The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 09, 1903, Image 7

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    Let this Coupon be your Messenger of Deliver
ance from Kidney, Bladder, and Urinary Troubles.
It’s the people who _
doubt and become cured
while they doubt who
praise Doan’s Pills the
Aching hacks are eased.
Hip, back, and loin pains
overcome. Spelling or the
limbs and dropsy signs
They correct urine with
brick dust sediment, high
colored, pain in passing,
dribbling, frequency, bed
wetting. Doan's Kidney Pills
remove calculi and gravel.
Relieve heart palpitation,
sleeplessness, headache,
nervousness, dizziness.
Taylorsviujs, Miss. — *• I
tried everything for a weak
back and got no relief until 1
used Doan's Pills."
J. N. Lewis.
P. O...-.——
For free trial box, mail thin coupon to
Foeter-Milbum Co., buffalo, N. Y. If above
apace ia taiufficlent, write' address on sepa
rate al ID.
The reason you ran gel
thin trial free is because
they cure Kidney III-j ami
will prove it to you.
West Branch. Mich.—
Doan's Kidney Fills hit the
case, which was on unusual
desire to urinate — had to get
up five or six times of a night
I think diabetes w as well un- .
dor way, the feet and ankles
swelled. There was an in
tense pain in the back, the
heat or which would feel like
nutting one's hand up to a
lamp chimney. I have used 1
the free trial and two full
boxes of Doan’s Fills with the
satisfaction of feeling that I
am cured. They «re the rem
edy par excellence."
L>. F. Ballard.
get to know it when you see ft
^k ASK FOR IT. • B
orery requisite of the impromptu
{ or hot weather meal.
Potted Ham, Beef and Tongue, o* Tongue (Whole).
Veal Loaf, Deviled Ham, Brisket Beef,
Sliced Smoked Beef, Etc.
All natural flavor foods—palatable and whole
some. Your grocer should have them.
* FBM-The booklet "How to Mnke Good Thing,
to ft«pd five2c stamps for lobby’s big Atlas
of the World.
UM>y,McNeil! &. Ubby, Chicago, III.)
$TBAI6HI5*CI6AR always reliable
Your Jobber or direct from Factory, Peoria, 111.
G. A. Musselmin, a reliable farmer of
Crestline, Ohio, says: “My ‘NEW
TIFFIN' Wagon runs like a buggy. “
But he might have added that “in material,
construction and finish this now famous
wagon is not excelled by any other Farm
Wagon in the world. ” Insist on your dealer
handling it. If he will not do so write to
TIFFIN WAGON CO..Tiffin. Ohio.
and they will tell von wV™ you can get one.
The Reason Why more wheat Is
grown In Western Canada In a few
short months than elsewhere. Is
because vegetation grows in pro
portion to the sunlight. The more
northerly latitude In which grain
will come to perfection, the better
It is. Therefore 62 lbs. per bushel Is as fair a standard as
60 lbs. In the East. Area under crop in Western Canada.
1902, 1,987,330 Acres. Yield, 1902, 117.922,754 Bus. ,
the ouly charge for which Is *10 for making entry.
Abundance of water und fuel, building material
cheap, go,cl grass for pasture and hay. a fertile soil. !
a sufficient rainfall, und a climate giving an assured
and adequate season of growth.
„ Send to tile following for an Atlas and other
,/■ literature, and also for certificate you re
Jr duced freight and passenger rates, etc.. eUM
H Superintendent of Ini migration. Ottawa. Canada, |
or to W. V. Bennett. Hut New York l.ife llldg.. Omaha,
Neb., the authorized Canadian Oovernntent Agent.
The Cor. ,9tl1 an“
———ri aa|pV i nf-£ Leavenworth St*.
$ I \eticy OMAHA. NfB.
The only positive cure for Drunkenness,
Prug-UslnR and the Tobacco Habit. Cor
reb»/undbnce strictly confidential.
YVM. R. BURNS. Manager,
STOCKIPremium Scales oi (he World.
I Steel Frames. Adjustable Racks.
SCALES Buy the Best and nave money.
I Hundreds of lithl irtlfl*i. I4»t» frw.
$20 & Up. I Chicago Scale Co., Chicago. Ill
“Edward IV. of Scotland.” .. ..
In Scotland Edward VII. is really
Edward IV., and throughout his maj
esty’s Indian empire and other terri
tories which have come under Brit
ish rule within recent times he is
the only sovereign of his name to
count—previous English Edwards be
ing nowhere in the reckoning. How
ever. it prevents confusion to describe
the gracious king as Edward VII. from
one end to the other if the Britains,
Clear white clothes are a sign that the
housekeeper uses Red Cross Ball Blue.
