Dt. B.T.Ttin&lood PHYSICIAN and SURGEON BRECIATLIES: EYE. EAR, NOSE AND THROAT Bpeetaele* correctly fitted and Supplied. O'NEILL, NEB. DR. j. P. GILLIGAN Physician and Surgeon Celle may be left at Gllll&an & Stout druR etore or at residence 1 block north and ‘A east of stand pipe Phones: Office 41, res. 10 DR. P. J. FLYNN Physician and Surgeon Night CaU* will be Promptly Attended Office: First door to right over Corrigan's Telephone Nos.: Office, 68; Residence, 08 R R. DICKSON Lawyer ot airiaiNCi: rmsT national sank, o niill E. H. BENEDICT LAW & REAL ESTATE Office first door south of U. S. Land Oflioe M. <1, ABBOTT ^ Attorney - at - Law PAGE, NEBRASKA ft®* Special attention Riven to collections and probate bustneB9. D. W. CAMERON Practical Cement Worker Manufactures Cement Walks, builds Foundations, Caves, etc. In fact all cement work neatly and promptly done. Address, Atkinson or O’Neill TheO'HEILLBOTTLINGWORKS K. J.fMAKSH, Proprietor Bottlers of Carbonated Beverages CIDER MANUFACTURERS S. F. McNichols FLOUR and FEED All Kindi of Orain Bought and Sold JOHN HORISKEY Drayman Tour property handled without smashing It and delivered when and where you want It. J. C. HORISKEY Staple and Fancy Groceries Flour, Salt, Country Produce coiTKnrs Flour and Feed Handle product of Stanton Mlllls, than which there is no better flour made GRANT HATFIELD Re staurant MEALS OR LUNCHES Served as desired at all hours. Ntoe assort ment of Fruits, Nuts, Candtes, Cigars, eto. V. ALBERTS A DIALER IN Harness & Saddlery Goods Also Agent for BUm Native Herbs, 200 days treatment for 91 and money refunded If not benefltted. Also Wheeler & Wilson Ball Bearing Sewing Mach. A* 9. Abstract Co»^5>ai& Title Abstractors Office in First National Bank Bldg. SHORTHORN BULLS AND HEIFERS SCOTCH tops on best BATES fami lies, 35 BULLS 14 to 26 mo. old. 20 HEIFERS and 10 COWS bred to our fine Scotch bull MISSIES PRINCE 75402. Over 200 head in heard to select from. These are the cattle fbr western men,as they are acclimated. Come and see them or write for prices. THE BROOK FARM CO., J. B. Thomas, foreman.O'NelU. Holt Co..Neb F.GGATZ MEAT _Market Telephone [No. 80 WE|SELL Fresh and Cured Meat of all kinds PUBLIC SALE I Six and one-half miles southeast of O’Neill and four miles west of Inman, commencing at 1 p. in. sharp, on Wednesday, May 31st, 1905 Cows «*& Heifers I II 2-year-old mare colt 1 yearling mare colt 11 5 YR CID REGISTERED JERSEY BULL I . 3 brood sows, grade Duroc-Jersey » 1 registered Duroc-Jersey boar, 18 months old . 2 narrow tire wagons, without box . 1 Plano binder I TERMS™All sums of $10 or under cash; over $10 nine months time given, with approved security. * BARNEY STEWART, Auct. Mrs. MARY A. UTTLEY (First publication May 1.) NOTICE. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the Oonuty Clerk, o’Nelli, Nebraska, until 12 o'clock, noon, June 80,1005, for the construction of Ice Breaks on the bridges across the Niobrara river. Bidders to fur nish plans aud specifications. Bids to be sealed and marked "Proposals for building loo Breaks." The board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. 45-4 E. 8, 011,Moult, County Clerk. J. C. Harnlsh, Deputy. First Publication Mav 11. BRIDGE NOTICE, Sealed proposals will bo received at the office of the County Clerk, O'Neill. Holt oouuty, Nebraska, until noon of the 8th day of June, 1005, for the erection of a pile and stringer bridge across Dry Creek at or near the center of the southwest puarter of sec tion eight, township twenty-eight, range eleven, said bridge to be sixty-four feet long aad , fourteen feet wide. Bids to be sealed and marked "Proposals for bridge." The board of supervisors reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Dated O’Neill. Nebr., May (», 1905. 48-4 K. S. G1LMOUIt, County Clerk. (First publication May 4.) NOTCE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior, Land Office at O'Neill, Nebraska. April 22,1905. