The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 31, 1901, Image 5

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For Sale by M. LYONS,. Emmet, Neb.
w sw 14 25 9
ne 14 25 9
w V% J?5 26 9
se sa 10 s nw; nw sw
s% nw n$4 sw 13 27 9
ne 15 27 9
e sw, w se 22 27 9
se. w ne 35 27 9
n n 24 28 9
e se 26 28 9
sw 3 29 9
nw 8 29 9
11 w 14 29 9
n ne, n nw 6 30 9
nw 8 30 9
ne 12 30 9
e uo, sw ne, nw se 14
30 9
nw 16 30 9
ne 32 30 9
se 34 30 9
se 7 31 9
sw 18 31 9
e ne 20, nw nw 21 21 9
w se 25 31 9
n ne" sw ne 27 31 9
sw 20 32 9
ne 25 32 9
s sw, nw sw, sw nw
26 32 9
s ne, n ne 31 32 9
n se, sw ne 19, nw sw
lots 12 3, ne sw 30 25
ne 26 27 10
se 17 28 10
sw 1 29 10
se 2 29 10
sw 7 29 10
nw 11 29 10
nw 3 30 10
se 3 30 10
sw 3 30 10
ww 8 30 10
se 9 30 10
ne 10 30 10
sw 7 30 10
se 13 30 10
nw 17 30 10
nw 24 30 10
ne 27 30 10
se 23 30 10
nw 31 30 10
ne 31 30 10
sw 29 30 10
nw 32 30 10
sw 32 30 10
nw 33 30 10
ne 35 30 10
e sw & se nw 1, ne nw
12 31 10
se 7 31 10
sw 25 31 10
e ne 27 32 10
u‘/8 nw sw nw s nw
sw 13 32 10
e se & nw se 35 32 10
ne 5 25 11
sw 7 25 11
e e ll 25 11
sw 12 25 11
ew 13 2511
sw 14 25 11
sw 24 25 11
ne 13 26 11
ne 18 26 11
sw 31 26 11
u se & n sw 3 27 11
se 7 28 11
nw 32 28 11
n n 3 29 11
ne 25 29 11
sw 2 30 11
sw 22 30 11
nw 33 30 11
e sw 29 31 1L
n'A nw M of 23 & se&
ot' sw*4 & swJ4 of se
*4 14 32 11
n se, sw no & ne sw
se 17 25 12
nw 29 25 12
sw 21 25 12
sw 12 12 25 12
se 10 26 12
wV6 of w sw 11, n nw
14 26 12
s so 15 26 12
nw 21 26 12
so 22 26 12
8 sw 23 26 12
ne 23 26 12
s se 29 26 12
e ne 33 26 12
ne 14 27 12
se 20 27 12
nw 17 27 12
n n 27 27 12
se 8 28 12
n 20 28 12
nw 19 29 12
ne 20 29 12
se 22 29 12
se 10 30 12
ne 15 30 12
e sw 2; e nw 11 31 12
sw 9 31 12
ne 9 31 12
sw 13 31 12
se 14 31 12
s ne & W se 20 31 11
w nw & nw sw 21 32 12
e ne & e se 27 32 12
nw 34 33 12
ne 30 32 12
se 11 2513 sH n% 1125
13. n w 10 23 13
sw 12 25 13, sw 21 2513
a Vi sw ne sw sw ne 35
25 13
sw 28 26 13
Kisbee ranch in 22 27
28 26 13
s no & a nw 29 27 13
5w 2 26 13
se 12 29 13
nw 12 29 13
sw 27 29 13
sw 28 29 13
ne 33 29 13
se 34 29 13
se 35 29 13
e ne & nw ne 2 30 13
se 19 30 13
w ne 20 30 13
nw 28 30 13
w nw & w sw 2 31 13
e nw &w ne 2 3113
nw 5 3113
se6 3113
ne 9 31 13
n sw & sw sw 15 31 13
nw 15 31 13
se 17 3113
ne 17 31 13
se 18 31 13
nw 19 31 13
nw 20 31 13
so 21W1 13
8 sw 26 31 13
ne 27 31 13
ne 29 31 13
ne 30 31 13
se 30 31 13
sw 32 31 13
