The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 23, 1904, Image 1

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~.. The Frontier.
Best castor machine oil at Golden
& Hodgkin’s. 47-6
John McHugh was up from Sioux
City over Sunday.
Fred and Grant Blondiu of Stuart
were in the city Monday.
Loans on farms and ranches can be
obtained of T. V. Golden. 51-4
Cyril Eryclib was over from
Spencer the first of the week.
J. A. Trommershauser of Ewing
had business in town on Monday.
John Walker of Page was looking
after business matters in town Mon
Dr. McCarthy is here from Butte,
Mont., visiting among friends and
Paul Buttler departed Sunday for
Milwaukee, Wis., for a few week’s
John Hagerty, who has been in
Omaha attending school, is home for
the summer.
By the way, what has become of
the Chambers-O’Neill good roads
The outer appearance of the Elk
horn Valley bank has been greatly
improved by a coat of paint.
C. C. Recka departed yesterday on
a business trip through the counties
north and east ofv Holt.
The Irish Peelers and Emmetts at
the ball ground in O’Neill Sunday p.
m. next. Admission 25 cents. Ladies
For sale, 4-room house, two lots and
small barn. Also sewing machine and
some other house furnishings.—Mrs.
J. C. Olsen.
Next Monday is school election, a
meeting being called at 3 p. m, at the
school house, when two trustees will
be elected.
Rural free delivery was started out
of Tage on the 15th and the people of
that community now have their mail
brought to their doors.
Miss Mamie, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Dominick McCaffery, is here
from Brooklyn, N. Y., to spend the
summer with relatives.
The Atkinson Dramatic Company
played “Diamond Dick” to a good
sized audience here Monday night and
put up a very creditable performance.
In the hearing of the case of the
state against P. F. Thompson before
County Judge Morgan last Friday the
defendant was held to the district
A game 01 uan nas ueen anaugeu
between a team from Emmett and the
Irish Peelers to take place In O’Neill
Sunday afternoon. Admission 25c.
Ladies free.
It will cost you a quarter—or noth
ing if you are a woman—to see a good
game of ball at O’Neill on Sunday
afternoon, June 20. Irish Peelers vs.
Art Mullen seems to have been the
only voice heard from Holt county in
the pop state convention held at
Fremont on Tuesday. However, it
seems that Art got himself onto the
delegation for the national convention
at Springfield.
Very Low Rates to Cincinnati, i
Ohio, via the North-Western line.
Excursion tickets will be sold July
15,10 and 1", with favorable return
limits, on account of, international
conventiod B. and P. Order of Elks.
Apply to agents Chicago & North
Western R’y. 52-4
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A Miles and
children loft for Shelby county, Iowa,
this morning to spend a week visiting
Thomas Carlon arrived for a short
visit with his old neighbors and
friends. Tom is practicing law in
Denver and appears to be prosperous.
The section homestead act’attractcd
Z. D. Merriken of Ilartington, Del.,
and M. L. Anderson of Farmington,
Del-, who were this week and got a
look at our vast and fertile prairies.
The corn crop is not making a very
flattering showing, but considering
that there is nearly three months yet
to furnish hot weather there is time
for the king of crops to work its
Miss Dorothy Testman entertained
a number of her friends at a dancing
party on last Friday ievening at her
home. Those present pronounced it
a happy and brilliant affair. Luncheon
was served.
Lynch Journal: Emel Spetli, a
former Holt county boy who lived in
the Dorsey neighborhood, now First
Lieutenant Philippine Scouts U. S.
Regular army, is visiting with Tom
Crowe and family. lie is in charge of
a battalion of Philipine scouts at
St. Louis and is up on a leave of ab
sence to visit friends. He is accom
panied by one of the Philippine scouts,
Luciana Mario. The Filippino was a
novelty to our people but could not
give much information as to his
native county as his ability to speak
English is very limited. Lieut Spcth’s
many friends are pleased to see him
forging to the front in Iris army life..
