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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1904)
V ■ I ' OTHER COUNTY TOWNS Rummaged : From : Their : Newspaper! STUART Prof Cahill and his brother from Illinois were held up by some thugs in Bonesteel and made to hand over their curency — $0 and $10 — which they did promptly and went their way rejoicing. Miss Florence Zink got home Fri day evening from a year study in the state Normal at Peru. She has the position of principal at Bassett, and will visit here until school begins In September. Mrs. B. B. psFrance arrived here Sunday from *rthur, Iowa. Mr. De France has had the position of night operator here for some time. And we hope that Mr. and Mrs. DeFrance will make their permanent home in Stuart. John Robertson stole a march on the natives the first of the week when he went to Omaha on business and brought home a wife Wednesday. Miss Eva Hudson had been in Cali fornia since last spring, and the affair was so quiet that the best friends of Mr. Robertson were surprised. Mr. Robertson is one of Stuart’s leading business and stock men and his many friends are offering congratulotions. —The Ledger. _ _ EWING. T. S. Baker has just finished cutting and curing his English bluegrass. When in proper condition he intends to thresh out the seed, and it is es timated that it will yield a thousand bushels of clean seed, which he will put on the market at a reasonable price. Tartics wishing to cultivate one of the best grasses grown, had better provide themselves with some of this seed and sow it. Supervisor Skidmore had a force of men to work this week, straightening the Elkhorn river west of the bridge. The current will now follow the een ter of the river bed and not strike the north bank, washing out the abut ment, as has always been the case during high water. It is a profitable Investment, for every dollar thus spent, ten will be saved by not hav ing to repair and lengthen the. bridge.—The Advocate. PA GiU Joined in the bonds of holy matri mony, July 20, 1904, by Squire Hunt, Mr. Lee Massy and Miss Laura Web ber of Minneola, hoping their lives may be long and happy and no troubles save little ones.—The Reporter. Good Spirits. Good spirits don’t all come from Kentucky. Their main source is the liver—and all the fine spirits ever made in the Blue Grass State could not remedy a bad liver or the hund red-and-one ill effects it produces. You can't have good spirits and a bad liver at the same time. Your liver must be in fine contition if you would feel buoyant, happy and hopeful, bright of eye, light of step, vigorous and successful in your pursuits. You can put your liver in fine condition by using Green’s August Flower—the greatest of all medicines for the liver and stomach and a certain cure for dyspepsia or indigestion. It has been a favorite household remedy for over thirty-live years. August Flower will make your liver healthy and active and thus insure you a liberal supply of “good spirits.” Trial size, 25c; regu lar bottles, 75c. At all druggists. Cured of Chronic Diarrhoea After Ten Years of Suffering. “I wish to say a few words in praise of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,”says Mrs. Mattie Burge, of Martinsvlle, Va. "I suffer ed from chronic diarrhoea for ten years and during that time tried vari ous medicines without obtaining any permanent relief. Last summer one of my children was taken with cholera morbus, and I procured a bottle of this remedy. Only two doses were re quired to give her entire relief. I then decided to try the medicine my self, and not use all of one bottle be fore I was well and I have never since been troubled with that complaint. One cannot say too much in favor of that wonderful medicine.” This re medy is for sale at P. C. Corrigan. The County Funds The following figures show the de posits of county money in the various banks of the county on July 1: Citizens Bank, Stuart. 8 6158.94 First National, O’Neill. 15792.17 Inman State Bank. 2205.02 First National, Stuart. 8430.79 •Elkhorn Valley. . •O’Neill National. . Chambers State Bank. 3178.74 •Atkinson State Bank.. First National, 'kinson... 3759.24 Farmers Bank, Page. 4648-88 State Bank, Ewing. 3196.36 •Not reported. _' [PATENTS “II? ADVICE AS TO PATENTABILITY tMJC Notice in “ Inventive Age ” Bi BC Bi BB ' Book “Bow to obtain Patents” 1 I llssM Charge* moderate. No fee till patent is second. Letters strictly confidential. Address, [ E. 6. SIGGERS. Patent Lssnrer, WsshlwfitoarO; C. