| Attempted Joke by the Witless “Poet’ Makes a bool |j
of Himself and a Robber of Three Pop Papers.
§ —County “ADVANCING” Pops Money. |
Three weeks ago The Frontier came out with two pages of “lig- |i
% gers” and bold headlines which said in loud type: “Pop papers gj
I receive $9,472.04 for printing tax lien foreclosure notices-un awful r|
I robbery.” In its last issue, ufter the Independent had repeatedly g
§ offered to pay The Frontier’s $018.9(5 delinquent tnxeH, if they j-n
s would show that Holt county had PAID ONE (JEN 1 to any of the
g populist papers for printing these notices The Frontier comes out g
^ with a great scaro head “some things presented for the intelligent [,]
S consideration of the individual voter.” j|
Under this-land caption they admit that their figures wore ex- |
I agerated, and drop the amount Holt county has paid the populist |
I papers of Holt couuty from $9,4.72.64 to the small sum of $247 in [a
the last three years for printing notices for Holt county. III. I |§|
EVEN IN THIS they have falsified. This $237 represents so |
much costs ADVANCED by Holt county for the publication of q
sheriff’s sale in the items of sheriff’s costs, on land not yet sold, gj
every dollar of which is a lien against the land in question and | j
EVERY CENT of which will be paid back when the lands are sold q
or redeemed, in fact part of this $237 has already been paid back.
Oh! How the mighty bubble has busted! $9,472.64 to $237. And |j
S now this $237 proves a fake. Oh Dennis! Oh Dickson! Get
§j back behind the scenes—everybody is laughing at you. No wonder
Ij you wouldn’t meet J. P. Mullen or Johu Trommershausser in joint t’,
g debate.
The Independent must have had a headache ever since writing ^
§j the above. Wo give it special prominence. Head it and then pj
gj paste it on the wall to refresh yourself when tired. This is the igj
S greatest peel of thunder heard from the fake mill yet and if the ij
Sj campaign run another month who can predict what would boom ij
§ from the cellar.
The Frontier charged and proved, and hereby reiterates, that |j
j| the populist newspapers have charged, as shown by their bills on g)
Ij file, all of which theyr have either RECEIVED OR IT STANDS |j
| SUM OF $9,472.04. The Frontier charged and proved, and hereby |j
1 reiterates, that in two bills filed by Sheriff Stewart and paid by ij
1 the county the populist newspapers TOOK OUT OF THE TREAS- [a
Here are the figures showing the amounts they receive, DIRECT |jj
| Holt County Independent.$0,118.64 |;
| Atkinson Plain-Dealer.2,321.50 |
6 Ewing Advocate.683.00 g
| Stuart Hearld.112-50 p
Total.$9,235.64 g
Here are the figures showing the amounts taken DIRECT FROM g
THE TREASURY after it had been paid in: |
| Holt County Independent.#78 j|
| Atkinson Plain-Dealer.87 ij
! Ewing Advocato. 72 j|
Total....- -.#237 1
i Plus amount taken before it got into treasury.9,235.64 pj
Total.$9,472.64 |j
The only difference in these two items is that the greater sum j|
! never gets into the county treasury, but is tax money held up in
the juggling process of the pirates and plunder mongers. The ■[?;
smaller sum they went directly into the treasury after.
“This $237 represents so much costs ADVANCED"! The tax Ej
I payers may want to know why the county is “advancing” money B
to the populist newspapers; they' may want to know what business |j
the populists newspapers have going to the treasury and calling j|
for an “advance,” or what business the populist officials p
have in “advancing” the peoples’ monoy. Tax payers of Holt ri
county have had a costly experience with this method of “advanc- g
i mg” the county’s money and it is time they were awakening to the j|
| fact that they are being systematically robbed by this gang of |
| bogus reformers who howl about republican thieves to detract [i
E attention from their own crookedness.
i The Independent is pleading with the voters toelect the populist g
ticket. Why? It wants a set of officers that will “advance” it |
Is money from the treasury, and it knows if republican officials are jj
ij eleoted the depth of the gang’s rottonoss will be shown up |
I I To show that the populist board of supervisors, by unanimous 4
J | vote of these present, has taken official notice of the robbery that is j
• > going on in connection with the foreclosure business we republish 4
! I the resolution passed by the board in which they administer to 4
' | county attorney Mullen a stinging official rebuke: 4
I I Whereas, It has come to the knowledge of this board that the 4
; | county attorneys, W. R. Butler and A. F. Mullen, have caused to |
■ . be published in county tax foreclosure oases notices ’costing from 4
$25 to $27; and— 4
■j; Whereas, In our opinion proper and legal notices can be publish- J
■ > ed at an expense of from $10 to $15 in each case; and— 4
! [ Whereas, Numerous complaints and protest have been made, 4
; | and in our opinion justly, against the unnecessarily long and ex- J
■ > pensive notices; and— 4
! I Whereas, Said notices as now published are an injustice to the 4
' ’ land owners, whither resident or non-resident, and a useless and
I ■ unnecessary expense to the county ns well as to the tax payers and
! I land owners, reflecting no credit on Holt county or its people; there
; ; fore be it—
* Resolved, That we do not appiove,and hereby disapprove, of the 4
! | publishing of such notices by the legal representatives of Holt 4
J J county; and be it further— 4
■ > Resolved, That our present county attorney be instructed to dis
! I continue this method of making unnecessary costs to the county,
i! its tax payers and land owners; and be it further
Resolved, That this resolution be spread upon the records and a
' I copy be served on County Attorney A. F. Mullen by the county
II clerk, <
I *44444444444
Campaign of Shame.
