The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 05, 1901, Image 2

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I n!.lulled livery Thursday by
■ ii i"» .."i
i-H-K-Wv ■!■ r j
A sale has been made of 20,000 acres
of coal lands in Wayne county, W.
Va., to a Pittsburg syndicate, which,
it is said, will oppose the present coal
By a decision handed down by Jus
tice Mervln, one-half of the estate of
Mrs. M. H. Davis, of Rome, N. Y., val
ued at $60,000, will go to the Christian
An official Servian statement de
clares there is absolutely no founda
tion in the reports that Queen Draga
has been shot at or that she has com
mitted suicide.
John Morgan, a convict at the fed
eral prison at Leavenworth, made a
successful escape while working in the
quarry, his absence not being discover
ed until 6 p. m.
Louis Grannotti, an accomplice of
Breed, the assassin of King Humbert,
was sentenced to life imprisonment at
the assizes. Grannotti has not yot
been captured.
Conductor Higgins, the eighth vic
tim of the Santa Fe wreck in Arizona,
died. The injured are progressing fa
vorably and no more fatalities among
them are probable.
It is stated that Senator Hanna, im
mediately after the opening of con
gress, will introduce a bill providing
for a $6,000 annual pension to Mrs.
MrJClnley during her lifetime.
The Southern Athletic club was or
ganized at Charleston, S. C., the ob
ject of the association being to hold
a series of sparring exhibitions In
Charleston during the exposition
Mrs. May Agnew, wife of Captain
Agnew, formerly of Company M,
Twentieth Kansas, died at Manila,
where she went rocently with her hus
band, who Is an officer In the regular
It was learned at. Baltimore that Mr.
Isidor Rayner., chief counsel for Rear
Admiral W. S. Schley in the recent
hearing before the court of inquiry,
has refused to accept a fee for his
There has been an alarming spread
of the plague in South Russia, ac
cording to dispatches from Lemberg,
hundreds of fatal cases being reported
in Moscow, Odessa, Kieff, Kherson and
other towns.
According to the World, hpirs of
the late Cornelius Vanderbilt must
pay $361,803.43 into the offers of
Uncle Sam. This is the total of the
inheritance tax found by the federal
government against the estate.
The Vienna papers assert that Tur
key is addressing an arrogant circular
note to the powers protesting against
their "perpetual interference" in
Turkish affairs, and demanding to
know their intention regarding Crete.
The municipal council of Guinea,
forty-five miles southwest of Havana,
has voted to award the contract for
supplying water and electric light to
the town to Hugh J. Reilly of New
York. The contracts are for $250,000.
The secretary of war has directed
that the order granting free admission
of Christmas presents to the Philip
pines and Cuba shall extend only to
the officers and men and civilian em
ployes of the army and navy, and not
to the civilian employes of the civil
The governor, secretary of state and
attorney general at Alabama opened
and counted the vote on the new con
stitution. The result shows a major
ity of 28,429 for the constitution. Tho
governor will issue his proclamation
within a few days and ten days there
after the new law will go into effect.
The city of Los Angeles has sold
water bonds to the amount of two mil
The Industrial commission has
issued a report on railway laboc in
the United States. It shows that rail
way employes in this country consti
tute an army of nearly 1,000,000 peo
ple, with probably nearly 5,000,000 de
pendent upon the wages paid by the
railroads. The report says that for
years to come the railroads will ab
sorb an increasing number of em
C. R. Breckinridge, a member of the
Dawes commission, discussed with the
Interior department officials the pro
posed supplementary Creek treaty.
The secretary decided to take no ac
tion in the matter until congress con
Fire destroyed the Crawfordsville,
Ind., wire and nail plant, entailing a
loss of *150,000.
At Kansas City the dead bodies of
Inez Gordon and Harry Grisard, col
ored, were found on the floor of a
room at 1412 Grand avenue.
The Pan-American exposition build
ings were sold to the Chicago House
Wrecking company for *92,000.
't'he disorders are increasing In
Spain and the government is stopping
telegrams and taking military meas
ures to maintain order.
