The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 17, 1902, Image 3

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Author of "Util* Mitt Million*," ••Th• SpidoP*
Wok,” "Dr. Jock'* Widow'," "Min Caprio*," tic.
CawrUkL 1801. StrMt and Smith. Nlw Toth
CHAPTKR in.-(Continued.)
“We must have another deal, that's
all. Perhaps a better and more gen
erous lover will appear the next time
—one who will appreciate little favors
at their true value. You can consider
yourself dismissed,” with a wave of
the hand that should have struck
dumb terror into the heart of the
other, but which, on the contrary,
only excited his secret mirth.
“Thanks, but I shall take my dis
charge only from the proper author
ity, and in this case that does not
happen to be—ahem!—Capt. Brand.”
"Very good. Remember, I am her
father, and the rightful custodian of
our family honor. Perhaps I may re
sort to other and more drastic meas
ures should you continue to force
your unwelcome attentions upon my
“You would find me ready and will
ing to give you back as good as you
send, sir.”
“Why, you young scamp, I could
break every bone in your body, if I
chose,” almost frothing at the mouth
with rage.
"Better not try it, captain. In Naw
York state they electrocute for mur
der, and it’s a worse fate than hang
ing, which you know has terrors
enough never to be forgotten.”
Charlie, acting upon the spur of the
moment, could not help giving him
this little thrust.
It was a keen one.
The other’s jaw dropped, his eyes
momentarily rolled in a spasm of
agony, and the sweat seemed to break
out upon his brow.
Charlie saw and was satisfied.
He had given the conscienceless
wretch a body-blow in return for his
vile threats.
Capt. Brand s spasm lasted but a
brief space of time, and then he re
covered his self-possession.
There was a peculiarity about the
captain that seemed very marked—
when in a rage his eyes became quite
bloodshot, and glowed like the orbs of
a hyena upon the deserts of which he
loved to talk.
And just now they were fiery, in
The look he gave Stuart had mur
der in it, though Charlie showed no
sign of alarm.
Here, in this public place, the
man would never dare assault him.
Besides, Charlie possessed the idea
that he could hold his own at any
time against the fellow. True, he
was smaller than the captain, but a
life devoted to occasional dissipation
must have sapped some of the aston
ishing powers which a generous na
ture had originally bestowed upon the
worthy man of many faces.
But Capt. Brand restrained himself
—reason had not quite deserted him.
He smiled grimly, and there was
a world of meaning in his sardonic
“Very good, my hearty! You have
chosen to throw down the glove, and
from this hour it’s war to the knife
between us. You may live to rue the
day you made an enemy out of one
wrho held out the olive branch. De
pend upon it, Arline Brand is not for
you. A fond parent must guard the
interests of his sweet child. Go your
way, young sir; and when next me
meet it will be as foes to the death.
I wash my hands of you.”
The Fateful Hour.
Charlie looked after the retreating
figure of Capt. Brand, and was in
doubt whether to take him seriously
or consider his threat a huge joke. He
soon resolved to dismiss from his
mind Capt. Brand and all he typified,
and seek repose.
He gained the sanctity of his room,
and, lighting the gas, sat down to
have a last deliberation ere retiring.
All seemed capable of running in a
smooth groove, but “the best laid
schemes of mice and men gang aft
. agley,” Bobby Burns tells us, and who
has not found it true in his own ex
Charlie retired. Whether he slept
soundly or not concerns us little, but
under the circumstances it is hardly
probable that his slumber was very
There was too great a load on his
He felt very much as a man might
who stands upon the brink of a preci
Success or failure—his whole fu
ture depended upon one little word—
was balanced in the hollow of a girl's
Charlie’s previous bitter experience
had caused him to feel more or less
caution, with a shade of distrust to
waife the gentle sex, and against this
he had to fight.
Could he have known what lay be
fore him, under what fearful condi
tions he was fated to win his sweet
heart. even his bold warrior spirit
might have quailed a little.
It is just as well perhaps, that these
things are mercifully hidden from our
view—just as well that we need only
grapple with each difficulty as it ap
pears in view, instead of crossing
bridges before we come to them.
