When the Grass Shall Cover Me. When tile grass shall cover me. Head to foot where I am lying,— When not any wind that blows. Summer blooms nor winter snows, Shall awake me to your sighing. Close above me as you pass. You will say, "How kind she was," You will say, "How true she was," When the grass grows over me. When the grass shall cover me, Holden close to earth's warm bosom,— While 1 laugh, or weep, or sing Nevermore, for anything. You will find In blade and blossom, Sweet, small voices, odorous, Tendt*r pleaders In my cause. That shall speak me as I was— When the grass grows over me. When the grass shall cover me! Ah. beloved. In my sorrow Very patient I can wait. Knowing that, or soon or late, There will dawn a clearer morrow; When your heart will mourn "Alas! Now I know how true she was; Now I know how dear she was"— When the grass grows over me! <>0-<><><>o-o^o-rwvn~n Over the low Are In the middle of the waste place that had been a ban queting hall crouched Hugh O'Rourke. He was wet and chilled to the bone with a long ride through mountain mists in the heart of winter. There was winter in his heart, too, for his step was a broken one, and ills name proscribed, and, where his father might have held together the breaking fortunes of name and clan by the sheer power of voice and face, Hugh tho younger had been borne by his mother in a time of tempest and terror, and his face was wan and uncomely and his eyes wild and sad. “My father did not well to take a woman by force,” he said aloud to tho sinking Are that was all his company. “Black eyes and yellow hair pleased him well, belike, but he pleased not my mother, and she revenged her upon me who was innocent and unborn, giv ing mo an April mind and a craving heart for her gifts on the day that sha conceived me. Who enters there, in the name of God?” He sprang up, sword in hand, and then laughed at his outcry, for it was a girl child who stood in the doorway, a little maid of eleven years, fair to see, whlto as a snowdrop, with pale yellow hair streaming from under her put back hood. “Little maid, you come to an empty house,” Hugh O'Rourke said, “but you are welcome. You do not come alone?" “I come alone, Aodh,” she said, an swering his English with the Irish tongue. "I shall not fill your house.” Hugh stood still beside the Are, while she came slowly down the room toward him, shaking the raindrops from her bowing hair as she came. A little way from the Are she stood, looking at him with large eyes. “Why do you meet me with bare steel?” she said. "I looked for other greeting from your father's son, Hugh O'Rourke.” Hugh cast down his sword upon the bench he had risen from and took a step forward to meet her. Then he stopped, amazed for It was not a child she was, but a grown woman It was that cast off hood and cloak and came to him with eager face and eager hands. "Hugh O’Rourke,” she said again in the kindly Irish tongue, "have you for gotten me so soon?” “Have I ever seen you before, O fair one?" Hugh said. Then, because her Angers were warm in his and her eyes dwelt on his, he ceased questioning and had no more wonder or fear at the fairy change than had passed upon her in a moment, making a woman out of a child. “I am she you have desired so long,” she said, with tears and laughter in her voice. "I am she whose eyes you have seen in many faces that looked not kind on you, whose breast you have desired to lie on so many times, whose soul your soul has sought and never found.” And she laid her mouth to his mouth, and tho beating heart of her turn rotten after growing ripe. Kls* me—nay, but only with your eyes, be loved—and tell me how mortal I am." He kneeled down beside lier now and cast his arms about her fair body as she sat in his seat, looking up at her with eyes that changed slowly their wonder for worship. Then ha loosed a hand and drew down a thick curl of yellow hair to his lips, and presently blindfolded his eyes with its softness. “I am answered,” the woman said at last, "That which is not mortal in you has spoken to me immortal, and we know one another. So"—she drew the bandage of hair from his eyes and smiled down Into them—"you love me, Hugh?" "If I know what love Is, beloved." She uncovered his eyes and looked deep into them, laughing. "1 am beau ty and I am love, and I have chosen to He on the bosom of a man whom the tongue of the world knows not— a dreamer