The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 24, 1901, Image 3
From Their Hades Correspondent. Five Philadelphia saloonkeepers have been startled recently through tho receipt of letters from Hades. The signature to each letter is the same; it is that of a young man who died, some few months ago, of alcoholism. The handwriting is also the same, a hand slanting to the left, and consid erably disguised, though the saloon keepers think they recognize it as the handwriting of a certain church dea con. Here is a sample which the Rec ord gives of the silly letters that have worried not a little the five saloon keepers: “Hell, Oct. 1, 1901. “Dear Henry:—It is hot down here, and I have not yet got accustomed to • the heat. This is absetos paper I am writing on. Henry, I am waiting im patiently for you to join me. You will some day; there is no fear of that. The boss, Mr. Beelzebub, says so. Mr. Beelzebub is very fond of you. He tells me you and the other men in your business send him more people than any other men in the world. I know you sent me here, Henry.” England now has seven admirals of the fleet and nine field marshals. Are Yon Using: Allen’s Foot-Ease ? It is the only cure for Swollen, Smarting, Burning, Sweating Feet. Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen’s Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. He who does the best he knows al ways has a duty in sight. Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 14.—People who have headaches know what they are. and those who t»ke Garfield Headache Pow ders know how completely and how quick ly they can be cured. This remedy Is pe culiarly adapted to the needs of nervous women. Most any criminal could prove him self innocent, if his own testimony went at par. IRONING A SHIRT WAIST. Not infrequently a young woman finds it necessary to launder a shirt waist at home for some emergency when the laundryman or the home ser vant cannot do it. Hence these direc tions for ironing the waist: To iron summer shirt waists so that they will look like new it is needful to have them starched evenly with Defiance starch, then made perfectly smooth and rolled tight in a damp cloth, to be laid away two or three hours. When ironing have a bowl of water and a clean piece of muslin beside the iron ing board. Have your iron hot, but not sufficiently so to scorch, and abso lutely clean. Begin by ironing the back, then the front, sides and the sleeves, followed by the neckband and the cufTs. When wrinkles appear ap ply the damp cloth and remove them. Always iron from the top of the waist to the bottom. If there are plaits In the front iron them downward, after first raising each one with a blunt knife, and with the edge of the Iron follow every line of stitching to give it distinctness. After the shirt waist is Ironed it should be well aired by the fire or in the sun before It is folded and put away, says the Philadelphia Inquirer. Sometimes it is hard to tell a long faced crank from a long-headed sage. Libhy& lum lidding In order. With the frott come, i the appetite for hearti er table daintier Why spend time and labor when LIBBY’S . .eta Flu Foddines are so delicious, pure, whole some, and so easily secured? Ask your grocer. They are among the best of LIBBY’S NATURAL FLAVOR FOOD PRODUCTS. Put up In convenient size key-opening cans. Our lit tle book “How to Make Good Things to Eat,” is free. Writ# for it. Libby’s Atlas of the World mailed anywhere for five 2-ceut stamps. LIBBY, McNEILL & LIBBY, CHICAGO, ILLS. ( [WWlSA SLICKER? IF IT KARS THIS TRAPB MARK •*0WEity I -"MPUpw . ..,,. °,ihsObT C;r^^r,Tljrti wtSAow^SSSS TAKE NO CATALOGUES PREC SHOWING PULL UNE OP GARMENTS AND NATS. A. J.TOWER CO.. POSTON. MASS.4® ARE YOU INTERESTED IN (invested wfthout HAVING A LITTLE MONEY MK83X a permanent cash income, bigger every week than a whole year’s legal interest upon the same amount? If so, send your name and address. No Speculation or Gambling Scheme but legitimate business. First-class references in unv part of the United States. E. J. Arnold & Co., lienoist Building, St. Louis, Mo. HDODQV NEW DISCOVERY; gives 1^1% wr I quick relief and cures worst cases. Book of testimonials and io DATS* treatment VUL DR. U. H. GREEN’S SONS. B®* R. AtlaeU. Qa. Thompson's Evo Wstor THE LIVE STOCK MARKET. Latest Quotations From South Onialia and Kansas City. SOl'TH OMAHA. Cattle—There was another liberal run of cattle, so that the receipts for the three days are considerable in excess of the supply for the same days last week. Packers were ail liberal buyers of good stuff, so that the market on most lines was fairly active and not much change was noticeable in the prices paid. There were quite a few