The day dawned.
There was more or less ol a bustle
In the air.
New York contains more sons of
Erin than probably any Irish city out
Y side of Dublin.
And these patriotic exiles never
neglect to fittingly celebrate St. Pat
rick’s day. no matter what the
weather may be.
Charlie felt he must have something
to distract his attention. Artemus
was not in sight, the daily paper had
been exhausted, and as a last resort
he sauntered out to watch the crowds.
Never once did he wander far from
the hotel, which fact, later on, he was
inclined to believe was a special dis
pensation of Providence.
The magnet was there that held
He smoked and walked, and so
the time dragged by until the hour of
fate arrived.
Charlie, the better to see and be out
of the anticipated jam, had mounted
a convenient carriage-stone standing
in front of a dwelling house half a
block from the hotel.
Great as was the excitement around
him, it seemed to be doubly intensi
fied further along the line of march,
especially in front of the hotel.
He saw the procession break at this
point—melt away as it were.
Men ran toward the hotel in squads,
waving their arms wildly.
Was it an opportunity to quench
the thirst that frequently burns Irish
throats on this glorious holiday?
Charlie knew of yore all about
the battle of the Boyne, and how an
orange flag arouses the hatred of a
St. Patrick’s day parader even as the
red flag stirs the maddened bull to
Had some bold and incautious soul
dared to invite immolation by thus
flaunting in their faces the color they
He supposed this must be the case.
» To his surprise, however, the ex
citement spread—the crowd pressed
madly forward, mounted officers came
galloping back, shouting out some
thing that at first he could not catch.
Never to his dying day would Char
lie Stuart forget the intense anxiety
of that moment when he seemed to
feel as though the fate of empires was
at stake—and then he heard distinctly
above the roar the stentorian voice of
a leathern-lunged officer:
i urn oui: me avenue is impass
able! The Windsor hotel is on Are!
Turn out!”
Doubtless that stentorian shout
sent a shuddering chill to many a
heart when those who heard it glanc
ed up at the massive pile and compre
hended the hundreds of precious lives
that were endangered.
To none could it appeal with more
irresistible force than to Charlie
All his hopes and ambitions on earth
were centered there—the girl he
loved with heart and soul was far up
in the doomed structure, perhaps
asleep, under the influence of an
opiate, after a wakeful night with an
aching brow.
At first his blood seemed congeal
ed into ice. •
Then it leaped through his veins
like boiling lava, fresh from the
throat of Vesuvius.
Charlie did not waste time in re
Time was worth more than money
now, worth all the world to him.
He had leaped to the pavement
like a deerhound, and dashed toward
the hotel in great bounds.
Some men would have lost their
wits, but it seemed that the greater
the emergency the keener became his
Even as he ran and elbowed his
way through the excited crowd with
irresistible force, he was mapping out
a plan of campaign.
Really there seems no limit to the
human mind—its capacity is astonish
ing—it rises to meet the emergency
regardless of what is needed.
Now, even when thus fighting his
way through the crowd, Charlie saw
the hopelessness of attempting to
reach the main entrance on the ave
densely packed with a whooping mass
of humanity, partly imbued with the
eager curiosity that always distin
guishes crowds the world over, and at
the same time a chivalrous desire to
be of use somehow.
If he desired to reach that door
he must perforce walk over the heads
of the packed crowd.
A better plan suggested itself.
He remembered a side entrance
which would admit him much more
Now he was at the corner.
He took one look up and around.
The picture was Impressed upon
the tablets of his memory forever.
No longer were handkerchiefs and
green ribbons waving from the
numerous windows of the hotel— in
stead, panic-stricken girls threw out
their arms appealingly and shrieked
in terror.
The wand of an evil magician had
touched the scene, and transformed it
in a twinkling.
Smoke already oozed from several
openings, proving to Charlie that his
hopes of the Are being trifling were
It was most serious.
The holocaust of the Parisian
Charlte Bazar was about to be repeat
ed in New York; and that St. Pat
rick’s day would be marked as the
most grewsome Gotham had ever
Charlie now had a better chance to
push ahead.