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Inten tion to make final proof in support or his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the Register and Receiver at O'Neill, Nebraska, on JuueB, 11K15, viz: John Cleary, of O'Neill. Neb., H.E. No.18151), for the lots 2 and 8. NWh SEl*. NK»* SVV‘4,See.7, T. 3u N„ K. 12 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultiva tion of said land, viz: Lawrence Murry, of O’Neill, Neb. R. J. Bellinger, of O'Neill, Neb. Dell Johnson, of Ray. Neb. /.eb Warner, of Atkinson. Neb. 44.5 8. J. WE EKES, . Register. (First Publication May 11) NOTICE TO NON - RESIDENT DEFENDANTS To John Shurnboru. non-resident. You are hereby notified that ou the 6th day ol’ May, 1905. Jane Bentley as platntltf filed her Setltion In the District Court of llolt county. ebraska, against you and lot 111 and Block No. 23, of the village of O'Neill, Holt county. Nebraska, the object and prayer of which is toiforeclose a tax lien upon said lot in block 23. and she claims In said petition, there is now due upon said tax lien the sum of 1117.7* together with Interest thereon from the 6th day of May 1906, aud a prayer that unless you pay said sum and Interest, and costs of suit, that a decree of court may be entered re quiring the Sheriff of Holt county, Nebraska, to sell said lot 1(1 In block 23 in the town of O'Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, as upon ex ecution. You arc required to answer said petition, on or before the 13th day of June 1906 46-4 Jane Bentley, Plaintiff. First Publication May 4. IN THE Dl-TRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA, In the matter of the estate of James II. Kelsey, deceased. NOTICE Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of an order of Honorable J. J. Harrington, one of the judges of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, made on the 18th day of April, 1905, for the sale of the real estate hereinafter described, there will be sold at public vendue on the 29 day of May 19U5, at lo o'clock A. M., at the front door of the court house In the city of O’Neill, Holt county Nebraska to the highest bidder for cash the lollowlug described real estate to wit: The Southwest quarter of section 1, Township 28 Range 11; said sale will remain open one hour. Dated 29 day of April, 1906. 45-3 EMMONS J. GODFREY, Administrator of the estate of James il. Kelsey, deceased, (First Publication May 18.) BRIDGE NOTICE Scaled proposals will be received at the office of the County Clerk. O’Neill. Nebraska, until 12 o’clock noon, on the 20th, day of June 1005, for the construction of a bridge across the Niobrara river between the coun ties of Holt and Boyd, at or near a point close; to the mouth of Turkey Creek, said bridge to be built jointly by the counties Holt and Boyd. Bidders will be required to furnish their own plans and specifications. All bids to be sealed and marked, ‘‘proposals for bridge.” The board of supervisors of each county reserve the right to rejoct any or all bids. Dated O’Neill, Neb. May 17th, 1905. 47-4 E. 8. GILMOUR, County Clerk. Holt county. Nebraska. (First Publication May 4.) IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY,NEBRASKA In the matter of the adoption of Beatrice Barrett, an ini ant. Order of Heuring. Whereas on the 3rd day of May, 1905, Edwin R. Adams and Katherine Adams, husband and wife of O’Neill, Nebraska, filed a petition duly verified setting forth that they freely and voluntarly desire to adopt Beatrice Barrett, a minor child of the age of one year, now in the care and custody oi Leila I. Barrett, the mother of said child, and the , said Leila I. Barrett having the exclusive custody, care and control of said child, hav ing filed in this office a statement duly sign ed and acknowledged that she desires to re linquish the care and custody of said Beat rice Barrett, to Edwin K. Adams and Kathar ine Adams with a view to its adoption by them. 1 have therefore appointed the 10th day of June, 1905, at my office in the court house in O’Neill, Nebraska, at one o’clock p. m. as the time and place when a hearing will be had in said matter,at this time and place all persons interested therein may appear. And it appearing from said petition that Clarence A. Barrett, the father of said child, is a non-resident of the state of Nebraska, it is further ordered that a copy of this order be published as required by law in some newspaper published in said county, and that a copy of this order be served on the said Leila I. Barrett at least fourteen days before the date of said hearing. 