O NE!LLBUSINESS DIRECTORY g H. BENEDICT, LAWYER, Offioe In the Judge Roberta building, north of O. O. Snyder's lumber yard, O NKII.L NKH. ££ R. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Referenoe First National Bank _ _ O'NEILL, NEB JJARNEY STEWART, PRACTICAL AUCTIONEER. Satisfaction guaranteed. Address, Page, Neb |^R. 1». J. FLYNN PHY Cl AN AND SURGEON Office over Corrigan’s, first door to right Night calls promptly attended. j}R. J. P. GILL1GAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Holt County Bank building Orders left at our drug store or at my residence first street north and half block east of stand pipe will receive prompt response, as I have telephone connections. ©*• B.T.TcfeKHMd SPECIATLIES: eve. Ear, Nose and Throat Spectacles correctly fitted and Supplied. O’NEILL, NEB. Griffin Bros. MERCHANT TAILORS O’Neill, Nebraska. ,H. W. PHILLIPS AUCTIONEER. Cries sales in either German orEng ’ish. Satisfaction guaranteed. Twen ty years experience. ATKINSON, NEB. I C. !_. BRIGHT I f REAL ESTATE AND IN-\ | SURANCE. j j Choice ranches, farms and town ; { lots for sale cheap and on easy < ► terms. All kinds of land bust- « l ness promptly attended to. < ► Represents some of the best 3 ► Insurance companies doing bus 5 iness in Nebraska. 3 : ■■ V -< ^ Notary Work Properly Executed j F. J. DISHNER Successor to A. B. Newell Real Estate Selling and leasing farms and ranches Taxes paid and lands inspected for non residents. Parties desiring to buy or rent land owned by non-residents give me a call, will look up the owners and procure the land for you. : The New Market Having leased the Gratz Market t and thoroughly renovated the t same we are now ready to sup- l ply you wiih choice Fresh and fc Salt Meats, Ham, Bacon, Fish. I in fact everything to be found l in a hirst-class market. We t invite your patronage : : : £ Leek & Blackmer j O’Neill — Abstracting Co Compiles Abstracts of Title ONLY COMPLETE SET OF AB- i 81RAGT BOOKS IN HOLT COUNTY \ O’NEILL,, NEK. HOTEL EVANS' 1 1 -* 1 t t ONLY FIRST-CLASS ( HOTEL IN THE CITY ( FJSIEE BUS SERVICE ii m W. T. EVANS, Prop. I ScoUish Sharoi}.... OF GREYTOWER 153330, Assisted by Imported KING TOM 171879. Both prize-winning bulls of the Pan-American, heads the Ak-Sar Ben home herd of Shorthorns. Young bulls for sale. J. M. ALDERSON & SONS. Chambers, - - - Nebraska. SHORTHORN BULLS AND HEIFERS SCOTCh topson best BATES fami lies, 35 BULLS 14 to 20 mo. old. 20 HEIFERS and 10 COWS bred to our tine Scotch bull MISSIES PRINCE 75402. Over 200 head in heard to select from. These are the cattle for western men,as they are acclimated. Come and see them or write for prices. TIJE BROOK FARM CO., J. It. Thomas. forernan.O'Nelll. Holt Go..Neb. THE Northwestern LINE ONLY DOUBLETRACK Railroad between Missouri River and Chicago. Direct line to St. Paul-Minneapolis. Direct line to Black Hills. Apply to nearest agent for rates, maps and time cards. Anyone sending a sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive special notice, without charge, in the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientific journal. Terms, |3 a year; four months. Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.36,Broadwa»' New York Brauch Office. 626 F St* Washington, D. C. I * X H 0£ 0 z ll/ll 0 c H X Purohaae Tickets and Consign your Freight via the Chicago & Northwestern Ry, TIME TABLE TRAINS EAST Passenger, No. 4, 3:45 a. m. 'Passenger, No. (i, 9:52 n. m. 'Freight, No. 116, 4:25 p. in. Freight, No. 04, 12:01 p. m. TRAINS WEST Passenger, No. 5, 2:5c1 p. m. Passenger, No. 3, 10:05 p. m. Freight, No 119, 5:32 p. m. Freight, No. 03, 2:50 p. m. The service is greatly improved by he addition of the new passenger rains Nos. 4 and 5; No. 4 arrives in )maha at 10:35 a. m arrivesjat Sioux it.V at 9:15 a. m. No. 5 leaves Omaha t 7:15 a. m., leaves Sioux City at 7:50 .. m. *Ually; +l>ally, except Sunday. E. R. Adams, Agent Severe Attack Of Grip Cured by One Bot tle of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. “When 1 had an attack of the grip last winter (the second one) I actually cured myself with one bottle of Cham berlain’s Cough Remedy,”says Frank W. Perry, Editor of the Enterprise, Shortsville, N. Y. “This is the hon est truth. I at times kept from cough ing myself to pieces by taking a tea spoonful of this remedy, and when the coughing spell would come on at night I would take a dose and it seemed that in the briefest interval t he cough would pass off and 1 would go to sleep perfectly free from cough and its ac companying pains, To say that the remedy acted as a most agreeable sur prise is putting it very mildly. 