Taken up, on June 15, on section
twenty-four, township twenty-nine,
range twelve, a black sow pig, weigh
ing about 110 pounds. Owner can
have same by paying all damages, ex.
penses, etc. 52-3 A. Mulligan.
| Very low rates to St. Louis, Mo.,
via the North-Western line. Excur
sion tickets will be sold July 2 to 0,
inclusive, with favorable return
limits, on account of national demo
cratic convention. Apply to agents
Chicago & North-Western R’y. 52-2
C. A. Manville, editor of the Spencer
Advocate and also superintendent of
public instruction in Boyd county,
wasjcirculating among old friends in
O’Neill Monday and Tuesday. Charley
is the same genial gentleman he
always was, with a smile and a hand
shake for everyone.
Stephen H. Hopkins, who has
bougth an interest in D. J. Cronin’s
herd of Shorthorns, has established
himself on Mr. Cronin’s farm as
manager and has taken out large
quantities of hardware, furniture and
supplies from O’Neill stores. Mr.
Hopkins is a single man and brings a
family from Missouri as housekeep
ers for him. lie is spoken of as a
thorough iSIsock man and also an expert
veterinary and Mi. Cronin is pleased
to secure a'valuable man as associate
with him in tlieShorthorti Industry.
While out in the sandhill country
southwest of Atkinson Monday, J. A.
Donahoe w'as riding a horse on a gal
lap down a steep hill when the horse
fell and threw Jim several rods down
the hillside. The horse made a double
somersault and came rolling down on
top of Jim. Fortunately neither man
nor beast were injured.
A lady from a neighboring village
who had been visiting in town for
several days received a postal card
from her husband on which was writ
ten but one short sentence: “Your
corset have come.” There were no
tidings of how lie and the children
were getting on or whether they
hoped she would soon return. Per
haps he has learned that the most
important tiling in life witli a woman
is her wardrobe.
In these days of rapid and
ceaseless growth of vegetable life it
should be remembered that there is a
state law to the intent that the pub
lic highways shall be kept free from
the obstructive and unsightly growth
of weeds. If everyboby’s sense of
neatness would serve them at this
time there would be no necessity for
such a law, but property owners who
fail to do the job themselves may find
the street commissioner or road over
seer doing it for them and taxing it
up. Now is tlie time to haul out tli<
rusty sytheand trim up the highways
Fourth of July Excursion Rates
The Great Northern Ry. will sel
round trip excursion tickets to ani
point on their line within 200 miles ai
one and one third fare for the rounc
trip. Tickets on sale July 2, :i am
4 limited for return to July 5.
B’or other information call on W
E. West, Agent G. N. Ry.
Meat Business For Sale
If you want a good butcher shoj
and business, slaughter house and ici
house with 24 acres ground in a grow
ing town, write to Edw. II. Madison
Brush, Colorado. The only butche
and ice business in the town. Pri&
on application. 51-2
Ilanford Produce Co., Sioux City
la., have opened up a cream reciv
ing station in O’Neill and ask for ;
share of your cream. We handle th
U. S. Cream Separator, which hold
the record for close skiming, casie
running and durability. We ]5ay casl
for butter and eggs.
40-tf II. B. Stocking.
J. C. Addison, one of the old timer
in the Minneola country, was in tow:
today and reports llourisingcondition
in his section of the footstool.
. HI IMWW rnii—n
A few 4th of July Suggestions
*-r*UE Fourth of July is very close at hand—only two weeks more—and every
fcfMT I American will want to celebrate this glorious day. All will want new
|R . ■*' dresses and new outfits appropriate for the occasion. We will sell you JjK|s
summer dress goods at such a price that all ladies can afford to buy and will buy
| {jgpL if they come and see our goods and learn our prices. We have a full line of belts
and gloves, collars, cutis and ties, shirt waist sets and fancy pins. Also have a fflNL
/$tp; new line of dress skirts and have some of our nice white shirt waists left. Our 2rH]
k-MT line of ladies’ muslin underwear is beyond competition in both price and quality.
W We have just added a new summer girdle to our well known line of Kabo corsets.
Our line of ladies’ oxfords is complete in every way, and we have tancy hosiery to
^|i|| In gents’ furnishings we are able to say we can supply the most fastidious with A
any tiling they call for, from a pair of oxfords to a picnic hat.
