Dr. B.T.Tr tabtaod PHYSICIAN and SURGEON SPECIATLIES: EYE. EAR. NOSE AND THROAT ■psctaolM correctly fitted mod Supplied. O'NEILL. NEB. DR. J. P. GILLIGAN Physician and Surgeon Call, may be left at Gllllgan & Stout drug ■tore or at residence 1 block north and Vt east of stand pipe Phones: Office 41. res. 10 DR. P. J. FLYNN Physician and Surgeon Night Call» will be Promptly Attended Office: First door to right over Corrigan’s Telephone Nos.: Office, 08; Residence, 9tt R. R. DICKSON & Lawyer RKERKNCK: FIRST NATIONAL BANK. O'NCILLF E. H. BENEDICT LAW A REAL ESTATE Office first door south of U. 8. Land Office D. W. CAMERON Practical Cement Worker Manufactures Cement Walks, builds Foundations, Caves, etc. In fact all cement work neatly and promptly done. Address, Atkinson or O’Neill The O'NEILL BOTTLING WORKS R. J.* MARSH, Proprietor i Bottlers of Carbonated Sewages CIDER MANUFACTURERS S. F. McNichols FLOUR and FEED All Kindi of drain Bought and Sold JOHN HORISKEY Drayman Your property handled without smaahlng It and delivered when and where you want It. J. C. HORISKEY Staple and Fancy Groceries Flour, Salt, Country Produce COW DETZE-Z-S Flour and Feed Handle product of Stanton Mlllls, tban which there Is no better flour made GRANT HATFIELD Re staurant MEALS OR LUNCHES Served u deatred at all hour*. Nice assort ment of Fruits, Nuts, Candles, Cigars, eto. V. ALBERTS Mr** A DEALER IN Harnepp & Saddlery Goodp Also Agent (or Bliss Native Herbs, 200 days treatmeat for $1 and money refunded If not ben vetted. Also Wheeler A Wilson Ball Bearing Sewing Mach. LEEK k GATZ MEAT .Market O Telephone No. 80 WE SELL Fresh and Cured Meat of all kinds Chicago & Horthwestern Railway TRAINS EAST tPassenger, No. 4, 3:00 a. m. •Passenger, No. 6, 9:40 a. m. •Freight, No. 116, 3:35 p. m. tFreight, No. 64, 12:01 p. m TRAINS WEST tPassenger, No. 5, 3:35 p. m. •Passenger.No.il, 10:25 p. m •Freight, No. 119, 5:32 p. m. tFretght, No. 63, 3:35 p. m. The service is greatly improved by the addition of the new passenger trains Nos. 4 and 5; No. 4 arrives in Omaha at 10:35 a. m., arrives at Sioux City at 0:15 a. m. No. 5 leaves Omaha at 7:16 a. m., leaves Sioux City at 7:50 a. m. •Dally i tDally, except Sunday. E. R. Adams, Agent Or. Price’s Cream Baking Powder Awarded Gold Madal Midwinter Fair. San Franeuco. OTHER COUNTY TOWNS Rummaged : From : Their : Newspaperi STUART Miss Sadie Skirving of O’Neill has been visiting Stuart friends. Mrs. Kemp was called away Mon day to Iowa, where her mother is not expected to live. Ernest Zink took the passenger Tuesday morning for Hooper where he will learn the druggist trade. Miss Anna Cotton of Sand Creek left Monday morning for Indiana, where she will stay with her grand mother and go to school for two years. —The Ledger ATKINSON. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bartolet of Leaf River, 111., parents of Mrs. F. H* Swingley, arrived Wednesday after noon and will visit here a few weeks. W. C. Wilhite and wife, of Gordon, parents of our John of the Commercial hotel, were visiting him a few days this week. They are on their way east to spend the winter. As we go to press we learn of an ac cident which befell Mrs. Henry Pruss at Omaha. Her husband who was taken to the hospital there has so far recovered that he was taken to the home of his son where Mrs. Pruss is taking care of him. In going from his room to the kitchen she stepped into the door leading to the cellar falling to the bottom of the stairs, breaking her left arm.—The Graphic. PAGE Mrs. Brown went to O’Neill last week to visit her daughter, Mrs. Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Townsand Sun dayed in O’Neill. Our notary publics have withdrawn their petitions for commissions in Elkhorn county and cancelled their orders for new official seals, and have concluded to remain in Holt county. A very wise conclusion. Wednesday would have been a very disagreeable day to move into Elkhorn county. On last Friday evening, D. G. Mas ster Workman E. B. Dillon met with the A. O. U. W. lodge here, and after the business of the evening had been transacted, and a very interesting and instructive talk by him refresh ments were served and a very enjoy able time spent. On the first Friday evening in December will be the an nual election of officers, and all mem bers are asked to be present.