The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 27, 1903, Image 8

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    NEVER in the history of the
trade in this locality have we
■ been more successful or better
r satisfied with the immense trade we are
receiving in all lines.
A CompaLrison
of Goods and Prices
.. WORK ..
In the Machinery line we have the King of all
in larest, up-to-date McCormick Harvesters and
Mowers, and it is needless to assure you that they
We have also a full and complete line of Mc
Cormick Hay Bakes and Jenkins Sweeps, Stackers,
etc ; they will DO THE WORK.
In Farm Wagons and Buggies we will from I
now till after the 4th of July make I
and give you goods that are without a peer in the
market. Young man, let us sell you one—they
FU R 1^ ITU R E In the Furniture line we are wearing a broad smile of the kind that don’t
■—- wear off, and all we ask of our patrons is an opportunity to make a compar
ison. We assure you this will DO THE WORK.
* % 9
We Have a Complete Line of Undertaking Goods, and Have had Twenty Years Experience
" . —————————.. .
O’Neill, Nebraska
To W. H. Hulbert first and full name
unknown, and Albert Porter non-resident
You and each of you will take notice
that on the mb day of July A. D. iihh plain
tiff herein, Stephen J. Weekes, filed In the
office of the clerk of the district court within
and for Molt county, Nebraska his petition
against Louis Orlmstead, Mrs. Louis Orlm
stead first and fuH name unkown, W. H.
Huloert first and full name unknown, and
Albert Porter defendants, the object and
prayer of which Is to foreclose a certain real
estate mortgage, executed by the defendant
Louis Orlmstead admx, as a single man tu
the Nebraska Mortgage & Investment Com
pany for the sum of five hundred and fifty
> iMJO.OO) dollars upon northwest quarter
(NWK). of section twentyone (21), in town
ship twentyfive (26). fiorth of range fifteen
UM. west of the sixth (6), P. M. In Molt
county. Nebraska, on the 31 day of July A.
1). 1888. That there Is now due and owing to
plaintiff upon said bond, notes and mortgage
the sum of sixteen hundred (1(100.00), dollars.
You and each of you are required to ans
wer said petition on or before the 7tb day ol
September A. D. 1008or the alligations of said
petition will be taken as true and decree
rendered accordingly.
STEPHEN J. WEElvES, rialntlff.
6-4 By K. H. Benedict, His Attorney
State of Nebraska, County of Holt, s s.
To whom It may oonoeru:
. The commissioner appointed to locate 11
road commencing at Bouthwest corner ol
seotion thirty-three, tow:,ship thirty-two
range nine. In Holt oounty, thenoe nortl
PO.OO chains, thence west 80.9# chains, thenct
north two miles, thence west one lirflf mile
thence north 95chains, thenoe north tifty-sl)
degrees forty-five minutes, west 26.07 ohalus
thenoe north forty-eight degrees ten mlnutoi
west 22.87 chains, thence north slxty-sevet
degrees, west 48.60 chains, thence nortl
twenty-six degrees, west 0.-.8 chains, tbenoi
west on section line 94.01 chains, thenoi
north elghtjdegrees and thirty minutes, wos
28.69 chains, thence north slxty-oue degree,
thirty minutes, west 7.66 chains,thenoe nortl
ten degrees, west 11.13 chains, thence nortl
ttreaty degrees, west 9.47 chains, theuc,
north forty degrees flfty-flve minutes, eas
3.01 chains, thenoe north one degree thirty
live minutes, west 16.10 chains, thence nortl
twenty-four degrees, east 2.70 chains to con
ter of south end ot bridge over the Ntobran
river, has reported In favor of the establish
meat thereof, and all objections thereto o
claims for damages must be Hied In th,
county clerk's office ou or before noon of th,
2ttth day of August, A. D. 1903, or such ron<
will be established without retereno
A survey and'field notes of the above pro
posed road ate now on file and can be seen a
the office of the county clerk.
5-4 E. 8. G1GMOUK, County Clerk.
