fiSTwo severe cases of Ovarian Trouble® and two terrible operations avoided. Mrs. Emmons and Mrs. Coleman each tell how they were saved by the use of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound* « Mrs. Pinkham : — I am so pleased with the results obtained irom Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound that I feel it a duty and a privilege to write you about it. “I suffered for more than five years with ovarian troubles, caus ing an unpleasant discharge, a great weakness, and at times a faintness would come over me which no amount of medicine, diet, or exercise seemed to correct. Your Vegetable Compound found the weak spot, however, within a few weeks — and saved me from an operation — all my troubles had disappeared, and I found myself once more healthy and well. YY ords fail to (.escribe the real, true, grateful feeling that is in my heart, and I want to tell every sick and suffering sister. Don’t dally with medicines you know nothing about, but take Lydia E. Pink 5*™ 8 Vegetable Compound, and take my word for it, you will be a different woman m a short time.” — Mrs. Laura Emmon3, Walker Tule, Ont. Another Case of Ovarian Trouble Cured Without an Operation. , “Dear Mrs. Pinkham: — For several years I k was troubled with ovarian trouble and a painful j and inflamed condition, which kept me in bed part jy °f the time. I did so dread a surgical operation, r “I tried different remedies hoping to get better, §i but nothing seemed to bring relief until a friend J who had been cured of ovarian trouble, through f the use of your compound, hiduced me to try it. I took it faithfully for three months, and at the end of that time was glad to find that I was a well woman. Health is nature’s best gift to woman, and if you lose it and can have it restored through Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Com . pound I feel that all suffering women should -'know of this.”—Mrs. Laura Belle Cole man, Commercial Hotel, Nashville, Tenn. It is well to rememember such letters as above when some druggist tries to get you to buy something which he says is “ just as good ” That is impos sible, as no other medicine has such a record of cures as Lydia E. Pink bam s Vegetable Compound; accept no other and you will be glad. W) 1 , ®on,t hesitate to write to Mrs. Pinkham if there is anythini 1 , y°Vr SK:kness you do not understand. She will treat you with, kindness and her advice is free. No woman ever regretted writing her and she has helped thousands. Address Lynn, Mass. (Cnflf} FORFEIT If we cannot forthwith produce the original letters and signatures of ADULiU *boYO Which will prove their absolute genuineness. “ Lydia E. Pinkham Medicine Co,, Lynn, Must, ^ All the Same. MacBrlstle—Have you seen Dauber's latest color studies? The Critic—No; but I had the delirium tremens once. Plso’s Cure for Consumptloa is (he best ■ediciue I have ever found for coughs and colds.—Mrs. Oscar Tripp, Big Bock, ni., March 20. 1901. ■'D’youse like roller skatin'?” "I dunno. I ain’t standln' up long ernulf ter And out.” 60,000 AMERICANS Were Welcomed to Western Canada during last Year j TImj »r» Bottled and Battling on the : Umin ana Grazing Iaodn, and are pro* perotiH and BatUfled. j 8ir Wilfred L&urler recently eaid: **A ?°2\^ar h*5 /*■** uPon th« horlKon, aad Is toward It that every Immigrant who lea yob the land of hl« anoestorti to come and reek & home for himself now turn* hl« Kau,,-ranadR. There is ROOM FOR MILLIONS F'R-UE Klomeitru «1« given * “W#J' •choole, C hurches, ft<«11- I «JtJ w*F«, M»rketo, €;!!«■»te, every- | thing to be desired. For a descriptive Atlae and other In formation, apply to SUKKBUfTlOfPKNT IM miovation, Ottawa, Canada; or autho rized Canadian Government Agent— tT. flolme*, 816 Jackson St, Bt. Penl, Minn.; W. H. gew. Box 118. Watertown. South Dakota, W. V. H**. A«tt, all New York Life Building, Omaha. Nab. Uysioux City and Sioux City Indpt List* FOH SALE—Chautauqua hand corn plant ers; all metal; the best there are; guar anteed. Every corn grower needs one or more. Special price of 75 cents. Addresa The Tribune Co., Sioux City, la. mTlnnipson’s Eyewater Sjk New Game on Him. “Do you enjoy Kipling?” “Well, to tell the truth, poker Is really the only game I like.” Free to Twenty-Five Ladies. The Defiance Starch Co. will give 25 ladles a round trip ticket to the St. Louis Exposition, to five ladles in each of the following states: Illi nois, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas and Missouri who will send In the largest number of trade marks cut from a ten cent, 16-ounce package of Defiance cold water laundry starch. This means from your own home, any where In the above named states. These trade marks must be mailed to and received by the Defiance Starch Co., Omaha, Nebr., before