The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 24, 1904, Image 5

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oE Lawyer ^
Office first door south of 0.9, Land Office
Physician and Surgeon
Night Call# will he Promptly Attended
, Office: First door to right over Corrigan’s
Telephone Nos.: Offloe, 58; Residence, 98
DR. j. P- giixigan
Physician and Surgeon
Calls may be left at Gillian & Stout drug
store or at residence 1 block north and yt
east of stand pipe Phones: Office 41, res. 10
Dr. C. F. B1LCER
Veterinary Surgeon
Thirty years experience. All calls
promptly attended to.
At Mellor & Quilty’s barn March IB-1617
Phone A221 28-3m NORFOLK, Neb.
Dr. B»T.TrtaKMMd
Spectacles correctly fitted and Supplied.
SCOTCh tops on best BATES fami
lies, 35 BULLS 14 to 26 mo. old. 20
, HEIFERS and 10 COWS bred to our
| tine Scotch bull MISSIES PRINCE
75402. Over 200 head in heard to select
from. These are the cattle for western
men,as they are acclimated. Come and
see them or write for prices.
J. R. Thomas, foreman,O’Neill, Holt Co..Neb
Abstracts of Title
' MkMm
No. 80
Fresh and Cured
Meat of all kinds
Careful attention to
Deliveries in the city
Leek & Blackmer
W. T. EVANS, Prop.
l A, ---
i)r. Price’s Cream Baking Powder
Awarded Cold Medal Midwinter Fair. San Francisco.
Good ■
H ow good good bread tastes—
so good one could almost make a
meal of it. You know the flavor
—the wheaty flavor, sweet as a
nut. Do you know the secret?
It's the yeast. Good yeast— ■
good bread. Poor yeast—poor
bread—and indigestion.
The home-made bread of the
American housewife leads the
world. The secret of it
is found in
<T»D|T.'-AND- ) MARK >
I^oaM J
jjjr a purely vegetable Yfl|
■ yeast, made of the finest M
malt, hops, corn, and other jjj
healthful ingredients, in the ||
cleanest andbest-equipped'yeast |
factory in existence. Yeaht Foam
is the only yeast that preserves
in the bread all the delicious fla
vor and nutritive qualities of the
wheat. Try it.
The secret is in the yeast.
Sold by all grocers at 5c a
package—enough for 40 loaves.
If your grocer does not keep it,
send us his name and yours on ■
a postal and we will mail you I
our book, "How to Make ■
Bread "free. ft
Chicago. 1
I u| I
J Double Track J
Between Missouri River and 9
A Chicago ^
^ Direct line to St. Paul ^
v and Minneapolis. ^
Jk Direct line to the Black ^
^ Hills, South Dakota. ^
W Only line to Bonesteel, ^
•• S. D., the Rosebud Indian
I Reservation. a
Through sleeping car ^
service to Omaha, making A
direct connections at Om- ^
aha Union Station for J
Chicago and all points east. ^
* No delays, no change of 9
cars, Northwestern all the ^
Apply to nearest agent for ^B
rates, maps and time cards, or ^
write to— ^k
A. G. F. and P. A., Omaha
Trade Marks
Copyrights &r.
Anyone sending a sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention is probably patentable. Communica
tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
special noticet without charge, in the
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest dr*
culatton of any scientific Journal. Terms, |3 a
year: four months, $L Sold by all newsdealers.
MUNN & Co.36,Broadway New York
Branch Office. 625 F St- Washington. D. C.
This hotel has been uewly fitted
up, freshly papered throughout and
paiuted outside and in, every thing
neat and tidy.
Rates $1 and $2 a Day
You patronage solicted. First door
west of Brennan’s hardware.
• Best on Earth Regardless of Priqe *
■ We solicit correspondence from prospec- g|
■ tive buyers. ^ RAMBLER AUTOMOBILE Q
Or. Price’s Cream Baking Powder
World’s Fair Highest Award.
Millionaires’ Poor Stomach.
The worn-out stomach of the over
fed millionaire is often paraded in the
public prints as a horrible example of
t tie evils attendants on the possession
of a great wealth. But millionaires
are not ihe only ones who are afflicted
with bad stomachs. The proportion
is far greater among the toilers.
Deyspepsia and indigestion are
rampant among these people, and
Jthey suffer far worse tortures than
the millionaire unless they avail them
selves of a standard medicine like
Green’s August Flower, which has
been a favorite household remedy for
all stomach troubles for over thirty
tive years. August Flower rouses the
torpid liver, thus creating appetite
and insuring perfect digestion. It
tones and vitalizes the entire system
and makes life mat
ter what your station. Trial bottles
25c; regular size, 75c.
Cheap Rates to the west, northwest
and southwest via Chicago & North
western, to points in California, Wash
ington,! British Columbia, Nevada,
Idaho, Montana, Utah, Colorado,
Wyoming and Arozona. One way
tickets will be sold daily from March
1 to April 30 at following rates:
San Francisco, Los Angeles and San
Diego, Cal., $27.23.
Kalespell, Helena, Butte and Ant
conda, Mont., $23.75.