se se 35 31 13
n sw & w se 4 32 13
ne 5 32 13
s sw 7 31 13
se 9 28 13
n sw & w se 15 32 13
ne 18 32 13
e nw 18 32 13
SW 23 32 13
sw sw 25, e se & ne 26
32 13
vv sw 26 & e so 27 32 13
s sw 27 32 13
sw 28 32 13
ne 30 32 13
e sw &w se 31 32 13
sw 32 32 13
e ne, sw ne & se nw
32 32 13
ne 33 32 13
nw ;>4 32 13
e ne & s nw 35 32 13
s ne & n se 24 33 13
s nw, ne sw & nw se
26 33 13
e ne & n se 36 33 13
w nw 7 26 14
s nw & e sw 10 26 14
nw 112814
sw 2 29 14
nw 20 29 14
nw 21 29 14
sw 35 29 14
sw 8 30 13
sell 30 U
sw 15 30 14
ne 21 30 U
se 22 30 14
nw 34 30 14
w se 35 30 14
se 2 31 14
nw 5 31 14
se 5 3114
sw 6 31 14
se 6 31 14
se 7 31 14
sw 8 31 14
ne 8 31 14
sw 10 31 14
ne 10 31 14
ne 10 31 14
nw 11 31 14
nw 14 3114
s 11 31 i4
sw 18 31 14
ne 18 31 14
sw 19 31 14
se 22 31 14
nw 23 31 14
el/a 25 3114
sw 26 31 14
nw 27 31 14
ne 29 31 14
n w 30 81 U
se 31 31 14
SW 34 31 14
s ne & ne se 11 32 14
s nw, n sw & ne se 12
32 14
80 18 32 14
sw 30 32 U
ne 31 32 14
nw 32 32 14
se 32 32 14
sw 33 32 14
lie 33 32 14
se sw. w se & sw ne
34 32 14
SO 3 33 14
n nw 4 33 14
se 6 33 14
SW 29 33 14
S SW 33 34 14
s nw & n sw 34 34 14
ne 27 25 15
nw 31 25 15
e ue 12 26 15
n ne 21. n sw 22 26 15
ne 19 28 15
sw 20 28 15
nw 8 29 15
sw 8 29 15
se 24 29 15
ne 130 15
w l 30 15
nw 3 30 15
sw 12 3u 15
nw 12 30 15
ne 14 30 15
nw 24 30 15
se 24 30 15
w nw, ne nw & nw no
27 30 15
se 2 3115
ne 31 15
sw 8 31 15
se 10 3115
e ne & sw ne 15 3115
sw 15 3115
w w 88 31 15
e sw &se nw 26, ne
nw 35 31 15
ee 35 31 15
s nw & nw nw 35 31 15
nw 1 32 15
nw sw & fw nw 2, ne
se & se nt* 3 32 15
ne 15 acres of nw 4 32
w ne & w se 14 32 15
ne 2532 15
sw nw 17, s ne & Lot
7,18 & Lot 1, 7 33 15
w nw & no nw 18 33 15
sw se 18. w ne & se
nw 19 23 15
e sw & s nw 21 33 15
ne 22 33 15, except 10
w nw, se nw & nw sw
25 33 15
n w 26 33 15
e e 35 33 15
e se 3l 34 15
s n 14 25 16
sw 13 27 16, w V% 18 27 16
se 12 27 16
s s 3 28 16
nw 10 28 16
s se. nw so & no sw 2
8>/a 3 29 16
Ii 9 29 16
n 10 20 16
sw 83 29 16
se 20 30 16
nw 28 30 16
ne 33 30 16
ne 1 3116
e nw & n ne 7 31
se 13 3116
sw 34 31 16
nw 35 31 16
e sw, nw ne & ne sw
11 32 16
e sw, nw ne sw 11 32 16
w sw, ne sw &sw nw
22 32 16
w se 14, n ne 23 33 16
se 25 33 16
sw 22 33 16
ne 25 33 16
se 26 33 16
se 29 33 16
o sw & sw sw 26, & se
se 27 83 16
s ne 29 33 16
e sw & so uw 29 & ne
nw 32 33 16
ne 32 83 16
8 nw & n sw 32 33 16
ne 35 33 16
Lot 1, Sec. 23, Lot 1.