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. ] ~ . < NOTICK FOR PUBLICATION. 4 Department ol the Interior. Land Office at J O'Neill, Nebraska, June 25. 1904. Notice Is hereby given that the following J named settler has filed notice of his Intention J to make final proof In support of his claim, /and thatsaid nroof will he made before The J Register and lffccelver at O’Neill, Nebraska, T on August 5, 1904, viz: William Gahagan, O’Neill, Nebraska. H. E. No. 15778, for the NWh, Sec. 9, T. :#l N„ R. 11 W. He names the following witnesses to prove J his contfnuoua residence upon and cultlva- J tion of miidland, viz: 2 Michael McCoy. O'Neill, Neb. Andrew J Scnuildt, of O’Neill, Neb. Simon Simonson, J of 1A gee, Neb.Freemau Bowden, of Agee. Neb. 5 1- 4 S. J. WEEKKS, n Register, fl ---1--- 2 SHERIFF'S SALE. 2 By virtue of aif execution, directed to 2 mo from the Clerk of tbe District Court of 2 Holt county, Nebraska, on a judgment 4 obtained before the Clerk of the District < Court of Holt county. Nebsaska, on the 9th 2 day of July, 1900, In favor of Hesa and 2 Salisbury—(on January 3, 1902, Stephen O. j Salisbury assigned and transferred all bis 2 Interest and title in said Judgment to Gott- 2 lleb J. Hess)—as plaintiffs, and against Isaac 2 N. Brown and J. A. Hudelson as defendants, 4 as defendants, for the sum of one 2 hundred sixty-throe and no-100 dollars, 4 and the coats taxed at *7.4(1 and accruing 4 costs, I have levied upon the the following 4 real estate taken as One property of said de- 2 fondants, to satisfy said OrderofSale, to wit: 4 The southwest quarter of section thirty- 4 three (33), township tweny-six (26), north of 4 range twolve (f2), west of the 6th p. m. In Holt county, Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder for cash. In hand, on the 8th day of; August, A. D. 1904, in front of Court House. In (rfTOlli, Holt county, Nebraska, at the hour of 10 o'clock .A M. of said day, when and where due attendance will he given by the undersigned. Dated at O’Neill, Holt county, the 6th day of July, 1904. 2- 5 C. E. HALL. Sheriff of said County. PUBLIC LAND SALE Department of tho Interior, United States Land Office, O'Neill, Nebraska, July 21, 1904. Notloe Is hereby given that In pursuance of instructions from the Commissioner of the General Laud Office, under authority vested in him by See. 2455, Stat., as amended by act of Congress approved February 26,1895. we will proceed to offer at public sale on the 3rd day of September, next, at this office the 8 HE* NKii, bee. 28, T. 28 N„ K. 12 W. k 'Any and all persons olalmlng adversely k the above described land are advised to file k their claims In this office on or before the k day above designated for the commence- k mentofsald sale, otherwise their rights will k be forfeited. k 64 8. J. WEEKES, Register. < D. CLEM DEAVER, Receiver. k --—— j NOTICE OF SHERIFFS SALE 4 Notice Is hereby given that by virtue of an k execution Issued by J, A. Golden a Justice k of the Peace In and /for Holt county, In k favor of Ed F. Gallagher cashier and against 4 Ed Harris, and to me directed, I will, at 2 k o’clock p. in., on the 13 day of August 1904 4 at the house of Lee Massey at Mlnnealo in 4 Willodale precinct, In said county, offer for k sale at public vendue the following goods k and chattels, to-wlt: One bay gelding weight k 1100 lbs; ono gray inaro weight 1100 lbs; one k double Harness, one lumber wagon, taken 4 on said execution as tbe property of Ed k Harris. k Dated this 28 day of July 1904. k 5-5 C. K. HALL, Sheriff. J 4 1 ^ ONLY ^ l £ Double Track J ■ ^ RAILROAD W 0 Between Missouri River and 0 ± Chicago ^ '"v Direct line to St. Paul ^ C M and Minneapolis. ^ ^ Direct line to the Black ^ ^ Hills, South Dakota. ^ & Only line to Bonesteel, 0 00 S. D., the Rosebud Indian •• ^ Reservation. ^ ^ Through sleeping car ^ S1 0 service t.o Omaha, making ^ ^ diieot connections at Om- ^ 0 aha Union Station for ^ ^ Chicago and all points east. ^ - W No delays, no change of # w \ cars, Northwestern all the ^ ^ PP Apply to nearest agent (or ^P T rates, maps and time cards, or \ J JOHN A. KUHN. J A. ti. F. and P. A., Omaha BO YEARS' r EXPERIENCE P( _ t I HAUL mAnn* Designs 1FM"’ Copyrights Ac- c Anyone sending a sketch and description may 1 quickly aacertaln our opinion free whether an Invention Is probably patentable. Communion- . tloua strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents T sent free, oldest agency for aecurlng patents. • Patents taken through Munn A Co. reosly* , special notice, without charge. In the Scientific American. 