who has achieved none of his dreams, a soldier whose sword has won him nothing—and thero Is beauty and success and strength In the world outside. How is It you can keep me here, Hugh?" “Sweet, I shall never know." "Hush, unbeliever! Let us be man and woman together for a little. My SOME FLORIDA PHILOSOPHY. The illusions of life are but the handles to our surroundings. Poor indeed is a friendless master, though he may govern a world. Wo shall all be alike in our graves —though the box holding our bones may differ. The period of good cheer is now up on us, and the frown should be taken to eoid storage. A true friend is distinguished in the crisis of hazard and necessity, when his aid comes without hope of re turn. Some men never lie verbally, though act one a dozen times a day, yet they believe that truthfulness is one of their virtues. Some men have such narrow hori zons that they often journey to the outskirts, returning as they left, with empty souls and barren heads.—Jack sonville Tlmes-Citizen. THE QUESTION OF SHAPE. New York Writer Says the World Is Mad on the Subject. The world is gone mad on strength and shape, says “Tip” in the New York Press. Magazines and newspa pers are alive with advertisements of methods of acquiring the muscle of Hercules, the arms of Venus, the neck of Juno, the bust of Vesta, the waist of Josephine, the hips of Diana, the legs of Cleopatra. Minerva is for the moment in the background. No hope for wisdom now! Women are dis played in impossible positions and ad vised to repeat certain poses. Mrs. Cutex asked Mrs. Butex, “How do you keep your front so fiat, my dear?” Mrs. Butex replied: “Oh, I am under instructions. Thirty times in the morning a*d thirty times in the even ing I pick up each foot in my hands nnd touch the toe to the tip of my ear. You can have no idea how much it has reduced my front, certainly several inches and some pounds.” "Do you stand up and do that?" “Necessarily; stand on one foot while the other is in the air.” “Merciful heavens! ” RICHARD, JR.’S, PHILOSOPHY. The best way to get even is to for get. Imaginary trouble is the real tiling, after all. More people try to learn by talking than by listening. Fearlessness burns its bridges be hind; fear, the bridges before. Man thinks more of the cigar thrown in than of the box ho pays'for. It is natural that the man who gives himself away should feel cheap. A postponed task more toil begets and borrowed money pays no debts. Every wise man has a parachute of prudence attached to his balloon of enthusiasm.—Saturday Evening Post. To Remove Whlto «pot». When from the dropping of liquid sr from heat white spots appear on the poilished surface of chair or ta ble, the immediate application of raw linseed oil will generally restore the -solor. The oil should be left on the affected part over night. Alcohol will perform the service if applied at 3nce to rosewood or mahogany. In ;ach instance, when the color has re turned, the spot should be repolished with a piece of cheesecloth moistened with turpentine. Count Given Ancient Jewelry. Three years ago, some gold rings, chains, and a crown decorated with loweis were found in the Dresden Kreuz Kirche in the grave of Duke Mbrecht of Holstein, who died in Uil9. They were claimed by Duke Ernst Gunther and the courts have low acknowledged his title to them. Testing Habits of Fish. The United States government and foreign governments as well, have luite recently, for the purpose of iscertaining the migratory habits of the cod, released the fish with metal ihecks attached for the purpose of later identification. Religion tor Eastern Peoples. Bishop Partridge of Ktota is quoted as saying that there must be an orien tal type of Christianity, just as there is an occidental, and that the Protest ant Episcopal church of America can not he transplanted to Japan. Graduated Charges. Client—"‘What do you lawyers charge for your ability or the work you do?” Briefer—“It depends. If I win I charge for the work; if I lose I charge for my legal ability.” What Confucius Said. “Use men as you use wood; If one inch is rotten you do not throw away the whole piece.”