The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 10, 1901, Image 7

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    15he Scourge I A Story of I J
the E&st...
o/Da^rrve^scvis Bv
Copyrighted 18>t by Robert Bonner'* Sons.
CHAPTER XIX—(Continued.)
He had taken her hand and was
raising it to his lips; but she sud
denly drew it from him.
"No! no! no!” she murmured.
“Pardon, lady. I meant no offense."
The tone was one of grief.
"Oh—Julian! Julian! Leave me not
She rested her freed hand upon his
arm and gazed up into his face. Her
eyes were streaming with tears and
her bosom heaved convulsively.
“Julian!—O, in this hour of helpless
ness and need I turn to thee with all
my trust and faith. If the love of this
poor heart is worth the cherishing,
take it. and keep it always. 1 have no
power—I have no choiee. The light
of thy face, beaming in love upon me.
reveals to me that I am bound to thee
by chains which I cannot break.”
She rested her head upon his bosom;
and he, winding his stout arms about
her, pressed her to his heart as a treas
ure the most precious that earth could
The sun sank to its evening rest,
and the shades of twilight deepened
over the river and over the grove.
The stars came out, one by one, in
their celestial stations, and anon the
silver moon, lifting its face above the
hills of Hobah, cast its soft light, into
the vale. Still the lovers sat beneath
the orange tree; and there they might
have sat late into the night, had not
Osmir come to interrupt them.
What did the guard want at that
hour and In that place. He sought his
master. Julian arose and went to him
and they whispered hurriedly togeth
er; and then Ulin was sure that she
heard the Arabs mentioned.
“Ulin,” said the chieftain, coming
back and taking her hand, “you might
go with me to the cave. I am called
in another direction.”
“What is it? You tremble. Ah,
Julian—there is danger."
“No. no, sweet love; harbor not that
fear. I go to ward off danger. O, I
have something more than life to care
for now.”
At this point Selim came running
up. all out of breath; but before he
could speak his master stopped him.
“I understand, good Selim. Osmir
has told me—”
"But—my master—”
"in a moment. Wait till I come
And thus speaking Julian led the
maiden to the cave.
"Excuse me now,” he said, raising
her hand to his lips. “I will be back
shortly. You will not fear?”
A Ring’s Story.
The first person whom Ulin met
after entering the cave was Ezabel,
who stood by a table upon which a
lamp was burning.
“My dear child,.! was just coming
in search of you. We were anxious.
What—have you been in tears? Ulin,
what is it? What has happened?”
The maiden, in memory of the great
event of the evening, forgot the cause
of fear that had been with her. It
was a secret she could not keep—a se
cret she had no wi6h to keep: and
resting her head upon Ezabel's shoul
der. she told tne story of her love.
“Dearest Ulin." said the aged ma
tron. kissing the maiden upon the
brow, “he is worthy of the trust you
have reposed in him!”
At that moment Albia come in from
the grove where she had been in
search of her mistress; and very soon
see, too, had heard the story. She
gazed into Uliri’s face a moment, and
then, with a tear glistening in her eye,
she murmured:
“I shall be very happy now, for
henceforth I can serve and love you
As Albi: spoke, and before any reply
could be made, Julian came hurrying
into the cave. He was much excited
and Ben Hadad saw a fear upon his
face such as had never been seen there
“My son.” spoke the hermit; “what
means this? Your manner betokens
“And there is danger.” cried the
young chieftain, moving instinctively
to Ulin’s side. “I fear that I have been
much to blame. I should have been
warned by the words of Osmir and
Selim. Those two Arabs have evident
ly discovered our abiding place.”
"Well—and what then?” asked Ben
I think tney have brought a large
force against us.”
“What—of Arabs? Do they mean to
rob us?”
