The Colombian Government Terminates
Relations With Venezuela.
Withdrawal of Minister Rico Last August
Is Cause of the Breach—Foreign Dcbl
Embarrasses Venezuela — What Ger
many's Demands Indicate.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 30.—The State
department has received confirmation
of the notification of the Colombian
government to Venezuela that it has
terminated diplomatic relations. This
came in the shape of a cablegram
from Minister Hart. This action is
the result of the hasty withdrawal
last August from the Venezuelan cap
ital of Dr. Rico, the Colombian min
ister there.
Such a breach does not necessarily
mean war, though undoubtedly it is
a step in that direction. Venezuela
has had several affairs of this kind,
some of the European nations with
drawing their representatives from
Caracas for long terms, and only a
year and a half ago our own gov
ernment was obliged to give Minister
Loomis an indefinite leave of absence
from Caracas as a warning to Vene
zuela of our dissatisfaction with its
attitude in the controversy growing
out of the asphalt dispute.
It is said that manifestations of
foreign disapproval have had very lit
tle influence upon the Venezuelan
government. It is a significant fact
that the breach with Colombia has
been created at the moment when Ger
many is considering the adoption of
compulsory measures to secure the
payment by the Venezuelan govern
ment of a very high financial liability
to German citizens.
It is supposed here that President
Castro is proceeding under the the
ory that the application of the Mon
roe doctrine would protect him from
unitive action by Germany, but the
impression among officials here is that
this belief is not well founded.
Some of the reports reaching here
show there is apprehension on the
part of some of the Colombians on the
isthmus, including men of consider
able influence, as to the duration of
the stay of American marines. It has
come to the knowledge of officials
here that many wild rumors have been
circulated on the isthmus as to the.
extent of the trouble that the United
States forces, having once landed,
would not be withdrawn.
These reports have led to inquiries
between Washington and Panama,
bringing out responses that th6 Amer-,
ican occupation was wholly imagina
tive and that the most definite and;
positive assurances had been given;
that immediately on the fulfillment
of this government’s obligation to,
keep open the traffic, our forces woulc'i
be debarked, and all authority would
be terminated. This purpose of the,
authorities has been made known on
the isthmus and has served to allay
the fears caused by reports of Amer
ican occupation.
With the resoration of order and
open traffic on the isthmus of Pan
ama it is expected that the War de
partment will be enabled to withdraw
some of the United States warships
now on duty in that vicinity, and
it is probable that one ship will be
withdrawn on either side.
Tribute From the Italians
NEW YORK, Nov. 30.—A Roman
bronze tablet will be sent to Washing
ton in a few days as a tribute to the
late president from the Italians of
America. President Roosevelt is re
quested to give the tablet a place in
On the tablet in bas relief is a figure
of President McKinley, as if walking
toward a tomb. In the right hand
corner is a sharply drawn facade of
the capitol in Washington. In the
lower left hand corner four infant
figures represent the four sections of
the United States, east, west, north
and south.
Operation on Taft 8uocf«dj.
MANILA, Nov. 30—The operation
performed on Governor Taft was suc
cessful. He expects to start for Wash
ington December 10 to recuperate and
confer with Secretary Root.
Death Conies to Centenarian.
NEW ALBANY, Ind., Nov. 30.—
Barney Conway, who claimed to be
106 years of age, is dead at his home
near here. He cast his first vote for
General Jackson for president.
Gen. Castro Killed.
NEW YORK, Nov. 30.—A dispatch
to the Herald from Colon, Colombia,
General Francisco Castro, who led
the government troops in the capture
of the Barbacoas bridge on Tuesday,
was killed early Thursday morning
during an engagement with the in
surgent force at Eohia, Soldado. Gen.
Castro had been acting as second in
command of the government force on
the isthmus.
Wins His Protested Suit for Separation
From His Wife.
KANSAS CITY, Nov. 2'.).--A special
to the Star from Medicine l.odge, Kau.,
says: David Nation was granted a
divorce from his wife, Mrs. Carrie Na
tion, “the joint smasher." The court
exonerated Mrs. Nation from the
charge of cruelty to her husband and
divided the property. The Medicine
Dodge home will go to Mr. Nation and
outlying property to his wife.
In reply to questions of the court,
Mrs. Nation said that one reason she
fought the proceedings was that she
wished to continue to share the pen
sion money drawn by her hnsband.
