VOLUME XXIII. _O’NEILL. NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, APRIL 16.1903._ NUMBER 42. j EVENTS OF THE FUST WEEK As Gleaned by the Frontier Repnrtei on his Daily Rounds About the Town EVERYTHING THAT OCCUREI Is Recorded Here, If Not it Escapee the Anxious and Tireless Search of Our Reporter Rev. Father Walsh, of Norfolk, was wtathe city Monday. ' Attorney Searl, of Atkinson, was in the city Monday. C. C. Richard, of Traey, Minn., was in the city Sunday. George McGoff, of Clearwater, was /in the city Sunday. Dell Akin and John Brady were , down from Atkinson Monday. Miss Helen O’Sullivan, of Butte is in the city visiting relatives. B. A. Deyarman house and barn foi sale. Dickson & Co. If you want a good riding plow Bentley has one to sell you 40tf. Rev. S4 F. Sharpless will preach at the Presbytearin church morning and evening Sunday April 20. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Harrington re turned Tuesday evening from a short visit with friends in Omaha. 4 good rooms for rent over my Imple ment store. 40-2 Frank Campbell. Dan Finnigan, attended the easier bail at Atkinson Monday night and reports having had an enjoyable time. Traveling Passenger Agent Farrell, of the Great Northern, was in the city Wednesday looking after business for his road. As a general rule people are poorer this month than in any other during the year. The assessor is making his Y annual rounds. ^ Christopher Caesy, who has been visiting relatives here the past two months, left for his home at South Omaha yesterday. Spencer Advocate: Mollie O’Malley and Pete Ward, two young people of O’Neill are clerking in Eyrchleb & Mann’s general store. John G. Maher, returned from Lincoln, Tuesday night. Railroad rumois will be more numerous now that the Colonel has returned. SEE My line of wall paper direct i from factory. Don’t buy from dealers when you can save 26 per cent. See me. C M. F. Cronin ■ C. E. Prentis, of Vermillion, S D., ., a member of the firm of Lee & Prentis, large holders of Holt county real estate was in the city last Saturday Master Farnk Harrington entertain ed about twenty of his young friends at his home Tuesday afternoon, it being the fifth anniverary of his birth John J. Halloran, was up from In L man, Saturday and made this office a /^business call leaving the nessary coin to credit his subscription to January 1, 1904. Geo. H. Hebert, and family left Monday morning for Rugby, N. D., where Mr. Hebert has accepted a position as agent for the Great North ern railroad. Buggies, buggies, buggies—A car load of the nicest and best that ever came to O’Neill; if you want a snap now is your chance to call and get your pick.—Neil Brennan 45-tf FOR RENT—The 240 acre Carlon farm adjoining O’Neill Running water, fine meadow and pasture. Dwelling, shade, etc. Apply at once to O. F. Biglin, O’Neill, Neb. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Carney,residing north of O’Neill, died last Saturday night and was buried Sunday afternoon, interment being in the Catholic cemetary. • Now is the time to buy or trade for a good short horn bull. The Brook Farm Co., have 25 that can’t be beat. J R. Thomas Foreman. ^ Farm 10 miles northeast of O’Neill William Laviollette returned from his western trip last Thursday. While absent Mr. t avioliette visited in Canada, Washington, Oregan and California and says he thoroughly en joyed the trip. Just opened up for the spring a very fine assortment of Sioux City garden seeds in bulk and in packages also onton, setts, alfalfa and white clover b*jl? grass. 38tf Neil Brennan. The O’Neill, Furniture and Hard ware Co., successors to M. A. McCaf ferty, we want to go out of the lamp ?\nd queensware business and will sell at any old price to close out. Come all and see their stock. 39 At the regular meeting of the local lodge of the Ancient Order of United Workmen last Saturday night John (1 son is here and we < [ * | are all ready for it * ,1 with a , i ii New Line of i; j! 1903 Patterns ij I > Nothing old and |1 (> the price is at least <[ i< 25 per cent lower i| II than you can send away 1 > # and get your paper for. < [ ' ( We invite your inspec- J, > tion. ] 1 l Gilligan & Srout j, I fajfrjjJcOfpjJ^MMrQPfnjlfV? iT^fifTJfrOfflfrPffiifiii ffDfrD IHir?Pfpffilffi5fffrg |t| No. 5770. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF j The O’Neill National Bank I At O’Neill, in the state of Nebraska, at the close of business, April 9, 1903. 1 RESOURCES i ja Loans am! discounts . 179004 38 B rg Overdrafts. secured and unsecured. 1138 ®l B (d U. ». bonds to secure circulation... . 6800 00 jS gj Premiums on IJ. S. bonds. 888 8T B ja3 Stocks, securities, etc. 1884 2$ gj i Bunking bouse, furniture and fixtures. 5800 00 B :TJ Due ftoui national banks (not reserve agents). 8860881 Due from st^to banks and bankers. 188 01 gj jfi] Duo from approved reserve agents. 18811 87 jsft ] Cheeks and oilier cash items. 789 03 M gj -Notes of other national banks. 1800 (JO s%> 3 Fractional paper currency, nlckles and eeuts. 26 00 ^3 M Lawful Money Reserve in Bank, vii: it? [M Specie.:. (11,984.70) ^ m Legal-tender notes.( 5.160.00) 7184 70-96876 01 g g Redemption fund with U. 8. treasurer (5 per cent, olr^l'n.) 816 08 jg Total. 112660 08 g J Capital stock paid . 126000 00 ffi 3 Surplus Fund . 5800 00 B 3 Undivided profits less expenses and taxes , aid. 2713 92 B ■j] N itionul bank notes outstanding. 6800 00 B r.j] Due to state bunks and bankers. 1606 67 jj& <3 Individ util deposits subjeot to obeck. 56096 33 3 Demand certificates of deposit. 16870 11 -78577 11 g Total. 112680 08 B I jal State of Nebraska. County of Holt. ss. B [gj 1..lames F. O'Donnell, cashier of the abor.-nmm.d hank, do aolemnlj IVMf H ; that the above statement is true to the best of iny knowledge and bellaf. H iy JAS r. O’DONNELL, Cashier. Si Correct Attest: M. Dowling. Thoa. H. Fowler. H. P. Dowling. Director.. a |cJ Subscrl ed and swown to before me this 14th day of April, lMa ■ [seal] J. H. Mkkkditu, Notary Public. ■ (My commission expire. March S». A. D. HOT.) H