'Perhaps,” suggested Abia. "they
hope to recapture what they have
Ulin moved to Julian's side, and
leaned upon his stout arm. He kissed
her upon the brow and bade her be
of good courage; and then he said to
the others, in answer to what had been
"I fear the truth has not yet been
hit. If the Arabs are coming, as I
apprehend, there may be another solu
tion to the problem. Those two ras
cals who escaped us could easily have
followed us to this place. We were
not looking for such a thing, and so
did not guard against it. They knew
that the maiden who had been
snatched from them was the daughter
of the klng'3 prime minister; and may
they not have known that she was the
king's affianced? At all events, it is
net unreasonable to suppose that they
may have anticipated some gain of re
ward by carrying intelligence to Aboul
Cassem. If they have done this, then
they must also have revealed the
whereabout of the Scourge of Damas
A low cry of pain from Ulin told
how directly the fear had touched her;
and again her lover sought to calm
“We must leave this place,” he said,
"and seek shelter in the wood. You
and I and Albia will go, and the guards
will join us outside. 1 know where
there is safety, so have no fear. Should
the rascals come they will not harm
these old people; they will not dare to
do it.”
Ulin had drawn a mantle about her
shoulders, and Julian had turned to
speak apart with Ben Hadad, when
Osmir came rushing into the cave,
with terror depicted most painfully
upon his ebon features.
“They are coming!” he cried. “They
have sprung upon us from a hidden
Who are coming?"
“They are the king's soldiers, led
by the captain, Benoni!"
On the next instant the clash of
arms was heard at the entrance.
“Back, back, sweet love,” said Ju
lian, gently pushing the maiden to
wards her chamber. “There may yet
be hope.”
He grasped a sword as he spoke, and
leaped toward the entrance; but he
was too late. Already a score of arm
ed men were rushing in. a number of
them bearing flaming torches in their
“Come, good Osmir." the chieftain
cried, bracing himself for the work.
“Capture for us is certain death. We
can do no better than to sell our lives
One—two—three—four of the royal
soldiers fell beneath the lightning-like
strokes of Julian’s trenchant blade;
and in the same time Osmir had slain
two; but it was not in the roll of fate
that two were to overcome the force
that came pouring into the cave. A
flaming torch was hurled upon the
chieftain, and while he staggered be
neath the blinding stroke he was
drawn over backwards and his arms
quickly pinioned. The next move
ment was to secure Ulin and Albia,
after which Ben Hadad and Ezabel
were taken.
“Will you lay violent hands upon
me?” demanded the hermit.
“I am ordered to bring you all be
fore the king.” replied Benoni; “all
whom I might find in this cave. I
mean to offer you no harm, so if you
have complaint to make, save it for
those who command me.”
While the captain was searching
other apartments, to see if more pris
oners were to be found, Julian felt a
hand laid upon his shoulder, and on
looking up he beheld Judah.
“So, my noble chieftain, you are
fast once more. The guard played us
false, it seems, and I came near losing
my head in consequence; but my royal
master will pardon me when he sees
you again.”
Innocence of Helen.
The king of Damascus had grown
very old and very sour within those
last few days. Rage and chagrin had
so shaken his frame that he seemed
stricken with palsy; and his voice,
from its howlings and moanings, had
become hoarse and cracked. But he
had promise of sweet revenge. His
soldiers were upon the track of the
fugitives, and he believed they would
bring them back. O, how he would
gloat over the sufferings of his vic
tims when they came within his
“I tell thee, Aboul Cassem," he said,
addiessing his minister, "the fair, frail
Ulin must suffer for this. She is no
longer your child; I shall not regard
her as such.
Aboul bowed his head, and answered
that he was content.
Omar could not help noticing that
his friend was in trouble, and he took
the liberty to ask what had gone
“Alas!" cried Horam. “everything
goes wrong." And he told how he had
put away all his wives for the daugh
ter of Aboui Cassem, and how she had
betrayed him and fled from him. And
then he told how he had once captur
ed his dreaded enemy, the Scourge of
Damascus, and how the prize had
slipped through his fingers by means
of the treachery of his slaves.
"By my life,” exclaimed Omar, “you
have been most sorely afflicted.”