Already he feared he had delayed
too long.
There were many people and much
excitement in the side street, but it
was of course not to be compared
with the avenue where the crowds
had gathered to witness the parade.
Straight to the door Charlie
A man stood there endeavoring to
keep out those who had no business
inside, for it is well known that dar
ing thieves will take advantage of
such occasions to ply their nefarious
trade, even If they do not at times
even create the opportunity.
Ten men could not have kept our
Charlie from pushing in.
He shouted that he was a guest,
and then rushed inside; nor did the
man, after one look at his haggard
face, attempt to say him nay.
Charlie avoided the office, where
men swarmed, and orders were shout
ed that could never be obeyed.
His business was aloft.
She was there exposed to a fright
ful death, and he felt that he lived
but to save her!
So up he bounded, three steps at a
One thing he must remember—the
Windsor was famous as a caaavan
sary where a stranger might easily
lose himself in the many passives.
To do so now would be indeed fatal
to all his hopes.
He found smoke everywhere, and
even fancied he could hear the crack
ling of flames, though the whole place
was in such a turmoil that one could
not be sure of this.
He also met numerous persons, fly
ing this way and that, maddened with
Some hardly knew whither they
went, and appealed frantically to this
cool-headed man beseeching him, for
heaven's sake, to tell them where the
stairs could be found.
Nor did he fail to direct them, every
one, even while he pushed on to the
next flight.
Up, up, he went, still finding smoke
circling along the halls, through
which women staggered, shrieking
their appalling distress.
It was a terrifying picture.
There were comical elements in
jected into it, of course, but no one
had the heart to laugh.
Charlie knew in his heart a dread
ful calamity was impending—nothing
short of a miracle could save the
great structure now, and the days of
miracles appear to be past.
Perhaps scores of human lives
would be sacrificed to the demon of
fire—mostly helpless women, em
ployes or guests, who had been view
ing the parade from the upper win
fT'V. i. 1 l. .. l _ j l i.
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passed through the halls from these
open windows would hasten the total
demolition of the whole structure and
make it more certain.
Had Charlie no sacred duty of his
own to perform, he would have gladly
devoted all of his time toward effect
ing the rescue of these terrified girls.
As it was, he could only think of
Her lovely face was before his eyes
and seemed to plead with him to
make haste.
The smoke was growing even more
dense, and he had to push close to
the doors to distinguish the numbers,
in order to make sure that he was on
the right floor.
At last this knowledge came to
The opportunity was in his grasp.
Here the same conditions seemed to
abound—there was smoke in plenty,
frenzied maids and flying figures
darting through it all like spectres.
Charlie was somewhat out of breath
as a result of his steady climb, but
otherwise in good physical condition.
He had the number of Arline’s
rooms well in his mind—the house
had been crowded, and these were the
best at her service, though the clerk
had promised her a suite near the
McKinleys after that day.
What if he could have made a mis
take in any way? The wretched con
sequences almost paralyzed him to
even think of it.
Eagerly he had scanned each flying
or crouching female figure he met, in
the hope that he might thus discover
the one he sought.
But as yet he had not found her.
Even in that smoke-laden atmos
phere he knew he could not mistake
her figure, while one note from her
voice must have thrilled him through
and through.
(To be continued.)
The Talk of Children.
It has been said that children speak
the best English in the world in
that their idea is expressed In the
fewest words and to the point.
Mr. Andrew Simonds, of Charleston,
is convinced that their powers of
vernacular are superior to his talent
for intelligible description.
He was one day trying to interest
his little girl, nearly 3 years old, by
telling her stories of the circus. She
loved horses and was particularly
impressed by the feats of the bare
back riders.
“Now,” he said, taking a chair by
way of illustration, "this is a horse.
A man comes in on him and rides him
all round the ring standing up with
out any saddle or bridle. Then di
rectly another horse comes in bare
back (putting another chair by the
first), and the man rides him, too,
just in the same way, until at Iasi
there are four horses, and he rided
them all round the ring at the same
time. And a row of four chairs rep
resent the four horses. 'Now, wasn'i
that fine?”