No Content with blackmailing
I ami assai ing the characters of honest
I men in the land of the living, the
| Independent last week went to the
j utmost depth of depravity by pub
lishing a letter written in 1891 by
Oscar Wallace of Ewing, which re
flects on no one but the writer.
Poor, crippled, kindharted Oscar
Wallace departed this life over six
years ago; and, dear reader, is there
any reason under God’s blue sky
why the gang of character assassins
should not let his ashes rest in peace?
Harrington has in his office some old
personal letters of Barrett Scott’s
that were in the treasurer’s office
and he is hawking them over the
the county and publishing them in
the papers. Shame! Shame! Mr.
Harrington! that a man posing as
a statesman should resort to this
system of blackmailing people!
Instead of letting the past bury
its dead and the bones and ashes of
Wallace rest in the grave the
gang of pirates gloat over his remains
like so many fork tailed demons
and ffiire in the faces of intelligent
men their shameful words.
.. -
An Insult
The passion and frenzy of the
populist mouthpieces knows no
bounds. Their cluims that the cattle
men will be at the mercy of the
rustlers unless Mr. Blackmer is
elected sheriff is as senseless as it is
villainous, and is nothing short of
an insult to intelligent men. Can
it be that they are so abandoned to
all sense of decency and honor as to
think that voters can be hoodwined
into believing Mr. Hall js an enemey
of law, order and the commercial
interests of the county? Mr. Hall
has been the chief peace officer of
O’Neill for several years and nobody
ever tilled that position any better.
As any member of Company M of
the Nebraska volunteers will tell you,
no officer ever ranked higher in the
estimation of a company of soldiers
than Lieutenant Hall. The Frontier
is very much mistaken in its judg
ment if the villainous attact of the
populist press is not vigorously re
buked by an overwhelming victory
for Mr. Hall.
Independent: The Frontier,
which was published a day ahead
of the Independent this week, held
up its O’Neill papers and refused to
let one out of the office for fear we
might attempt to reply to some of
the falsehoods we learu it is going
to spring this week. The Smut Mill
is afraid to show its colors. The
republican leaders are afraid to de
beate; look out for corrupt and mis
leading falsehoods in its last issue.
Thou hypocrite. The issuo of the
The Frontier is awaited week by
week with fear and trembling by the
guilty gang of pirates and plunder
mongers. Last Thursday night
while The Frontier forms were on
the press the gang had their emis
saries out t rying to get a copy that
they might lire another charge of
mud through their O’Neill fake mill
as they do every week. They even
armed one messenger with a whiskey
^ bottle,which was brandished in front
j of a window to induce the temperate
and dutiful press feeder to hand him
out a paper. Early Friday morn
ing their emissaries were again
around and after they found out
they couldn’t get a paper the fake
mill was put to press with the above
explanation of its delay. The Inde
pendent is usualey published on
Thursdays, but somehow it has
been oomiug out on Fridays and
Sutursday slately.
Give Up Battle
The populist have given up
all hopes of electing either Black
mer or Trommerhausser. When the
pop gang in O’Neill refuse to bet on
their candidates you may know they
have given up hopes. There was
§500 posted in both Atkinson and
[ O'Neill this week that Hall and Gil
; more would bo elected but none of
[ the populist strategy board wanted
! to take any of it. Dick Johnson of
‘ Stuart though he wanted §100 of it
J and put up a §10 forfeit, the re
maining §00 to be put up by last
Monday night. He concluded, how
ever, to not risk it, so forfeited the
Trom’s Polices
The Independent is having weekly
lobor pains in an effort to make the
voters of the county beleive that
John Tromtnerhausser has been a
good populist for these many years,
when the facts are he has been a
chronic office seeker on the republi
can ticket or an applici ut for same
federal appointment all the time.
In 1894 he was a candidate for the
legislator and was defeated by John
Robinson. Not satilied with the
decision of the voters of the county
that he would not be a good man to
send to the legislature, he contested
Robinson’s election alleging fraud
in Grattan township Bnd said the
bd-m Irish had counted him out.”
