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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1901)
ST ~ IN HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA For sail HIM. LYONS,. Emmet, Neb. w sw 14 25 9 ne 14 25 9 w1/* 25 20 9 se so 10 s nw; nw sw 11 20 9 s*4 nw nH sw 13 27 9 ne 15 27 9 e sw, w se 22 27 9 se. w ne 35 27 9 n n 24 28 9 e se 26 28 9 sw 3 29 9 nw 8 29 9 nw 14 29 9 n ne, n nw 6 30 9 nw 8 30 9 ne 12 30 9 e ne, sw ne, nw se 14 30 9 nw 16 30 9 ne 32 30 9 se 24 30 9 se 7 31 9 sw 18 31 9 one20, nw nw 21 21 9 m w se 25 31 9 .M n ne* sw ne 27 31 9 < 'sw 20 32 9 ne 25 32 9 s sw, nw sw, sw nw 26 32 9 Ji s ne, n ne 31 32 9 n se, sw ne 19, nw sw 2025 10 lots 12 3, ne sw 80 25 10 ne 26 27 10 • se 17 28 10 sw 1 29 10 se 2 29 10 sw 7 29 10 nw 11 29 10 nw 3 30 10 se 3 30 10 sw 3 30 10 ww 8 30 10 86 9 30 10 ne 10 3010 sw 7 30 10 se 13 30 10 nw 17 30 10 nw 24 30 10 ne 27 30 10 se 23 30 10 nw 31 30 10 ne 31 30 10 sw 29 30 10 nw 32 30 10 sw 32 30 10 n w 33 30 10 ne 35 30 10 e sw & se nw 1, ne nw 12 3110 se 7 31 10 sw 25 31 10 e ne 27 32 10 ul/t nw sw nw s nw sw 13 32 10 e se & n w se 35 32 10 ne 5 25 11 sw 7 25 11 e e 11 25 11 sw 12 25 11 e w 13 25 11 sw 14 25 11 sw 24 25 11 ne 13 26 11 ~. ne 18 26 11 sw 34 26 11 n se & n sw 3 27 11 se 7 28 11 nw 32 2811 n n 3 29 11 ne 25 29 11 sw 2 30 ll ^ sw 22 30 11 nw 33 30 11 e sw 29 31 11 nl2 nw of 23 & se*4 of 8W*/4 & 8W?4 of se V4 14 32 11 n sc, sw ne & ne sw 23 32 11 se 17 25 12 nw 29 25 12 sw 21 25 12 sw 12 12 25 12 se 10 20 12 w‘4 of w sw 11, n nw 14 20 12 8 se 15 26 12 nw 21 20 12 se 22 20 12 s sw 23 20 12 ne 2320 12 s se 29 20 12 e ne 33 26 12 no 14 27 12 8e 20 27 12 nw 17 27 12 n n 27 27 12 86 8 28 12 n 20 28 12 n w 19 29 12 ne 20 29 12 80 22 29 12 se 10 30 12 lie 15 39 12 e sw 2; e nw 11 31 12 8 w 9 31 12 ne 9 31 12 sw 13 31 12 Be 14 31 12 s ne & VV se 20 31 11 w nw & nw sw 21 32 12 e ne & e se 27 32 12 nw 34 33 12 ne 30 32 12 se 11 25 13 sV4 n*4 11 25 13. nw 10 23 13 sw 12 25 13, 8w 21 25 13 s*4 sw ne sw sw ne 35 25 13 sw 28 20 13 Bisbee ranch In 22 27 28 26 13 s ne & s nw 29 27 13 5w 2 20 13 se 12 29 13 ii w 12 29 13 8 w 27 29 13 8 w 28 29 13 ne 32 29 13 se 34 29 13 se 35 29 13 e ne & nw ne 2 30 13 so 19 30 13 w ne 20 30 13 n w 28 39 13 w nw & w sw 2 31 13 e nw &w ne 2 31 13 nw 5 3113 86 6 31 13 ne 931 13 n sw & 8w sw 15 31 13 nw 15 31 13 so 17 31 13 ne 17 31 13 se 18 31 13 nw 19 31 13 nw 20 31 13 86 29 31 13 8 sw 20 31 13 ne 27 31 13 ne 29 31 13 ne 30 31 13 se 30 31 13 sw 32 31 13 se se 35 31 13 n sw & w se 4 32 13 ne 5 32 13 8 sw 7 32 13 se 9 28 13 n sw & w se 15 32 13 n e 18 32 13 e nw 18 32 13 SW 23 32 13 sw sw 25, e se & ne 20 32 13 w 8 w 20 & e se 27 32 13 s sw 27 32 13 sw 28 32 13 [ ne 30 32 13 e sw &w se 31 32 13 sw 32 32 13 e ne, sw ne & se nw 32 32 13 ne 33 32 13 nw 34 32 13 e ne & s nw 35 32 13 s ne & n se 24 33 13 s nw, ne sw & nw se 26 33 13 e ne & n se 36 33 13 vv n w 7 26 14 s nw & e sw 10 26 14 n w 11 28 14 sw 2 29 14 nw 20 29 14 n w 21 29 14 sw 3") 29 14 SW 8 30 13 se 1130 14 8W 15 30 14 ne 21 30 14 se 22 3U 14 nw 34 30 14 w se 35 30 14 se 2 31 14 nw 5 31 14 se 5 3114 sw 6 31 14 se « 31 14 se 7 31 14 sw 8 31 14 ne 8 31 14 sw 10 31 14 ne 10 31 14 ne 10 31 14 nw 11 31 14 nw 14 31 (4 s II 31 i4 sw 18 31 14 ne 18 31 14 sw 19 31 14 se 22 3! 