £ 333Broadway,N. Y OC.L'.'IUtns.| n-a. O'NEIL, TUESDAY, JULY 25th. One Slight Only i Wild Western Historical Life in Kcality. * ’ ' i lill ^^^^350N./fAKmJou)imroRJ:jsiJ/M’sAwrTo^Oi/rij Comedy. Realism, Sensationalism, Comedians, Cowboys, Indians, Mexicans. One night only, rain or shine. Show grounds near opera house. Doors open at 7 p. m., show begins at 8 ’clock sharp. Price of admission reduoed for this date only. $7,000 extra free attraction in front of the tents from 0:30 to 7 o’clock, ALL FREE. W. I. Swain’s Original Cowboy Band WILD OUTLAWED HORSES, bridled, sadalecl and rode free of charge Bring your wild unbroken horses; $500 for a horse our champion of the plains can not ride. Worth going miles to see: be there.