—The Reporter.__ Agee Breeze. Clara Lansworth has finished teach ing. Will Gahagan is working for J. R. Thomas. JIrs. E. R. Bowden spent last week visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. Ross of Blackbird. * Sam Nelson marketed hogs inO’Neill Saturday. Will Thomson is Husking corn for Claud Goodsell. Tom Simonson is building a cattle shed 00 x 24 feet. C. J. Simonson is getting moved in to his new house. Simon Simonson was seen at Sam Hanson’s Sunday. Gladas Pfund of O’Neill Is teaching the Wrede school. Clyde Bowden Is thinking of going to Iowa this winter. Joe Wrede took in the dance at Coyn’s last Friday night. Glen Ridgway was seen at Sam Nelson’s Thursday evening. P. J. Lansworth, who has been on the sick list, is convalescing. Maud Nelson and Joe Martin were out for a buggy ride last Sunday. Myrtle Bowden and Irvin Simonson were visiting at Loren Simonson’s Sunday. Charley Ross, Chester and Freeman Bowden are working on the grade on the Blackbird. Paddock township went strongly against county divison and just as strongly republican. Freemen Bowden is feeling gooc over election—he was re-elected con stable of Paddock township. Clame Simonson has pretty gooc success hunting wolves,having recent ly taken the pelt from the eight Aol this season. Freeman Bowden meet with ar accident last Monday by getting his finger caught in a scraper. The tinge was smashed. Mrs. H. II. Hubbard has returnee from Kansas, and Mr. Hubbard ii muched pleased as he was getting tired of batching. , I will have to thank “Matilda” fo the good work she is doing for tin “Star Twinkles,” and also for a wore of encouragement to this humbli pilgrim. Night Hawk. Unique Decision. A Maryland'justice of the peace h deciding an action against a raflroac company for killing a cow near a roat crossing, decided the case in favoi of the plaintiff for the reason tha “the defendant had no sign up at the crossing. “ | Ayers You can depend on Ayer’s Hair Vigor to restore color to your gray hair, every time. Follow directions and it never fails to do this work. It stops Hair Vigor fallingofthe hair,also. There’s great satisfaction in knowing you are not going to be disap pointed. Isn’t that so? > u My hair faded until it was about white. It took just one bottle of Aver’s Hair Vigor to restore it to its former dark, rich color. Your Hair Vigor certainly does what you claim for it.” —A. M. Boggan, Rockingham, N. C. 01.00 a bottle. j. c. ayer co.. MMMMIlfiaMMMMM f Of* ■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■ Fading Hair \ Prepared in many color t ints JyeJIjSp B9P& \ to harmonize \vitii but- pTjRS tt=a roundings in dining PJlflK[aB ' - ^ it;.. Phoenix Pick-Ups Morton Greeley was in town a few days last week. Harmen Damero made a trip to town last Friday. Howard Greeley visited Paddock friends over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. McMain were Atkin son visitors last Saturday. Mr. Wagner is building a house on his place near Brush Creek. Oscar Deming of Dustin was seen in this vicinite one day last week. Henry Stansberry and Ray Coburn went to Atkinson and back Saturday. Frank Damero with his family spent Sunday afternoon at Mr. Lamphiers. Rob Bitney of Atkinson with two gentlemen from Iowa were at Phoenix one day last week. Wilber Kirkland and Mable iKeeler came out from town and visited at home over Sunday. Friend Keeler, Ted Anderson and Ralph Coburn spent last Thursday evening at L. G. Coburn’s. Jesse Brook and Mr. Simar of Atkinson were at Phoenix the fore part of last week. Mrs. Emerson and Miss Bedford of Cataipa attended Sunday school and preaching at Phoenix last Sunday. Rev. Dillon of O’Neill will begin a series of meetings in the Lamphier school house next Thursday evening. Rev. Ellis will preach at the Lamp hier school house a week from Sun day evening, Nov. 27. A good atten dance desired. Nelson Ames and family of Cataipa, C. Christensen and family, also Flor ence Olmsted of Ray attended our literary Saturday evening. John Damero, Henry Strnsbery, Lena and Edith Damero and Jessie Coburn were