* I ■ ■■—■ ■»!* l ■■■*11 ■ ■■■ ■ M — HOTEL -Jh VANS Enlarged Refurnished Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City W. T. EVANS, Prop A. B. NEWELL ' REAL ESTATE O’NEILL, NEBRASKA | Selling and leasing farms and ranches Taxes paid and lands inspected for non residents. Parties desiring to buy or rent land owned by non-residents give me a call, will look up the owners aud procure the land for you. ffNeilP Abstracting Go Compiles Abstracts of Title ONLY COMPLETE SET OF AB STRACT BOOKS IN BOLT COUNTY O'NBILT., NEW. XTitaUatA 4 # specialties: Eye, Ear, Nose and throat •psetadts sorreetly fitted and Supplied. O'NEILL, NEB. T"""....... ... >YYWEYm»YTmYTrWYT»YYYYYfYTyYYymTmY»YVyYlE C. L. BRIGHT 1 REAL ESTATE AND IN- j SURANCE. | Choice ranohca, farina and town ; lota for sale cheap and on easy J terms. All klndspf land bust- J ness promptly attended to. : Represents some of the best J Insurance companies doing bus j lness In Nebraska. ) Notary Work Properly Executed j ..................... MiSAi -T Jj^H. BENEDICT. LAWYER, one* In the Judte Roberta building, north of 0. O. Snyder’s lumber yard, O NULL NBB. g R. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Keterenoe Pint National Bank O’NEILL. NEB 7 J. J. KTMG ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND NOTARY - PUBLIC - Office opposite U. S. land office O’NEILL, NEB. -JJARNEYi STEWART, PRACTICAL AUCTIONEER. Batiitaction guaranteed. Addrees, Page, Neb jQll. P. J. FLYNN PHYCIAN AND SURGEON Office over Corrigan’s, first door to right Night calls promptly attended. Wm. Sardeson, V.S. In O’Neill Tuesdays and Saturdays of each week. Oan be found at the Drug Stores. J^R. G. M. BERRY, SCIENTIST AND ORAL SURGEON Graduate of Northwestern University, Chicago, and also of Atneriean College of Dental Surgeory. All the latest and Improved branches of Dentistry carefully performed. M. P. KINKAID LAWYER Offlee over Elkhorn Valley Bank. O'NEILL. NEB. JjR. J . P. GILL1GAK, PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON, Office in Holt County Bank building Orders left at our drug store or at my residence first street north and half block east of stand pip© will receive prompt response, as I have telephone connections. O'NEILL. - NSB legal advertisements. ! [ - - -- -;—- — ~-.T.VV T T-~S j NOTICE FOR purr,[CATION Department of the Interior. Fund Oflice at O’Neill, Nebr. , Sept 28, 1901.—Notice in hereby given that the following named settler has) tiled notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will he made before register and receive at O’Neill, Nebr., on November 14, 1901. viz • CHARLES* E. SHOEMAKER. H. E. No. 14893, lor the N VVM- Sec. 31, T. 28, N., It. II VY\ He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Michael Slattery, D. J. Sparks, Fred VItt, Frank Pribel all of O’Neill Neb. 14-fiiip 8. J. WEEKES, Register. NOTICE FOll PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Oillce at O’Neill, Nebraska. Aug. 13, I9iil. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of bis Inten tion to make final proof in support of ids claim, and that said proof w ill be made be fore register and receiver at O’Neill, Neb., on October 10, 1901, viz: Mary BILLS, formerly HIlls heir of Cliarles D. Hills, deceased, H i$. No. 1402*3, for the 8W?4 sec 8. twp 82 north, range 12 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and Cttltivt tlon of said land, viz: C hrist. Christenson of Phoenix, Neb., Sher ry Leslie and Clause Storejohann of Turner, Neb.. and John 11 Richards of Verdel, Neb. 7-fin p 8. J. WEEKES, Register. ADMIN lSTltATOU’S SAL E In the mutter of the estate of WILLIAM A. IIOKS, deceased. Notice is hereby given that In pursuance of an order of J. F. Royd. Judge of the dis trict court of Pierce county. Nebraska, made on the 24th day of September, llKd, for the sale of the real estate herein after described, there will be sold at the office of The Fron tier at O’Neill, Nebraska, on tho 29th day of October, at 10 o’clock a. in., at public sale to the highest bidder for cash, or one-half cash and balance on not to exceed two years’ time, scoured by mortgage on land at 7 per cent Interest, the following real estate, to wit: The northeast quarter of section 02, town ship 92, range 15, Holt county, Nebraska. Said sale will remain open one hour. Dated October 9,1001. ELLA F. HOES Administratrix of the Estate of William A. Hoes, deceased. 