By. virtue of an order of sale, directed t
me from the Clerk ot the District Court o
Holt oounty, Nebraska, on a judgment ot
talned before the Clerk of the District Oour
of Holt Oounty, Nebraska, on the 2nd day o
February. 1903, In favor of John G. Nos
as plffiiHt And against Frank O. Apple by
Getty es C. Ely
1 name uu
known and southeast quarter of sectloi
fourteen (14) towushi p twen ty-se ven, 97) nortl
of range nine (8) west ot the 6th p. m. and N
G. Moore, as defendants for the sum of On
thousand, one hundred thirteen Dollars , am
85 cents. and the costa tnxei
at 16.53 and accruing costs. I have )evie<
upen the following real estate taken as tin
property of said defendants, to satlsfv sab
Order of Sale, to-wlt:
The southeast quarter of section fourteei
(14) In township twenty-seven (27.> north o
range nine (8) west of the oth p. in., In Hoi
oiunty, Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to the high
est bidder for cash. In band, on the loth duj
of August, A. D., 1803, In front of oour
bouto, In O'Neill, Holt oounty, Nebraska, a
the hoar of >0 o'clock, a m., of said day
when and where due attendance will be glvei
Juljb 18U3. c B Hali,
Sheriff of Said Couuty.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
from the clerk of the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, on a judgment obtained
before the clerk of the district court of Holt
county, Nebraska, on the2Kth day of March,
1903. in favor of the Couutv of Holt as plain
tiff and against Thoiuus H. Tierney, Laur
issa Tiernev his wife, Joseph McCaffrey and
Catherine McCaffrey his wife, as defendants,
for the sum of Three Hundred seventy-three
dollars, mid forty-nine cents, and the costs
taxed at $22.03 and accruing costs, I have
levied upon the following real estate taken
as the property of said defendants, to satisfy
said order of sale, to-wlt:
Lot twenty. (80) in block thirty-seven (37)
Riggs'Addition to O’Nelli, and lot twenty
one (21) In block thirty-seven (37) Riggs’ Ad
dition to O’Neill.
And will offer the same for sale to the high
est bidder for cash, tu hand, on the 17th day
of August, A, I). 1003, in front of court
house, In O’Neill, Holtcounty, Nebraska, at
the hour of 10 o’clock a. m„ of said day, when
and where due attendance will be given by
the undersigned.
Dated at O'Neill, Holt county, Ittth day of
July, 1003.
3-» C. E. HALL, Sheriff of Said County.
State of Nebraska, County of Holt, ss.
To whom It may concern:
The commissioner appointed to locate a
road commencing at a point on the soute side
of the right of way of the Fremont Klkhorn
and Missouri Valley Railroad whore said
right at way lutersects with the half section
line between the southeast and southwest
quarter of seotiou eleven, township twenty
seven, range ten. In Holt county, Nebraska,
running thence northwest aleug the south
side and paralell with said right of way to a
point where said right of way lutersects with
the section line between sectio s nineteen
and thirty, township twenty-eight, range ten
lias reported in favor of the establishment
thereof, aud all objections thereto or claims
for damages must be Bled in the county
clerk’s office on or before noon of the 12th
day of September, 1903 or such road will be
, established without reference thereto.
6-4 E.S. Uii.mouh, County Clerk.
Department of the Interior, Land Office at
O’Neill. Nebraska, July 22, 1908.
Notice Is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of her Inten
tion to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be maud be
■ fore Register and Receiver U. S. Land Office
ttt Nebraska, on August 26, 1903, viz:
1 NK!*,E!j N Sec. 18, T 28 N., R.
' IS w.
I She names the following witnesses to
> prove his continuous resldeuce upon and
cultivation of said land, via
’ Charles lngersoll.of O’Neill. Nob.. Maud
' KUne, of O’Neill, Nob., Patrick O’Connor, of
O Neill. Neb.. Paul Butler, of O'Neill. Neb.,
Kueben Butler of O’Neill, Neb.
4-8 S.J. VVEEKES, Register.
• Sealed proposals will bo received at the
office of the County Clerk. O’Neill, Nebraska,
’ until 12o’clock, noon, September 4, 1903, for
i the oonatructlon of a bridge aoross Dry
, Fork Creek between seotious. fifteen and
, twenty-two, township twenty-six, range
• eleven, Holt county. Nebraska. Said bridge
i to be a pile aad stringer bridge forty feet
I long and sixteen feet wide. Bidders to fur
nish plans aud specifications. Bid to be
i sealed and marked “proposal for bridge.”