14 nw 23 31 14 e'/a 25 31 14 SW 26 31 14 nw 27 3l 14 ne 29 31 14 nw 30 81 14 se 31 31 14 sw 34 31 14 s ne & ne se 11 32 14 s nw, n sw & ne se 12 32 14 se 18 32 14 SW 30 32 14 ne 31 32 14 nw 32 32 14 se 32 32 14 sw 33 32 14 ne 33 32 14 se sw, w se & sw ne 34 32 H se 3 33 14 nnw 4 33 l4 J se 6 33 u sw 29 33 14 s SW 33 34 14 s nw & n sw 34 34 14 n e 27 25 15 nw 31 25 15 e ne 12 2615 n ne 21. n sw 22 26 15 ne 19 28 15 sw 20 28 15 nw 8 29 15 sw 8 29 15 se 24 29 15 ne 1 30 15 w 1 30 15 II w 3 30 15 sw 12 31) 15 nw 12 30 15 ne 14 30 15 nw 24 30 15 se 24 30 15 w nw, ne nw & nw ne 27 30 15 se 2 31 15 ne 31 15 sw 8 31 J5 se 10 31 15 © ne & sw ne 15 31 15 sw 15 31 15 w w 26 31 15 e sw «!fc so nw 26, ne nw 35 31 15 ee 35 31 15 s nw & nw nw 35 31 15 nw 1 32 15 nw sw & fw nw 2, ne se & so ne 3 32 15 ne 15 acres of nw 4 32 15 w ne & w se 14 32 15 ne 25 32 15 sw nw 17, s ne & Lot i, 18 & Lot 1, 7 33 15 w nw & ne nw 18 33 15 sw se IS. w ne & se n w 19 23 15 e sw & s nw 21 33 15 ne 22 33 15, except 10 acres w nw, se nw & nw sw 25 33 15 nw 26 33 15 e e 35 33 15 e se 31 34 15 s n 14 25 16 sw 13 27 16, wH 18 27 16 se 12 27 16 s 8 3 28 16 nw 10 28 16 s se, nw so & ne sw 2 29 16 eM 3 2916 n 9 29 16 n 10 29 16 sw 83 29 16 se 20 30 16 nw 28 30 16 ne 33 30 16 ne 1 31 16 e nw & n ne 7 3116 se 13 31 16 sw 34 31 16 nw 35 31 16 e sw, nw ne & ne sw 11 32 16 e sw. nw ne sw 11 32 16 w sw, ne sw & sw nw 22 32 16 w se 14, n ne 23 33 16 se 23 33 16 sw 22 33 16 ne 25 33 16 se 26 33 16 se 29 33 16 e sw & sw sw 26, & se se 27 33 16 sue 29 33 16 e sw & se nw 29 & ne nw 32 33 16 ne 32 33 16 s nw & n sw 32 33 16 ne 35 33 16 * Loti, Sec. 23, Lot 1. Sec. 24. Lot 1. Sec. 26 & nw nw 25 34 16 e sw, nw se & Lot 2, 26 M 16 Lot l&sw nw 28 & Lot 1 se ne 29 M 16 s sw 3 & s se 4 31 17 ne .8 32 17 e nw & e sw 7 3119 sw 6 33 14 sw 15 27 9 sw ne & se nw & ne 8W & nw se 26 28 13 sw 4 30 10 s nw & e sw & sw sw 11 & e se & se ne 10 32 13 se 24 32 15 nw 24 3215 ne 23 32 15 ne 26 32 14 se 7 32 9 8 ne & nw ne 14 31 10 s se & nw se 9 28 10 sw 33 30 10 1 Chicago Lumber Yard j Headquarters for . . Slumber and| 1 COAL •> 1 J O. O. SNYDER & CO. | ^ . O'NEILL ® ^ ALLEN ^ | The BEST Cheapest % If you want to buy the best Buggy, Carriage, Farm Wag on, Spring Wagon, Road Wagon, Farm Truck, Cart, Wind mill, Feedmill, hand or power Corn Sheller, Plow, Disc Cul V tivator, Sweeps, Stackers, Rakes, Mowers, Binders, Headers, Threshers, Steam or Gasoline powers, call and see SZTZO-O-S, Prop. Elkhorn Valley Blacksmith, Wagon, Carriage, Shoeing & Machine Shop. P. S.—Just received another car ot Rushford wagons, complete stock . sizes: they are the best wagons made. r Ray Bits. Mrs. Charles Bigler is on the sick list this week Mrs. Louis Steavner made Mrs 'I'wy ford a pleasant call. Miss Manlier Gordon visited Estella Ross Saturday afternoon. Mrs William Clevish and Miss Stine visitea Mr. and Mrs. Dodgs one dav last week. U. Sterns and G. A. Palmer had husi ness at the county seat on Tuesday. Norris Bowen has lately sold the main part of his house which was moved away the first of the week. llarry and Jim Palmer went to O'Neill the Utter expecting to purchase a bran new wagon.. Mis. John S. Twyford went to Pender ^^*Ahe first of last week to visit her son Henrv It does not 'natter so much about your pocket-book these nights, but be careful and put your potatoes under vour pillow Mr. Cam Tinsley and Miss Ethel Parker of Spencer took a pleasent drive to Holt county last Sunday, the guests of Mr. Deyaruiaus folks of this place. Miss Millie Stearns went Ashing ou the Eagle one clowdy day, accompanied by Miss Boh me of Atkinson. The Eastern people visited the IlBy Union S. S. the last Sunday. The lesson was a general review and ttie school was dosed by singing “Rock of Ages.” October binds her golden sheaves, With scarlet glory tints the leaves, The Harvest moon prolongs her stay. Enticed for once to brief delay. Cash for Live Poultry. I will have a poultry oar at O'Neill on Friday and Saturday, October 11 and 12. Spring chickens, 6c per lb; old bens, 41clb; ducks, 4Jelb; old roosters, 2clb; pigeons, 40c dozen.