Shortly After Convening Senate Will
Listen to McKinley Memorial.
^ Senator Foraker or Hanna Will Int-ocJuce
Resolution In Honor of Late Chief
Magistrate |n Upper Hi.use—Miscella
neous Washington Matters.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2.—One of the
first measures of natural Interest
which will be introduced in the senate
at the session which begins today will
ho a resolution looking to public
action concerning the death of Presi
dent McKinley. This will be present
ed on Tuesday either by Senator For
aker or by Senator Hanna, probably
the former, and after its introduction
the senate will adjourn as a mark of
respect to the memory of the dead
The annual message of President
Roosevelt will not be received until
Tuesday and on this account the ses
sion today will be exceedingly brief.
It is not now expected that anything
will be done beyond the announce
ment of the death of Senator Kyle,
following which the senate, in accord
ance with custom, will adjourn for the
day. On Tuesday the president’s
message will be read and, after its
reading, the announcement of the
death of President McKinley will fol
low at once, whereupon under the
precedent established when Presidents
Lincoln and Garfield died, resolutions
providing for the appointment of a
committee to act with a similar com
mittee of the house of representatives
to take appropriate action relative to
the matter and then calling for im
mediate adjournment for the day will
be adopted. Heretofore committees
have been appointed to arrange the
details of public exorcises and it is
understood that plan will bo pursued
in this instauce and that later in the
session some public man of distinction
will bo invited to deliver a eulogy in
the capitol.
Wednesday and inursuay win ue
devoted to the introduction of new
bills and, as usual, there will be a
flood of them. Among the first bills
of importance to be presented will be
the ship subsidy bill, which will be
introduced by Senator Frye, and the
Nicaraguan canal bill, which Senator
Morgan will present. Senator Frye
has not entirely completed his bill,
but he said it would be different in
many details from the old bill of last
session. That measure was framed by
former Senator Edmunds. Senator
Frye himself is the author of the new
bill. Senator Morgan’s canal bill will
be a duplicate of Representative Hep
burn's bill on the canal question.
Other early bills of importance will
bo one looking to the construction of
a sub-marine cable from the western
coast to Hawaii and another provid
ing for the establishment of a new
executive department to be known aa
the department of commerce. On
Tuesday the senate will adjourn until
the following Monday. The general
opinion among senators is that very
little real work will be done before
the Christmas holidays.
The fist subject demanding atten
tion is reciprocity. Various treaties
are now pending in the senate look
ing to commercial agreements between
the United States and other countries.
Senator Aldrich will renew his efforts
to have these treaties, which have al
ready been reported from the commit
tee on foreign affairs, committed to
the committee on finance, on the
ground that they deal with tariff
(Ten. Wo°(l Denies Having Expressed
View on th© Question.
NEW YORK, Dec. 2.—Among the
passengers who arrived from Havana
were General Leonard Wood, governor
of Cuba, Mrs. Wood. Michael J. Dady,
the contractor; Sir William Van
Horne, Llfeutenant W. Barden and
Lieutenant Frank McCoy.
General Wood said that he would
proceed directly to report to Presi
dent Roosevelt and expressed an in
tention to return by December 7. He
said ho had expressed no opinion on
the question of annexation of Cuba
and that to do so would be impolitic.
The story, he added, was probably put
out to effect the election in Cuba, but
nothing would come of it. Matters
wore quiet in Cuba and prep
arations were being made for the com
ing election in February.
Chinese Becoming Good.
PTSKIN, Dec. 2.—Chinese officials
have severely punished all offenses
against foreigners. This has had a
salutary effect upon the demeanor of
the people. The higher Chinese offi
cials now manifest an increased de
sire to cultivate personal relations
with thte diplomatic corps. The set
tlement of claims between the local
officials and the missionaries, not in
cdluded in the general indemnity, has
been arranged.
Work of First Day Will Itigldly Follow
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2.—The pro
gram for the opening day in the house,
although it will rigidly follow prece
dents, will be interesting and to a cer
tain extent picturesque. Admission to
the galleries will be by card, of which
two have been issued to each member,
and they will be crowded to their full
capacity. The desks of the popular
members will be laden with flowers.