“But the worst Is yet to be told,"
pursued Horam, clenching his hands,
and gnashing his teeth. “The robber
and the lady Ulln went off on the
same night, and I have every reason
to believe that she corrupted my
slaves to set him free. In fact, I am
sure she did. I think they will be all
within my power by tomorrow. O,
Omar, you have known much of my
sorrow. I have grown old since we
last met—very old. In years I am but
the passing of two harvests ahead of
you; but in trial and trouble I have
left you far behind. The last time you
were in Damascus the first great trial
of my life came upon me. You remem
ber it.”
"Of what do you speak?”
“Why—of my wife—of the first wife
! ever had—of her whom I made my
■'l>o you mean the I.ady Helena?"
"To be sure 1 do. Mercy! have you
“No," said Omar, shaking his head
“I remember Helena very well. She
was the most bautiful woman I ever
"And as false as she was beauti
ful,” added Horam.
"Is it possible? r did not think she
would come to that."
“How!" exclaimed the king of Da
mascus. "Does your memory fail
"What mean you, Horam? My mem
ory is good."
"Then why do you wonder when l
speak of the faithlessness of my first
queen? Was it not yourself that gave
to me the proofs of her infidelity? Did
you not show to me that she had
"You speak in riddles.” said the
king of Aleppo. "I remember that we
once suspected the young queen of be
stowing her love upon a captain of
your guard—I think hfs name was Ja
"Yes," responded Horam. “Jabal was
the man. and I slew him. It was your
evidence that convicted both him and
“And was the queen guilty after
“Guilty after that?" repeated Ho
ram. slowly and irresolutely. “What
mean you? Do you imagine that I
allowed her to live to commit more
"In mercy’s name,” cried Omar,
“what do you mean by this speech? Do
you remember Sanballad and Ben
"Yes," replied Horam. "They were
two of my chamberlains, who accom
panied you to Aleppo at the time of
which we have spoken.”
"No," said Omar, "they did not quite
go to Aleppo. I sent them back be
fore I reached my capital. They
brought to you my message?"
"I never saw them again after they
went away with you,” returned Ho
"Never—saw—them. Good spirits of
mercy! Are you in earnest. Horam?”
"Aye. If they started on their return,
they must have been robbed and kill
ed, for I never saw them after they
left in your retinue.”
The king of Aleppo clasped his
hands in agony.
“0, Horam! Horam!" he exclaimed,
“what a fearful mistake was that!
Bear with me—forgive me!”
“What is It, Omar?”
“Your beautiful queen was inno
innocent: gasped Horam, starting
to his feet, and then sinking hack
“Yes, my brother,” replied Omar, in
trembling tones, “she was as innocent
as in that natal hour when first she
rested upon her mother’s bosom. At
Balbec we found a woman whom
some of my officers brought before me
supposing her to be the queen of Da
mascus. She was very beautiful, and
so nearly did she resemble the queen,
Helena, that even I was at first de
ceived. Her name was Jasmin, and
she told me that she had just f.ed
from Damascus and was waiting for
her lover to join her. She said that
Jabal was her lover, and that he was
a captain of Horam’s guard. The
truth flashed upon me in a moment. I
conversed with her until I had gained
her whole story; and then I knew that
your queen was innocent. It was all
proved to me, as clear as the sun at
noonday. At first I had a thought of
returning myself, and bearing to you
the joyful tidings; but business urged
me on, and I sent Sanballad and Ben
“And they did not come!” uttered
Horam, with his hands working ner
vously in his bosom. “They did not
come—and my queen died.”
“God forgive me!” ejaculated Omar.
"I would have given my own life—
(To be continued.)
_. *
Whllt He Might Do.
The custom of preserving the busi
ness name of a firm years after the
founders have passed away or disap
peared finds its reproof in a story re
lated by the New York Evening Post.