Large - oz. package, 5 cents.
Countess Manages Public House.
The Countess of Warwick, one of
Englands's most energetic women, has
addeu the management of a licensed
public house to her other activities in
the interests of the working people
about her Essex country house. Ac
cording to the dictum of an English
judge, no gentleman can be a publi
can, but Lady Warwick has declared
she will prove that an English lady
Hall's Catarrh Cure
Is a constitutional cure. Price, 75c.
McCarthys, Father and Son.
Justin Huntly McCarthy is fre
quently confused with his father, Jus
tin McCarthy. This is not surprising,
since, besides being of the same name,
they are both historians, both novel
ists and both have been members of
parliament. Justin Huutly McCar
thy, the son, left parliament after Par
nell's defeat, and thenceforth devoted
himself to literary work.
No chromos or cheap premiums,
but a better quality and one-third
more of Defiance Starch for the same
price of other starches.
, Flattery is the salve that our ego
tism offers to our vanity.
The best things cost least.
The best that Money and OEe
Experience can produce. few
At all .tores, or by mail for the price.
CHAMPION TRUSS Iasy t8 wear.
Ask Your Physician's Advice. BOOKLET FREE.
Philadelphia Truss Co., 610 Locust St., Phila., Pa.
What a relief from the pain and incon
venience of diseases of the eye when
*Vr; sai.s'^
has been properly applied 1 To experience
such relief sufferers have found it worth
a hundred times its slight cost.
* i I
Col. Yanke, a retired German officer,
nas just read a lecture before the
members of the Berlin Geographical
society on the results of a journey last
rear through Asia Minor, undertaken
for the purposes of historical and geo
graphical investigation. The starting
point of the journey was Alexandretta,
and the route followed was first to
Smyrna, then by ship to Rhodes, Mes
sina, and Adana, on the Cilician coast.
An excursion to Pompeiopolis was
made, as well as one from Alexan
dretta to Bailan and the Bailan pass.
The latter, lying 680 metres above the
level of the sea, afforded a beautiful
view of the Plain of Antioch and the
Kara-su Valley. On returning to the
battlefield of Issus, where Alexander
the Great defeated Darius, surveys
were made, which excited much curi
osity among the population.
Two other passes, mentioned by
Strabo and Xenophon, were also visit
ed, one forming a defile along the
coast. The battlefield of Issus is
crossed by two rivers, and the common
opinion was that the river which
proved disastrous to Darius was the
most northerly one. The leeturer re
garded this assumption as erroneous,
as the river in question had high steep
banks. The southern river must,
therefore, have been the one which
Darius had in his rear. Misled by his
scouts as to the movements of the
Macedonian army, he committed the
same mistake which was so fatal to
him at Granicus, drawing up his troops
on too limited a ground in front of the
river. The lecturer considered that
the estimate of (>00,000 men as the
strength of the Persian army was ex
cessive, since so large a body of troops
could never have had room on the
battlefield. The number was probably
only GO,000. Alexander, who had re
covered from his illness caused by
bathing in the Cydnus, more rapidly
than his opponent had expected, sur
prised the Persians in their unfavor
able position and defeated them.
From Issus the lecturer continued
his journey over the Cllician Gate and
the Taurus range to the salt steppes
in the interior of the country. The
opportunity was taken to survey the
course and the valley of the Kokun-su.
The valley leads up to the Taurus and
forms at the top a level 250 metres In
width, encompassed by high rocks,
which must have been passed over
by armies In ancient times on their
marches from the coast to the north
Trips were made from Smyrna to
Pergamon, Ephesus, and Troy. At
Troy a party of thirty ladies and
gentlemen archaeologists, who were
visiting the hills of Hissarlic under the
guidance of Prof. Dorpfeld, was met.
From this point the neighboring battle
field on the Granicus (Karaboga) was
visited. At the spot where Darius
suffered his first defeat at the hands
of Alexander, the Granicus is only a
si allow expanse of water which can
be waded without difficulty and which
has, doubtless, been often crossed by
armies.—Correspondence of London
In many respects the mule is the
noblest beast that has been placed
under man’s dominion, but unjust ridi
cule for some unaccountable reason
marked the long-suffering brute for
its own and by obscuring his many
virtues and playing upon his few de
fects and idiosyncrasies has compelled
him since the day he was discovered
by Anah in the wilderness to live un
der the torture of a false and slander
ous report. At last, however, he is
being restored to his proper position
in the social and economic world.