The clerk of the house will call the
members to order at noon and after
prayer by the chaplain the roll will
be called by states. The speaker will
be formally elected and escorted to
the chair by a committee.
General Henderson, whose re-elec
tion as speaker is assured, will then
address the house, after which Mr.
Bingham of Pennsylvania, ‘‘The
Father of the House,” a titular honor
bestowed upon the oddest member in
point of continuous service, will ad
minister the oath to him. The speaker
in turn will administer the oath to
the members-elect. The old officers of
the house who were re-chosen by the'
republican caucus then will be re
elected and sworn in. Following this
resolutions will be adopted to inform
the president and the senate that the
house has elected General Henderson
speaker and Mr. McDowell clerk.
By resolution Speaker Henderson
then will appoint a committee of three
to join a similar committee from tlfe
senate to inform the president that
a quorum of the two houses has as
sembled and that congress is ready to
receive any communication he may
have to make. Resolutions to adopt
temporarily the rules of the last house
and to fix the daily hour of meeting
also will precede the event of the
opening day, the annual seat-drawing.
Director Campbell of JLick Observatory
Explains Phenomenon.
SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 2— Director
Campbell of the Lick observatory has
made a thorough search of the heav
ens for the phenomenon witnessed at
Chicago a few nights since. Prof.
Campbell failed to find the slightest
trace of a comet. He explains the
phenomenon witnessed in Chicago in
two ways, saying:
‘‘What the people saw may have
been the bright trail left by a me
teor. I myself have watched such
trails for as much as twenty minutes
before they wholly disappeared. It is
more probable, though, that what they
saw was the constellation known as
the Pleiades. It so happens that the
Pleiades are now in exactly the loca
tion in the heavens described in the
dispatches, and when obscured by a
thin mist the constellation looks so
much like a comet that it has been
mistaken for it before.”
General Wade Now Comuiaods Northern
and Southern Luzon.
MANILA, Dec. 2.—The military de
partments of northern and southern
Luzon have ceased to exist. Major
General James F. Wade, formerly in
command of the southern depart
ment, will leave Manilla tomorrow to
assume command of the American
forces on Cebu island and Major Gen
eral Lloyd Wheaton, formerly com
mander of the northern department,
will take command of the North Phil
Several small engagements have oc
curred in llatangas province in the
last few days. The forces of the in
surgent leader Caballos have become
badly demoralized. His followers are
broken into several small hands. Ca
ballos holds two American prisoners.
German rival for Boers.
INDIANAPOLIS, lnd„ Dec. 2.-—
Jacob W. Ixieper secretary of the
United German societies, announced
that the societies, forty in number,
and with a membership of over 2,000,
will interest themselves in the cause
of the Boers.
American Library,
ROME, Dec. 2.—The establishment
in Rome of an American library has
been ordered by royal decree. The
library will contain all publications
relating to the new world since its
Illness of Wilhelmlnn.
AMSTERDAM. Dec. 2.—The state
ment that Queen Wilhelmlna's aide
de-camp. Major Van Tot. is suffering
from peritonitis and not from the ef
fects of a duel fought with the con
sort, Prince Henry, is confirmed.
Stabs Wife and Himself.
ST. LOUIS. Dec. 2.—While in a
drunked frenzy tonight Joseph Flory,
a clerk in the employ of the Graubnei
Ice company stabbed his wife, Lena
three times in the breast with a huge
hunting knife and then cut his own
throat, both dying instantly. Flory
and his wife had a quarrel earlier in
the day about money matters and this
led to the tragedy. Willie, a 10-year
old son of the couple, was a horrified
witness of the affair.
Adjutant General Authorizes Additional
LINCOLN, Neb., Dec. 2.—Adjutant
General Colby turned loose his order
machine and ground out some orders
for the Nebraska National guard. He
authorized the organization of two
new independent companies, one at
West Point and the other at Stanton.