1 had no idea that it would or could knock out the grip, simply because I had never tried it for such a purpose, but it did, and it seemed with the second attack of coughing the remedy caused it to not onla be of less duration, but the pains were far less severe, and 1 had not used the contents of one bot tle before Mr. Grip had bid me adieu.” For sale by P. C. Corrigan. Uganda Mission. . The Uganda Mission, In Central Af rica, begun twenty years ago, has now 1,070 church buildings, seating 126,850 persons, erected chiefly at the cost of the people. Should Secure American Seamen. To improve shooting In the British navy Gibson Bowles will suggest, in the house that retention of commands shall depend on gunnery results. Danger of Colds and Grip. The greatest danger from colds and grip is their resulting in pneumonia. If reasonable care is used, however, and Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy token, all danger will avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy for these dis eases we have yet to learn of a single case having resulted in pneumonia, which shows conclusively that it is a certain preventive of that dangerous disease. It will cure a cold or an at tack of the grip in less time than any other treatment. It is pleasant and Fafes to toke or sale by P. C Corri gan. __ Summer Excursions. Are now on to all points north, east and west, via the Great Northern line, especially low rates being made this year for summer travel. Tickets sold daily to St. Paul, Minneapols, Duluth, Fishing resorts in Minnesota. Toures to Buffalo and Chicago via the Great Lakes. Montreal, Quebec, Bos ton Portland and other summer*re sorts in New England and Cannada. If you intend making a trip this summer full information regarding rates, routes, limits, etc , will gladly be furnished by any agent, or by Fred Rogers, general passenger agent, Sioux City, la. Fishhooks. The fishhooks used to-day are of precisely the same form as those of 2,000 years ago. The only difference is in the material; then they were made of bronze, now they are of steel. Mortality in India. In the central provinces of India 513 persons were killed last year by wild beasts and 1,304 by snakes. The number of domestic animals thus killed was 12,000. The Wall Street Journal gives advice and answers, without charge, inquiries about investments. Studies, underlying causes of market movement. Determines facts govern ing value of securities. Criticises, a nalyses and reviews Railroad and In dustrial reports. Has complete tables of earnings of properties. Quotes act ive and inactive Stocks and Bonds. Records the last sale of bonds and the yield on investment at the price. One who daily consults The Wall .Street Journal is better qualified to invest money safely and profitably and to advise about investments than one who does not do so. Published daily by Dow, Jones & Co., 44 Broad St., N. Y. The oldest news agency on Wall St. $12 a year, $1 a month. Unique Decision. A Maryland justice of the peace in deciding an action against a railroad company for killing a cow near a road crossing, decided the case in favor of the plaintiff for the reason that “the defendant had no sign up at the crossing.” For Sale Cheap. SE, 17, 32, 16, and W. i NW, 31, 30, 16., Holt county Neb. Too far away, will sacrifice. Terms easy. Open to all agents. Miss Leona L. Lingle, owner, 1531 Cambria St., Los Angeles, California. 44-tf I have a few very fine buggies that I will sell cheap for cash or any kind of old time. They must go some way to make room for a carload of new goods just coming. Call iirst and get your choice. Remember the above goods must go before July 4.—Neil Bren nan. _ 48tf Monument to Li Hung Chang. Several Chinese cities have erected temples in honor of Li Hung Chang. His tomb also has the form of a tem ple. Two of Its inscriptions are: "All countries in the world mourn him” and “Re changed heaven and revolu tionized the earth.” Edward as Speeehmaker. One of the results of the long train ing King Edward had as Prince of Wales is tiiat few men are so easy on their feet in making a speech as he is. The late Lord Houghton—an accom plished man of letters and an experi enced politician—used to say to the Prince of Wales: "i have always con sidered your royal highneSs and my self the best after-dinner speakers of the day.” Great Northern Railway W. & S. F. RY. Through daily service to Minneapo lis and St. Paul with direct connec tions for all points in Minnesota, North Dakota and west to Pacific Coast. Through sleeping car service. Apply to any agent for rates, folders and descriptive matter. Fred Rogers, Genl. Pass. Agt. Better Mail Service. European mail can now he dis patched to the Far