Dr, BtT.TrtesMoed PHYSICIAN and SURGEON SPECIATLIES: eve. Ear, Nose and Throat Spectacles correctly fitted and Supplied. O'NEILL, NEB. OR. J. P. GILLIGAN Physician and Surgeon Calls may be left at Glllltran & Btoutdru* •tore or at residence 1 block north and 4 east of stand pipe Phones: Office 41, res. 10 DR. P. J. FLYNN Physician and Surgeon Night Call* mil be Promptly Attended Office: First door to right over Corrigan’s Telephone Nos.: Office, 58; Residence, rTr. DICKSON Lawyer ■.* NKintNcc: first national sank, o'NULtr E. H. BENEDICT LAW A REAL ESTATE Office first door south of U.8, Land Office D. W. CAMERON Practical Cement Worker Manufactures Cement Walks, builds Foundations, Caves, etc. In fact all cement work neatly and promptly , done. Address, Atkinson or O’Neill The O'NEILl BOTTLING WORKS R. J.'MAKSH, Proprietor Bottlers of Carbonated Beverages CIDER MANUFACTURERS 8. F. McNichols FLOUR and FEED All Kinds of Grain Bought and Sold JOHN HORISKEY Drayman Your property handled without smashing It and delivered when and where you want It, J J. C. HORISKEY Staple and Fancy .Groceries Floor, Salt, Country Produce COURT USTS Flour and Feed Handle product of Stanton Millls, than which there is no better dour made GRANT HATFIELD Re staurant MEALS OR LUNCHES Served aa desired %t all hours. Nloe assort ment of Prults. Nuts, Candles, Cigars, eto. V. ALBERTS HrO' A DEALER IN Harnepp & Saddlery Goods Also Agent for Biles Native Herbs, *00 days treatment for II and money refunded If not benefitted. Also Wheeler A Wilson Ball Bearing Sewing Maoh. LEEK & f; AT/: MEAT _Market Telephone T |No. 80 WE SELL Fresh and Cured Meat of all kinds Chicago & Northwestern Railway tPassengei^^laL8 EAST 3:ooa. m. •Passenger, No. 6, 0:40 a. m. •Freight, No. 116, 3:35 p. m. tFreight, No. 64, 12:01 p. m TRAINS WEST tPassenger, No. 5, 3:35 p. m. •Passenger, No.ll, 10:25 p.m •Freight, NO. 119, 6:32 p. m. fFreight, No. 63, 3:35 p. m. The service is greatly improved by the addition of the new passenger trains Nos. 4 and 5; No. 4 arrives in Omaha at 10:35 a. m., arrives at Sioux . City at 9:15 a. m. No. 5 leaves Omaha * at 7:15 a. m., leaves Sioux City at 7:50 a. m. •Dally; tD&lly, exoept Sunday. E. R. Adams, Agent Or. Price’s Cream Baking Powder ' — • - g. m.-m ltuadaiwr F«ir. H FraoelMU. OTHER COUNTY TOWN* \ Rummaged : From : Their : Aiiotpapert EWING. G. A. Raker, the former editor of this paper, now editor and proprietor of the Indian Journal, Eufaula, Ind Terr., accompanied by his wife and son, arrived in Ewing last Friday afternoon, intending to spend the holidays with relatives and friends at this place. They speak of their new home as being a more desirable place to live than hereabouts, as the climate is more mild. From their healthy appearance, we should judge they have found the sunny south well suit ed to their highest ambitions.—The Advocate. ATKINSON. A. O. Perry received a telegram last Tuesday from Atchison, Kan., that his father, whose home is at that place was not expected to live. Mr. Perry left on the early morning train Wed nesday, with the hope of reaching there in time to be with him during the last hours of his illness. Denny Hunt of Dustin spent Christ mas in Atkinson with his family. Denny received through the mail a Christmas present in the shape of a check which represents a neat little sum, all because he had the nerve to back his opinion based on statements published in the Graphic. State Journal: Friday, October 28, was the eightieth anniversary of the birthday of Juhge William Bowen, of 1751 north 28th street. In the even ing a large number of his neighbors and the Sunday school class to which he belongs at Grace church called to offer their congratulations. Brief re marks suitable to the occasion were made by Eev. D. L. Thomas and J. C. Pent/.er, and then A. G. Chapman on behalf of all present presented Judge Bowen with a fine gold headed ebony cane. To all this he replied in an ap preciative and feeling speech. Re freshments were served Judge Bowen gets his title from having been county judge of Holt some years ago. He is hale active. His father lived to be the age of ninety-four.