James C. Elliott was given authority
to organize a company at West Point
and G. A. Eberly of Stanton was giv
en permission to recruit another at
his home town. Both companies will
be equipped by the state, and after
organization may be admitted to the
Orders were also issued for the for
mation of a signal corps and en
gineers’ corps at Fremont and two ad
ditional sections of artillery, the latter
probably at Plattsmouth and Grand
Island, though the location is still un
This activity in the Nebraska Na
tional guard has caused many to be
lieve that a third regiment is to be
organized, but General Colby says
there is no ground for that belief, as
the independent companies, do not in
dicate a new regiment. He says the
matter of organizing a third regiment
is undeterm ned.
The formation of two additional sec
tions of artillery will necessitate more
guns, as each section is supposed to
have two guns. General Colby has
taken steps to secure four new model
breech-loading cannon, together with
harness and equipment.
Applications Are Received Daily by State
Library Commission.
LINCOLN. Neb., Dec. 2.—Applica
tions for sets of books are being re
ceived by the State Library commis
sion at the state house. Secretary
Bullock, who will have immediate
charge of the distribution, is making
the preliminary arrangements for the
circulation and expects to have the
system in full operation within the
next few weeks. The applications so
far received are from Blair, German
town, Harvard, Talmage, Syracuse,
Loup City, Alexandria, Douglas. Par
dum, Kenesaw, Fairmont, Oak pre
cinct and Osceola.
The commission has aprpoximately
$1,200 available for the purchase of
books. This money, it is estimated,
will buy over 1,400 books. About one
third of the books in each set will
be of the juvenile class and a ma
jority of the balance will come under
the general classification of fiction. It
Is the desire of the commission to
have each large town or city which
is a beneficiary of the traveling li
brary system make a small donation
for the purchase of new books. It is
believed that in this way the pur
chase fund will be greatly increased.
The Jury at Fremont Convicts Joseph
FREMONT, Neb., Dec. 2.—Joseph T.
Dusseldorf was convicted of the kill'
ing of Arthur C. Payne at North Bend
on June 20, 1901. The jury went out
at 2:50 and returned at 4:05 with a
verdict of manslaughter. This w’ill
let Dusseldorf off with a penitentiary
sentence of anywhere from one to teri
years. It is understood that the de
fendant’s attorneys may move for a
new trial. The general opinion herd
is that Dusseldorf was fortunate in
escaping conviction on the charge of
murder, though it cannot be denied
that the evidence showed some exten;
uating circumstances. Sentence has
not yet been pronounced.
New Road Toward Omaha.
FORT DODGE, In., Dec. 2.—McAr
thur Bros., contractors on the Great
Western, road, have started a large
force of men and teams on the Omaha
main line of their new road from thiii
city to Omaha. Work on the Clarion
Hampton branch of the Great West
ern line will not be completed as ex
pected this year. Work on the Omaha
main line will be pushed with all
speed, as there is much heavy work
to be done. >
Paper Mill to Be Operated.
LINCOLN, Neb., Dec. 2.—A new
company has been organized in Lin
coln, capitalized at $50,000, which pro
poses to operate the old paper mil'
plant south of town. The president
of the company is S. H. Burnham
The proposition of the new enterprise
is to undertake the manufacture of the
heavier grades of wrapping papei
from straw and corn husks.
Woman Adjudged Insane.
FALLS CITY, Neb., Dec. 2.—Or
complaint of C. F. Reavis, Mrs. Geo
E. Dorrington has been adjudged in
sane and will be taken to Lincoln foi
treatment soon.
Strychnine Kills Landlord.
GRETNA, Neb., Dec. 2.—Alexandei
Simon, who conducts a hotel at this
place, took an overdose of strychnin*
and died a few minutes later. De
spondency was the cause.
Auttaoiity is Given for Two Companies
of Infantry.
LINCOLN, Neb., Nov. 30.—The first
formal steps in the reorganization of
the Nebraska National guard were
taken by Adjutant General Colby.
Authority was given for the organiza
tion of two independent companies
of infantry, a company of signal and
engineer corps and two additional
sections for the battery of artillery,
and requisition was made on the War
department at Washington for enough
of the latest pattern Krag-Jorgenson
rifles to equip one regiment, also
enough artillery equipment for one
complete battery.