—C. II. Folsom. 14-2 1 *> £0CQl.... I k»!KSS5XX5SSXKSJX5«S<KS58SKSJ55S£SSSSJS« For dental work go to Dr. McLeran 42-tf __ A span of mules for sale, Elkborn Valiev Bank. 13-tf Mrs. S. A. Page, formerly of Page, is stopping in the city. Dr. McLeran, dentist, office over Corrigan’s drng store. 42-tf For furnishd room and board enquire of Mrs. M. M. Sullivan. 6—tf The Chambers mail route sports a new ball-bearing stage wagon. Have your teeth examined by Dr. McLeran; he can save them 42-tf Teeth or photographs at Corbett’s, 10th to 30th of each month, 39tf. A. C. King went to Orchard Tuesday to get hie bank there opened up. For farm loans, on reasonable terms call on Elkhorn Valley Bauk. 13-tf Smoke the Shamrock, the best 5c cigar in town. For sale by all dealers. 8-tf Sheriff Stewart has had his residence repainted and a few other improvements added. J. P. Hancock of Inman was a plea sant callar Tuesday, renewing for The Frontier. Call for the Shamrock; little, but O, my! Best value for your niokle. For sale by all dealers. 8-tf Billy Haynes returned from the Black Hills Monday owing to the serious illness of his father Baggageman Dunbar of the Short Line and family expects to move next week to Minnesota, Mr. Dunbar having been transferred to a run in that state. Dr. Flynn returned this week to O'Neill after a few months stay in Atkinson. His friends here are glad to see him resume practice among us again. Those owing us on subscripation re requested to call and pay up. We have several hundred dollars on our books which we desire to collect during this month. Call in and pay up There will be a camp fire held at Knoxville on October 10 under the auspicies of George Washington post, Grand Array of the Republic, of Dorsey. A general invitation is extended to the public to attend. Bring your baskets. Mrs. Charles Petijohn went to Sioux City this morning to have an opperation performed by sergeons in that city for relief from an ailment that has been the source of much suffering for a year or more. The members of the fire department have been at work the past week getting their new headquarters in condition to occupy. The city has bought the old electric light house near the pumping station and given it to the department, which has put in new floors and made some other improvements. Mrs. J. P. Mullen was in the city yesterday for medical aid. She met with a serious and painful accident while dining the day previous. Mrs Mullen was holding a little child upon her lap at the table when the little one grabbed a fork and suddenly raised it up striking Mrs. Mullen square on the eyebai.. It may result in the loss of the eye. The Frontier is in recei pt of the cam paign card of Will McNichols, who is the democratic nominee for county treasurer in Pitkin county, Colo. Will si a brother of the McNichols boys of this city, was reared in O’Neill and it will be remembered was here on a visit this summer. The worst thing about Will is that he is a democrat. Neverthless we can’t help recommending him to the people