September 1st, 1204. October and November will be the best months to visit the Exposition. Remember that Defiance Is the only starch put up in 16 oz. (a full pound) to the package. You get one-third more starch for the same money than of any other kind, and Defiance never sticks to the Iron. The tickets to the Exposition will be sent by registered mail September 5th. Starch for sale by all dealers. What Did 8he Mean? Mr. Blanke—No, I have no Idea where I shall go this summer. It’s awfully hard for me to make up my mind, don’t you know. Miss Sharpe—Yes, I should Imagine BO. Do Your Feet Ache and Burn? Shake Into your shoes Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder for the feet. It makes tight or new shoes feel essy. Cure* Corns, Bun «>?». Swollen, Hot and Sweating Feet. At all On legist s and Shoe Stores, 25c. Simple sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y. Misfit. Cincinnati Commercial-Tribune: Paper hanger—I went *o your house on Tuesday, jut there was nobody at home. Lady of the House—Yes, you said you’d :ome Tuesday; but I thought, of course, rou tawant Wednesday or Thursday. The Windsor Cherry. Tho Windsor cherry, shown In the illus tration, Is of comparatively recent intro duction, yet old enough to have been thoroughly tested In nearly every section of the country where cherries may be grown to advantage. In only one section has it failed and that in the northwest, where it is almost impossible to carry any variety but the Early Richmond through the severe winters. Tho tree is a vigor ous grower, tho fruit large, firm, Juicy and TV W of fine quality; in color the fruit is mot tled red, sometimes streaked. In season it is late and hangs well on the tree. It Is one of the beat varieties for shipping, remaining firm for a long time. As it originated in Canada, the tree is quite hardy and may be safely planted in near ly all sections of the country. Where one can have but a few varieties and classes of trees for home use ...e Windsor is rec ommended among cherries as containing more desirable characteristics for home use than any other variety. Treating Thrush in Horses. In nine cases out of ten when thrush occurs it is due to the horse standing in filth, so that the prevention of the trou ble is plainly to be seen. Investigation will prove that the majority of the horses afflicted with thrush are heavily fed and given little exercise and, as stated, stand In filth. While there are m:»:iy honest differences of opinion ns to what material constitutes the best floor for a horse, it is certain that the floor must be kept rea fconably clean or the animal will contract disease of some kind. The best treatment for thrush is to cleanse the foot thorough ly, soaking it well in water as hot as the horse will stand if necessary and then place calomel in all the crevices of the frog, covering it with oakum to hold it in place. This dressing must be changed daily. Place the horse in a largo box stall and provide a heavy bed of straw so that there will be a sort of cushion for the feet at all times. While the horse is in the stall and not fit to exercise a great deal cut the rations down, being careful that the animal has sufficient variety to keep the bowels in good condition. As soon ns the animal can be given exercise it should be taken out of doors several times a day. The dressing should he faithfully applied until the discharge of matter ceases. Don t I ry touching consumers. Recently a neighbor of the write.- asked for some advice regarding the selection of varieties of strawberries for a nearby market and objected to th*1 advice given because he, tho grower, did not fancy the variety named. On the other hand, the writer knew that the majority of the sorts recommended would give the grower just the 1 of berry his market wanted, thp kinds that had brought the best price**, each year for a number of years. The consuming public in largo towns and cities are much better posted on soil prod ucts than we growers give the credit for being, so it will not do to attempt to force Individual preferences upon them. If one’s soil will grow a fruit profitably then the thing to do is to get the variety of that fruit best suited to the market de mands. This applies to anything, eggs for example. If the market pays a much higher price for white eggs than for brown ones we must either raise the hens to lay the white eggs or find a market where the brown eggs are preferred. Feeding Poultry on the Range. Many who raise poultry seem to think that there Is no good reason why they should not pick up their on-ire living dur ing the summer, if given plenty of range. It is an exceptional field that will fur nish all the fowls require. Green food and animal total are about all the fowls will get on the range so