East by means of the great Transslberian railroad. Let ters can to-day be sent from Paris. Berlin or Vienna via Moscow to Vladi vostock and Port Arthur in from twenty-two to twenty-four days, while the time required by steamer mail via the Suez canal route is from six to eight weeks. ^ - • Great Northern Line Return limit twenty-one days, stop overs allowed at intermediate points. For full information apply to Agent O’Neill, Neb., or Fred Rogers, G. P. A., Sioux City. Up-to-Date Medicine. D’Arsonval, the famous Parisian therapeutic specialist of Paris, stated that the world is on the • eve of a therapeutical revolution and that elec tricity will be the medicine of the future. A strong, continuous current through a patient could, he affirmed, produce local anaesthesia, permitting slight surgical operations without nar cotics. The Brook Farm Co., have Bulls for saleand their Dames have weighed 2100 hundred, llrotlier stockman come and buy one of these bulls and grow 1800 hundred lb steers with the same feed you grow 1000 and 1200 lb ones. .1. R. Thomson Foreman. Under the Red-Tape System. Perhaps the most remarkable curios in the British army system of red tape are the headings under which vari ous personal necessities are classed. For instance, a soldier must purchase a brush and comb under the head of clothing, while a tooth brush for some extraordinary reason comes under the denomination of fuel. Cultivators! Cultivators! Now is your chance if you want to buy a good one cheap and the beauty is I will sell cheaper for cash than time, but 1 will give any reasonable time.—Neil Brennan. 48tf See my big Kentucky jack and Onward stallion (Standard bred) be fore breeding mares. J. H. McAllister. You cannot use too much earn in the selection of a FIKEAU1I. Our 8# years’ reputation Bjicuks for i-rin.1; that ure etandard.'JaccurateJ reliable Our Lino RIFLES, from * . . $3.00 to $150.00 PISTOLS, from . . 2.50 to 50.00 SHOTGUNS, from . 7.50 to 30.00 Ask your dealer for our AltMS. If he cannot fur nish them we will Bhip direct upon receipt of price. Our catalog will interest you. Muiled free ujarn request. J. Stevens Arms & Tool Co., p. o. BOX CHICOPEE FALLS. MASS. Cool Minnesota — 71 will liave some ! exceedingly low rates to St. Paul, I Minneapolis and - Duluth during the summer months. Better figure on spending your vaca tion at— Lake Minnetonka White Bear or some other summer resort in Minnesota or north Wisconsin. Ask any agent Northwestern line for particulars. Or Address J.A.Kuhn.A, g.f.&p.A. Omaha. Neb. I BREED YOUR MARES | -TO A- | Good Horse or Jack ! I Company Horse, Black Percheron, 1 registered; wt 1,800; to insure $15 § 1 One Big Hambeltonian, wt 1300, I to insure $IO. 1 | One Big Mammoth Jack, service to 1 insure $10. | WILL MAKE SEASON AT O’NEILL AT MY PLACE 1 | A.MERRELL 1 j w®jaiaMaaa@ianuasrn!iMaiaia]sisjai@iarcajaiaiaiaiaiaMaiaisiai aiail j i STDRTZ BREWING CO.’S Gold fledal Beer ON DRAFT .. and the renowned Blue Ribbon in quarts and pints I FOR SALE AT O’NEILL BY WM. LAV10LLETTE O’CONNOR & STANTON ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE MOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those bom deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORK, 8AY8: \ Baltimork, Md., March 30, 1901. j Gentlemen . Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will now give you a full history of my case, to Ik* used at your discretion. j About five years ago my right ear begun to sing, and this kept on getting worse, uutil I lost my hearing i.i tins ear entirely. j I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three mouths, yvithout any success, consulteda nutn- j her of physicii. i . among others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told me that anly an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the head noises would then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would be lost forever. 1 then saw v.-.ur advertisement ncciden.ally in a New York paper, and ordered your treat- * ment. After i bad used it only a few days according to your directions, the noises ceased, and to-day. aftc r five weeks, my hearing in the diseased eur has been entirely restored. I thank you heartily and beg to reuiaiti Very truly yours. 1*. A. Wl'KMAN, 730S. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. ! ' Our treatment does not interfere with (four usu.it oreupillion. K*aiiv“ “,,d YOU m CURE YOURSELF AT HOME ata"o.T.,“1 i;r.L.; j./nuJAL UttL CLINIC. U96 (A SALLE AVE., 8HICAQ0. ILL from now until Christmas will be found a free game, amusing and instructive-50 different kinds. Get Lion Coffee and a Free Game at Your Grocers. s_ __ SALE BILLS ! SIStYer