15— LEGAL NOTICE^ Globe Investment Company, a corporation, and Henry A. Wyman. Receiver of the Globe Investment Company, defendants, will take notice that William Gillies, plaintiff, has filed a petition in tho district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against you, impleaded with Jeremluh 11. H. Wison, and Mary A. Wilson, defendants, the object and prayer of which is to foreclose a certain mortage dated tho first day of .January, 1891, for $400, and interest, upon the North % of the northeast % of section 99 and the east '? of the southeast H of section 28, all in township 20, north of range II west of the 0th P. M. in Holt OOuuty, Nebraska, given by Jeremiah II Wilson ami Mary A. Wilson to the Globe Investment Company, arid assigned to the plaintiff, which mortgage was recorded in Book 50 pago 2 of mortgage records of said county, and to have same decreed to he a a first Hen and tho said lands told to satisfy tho same You are required to auswersald petition on or before the llth day of November, 1901. Dated October 2nd, ittOl. 14-4 William Gillies, Plaintiff. State of Nebraska f In the District Court >88 Thereof of 15th Ju Holt County ) dlcial District. NOTICE OF SUIT, County of Holt, Plaintiff, vs Alice Gilbert,-- Gilbert, her husband, first name to plaintiff unknown, Nebraska Loan & Trust Company, and Minnie Thompson, Defendants. The abovo named defendant Ellee M. Gilbert, minor child of Alice Gilbert deceas ed is hereby notified that tho Nebraska Loan & Trust Company and James N. Clark, I Receiver thereof, defendants, to the above entitled action have in said action tiled an answer on cross petition tho object, and prayer of which are to foreclose a mortage of $1,000, due April 1st, 1899, with ten per cent'. Interest on said mortgage from October 1st, 1800, against the southwest quarter of sec tion eight (b) township thirty-one (91) nort h and range fourteen (14) west of the 0th l*. M. The said Eliee M. Gilbert Is further notified that she is required to appear and answer said petition on or before Monday tha 21st day or October, 1901. Nebraska Loan and Trust company, James N. Clark, Receiver Thereof.' By It. It. Dickson and John M. Ragan, their attorneys, ]l-4 SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale, direoted to me from the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtain ed before the district court of Holt, county, Nebraska, on the 23rd day of August, 1901, in favor of thoUouutv of Holt, as plaintiff and against Charles E. Ludrlgson, Jane Ludrlgson,real name unknown, William D. Mathews. Smith Bros. Loan & Trust company, a corporation and the unknown owners of the south-west quarter of section 23, township 31.north of range 18, west of the 0th p. in., in Holt county. Nebraska, as defendants for the sum of one hundred twenty-seven dollars and seven cents,!$127.07) as a first lien against said premises and a decree for $341.00 obtained by Smith Bros. Loan & Trust company, as a second Hen against said premises, and costs taxed at $53.o« and accruing costs, 1 have lieved upon the following Real Estate taken as the porporty of said defendants, to satisfy sa?d order ot of sale, to-wit: The north-east quarter of the south-west quarter, the north-west quarter of the south west quarter, the south-west quarter of tlie south-west quarter and the south-east quarter of the south-west quarter of section twenty-three (23), in township thirty one (81), north of range thrteou (13), west of the 0th Principal Mcrridlan, in Holt county, Ne braska. Saiu land will be sold in separate tracts as oescribe above. Andwill offer the same for sale to the highest bidder, for cash In hand, on the 21st day of October A. i>. 1901, in front of the Court House in O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, that being the building wherein the lust term ol'Court was held, at the hour of 10 o’clock a. m. of said day, when anti where tlue attendance will be given by the under signed . Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 17th day of Soy tern her 11)01. John M. Stewart. 