The little one looked up, very
j grave, her eyes full of the doubt and
1 credulity that so often puzzle us—
“Yes—he had many legs—that
“And I had to go all over that story
again, said Mr. Simonds.
True Greatness.
True greatness, first of all. Is a
thing of the heart. It is all alive with
| robust and generous sympathies. It it
neither behind its age nor too far be
fore it. It is up with its age, and
ahead of it only just so far as to b«
able to lead Its march. It cannot
slumber, for sctlvity is a necessity of
its existence. It is no reservoli", but t
fountain.—Roswell D. Hitchcock.
Republican* Warned Against Playing
Into the Hands of Their Adversa
ries by Tinkering the Tariff Under
the Pretext of "Hitting the Monopo
For forty years the free trade ques
:lon has been the main hope of the
lemocracy. The great campaign of
1892 was won on the tarlfT or free
.rade issue, under conditions much
•esembllng those of the present time,
it will be recalled that the country
was in a condition of prosperity in
1892 that up to that time had not been
equated. The country is in a greater
condition of prosperity at the present
time. Some people are seemingly
anxious to make some sort of tariff
revolution. As in 1892 all are doing
well, but there are jealousies arising
between various interests, each seem
ingly willing to take its chances of
ielf-destruction by attempting to des
troy somebody else.
In Iowa, men are anchoring them
selves on present prosperity to de
mand a change in the schedules that
have brought this prosperity. The
proposition is made in the interest of
tariff reform, as it was made in 1892
for the purpose of "hitting the mon
opolies.” In 1892 the blow was aim
ed at Carnegie. In 1902 It is aimed at
Pierpont Morgan. It did not hit Car
negie in 1892, but hit nearly everybody
else. It may not hit Morgan in 1902,
but it may hit nearly every one else.
Some of the men In Iowa who have
made hundreds of thousands of dol
lars in increased values of real estate
are the chief agitators for the present
disturbance of the tariff. They think
everything is so securely established
that congress could go pell mell into
the tariff question without hurting
anything or anybody. There is dan
ger to the country and to the Repub
lican party in this agitation which,
seemingly, has its home in Iowa. Re
publicans are every day heard rav
ing against the tariff, just as they did
in 1892, when people scarcely had
time to add up their profits.
It is a cute piece of politics that
the Democrats or mugwumps are
playing in Iowa, rock-ribbed Repub
lican state as she is. If a "tariff re
form” plank can be put into the Re
publican platform of Iowa it will be
a greater victory for mugwumpism.
Iowa has the speaker of the house,
the leader of the senate, and two
members of the cabinet. A voice
It Is perfectly evident that Cuba la
to be exploited by the Sugar and To
bacco trusts, and It is these which
will chiefly profit from any tariff con
cession on Cuban products. The peo
ple of Cuba would be benefited very
little, If at all, by the proposed 20 per
cent reduction.—Omaha Bee.
Beet Sugar.
There was a period when the pro
duction of beet sugar in this country
received the warmest attention of
protectionists. Through the Dlngley
tariff beet sugar received an Impetus
that has rooted beet sugar factories
in a number of states and enhanced
the production to such an extent that
in large stretches of territory the
Sugar trust has cut the price of its
sugar below cost, that thoreby it may
force the beet made sugar out of the
market. It is claimed that In the
last reduction made by the trust to
three and a half cents a pound for
granulated sugar at Missouri river
points, the price named was below
the cost of raw sugar on the Atlantic
It is intimated if the plans of the
trust succeed In forcing the beet sugar
factories of Nebraska, Kansas and
other western points and the Pacific
coast out of joint, It will then turn
its attention to the eastwards and
give the people cheaper sugar for a
period so that the beet sugar factories
of Michigan and some other beet sec
tions will be forced to lay down. But
It Is a singular thing that protection
ists who originally contended for a
good tariff rate upon sugar to protect
American Industries should now be
found attacking the beet sugar inter
ests. If one American Industry Is
worthy of protection, so are every one
of the others. Protection cannot be
twisted around to convey the idea ftiat
beet sugar people are monopolists, for
most surely If the growing industry of
beet sugar is fostered monopoly, what
are all the other Industries built up
in this country through the operations
of protective tariffs?—Racine (Wis.)