Mr. Nation, in support of his petition
for divorce, cited a letter from hfs
wife in which she denounced him as
a "hellhound hypocrite.” He charged
that she did not attend to his wants.
Leader of Recent Creek Rebellion Causes
More Trouble.
GUTHRIE, Okl., Nov. 29.—A special
to the Capital from Tulsa, I. T.. says:
Crazy Snake, who led the rebellion
last spring against the government,
is causing the Creek •council much
trouble. The Snake band will send a
strong delegation to Washington to
protest against the deeding of Creek
A joint resolution was passed unani
mously by both houses of the Creek
council, demanding that deeds be
Issued immediately and at Okmulgee,
Instead of Muskogee. Chief Porter will
probably sign the resolution to Secre
tary Hitchcock. The delay has caused
widespread discontent. The treaty of
last May promised _deods immediately
and the Indians only ask justice.
Hold Canons on Saturday.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 29—The re
publican members of the house of
represenattives will meet in caucus
Saturday at 2 o’clock for the purpose
of nominating house officers. There
is no contest and Speaker Henderson
and the . other elective officers will be
re-elected. It is expected that there
will be quite a sharp contest over rc
adopting the Reed rules. All the
afternoon and evening, if necessary,
will be given to discussing the sub
Hnrglare Wound a Constable.
ST. JOSEPH, Nov.29.— For several
nights Constable Wesley Gan and sev
eral deputies have been endeavoring
to capture burglars that have robbed
numerous stores and residents in the
suburbs, but never came upon the
robbers until this morning. Constable
Gan was separated from his deputies,
but did not hesitate to attack three of
the burglars and endeavored to cap
ture them. He was fatally shot and
pounded into insensibility.
Attitude Pleases Them.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 29.—1Thomas
F. Walsh, president, and General F.
W. Maxwell, secretary of the executive
committee of the National Irrigation
association, saw the president. They
told him that the expansion cf inter-l
national trade and commerce of the,
United States by the creation of more
homes in the west was the object of
their association and that they fully
indorsed the report of Secretary
Hitchcock on the subject of irrigation.
In the Civil Service.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 29.—The pres
ident signed an order bringing the
rural free delivery service into the
classified civil service. The order be
comes effective immediately so far as
the 250 clerks, special agents and route
inspectors of that service are con
cerned, but provides that until regula
tions are formulated for appointment
of rural carriers, they shall not be
treated as within the classified service.
These number 0,000.
Captnml by Filipino*.
MANILA, Nov. 29.—Privates Dun
and Frenning of the English infan
try, together with I heir horses, rifles
and 300 rounds of ammunition, have
been captured by insurgents, who at
tacked a commissary wagon between
Magadalena and Gajavjaza. A ser
geant and a private wore also wound
Andrew D. White, the United States
ambassador to Germany, went to Pots
dam for the usual ceremonious visit
to the court after an ambassador’s
absence from the country. Mrs. White
accompanied her husband upon the
special invitation of Emperor William.
Both Mr. and Mrs. White remained at
the palace for dinner.
Shift Responsibility.
SOFIA. Nov. 29.—The government
has forwarded to C. W. Dickinson,
the United States diplomatic agent
there who recently left this city for
Constantinople, a reply to his note of
November 12 concerning Miss Stone,
the American missionary. It is mere
ly a repetition of the official views al
ready cabled, repudiating the responsi
bility of Bulgaria and alleging that
the officials had given every assistance
possible in the matter.
Thrown From HIh Cub and Killed.
The following is a most interesting
and, in one respect, pathetic tale: —
Mr. J. Pope, 42 Ferrar Road, Streat
ham, England, said:
“Yes, poor chap, he is gone, dead—
horse bolted thrown off his seat on
his cab he was driving and killed—
poor chap, and a good sort, too, mate.
It was him, you see, who gave me the
half-bottJe of St. Jacobs Oil that
made a new man of me. ’Twas like
this: me and Bowman were great
friends. Some gentleman had given
him a bottle of St. Jacobs Oil which
had done him a lot of good; he only
used half the bottle, and remembering
that I had been a martyr to rheuma
tism and sciatica for years, that I had
liteially tried everything, had doctors,
and all without benefit, I became dis
couraged, and looked upon it that
there was no help for me. Well,” said
Pope, "You may not believe me, for
it. is a miracle, but before I had
used the contents of the half-bottle
of St. Jacobs OH which poor Bowman
gave me, I was a well man. There
it is, you Bee, after years of pain, after
using remedies, oils, embrocations,
horse liniments, and spent money on
doctors without getting any better, I
was completely cured in a few days.