—'The Graphic. STUART Mike Flannigan is visiting parents in Minneapolis. Ernest Zink came home from Hoop er, Saturday to spend Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Roswell Haskin of Anoka visited relatives in Stuart this week. Geo. F. Reichert is contesting the claim abandoned by Chas. Lee near Pony Lake. J. L. Cahill went to Omaha Tues day to attend the State Teachers’ association. Mr. Purdy of Atkinson was here the first of the week looking up a location for a photograph gallery in Stuart. Mrs. Cliittick has been very ill for a day or two. A counsel of physicians was held Wednesday. Dr. Gilligan of O’Neill and Drs. Hunt and Colburn pronounced the trouble appendicitis. Dr. Allison was brought by telegram from Omaha last night and assisted Dr. Hunt and Dr. Colburn in an opera tion for appendicitis. Mrs. Chittick is doing as weil as could be expected. A number of single ladies served a Christmas dinner at Miss Agnes Ripps. The menue consisted of turkey and all its rich accompaniments, pre pared by the ladies separetly. Out siders say everything was lovely and the goose flew away. This closes an uneventful leap year 1904. The har poons are laid away till A. D. 1908. The bachelors of Stuart ate Chirst mas dinner at the home of Henrv Brockmans, unpresided over. Chef Flannigrn prepared the menu. It consisted of turkey, quail on toast, oysters on half shell, beverages and lovely buscuits mixed by—artistic hands. The dinner was elegant, but ladies’ smiles and wiles would have been a great destroyer of dispepsia and accelerated the sluggish motion of the overcrowded heart.—The Ledger. A very (Jiose UaU. “I stuck to my engine, although every joint ached and every nerve was rocked with pain,” writes C. W. Bel lamy, locomotive fireman, of Burling ton, Iowa. “I was weak and pale, without any appetite and all run down. As I was about to give up, got a bottle of Electric Bitters, and after taking it, 1 felt as well as I ever did in my life.” Weak, sickly, run down people always gain new life, strength and vigor from their use. Try them. Satisfastion guaranteed by I\ C. Corri gan druggist price 50 cents. Bought Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy and Sent it to Friends. Mr. F. W. J. Fletcher, a druggist in Victoria, Australia, says: “A custom er of mine, was so pleased with Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy, which she had used for her children when suffer ing from colds and croup, that during a fortnight’s time she obtained at my shop, nine bottles, which she sent to her friends in different pans of the state, telling them to give it a trial.” For sale by P. C. Corrigan. bread is digestible. Sweet bread is nutritious. Wonderful bread — light and sweet, is made with YEAST FOAM Yeast Foam is the wonderful yeast that took the First Grand Prize at the St. Louis Exposi tion and is sold by all grocers at 5c. a package—enough to make 40 loaves. Send a postal card for our new illustrated book “Good Bread: Howto Make It." NORTHWESTERN YEAST CO. CHICACO, ILL. Found a Cure for Indigestion. I use Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets for indigestion and find that they suit my case better than any dyspepsia remedy I have tried and I have used many different re medies. I am nearly fil'ty-one years of age and have suffered a great deal from indigestion. I can eat almost anything I want to now—Geo. Emory, Roek |Mills, Ala. For sale by P. C. Corrigan. Domestic Troubles. it is exceptional to find a family where there are no domestic ruptures occasionally, but these can be lessened by having I)r. King’s New Life Pills around. Much trouble they save by theirgreat work in Stomach and Liver troubles. They not only relieve you, but cure. 25c, at P. C. Corrigan Drug Store. Wonderful Nerve. Is disp'ayed by many a man endur ing pains of accidental Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Sore feet or stiff joints. But there’s no need for it. Bucklen’s Arnica Salve will kill the pain and cure the trouble. It’s the best Salve on earth for Piles, too. 25c, at P. C. Corrigan. Druggist. Mr. Wm. S. Crane, of California, Md., suffered for years from rheuma tism and lumbago. He was finally ad vised to try Chamberlain’s Pain Balm, which he did and it effected a com plete cure. This liniment is for sale by P. C. Corrigan. They Were All Right. He was a typical backwoods farmer. His first visit to a city restaurant, how ever, had taken away none of the ap petite he had at home, where every thing was placed in large dishes on the center of the table and each one help ed himself. The waiter had plied the food around the plate In the customary little dishes, which the farmer cleaned up In turn. Settling back In his chair, he hailed the passing waiter: “Hey, there, young man! Your sam ples are all right. Bring on the rest of the stuff.”