pleasantly entertained entertained at R. Jepperso’s Sunday evening. DROWN IN GOOSE LAKE (Continued from First Page.) the men he heard the cry of dispair, “My God! I’m gone!” “Hold on a minute longer!” shouted Mr. Hayes, but when reached the spot an upturn ed boat floating in the icy waters and a circular wave widening toward the shore testified that the victims had gone down. Some twenty-five or thirty minutes elapsed from the time the first alarm was heard until Mr. Hayes reached the place where the victims sank. They had clung to the upturn ed boat all this while in a desperate struggle with death in the icy waters. When the bodies were recovered they were cold and stiff, with arms up stretched in the position they had clutched to the boat. Healthy Mothers. Mothers should always keep in good bodily health. They owe it to their children. Yet it is no unusual sight to see a mother, with babe in arms, coughing violently and exhibiting all the symptoms of a consumptive ten dency. And why should this danger ous condition exist, dangerous alike to mother and child, when Dr. Bochee’s German Syrup would put a stop to it once? No mother should be without this old and tried remedy in the house —for its timely use will promptly cure any lung, throat or bronchial trouble in herself or her children. The worst cough or cold can be speedily cured by German Syrup; so can hoarseness and congestion of the bronchial tubes. It makes expectoration easy, and gives instant relief and re-freshing rest to the cough-racked consumptive. New trial bottles, 25c; large size, 75c. At all druggists. Thanksgiving Day Excnrsion Rates, Via the North-Western Line. Ex cursion tickets will be sold at low rates between all local points within 200 miles of selling station, on Novem Efer 23 and 24, good returning until November 28, inclusive. Apply to agents Chicago & North-Western R’y. Hallhonson & Barnett’ ye picture makers. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of (l/Vilmar & Sioux Falls Ry.) Passenger, Daily Except Sunday. 1:50 P. M. Ar_Central Time.Lv 7:00 A. M Mixed Train, Dally, Except Sunday. 1:50 p. M. Ar.Central Time,_Lv 9:50 P. M. Close connections at Sioux Olty for all points. For rates and further Information :all on or address— W. E. West, Agent NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENTS OF SUIT PENDING Jane Dellinger,-Dellinger her hus band, real name unknown, James Irvin, lreama Harmon and John Doe, real name unknown, shall take notice that on the 17th day of November, 1904, Jennie Irvin as plaintiff died, her petition In the district oourt of Holt county, Nebraska, against you. Impleaded with Hattie MeAlllster, and the object and prayer of said petition are to fore close the mortgage given by James I rvln and wife to .1. W. O’Neill on the 9th day of August, 1898, upon the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter and the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter and the south half of the southwest quarter of sec tion twenty-six. In township thirty-two, north of range nine west In Holt county, Nebraska, said mortgage being now hefd and owned by Jennie Irvin, the plaintiff, and on which she now alleges there Is due her the Bum of 8419.61. She further prays that all clouds cast on the title to said premises on account of the claims of said defendahts be removed. Vou are required to answer said petition on the 26th day of December, 1904. JENNIE IRVIN, 21 4 Plaintiff. .1 li-u—ir-imr— | No. 5770. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF S The O’Neill National Bank 1 | * | At O’Neill, in the state of Nebraska, at the close of business, Not. 10, 1904. 1 | RESOURCES | • [a Loans and discounts. $73225 94 jg i re] Overdrafts, secured and unsecured. 2042 79 jg 3 U. S. bonds to secure circulation. . 6300 U0 pg raj Premiums on U. S. bonds. 385 87 jg [a Bonds, securities, etc. 79 25 jg [a Banking house, furniture aud fixtures. 5000 00 jg [a Due from national banks (not reserve agents). $ 885 53 jg ; ja Due from state banks and bankers. 732 11 jg 0, |a Due from approved reserve agents. 5606 20 jg ja Checks and other cash items. 218 84 jg g Notes of other national banks. 500 00 pg [a Fractional paper currency, nickles and cents. 