He was again a candidate for the
legislature in 1896 and got *40 of
the state money from Joe Bartley
which he still has. He was over
whelmingly defeated in this cam
paign by Mr. Peck, 'i’rom then
though he ought to be appointed to
a consulship at Lipsic, Germany, by
President McKinley, and because
President McKinley did not think
him the proper man to appoint, Trom
then concluded that his chaoses
for getting office was better in the
ranks of popism in this county,
hence his candidacy for county clerk
on tho populist ticket at this time.
A Gentlemanly Act
Stuart Ledger: Oao of the worst,
things the populist county papers
can say about Prof. Cahill is that he
spoke well of his opponent,Mr. Nor
vell, iu his acceptance speech made
before the republican county con
vention. Now, this is much to Mr.
Cahill’s credit. It is the mark of a
gentleman and an honest man to
treat an opponent fairly. Only a
gorilla, a crazy woman and Indians
thow missies from ambush. The
Ewing Advocate printed a whole
column of scurrilous matter accusing
Prof. Chill of having no education,
business ability, or property in this
couuty. Every sentence uttered
was false. Prof. Cahill owns the
house he lives iu and rents another
dwelling in the north part of town.
He is a member of the Merchants
association, an organization to which
not a half dozen men in the county
belong. In his two years work in
the Stuart schools, ho has brought
the school up to a higher grade and
better discipline than any town from
O’Neill to Ainsworth.
Thief Only Borrows
In hu attempted “explanation”
last week the Independent says the
county simply “advanced” the costs
of printers’ fees collected in county
foreclosure cases. Eves lirst denied
that the county had paid any print
ers’ fees and when The Frontier
proved to the contrary by certificates
from County Clerk Leis, he (Eves)
then says that the money was simply
“advanced” by the county to the
printers and that they will “pay it
back”—some day.
On this principle of reasoning, a
horse theif who enters the barn of a
fanner in the dead hour of night and
takes the famer’s horse, the farmer
simply “advances” his horse to tho
thief, and the thief is to return it
some day—if caught. Any horse
thief, when caught, is willing to re
turn the stoleu horse, if let go un
---- -
Stands by Statement
Chambers Bugle: What appear
ed in the Bugle two weeks ago in re
gard to the part taken by Thommer
hausser in the division of the appro
priation for fair purposes, in which
wo stated that Trommerhausser
agreed to pay over one half of tho
appropriation to the Chambers fair
association provided he was allowed
to draw the nmouut in the name of
the Elkborn Valley association. We
repeat that this was the agreement.
William Lell and L. G. Lambert
said to ns after reading tho article
in the Bugle that it was perfectly
correct, and added that we had not
put the matter severe enough.
Messrs. Lell and L. G. Lambert are
men who are noted for their honor
and they are with us in that matter.
As to what was done with tho amount
that tho Chambers fair was to have
received, we do not pretend to say.
The four pop papers of Holt couuty answer the charges we 63
I’, are shaking in the teeth of the hypocritical pirates by shouting gi
ijjdl “Liar” ! “Thief defender” ! “Sewer of corruption” ! etc., at gjjji
The Frontier.
The Frontier challenges the four pop papers or any of their isf
fill attorney-at-law campaign writers to show to the people of Holt |||
county that The Frontier has misquoted the public records in |||
(p?j one instance except that S. B. Howard had tiled no bond; it
challenges them or any populist in Holt county to disprove any G3
| charge we have made against the gang that dominates their jjjjjjjj
0. party or any charge against Sheriff Stewart or other county
||d officers. f3
anybody defend them. ^ p
For the purpose of showing
the absolute untruthfulness of the
claim of the populist papers and
gang of land pirates that they are
only commencing foreclosure pro
ceedings against land on which
there are large sums of delin
quent tax, we publish below
thirty-three cases out of the hun
dreds of similiar ones, showing^
the delinquent tax due when suit
was commenced by the county
and the printers’ fees collected.
The following is a lisL showing fl
name of defendant, number o£ |
case, numbers of land, amount of
tax due, printer’s fee collected
and to whom paid:
lax rnnrer s
Plaintiff. Defendant. Land. Involved. Fee. To Whom Paid
Warner SW, 8-32-14 19.29 20.00
Brown NE NE. 23, NW NW, .Eves *20
24-33-14 21.21 17.50 Henry
“ Butterfield E% SW, 22-30-9 39.60 37.00 Henry *25. Woods *12
“ Dorsey NE, 33-2S-13 27.07 .
“ Dorsey SE, 20-28-13 10.28 . '
“ Carr Sy2 NW, Ny2 SW, ']
20-30-9 7.81 13.00 .Henry
“ Clark SW, 13-29-13 11.12 10.00 .Eves
“ Scheiner SE SW, Sy2 SE, 15-32-10 2G.G9 20.00 .Eves
ltoose Sy. NE. 20-30-14 15.00 12.50 .Eves
“ Gibson NE, 18-32-14 25.82 17.50 .Eves .