The company of engineer and signal
corps will be organized as infantry
by Lieutenant Hull, captain of the
Pershing Rifles, University battalion,
and formerly of the First Nebraska
volunteers, and W. R. Brooks, who
was also a member of the First regi
ment of volunteers. It will be sta
tioned at Fremont and after the pre
liminary organization is completed
will be divided into two sections, one
to be known as the signal corps and
the other as the engineer corps. Each
section will be under command of a
lieutjnant and both will be subordin
ate to the captain, there being only
three commissioned officers.
The independent companies of in
fantry will be stationed at West
Point and Stanton and will be or
ganized by James C. Elliott and G. A.
Eberly respectively.
Attack the Men Wlio Rescue Them From
Overturned Cars.
M’COOK, Neb., Nov. 30.—As B. &
M. special stock train No. 76 was
pulling into the yards here from the
west it ran into a broken switch,
which caused two cars to leave the
track, turning one car completely
over and leaving the other on its side.
The cattle in one car were able to get
out, but the roof of the other had to
be removed before they coijld be lib
erated. Three of them were killed
and a number crippled. After being
liberated the cattle were crazed for
the time and attempted to attack the
persons present. The slow speed at
which the train was going was all
that saved a serious wreck. The stock
was being shipped from Denver to
South Omaha.
Officials Inspect Sidney.
SIDNEY, Neb., Nov. 30.—A special
train passed through here over the
Burlington railway, carrying a party
consisting of President George B.
Harris, Director B. F. Perkins, Gen
eral Manager G. W. Holdrege, Gener
al Charles F. Manderson, Superintend
ent J. R. P. Sellan and a number of
clerks and employes of the Burlington
system. The train remained here half
an hour to permit the party to in
spect the site for a roundhouse and
machine shops.
Returns to Winter Quarters.
FAIRBURY, Neb., Nov. 30.—Camp
bell Bros.’ shows, which has made
its season a month later this year
than usual, traveling in the south, ar
rived in winter quarters here. They
report, an unusually successful busi
ness this season and next year they
will materially increase their attrac
tions. Campbell Bros.’ show is a
Fairbury enterprise that has grown
from a school house medicine show
to a railroad circus and menagerie in
seven years.
Death of Judge Selah.
O'NEILL, Neb., Nov. 30.—Judge
Clarence Selah died at his home in
O’Neill of typhoid fever, after an Ill
ness of six weeks. Judge Selah was
a well known editor and publisher in
the early days in northern Nebraska,
having published papers in both
O'Neill and Ewing. He was elected
county judge of Holt county in 1S97
and has a record of a model officer.
John G. Gloa*k«l Found Dead.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., Nov. 30.—
John G. Gloaskel, a well-to-do farmer,
reidlng near here, went into his
Kitchen about midnight to shake up
the fire and failing to return when
it was thought that he should his
son went in quest of his and found
him lying on the noor cold in death.
He was 60 years of age and leaves a
large family of grown children.
Duel In the Asylum.
TABLE ROCK, Neb., Nov. 30.—
News arrived here of the death of
William Brown at the asylum at
Hastings. His age was 86 years.
Contest Papers Filed.
BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. 30.—Papers
in contest proceedings were filed by
W. S. Tilton, chairman of the county
republican central committee, against
the giving of a certificate of election
to W. A. Waddington to the office ol
sheriff. The petition relates, among
other things, that J. T. Moore, repub
lican candidate for sheriff, by reason
of irregularities in a half dozen or
more election precincts, is entitled to
a certificate of election.
Prof. Thomas Shaw of Minnesota Uni
versity Gives an Unbiased Opinion.
In a letter to “The Farmer,” St. Paul,
dated Sept. 1st, 1901, Prof. Thomas
Shaw of the Minnesota State Univer
sity has the following to say, after
having made a trip through Western
“The capabilities of the Immense
area known as Western Canada are but
little understood on this side of the
line. Our people are apt to look upon
it as a region of frost and snow, a
country in which but a small portion
of the land relatively will ever be till
able, because of the rigors of the cli
mate. True, the climate is cold in win
ter, but Western Canada has, neverthe
less, just that sort of climate which
makes it the most reliable wheat pro
ducing country in all the continent.