In truth the mule, if he happens to
be a Missouri product, is a valuable,
beautiful and lovely beast. For gen
eral all around purposes, in compari
son with the horse, mules are super
ior. They are easy and cheap to raise,
easy to sell and hard to blemish. They
go to the market early and bring big
ger profits for the time, work and
money expended in growing than any
other stock. Time and hard work
have less effect upon them than upon
any other kind of flesh. Disease rare
ly touches them. Adversity and hard
knocks make them stronger and
A mule does not wither or weaken
with age. The process of years sim
ply turns his coltish friskiness to con
templative sedateness, his silvery
’■oice to a raucous roar and his ob
streperous heels to the paths of
peace. His habits, as they are better
understood, are less feared and more
appreciated. He is tractable, gentle,
sympathetic and very intelligent.
When well treated he loves his mas
ter, as Sancho, the companion of Don
Quixote, and many old negroes in the
south have proved.
He eats little and requires no shel
ter, and toils to the bitter end with
out complaint or fatigue. He quickly
understands the whims of his driver
and will go and can be guided with
out whip or rein. He is a dynamo in
hide, an engine on hoof—a perfect ma
chine in flesh and blood, which rarely
gets out of order or temper.—Kansas
City Journal.
Within the last thirty years—a
generation—a hundred and one little
household necessities that mama used
to make are now on the counters of
the department stores for sale at
prices that stagger humanity.
When the dear old lady of 1873
wanted a wash rag she would make it
by hemming a square foot of the old
man's discarded undershirt. She can
buy a wash rag now for three cents.
When she wanted a floor rag she
would rip open a flour bag or a bur
lap sack. She can buy a floor rag
now for seven cents.
When she wanted something to
shine the silver with she would take
an old stocking, an old sock or the
sleeve of a worn-out woolen garment,
or possibly the leg end of the old
maij’s drawers. To-day she can buy
a polishing cloth of some patented
material as good as chamois skin for
five cents.
Mama used to make iron holders out
of quilting—any old piece left over
or worn out. Now she can buy all
she wants made of asbestos for five
cents each.
Dust rags or cloths? Why, bless
you, what did she do with the old
night shirts, petticoats and chemises?
They are for sale now at ten cents.
She used to cover the ironing board
with a ripped bed sheet, but to-day she
buys a cover in the store for a
Dish rags were made of anything
lying around—an old towl, a shirt,
coat lining, pillow case or sleeve. In
the department store to-day, five cents
Pot rag? A piece of tattered table
cloth was none too good. To-day in
the stores, five cents.
For polishing the stove she used
a rag dipped in the blacking; now she
buys a sheepskin glove, with the wool
outside, for twenty cents.
She would make window shades out
of bolts of linen and take them down
once every six months to wash them.
Now she buys shades ready made that
never can be washed and never will
! ___
That women of society should en
gage in a vulgar brawl over cards
seems almost beyond belief, yet there
occurred the other day in the house
of a well-known leader of society a
hand-to-hand scuffle that would have
done credit, to a group of fishwives,
according to Modern Society. The
hostess, who is celebrated for her
strenuousness, came gullantly to the
rescue, and was thrown on the floor
and basely trampled upon. The lady's
house is the headquarters for a bevy
of women who delight in the intri
cacies of bridge. The hostess is con
sidered an expert player. She is a
perfect encyclopedia on rules, and
her decisions on mooted questions are
usually accepted. On this particular
occasion everything had been running
smoothly until it was almost time for
adjournment. The hostess left the
: room to investigate a delay on the i
I part of the servants, and in her ab- |
sence a dispute arose between two ol
the most respected of her guests.
As often happens in the case of the
vulgar gambler, one word led on tc
another in this case, until an intinia
tion of foul play—the slip of an angry
tongue-—precipitated the climax. Tc
the horror of the rest of the guests
these genteel card players made a
pass ur two and seized each other by
the hair. Then the strenuous lady
suddenly appeared on the scene. Quick
to think and act, she stepped between
the combatants, and with her musculat
arms, forced them apart. But, alas!
three pairs of feet became entangled
the peacemaker went sprawling to the
floor, and her arm was hurt by con
tact with a French heel. The ludi
crons situation caused the quick-tem
pered participants to realize that it
was rather disreputable as well, and
tears of repentance fell thick as
autumn leaves in Y'allombrosa.
Mr*. Winslow** ^oottilnjr Byron,
For ehUdrvn tpothlnjt, (often* the gum*, reduce* t«*»
flauitnatlon,allays pain, cure* wind colic. 23cabotlla.
Edward as a Linguist.