I The board reserves tbe right to reject any or
. al! bids. E. S.Gilmoub,
| 8-4County Clerk.
i Sealed proposals will be received at the
1 office of the County Clerk, O’Neill, Nebraska
until 12o clock, noon, September 4, 1903, for
the construction of a bridge on section line
between sections thirty-three and thirty-four
■ township twenty-six, rauge ten, about 100
rods north of township line running east and
; west between townships twenty-five and
twenty-six. Said bridge to he a pile and
i stringer bridge forty feet long and sixteen
feet wide. Bidders to furnish plans and
1 specifications. Bids to be sealed and marked
‘.proposals for bridge.” The board reserves
the right to reject any or all bids.
8-4 E .8. Gilmour, County Clerk.
State of Nebraska. County of Holt, s s.
Tc whom It may concern:
The commissioners appointed to locate a
road commencing at the southwest corner
of section 36, township 25, range 12 west, in
Holt county, running thence north six
miles to the northwest corner of section
one, has reported In favor of the establish
ment thereof, and all objections thereto or
claims for damages must be filed in the
County Clerk's off ee on or befere noon of the
4th day of Sept., 1963, or such road will be
located without reference thereto.
7-4 K. 8. Gii.movr,
County Clerk.
State of Nebraska, Couuty of Holt, ss.
To whom it may concern:
The commissioner appointed to locate a
road oommeuclng at the bridge across Eagle
Creek on section two (2) township thlrtv-two
132) range eleven (II) In Holt county, thence
running westward at the Niobrara river val
ley to a point intersecting the O'Neill and
Spencer road at or near the Whiting bridge.
Said road to be established as near the river
as practicable, has reported lu favor of the
establishment thereof, and all objections
thereto or claims for damages must be tiled
In the Couuty Clerk’s office on or before noon
of the 14th day of September, A. D. 1903, or
such road will be established without
reference thereto.
Plat and field notes are now on file and
can be seen at the office of the County Clerk
7-4 K. S. Gilmouh,
County Clerk.
State of Nebraska, County of Holt, ss.
To whom It mav oonoern;
The commissioner appointed to locate a
road commencing at a point thirty-three
Met at right angle from the right of way of
the Premont Elkborn and Missouri Valley
railroad and ou east line of section twenty
three, township twenty-nine, range thirteen,
and cion the north side of the track, theuoe
along the north side of same and thirty-three
feetjfrom the north line of right of way at
the point of commencement to a point on the
west line of same section same distance
away and at right angles from main track;
thence south on llne’between sections twenty
three and twonty-two to a point at south end
of bridge, said point being 30.84 chains north
of|southeast corner of section twenty-two,
township twenty-nine, range thirteen; tnenoe
south thirty-two degrees, west 17.50 chains;
thence south 13.70 chains to south line of
section; thence east on south Hue of section
ten chains to the southeast corner of same
and there terminate, has reported In favor
of the establishment thereof, and all objec
tions thereto or claims for damages must be
Hied In the Oounty Clerk’s ottlde on or before
noon of the 14th day of September, A. D.,
1903, or suoh road will bo established without
reference thereto.
Plat and survey are now on file and can be
seen at the olfloe of the Oounty Clerk.
7-4 E. S. Cti.MotTR,
Oounty Clerk.
By virtue of an order of sale, directed to
me from the Clerk of the District Court of
Holt county, Nebraska, on a Judgment ob
tained before the Clerk of the District Court
of Holt oounty, Nebraska, on the 13th day of
May, 1903, in favor of G. A. Hamilton as
plaintiff, and agalust H. N McKee, and wife
Mrs. H. N. McKee first and full name un
known. W. D. Mathews, and Mrs. W. D.
Mathews, first and full name uuknown, Hugh
E. Coen, and Mrs. Hugh E. Coen, first and
full name unkown, and the county of Holt,
Nebraska, Mortgage and Investment Com
pany, Charles P. Wright, and Mary 0. Wright
as defendats. for the sum of eight hundred
four dollars and no cents, and the cost taxed
at *24 86 and accruing costs, I have levied up
on the following real estate taken as pro
perty of said defendants, to satisfy said
order of sale, to-wlt:
The north east quarter of section thirty
five (35) township thirty two (32) range ten
(10) west of fith P. M. in Holt couuty, Nebras
And will offer the same for sale to the high
est bidder for cash. In hand, on the 14th day
of September, A. D., 1903, In front of court
bouse. In O’Neill. Holt county, Nebraska, at
the hour of 10 o'clock, a. til. of said day, when
and where due attendance will be given by
the undersigned.