—New fork Press. Maxim Gorki’s New Play. Life among the Russian Jews is the subject of the new play upon which Maxim Gorki in engaged. Prefers Pipe to Cigars. Senator “Joe” Blackburn of Ken tucky smokes a big black pipe in pref erence to cigars. Corn on Toe Cause; Death. A corn on the toe of a Philadelphia man caused his death. Additional Local. Singer sewing machines cheap for cash at. 44-3 IlatflelJ’s. B. A. Deyarman house and barn for sale. Dickson & Co. If you want a good fiddle or a guitar cheap, call and see me. 44- 3 Hatfield. I have losts of sheet music that I will let go at half price. Call and see. 44-3 Hatfield. I have some planters and riding listers that I will sell at any old price. If you want a bargin, call. 45- 2 Neil Brennan. FOR SALE—Two teams of work horses, good condition. Enquire of Florence Sullivan. 45-4 Just opened up for the spring a very fine assortment of Sioux City garden seeds in bulk and in packages also onion setts, alfalfa and white clover blue grass. 38tf Neil Brennan. Lost Light bay horse, white face, four white feet, left ear split. 43 G. W. Smith. For Sale Cheap. SE, 17, 32, 10, and W. 1 NW, 31, 30, 10., Holt county Neb. Too far away, will sacrifice. Terms easy. Open to all agents. Miss Leona L. Lingle, owner, 1531 Cambria St., Los Angeles, California. 44-tf SAN FRANCISCO, CAI., AND RETURN $50.00 via Great Northern Line. Tickets sold on May 3rd and May 12th to 18tli inclusive. Return limit July 15th. Good for stop-overs. Double train service daily. Apply to any Agent for particulars nr write Fred Rogers, G. 1’. A., Sioux City. ________ Sunday School Convention. The annual convention of the Holt County Sunday School Association will be held at Ewing, Nebraska, on June 9th and 10th, 1903 It is hoped that all who are inter ested in the work of the Bible school will use every effort to make this the best convention ever held in this bounty. Any Sunday school in Holt county, which has not already received blanks lor statistical reports, will confer a ?reat favor upon the officers by writ ing at once to M. Blanche Adams, Secretary, O’Neill, Neb. Notice to the Public. Gather up all your wasting iron and bring it to Nye & Schneider’s office at O’Neill and get from $3.00 to $4.00 a ton. Good for weeks. A man from Omaha does the purchasing. We pay big price for old rubber shoes and old eopper and brass. Dont fail to clean up your premises and get the cash. NOTICE. State of Nebraska. I S. S. County of Holt, j To whom It may concern: The Commissioner appointed to locate a •oad commeuiug at the south llue of town diip 31 range 10 between section 35 and 3ii of ■aid township at Mlnneola in Holt county end running thence north between sections 15 and 36, and 26 and 25, and 23 and 14 and 13. uid 11 and 12, thence west 8 rods, thence lorth due mile thence east 80 rods thence lortl: to the N. W. corner of seetlon 24,32, u. thence north 80 rods thence N. E. aboutU idle leaving section line about 45 rodH thence S. W. to N. W. corner of section 13-32-10, has reported In favor of the establishment there )f, and all objections therein or claims for lamages must be Hied inthe County Clerk’s ittlce ou or before noon of the 25th day of June A. I). 1003, or such roud will be es ahllshed,without reference thereto. E. S. U1LMOIJR, 47-4 County Clerk. NOTICE OF SALK. !n the matter of the estate of Isaac T Mar tin, deceased. Notice Is hereby given that in pursuance it an order of Hon. J.J. Harrington. Judge >f the District Court of Holt county, Nebras ka. made on the 13th day of May 190i. for the »ale ot the real estate herein after described, here will be sold at the front door of the jourt house in the city of O’Neill, Holt eoun ,y, Nebraska, on the 29th day of May. 1903, it 10 o’clock a m. at public vendue to the lightest bidder for cash the following describ ed real estate to wit: The northeast quarter )f section twenty six (26), township thirty 30), north of range nine (9), west or the 6th l*. M. in Holt county, Nebraska. Said sale vill remain open one hour. Dated this 13tli iay of May 1903. ADELIA S. MARTIN, Executrix of the estate 4G-4 of ISAAC T. MARTIN. Deceased. NOTICE. State of Nebraska, i County of llolt, j-s. 8. To whom it may concern: The Commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at east end of lot 2 near oridge on Niobrara river in Holt county, running thence running south to north line it section. Also commencing at N K corner it N w section 16, thence west to N E corner »ectiou 18, also commencing at north line of lection in in ceuter of section, thence south lo north line of section 21, thence east to the town of Dustin in township 38 range 15, has reported in favor of the establishment there of, and ail objections thereto or claims for damages must be Hied in the County lerk’s office on or before noon of the 13th day of June A. D. 1903, or such road will be establish lhI without reference thereto. E. S. UIDMOUR. 