A young man who was sent out to
canvass leading lawyers in a certain
interest, entered the office of a firm of
great prominence and said: “I should
like to see Mr. M.—” mentioning the
first name of the firm. “Very sorry,
sir, but Mr. M. has been dead three
years,” was the anbwer. “Well, in
that case I should like to see Mr. N.”
—the second name of the firm. “Mr.
N. retired from the firm over a year
ago,” said the clerk with a smile. “In
deed; then may I see Mr. 0.”—the last
name of the three. “Mr. O.,” rtjplied
the clerk, “sailed last week for Eu
rope, and won’t be back for a month
yet; is there anything I can do for
you?" "There is.” answered the can
vasser, with the utmost suavity; “some
day when you have time you might
bring the firm name up to late.”
Are not all true men that live or
that ever lived soldiers of the same
army, enlisted under heaven's cap
taincy, to do battle against the same
enemy—the empire of Darkness and
Wrong? Why should we misknow
one another, fight not against the ene
my. but against outselves, from mere
difference of uniform?—Carlyle.
Read not much at a time, but medi
tate on what you read, as much as
your time, capacity and disposition
will give you leave, ever remembering
that little reading and much thinking,
little speaking and much hearing, fre
quent and short prayers, and great de
votion, is the best way to be wise, to
be holy, to be devout.—Bishop Jeremy
mim muniimT itaiij ||^|
Party Issues and Merits of Candidates
Now Under Discussion.
Kovnlutionv lij the Union t eternne or
Lincoln—Yellow .lonrnellsm KounolT
Denounced—One. Saves* on th* tail
■ luallon of President McKinley.
, With the nomination of the two state
tickets it is only reasonable to pre
sume that the fall campaign is on and
that until the polls close the public
mind will be more or less engrossed
in the discussion of party issues and
personal merits of the candidates.
Realizing that the supreme court fs
a court of las; resort and is a tribunal
often called upon to determine titles
to property, damages, and is not in
frequently required to determine con
troversies involving human life an1
other very important questions, the
republicans very wisely selected ns
their candidate Samuel H. Sedgwick
of York. Judge Sedgwick is well
schooled in the law, has a fine Judicial
mind and ranks among the ablest, of
his profession. As district judge he
won the admiration of his constituents
by his keen legal discernments, his
firm sense of justice and his strict de
votion to duty. Litigants received
prompt and considerate attention and
he was careful not to adjudicate or
render opinions until he had exam
ined standard authorities and weighed
fully all the evidence in the action
pending. So circumspect was he in his
decisions that he enjoyed not alone the
confidence of his profession, but that
of the supreme court itself. Judge
Sedgwick is now a member of the su
preme court commission and his views
on actions pending are received with
high regard by ail of his associates.
His election would mean elevation
to the supreme bench of onp of the
ablest, purest and most learned jurists
in Nebraska.
Perhaps nothing said or clone in the
history of this government has so
moved the American people as the as
sassination of President McKinley.
The fact that the tragedy seems to
have been born of anarchy has awak
ened, not alone a sentiment against
anarchy, but a sentiment against what
is known as “yellow journalism”
and against the practice of indulging
in rancor, vituperation and abuse in
political campaigns.
Already various organizations and
various Individuals have registered a
protest against this sort of campaign
ing, assigning as their reason for so
doing the belief that the assassination
of President McKinley is the direct
fruition of lessons learned by anarchy
in the recent national campaign.
At a meeting of the Union Veterans
in Lincoln, representing a membership
of nearly 600, the following resolution
was unanimously passed:
Whereas. We, ex-soldiers of the civil
war, and of the late Spanish war, here
assembled, recognize in anarchy the de
struction of all government and the sub
stitution in lieu thereof of murder, ra
pine and the torch, and in the professed
anarchist an enemy to all government
and a menace to organized society; there
fore, be it
Resolved. That we rail upon our law
makers, state and national, to so legis
late as to make anarchy treason to the
state and nation, and provide the death
penalty for a person convicted of being I
an anarchist, or of killing or attempting
to kill the president of the United
Resolved, That We condemn In the se- I
verest terms those persons who. for po- !