Sec. 24, Lot 1. Sec. 26
& nw nw 25 34 16
e sw, nw se & Lot 2,
26 34 16
Lot 1 & sw nw 28 &
Lot 1 se ne 29 34 16
s sw 3 & s se 4 3117
ne .8 32 17
e nw & e sw 7 31 19
sw 6 33 14
SW 15 27 9
sw ne & so nw & no
sw & n w se 26 28 13
sw 4 30 10
s nw & e sw & sw sw
11 & e se & se ne 10 32
se 24 32 15 nw 24 32 15
ne 23 32 15 no 26 32 14
se 7 32 9
s ne & n w ne 14 3110
s se & nw se 9 28 10
sw 33 30 10
in _
Chicago Lumber Yard |
Headquarters for . . , |||
| *t- COAL -J* |
^ O. O. SNYDER* CO. |
The BEST Cheapest
If you want to buy the best Buggy, Carriage, Farm Wag
on, Spring Wagon, Road Wagon, Farm Truck, Cart, Wind
mill, Feedmill, hand or power Corn Sheller, Plow, Disc Cul
tivator, Sweeps, Stackers, Rakes, Mowers, Binders, Headers,
Threshers, Steam or Gasoline powers, call and sec
Prop. Elkhorn Valley Blacksmith, Wagon,
Carriage, Shoeing & Machine Shop.
P. S.—Just received another car of Rushford wagons,'complete stock
sizes: they are the best wagons made.
I t wish to call vour attention to |
■ W one of the finest lines of Blank- jj
ets and Comforts that has ever been I
(shown in Holt county. Our cornforts
range in prices and qualities, from $1 |
to $8; this fatter price gets a fine
down filling with mercerized cove rln g
l blankets we have everything from j
| cotton sheets to the finest wool.
_ J. P. MANN |
(Continued from Fonrth Page )
has been sold as low as one
dollar per quarter section. This
seems incredible, but they are
the facts as shown by the county
records. Thousands of acres of
land in this county the land pi
rates have obtained title to by
this method. When they have
not purchased the land at these
“public” sheriff sales they have
by this system of running up
high printer’s fees and other il
legal costs charged by the sheriff
forced the owners to let go at
very nominal figures. Once they
have title to the land they are in
position to size up the farmer’s
pile and hold him up for from
four to ten times what the land
has cost them. How many farm
ers are there in this county that
have not had similar experience
with this gang of pirates during
the last two years? Since our
expose of the methods of this
corrupt gang we have received
innumerable letters from farmers
in all parts of the county telling
of their experience in trying to
rent or buy a piece of land that
some member of the gang had
got away from them. Most of
the non-resident land owners are
not “land speculators” as the
populist press of this county
would have you believe. Most
of them are people who have
been compelled to against their
will, and in most cases would be
glad to sell at much less than
they have invested, and every
farmer knows he can deal better
with the land owners than with
the pirates.
If this system of wholesale land
grabbing continues the farmers of
this county will be at the mercy of
the gang for land on which to graze
their stock. There is only one way
to put a stop to this damnable
practice of plundering the county
and robbing people of their land,
and that is to elect the republican
ticket, which stands pledged to put
a stop to it at once.
When the Independent starts out
with a lie it continues to hold the lie
up as unvarnished truth though it is
proven a hundred times false. Not
withstanding the very plain state j
ment made by J. C. Ecker of Dixon
to the effect that Charlie Hall had
nothing to do with the getting of
that $75 from Scott, which the pop
ulist papers are earnestly seeking to
impute to Hr. Hall, the Independ
ent still claims Hall “got the mon
ey.” Does the Independent think
people believe everything the
wandering mind of its editor may
conceive? The people of Holt county
are too much imbued with the
western spirit of fair play to conte
nance such ruthless lying by voting
for* a set of fellows that resort to
such meanse of getting into office.
Mr. Ecker is himself a populist, but
not of the stripe of the O’Neill gang.
He shows a spirit of fairness and
a desire for the blame to rest only
where it belongs. And yet in the
face of this fact the desperate gang
continues to flaunt its lies before
an intelligent and truth loving
The voters of this county have, in
the person of James Holden, the
opportunity to elect a good, honest,
capable farmer to the office of
county treasurer. A man who will
not be under the influence and who
will not lend his assistance to the
corrupt gang of land pirates that
are not only robbing poor people
out of their land but plundering the
county out of thousands of dollars
of taxes.
One of the delegates from Gar
field county to the populist senator
ial convention held in O’Neill last
fall suggested “that Holt county
seemed to have been made for the
Harrington and Mullen families.”
If this system of tax foreclorure
continues much longer they certainly
will own the greater portion of it.
As Mr. Eves was not man
enough to call and pay our
taxes as he agreed if we prov
ed certain things, which we
done to the satisfaction of even
the most ardent supporter of
the gang, we have paid the
taxes ourself and hold the
treasurer’s receipt.
Now, let the members of the
land syndicate step up and pay
tbeir taxes and allow “the
school districts” to have the
use of the money they owe.