Spokane and Wenatchee. $26.25.'
' Portland, Tecoma, Seattle, Van
couver and Victoria, $28.75.
Intermediate points at same or cor
responding rates. Your choice of
of routes. For any information call on
or write E. R. Adams, agent, O’Neill.
Well Again.
The many friends of John Blount
will be pleased to learn that he has
entirely recovered from his attack of
rheumatism. Chamberlain’s Pain
Balm cured him after the best doctors
in the town (Monon, Ind.) had failed
to give relief. The prompt relief from
pain which this liniment affords' is
alone worth many times its cost. For
sale by P. C. Corrigan.
Settlers Rates To The West
$20.85 to Helena, Butte and Kalis
pell, Mont.
$23.35 to Spokane, Wenatchee, Wash.
$25.85 to Seattle, Tacoma, Wash.;
Portland, Ore.; Victoria, B. C.
$32.90 to San Francisco, Los Ange
les, Cal.
Similar fates to other points via
The Great Northern Line daily com
mencing March 1 and continuing un
til April 30,1094. Stopovers allowed
at intermediate stations. For full in
formation apply to any agent Great
Northern or to Fred Rogers, G. P. A.,
Sioux City, la. Apr-30
Cavalry Horses Wanted
Mr. II. B. Nalle will be in O’Neill
March 23d to buy cavalry horses for
the army. They must be gentle,sound
geldings, broken to the saddle (half
broken bronchos not wanted); not
less than 15 norover 15 hands 3 inches
high: must be in fair condition (thin
horses cannot be used); from 4 to 8
years old; to weigh between 950 and
1100 pounds; and must be colored bay,
brown, black or sorrel. He will pay
from $60 to $100 cash each. 37-2
A Physician Writes.
“I am desirous of knowing if the
profession can obtain Herbine in bulk
for prescribing purposes? It has been
of great use to me in treating cases of
dyspepsia brought on by excesses or
overwork. I have never known it to
fall in restoring the organs affected,
to their healthful activity.” 50c bottle
at P. C. Corrigan.
Cattle Summered.
Cattle summered for $1.50 per head
on my ranch 16 miles northeast of
O’Neill and 9 miles north of Page on
Antelope Slough. I have over 2000
acres of choice buffalow grass range
all fenced and divided into different
pastures with running water in each.
Write me at your earliest convenience
as I desire to take only a limited
number. Edward Tiglie, Hainesville,
For Sale—One thoroughbred Dur
ham bull (not registered); animal can
be seen at my farm sixteen miles
northwest of O’Neill.
36-4 Wm F. Clevish.
For Sale—The southwest quarter of
section 33, township 30, rang 12, for
particulars apply to owner.—Mrs. B.
O. Laughlin, 314 north Twenty-tifth
street, South Omaha, Neb.
If it’s a bilious attack, take Cham
berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets
and a quick recovery is certain. For
sale by P. C. Corrigan.
I have 100 acres of good cultivated
land for rent, on easy terms, adjoin
ing town on the west.—D. A. Doyle
For Sale Cheap.
Some good working horses. Call at
Elkhorn Valley Bank. 38-3
Chattle mortgages at The Frontier.
Takes the swi sec. 17, twp. 29, range
12, in Holt county, being 160 acres six
miles northwest of O’NeilL Write oi
wire Ernest Sweet, New York Life
building, Omaha.
Read It Through.
’Twould Spoii This Story to Tell It In
the Headlines.
To use an eighteenth centuary
phrase, this Is an “o’er true tale.”
Having happened In a small Virginia
town in the winter of 1902, it is a
story very much of the present. Up
to a sliort time ago Mrs. John E. Har
mon, of Melfa Station, Va., had no
personal knowledge of the rare cura
tive properties of Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy. “Last January,” she
says, “my baby took a dreadful cold
and at one time I feared sbe would
have pneumonia, but one of my neigh
bors told me how this remedy had
cured her little boy and I began giving
it to my baby at once and it soon
cured her. I heartily thank the
manufacturers of Chamberlain’s Cough
Remedy for placing so great a cure
within my reach. 1 cannot recom
mend it too highly or say too much in
its favor. I hope all who read this
will try it and be convinced as I was.”
For sale by P. C. Corrigan.
Climatic Cures.
The influence of climatic conditions
in the cure of consumption is very
much overdrawn. The poor patient,
and the rich patient, too, can do much
better at home by proper attention to
food digestion, and a regular use of
German Syrup. Free expectoration in
the morning is made certain by Ger
man Syrup, so is a good night’s rest
and the absence of that weakening
cough and debilitation night sweat.
Restless nights and the exhaustion
due to coughing, the greatest danger
and dread of the consumptive, can be
prevented or stopped by taking .Ger
man Syrup liberally and regularly.
Should you be able to go to a warmer
clime, you will find that of the thous
ands of consumptives there, the few
who are benefited and regain strength
are those who use German Syrup.
Trial bottles, 25c; regular size, 75c.
Wakeful Children.
For a long time the two year old
child of Mr. P. L. McPherson, 59 N.