12-5 Sheriff of said County IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA. JOHN BRAU, Plaintiff, vs. Max Babl and wife, Victor Babl, William Krotter & Company and the unknown heirs of Harrier. I). Baste to, deeosased, George T. Bastedo, Defendants. The above named defendants and each of them will take notice that On the 21st day of Sept, 1901, the above uumed plaintiff tiled his petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against them and each of them, the object and prayer of which are to fore close a certain mortgage executed by t he defendants Max Babl ane wife to the plaint iff’, upon the following described real estate situated in lloltcounty.Nebraska, to-wlt: Beginning at the southwest corner of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 0, in township 32 north, of range 13 west of the Oth p. in., running thence north on township line forty-eight rods, thence east sixteen rods at right angles, thence east and four degrees south twelve rods and two links to an eon true twenty-one inches in diameter, thence due south to intersection ot quarter line, thence west seventeen rods and thirteen links to place ot beginning, said mortgage being given to secure the payment of two certain promissory notes dated May 9. 1900, one for $240 and the other for $100, due six months after date and on the 1st day of July, 1901, respectively. Plaintiff alleges that there is now due on said notes and mortgage the 6um of $040 with interest at 10 peroent from May », 1900, for which sum, with interest, plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendants be required to pay tiie same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount found due, and that said mortgage be decreed to be a first i/en on said premises. Plaintiff further prays that the heirs of Harriet i). Bastedo be decreed to have no claim, right, t itle nor Interest In and tosvid property, and that a certain mortgage given by J. A. Jauues to Harriet I). Bastedo on said property during her lifetime for $.500 and recorded in book :» of mo» images at page 451j be decreed to be fully paid and sat istied. You are required to answer said petition ou or before the 4th day of November, 1901. Dated this 21st day ot September. llKd. R. R. DICKftON, l**-4 Attorney for Plaintiff CONSOLIDATED NOTICE FOR PUBLICA TION'. Debit rtmeiP of the Interior, United States Land Office. O'Neill, Neb., Rent. 21. 1001. Notice Is hereby given that the following named sett Icis have Hied notice of Intention to submit final proof in support, of the'r respective entries and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver, at O'Neil). Nebraska, on November!), 1001. viz: LU( YT K. JOHNSON, formerly Lucy K. Slothower, T. C. E. No. 6523, for tit YU, sec. 17. twp 30 north range ti west. Witnesses: George Shellhart, Page, Neb.; Walter Trulicnger. Page. Neb.; Ell i rulleng er, Mondmont, Is.; George Tomlinson, Page, Neb. STEPHEN W. LEMONT, T. C. E. No. 6701. for NEii see ID, twp 30 north, range (I w. Witnesses: George Bhellhart, Page, Neb.; Walter Trullenger, Page, Neb.; Eli Trulieng er, Bondmont, Jo.; George. Tomlinson, Pago, Neb. S. J. WEEKER, lll-6np Register. ATPTIPI? TO NON-RESIDENT KJ 1 IKjIj DEFENDANTS. J. A. Crawford, first name unknown, tohn N. Kilgore, and M. Clark, first name un known, non-resident defendants, will take notice that on the 7th day of October, 1001, William Stephenson, plaintiff herein, fil« d ids petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against J. A. Crawford, real name unknown, John N. Kilgore, M. Clark, real mi j»e unknown. and K. K. Olvy, the object and prayer of which are th fore close the tax liens hereinafter described. In its fir t cause of action stated in said petition the plaintiff seeks to forecloro a tax lien upon the east half of the southwest quarter of section eight, in township twenty seven, north range sixteen west, In Holt county. Nebraska, that the taxes involved in said first cause of action ure the taxes that were levied on said premises in the years 1898, 1899 and 1909, that there is now due the plaintiff upon Ms tax Hens the sum of $18.94. with interest from July JO, 1901, at ten percent, per annum, the plaintiff prays for a decree that defendants be required to pay the snino or that said premises may be sold to satbfy the amount found due. I n ids second cause of action stated in said petition the plaintiff seeks to foreclose a tax lien upon the west half of the southwest quarter of section eight, in townsh p twenty seven, range sixteen west of the Sixth P. M. in Holt, county, Nebraska; that the taxes involved In said second cause ' of action are the taxes that were levied on said premises in the years 1898, 1899 and 1900, that there is now due t"e plaintiff upon his tax lien the sum of $18.94, for which sum with interest from July JO, 100!, at ten pet cent, per annum, the plaintiff prays for a decree that defen dants be required to pay t he same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the amount due. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 25th day of November, 1901. Dated tliis 14th day of October, 1901. William .Stephenson, Plaintiff, By J, J, King his attorney. 10-4 Tot Causes Night Alarm. “One night my brother’s baby was taken with Croup,'1 writes Mrs. J. C. Snider, of Crittenden, Ky., “it seemed it wood strangle before we could get a doctor, so we gave it Dr. King’s New Discovery, which gave quick relief and permanently cured ip We always keep it in the house to protect our children from Croup and Whooping Cough. It cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble that no other remedy would relieve." Infallible for Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung trouble. 60c and $1.00 Trial bottles free at P. C Corrigan. An Kmp'lon. Trust men, and they will be true to you; treat them greatly, and they will show themselves great, though they make an exception In your favor to all their rules of trade.—Emerson. Governor Dress** I.i'.ce Knnchman* Governor Ezra P. Savage of Nebras ka, Is a man of the people and in ap pearance Is tall and gaunt and affects the goatee and sombrero common among ranchmen. A Fiendish Attack. An attack was lately made on C. F. Collier of Cherokee, Iowa, that rearly proved fatal. It came through his kid neys. llis hack got so lame be could not stoop without great paiu, nor sit in a chair except propped by cushions. No remedy helped him until he tried Electric Bitters which effected such a wonderful change that he writes he feels Jike a new man. This marvelous med icine cures backache and kidney trouble purifies the blood and builds up your health. Only 50c at P. C. Corrigan Drug Store. Stepped Into Live Coals. “When a child I burned my foot frightfully,” writes W. II. Eads, of Jonesville, Va., “whioh caused horrible leg sores for 30 years, but Bucklen’s Arnica Salve wholly cured me after everything else failed.” Infallible for Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Sores, Bruises and Piles. Sold by P. C. Corrigan 25c. What’s Your Face Worth? Sometimes a fortune, but never, if you have a sallow complexion, a jaun dice look, moth patches and blotches on the skin,-all signs of Liver Trouble. But Dr. King’s New Life Pills give Clear Skin, Ilosy Cheeks, Rich Complexion. Only 23 cents at P. C. Corrigan Drug Store. W:»r Destroy* Forests. TN?*nty-fiv0 years ago, in 1876, Ser via wti clothed with forests and was aptly termed "the land of the forest,” but the Servlan-Turco troubles of 1876-78 played havoc with the forests. Thousands of acres were stripped of trees In order to serve for fortifications or to bar the advance of the Turkish army or to warm the great masses of troops that camped on the land during two winters. The war was followed by a period of ruthless destruction of the forests, vast tracts being sold at a rid iculous price or denuded to supply the railroads. lUon Goffeel / \ is 16 ounces of pure I \ / Icoffee to the pound. I \ / 1 Coated Coffees are I \ / 1 only about 14 ounces I \ / 1 of coffee and two I \ / 1 ounces of eggs,/ \ LLl glue, etc., of no fTTrjffl Mflvalue to you, but J oYpl\ money in the pocket"^*®* of the roaster. fTNElLT, BUSINESS PLACES' THAT ARE RE LI A RLE \ epatpooizG t£em I arcsl you v/ill rcot j J®fc heat V V V V MRS. S. G. NICHOLS Has a complete assort ment of fashionable M illin 0 r y I f you wish the latest styles and best values get my prices. First door north of Cole’s jewelry store, 4th s _ MRS. C. E. HALL Dress Making Modern methods, latest patterns and perfect tils. A large force of helpers enables me to turn work out rapidly. Fron rooms over O Neill National hank. JOHN MANN The Pioneer Harness Maker Is still at the old stand selling the best goods at the lowest prices and paying all the mar ket allows for hides and furs. Bring me thorn or come in if you need a harness or saddle or anything to be found in a harness store. i R. H. MILLS Wells, Wind Mills, TANKS AND PUMPS. Write or call on me for estimates. Residence 1)4 block west Porter livery. PORTER & SON Dewev Hotel lvv' VV v/j public to “come in” Checker Livery General feed and livery business. North Short Line depot. M. D* LONG U. S. Land Attorney Practice beforo U. S. Land Office. Buys and Sells Real Estate. Agent for MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. 