of Pitkin county as he is a first class fellow and will do to “tie to” anywhere. Children's Fertilizer. That’s a good name for Scott’s Emulsion.' Children are like young plants. Some will grow in ordinary soil. Others need fertilizers. The nature of some children prevents them from thriving on ordinary food Such chil dren grow right if treated right. All they need is a little fer tilizer—a little extra richness. Scott’s Emulsion is the right treatment. Fertilizers make thingsgrow. That’s just what Scott’s Emul sion does. It makes children grow in flesh, grow in strength, grow rich blood, grow in mind, grow happy. That’s what we make it for. Send for free sample. SCOTT Si BOWNF., Chemists, <00 Pearl St., N. V. 50H and $1.00; all druggists. Mrs. J. H. Riggs of Waterloo, Neb., stopped with relatives and friends in the city from Friday last until Tuesday while on her way home from Boyd county. I)r. and Mrs. J. P, udligan wont to Sioux City Tuesday morning where on Wednesday Mrs. Gilligan submitted to a surgical operation. The operation was successful and the patient is re covering rapidly. Frank Pixley left for Omaha this morning where he will attend school the coming year. Frank is an energetic, progressive young fellow who is bound to win if perseverance counts for faught. He expects to return to O’Neil) after his school year is over. Governor Savage lias issued the official proclamation calling an election on November 5. Stale offices to be filled this year are one judge of the supreme court, and two regents of the university; the Twenty-fourth senatorial district will elect a state senator to fill vacancy, the Eight Tenth and Twenty-seventh representative districts will elect repre sentatives to fill vacancies and one dis trict judge will be elected in the Eleventh judicial district. Mr. Frank Howard and Miss Pearl Warner of this city were married at Basset Sunday evening. We understand they went on west to Chadron and will return to O’Neill in about a week. Both young people are quite well known here. The groom has grown to manhood in this city and the hiide has lived here for a number of years. They expect to commence keeping house in the Sniggs residence property in the western part of the town which Mr. Howard has baught. William Lovlollette returned home Monday night after a protracted visit at the Buffalo exposition and his old home in Canada. It does one good to visit the scenes of their childhood and that Bill thoroughly enjoyed his visit his improved appearance attests lie fished for Salomon in the great waters and stalked the moose in his favorite lair in the Canadian forests aud the stories he springs about his adventures upon the briney deep and in the jungles are in teresting and realastic. Notwith standing his good time he was as happy as a boy with a new pair of “red top” boots when he landed in O’Neill. Judge Kinkaid tells us that on his re cent professional trip to Alaska he met several former Holt county citizens who are all flourisning. At Yuoon the judge metC. J. Skuce, formerly b home steader in the Dustin country and later county judge of Boyd countv. He also met at Kitchiham Neil Mclllravier, son in-law of E. H. Thompson of this city. Fred Dashley, formerly of Atkinson, is at Nome and besides owning two butcher shops is interested in some valuable mining property and is making money fast. The judge says he was somewhat surprised upon re turning home to find that rumor had got out that he had