King Edward's proficiency ns a lin
guist was strikingly illustrated during
his recent visit to Paris. At a private
dinner given by M. Loubet, the French
president reau a very formal speech.
The King of England got up immedi
ately after, and delivered without a
note an admirable speech in French.
Everybody was surprised when the
native ruler spoke In hts own tongue
with elaborate preparation and the
English sovereign spoke in the tongue
oi the Frenchman impromptu.
If so, use Red Cross Bel! Blue, it will ivuka
them whitc as snow. 2 oz. package 3 cent,.
Private Entrance for President.
The president of the United Statfes
will have a private entrance for him
self and family in the fine new rail
road station now being constructed in
Washington. Mr. Cleveland used to
escape the crowds by having his driv
er take him to the forward ends of
the trains instead' of entering at
the front of the station, but even this
refuge is no longer practicable, so the
private entrance has been arranged.
BITC prrnianyntiy piimi. rrr> ntsor iitTvwwnw arts,
day 'a tint- t.r Hr. Kllno’a - treat Nerve Kestor*
er Send FREE St.OO trial ln.ttlr and treatlws.
ll*. It. II Ki ins. Ltd . Ml Arth Street. Phlladeljohla.**”
For Five Teeth 350.000.
Mile. Sarkisova, a Russian opera
singer, was traveling some lime ago
on the Transcaucasian railway when
the train ran off the line and five of
her teeth were knocked out. Mile.
Sarkisova Drought an action that, as
the loss of the front teeth prevented
her from singing, she was entitled to
heavy damages. The civil court in St.
Petersburg has just awarded her $50,
000 compensation.
Superior quality and extra quantity
must in. This is why Defiance
Starch is taking the place of all
Another “Oldest Engineer.”
John Casson, 85 years of age, and
believed to be the oldest railroad en
gineer in the country, was an interest
ing and interested visitor in St. Louis
recently, having gone thit.ier from his
home in Paterson, N. J., to attend the
dedication of the world's fair. Mr.
Casson, who is of English birth, be
gan his career as a practical locomo
tive engineer in 1838 on the Morris &
Essex road in New Jersey. He work
er as an engineer for half a century
on the New York & Erie, retiring in
1888 on account of feeble health. '
When a woman eats pickles she is
in love—with the pickles.
A (ingular Malady..
Death has at last claimed the vic
tim of a singular disease. Nine years
ago David Yetter, of Oakwood, Mich.,
was assailed with rheumatism of a
form that attacked the joints. Pro
gressive osiflcation marked the case,
the entire body being stiffened with
the disease. The victim was at
length unable to masticate food and
relied on liquid nourishment. Then
the jaws stiffened so that he could
no longer open his mouth. A front
tooth was extracted and through the
opening thus provided was given the
nourishment that added longer lease
of a life that even under such condi
tions was preferable to death. When
this came at last Yetter's body had
the hardness of stone.
Mrs. Campbell’s Sarcasm.
During her engagement in San
Francisco, Mrs. Patrick Campbell was
taken for a trip around the bay.
Among the party was a young man of
the all pervading kind, whose atten
tions to the noted actress were more
lavish than welcome. As the party
stood gazing on the city the young
man said: “Do you see that house
up there, Mrs. Campbell?” describing
the location.” "Yes,” said the patient
guest. “I was born there,” remarked
the numerous one. He paused for a
reply, and this was what he heard:
“What a pity.” The young man man
aged to efface himself.
kittle Fellows Don't Like the Hot
Mothers should know exactly what
food to give babies in hot weather.
With the broiling hot days in July
and August the mother of u baby is
always anxious for the health of her
little one and is then particularly care
ful in feeding. Milk sours quickly and
other food is uncertain. Even in spite
of caution, sickness sometimes creeps
in and then the right food is more nec
essary than ever.
“Our baby boy two years old began
in August to have attacks of terrible
stomach and bowel trouble. The phys
ician said his digestion was very bad
and that if it had been earlier in the
summer and hotter weather we would
surely have lost him.
"Finally we gave baby Grape-Nuts
food, feeding it several times the first
day and the next morning he seemed
better and brighter than he had been
for many days. There was a great
change in the condition of his bowels
and in three days they were entirely
normal. He is now well and getting
very strong and fleshy and we know
*hat Grape-Nuts saved his life, for he
was a very, very ill baby. Grape-Nuts
food must have wonderful properties
to effect such cures as this.
“We grown-ups in our family all use
Grape-Nuts and also Postum in place
of coffee with the result that we never
rny of us have any coffee ills, hut are
I well and strong.” Name given by l’os
tum Co., Hattie Crc. 1;. Mich.