1 bought another bottle, thinking the
pain might come back, but it did not,
so X gave the bottle away to a friend
who had a lame hack. I can't speak
too highly of this wonderful pain
For linrkwai'd llondmtien.
District Attorney rhilbin of New
York City has devised a winning plan
for making bondsmen pay up forfeit ,
ed hail. He puts the bondsmen’6 prop
erty into the hands of a receiver and
then it is a case of pay or bring in
the man. The scheme is causing all
sorts of consternation among bonds
men, to say nothing of the criminals.
Nhowrr Hatlu for Hoy Pupils.
The experiment is being tried in a
large New York public school of giv
ing boys shower baths in the base
ment. The equipment is such that
each boy can have a bath once in two
weeks—a good deal oftener than the
boys would bathe otherwise. The
baths are taken in recess time and
the institution is said to be popular.
Satire is the salt of wit rubbed on
ft sore spot.
To Cure a Cold In One day.
rake Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
Iruggiflts refund money if it fails to cure. 26c.
The submitting to one wrong brings
an another.
Brooklyn. N. Y.. Dec. 2.—Garfield Head
ache Powders are sold hero In large quan
tities; this shows that people realize the
value of a remedy at once effective and
harmless. The Powders are of undoubted
value in curing headaches of all kinds
and in building up the nervous system.
Investigate every grade of remedies of
fered for the cure of headaches and the
Garfield Headache Powders will be found
to hold first place. Write the Garfield
Tea Co. for samples.
Every man who does the very best
he can is a true hero.
buy Defiance and Ret the best, 16 o*. for
ID cents. Once used, always used.
A little butter added to the bouillon
made of beef extract will remove the
flavor which la distasteful to many
easy to use as soap. No muss or failures.
10c per package. Sold by druggists.
Trust your secret to another and It
will be returned badly soiled.
if so. usoRed Cross Ball Blue. It will make
them white as anow. !i oz. package !> cents.
Place an applo In bread and cake
boxes to keep the contents moist, re
newing the apple when necessary.
Mother Gray’s Sweet Powders for Children
Successfully used by Mother GTay, nurse
in the Children’s Home in New York. Cure
Feverishness, Bad Stomach. Teething Dis
orders, move and regulate the Bowels and
Destroy Worms. Over 30,000 testimonials.
At all druggists, E5c. Sample puss. Ad
dress Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y.
Our First “A”-less President.
President Roosevelt is the first occu
pant of the White House, says some
body who has looked It up, in whose
name the letter “a" does not appear.
Not only has that letter appeared in
the names of all previous presidents,
but also in the names of nearly every
one of the sixty-one Americans who
have received votes for presidents in
the electoral college down to William
J. Bryan. There arc only eight excep
tions to this rule.
Better an empty house than an ill
Statu of Ohio, city of Toledo, i __
Lucas County, ♦w
Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he 1b the
senior partner of the Arm of F. J- Cheney A Co.,
doing business in the City of Toledo, County
anil State aforesaid, and that said Arm will pay
the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for
?ach ami every case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure.
Sworn to before me and subscribed iu my
presence, this Oth day of December, A. D. 188d
icpii i A. w. GLEASON,
lfi,ll'A^J Notary Public.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and
acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces
>t the system. Semi for testimonials, free.
F. J. CIIENEY A CO., Toledo, a
Sold bv Druggists. 70c.
Hall s Family Pills are the best.
A friend to everybody is a friend
to nobody.
I am sure Pino's Cur5 tor Consumption saved
my life three years ago.—-Mrs. Thos. Bobbins.
Maple Street, Norwich. N. Y., Pel). 17. 1IJ0U.
Life without a friend, death without
a witness.
Clear white clothes are a sign that the
housekeeper uses Ked (Voss Hall Blue
Large li or., package, 5 cents.
Many go for wool and come home
Mrs. Winslow h noorhlng Syrnp.
?orch11dreu tpotfc'ng softens the gums, reduces Itr
Rammaiton, allays pam.cures wind colic. 3.'h: a bottle.
Fools make fashions and wise men
follow them.
*!amlln's Wizard Oil Co. send song
book free. Your druggist sells the oil
and It stops pain.
Excesses in youth are drafts upon
old age. payable about thirty years
after date.
UI % I quick reMefand euros worst
crncRs Book of teatlinonlftlB and 10 days* treatment
»HER. Ml. U. U. WRKKIS'B BOKB. B*» R* AtJuU. Or.