corn-feds offered on the market, and anything at all desirable met with ready sale at fully steady prices. A string of seventy-six head sold as high as $6.25. which was considered a good, steady price. There were a good many stockers and feeders on sale, but th€* good to choice kinds sold at steady prices. Cat tle lacking quality, however, and the me dium weights were neglected, and in some cases, perhaps, sold a shade lower than yesterday. There were a good many west ern beef steers offered, and as the de mand on the part of packers was in good shape the market ruled active and steady to strong on desirable kinds. Common stuff also moved better than yesterday and sold at good, steady prices. Cows sold all the way from steady to 10c lower. Stockers and feeders brought steady prices if they were good and were a little weak when the quality was com mon. Hogs—The light receipts of hogs con tinued and under the influence of a good demand prices improved a little. The market opened a strong 2%c higher, and in some cases 5c higher. The bulk of the bogs sold at $6.20 and $6.22%, with the bet ter grades from $6.25 to $6.40. Some of the commoner kinds went from $6.17% down. At those prices the hogs changed hands quite rapidly and it was not long before the bulk of the offerings was out of first hands. Sheep—The' supply of sheep in sight was quite liberal, but the bulk of the receipts at this point was made up of feeders. The fat ones sold at right around steady prices, as packers seemed to want all that were offered. Fat lambs were also scarce, but the market could safely be quoted steady. The demand for feeders was fully equal to the supply and strong prices were paid. KANSAS CITY. Oaltle—Steady; choice export and butch ers’ steers, J5.80@1i.40; fair to good, $4,850 5.75; stockers and feeders, $3.0004.30; western fed, $4.7596.00; cows, $2.6004.15; heifers, J2.7505.25; canners, $1.5002.50; calves, $3.0006.00. Hogs—Market 10c higher; bulk of sales and mixed. $6.0006.40; heavy, $6.4006.43; light, $5.5006.30; pigs. J4.4O0-5.4O. Sheep—Steady; lambs, $4.0005.05: weath ers, $3.2503.65; ewes, $2.7503.50; feeders and stockers, $2.5003.25. REPORT ON LABOR DISPliTES. Machinery for Settling Differences Inade qnate for the Work. WASHINGTON, Oct. 19—The indus trial commission today made public its report on labor disputes and arbitra tion. It is a comprehensive document reviewing the testimony of the wit nesses who have appeared before the commission on the subject and takes up in detail the evidence on collective bargaining, conciliation and arbitra tion and the laws and court decisions governing labor combinations. Local systems of collective bargaining and agreements between employes, it is stated, have been most highly devel oped in the building trades, the brew ery, boot and shoe, banking, wood working and metal working trades, some branches of the clothing trade and in the transportation business; in other words, where both employers and employes are strongest organized. Py far the larger number of written agreements prescribing the conditions of labor are made between organiza tions of working men on one side and employers acting individually on the other. There is a growing movement in favor of the collective bargaining, conciliation and arbitration as between organizations of employers and em ployes, covering an industry through out the country or throughout large sections where the conditions of busi ness are generally similar. A growing movement is noted to ward establishing state anl local ma chinery for arbitration in the bitu minous coal industry, where there is now, at least in most districts, no ef fective method of disposing of the mi nor disputes which arise from time to time. In this trade there is especially no permanent joint committee of the entire central competitive field to which differences are taken. Systems of arbitration as to specific disputes have been, however, established in a formal manner and on a national scale in stove molding, of which the foun dry, the machinists (now not in exist ence) and the printing trades. The state boards of arbitration are doing much toward furthering industrial peace. Chronic Anarchy In MacedouU. NEW YORK, Oct. 19.—The Balkan states correspondent of the Times re ports a state of chronic anarchy in Macedonia owing to the lawlessness of Albanians, whose attitude toward the Christian population is worse than that of the Kurds toward the Ar menians. liolomen Continue Active. MANILA, Oct. 19.