litical or other purposes, habitually and I
persistently attack the government by j
appeals to the prejudices and baser pas- ;
slons of the people, and. hv teaching dis
content and class hatred, by falsely rep- !
resenting our government as an empire |
and our president as an emperor, there- 1
by fostering disloyalty and the growth of
anarchy, and giving encouragement to
anarchists to assassinate our chosen
Resolve<l. That we condemn any and
all persons who express, either directly
or impliedly, any sympathy for anarchy
or anarchists, whether in connection with
the assassination of our president or with
the Haymarket anarchists, who were so
justly convicted by the Illinois courts,
and a part of whom were, in defiance of
decency and good government, so un
justly pardoned by Governor Altgeld.
Resolved. That the so-called “yellow
journals.” as typified by the New York
Journal and Chicago America*), by the
use of indecent and slanderous cartoons
of our public officials, by their persistent
lying and misrepresentation of facts,
their open and active sympathy with
Aguinaldo and his followers in the late
Philippine insurrection, and their advo
cacy of treason to the American govern
ment, are, in our opinion, largely respon
sible for the existence of anarchy in this
country, and arc not wholly guiltless of
the blood of our beloved president, Mc
Kinley, the brave commanders, Stotsen
berg and laiwton, and tlie soldiers who
lost their lives in the service of their
country in the Philippine islands.
While the foiegoing resolutions
strike a square and forceful blow at
the primary cause, a still harder and
more direct assault comes from Rev.
Dr. Jacob Cooper, vice president of
Rutger’s college. Rev. Cooper charges
the president’s assassination directly
to “Yellow journalism.” at the head of
which he places the New York Journal.
Following is a copy of the letter sent
by Dr. Cooper to the editor of that
Sir: While the world stands aghast nt
the horror recently enacted at Buffalo,
It looks beyond the weak miscreant who
fired the shot at our noble president. It
sees in you and those like you, the lead
ers of a reckless press, the forces which
make such an act possible. Behind the
much abused license of printing you
have for years been uttering, both by
word and by pictures, that which you
knew to be lies of the most damnable
blackness, from the vantage ground of
your (coward's) fort. This constant hell
broth of vituperation and lies, spewed
out all over the land, has done its legiti
mate work. It has incited weak men,
like this Ignorant and fanatical Polish
anarchist, to do a deed in which you, the
real assassin, gloat in your inmost soul,
hut from which in your craven terror you
crouch like a frightened hare.
Why don't you. if what you have been
saving for years be true, repeat it now?
Tf false, why do you not have the man*
lines# to admit that all your utterances
about the president and vice president
were conscious, premeditated lies? All
good men and women In this nation de
nounce you and your like as the real as
sassin who fired the shot. I denounced
you from the pulpit yesterday and shall
do so, supplementing your own con
science with the testimony that you, to
the full extent of your ability, are the
real assassin of President McKinley.
Tarry with yourself, day and night,
everywhere, while, you curse the earth
with your presence, tlit* consciousness
that every honorable and virtuous man
and woman in our land that has had the
opportunity to know the facts, hold you
and your like responsible for this awful
horror and loathe you, not to the extent
your conduct deserves, but to the reach
of their ability.
Sneaking of the assassination of
President McKinley, Governor Savage
"The mailed and iniquitous hand of
anarchy liaa fallen with terrible force
and effect upon the American people.