45-3 (Seal) J. M. Morgan, County Judge. (First publication May 4.) NOTICE. State of Nebraska, county of Holt, ss. To whom it may concern: The commis sioners appointed to locate a road commenc ing at the south west corner of section H,town snip (25) north of range (14) west in Holt county, running thence east on section line three miles to the southwest corner of sec tion (3); thence north on section line 3.00 chains. Thence north 48 deg. 5 min. east, 9,50 chains. Thence north 7 deg. 25 min. west 10.82 chains. Thence west 2,00 chains back to sect’on line. Thence north on section line 18.65 chaius to a point about 1.25 chains south of quarter section corner. Thence west in section (4) 2.36 chains. Thence north 11 deg. 30 min., west 12.21 chains. Thence cast 4.82 chains back to section line between sections (3) and (4). Thence north 29.86 chains to northwest corner of section (3). Thence east on section lino three miles to the northeast corner of section (l). Also, commencing at the northeast corner of section 3, township 25, range 14, and run ning north on section line in township 26, range 14 two and one-half miles to the quar ter corner between sections (22) and (23). Thence north 26 deg. 50 min. west 13.94 chains. Thence north 13 deg. 10 min east 9.10 chaius to a point 5.00 chains north of northwest cor ner of section (23). Thence north 75.00 chains to the northwest corner ot section (14), and connecting with,road No, 70at this poiut and there terminate has reported in faver of the establishment thereof, and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the county clerk’s office on or before noon of the 3rd day of June, 1905, or such road will be established without reference thereto. 45-4 E. 8. GILVIOUR, County Clerk. By J.C. Haruish, Deputy. (First Publication May 18) SCHOOL LAND AUCTION The following described lands in Holt county will be offered for lease at public auction at County treasurer’s office in O’Neill, Nebraska, Monday June 12, 19o5. at 11 a. m. Term of leasing and appraised value may be had on application to Commissioner of Public Lauds and Buildings at Lincoln, Ne braska, or to County treasurer at O’Neill. This land cannot be redeemed after second issue of advertisement. All 18-31-12. 47-3 H. M. EATON, Com. Pub. Land & Bldgs. (First Publication May 18) NOTICE OF FIRST MEETING OF CREDITORS. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNIT ED STATES FOR THE DISTRICT OF NEBRASKA. In the matter of Gill Brothers, a partnership, William Gill, Charles Gill and Mort ^ ill. BANKRUPTS.—CASK NO. 1132. To the creditors of Gill Brothers a part nership, William Gill, Charles Gill and Mort Gill, of Stuart, in the county of Holt, and district aforesaid, a bankrupt. Notice is hereby given that on the 11th day of March A. D., 1905, the said Gill Brothers, a partnership William Gill, Charles Gill and Mort Gill, was duly adjudicated bankrupt; and that the first meeting of their creditors will be held at the court house in O’Neill Ne braska, on the 1st day of June, A. D., 1905, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, at which time the said creditors may attend, prove their claims appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact such other business as may properly come before said meeting. Dated May Id, 1905. 47-2 * A. W. SCATTERGOOD, Referee in Bankruptcy. NOTICE. (First Publication May 25.) No 1$. F. Barto, first, full aud real name un known, Mrs. B. F. Barto, first full aud real name unknown,C. H, Toncray and Mrs. C. H, Toucray, first, full aud real names un known, J. li. Ailing, first full and real name uuknown, Horace N, McKee aud Mrs. Horace IN. McKee, full and real name un known, non-resident defendants. You aud each of you will take notice that John A. I.eese has begun an action In the district kcourt of Holt county, Nebraska, agalst you and each of you, the object aud prayer being to obtain a decree quieting and confirming tne title In him to the southeast quarter of section seventeen, township thirty, north of range ten, west of the sixth p. m. in Holt county, Nebraska, plaintiff alleging In said petition that lie is the owner of suid real estate and the defendants aud each of them have no Interest therein; that he Is in the possession of said real estate aud that he aud his prior grautors have been since the 7th day of October, 1895, in the actual, continuous, notorious and adverse possession of the above described real estate underclaim of being the owners aud siuce that date have paid the taxes on said laud aud have occupied and Improved the same aud alleging .that two certain mortgages, one given by B. F. Barto to C. 11. Toueary forlauu November 1, 1889, and one .given by H. N. McKee Deoember 19th, 1889 for WOU to U. H. Toueary aud said ItHJU mortgage having been assigned to the defendant J. H. Ailing August 6th, 1891 have been paid and fully satisfied and that the defendants tail and refuse to release them of record aud that they cast a cloud on plaintiff’s title.. Plaintiff alleges further