The reason Grape-Nuts food relieves
bowel trouble in .babies or adults i3
because the starch of the grain is pre
digested and does not tax the bowels,
nor ferment like white bread, potatoes
and other forms of starchy food.
Send for particulars by mail of ex
tension of time on the $7,500.00 cooks’
contest for 735 money prizes.
■ \ •' |
■ A prominent Southern lady,®
Mrs. Blanchard, of Nashville,
Tenn., tells how she was cured
of backache, dizziness, painful
and irregular periods by Lydia E.
Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.
“ Gratitude compels me to acknowl
edge the great, merit of your Vege
table Compound. I have suffered for
four yearn with irregular and painful
menstruation, also dizziness, pains in
the back and lower limbs, and fitful
sleep. I dreaded the time to come
which would only mean suffering to
me. Six bottles of Lydia. K.
Pinkltn ill's Vegetable Compound
brought me health and happiness in a
few short months, and was worth
more than months under the doctor's
care, which really did not benefit me
at all. 1 feel like another person now.
My aches and pains have left me. I
am satisfied there is no medicine so
good for sick woman as your Vege
table Compound, and I advocate it to
my lady friends in need of medical
help.”--Mrs. B. A. Br.AKCHARD, 422
Broad St., Nashville, Tenn.—tsooofor
feit If original of above letter proving genulreneso
cannot be produced.
When women are troubled with
menstrual irregularities, weakness,
leucorrhcea, displacement or uloe-ation
of the womb, that hearing-down feel
ing, inflammation of the ovaYies, back
ache, they should remember there la
one tried and true remedy. Lydia K.
Purest of Emollients and
Greatest of Skin Gores.
Tire Most Wonderful Curative
of All Time
For Torturing, Disfiguring
Skin Humours
And Purest and Sweetest ef
Toilet Emollients.
Cuticura Ointment is beyond question
the most successful curative for tortus
leg, disfiguring humours of the skin and
scalp, Including loss- of hair, ever
compounded, In proof of which ft
single anointing preceded by a hot bath
with Cuticura Soap, and followed In
tbs severer cases, by a dose of Cftti
cura Resolvent, la often sufficient to
afford Immediate relief in the most
distressing forms of Itching, burning
and scaly humours, permit rest and
sleep, and point to a speedy cure when
all other remedies fall. It Is especially
so In the treatment of infants and chil
dren, cleansing, soothing and healing
the most distressing of Infantile hu
mours, and preserving, purifying and
beautifying the skin, scalp and hair.
Cuticura Ointment possesses, at tho
same time, the charm of satisfying the
simple wants of the toilet, In caring for
the skin, scalp, hair, hands and feet,
from infancy to age, far more effect
ually, agreeably and economically than
the most expensive of toilet emollients.
Its “Instant relief for skin-tortured
babies,” or “ Sanative,antiseptic cleans
ing,” or “ One-ntght treatment of the
hands or feet,” or “ Single treatment
of the hair,” or “Use after athletics,”
cycling, golf, tennis, riding, sparring,
or any sport, each In connection with
the use of Cuticura Soap, is sufficient
evidence of this.
Fold throughout the world. Citienrft Reeofrent. Stefitt
form of C hocolate Coated Pill*, 25c. per eial of 60), Oiut
uunt. 50c., Soup, 25c. Depot*« Lon cob. '/7 <?harterbou*o
Fq.; Pnri*, 5 Rtie de la P»lx; Button, l.'ff ColiucbUC A**
I'otter Drug 4r Chem. Corn.. So'e Proprietor*.
atT* 8*.aa for " Tb« Cuticura Skin Book."
[" To piovc the healing and
cleansing power of i’axtlne
Toilet Antiseptic we will
^ J mail a large trial package
with bock of instructions
absolutely free. This is not
a tiny sample, but a large
package, enough to con
vince anyone of its value.
Women all over the country
are praising Paxtine for what
it has done in local treat
ment of female Ills, curing
all inflammation and discharges, wonderful as a
cleansing vaginal douche, for sore throat, nasal
catarrh, as a mouth wash and to remove tartar
and whiten the teeth, Semi today: a postal card
wil> do.
Sold by druggists or sent postpaid by us, SO
(’•'its. large box. Satisfaction guaranteed*
Tillfi R. PAXTON CO.. Boston, Mas*.
214 Columbus Avis,
When Answsrtns Advertisements
Kindly Mention This Paper.
W. N. U., Omaha. No. 28—1903
oat Cough Cyrup. Tastes Good.
In time. Sold by druggists.