4G-4 County Clerk. NOTICE. State of Nebraska, / County of Holt, j-s. s. To whom it ma. concern: The Commissioner appointed to locate a. road commencing at north west corner of the south east quarter of the south east quarter of section twenty (2»)) township twenty seven [27) north of range nine (9) west in Holt coun ty runnlug thence west to the northwest corner of the south west Quarter of the south west quarter of said section and township and from thence south to the public road ou the southwest side of the F. E. M. K. K. Also to vacate the following road. Begining at the Northeast eorner of the southwest quarter of the south east quarter of section twenty (20) and fiotn thence south to the pub lic road ou the south west side of the F. E. &. M. F. R. R all of the above in township twenty seven (27) north of range nine (9) in Holt, county State of Nebraska has reported j in favor of the establishment and vacation. • thereof, and all objections thereto or claim- ( for damages must be tiled in the County £ Clerk's office on or before noon of the I3tiii day of June A. U. 1903, or such roads will be-. • established and vacated without reference | thereto. E. S. OILMGUK. 40-4 County Clerk, * . . . TIME CARD GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY WILMAR Si SIOUX FALLS RAILWAY. Passenger. Daily Except Sunday. 9:50 P. M Ar_Central Time — Lv 10:10 A. M. Mixed Train, Daily, Except Sunday. 4:20 p. M. Ar.central Time.Lv 8:50 p. m. Close connections at Sioux City for all points. For rates and further Information call on or address W. E. Wkst, Agent.p d_] NOTICE State of Nebraska, I _ County of Holt fa To whom it may concern: The Commissioners appointed to change a road commencing at a point near the north east Corner of section 2-25-11 iu Holt county, i running thence west on section line between ■ townships 25 and 26 about one fourth of a mile there to intersect with road now estab lished, and that all of that part of road which Is in se< tlon 2 south of said township line be vacated has reported in lavor of the change and vacation thereof, and all ob jections thereto or claims for damages must oe Hied in the County Clerk’s office oa or be fore noon of the 14th day of May, A. D, 1903, or such road will be changed and vacated without reference thereto. E. S. GILMOUE, 42-1 County Clerk. APPLICATION FOR DRUGGIST PERMIT. Matter of application of Gilligan & Stout for liquor license. To the mayor aud city council of O’Neill, Nebraska; Notice is hereby given that Gilligan & Stout have tiled their petition with the city clerk of O’Neill, Nebraska, for a druggists license to sell malt, spiritous and vinuous liquors for medical,medicinal,mechanical and chemi cal purposes at O’Neill, Grattan township. Holt county, Nebraska, from May 5, 1903, to the first Tuesday in May, 1904. If there be no objections, remonstrances, or protest tiled within two weeks prior to the 5th day of May, 1903, the said license will be granted. 42-2 GILLIGAN & STOUT, Applicants. Notice of sale under Ohattle Mortgage Notice is hereby iriveu that by virtue of a chattel mortgage, dated on the 31st day ot July, 1902, and duly filed in the otiice of the County Clerk of Holt county, Nebraska, on the 9th day of August. 1902, and executed by Lawrence Murray aud ilytle Johnson to Liu lnger Sc Nletcalf Company (a corporation) to secure the payment of a promissory note of the above date, and due December l, 1902, for thesuiuof $006.00, aud upon which there is now duethe auiu of $097.98,0efauit iiaving been made in the payment of the said sum, and no suit or other proceeuings at law having been instituted to recover said debt or any part of the said debt, therefor 1 will sell the property therein deseribed as follows viz: One eighteen horse power double engine No. 6544, with straw burning attachment?, power with all tne needed tools, belts and ap purtenances thereto belonging; also one i&u foot main d ive Cody belt, and one four hole Joliet sheher bought of tiie Liuinger & Metcalf Uo. November, 19oo, 2 red yeailing heifers, 2 brindle yearliugsteers, 2 red and white 2-year old heifers, which cattle wero at tne time of the execution of said mortgage iu possession jf Clyde Johnson; and 0 cows red aud white 5 year old, 1 Plano 7 foot binder, run four years; l span ot geldings 2 years old. blacn and gray, i horse 12 years old bay iu color, and i sorrel horse it) years old. All the said property now being in the pos session of the said mortgagee and In thecounty and state first aforesaid and 1 wili sell the same as aforesaid ut public auction iu lront ot the Court house iu the City ol O’Neill, Holt County, Nebraska, on the 9th of May, 1993, at 1 o’clock p. m. of the said day. Dated April 16th, 1993. lining ek &c metcalf company, Mortgagee. 