Dated at O'Neill, Holt county, 13th day of
August, 1903.
7-5 C. E. HALL, Sheriff of Said Oounty,
State of Nebraska, Holt county, ss:
To whom It may concern: The commis
sioner appointed to locate a road commenc
ing at east side of seotlon line between sec
tions 14 and 23,81,12, in Holt county, running
thence west one and a half miles on section
line.termtnatlng at the quarter stake between
sections 22 and ifi, 31,12, has reported in favor
of the establishment thereof, and all objec
tions thereto or claims for damages must be
filed in the oounty clerk's office on or before
noon of the 14th day of Sept., A. D. 1903, or
such road will be established without refer
ence thereto.
7-4 E. S. G1LMOUH. County Clerk.
Sealed proposals will be received at the
office of the Oounty Clerk. O’Netll, Nebraska,
until 12 o'clock. September 4, 1903, for the
construction of a 8lxty-foot span at the
Badger bridge across the Niobrara river, and
for the putting In of five tee breaks at said
bridge: and for the putting in of one Ice
break at the bridge across the Niobrara river
known as the Grand Rapids bridge; and for
the putting In of seven Ice breaks at the
bridge across tbe said river near Lynch; and
for the taking out of the stone abuttment in
the bridge, known as the Whiting bridge, on
the north side and putting in a new stone
abuttment and one Ice break at that bridge.
Also a separate bid for the putting In of a
Eillng abuttment at said bridge. Bidders will
e required to furnish their own plans and
specifications and to file seperate bids for
each bridge. The bids for the Bsdger bridge
shall be made with the understanding that
the counties will furnish sixty 3x12 In. plank
fourteen feet long, otherwise all material to
be furnished by bidder.
Bids to be sealed and marked “proposals
for bridge." The county board reserves the
right to reject any or all bids.
o-4 E. S. Gilmoltr. Oounty Clerk.
By virtue of an order of sale, directed to
me from the Clerk of the District Court of
Holt oounty, Nebraska, on a judgment ob
tained before the Clerk of tbe District Court
of Holt oounty. Neoraska, ou the 31th, day
of December 1903, In favor of James N. Clark
Receiver of the Nebraska Loan and Trust
Company as plaintiff, and against John
Wisegaver, William Colnan, (A singleman)
Charles A. Wyman and wife Mrs. Charle?
Wyman first and full name unknown as
defendants for tbe sum of one thousand two
hundred ninety seven dollars, and 80 oents,
and the cost taxed at $32.93 and accruing
costs, I have levied upon the following
real estate taken as the property of said
defendants, to satisfy said order of sale,
The north west quarter of section eight (8)
township twenty nine (29) range (9) west of
the 8th. P. M. in Holt county, Nebraska.
And will offer the same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash, In hand, on tbe 21st,
day of September A. D. 1903, In front of court
house. In O'Neill, Holt oounty, Nebraska, at
the hour of 10 o’elook a. m. of said day,
when and where due attendance will be
given by the undersigned.
Dated at. O’Neill, Holt county, 18 day of
August 1903.
8- 8 C. E. HALL.
Sheriff of Said County.
By virtue of an order of sale, directed to
me from the Clerk of the District Court of
Holt oounty, Nebruska, on a judgment ob
tained before the Clerk of tbe District Court
of Holt county, Nebraska, on the 11th day of <
October 1893, In favor of F. C. Wilson and j
K. J Starr as Plaintiffs, and against Isaac
N. Brown as defendant, for tbe sum sixty-six
dollars, and 0” oents and the costs taxed at
$43.70 and accruing, costs, 1 have levied;
upon the following real estate taken as the I
property of said defendant, to satisfy said
order of sale, to-wlt:
The north west quarter of section thirty
three<33) In township twenty-six (26) north
of range twelve (12) west ofjthe 8th. P. M.
And will offer tbe same for sale to the
highest bidder for cash. In hand, ou the 28th
day of September A. D. 1903. In front of court
house, in O'Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, at
tbe hour of 10 o’clock a. in. of said day. when
and where due attendance will be given by
tbe undersigned.
Dated at O'Neill, Holt county, 27th, day of
August 1903.