that the defen dants and each of them have no interest In said real estate of any kind or nature, their iuterest In said laud having been cut out by a foreclosure suit begun uy .1. E. Moore, trustee ou the &Jth day.of August, 180-, ami in which cause sheriff’s deed issued Septem ber 13, 1893, and uuder w'hleli sheiiff’s deed the plaintiff and his prior grantors went into and held possession of said land. Plaintiff prays the defendants be decreed to have no Interest in said land and that title be quieted in blm,| that said mortgages be deroeed to be paid and the defendants be required to cancel them of record and that the defendants and each of them be forever enjoined from having any interest in said premises and for other equitable relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before July 3rd, 1905. 48-4 R. R. DICKSON. Attorney for Plaintiff. ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES. On motion the City Council made the following estimate ol the probable amount of all moneys necessary for all purposes to be expended by the city government during the present fiscal year, commencing May 2, 1905, and ending on the first Tuesday of May, 1906: Salaries of city officers.$1500 Fuel. 1000 Railroad sinking fund. 1100 Streets, repairs and sidewalks... 1500 Repairs on waterworks. 1000 Judgment levey. 2500 Interest on railroad bonds. 1200 Fire department supplies. 100 Interest on waterworks bonds... 1200 Water bond sinking fund.1200 Total.12800 The entire revenue for the previous fiscal year was as follows : Received from county treas urer, township treasurer and city marshal.$2987 99 Occupation tax... 2000 00 Water rental.. 986 43 City scales. 157 90 Water bond interest. 1845 67 Total. 7947 99 Dated at O’Neill, Nebr., May 24, 1905. I). A. DOYLE, Mayor. Romaine Saunders, Clerk. 48-4 REAL ESTATE I have good farms for sale at reason able prices and on good terms. Parties buying will be conveyed to and from land free of cost. May iind me 4 blks. west First Nat’l Bank. Address is O’Neill, Neb. 45-3m B. A. JOHRING Made Young Again. “One of Dr. King’s New Life Pills each night for two weeks has put me in my ‘teens’ again” writes D. H. Tur ner of Dempseytown, Pa. They’re the best in the world for Liver, Stomach and Bowels. Purely vege table. Never gripe. Only 25c at P. C. Corrigan’s drug store. Special Summer Excursion Rates to Chicago and Return Via the North-Western Line Excur sion tickets will be sold to Chicago and return until Sep. 30, 1905, limited to return uutil October 31. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R’y. ^ ONLY ^ J Double Track J ^ RAILROAD ^ 0 Between Mieeonri Biver and 0 ^k Chicago A Direct line to St. Paul ^ 0 and Minneapolis. 0 0 Direct line to the Black 0 Hills, South Dakota. ^ 0 Only line to Bonesteel, 0 •• S. D., the Rosebud Indian •• ' I Reservation. ^ Through sleeping car ^ service to Omaha, making 0 direct connections at Om- ^ aha Union Station for 0 Chicago and all points east. ^ No delays, no change of 0 cars, Northwestern all the ^ Apply to nearest agent for 0 rates, maps and time cards, or ^ write to— ^k JOHN A. KUHN. ^ A. U. F. and P. A., Omaha k'VkWkJ'WvS This hotel has been newly fitted up, freshly papered thronghont and painted outside and in, every thing neat and tidy. Rates $1 and $2 a Day You patronage solicted. First door west of Brennan’s hardware. Scottish Sharoi).... OF GREYTOWER 163330, Assisted by Imported KINO TOM 171879. Both prize-winning bulls of the Pan-American, heads the Ak-Sar Ben home herd of Shorthorns. Young bulls for sale. J. M. ALDERSON & SONS, Chambers, ... Nebraska. -—— BUY TK :Z E SEWING MACHINE Do not be deceived by those who ad vertise a $60.00 Sewing Machine for $20.00. This kind of a machine can be bought from us or any of our dealers from $15.00 to $18.00. WE MAKt A VARIETY. THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST. The Feed determines the strength or weakness of Sewing Machines. The Double Feed combined with other strong points makes the New Home the best Sewing Machine to buy. showing the dif ferent styles of Sewing Machines we manufacture and prices before purchasing THE NEW HOME SEWING MAGHINE GO. ORANGE, MASS. 28 Union Sq. N. Y.f Chicago, 111., Atlanta, Ga., 8t. Louis,Mo., Dallas,Tex., San Francisco, Cal FOR SALE BY O. F\ BIGLIN O'NEILL, NEB. HOTEL EVANS ONLY FIRST-CLASS HOTEL IN THE CITY FREE BUS SERVICE W. T. EVANS, Prop. O’N El L L • ABSTRACT COMPANY Compiles Abstracts of Title THE ONLY COMPLETE SET OF AB STRACT BOOKS IN HOLT COUNTY