gone to Alaska to accept an official position and retpiests us to state that his business there was of purely professional nature. The judge went to Ainsworth the first of the week to attend the Brown county district court, where cases in which he is attorney will be tried. The Markets. South Omaha Oct. 9 —Receipt of cattle only moderate,about half as many as week ago. This is due partly to the decline in prices of last week and partly to rough weather in the west. Western range cattle constitute the bulk of the offerings and cornfed beeves are scarce. What are coming are in active demand at strong to higher prices. Cow stuff in fair supply, demand good, market active 15 to 25c higher than close of last week. Stockers and feeders were well cleaned up last week. This week owing to light supply and good demand market is from 25 to 40c higher than last week. Heavy feeders have the preference but all grades are in demand at strong prices Hog receipts liberal and packers have been pounding market every day for a week. Today with about 6500 on sale market is nearly 20c lower. Range $6.00 to $6.25, bulk $0.10 to $6.15. The market averages half a dollar lower than a week ago. It is a problem to tell when they will stop. Sheep receipts are heavy and market active and strong. Nye & Buchanan Co. Charles Cole brings to town a story of the finding of the bones of a man, horse and dog buried in cedar canyon between Brush creek and the Niobrara river. A man living in the neighborhood of the canyon made the discovery and in company with Buck Berry of Paddock and Charles Cole of this city the bones were taken from the earth. They were buried deep and in the grave were found besides the bones, decayed pieces of cloth, a number of cartridges, broken pieces of earthenware, the handle of a knife and also a handle of a silver spoon . In connection with the discovery Mr. Berry relates an incident that occurred twenty five years ago which gives him reasons to believe that the grewsome skeletons are the remains of a man named Edwards and those of his horse and dog. Twentv-five years ago this coming spring Edwards stayed at Mr. Berry’s place for three weeks. He drove a team and wagon, had a dog and rifle which shot the same cartridge as found among the bones. Borne weeks after the man had left a party of men stopped at Mr. Berry's with the wagon, harness and one of the horses which Edwards had while stopping with him. The party said they had met Edwards and they had left him going west riding the other horse. They had shot the dog for fear it would attract Indians. Mr. Berry thinks it probable the bones that have been found are those of this man who was thus disposed of by this party of men, and his horse, harness and wagon taken. He has notified relatives of the man Edwards who live at Fairbury. Former O’Neill Girl Weds. Lincoln Journal: A very pretty wed ding took place in this city Tuesday evening at 1025 South Fifteenth street, when Mr Charles L, Hoover and Miss Helene E. Lowrie were united in mar riage. The bride is the daughter of liev. and Mrs. N. 8. Lowrie of Lincoln, and for several years a student in the state uni versity . The groom is the son of ltev. Dr. Hoover, former dean of tho Cotner uni versity, and now occupying the chair of science at Warrensburg, Mo. Mr. Hoover is a graduate of the state uni versity of Missouri, and is now engaged in the government postal service. The bride and groom are well kuown in uni versity