A substitute for and superior to mustard or
any other plaster, and will not blister the
most delicate akin. The pain-allaying and
curative qualities of this article arc wonder
ful. It will stop the toothache at once, and
relieve headache and sciatica. We recom
mend it as the best and nafe«t external
counter-irritant known, also as an external
remedy for pains In the chest and stomach
and all rheumatic, neuralgic and gouty com
plaints. A trial will prove what we claim
for it, and it will be found to bo invaluable
in the household. Muny people say "it is the
best of all of your preparations.*’ Price 15
cents, at all druggists or other dealers, or by
sending this amount to us in postage stamps
we will send you u tube by mail. No article
should be accepted by the public unless the
san e carries our label, as otherwise it is not
17 State Streot, Nkw York City.
made easy by the u.se or the EAGLE CLAW
HAND FODDER FORK. The only tool in
vented and manufactured that will handle corn
fodder successfully. Afents make blf money. Write
for particulars and secure the exclusive agency.
RANDLEMAN & SONS, Des Moines, Iowa.
Wonderful wheat crop
for lkOl now the talk of
the Commercial World
is by no means phenom
enal. The Province of
Manitoba aftd districts
of Assinltoia, Saskat
chewan and Alberta are
the most wonderful
L » producing countries in the world. In
stock raising they also hold the highest posi
tion. Thousands of Americans are annually
making this their home, and they succeed oh
they never did before. Move Westward with
the tide and secure a farm and home in Wes
tern Canada. Low rates and special prlvillgea
to homeseckera and settlers. The handsome
forty page Atlas of Western Canada sent free
to ail applicants. Apply for rates. Ac., to F.
Pedley, ^superintendent of Imigratlon, Ottawa.
Canada, or to W. V. Bennett, 801 New York
Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
[ Thompson’s Eya Water
‘SR from .22 to .50 loaded with either Black or Smokeless Powder SB
always give entire satisfaction. They are made and loaded in a fe
modern manner, by exact machinery operated by skilled experts.
[To the Ladies: ]
J Don’t let yovir grocer sell you a. 12 oz. I
I package of laundry starch for 10 cents when I
B yo\i carv get 16 oz. of the very best ste».rch I
_ __ made for the same 1
/A . .Ki . 9
price, urve-mira I
g more starch for I
II Has No Equal. ||K$$ the same money. I
\Wk I
-^1=- I
- ♦ I
yrffl To the Dealers: • I
I A ^ GO SLOW—In placing orders for ffl
I />VV 12-oz. Laundry Starch. You won’t be able H
I to sell 12 ounces for 10 cents while your com- M
j petitor offers 16 ounces for the same money. Hi
"jrj1: ■
I jF %Fyj No Chromos, no Premiums, but a better 9|
? ' ' - . I jFJ%t starch, and one-third more of it, than is con- 4*1
REQUIRES NO COOKING I ||(l tained in any other package for the price. B
I PREPARED FOR I Having adopted every idea in the manu- li
LAUNDRY PURPOSES ONiy I facture of starch which modern invention |gf
j\ j J has made possible, we offer Defiance Starch, ff
I with every confidence in giving satisfaction. 8
| ft. I w Consumers are becoming more and more dis- H
$ I Fsatisfied with the prevalent custom of get- B
I I ting 5c. worth of starch and 5c. worth of g||
j If some useless thing, when they want 10c. B
^ manufactured BY ^ nt'Yi M Fa I worth of starch. We give no premiums §J|
MA^ttNPTIC §TA®m!iAl.A win10. I with Defiance Starch, relying on “Quality and ||
J ^ "OMAHA,NEB. Quantity” as the more satisfactory method g§
..cf getting business. You take no chances |g|
EXACT SIZE OF IO CENT PACKAGE. in pushing this article, we give an absolute
72 PACKAGES IN A CASE. guarantee with every package sold, and H
authorize dealers to take back any starch H '
that a customer claims to be unsatisfactory in any way. We have made arrangements to advertise it <|i
thoroughly, and you must have it. ORDER. FROM YOUR JOBBER. If you cannot get it from him, write us. f||
gl McCord-Brady Co., Omaha. Raymond Bros. 6c Clarke, Lincoln, H
|| Paxton^ & Gallagher, “ H. P. Lau Co., “ ,?|
I Bradley, DeGroff 6c Co., Nebraska City. I