that they should be fed at least once a day, having the ra tion of grain in about the same variety as fed during the winter, but leaving out the corn almost entirely. Rook over the range and see if it is likely to provide enough in the way of sharp and small stones to give the fowls the grit they need and if not see that the grit box Is placed where they can get at it during the day and have another in the poultry house • to supply their wants In this direction night and morning. If It is necessary to feed some corn do not make It more than one-quar ter of the grain ration and give it to the fowls In the morning before they are aurned on tho range. Don’t forget water In the summer both on the range and at the houses, letting them have all the cool, i fresh water they want before they are : turned out in the morning and again at night before they go to roost. Give the fowls a little care along these lines and tho range will do much more good. The Season for Spraying. The Bordeaux mixtures Is recognized as the most reliable of the mixtures user for spraying fruit trees and plants as well as vegetable plants and all growers are now familiar with the formula. The causes of failure in spraying are gener ally due to lack of thoroughness some where in the work. The materials may not be pure, the pump used may be faulty or the spraying may not be thoroughly done or not done at the right time, any one of which faults makes the spraying more or less Ineffective. When poisons are to be used it is best to use them in connection with the Bordeaux mixture. Those who are experienced In spraying have found that the three-eights inch hose Is the best for use on trees; it is not so hard work to handle it either attached to a polo or from a ladder as the heavier hose. In spraying see that the larger branches of tho tree and the trunk as well are covered thoroughly; in short, do the work thoroughly, leaf and branch, and it will be found that spraying pays. Plant Foods for Fruits. While It is, of course, recognized that the soil must contain the, three plant foods la more or less varying quantities, more or less of one of the three must be ap plied yearly for the best results. Un doubtedly there Is much fertilizer extrav agantly used and generally because the grower does not understand the value of regular applications, but puts on great quantities one eeiaon and none at all for several seasons thereafter. Nitrogen t» one of the plant foods that must be cau tiously handled when applied to fruit growing soil and there are few Rolls In good condition which require more than 100 pounds of nitrae of soda yearly. Pot ash, however, Is greatly needed by most , fruits and may be applied In large quan tities without much danger of injury to the tree or plant, although the better way j to us© It, cither tho sulphot or muriate, is In lots of 1(X) to 150 pounds per acre each and every years. Applied In this way fruit raised on fairly good soil will give better results for less expense than by heavier apllcatlons at longer intervals. Look Out for Swindlers. Tho crop of swindlers working In farm ing districts scorns to be greater than ever this spring. Here are two of the latest. A number of men are working In different states selling a stock remedy on this plan. They appoint a local agent and offer to supply him with a stock of the remedy to be paid for after it is Hold, but they re quire signature to a contract ordering about $100 worth of the stuff to be shipped prepaid. At the end of a month tho farmer agent is notified that he Is In debted to the concern for tho amount of the contract (which by tho way is in tho hands of the swindler, the former agent having been given no duplicate) and suit is brought for a smaller amount so as to keep it In a lower court. The farmer gen erally pays or compromises. The other swindler offers to set out an acre or more of trees and take half his pay from tho crops of fruit. His scheme is to ask about one-half more than the trees are worth on the plea that they are some new' and wonderful variety and hence are sold at half (?) price, the other half to be paid, as stated, from the fruit. Suffice It to say this swindler having collected his price for the trees, which are generally of inferior sorts, never turns up for his share of the crops. Better confine purchases to local dealers or to men who advertise In papers of reliability and let general agents with wonderful propositions alone. Destroying Cabbage Worms. If the worms appear w'hlle tho plants are very small the best thing to kill them is white hellebore (obtainable at any drug store), used either by dissolving one ounce in each two gallons of water and spraying or sprinkling the plants or by applying it dry, dusting it on. As the plants get older and