Coming to Thoir Senses.
The Republican majority In Con
gress is beginning to come to Its
senses, and shows a disposition to
listen to those who advocate the let
ting of well enough alone. For a while
past men posing as protectionists have
been doing all in their power to con
tribute to the gratification of those
anxious to strike down the Dlngley
act, but a3 the closing dayB of the ses
sion approach they are growing more
considerate of the platform upon
which they were elected. The pros
pect of meeting their constituents face
Cause of Scabies or Mange.
Scabies, or mange, of the ox is a
oontagieus disease caused by a para
sitic mite. Cattle are chiefly affected
with but two varieties of these para
sites, or mites, which belong to the
class Araohnotdea. These are, first,
the PBoroptes; second, the Symbiotes.
The first is the one which most fre
quently affects them. It lives on the
surface of the skin and gives rise to
great irritation and Itching by biting,
and is most frequent upon the sides
of the neok and shoulders, at the base
of the horns, and at the root of the
tall. From these points It spreads to
the back and sides, and may Invade
nearly the entire body. Its principal
manifestations are more or less nu
merous pimples, exudation, and abun
dant scaling off of the skin, falling out
of the hair, and the formation of dry
gray-brownish scabs. In the course of
time the skin becomes thickened, stiff,
wrinkled, and acquires the consist
ence of leather. When mange has
spread over a large surface of the
body, the animals lose flesh and be
come weak and anemic, rendering
them constitutionally less able to
withstand or combat the effects of the
mites. At the same time the de
creased vigor and lessened vitality of
the affected animals favor the more
rapid multiplication of the mites and
the further extension and intensifica
tion of the disease. Thus we have
cause and effect working together,
with the result that scabies, or mange,
:ln oattle may in some cases prove fa
tal; especially are fatal terminations
liable to occur in the latter part of a
severe winter among Immature and
'growing animals, or those of adult and
full age, when in an unthrifty condi
tion at the time of beoomlng Infected.
(There have been noticed variations in
;the progress of the disease depending
upon extreme seasons—aggravation
in winter alternating with Improve
ment in summer.—Buletln 162, Depart
ment of Agriculture.
from Iowa would sound like the voice
of authority coming directly from the
administration. The Republicans of
Iowa might well stop and think and
also analyze the source from which
emanates the attempt to put a tariff
reform plank into the Iowa Republican
platform, a plank that might be
measurably right in Itself, but one
that would be construed as a letting
down of old time principles and be re
garded away from home as giving aid
and comfort to the enemy.
Remember the ides of '92.—Des
Moines Capital.
Who Would Benefit?
A few days ago a statement was
made to the senate committee by a
gentleman who had investigated con
ditions in Cuba that a large number
of sugar plantations in the island are
owned by Americans. It is highly
probable that officials of the Sugar
trust are among these owners, in fact
constitute a majority of them. The
president of the trust has admitted
that he invested in Cuban sugar lands
and it is altogether likely that others
in the trust have done so. These men
would get a share of the $8,000,000
which Mr. McCall says the 20 per cent
tariff reduction would give Cuba. That
all of it would not go to the island is
absolutely certain. We think there is
no doubt that the sugar crop of Cuba
is very largely controlled by the trust
and that the corporation has put it
self In position to practically control
In the future the Cuban sugar indus
try. In regard to the island’s other
staple product, tobacco, there has just
been Incorporated in New Jersey a
$35,000,000 company to take over sev
eral Important tobacco Interests in
Cuba. The new company is organ
ized in the interest of the Consolidated
Tobacco company, commonly known
as the trust, which now controls most
of the tobacco manufacturing business
of the United States and is preparing
to control a large part of the Cuban
tobacco Industry.
to face has a great deal to do with
their accession of reasonableness.
San Francisco Chronicle.
Tariff and Truat Issue.