42-4 By E. H. WHEELAN, its attorney. SHERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the clerk of the district court of Hoit county, Nebraska, on a judgment obtained before the clerk ot the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, on the 24th day of March, iu lavor of Thomas D. Crane and JohuJ. Baucher as plaintiff, aud against Geosge W. Parham as defendant.for the sum uf Three hundred fourty four dollars and forty-eight cents, and the costs taxed at $28.53 and ac cruing costs, 1 have levied upou the follow ing real estate taken as the property of said defendant, to satisfy said order of sale to-wit. The southeast quarter 04) of section three (3) in township thirty (30) range nine <9) west in,Holt county, Nebraska. Aud will oiler the same for sale to the high est bidder for cash, lu hand, on the 25th day of May, A. D. 1903, in front of court house, in O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, hi the hour of 10 o’clock a. in., of said uay, when aud where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated at O’Neill, Holt county, 21st day ol April, J9U3. 43- C. E. Hall, Sheriff of Said County. SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of fin order of pale, directed to me from the Ulerk ol the District court of Holt county, Nebraska, on a judgment ob tained before the Ulerk of the District Court of Holt county, Nebraska, on the J7lh day ot March, 1903, in favor of Hugh H. Baxter as plaintiff, aud against Wilfred K. Jones, .1. U Foulk, and urs*tJ. \V. Foulk, J. \V. Foulk. ami J. VV. Folk,aud Mrs. J. W. Foulk,Mrs. Wilfred Jv. Jones as defendants, for the sum of seven hundred and thirteen dollars aud no cents, and the costs taxed at #25.48 and accruing costs, I have levied upon the following real estate taken as the property of said defend ants, to satisfy said order of sale to-wit: The south halt of the southwest quarter and the northeast of southwest quarter, ana southeast of northwest quarter of section thirty-uve, township twenty-five (25) range thirteen (13) west or the 6th p. in. And will offer the same tor sale to the high est bidder for cash, iu hand, on the 251h uay of May, A. D., 1903, in front of court house, iu O’Neill. Holt county, Nebraska, at the hour of 10 o’clock. «. m. of said day, when and where duo attendance will be given b.> the undersigned Oaten at O’Neill, Holt county, 21st day of April, 1903. *3-5 C. E. Hall, Sheriff of Said County, NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior, Land Office at O’Neill. Nebraska, May 1, 1903. Notice i hereby give nlbat the following named settler has filed notice of his inten tion to make final proof iu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore Register and iteceiver at O’Neill, Neb raska. on June 18, 1903, viz: Ernest O. Henry, H. E. No. 15330. for the N E?*, sec. 20, 1.30 N., It. 10 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upou aud lultivation of said land, viz: C. L. Young.of O’Neill, Nob.,B. F. Evans, of O’Neill, Neb , F, C. stauton. of O’Neill, Neb., B. A. Powell, of Miuneola. Neb. S. J. WhiEKES. Register, NOTICE. Contract to let the grading on township road on section line between section nine (9) aud tea (lo) on the Blackbird creek, one mile south of the Blackbird postoffice to be let to the lo\rest bidder, by the yard to be paid in cash w hen the work is completed, not later than October 1. 1903. Bids will be received until J une 10, 1903. We. the committee reserve the right to re ject «or except any or all bids. Parties re oeiviu g the con truer will be required to give bond for the above work. JOHN HUBBY, T. B. HAKBLSON. A. C. HULL Committee. JOh.N HUBBY, Clerk. 