William McKinley, the most patriotic
of their citizens, the ablest of their
statesmen, the idol of their hearts and
one of the greatest and most chiv
alrous of ail their presidents, has been
laid low. Surely this is a distressing
affliction to be visited upon a nation
of law-a...ding peopte, and to think
that that this sad bereavement Is the
fruition of treasonable conspiracy and
devilish Ingenuity is to face a condi
tion well calculated to stir vengeance
to Its center. To shoot down without
provocation not alone the chief exec
utive of the nation, but a man through
whose veins coursed the blood of sym
pathy and love for ail of his fellow
men is to commit an act that mon
strous as to challenge adequate retri
bution. Even though the assassin
snould pay the penalty with his life
that would poorly compensate the
nation for Its loss or to any appreci
able extent meet the exactions of out
raged public opinion. In this instance
there can be no adequate retribution
no matter what method may he pur
sued in avenging the majesty of the
law. To put to death the despteable
wretch who committed the assault
would go no further in equalizing con
ditions man the wing of a sparrow in
arrestinu the force of a tornado.
nne spectacle at Buffalo is both
pathetic and impressive. In one part
of the city the president lies dead and
in another all the means at the com
mand of organized society are em
ployed to protect the life of the one
who committed the atrocious deed.
Surely this is an impressive lesson for
those who are preaching the doctrine
of rapine and murder. If in the pres
ence of this awful crime organized so
ciety is so sensitive of its duty as to
exhaust its power in both defending
the person of the criminal against vio
lence and in maintaining the majesty
of the iaw, then what excuse is there
for the existence of such an iniquitous
evil as anarchy? If society is so jeal
ous of the right as to shield a crim
inal until he has been duly tried and
convicted, even though his guilt is be
yond question, why should any one
fear that a public wrong by an In
dividual or collection of individuals
will be tolerated or permitted to go
unsatisfied? In other words, on whaf
ground does anarchy pretend to Jus
tify its existence, when even to an
archists it is made plain that organ
ized society is quick to and determined
upon the maintenance of law, order
and good government?
"The assassin of President McKinley
is in jail and a cordon of police and
two companies of militia are there
to see that he is not harmed or the
law transgressed. Is not this fin im
pressive lesson even to anarchy?
"But anarchy yields no place to
reason, it Is a shaft that has risen
out of iniquity and to exist it must
feed on human woe. It panders to the
baser passions and finds comfort alone
in shocking outlawry. Its sordid in
difference and utter lack of respect for
law and order makes it a public evil
no longer to be tolerated. Organized
society must assume an aggressive
position and prosecute anarchy to
final determination. Bet it be written
into our statutes that the advocation
of anarchistic doctrines shall be deem
ed treasonable and that a mere mem
bership in such a body shall be sufll
| clent to extend the law against trea
son to suen a case. Bet this be dond
without temporization or partiality
and the days of anarchy in this coun
try will come to an end. We have
given them the best government in the
world and we have invariably chosen
our best men to administer the affairs
of said government. We have done
more, we have maintained an asylum
for the persecuted and agrieved of all
nations and througn the most liberal
immigration laws we have faced the
whole world with open arms. Our
charity has been abused. We must
amend our immigration laws to the
extent of prohibiting the admission of
people whose sentiments on questions
of government are incompatible with
and irreconcilable to the organic law
of our land. At the same time we
must move with relentless vigor and
firm determination against those who
have already sought our shore and
make no pause until every sign of
anarchy is blotted out.”
Working Glr'.’a Hotel.
Mias Ina Robertson of Chicago
has opened a home for working girls,
where boar < and room can be had for
from $2 to $3 a week. Luncheon Is
three cents extra. The hotel Is prettily
furnished; the sleeping rooms contain
two beds, and everything for the com
fort of boarders is done. No religious
requirements are exacted, the board
ers being free, aside from regulations
prevailing in all first-class hotels. The
home is self-supporting and accom
modates twenty-five. Plans are being
made to increase its capacity to four
times as many, and in time it is hoped
by the management that branches will
be established in all parts of the city.
“No Hook I-arnln* **
“How many times did you vote in
the recently election?” asked the
Georgia judge of whom Frank Stanton
tells. The prisoner was silent.
"'Answer the question! How many
times did you vote?” "Marse Tom,”
said the prisoner, addressing the
judge, “ain't you know me long enough
ter know dat I don’t know nothin' 'tall
| 'bout ’rlthmetics’”
Governor Savaga and Party Royally Wel
comed to the Pan-American.