and Lincoln circles. An elegant wedding supper was served at (1 o’clock to the immediate relatives nnd a few friends of the bride and groom The house was very tastefully dec orated with palm, ferns nnd choice (lowers, nud many lights shed their sub dued radiance through the rooms and on the faces of the guests. At the ap pointed hour the bride and groom en tered the room to the strain of Men delssohn’s wedding march played by Miss Anna Lowrie of Chicago. The btide and groom stood under an arch way of white lace drapery surrounded by an exquisite display of palms and ferns. The ceremony was impressive as well as unique, being performed by the father of the bride, assisted by the father of the groom, with the approving presence of the ltev. Drs. Hindman, Hullhorat, Elliot, and.C. W. Lowrie, brother of the bride. The bride was handsomely dressed in while Swiss, trimmed with satin and rare lace and carried a large bouquet of white roses. The groom wore the ac customed conventional suit. Following the ceremony the guests, to the number of fifty, were treated to a dainty repast, gracefully served by Miss Maud llullhorst, assisted by Miss Carrie Reed. Mr. and Mrs Hoover re ceived many beautiful and oostly pres ents, the gifts of friends in Lincoln and elsewhere. The newly wedded couple left ill half past ten o’clock for Kansas City. St. Louis and other points in Missouri. They were escorted to the train by a large company of friends, and departed amid showers of rice and hosts of well wishes. After November 1 they will be at home in their pretty cottage at 2926 Q street. The following were the guests pres ent: Ilev. Dr. C. A. Hoover, Rev. Dr* VV. M. Hindman and wife, Rev Dr. O. A. Elliot and wife, of Beatrice, Rev. Dr. C. G. A. Uullhorst and wife, Dr. H. B. Lowry, Mrs. J. T. Nevill, Springfield, Mo., Mr. and Mrs. Barrett, Seward; Mr. and Mrs. Sherrer, Mr. and Mrs. Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Yates, Mrs. Eresman, Mrs. Julia Lowry-Keifer, Miss Maud Hull horst, Miss Harriet Spaulding, Miss Grace Uullhorst, Miss Mury Uullhorst, Miss Mable Roper, Miss Mable West, Mr. H. Stcckelberg and wife, John Reed aud wife, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, Miss Irene Flint, Mr. T. J. Hewett, Purnell Golden, Miss Mable Sears, H. Emerick, Miss Geneva Eresman, George Smith, F. J, Kelly, Beatrice; FreJ Hunter, George W. Roy, F. G. Getten ger, Misses Agnes and Carry Reed, Newel J. Elliot, R. C. Roper, Miss Murry. For Sale—Twenty head of heavy draft horses—mars and geldings—Nor man bred. Prices and term right.—F. M. Harrison, O'Neill. 12-tf State of Nebraska f In the District Court -as Thereof of 15th Ju Hoit County ) dlcial District. NOTICE OK SUIT. County of Holt, Plaintiff, vs Alice Gilbert,-Gilbert, her husband, first name to plaintiff unknown, Nebraska Loan & Trust Company, and Minnie Thompson, Defendants. The above named defendant Eliee M. Gilbert, minor child of Alice Gilbert deceas ed is hereby notified that the Nebraska Loan & Trust Company and James N. Clark. Receiver thereof, defendants, to the above entitled action have in said action tiled an answer on cross petition the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a mortage of $1,000, due April 1st, 1893, with ten per cent interest on said mortgage from October 1st, 1800, against the southwest quarter of sec tion eight (8) township thirty-one (ill) north and range fourteen (14) west of the tith I*. M. The said Elise M. Gilbert is