An Immense Area.
Western Canada Is not only an Im
mense area, but the same description
will apply to those portions of the
country that are capable of being suc
cessfully tilled or grazed. Nearly all
of the prairie Province of Manitoba
can be brought under cultivation, al
though probably not one-third of Its
surface has been laid open by the plow.
Assiniboia to the west is a grain and
stock country. Saskatchewan to the
north of Assiniboia has high adapta
tion for the same. This also may be
said of Alberta to the west. Here lies
what may be termed a grain-growing
and stock producing empire, the re
sources of which have been but little
drawn upon comparatively, viewed
from the standpoint of the agricultur
alist. When It Is called to mind that
even In the Peace River country in
Athabasca, and several hundreds of
miles north of the Canadian boundary,
wheat was grown which won a pre
mium at the World’s Fair in 1893, the
capabilities of this country in wheat
production loom up more brightly than
even the brilliant northern lights of
the land that lies toward the pole.
Adapted to Stock and Grain Production.
The region under consideration is,
however, mainly adapted to growing
grain and grazing stock. Much of it is
adapted to growing both grain and
stock, but certain areas, especially to
wards the mountains, are only adapted
to ranching, except where irrigation
will yet be introduced. This, of course,
can be done successfully along the
many streams that flow down from the
Rockies and water the country towards
the east and north. The adaptation of
the country for wheat production is of <
a high character. The cool nights
that usually characterize the ripening
season are eminently favorable to the
filling of the grain, and to the secur- ».
ing of a plump berry, and consequently
large yields. The crop this year is a
magnificent one. In Manitoba and the
territories it should certainly give an
average of more than 20 bushels per
acre. But should the yield be not more
than 20 bushels, the crop will be a
most handsome one, owing to the large
area sown to wheat. Many farmers
only grow grain. But those who do
succeed as well in growing oats and
barley as in growing wheat, hence
these foods for stock should always be
abundant. Some grow cattle mainly,
and others combine the two. The last
named, of course, is doubtless the saf
est of the three during a long course
of years, that is to say, where much
farming is practicable.
Quality of the Live Stock.
It was a p'easurable surprise to
note the high quality of the stock.
The average of quality in cattle Is
higher than the average of cattle in our
state, unless In the dairy classes. This
opinion is not reached rashly or with
out ample opportunity for investiga
tion. I spent three long days in the
show ring at Winnipeg making the
awards in the beef classes,-. I question
If any of our states, single handed,
could make such a showing In cattle.
It was my privilege to make the
awards at several shows and at all of
their fairs were evidences that much
attention is given to the improvement
of the stock. I noted carefully the
character of the herds that grazed
along the railroad and everywhere the
high average of the quality of the stock
was in evidence.
Reasons for Quality in Stock*
The quality of the grass is good. .
Many of the settlers came from Ob- ^
tario and had been schooled as to the
value of good stock before going west.
The railroads and the government
have taken a deep interest in making
it less difficult and costly to the farm
ers to secure good males.
Those who are anxious of changing
their residence should bear in mind
that the lands in Western Canada are
many of them free and others reason
ably cheap.
Information will gladly be given by ^
any agent of the Canadian government,
whose advertisement appears else
Rub a little butter on the fingers
and on me .rnife when seeding raisins
to avoid the stickiness.
Clothes Get Sick
And cannot be ironed into shape
again without the introduction of a
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ance starch contains the solution that
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health or newness. It makes any wash
able arcticle of apparel look like new.
Any grocer will sell you a lG-oz. pack
age for 10 cents. Use It once and you
will never buy any other. Made by
Magnetic Starch Co., Omaha, Neb.
A wise man enjoys the little he has
while the fool is looking for more.
won't shake out or blow out; by using
Defiance starch you obtain better results
than possible with any other brand and -
on«-third more for same money.