larger tho best remeiy for the worm Is the common Insect powder know'n as pyrethrum, which Is best applied by mixing one pint of it with two quarts of commoy flour, keep It In a close box for a day and then apply with an Insect bel lows. The louse found on cabbage is best destroyed by applications of tobacco wai ter, which Is made by using one pound of tobacco stems In four gallons of water and adding enough hot water to makc3 It all hot. Let the mass stand until the wa ter is cold, strain and add soft soap at the rate of two pounds to each fifty gallons of the Infusion. Apply with a sprinkler or a spraying pump. Care of Horses Necks. Nine out of every ten farm horses suffer from abrasions of the skin on the neck during the spring work and this Is so se vere in many cases as to keep the horse from doing a full day’s work. Try this plan of treating the farm horse during the season of hard wrork. After feeding the horse brush off all tho perspiration with a soft brush or, bettor still, wipe It off with a largo cloth. Then, with tepid water, sponge the head, neck and should ers and wipe dry with a clean cloth. If the shoulders show Indications of sore ness rub over them a little vaseline and let it remain over night. See that the col lar worn fltH well and after taking it off wipe it thoroughly with a damp cloth and hang It where it will be thoroughly dry in the morning. It will pay well to tuko this little additional care of tho horse dur ing the working Reason If at no other time. Fruit Packages of the Season. Everything points to a general adoption of the box as the package to be used by orchardists the coming season und apples of good quality will be packed In them to the exclusion of barrels, especially where a discriminating market is being catered to. The berry basket of the season Is made of paper and It is sold at a price wiiich greatly reduces the loss of the grow'er which has been quite a sum on this item. The crate of paper Is also shown, but it looks too light and Is still an experiment. A few grape baskets of paper are also on the market but offer the same objection as the berry erases. A start along the right road has been made, however, and fruit growers will be glad to encourage manufacturers. A point which all fruit growers should bear in mind Is I that the city resident has little room for storage and hence will pay much higher prices In proportion for good fruit in small packages than ordinary fruit in largo packages. They will also pay more for a dozen fresh eggs neatly packed in a clean box than they will for the same number more or less soiled taken from a bushel basket. Try it and you’ll see it Is so. Two Handy Farm Tools. The illustration shows two tools that will be found exceedingly useful and they are easily made by the handy man. The wheel marker will be found most useful In the gaiden for marking vegetable rows. It Is made by taking an old w’heel of con venient size and after making holes if? v? througn the tire between each spoke set In these holes pegs of hard wood. Then make a handle of a half Inch piece of board, having It about two and one-half Inches wide, and fasten It to the hub of the wheel with a bolt. Fasten it loosely so that It will revolve easily. Finish the handle with a strong crosspiece so that it may be readily pushed. The little tool in the corner is a homemade dibble fash ioned from the end of an old fork or shovel handle and sharpened to the proper point. This little tool will save lota of hard wear on the hands. __• IJ. S. SENATOR EROM SOUTH CAROLINA Recommends Pe-ru-na For Dyspepsia and Stomach Trouble. < > < ► < > < > < > If you do not derive prompt nml satis factory results from the use of Peruna, write at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your case, and he will be pleased to give you his valuuble ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Hnrtmac, President of The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus, O. calami oi me aiomacn is ucaerau; Called Dyspepsia—Something to Produce Artificial Digestion Is Generally Tai;en. lienee, Pepsin, Pancreatin and a Host of Other Digestive Remedies Has Been Invented. These Remedies Do Not Reach tha Seat of the Difficulty, Which Is Really Catarrh. EX. U. S. Senator M. C. Butler from South Carolina, was Senator from that state tor two terms. In a re cent letter to The Peruna Medicine Co.. from Washington, D. C.. says: “I can recommend Peruna for dyrK pepsla and stomach trouble. I have been using your medicine tor a short period and I feel very much relieved. It Is Indeed a wonderful medicine be sides a good tonic. ’’---.W. C. Butler. The only rational way to cure dyspep aia U to remove the catarrh. Peruna cures catarrh, l’eruna docs not produce artificial digestiou. it cures catarrh and