—Judge. The Business Man is rare indeed who does not realize the advantage keeping a bank account. Yet while aware of the benefits many men hesitate to open account, because they think their t.ransacions are n<|t large enough. They are in error. The banking system is for the man of small as well as laige affairs. Tire O’Neill National Bank is at the service of every one. it will open an account just as willingly with the small merchant as with the largest man ufacturer. If you have been hesita ting, don’t do it any longer. Start an account to-day, even if it is with only five dollars. O'NEILL NATIONAL BANK LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. BRIDGE NOTICE Sealed proposals will be received at the office of Ihe County Clerk. O’Neill, Nebraska, until 12 o’clock noon, .January 28th, 19115, for the building of a pile and stringer bridge 32 feet long and 14 feet roadway across Eagle creek, between sections 17 and 20, Township (32). Kange <11). Bidders will be required to furnish their own plans and specifications. All bids to be sealed and marked, ‘‘proposals for bridge.” The board of supervisors reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Dated December 28, 1904 . 27-4 K. 8. GILM.OUR, County Clerk. BRIDGE NOTICE. Sealed proposals will be received at the office of the County Clerk, O'Neill. Neb, until 12 o’clock noon, January 26th, 1605, for the bonding of a pile and stringer bridge 44 feet long and 16 feet roadway, across the Elkhorn river on the range line between sections seven township twenty-eight range ten, and section twelve township twenty-eight range eleven, west of 6th P. M. Bidders will b' required to furnish their own plans and specifications. All bids to be sealed and marked “proposals for bridge.” The board of supervisors reserve the right to reject any or all bids. Dated December 28,1904 27-4. E. 8. GILMUUR, County Clerk. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. Land Office at O’Neill. Nebraska, December 3, 1604. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof In suoport of bis claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver at O’Neill, Nebraska, on January 16,1605. viz: ALBERT W. KNAPP, of O’Neill, Neb.. H. E. No. 15645, for the N WJi.Sec. 24,T,26,N.It. 11. W. He names the following witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon aud cultiva tion of said land, viz: P. J,Toohill, T.T. Waid.F. M. Wald and Charles Downey all of O’Neill, Neb. 24-tf 8. ,J. WKEKE8, Register. CONTEST NOTICE. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office, .O'Neill, Net)., December 10, loot. A sufficient contest affidavit having been Bled In this office by Lewis C. Chapman contestant, against homestbad entry No. 17929 made February 5, 1903, for the 814 NE!4 8E14 NVVt* andNEla SW)4, section 6. town ship 26 N range 9 W by Harry I. Horton, contestee, In which it is alleged that said Harry I. Horton never established a resi dence oil said tract of land, and has wholly abandoned the same lor more than six months last past, and that said alleged ab sence from the said land was not due to his employment In the army, navy or marine corps of the U uited St ates as a pri vste soldier, officer, seaman or marine, during the war with Spain or during any other war In which the United States may be engaged. Said parties are hereby notified to appear, respond and otter evidence touching said allegations at 10 o’clock a. m. on Febuary 7, 1905, before the register and receiver at the United States land office In O'Neill, Ne braska. The said contestant, having in a proper affidavit filed Deeember 10, 1904, set forth facts which show.that after bue diligence personal service of this notice can not be mad% It is hereby ordered and directed that such notice be giving by due and proper pub lication. S.J. WEEKES. 