“ llayden SW, 23-32-14 27.84 17.50 ...Woods *9, Eves *10
“ lviuney SE, 7-29-12 21.71 19.00 .Eves
“ Bliven NE, 33-32-15 57.44 39.50 .Henry ,
“ Breen N'/2 NE, SW NE.
17-32-15 33.20 27.00 .Henry
“ Wallace NE, 29-31-12 17.81 10.00 .Eves
“ tsimpson NE, 13-28-9 14.00 7.50 .Henry
Allen NW, 23-29-14 48.91 34.00 .Henry
•• Kilpatrick SW, 1-30-1.0 15.03 .
Lindeborn SW, 14-31-12 16.35 10.00 .Henry/"* ’
" McEvoney E% NE. W% NW,
4-28-11 10.79 22.50 .. .Eves *10. Woods »i >
- Stewart SW, 8-27-12 26.62 19.00 .EvesSlii
Franklin Ny, S*S. 12-20-14 9.00 10.00 Henry *12.50, Eyes *12
Fisher SW, 31-25-12 13.40 24.50 ......Henry
Fernite SW, 25-32-14 6.35 7.50 .Heirfy
Crimes NE, 18-27-10 16.40 7.50 .Eves
“ Brmkle SE SE. 6. NE NE, 7,
N% NW, 8-27-12 14.36 20.00 Henry
“ Chase EC. NE. 22-27-12 18.01 15.00 .Eves
Cole SW. 6-28-11 12.45 10.00 .Eves
Ellis SC, NC., 5-29-11 8.05 10.00 .Eves
“ Bowden EC. W'i, 21-26-14 8.26 24.50 .Heny
“ Taylor NW SW, S’/2 SW,
6-31-12 9.70 12.50 Eves
Shellhase NE, 4-30-14 20.42 19.00 .Henry i
“ Pease SW, 15-29-13 14.04 10.00 .Eves
Totals.*651 35 $523
From the above it will be seen
that there was delinquent on the
33 quarter sections—5280 acres—
$651.35, on a average of $19.77
per quarter section, and in the
collection of the same, there was
paid by the land owners and tax
payers of this county, the sum of
$523 as “printers’ fees” to the
populist papers of this county. In
view of this, is it at all strange,
Mr. Tax Payer, that the populist
paess of this county are such
earnest advocates of this foreclos
ure system of, collecting delin
quent taxes?
An examintion of the records
will show that not one single tract
of the above described land is
owned by a loan company which
the land pirates talk so much
about. In each case the land is
owned by individuals,and in many
cases by women, who have their
all invested in the land. Because
they have suffered one year’s
taxes to becoms delinquent,
.through perhaps an over sight or
the neglect of some agent to pay
the taxes, or perhaps through
their inability to raise the money
with which to pay, their land is
taken from them without their
knowledge by the conspiracy
existing between the county
sheriff, the county attorney, the
populist papers and the most
corrupt gang of lawyers and
real estate men that any com
munity was ever cursed with.
As before stated, the the tax
es on the 33 quarters was
$651.35, which amount is not
half the delinquent taxes owed
Holt county by M. F. Harring
ton, yet he has the supreme
gall to face the intellegent voters
of this county and talk of “lax
shirkers.” If Harrington, Blr.'k
mer, Trommerhausser and their
ilk of bogus reformers that owe
their delinquent taxes for the
past seven years, would pay
their taxes, the tax burdens of
the farmers who do pay their
taxes would be much less. We
have charged and proven to the
satisfaction of every intelligent
voter whp has carefully read our
exposition of the operation of
the land syndicate that the forej^
closurer system was not in
agurated in this county for the
purpose of collecting delinquent •
taxes but for the purpose of j
premitting the corrupt gang of j
land pirates to rob poor people |
of their lands. An examination
of the above described lands will
show that with hut few excep
tions the land is of good quality
and worth from $300 to $1,600
a quarter. So thoroughly are thsp
land pirates organized that they
know nearly every tract of land
that is of any value lying near j
some farmer whom they think ^
has any use for it. The land '
syndicate then watches the land j
and if one year’s taxes become J
delinquent the syndicate has th<?-jH
county attorney commence fore- : 1
closure proceeding and run up
unnecesssary costs so high that if
the non-resident owner does get
knowledge of the action against
his land, he is loath to pay the
excessive costs to redeem his
land, and the land syndicate
man makes him a nominal offer j
for a deed and usually gets the i
land in this way at a very
small figure. Where the owner
gets no knowledge of the action
against his land, the sheriff ap
praises the land at a very low
figu e and then the land pirates
[buy the And at the foreclosure
sale at their own price.
(Continued on Fifth Page.)