45-4. NOTICE. .State of Nebraska, Holt county, ss: To whom it may concern: Iho commis sioner appointed to locate a road commenc ing at N. E. corner of the S. E. quarter of section 4-26-9 in Holt county, running theuoe west along the half section line through said section 4, to to the N\V, corner of the SW. quarter ol said section, thence south on section liue between seetlous 4 and 5 to the 8W. corner of section 4. connecting ! with road number 34, has reported in favor' of the eetablisuineni thereof, and all objec tions thereto or claim-, lor damages must be tiled {u the county clerk’s office on or before noon of the 6th day of J une, A. D. 1903. or such road will be established wituout refer ence thereto. 4»-4 E. S. G1LMOUH. County Oierk. SHEKFF’S SAi.E. By Virtue of an order of sale, directed to me from the Clerk of the District Court of ljolt county, Nebraska, on a judgment ob tained before the Clerk of the District Court of Holt county, Nebraska, on the 28th dav of March 1903, in favor of the County of Holt as Plaintiff, and against J. B. Kyan or James B. Kyan as Defendant, for the sum of One Hundred Seventy-nine dollars and 28 cents and the costs taxed at $19.83 and accruing costs, 1 have levied upon the fol lowing Real Estate taken as the property of said defendant, to satisfy said Order of sale* to-wit: Let one 1 in Block Twenty-seven (27) O’Neill Nebraska. Lot two (2) Block Twenty-seven (27) in O’Neill,Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the 1st day of June A. D. 1903. in front of court house, in O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. m. of said day. when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated at O’Neill, Holt county, 29th, day of April 1903. 44-5 * C. E. HALL. Sheriff of Said County. SHEKIFF’S SALE. By virture of an order of sale, directed to me from the Clerk of the District Court of Holt county, Nebraska, on a judgment ob tained before the Clerk of the District Court of Holt county, Nebraska, on the 31st, day of w December 1902, in favor of the County of Holt as Plaintiff, and against Neil Brennan and Maggie Brenman his wife, as defendants, for the sum of one hundred fifty-one dollars, and 78 cents, and the costa taxed at $18.53 and accruing costs, I have levied upon the follow ing real state taken as the property of said defendants, to satisfy said Older of sale, to-wit: v Lot4 in Block 9 in the village of O’Neill 1 Nebraska. Lot 5 in Block 9 of the village of • O’Neill Nebraska. r And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder for cash, in hand, on the 1st, day of June A. 1). 1903, in front of court house, in O’Neill Holt county. Nebraska, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. m. of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated at O’Neill, Holt county, 30th, day of April juu. 44-5 C. H HALL, Sheriff of Said County. NOTICE. Toll. N. McKee and wife, Mrs. H. N. Mc Kee, W. D. Mathews, Mrs. W. 1) Mathews, Hugh E. Coen and Mrs. Hugh E. Coen, Ne brask Mortgage and Invest enr. Company, Charles P. Wright and Marv C. Wright, de fendants. You and each of you are hereby notified that on the 24th day of February. 1903, G. A. Hamilton began an action in the District t ourtof Holt County, Nebraska, against you, the object and prayer being to foreclose a certain real estate mortgage upon the north east quarter of section thirty-five, township thirty-two, tange ten of Holt county. Ne braska, given by Tom Crowe to Nebraska Mortgage Investment Company, to secure his note of $400 due August 1st, 1893. Plaintiff al leges that he is the owner of said note and mortgage and there is due him thereon the sum of $1000 and prays for a decree that the defendants be required to pay the same or that said hind be sold to satisfy said debt and for other equitable relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 6th day of • pril, U503. K It, DICKSON, 45-4 Attorney for Plaintiff. NOTICE. To Knotts and Penny ( A partnership com. posed of John M. Knotts and Fannie 8 Pen ney,) John M. Knotts and wife, Jennie Knotts, William A. Penny aud wife, Fanny 8. Penny, Norman F. Thompson, Ell wood Johnson, Mrs. Ell wood Johnson, first, and full name unknown and George K. Johnson, non-residents defendant s. You ami each of you will take notice that the plaintiff, Michael Lyons, lias commenced an action in the the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against you and each of you. the object aud prayer being to fore close a certain real