9- 5 C. E. HALL.
Sheriff of Said County.
State of Nebraska,
County of Holt, f88'
To whom It may concern:
The Commissioner appointed to locate a
road commencing at the south east corner
of section 15 township 31 north of range 11
west In Holt county, running thence north
39.90 chains, thence north 13 degrees, east 4.45
chains, thence north nineteen degrees thirty
minutes, east a.16 chains, thence north on
section line 7.92 chains, thence north seventy
one degrees west 75 chains, over creek,
thence north twentyflve degrees .fifteen
minutes, east 1.84 chains, to section line,
thence north to the northeast corner of
section 15, 31,11 and there termlnste, haB re
ported In favor of the establishment thereof,
and all objections thereto or claims for dam
ages must be filed In the County Clerk's
office on or before noon of the 28th day of
September A. D. 1903 or such road will be
established without referenoo thereto.
9-4 County Clerk.
Strange Cases That Have Come
Under Physician’s Observation.
Medical records In the various hos
pitals of New York city show that
though quite forgetful of recent hap
penings, aged persons recall long
past events in correct order, and
even lie again amid scenes passed
utterly out of recollection before the
disease of senility appeared.
A woman of 70, delirious from pleu
ro-pneumonia, repeated poetry in Hin
dustani. It developed lated on that
up to the age of four she knew only
that language, but afterward had for
gotten that she ever spoke it. An
other peculiar case on record is that
of an illiterate maid servant who
while in the delirium of fever, recited
Greek and Hebrew for hours, although
when in health she knew no word of
either language, her ravings being
due to the brain impressions left by
the readings heardd many years be
fore of a learned rabbi whose servant
she had been.
Striker’s Wife Put Up Effective Plea
for Finery.
A woman went into a little millin
ery shop in One hundredth street,
near Amsterdam avenue, the other
day and asked to see a hat. A chiffon
creation, of which the price was $2
was shown her, and she expressed a
keen desire for it. "May I have it
now,” she asked, “if I’ll leave fifty
cepts on deposit, and bring in the
rest later?” “That’s very unusual,”
replied the milliner. “When could
you pay the balance?” “That’s just
the point,” said the woman. “I don’t
know. My husband is a plasterer. He
makes $5.25 a day while he is work
ing. But he has been on strike for
four weeks, and we have nothing.”
“But how do you live In the mean
time?" she was asked. “Hock every
thing we have, like the rest of the
strikers,” replied the woman. “Every
thing we own is in pawn, but I must
have that hat.” She got it—New
York Sun.
Danger of Colds and Grin.
The greatest danger from colds and
grip is their resulting in pneumonia.
If reasonable care is used, however,
and Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy
taken, all danger will avoided.
Among the tens of thousands who
have used this remedy for these dis
eases we have yet to learn of a single
case having resulted in pneumonia,
which shows conclusively that it is a
certain preventive of that dangerous
disease. It will cure a cold or an at
tack of the grip in less time than any
other treatment. It is pleasant and
safe to take. For sale by P. C Corri
gan. .
Severe Attack Of Grip
Cured by One Bottle of Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy.
“When I had an attack of the grip
last winter (the second one) I actually
cured myself with one bottle of Cham
berlain’s Cough Remedy,” says Frank
W. Perry, Editor of the Enterprise,
Shortsville, N. Y. .“This is the hon
est truth. I at times kept from cough
ing myself to pieces by taking a tea
spoonful of this remedy, and when the
coughing spell would come on at night
I would take a dose and it seemed
that in the briefest interval the cough
would pass off and I would go to sleep
perfectly free from cough and its ac
companying pains. To say that the
remedy acted as a mos't agreeable sur
prise is putting it very mildly. I had
no idea that it would or could knock
out the grip, simply because I had
never tried it for such a purpose, but
it did, and it seemed with the second
attack of coughing the remedy caused
it to not onla be of less duration, but
the pains were far less severe, and I
had not used the contents of one bot
tle before Mr. Grip had bid me adieu.”
For sale by P. C. Corrigan.
! SCOTT’S EMULSION serves as •
bridge to carry the weakened and
starved system along until it can find
.!? firm support in ordinary food.
Send for free sample.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists,
9 409-415 Pearl Street, New York.
50c. and $i.oo; all druggists. |