11ns resided in O’Neill since iViay, 1877. Office tirst door east O’Neill Grocery. JOHN J. HARRINGTON Keeps the best OUnCO tor the money lino of. OllU L.O in the west. And at prices to satisfy all. He earries also a complete line ot Fancy and Staple Groceries, Hats, Cups, Gloves, Shirts, Overalls, Suspenders, Underwear, etc. Mesdames WOODRUFF & PIANK Restaurant and Bakery Hot Meals Lurches FrUit ai)d Caijdij FRESH Home Made Bread EVERY DAY. J. BENTLEY Groceries, Fruits & .. Candies.. BREAD, CAKES, ETC. RYAN & LACY Dealers In fregh and Salt Meat GAME AND POULTRY. LIVE STOCK BO*T & SOLD Berger’s Cash Store Headquarters fur CLOTHI NG AND SHOES [s Wholesale and Retail Groceries, Fruits and ..Provisions.. FINE TEAS AND COFFEES OUR SPECIALTY. J. P. GALLAGHER, Prop. A. MERRELL Wholesale and lietall FLOUR, FEED & OIL MEAL Walmer’s old stand. BAZELMAN LUMBER CO. LUMBER & COAL Let us figure your bill. MRS. ROBERTS 1 MILLINERY Store always stocked with the latest and newest goods. We meet all competion In prices. New Fall Styles will soon be on display JOHN BENNETT f^er>chant Tailor. Two doors east of Hotel Evans. HOWARD BROS. MEAT MARKET (Gat?.’ old stand.) Choice Meat, Game and Poultry. V. ALBERTS Dealer In and Manufacturer of Harness, Saddles WHIPS, ROBES, ETC. / Agt for Our Native Herbs P. J. BIGLIN Can give you the best bargains /^V A I ( GASOLINE AND I I 1 A I ) KEK08KNE V J V t h\ I ) BLACKSMITH Yards east O’Neill Grocery. with your name and address printed on them JONLY 50C j The cheapest way to buy for 1 those wanting small quantities 5 I <El?e Frontier. o C H lx! Purchas« Tickets and Consign you Freight via the F. E.& M.V.and S.C.& P RAILROADS. TRA1XS DEHART: QOINO BAHT. Passenger east. No. 4. 9:57 a. ji Freight east. No. 24, 12:01 p. ji Freight east, No. 28, 2:35 p. m. OOIKU WBST. Passenger west. No. 3, 10:00 P. M Freight west, No. 27, 9:15 P. Jl HVaLrht Vi), 23 l.oral 2:35 P. M. E. R. Adams, Agent, O’NEILL. NEB. The Frontier The Frontier GOOD PRINTING GOOD PRINTING The Frontier Tiie Frontier | hardware! A long standing reputation gives us pre-eminence in the hardware business of this section. The Majestic Steel Range has won fame all over the country; we have them. Exclus ive agent for the Lick and Elliott anti-rust tinware and Stan skey steel ware—every piece guaranteed. Stockmens’ attention is called to the Prussian food—the best thing yet put out to feed stocd and keep them fat and healthy. A full line of guaranteed grades of cutlery, guns, amunition and all kinds of sporting goods. | NEIL BRENNAN j I T|k B*tf 1 mk IMfctan* s THE PEOPLES NATIONAL FAMILY NEWSPAPER NEW YORK TRI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday, is in reality a line, fresh, every uther-day daily, giving the latest news on days of issue, and covering news of the other three. It contains all import ant foreign cable news which appears in the D lily Tribune of same date; also domestic and foreign correspondence, shot stories, half tone illustrations, hum orous items, industrial information, fashion notes, agricultural matters and comprehensive, reliable financial and market reports. Regular subscription price $150. With The Frontier, both papers, $3.25. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Published on Thursday and known for nearly sixty years in every part of the United States as a national family newspaper of the highest class for farm ers and villagers. It contains all the most important general news of the Daily Tribune up to the hour of going to press, an agricultural department of the highest order, has entertaining read ing for every member of the family. Market reports which are accepted as authority by farmers and country mer chants, and is clean, up to date, inter esting and instructive. Regular sub scription price $1; with The Frontief, both papers, $1.75 Send all orders to The Frontier, O’Neill