TSjffl If there is any thing you want and don’t see, call for it. We guarantee we can
The grand aggregate assessesed
valuation ol all the property ip Ilolt
county not including railroads and
others corporate property, as returned
by the assessors, is *2,480,448. The
assessment is made on a one-fith
valuation. The railroad and other
corporate property is estimated at
*2,000,000, which will bring the total
assessed valuation of all property in
the county close to five and a half
millions. Under the operations of the •
new revenue law there is a great in
crease in personal valuation due large
ly to the assessment of property that
had never beford been listed. The
returns show that the personal pro- 1
perty exceeds the real estate in the
towns by nearly *40,000. The following
table shows the assessment by pre
cincts, with comparisons for the years
1903 and 1904:
1903 1904
Precinct Pers'l. KI. Eat. Kl. Est. Pers'l.
Atkinson...* 9028 # 66586 * 69824 * 20860
Chambers.. 1574ft 50094 50607 27889
Cleveland . 9713 48047 44581 17505
Conley. 6830 45002 41201 9028
Delolt. 8583 39480 47704 17851
Dustin. 8510 27097 28895 11133
Emmet. 0097 57996 50222 11308
Kwlug. 13308 71884 89758 33180
Kalrvlow.. .. 10248 33005 30671 187147
Francis... 11677 43751 40279 15343
Orattan . 14440 111603 128700 319(91
Oreenvall’y 7550 15885 48857 11080
Inman. 12273 0H258 55230 18632
lOWa. 7062 53404 58597 15452
l.ake. 7799 ;n)681 37976 U068
McClure .... 5377 25804 27302 12077
Paddock. 10701 52605 54574 20714
1’lcas’utv'w 6653 27096 30369 13007
Bock Falls,. 8077 52568 51488 1.5842
Hand Srook. 11791 54398 54083 18128
Saratoga.. . 1(4412 00303 50240 17702
Scott. 7554 45147 43033 10770
Shamrock 3918 33276 29893 6258
Sheridan 10626 69420 * 63412 18079
Shields. 9111 5(1488 63022 24393
Steel Creek. 7366 44693 53128 13718
Stuart 21706 128064 143906 34894
Swan. 5948 21329 19136 7499
Verdbrrcs... 18653 53968 50247 28814
WUlowdale. 5014 51825 44247 10363
Wyoming . 61)89 32171 37054 13944
O’Neill. 37366 99920 65013 86336
Atkinson 16373 27197 29650 50103
Stuart. 15448 11278 1U980 20957
Ewlug. 6985 13342 15872 13392
Inuiau. 4594 4475 5040 8522
Chambers.. — - 2390
Totals... * 379114 *1764390 *1770836 I 703812
These figures are as returned by the
assessors and are subject to change
by the board of equalization now at
workladjustlng the list. There will
probably be considerable alteration in
real estate values as much of the real
estate is valued at double the price
the owners ask for it.
Joseph R. Sullivan, a brothher of
M. R. Sullivan of the First, National
bank, has just graduated from Creigh
ton university, having acquired the
degree of bachelor of arts. Mr. Sulli
van was one of five out of a class of
, twenty-two upon whom the honor of
delivering a graduating address was
1 conferred. He spoke on “The Chris
tian Gentleman,” this extract of
which we And in an Omaha paper:
“Education of itself will not produce
the gentleman as I understand the
word. There is a notion held by many
1 that a gentleman is one whose out
1 ward appearance and conduct conform
to social etiquette. This is a consid
' eration of mere manners and may
exist in men who may. be devoid of
! the nobler qualities. Manners are
often the disguise of treachery and
hypocrisy. Sterling qualities within
’ are necessary to the making of a
L Christian gentleman, and some educa
, tion, some practical knowledge of our
' fellowmen, our country and our God,
’ are also necessary. The Christian
j gentleman, must have moral integrity
and humility. Humility shows man
his proper worth. Truly great men
are truly humble. There lived a true
5 man about 2,000 years ago and we must
i walk in His foot steps if wo make
s good our title to that grand old title
of gentleman.”
. ■ .
II have a large stock of
boy’s suits from ages 4
to 14 to close out at 20
per cent off.
Young men, do not
overlook this opportun
ity of getting your hat
for the Fourth as all
straw hats go at half
price this week.
I have selected out of
| my men’s clothing a line \
of up to date suits that
i are not desirable to car
5 ry over to next season,
j This lot will be closed
i out at 20 per cent off