estate mortgage given by Michael J. Stafford and wife to the Farmers Loan and Trust Company of Kansas on the 1st day of April, 1889 upon the following de scribed real estate situated in Holt county, Nebraska, towit: The west half of the southeast quarter and northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section seven (7), and northwest quarter of southwest quarter of sec tion eight (8), township twenty-nine (29) range ten (10) west of the 6th p. m. Said mortgage being given to secure their note of $800 of that date due five years after date which plaintiff h1 leges he is the owner of and that there is due him thereon the sum of $1600. Plaintiff prays for a decree finding the amouut- due him aud that you be required to pay the same or that said land be sold to satisfy the same and plaintiff further prays that the in- J terest of the defendants, Ell wood Johnson 1 and wife, Mrs. Elwood Johnson and George K, Johnson in said real est ate, be decreed to be subject to the lien of plaintiff’s mortgage and for other and equitable relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 11th duy of May, 1903. 40-4 It. K. DICKSON, Attorney for Plaintifi, SHERIFF’S SALE. Notice is hereby given that by virtue ot an order of sale issued to me by the clerk of tiie district court of Holt county, Nebrasku, in case of County of Holt vs Justin McCarty, sr., Elizabeth McCarthy, and Cornell College were defendants; that 1 will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash in front of the court-house iu O’Neill, Holt county, Nebras ka. .1 ay 25, 1903, at 10 o’clock, a. m„ the fol lowing real estate situated in said county and state, towit: The south half of the southeast quarter of section 14 Hiid the north half of the southeast quarter of section 23, in township 25 north of range n ue |9> west of the OtLi p. m„ except 5 acres out of the northeast corner of said north half of the northeast quarter of said section 23 to satisfy a decree entered in said cause December 31, 19U1, for the plaintiff for #41.»0 and now owued by defendant Cornell College on its answer and cross-petition liled in said cause for #862 and coats #50.28 and ac cruing costs. C. E. HALL, 43- 5 Sheriff of Holt County, Neb. SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of an order of sale, directed to me from the Clerk of the District Court of Holt county, Nebraska, on a judgment ob tained before the Clerk of the District Court of Holt county, Neuraska, on the 17th, day of March 1903, in favor of Michael Lyons as plaintiff', and against Hauderkan Nehoif, widow S. M. Bunnell and wife, Mrs. S. M. Bunnell, first and full name unknown, C. H. Toncray, and Mrs. C. II. Toncray. first and full names unknown, Nelson Toncray, wid ower and the County of Holt as defendants, for tiie sum of one thousand five hundred dollars and no cents, and the costs taxed at $28.63 and accruiug costs, 1 have levied upon the following real estate taken as the pro perty of said defendants, to satisfy said or uer of sale, to-wit: The North west quarter of section Twenty five (25) in Township Twenty-seven (27) Range twelve 112] west of the 6th. 1\ M. in Holt county Nebraska. And will offer the same for sale to the highest bidder for cash, iu hand, on the 1st, day of June A. D. 1903, in front of Court house, in O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. m. of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the undersigned. Dated at O’Neill, Holt county, 30th day of April 1903. 44- 5 C. E. IIALL, Sheriff of Said County. SHERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale, directed to me from the Clerk of the District Court of llolt county, Nebraska, on a judgment ob tained before the Clerk of the District Court of Holt county, Nebraska, ou tiie 16th day of March, 1903, iu favor of J. Newtom Trom mer.shauseer as plaintiff, and against un known heirs of Benjamin Crumpaeker, de ceased, Mrs. Crumpaeker, wife of Benjamin Crumpaeker, deceased, first real name un known, Perry E. Crumpaeker, Charley Crum pucker, Ella Crumpaeker, Martha Crum- 'm packer, as defendants for the sum of One “ Hundred Thirty-One Dollars and no cents, f and the costs taxed at #110.00 and accruing costs, i have levied upca the following real estate taken as the property of said defend ants, to satisfy said Order of Sale, to-wit: West one-half Cw!4) of the northwest quar ter (N. W. ^ ) and the northwest quarter (N. 