Tenth St., Harrisburg, Fa., would
sleep but two or three hours in the
early part of the night, which made
It very hard for her parents. Her
mother concluded that the child had
stomach trouble, and gave her half of
one of Chamberlain’s Stomach and
Liver Tablets, which quieted her
stomach and she slept the whole night
through. Two boxes of these Tablets
have effected a permanent cure and
she is now well and strong. For sale
by P. C. Corrigan.
So Sweet and Pleasing in Taste!
Mrs. C. Peterson, 025 Lake St., To
peka, Kan., speaking of Ballard’s
Ilorehound Syrup, says: “It has never
failed to give entire satisfaction, and
of all cough remedies, it is my favorite,
and I must confess to my many friends
that it will do, and has done, what is
claimed for it—to speedily cure a
cough or a cold; and it is so sweet and
so pleasing in taste.”25c, 50c and $1.00
bottle at P. C. Corrigan.
Cures Sciatic Rheumatism.
Mrs. A. E. Simpson, 509 Craig St.,
Knoxville, Tenn., writes, June 10th,
1899: “I have been trying the baths
of Hot Springs, Ark., for sciatic
rheumatism, but I get more relief
from Ballard’s Snow Liniment than
any medicine or anything I have ever
tried. Enclosed find postortlce order
for $1.00. Send me a large bottle by
Southern Express.” For sale by P.
C. Corrigan.__
Colds Are Dangerous.
How often you hear it remarked:
“It’sonly acold,”and a few days later
learn that the man is on his back with
pneumonia. This is of such common
occurrence that a cold, however slight,
should not be disregarded. Chamber
lain’s Cough Remedy counteracts any
tendency toward pneumonia. It
always cures and is pleasant to take.
For sale by P. C. Corrigan.
Fine Farm For Rent.
The Carlon farm adjoining O’Neill
for rent. Apply to O. F. Biglin O’Neill,
Neb. _
Money to loan on improved farms.
15tf F. J. Dishner.
For hard colds, bronchitis,
asthma, and coughs of all
kinds, you cannot take any
thing better than Ayer’s
Cherry Pectoral. Ask yout
own doctor if this is not so.
He uses it. He understands
why it soothes and heals.
“ I had a terrible cough for weeks. Then I
took Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral and only one
bottle completely cured me."
Mrs. J. B. Danforth, St. Joseph, Mich.
25c., 50c., 91.00. j. o. AYER co.,
All druggists. — for —
Coughs, Colds
You will hasten recovery by tak
ing one of Ayer’s Pills at bedtime.
i - uAo I UKIA
I . For Infants and Children.
I The Kind You Have
Always Bought
AVegctable Preparationfor As - # **
similatinglheFoodandRegula- _
ting the Stomachs andBowels of JdGQTS tll8
-:— " Signature
Promotes Digestion,Cheerful
! ness and Rest.Contains neither r
Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. Ox
Not Narcotic.
limfit Old DrSAMUELPtTCHBR 1
UtmfJcui Seed- y
Alx.Smna * 1 * m
fittkAU .'iaUt— m If I ^ .Wr/ + 1 ::i|| %
I I Hi
/ ;|| || Q P
Aperfed Remedy forConstipa- Sj U w U
Tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea :
Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- 1 r u HtfAH
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP. 1 rUl UVul
Facsimile Signature of B
1I Thirty Years
55 Herefords
Plainview, Pierce County, Nebraska
MARCH 25, 1904
Thirty (30) Bulls li to 2 years old; Fifteen (15) 2-year-old bred
I Heifers, and a number of choice young Cows with calves at side—all
richly bred, a majority of the pedigrees running back to Anxiety 4th
0004, through the blood lines of the “Archibalds,” “Lord Brandon,”
“Beau Real,” “Lamplighter,” and others. The “Earl of Shadeland”
I and “The Grove 3d” are strongly represented. This is not a disper
sion sale, but is made up of the Very Tops of the young stock of my
herd, being of a very uniform type and color, with plenty of quality.
They are a very choice and desirable lot of cattle. They have not been
pampered and are not fat, but are in good thrifty breeding condition,
are just about right; have been raised in pasture and open yards, and |
they will certainly prove profitable and satisfactory to the buyer and 1
make him money. This will be an excellent chance for farmers and
ranchmen in North Nebraska and South Dakota to buy good breeding
cattle at their own prices, delivered at their own doors.
Proprietors of one of the best pure-bred Hereford herds in Northeast- S
ern Nebraska, will contribute 7 head in this sale—3 Bulls and 4 cows,
all choicely bred.
Plainview is located in Northeast Neb., about 75 miles West of
Sioux City, on the Great Northern and F. E. & M. V. Railroads.
Write at once for Catalogues, giving full particulars.
L. L. YOUNG, Oakland, Neb.
HOLT BROS., Laurel, Neb.
F. M. Woods, Ren Dennis, L, W. Newett, Auctioneers
>iA ' ' *,
2| _ 2
<5 Car of a*
1 Barbedwire I
I and Nails I
1 i:
| J
B| If you are calculating on build- p
ing or doing any p
fencing this spring it will ;
p| to call on us or write for prices 2
The Frontier will do you as neat a job of Printing as anyone