Telit the Ttirong Some tiling; of the Re*
•onrcfla and Accomplishments of the
MI*t»oarl Valley—Exercises la Teaaple
of Matlo.
BUFFALO, Oct. 4.—In observance of
Nebraska day at the Pan-American
exposition public exercises took place
yesterday In the Temple of Music,
where songs and instrumental num
bers were given by residents of Ne
braska and others. Officials of the ex
position and the mayor of Buffalo
made speeches of welcome, and Gov
ernor Savage responded for the state.
With his full staff and a number ot
other distinguished citizens of Nebras
ka. Governor Savage spent the day at
the exposition. The day was beauti
ful, the attendance large and the re
ception accorded the western visitors
hearty and demonstrative. In his
speech Governor Savage paid tribute
to his state, saying:
"One thousand miles to the west
ward there is a commonwealth young
In years but rich in natural resources.
It lies in what, is known as the great
Missouri valley. It is a state popu
lated by the industrial classes. Fa
vored by a vast area of productive
soil and a climate well calculated to
conserve vegetable and animal life, in
no other place in this broad domain
is industry more certain of reward
or Is life or health afforded a better
safeguard. It has 2,000,000 of pros
perous and contented people—well pro
vided with the necessaries of life, not
the least, of which, in our estima
tion, is a thorough moral and intellec
tual training.
"Though less than two score years
a state, it has large and well diversi
fied commercial centers, the third larg
est live stock market in the world, a
complete system of railroads, affording
direct communication between the pro
ducer and consumer, and It annually
produces for export more than $150,
000,000 worth of agricultural products.
It has a most complete system of
public schools and in addition it has
a number of public and private col
leges, In which are taught all the
higher branches, and that, too, by the
most cultured talent In the land. No
hamlet Is without Its house of worship,
nor is there a community without
facilities for the mental and moral
culture of its people.
“Our code of laws by which we are
governed, and which regulates our
domestic affairs, represents the high
est Ideals in jurisprudence. Justice,
pure and undeftled, is the spirit of
every enactment incorporated therein.
This state has no bonded debt, but
has in its treasury nearly $4,500,000
in prime mercantile paper, which It
holds as a permanent school fund. Its
bank assets are far in excess of the
standard per capita and its wealth is
more equally and equitably apportion
ed among its citizens than can bo
truthfully said of any other state in
the union. Us high order of citizen
ship is attested by its religious, char
itable and educational institutions, by
its numerous cities and towns well
provided with all modern improve
ihents and by Its hundreds of thou
sands of well-fenced, well-tilled and
well-improved farms. Its standard of
intelligence is higher, and its per cent
of Illiteracy Is lower, than that of
any other state. This scene of hap
piness, contentment, intelligence and
wealth is the commonwealth of Ne
“As chief executive of Nebraska,
permit me to bear unto you the best
wishes and happy congratulations of
the people of that state. That com
munity of interest which intertwines
and unites the people of all the states
is as strongly entrenched in the senti
ment of the peoplp of Nebraska aa it
is anywhere else. While Jealous of
our sovereign autonomy, we are not
unmindful of the fact that we are but
a fraction of what constitutes the
federation. We love our country and
its institutions.
Found Near McKinley Vanlt.
AKRON, O., Oct. 4.—A man, badly
hurt from a gunshot wound, was
found in the tall grass near the
woods at Mogadore, north of Canton.
Friends removed him toward Cuya
hoga Falls before he could be identi
fied. It is supposed he was shot dur
ing the supposed attack upon the Mc
Kinley vnuR.
Troubles nt Elcctlou.
BUDA PESTH, Oct. 4.—Although
the newspapers here publish congrat
ulatory articles on the orderliness and
fairness of the parliamentary general
elections yesterday, which resulted in
the return of a large liberal majority
for the government, the fact remains
that there were serious encounters in
many districts, necessitating military
intervention, during which the troops
fired and Killed or wounded numbers
of people