86 04 [f 1 S Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, viz: M ra Specie.v$1.885.35) jlj Legal tender notes. .( 3,890.00) 5775 515-13804 07 Glj sg Redemption fund with U. S. treasurer (5 per cent, cirTnj 315 00 Ej Total. 101152 »2 | . f! Capital stook paid in.^!^?.*.^.T.*.!7?. *25000 00 H s Surplus Fund. 10000 00 a I g! Undivided profits less expenses and taxes paid. 4167 40 , s National bank notes outstanding. 61100 00 ki • s Due to other National bank. 1070 43 s Due to state banks and bankers. 1237 82 sa raj Individual deposits subject to check. 42413 88 hi jg Demand certificates of deposit. 10663 39-56685 52 U Total.,. 101152 92 1 » State of Nebraska, County of Holt. ss. g 1, James F. O'Donnell, oashler of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear B B that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. B B JAS F. O'DONNEI.I,, Cashier. 1 B Correct—Attest: T. 11. Purcell, Tlios. H. Fowler, H. P. Dowling, Directors. Subscribed and swowu to before me this 17th day of Nov., 1904. B (8*ALl J- H. Meredith. Notary Public. ia L(My commission expires Mar. 25. A. D. 1907.) jgj 6lt0IBnaiigiiawC3ligiigfiaiig|gliaii5lglignaiiacamiiaiB[BlalEMolMMBiaaMglMgEIBiagErigMcllBlaiM HARDWARE* AND tsa^ FURNITURE Don’t Buy Until You See What we Have (jook stoves $13 16.60 27.50 Ranges 22.60 $44 $60 Heating Stoves $5 $10 $12 $16.50 19 22 30 Full Stock All Kinds of Hardware FURNITURE Pictures, picture mould ing, easles, iron and wood bedsteads, mattress, springs, pillows, bedroom suites, jt) center and dining tables, steel and upholstered couch, cupboards, kitchen cabinets, ironing boards, kitchen and dining chairs, sinks, section al and combiuation book cases, music cabinets, library tables, odd dressers and com r modes, babywalkers, carpet sweepers, window shades, wall paper, the New Howe sewing machines. Think It Over! GOLDEN AND HODGKIN with your name and address printed on them ONLY 50C /WVVVS The cheapest way to buy for those wanting small quantities (Llje Frontier. O’NEILL ABSTRACT COMPANY Compiles Abstracts of Title fHE ONLY COMPLETE SET OF AB STRACT BOOKS IN HOLT COUNTY IF YOU WANT Commercial News Grain Market News Wall Street Gossip Minining and Building News SUBSCRIBE FOR THE Omaha Commercial $1.00 PER YEAR 211 Board of Trade, OMAHA, Neb. I This hotel has been newly fitted up, freshly papered throughout and painted outside and in, every thing neat and tidy. Rates $l and $2 a Day You patronage solicted. First door west of Brennan’s hardware. ScoHish Sharoi).... OF GREYTOWER 163330. Assisted by Imported KINO TOM 171879. Both prize-winning bulls of the Pan-American, heads the Ak-Sar Ben home herd of Shorthorns. Young bulls for sale. J. M. ALDERSON & SONS, Chambers, ... Nebraska. BUY THE SEWING MACHINE Do not be deceived by those who ad vertise a $60.00 Sewing Machine for $20.00. This kind of a machine can be bought from us or any of our dealers from $15.00 to $18.00. WE MAKE A VARIETY. THE NEW HOME IS THE BEST. The Feed determines the strength or weakness of Sewing Machines. The Double Feed combined with other v strong points makes the New Home I the best Sewing Machine to buy. ,r showing the dif ferent styles of Sewing Machines we manufacture and prices before purchasing THE NEW HOME SEWINC MACHINE CO. ORANGE, MASS. 28 Union Sq. N. Y.f Chicago, 111., Atlanta, Ga., St. Loui8,Mo., Dallas,Tex., San Francisco, Cal FOR SALE BY O. F. BIGLI^ O'NEILL. NEB. I I ^ ONLY ^ J Double Track J ^ RAILROAD ^ ^ Between Missouri River and PP ^ Chicago \ ^ Direct line to St. Paul ^ v and Minneapolis. ^ jf1 A Direct line to the Black A ^ ^ Y Hills, South Dakota. ^ Y Only line to Bonesteel, & •• S. D., the Rosebud Indian «• ^ Reservation. ^ ''v Through sleeping car ^ 4# service to Omaha, making ^ \ direct connections at Om f aha Union Station for ^ A Chicago and all points east. ^ 9 No delays, no change of V \ cars, Northwestern all the ^ PP Apply to nearest agent for ^b Y rates, maps and time cards, or write to— J JOHN A. KUHN. ^ A. G. P. and P. A., Omaha Cr HOTEL EVANS 1 ONLY FIRST-CLASS „ HOTEL IN THE CITY \ ) FREE BUS SERVICE W. T. EVANS, Prop. #i, A Hen^ond fr'bateiisH Title Abstractors * Office in First National Bank Bldg.