The county has not been
beat out ot a cent in tiiis trans
action, either, Mr. Eves; some
what ditferent to the gang
Four years ago the populist
papers of this county were making
the same defense for John Stewart as
to his being a sober man that they
are now making for Blackmer. The
facts are that Blackmer is as near
like John Stewart as any man in the
The gang has even taken to (juot
ing Ham Ivautzman, whom they
gave $2,000 to get him out of the
Stuart Ledger: After next week’s
paper is published, let’s all kiss and
make up.
Sorry I’m not a pop, sister.
Dr. P. N. Saltier of Norfolk was in
tbe city Wednesday and assisted by
Doctors Gilligan and Flynn performed
an operation upon John J. Harrington
for appendicitis. The patient is getting
along splendidly aud it is hoped that he
will be able to be around in a few days.
O. F. Biglin is now agent for the
Lightning—the. lion of hay presses
and persons desiring to secure supplies
for our presses can procure them from
Mr. Biglin. Kansas City Hay Press Co.
Emmet Items.
Mrs. Ashton and two sons, Ralph and
Vern, and Mr. and Mrs. Olen Baker of
O’Neill visited with Mr. and Mrs Hyatt
Mrs. Ed Welsh, who has been in Sioux
City the past week, has returned home.
Mr Freed’s having built a new barn
will give a dance in it Saturday,.October
Mr. Trauerman of Sioux City, accom
patied by some other gentleman, was
looking over his ranch southwest of here
Jerome Maring is working for Mr.
Mrs. Frank Tenborg attended the
funeral of Mrs. Sidney Smith in O’Neill
Mr. Ryans have built a new barn
on their farm.
John Maring is building a house on
one of bis father’s places.
Mrs. Fred Hitchcock,has been visiting
with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Will Hitch
cock the past few days.
Department of the Interior,
Land Oitice at O'Neill, Nebraska
October 31, 1901.
Notice is hereby given that tbe following
named settler has bled notice of Ills Inten
tion to make Huai proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore register and receiver at O’Neill, Neb.,
on December 12.1991, viz:
Joseph M. HUNTER, T. O. E. No. 6702, for
tbe NEJa see 20, twp 30 north, range 9 west.
Ho names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
Henry Ii. Sprague. Alfred C. Mohr and
Charles E. Downey, of Hamsvllle, Neb., and
Ell Trullinger of Page, Neb. 18-8np
_ S. WEEKKS, Register.
of Cod Liver Oil is the means
of life, and enjoyment of life to
thousands: men women and
When appetite fails, it re
stores it. When food is a
burden, it lifts the burden.
When youlose brings
the plumpness of health.
When work is hard and
duty is heavy, it makes life
It is the thin edge of the
wedge; the thick end is food.
But what is the use of food,
when you hate it, and can’t di
gest it?
Scott’s Emulsion of Cod
Liver Oil is thefood that makes
you forget your stomach.
If you have not tried it, send for
free sample, its agreeable taste will
Surprise vou.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists,
409 Pearl Street. New York.
5Qc. and $1.00 ; all druggists.
R. II. Jenness offers his reisdence for
sale. Call at bouse 16 tf
For farm loans, on reasonable terms
call on Elkhorn Valley Bank. 13-tf
Smoke the Shamrock, the best 6c cigar
in town. For sale by all dealers. 8-tf
Radant Home air blast—best in the
world; sold no where in the city only at
Brennan’s. _ 16-3
Teeth or photographs at Corbett’s,
16th to 30th of each month. 39tf.
Those Bed Room Heating Stoves at
Brennans are peaches--bettergetone 163
Call for the Shamrock; little, but O,
my! Best value for your nickle. For
sale by all dealers. 8-tf
Cole's Hot Blast for econemy in sav
ing fuel and holding fire over night is a
world beater; sold only at Brennan’s 16-3
LOST—Saturday, {October 19, a solid
gold Eastern Star pin. Finder will
please leave same at this office. 18 2
For Sale—Twenty head of heavy
draft horses—mars and geldings—Nor
man bred. Prices and term right.—F.
M. Harrison, O’Neill, i 12-tf
The chicken pie supper mentioned laBt
week to be given by the lad'es of the
Epuscopal church hasb een postponed—
Due notice will be given.
For Sale-Pedigreed Poland China boar
pigs. For price and other information
inquire of
18-4 G. D. Janzing, O’Neill, Neb.
Mr. and Mrs. Weingartner will give
an opening ball at their new reasturant
building in O'Neill, November 5. Every,
body oordully invited. The best of music
will be furnished. Admission 50o, sup
per 50c a couple.