leaves the stomach to perform digestion In a natural way. This Is vastly,Jietter and safer than resorting to artificial methods or narcotics. Peruna has cured more cases of dye pepsla than si] other remedies com bined, simply because It cures catarrh wherever located. If catarrh Is located in the head, Peruna cures It If catarrh has fastened ltaelf In the throat or bronchial tubea, Peruna cures it When catarrh become! settled In the stomach. Peruna cures It, as well In this location aa in any other. Peruna Is not simply a remedy for dyspepsia. Pernna Is a catarrh remedy. Peruna cures dyspepsia because It la generally dependent upon catarrh. The Glover Burglar. London News: The pluin und simple means of "getting round" the linger murk experts of Scotland Yurd has at last commended Itself to the burglar , mind. In evidence given In a case at Windsor on Saturday it was made plain that the cracksmen who made a huul of Jewelry at Lady Mary Currie's some months ago had worn gloves ull through the operation. The panels and panes of glass examined through the official microscope showed no tell tale traces of the presence of any well known practloner, but merely a number of blurred marks. So another detail is added to the already large outfit of the modern burglar, who will now carry his gloves along with his list slippers, his keys, his drills, his saws, his centerbit, his glasHcutter, his wrench, his dyna mite, his lantern, his revolver and so forth. It Is a business that calls for some capital. Time to Act. When the back aches ami you are always tired out, d e pressed and nerv ous — when sleep is dis turbed by paiu and by urinary ills. It's time to act. The kidneys are sick. Doan’s Ki d n e y Pills cure sick kidneys quickly and permanently. Here's proof: Mrs. W. S. Marshall. It. F. D. No. 1, Dawson, On., says: “My husband's back and hips were so stiff and sore that he could not get up from a chair without help. I got him a box of Doan’s Kidney Pills. He felt relief In three days. One box cured him.” A FREE TRIAL of this great kid ney medicine which cured Mr. Mar shall will be mailed on application to any part of the United States. Ad dress Foster-MUburn Ca, Buffalo, N. ■ Y. Sold by ull dealers; price 50 cents per box. Terrible (When Father Kicked). "Poor Harold can’t sit down.” “Why not?” "Splinters!” "How's that?” "His girl’s old man’s got a wooden leg.” _ _ Could Yon Use Any Kind of a Sewing Machine at Any Price? If there is any price so low, any offei so liberal that you would think of ac cepting on trial a new high grade, drop cabinet or upright Minnesota, Singer, Wheeler & Wilson, Standard, White or j New Home Sewing Machine, cut out and return this notice, and you will re I celve by return mail, postpaid, free of ‘ cost, the handsomest sewing machine catalogue ever published. It will name you prices on the Minnesota, Singer, Wheeler & Wilson, White, Standard and New Home sewing machines that will surprise you; we will make you a new and attractive proposition, a sew ing machine offer that will astonish you. If you can make any use of any sewing machine at any price, if any kind of an offer would Interest you, don’t fail to write us at once (he sure to cut out and return this special no tice) and get our latest book, our latest offers, our new and most surprising proposition. Address SEARS. ROEBUCK & CO., Chicago. ' B iff I Bang! "Cholly is going to enter the auto mobile race." j “Do you think he’ll be In the van at ! the finish?” | “No; In the ambulance.” The most happy are not those who are always seeking self pleasure. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Hays Always Bought 6 f . .v' =H In Warm Baths with % And gentle anointings with CUTICURA Ointment, the great Skin Cure, and purest and sweetest of emollients. It means instant relief and refreshing sleep for tor tured, disfigured, itching, and burning babies, and rest for tired, fretted mothers, when all else fails. Bold throufhont tha world. Outlaws Bo*-*. 0W» maut, Wc., lUaolraat. 10a. (in form of Cho.-aisu OaeftM Pills, fie. per rial of BO). Dvpctai Leado* ■ ■ Char**" uouh Sq.; Peru, I Rat da ]a Palx i Boat**-, f C«lwWS Aaa. Pottar Drag * Chain. Corp., Sola 1 rc, rMfeera. ■arSend for “ How to Ourt Babj Humor;.'* Rlparu Tabu*w art ha best dyspepsia medicine «*->■ made. A hundred millions of Un-m have been sold in the Ur. ted atates UB a single year. Constipation* heartburn, sick headache, dizzW ness, bad breath, sore throat ail every other Illness arista^ from a disordered stoniaoh are relieved or cured bv Ricans Tabales. One will generallv give relief wit ala twenty minutes. The nve-oeu' package is enouffe for ordinary oocaslou*. All druggists sell tnaoa. SIOUX CITY PHHG CO., 1,036—23, 1904 BEGGS’ BLOOD PURIFIER CURES catarrh ol the stomach_