In respect to a revival of the tariff
issue it may be assumed that the
American people know a good thing
when they have It in hand. They
will not soon forget the paralysis of
American industries caused by the
tariff the Democrats formulated when
they last had the opportunity. It re
quired some years, even after the
Cleveland-Wllson tariff was abolished,
for the country’s industries to rally
from its blighting effects. But gradu
ally, under the revivifying influence
of a Republican tariff, normal condi
tions were restored, and as a conse
quence we to-day see the era of great
est prosperity ever enjoyed by the
American people. It Is equivalent to
an intimation that the people have
"gone daft" to assume that they
would be willing to exchange present
tariff conditions for the paralyzing
system that wrought disaster before.
So far as the trust issue is con
cerned, it would be a lucky thought
but for one fundamental drawback.
That Issue was promptly pre-empted
by the Republican party at a time
when the Democrats spurned it. The
anti-trust measure, known as the
Sherman act, was passed by a Repub
lican congress, was totally ignored by
a subsequent Democratic administra
tion. and now ft is being vigorously
enforced by the Roosevelt administra
tion.—Los Angeles Herald.
That Generous Trust.
The Sugar trust doesn’t see how It
can be justly accused of a selfish In
terest in the bill to lower the tariff
on Cuban sugar, as it owns only a lit
tle over 99 per cent of the sugar.—
Salt Lake City Tribune.
Men and roosters sometimes lose
their heads by crowing too soon.
Horse Shortage In New Hampshire.
Prof. Charles W. Burkett, of the
New E mpshlre station, says:
There is too little horse power in
the state to properly till and cultivate
the soil. We have thousands of acres
at. tillable land in the state (and what
Is said here is true of all New Eng
land) that have not felt the plough
share for a long series of years, some
for decades, some for a half century.
■Soil will not remain productive if
untllled. We have not enough horses
or working units in the state to do
the regular farn. work and to carry
on tillage as it should be done. Prac
tically the o-ily supply of horses Is
from other states; yet this state is
quite able to supply Its full needs and
could have to spare for demands else
where. The work lies with the farm
ers themselves, not only to Increase
the number of working horses but to
Improve them and make them more
By using the better grade of mares
for breeding purposes and having the
service of some pure-bred sire of some
draft or coach breed of good type and
conformation, it would be but a short
time until the character of the whole
horse stock were changed Into a bet
ter and Improved 01)0. Good draft
and coach stallions can be secured for
about five hundred dollars. Several
farmers could purchase a stallion of
the type desired, and there could be
engaged several mares for the first
season at a moderate charge for ser
vice which would pay not only a high
rate for money Invested but would go
a long ways for paying the full cost
Sheep and Wetde.
Prof. Thomas Shaw: Of the 600
weeds and grasses growing in the
Northwest, it Is estimated by those
that have made a study of It, that
sheep will eat 576 of them, while
horses consume but 82 and cattle only
56. The fact Is, sheep prefer many
kinds of weeds to grasses, and weedy
Helds and horse pastures are Im
proved by turning a small flock of
sheep into them. When sheep devour
the weeds they do not charge any
thing for the work. On the other
hand, they pay the farmer for the
privilege of pulling the weeds. They
turn the weeds Into mutton, fresh.
Juicy and crisp. A sheep’s stomach
Is the most perfect receptacle that
was ever made for weeds. It is sure
death to every form of weed life. No
weed seeds retain the power of res
urrection after having been burled In
that living sepulcher, the stomach of
a sheep. A more suitable receptacle
for them It Is than a Gehenna or a
Tophet would be. Either of them
would deprive the weeds of the power
to grow, but In doing so they would
consume all the nitrogen in the weeds.
Only the phosphoric acid and potash
would be left In the ashes. But when
sheep consume weeds, they take out
some of the nitrogen, a little of the
phosphorus, and the potash to supply
their own needs, and the residue they
put back over the land to stimulate
the growth of the crops that shall yet
be sown.
Mr. John M. True, secretary of state
for Wisconsin, says the disposition to
plant more corn Is almost universal
throughout the state, and the potato
acreage has also been Increased 5 per
cent, and tobacco acreage, 10 per cent.
The wheat acreage has decreased In
proportion as the corn and oats acre
age hes Increased.