4-25 Register. NOTICE. To John O’Kalla, alias John O'Hala, non resident defendant. The above named defendant will take notice that ou the 12th dayjof December, 1904, the plaintiff, J. T. Wachowski, commenced an action In the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against you,the object and prayer of which Is to recover of and from you a Judgment, for the sum of 8206.15 with Interest thereon, which amount is now due and pay able to the plaintiff from the defendant on a certain Judgment rendered in Justlc Court, in Cook county, Illinois, on the 27th day of November, 1903, for the sum of 8200 and hosts, *6.15. A transcript of said judgment having been Bled In the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court, of Cook county, Illinois, ou the 29th day of November, 1904. Plaintiff alleges in said petition that no part of said judgment has been paid or in any manner satified and that theie is due him the above sum. Defendant will further take notice that the plaintiff Bled iu said cause.on the same day, an affidavit for writ of attachment against the defendant and that on said day a writ of attachment was issued In said cause for said sum of *206.15 and that the sheriff by virtue thereof levied upon the following described real estate of the defendant to-wit: The east half of section 82,townsliip 30, range 13, west of 6th P. M., in Holt county, Nebra ska, to satisfy the above amount and costs, plaintiff alleging in said petition that the defendant, John O’Kalla and John O’ilala are the one and the same person against whom said judgmeut was entered In said Cook county, Illinois, in Justice Court. Defendant will take notice that the plain tiff will ask Judgment and an order that the above described real estate will be sold to satisfy the same. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 30th day of January, 1905 26-4 R. R. DICKSON, Attorney for plaintiff. NOTICE. To the Showalter Mortgage Company, a cor poration, 'Tootle ilosea and company, u partnership composed of Kate M. Tootle, \V. W. Wheeler, Joshua Motter uud the estate of W. K. Hoses, deceased, and Tootle Wheeler uud Motter, a copartnership and Tootle Wheeler and Motter Mercantile com pany, a corporation, successors to Tootle, Ilosea and company, uou-resldent defend ants. You and each of will take notice that the plaintiff, Michael Lyons, has commenced an action In the district court of llolt county, Nebraska, against you aud each of you and also Walter L. ^elby aud wife, Mrs. Walter L. Selby, the object aud prayerof said action being to obtain a decree quieting the title to the east half of the northeast quarter uud east half of the southeast quarter of section 34, tow nship 27, north or range 13, west of the tith 1’. M. m llolt county. Nebraska, in the plaintiff and to decree as fully paid and satistied aud to have cancelled of record aud to remove the cloud cast ou plaintiff s title to said real estate by reason of said mortgage uud a decree Uniting that you and each of you and your co defendants bave no iuterest in said real estate by reasou of said mor tgages and that you and each of you be required to release aud satisfy said mortga ges of record and that upon your failure to do so, that a certified copy of said decree operate as a release of said mortgage, said mortgages having been given by 1‘. u. Nor folk and wife. June 4th, 189U, and recorded June Uth, 1890, In book 51, al page 828 of mort gages. to secure a note of jfluiO becoming due December 4tli, 189u, aud given to Tootle Uosea aud company, the other mort gage having been given by Margaret Dorothy June 1st. 1888, to thedeleudrut, the Showalter Mortgage company for the sum of *298, falling due 6 years after date aud recorded in book 40 of mortgages, at page 207, plaintiff ulleg ng in said petition that said mortgages have beeu fully paid aud satlsUed and ought to be released aud alleging and praying lor other equitable relief. Ybu are required to answer said petition on or before the 9lh day of January, 1905 . 