—Five hundred bo lomen attacked a detachment of forty six men of the Ninth infantry at Bangajon, on the Gandara river, island of Samar, killing ten and wounding six. The remainder of the company arrived in time to prevent further slaughter and routed the enemy, kill ing over 100 of them. It is believed that the enemy only retired for rein forcements. As soon as the news was received gunboats were dispatched. NOTHING EQUALS St. Jacob's Oil. For Rheumatism, Gout, Sciatica. S’euralgia, Cramp. Pleurisy, Lumbago, Sore Throat, Bronchitis, Soreness, Bruises, Toothache, Headache, Back iche, Feetache, Pains in the Chest. Pains in the Back, Pains in the Shoul iers, Pains in the Limbs, and all bod ily aches and pains, it acts like magic. Safe, sure and never failing. Wise men of ancient times were probably no wiser than other men, but they talked less. ARE YOllR CLOTHES FADED T Use Red Cross Ball Blue and make the.*> white again. Large 8 oz. package, 5 cents. If a hammock is hung, somebody will swing for it. Brooklyn, N. Y., Oct. 14.—The value of Garfield Tea, the herb medicine. Is sug gested by these facts: It Is a specific for all diseases of the liver, kidneys, stom ach and bowels: it purifies the blood and lays the foundation for health. The average man makes too much difference twixt his politics and his religion. How trivial everything in life seemt; when we stand face to face with death. Hows Tills? We otter One Hundred Dollars reward for any rase of t'atarrh that car.aot be cured by Hair's Catarrh Cure. P- J. CHENEY & CO.. Props.. Toledo, C. We. the undersigned, hove known p. J. Cheney for the last 15 voars and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transact ions and financially able to carry out any obliga tions made by their firm. West «&. Trim*. Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, p.; Walding. Klanan & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo. Ohio. Hairs Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act ing direct, v upon the blood mul mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price ilk* per bottle. Sold by all druggists. Hall's Family Pills are ihe best. INSIST ON GETTING IT. Some grocers say they don’t keep De fiance Starch. This is because they have a stock on hand of other brands contain ing only 12 oz. In a package, which they won’t be able to sell first, because De fiance contains 16 oz. for the same money. Do you want 16 oz. Instead of 12 oz. for same money? Then buy Defiance Starch. Requires no cooking. For tall, slender figures a twice around sash of white chiffon or crepe de chine, deeply fringed at the ends. Is still the prevailing feature of their evening gowns. Prejudice and self-sufficiency usual ly proceed from inexperience of the world and ignorance of mankind. If you wish beautiful, dear, white clothe* use Red Cross Hall Blue. Large 2 oi. package, 5 cents. Australia has more than 1,000 news papers. If everyone knew how good a remedy was Hamlin’s Wizard Oil its sales would double in a day. Airing your doubts in tae pulpit is attempting to feed God's flock on fog. “All Wright formore than Half a Century." McMUNN’S ELIXIR OF OPIUM Possesses all the sedative and anodyne qualities of Opium, but produces no sickness of the stomach. In acute nervous disorder* It Is an Invaluable Remedy. Recommended by best Physicians. WRIGHT S INDIAN VEGETABLE PILL CO.. New York. B^^^^^^Full-8l»e Phelos Brown's Great Remedy for Fits. Epilepsy and all Nervous Diseases. Address ^ O. PIIKLPS BROWN. OS Broadway, Newburgh. N.Y. ^ linn ii—a— WINCHESTER "NEW RIVAL” FACTORY LOADED SHOTGUN SHELLS outshoot all other black powder shells, because they are made better and loaded by exact machinery with the standard brands of powder, shot and wadding. Try them and you will be convinced. dLLL ♦ REPUTABLE ♦ DEALERS » KEEP * THEM [I NOV. 30™ 1 FROM STA R “HORSESHOE* “SPEARHEAD “STANDARD NAVY’ J.T. PIPER HEIDSIECK" BOOTJACK "DRUMMOND"NATURAL LEAF "OLD PEACH&HONEY” “NOBBY SPUN ROLL" JOLLY TAR “E. RICE.GR EENVILLE" GRANGERTWIST . 2 Smote Twist Tass being equal to one ofothers mentioned. r “Good Luck,” “Cross Bow,” “Old Honesty,” “Master Workman,” “Sickle,” “Brandywine,” “Planet,” “Neptune,” “Razor,” “Tennessee Cross Tie,” “ Ole Varginy.” 3 TAQ5 MAY. BE ASSORTED IN SECURINO PRESENTS. Our new illustrated CATALOGUE OF PRESENTS FOR 1902 ^will include many article* not ahown here. _ It will contain the ^most attractive List of Presents ever offered for Tags, and will be sent by mail on receipt of postage—two cents. (Catalogue will be ready for mailing about January 1st, 1902.) t-) .Our offer of Presents for Tags will expire Nov. 30th, 1903. CONTINENTAL TOBACCO COMPANY. Write your name and address plainly on outside of packages containing Tags, and send them and requests for Presents to c. Hy. BROWN, 424-1 Folsom Ave., St. Louis, Mo. I 1902. I | ■ me tags. ml sees eeuc* roe net cut tobacco euirr* mart tost ns' femes \ '■