There will be special services at the
Presbyterian churoh next Sunday even
ing, Novembers, at 7:30 o’clock, con
ducted by the Young People’s Society
of Christian Endeavor. Everybody
moBt cordially invited.
On Tuesday Dr. B. T. Trucblood of
O’Neill and Dr. Newell of Lvnch operat
ed on Mr. Lindbirg's daughter,removing
a quantity of dead bone from the leg.
And on Friday operated on Mrs. Bennett
of Star for appendicits. Both patients
are doing well.
R. R. Dickson, chairman Uolt county
Republican central committee, L. C.
Chapman candidate for county judge,
will speak at the following plaes.
Inman October 31
Chambers November 1
All meeting at 7:30; come and hear
a discussion of the tax lien foreclosures
as it is being carried on by the oiflcats
of Holt couuty and the land Syndicate
of O’Neill. Populists especially invited.
A peculiarly sad death occurred last
Sunday when Mrs. Eva Oreen, wife of
Guy M. Green of this city, died at the
home of her sister at Meadow Grove.
Words are but feeble instruments to ex
press the sorrow of the stricken husband
in this sad hour. Mrs. Green had gone
from her home in O’Neill for a few
week’s visit at Meadow Grove and was
taken ili soon after her arrival there.
Mr. Green was called down by telegram
and returned the following day as his
wife was improved and thought to be
getting well. Last Wednesday Mr.
Green was called down again and re
mained by her bedside until death came.
They had been married but two months
and ten days and the blow was almost
more than the husband could bear. The
funeral occurred Monday afternoon at
Meadow Grove. Mr. Green returned to
O’Neill Tuesday, accompanied by his
sister and a brother and sister of Mrs.
■■ - --—
Col. A. L.
of Valentine
will speak at 2 p.m.,
Saturday, Novem
ber 2, at the
G. A. R.
Ray Bits.
The wedding bells will soon ring.
The Atkinson Northren, and Thanks
giving next.
Hard wind storm Sunday night, but
no serious damage done.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Coburn of Phoenix
were in O’Neill Monday.
Miss Bee McGinnis is visiting Mrs.
Miss Boehme, Will Stearns and Bill
Townsend Sundayed at Master Gordon’s.
Mrs. B. A. Deyarman spent several
days visiting in O'Neill last week,
Mr. and Mrs. Sheridan Thurman are
rejoicing over a nine pound girl, born
Ootober 19.
Louis Steabner has a week’s work re
pairing bridges. Joe Bigler is helping
him this week.
R. Q. Twyford and the Miss Deyar
maus spent a very pleasant day at Mr.
W. P. Obrien's on Sunday.
G. A. Palmer and sons hauled lumber
for Will Obrien last week. He expects
to build a large barn before snow flies.
Colmer and Stella Ross drove to
Spencer Saturday afternoon, made the
editor and postmaster’s family a visit,
returning borne Monday.
The following described land in Holt
County will be offered for lease at pub
lic auction at O’Neill, Nebraska, on
Monday November 18th, at county
treasurer’s office, beginning at one P. M.
and continuing until all of said lands
have been offered. Terms of leasing
and appraised value may be had on ap
plication to this office or to county
treasurer's; and of these lands that have
been declared vacant by Board of Educa
tional Lands and Funds may be redeem*
cd if delinquencies and oosts are paid
before land is leased at auction.
N 12 and SW and N 1-2 SE 38 20 12.
all 16-27-12, all 16-28 12, N 1-2 SE and
8E SE 36-31-12, all 18-82 12, 8E 1-4 86
29-13, SW NW 18-30-13, W 1-2 NE NW
1-4, N 1-2 SW, NW 8E 36-82-18, S 1-2 8
1-2 16-33-13, all 30 33-13, all 10 28-14,8
1-2 16 33 14, N 1-2 30 33-14, all 88-29-15,
N 1-2 16-20-15, NW SE 16-33-15, all 10
26-16, all 10-20-17, 8 1-2 NW 16-25-9, SW
SE 20-26 9, N 1-2 SW and E 1-2 SE 16
27 9, SW SW 30-32-9, NE 1-4 34-28-10,
NE and 81-2 16-28-11,81-2 of N 1-2 8-28
11, SE SE 36-81-11, SW NW NW SW
SE SW 10 25 12,
Com. Pub. Lands and Bldgs.
FOR SALE—600 pure bred Rambou
ilett and Delaine rams. Are in best of
condition, 2 years old and have never
been in service.—Barto & Hoyt, Gordon,
Neb. 10-8
We’ve Two This Season.
. ■ — ■ - -
i \ both of them full of money
\ n saving items of great value
to you. _
p I