23-4 it. It. DICKSON, Attorney for Plaintiff, Late Beginning!. Sir Walter Scott began to write bis celebrated novels at forty. Milton be gan . "Paradise Lost” at fifty. When “East Lynne” appeared Its author, Mrs. Henry Wood, was forty-five. Cromwell was forty-one when be be gan his public career. The year of the hegira was the fifty-third of Moham med, and Marlborough reached bis In dependent command at the same age. In spiritual examples Abraham was seventy-five when called out of Cha ran, and Moses was eighty when he stood before Pharaoh as the champion of Israel. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the " Signature of &&&£ j 'TfmCfn' Designs t ' "TTYT ’ Copyrights Ac. I 1 Anyone sending a sketch and description may [ 1 quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an £ 4 invention Is probably patentable. Communion- t 2 tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents * < sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. I 4 Patents taken through Mann A Co. receive £ I special notice, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest dr- \ I WASH BLUE ^ Costs to cents and equals 26 cents worth of any other kind of bluing. Won’t Freeze, Spill, Break Nor Spot Clothes DIRECTIONS FOR USES around in the Water• JOHN A. ZEIMER, Prop.; This hotel has been newly fitted up, freshly papered throughout and painted outside and in, every thing neat and tidy. Rates $1 and $2 a Day You patronage solicted. First door west of Brennan’s hardware. IF YOU WANT Commercial News Qrain Market News Wall Street Gossip Minining and Building News SUBSCRIBE FOR THE | Omaha Commercial \ $1.00 PER YEAR 211 Board of Trade, OMAHA, Neb. ! Scottish Sharoi).... OF GREYTOWER 1S3330, Anslsted by Imported KING TOM 171879. Both prize-winning bulls of the Pan-American, heads the Ak-Sar Ben home herd of Shorthorns. Young bulls for sale. J. M. ALDERSON & SONS, Chambers, - - - Nebraska. A. 9. Title Abstractors Offioe in First National Bank Bldg. (Wilmar & Sioux Falls Ry.) Passenger, Daily Except Sunday. 9:50 P. M. Ar Central Time Lv7:00 A. M MlxedTrain, Dally, Except Sunday. 3:50 P. M. Ar Central Time L/ 9:50 F. M. Close connections at Sioux City for all points. For rates and further information call on or address— W. E. West, Agent SHORTHORN BULLS AND HEIFERS SCOTCH tops on best BATES fami lies, 35 BULLS 14 to 26 mo. old. 20 HEIFERS and 10 COWS bred to our tine Scotch bull MISSIES PRINCE 75402. Over 200 head in heard to select from. These are the cattle for western men,as they are acclimated. Come and see them or write for prices. THE BROOK FARM CO., J. R. Thomas, foreman.O'Nelll. Holt Co.,Neb Itosc si Wet Is Qulltr. Tm Pjj IOC hr dears M it CM Lewis SINGLE BINDER STRAIGHT*^ STRAIGHT CIGAR 9. 9. U«nl Htim. HMS, IU. f 91IISITQS TIB TOW SMUT THU*t J; _ —B-T tar IMITATO— W>1 TOSH I ^ ONLY ^ £ Double Track J ^ RAILROAD W ^ Between Miseonri Elver and ^ ^ Chicago ' Direct line to St. Paul ^ & and Minneapolis. ^ ^ Direct line to the Black ^ ^ ^ Hills, South Dakota. ^ gi v Only line to Bonesteel, ^ pi •• S. D., the Rosebud Indian •• ^ Reservation. ^ \ Through sleeping car ^ 9 service to Omaha, making w ^ direct connections at Om- ^ V aha Union Station for ^ ^ Chicago and all points east. ^ ^ No delays, no change of W ^ cars, Northwestern all the ^ dP Apply to nearest agent for ^P rates, maps and time cards, or ^k write to— ^k J JOHN A. KUHN. J A. U. P. and P. A., Omaha ▼ I with your name and address | printed on them ONLY 50C The cheapest way to buy for those wanting small quantities (E1?e FrontiEF. buy the: t SEWING MACHINE Do not be deceived by those who ad vertise a $60.00 Sewing Machine for $20.00. This kind of a machine can be bought from us or any of our dealers from $15.00 to $18.00. WE MAKE A VARIETY. THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST. The Feed determines the strength or weakness of Sewing Machines. The Double Feed combined with other strong points makes the New Home the best Sewing Machine to buy. Write for CIRCULARS HS2 we manufacture and prices before purchasing THE NEW HOME SEWING MAGHINE GO. ORANGE, MASS. 28 Union Sq. N. Y., Chicago, Hi., Atlanta, da., St. Louis,Mo., Dallas,Tex., San Francisco, Cal FOR SALE BY O. F. BIGLIN O'NEILL. NEB. HOTEL EVANS ONLY FIRST-CLASS HOTEL IN THE CITY FREE BUS SERVICE W. T. EVANS, Prop. O ’ N El L L ABSTRACT COM PAN Y » Compiles * Abstracts of Title < THE ONLY COMPLETE SET OF AB STRACT BOOKS IN HOLT COUNTY i 1