4 A handsomely Illustrated weekly. largest elr. oulatton of any scientific Journal. Terms. W a year: four months, tL Bold by all newsdealers. t mUKSSSlBltl; ( ft* * tick a Quiitr £ Y« to l*. ft (km Hat* (eWis* SINGLE BINDER STOMOT^plgsilUMOT CIGAR ftftZ*l|ft!!^a* e**,' e’laa^aaT^Mas* CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought Bears the Siguatuieof V. ALBERTS MFO* A DEALS A IN Harnepg & Saddlery Goods Also Agent (or Bliss Native Herbs, 2110 days treatment for *1 and money refunded If not benelitted. Also Wheeler & Wilson Ball Bearing Sewing Mach. J. H. WISE FLOUR AND FEED Recently equipped with an engine and feed mill and will do all kinds of feed grinding at any time. First door east of John Mann’s harness shop. Mrs. LAURA CRESS RESTAURANT Groceries, Confections and Fruit E. H. BENEDICT il LAW & REAL ESTATE |||| Office first door south of U.S, Land Office SjnSfc GRANT HATFIELD ||| Restaurant §| MEALS OR LUNCHES JBsSki Served a9 desired at all hours. Nice assort- wSSPwC ment of Fruits, Nuts, Candies, Cigars, etc. The O'NEILL BOTTLING WORKS W H. J.1MARSH, Proprietor t§| Bottlers of Carbonated Bererages * CIDER MANUFACTURERS , - 1 township irder looks $1 each the froniior MARKET REPORT -WEEK ENDING July 28 Hogs.$4 25 12J Fat steers. 5 00 72c Cows and heif- Oats. 2<ic ers. 3 50 Rye. 32c Spring chickens, 6c Corn. 46c Old chickens, 4c, 5c Potatoes. 40c Butter.12c "1 l Printing Properly Printed THE FRONTIER coir Flour and Feed Handle product of Stanton Millls, than which there Is no better flour made J. C. HORISKEY Staple and Fancy Groceries Flour, Salt, Country Produce 9. Msnttate&S Title Abstractors Office in First National Bank Bldg. Til A A-TY-mA-X-A’A A A A A~ATArATC AA rrn LU §§£ O < ul SI! (L^ C£C« JC LU > o z P 111 & 0 a r rm a~a a a a j S. F. McNicholS FLOUR and FEED All Kinds of Grain Bought and Sold D. A. DOYLE Flour, Feed &. Grain First door south of the postoffice JOHN HORISKEY Drayman Your property handled without smashing It and delivered when and where you want It, /?. T. WILLIAMS Contractor & Builder Estimates furnished on any size building Allkinds of carpenter work iop Just north of Bazelman's Lumber Yard O’NEILL, NEB. Scottish Sharoi).... OF GREYTOWER 153330, Assisted by Imported KING TOM 171879. Both prize-winning bulls of le Pan-American, heads the Ak-Sar en home herd of Shorthorns. Young ulls for sale. J. M. ALDERSON & SONS, hambers, ... Nebraska. hicago & Northwestern Railway TRAINS EAST Passenger, No. 4, 3:35 a. m. Passenger, No. 6, 9:52 a. m. Freight, No. 116, 3:35 p. m. Freight, No. 04, 12:01 p. m TRAINS WEST Passenger, No. 5, 3:35 p. m., 10:15 p. m Freight, No. 119, 5:32 p. m. Freight, No. 63, 3:35 p. m. The service is greatly improved by he addition of the new passenger rains Nos. 4 and 5; No. 4 arrives in >maha at 10:35 a. m., arrives at Sioux !ity at 9:15 a. m. No. 5 leaves Omaha t 7:15 a. m., leaves Sioux City at 7:50 . m. •Dally; tDally, oxoept Sunday. E. R. Adams, Agent (Wilmar & Sioux Falls Ry.) Passenger, Dally Except Sunday. :50 P. M. Ar_Central Time_Lv 10:10 A. M, Mixed Train, Dally, Except Sunday. :50 p. M. Ar.Central Time,_Lv 9:50 P. M. Close connections at Sioux City for all joints. For rates and further Information :all on or address— W. E. West, Agent Dr. Price’s Cream Baking Powaer World’s Fair Highest Award. LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION i j Saint Louis, May I to December I The Grandest Exposition Ever Held The Great Northern Ry. Will sell excursion tickets at favorable rates with suitable limits. For further particulars see your local agent Great Northern Railway, or address FRED ROGERS. Q. F. & P. A.. W. & S. F. RY.. SIOUX CITY. IA _ —^ A. A. A. A. a. Ma.. A. AA. A Mh. smamsmwzm_._._._ . Township Order Books | MANUFACTURED & 'FOR SALE _BY_ THE FRONTIER i. | ...■ ■■- T-| ^ | J Black Percheron ^ Three of the best 5 1 Bay Hambletonian j- ,ndiv,dua,s ,n Ho,t I I Fine Jack J «"■*•*«**• s -= !l s --- |gj 8 Will stand at my place north of town as usual this season. Ur® 8 18 iS TERMS—Percheron, *12.50 to insure and special and lower rate if \ 8 § service is required for several mares; Hambletonian and Jack, $8 i J 8 each. Fee becomes due if mares are sold or removed from county, j 8 1 A. MERRILL j* ^ O'NEILL, NEB. |! 5 ---— ----s 5 S ■Iiinmnmnniiiininiiiiiniiiimiraiiiniiiir—mnmimnm — g The Frontier 1.50