'V *4) of the southwest quarter (b W. ot section seventeen (17) and the southeast quarter (d. E‘4) of northeast quarter (N. E ot section eighteen,(18) in township twenty six (261 north of range Nine (9) west of the 6tn p. M. And will offer the same for sale to the high est bidder for cash, in hand, on the 18th day of May, A. 1 >.. I9<»3, in front of court house, in O Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, at the h.;ur of it) o’clock, a in., of .'said dav, wlien unci where due attendance will he aiven by the undersigned. Dated at O'Neill, H°lt county, 14th day of April, 190a. •>--6 C. E. Hall, Sheriff of Said Oouniy. « "Barren years have I abided in mine anger, but now I lift my curse.” feet are cold, and I have hunger and thirst upon me, Hugh. Bring me food and drink, and let be the tire. You shall warm my hands In your hands, Hugh, when we have eaten together.” “Dear, what will you cat? There Is only coarse bread here, hut I have red wine In my butt, and there Is honey in the comb, I think, and store of apples In the loft—Winter Quoenings, and the like.” ‘‘Bring me here the bread and wine and lioney, beloved, and we will make a wedding feast of these. And bring me a Winter Queening that we may play ball with it. when wo have eaten.” He went out, and came back soon with the bread and wine in a basket on his arm, the apple In his hand, and a silk coverlet over his Bhoulder. He laid the quilt down at her feet. ‘‘This for your carpet, beluved. Now will you eat?” Sho drank half the cup of wine that he poured out, and Hugh drank after hor; then they broke bread and ate the honeycomb together. ‘‘Tell me my name, Hugh?” "Granla, maybe, because you shine so bright, beloved.” "No.” "Ksca, then, because your face 1s as pale as the moon when she is young.” i\ol msca. nave you neara ever oi a woman that was bitterly wronged of an O’Rourke long ago, and died curs ing him, and has come back and back to cry for the iwssing of every O’Rourke since then?” ”1 have heard of her, beloved?” “I am she, the banshee of your house, Hugh O’Rourke; but for you I shall not cry. Harrea years have I abided in mine anger, hut now 1 lift my curse, for my love Is put upon a man of the house that wronged me. Do you take me for your wife, O’Rourke, knowing this?” “I take you for my wife, Ban-shee, in the face of the sun and moon, and I plight troth to you past death, whether it come to-night or in fifty years.” "I take thee to my husband, Hugh O’Rourke, and 1 lift off my curse from thy house, thus and thus.” The woman drooped to his feet, shod In worn brogues as they were, and kissed them; rose to her kneos and kissed his hands and the hilt of his sword; rose to her feet and kissed his mouth. Then they went, handfasc, into the shadowy upper end of the room, where the climbing firelight could no longer find them. And when the morning came, rosy and wind-tossed. Hugh O’Rourke came out to his serving-men with life nud the joy of life in his eyes, and he and the fair woman clinging to his arm gave them good-morrow and went forth, laughing. But, an hour later, these found the body of Hugh O’Rourke lying on his bed with shut eyes and folded hands, long cold. So the serving men knew that they had seen and bidden farewell to the soul of Hugh O’Rourke and that all was Well with him at last.—The Sketch. Chinese Trade No Good. Compared with our vast trade with Europe that with China will never be more than a drop in the bucket. The Chinese trade Is not now a dollar per capita, and it is safe to say that it will never reach the double of that major ity. The fact is that the people are very poor. They raise barely enough of the necessities of life to live on. They dwell in hovels. They have little live stock, and man is the ordi nary beast of burden, says ex-Minister i Denby. Over the low Are crouched Hugh O’Rourke. fluttered like a bird against his breast, and the fairy eyes of her darkened and laughed and lightened into his and set all his blood on Are. A little while they clung together so; then he put her from him and held her at arm's length, looking at her with eyes that were anhungered. “If I dared only think of It, be loved,” Hugh said. "Yet you have mortal beauty upon your face and body.” "What do you know of mortality, Hugh O’Rourke? And beauty is that core of our little life that cannot pass away, though the fruit that covers It