further notified that she Is required to appear and answer said petition on or before Monday the 21st day of October, 1001. Nebraska Loan and Trust company, dames N. Clark, Receiver Thereof. Ry R. R. Dickson and John M. Ragan, their attorneys, 11-4 ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE In the matter of the estate of WILLIAM A. HOES, deceased. Notice is hereby givon that in pursuance of an order of .1. F. Loyd, judge of the dis trict court of Fierce county, Nebraska, made on the 24th day of September, lOul, for the sale of the real estate herein after described, there will ho sold at the office of The Fron tier at O’Neill, Nebraska, on the 20th day of October, at 10 o’clock a. m., at public sale to the highest bidder for cash, or one-half cash and balance on not to exceed two years’ time, secured by mortgage on land at 7 per cent interest, the following real estate, to wit: The northeast quarter of section 32, town ship ;>2, range 15, Holt county, Nebraska. Said sale will remain open one hour. Dated October il, 1001. ELLA F. HOES, Administratrix of the Estate of William A. Hoes, deceased. 15— 11 1 mil HI—II ■■■ mu i y LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. •NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION7 Department of tbo Interior. Land Oflico at O'Neill, Nebr. Sept. 23, IDOL—Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has Hlsd notice ol’ his intention to make liual proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before register and receive at O'Neill, Nebr.. on November 14, 190!. viz: CHARLES K. SHOEMAKER. H. E. No. 14893, for tbo N tv1*. Sec. 31, T. 38, N„ H. 11 W. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Michael Slattery, D. J. Sparks, Fred Vilt, Frank I'rlbel all of O'Neill Neb. 14-iinp8. J. WEEKES, Register. NOTICE. James R Moorman. Ell S Moorman and Moorman Brothors, defendants, will take notice that on tne 2fith day of August, 1901, George F. Schmid, plaintiff, filed bis petition and alHdovit in attachment, in the District ourt of Holt county, Nebraska: against you, allegelng thrt you and each of you are lndbeted to tbo plaintiff in the sum of 818.158 20 on a Judgment rendered against yeu in ills favor in the Court of Common 1’leas of Wyondot county, Ohio, on or about the3d day of June, 1901. That an order of attach ment for the sum and amount, last foresald was Issued out of the said District Court in said cause and the sheriff of said Holt county has levied the same upon, and attached the southwest quarter of section two (2), town sbip twenty-eight (28). north, range fifteen (15), west. In said Holt county, as the pro perty of ttio said defendant James It. Moor man . You are required to answer said petition on or before the 14th day of Ootober, 1901. Dated VugustBl, 1901. George F. Solimld, Plaintiff, Ily H. K. Dickson and J. L. Kaley, his attorneys. 10-4 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at O’Neill, Nebraska, .. , , Aug. 13, 1901. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice ol his inten tion to make final proof in support of hla claim, and that said proof willue made be fore register and receiver at O'Neill, Neb., on October 10,1901, viz: Mary formerly 11111s heir of Charles D. Hills, deceased, H. E. No. 14033, for the bW’i sec 8, twp 33 north, range 12 west. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of said land, viz: Christ. Christenson of Phoenix, Neb., Sher ry Leslie and Clause Storejohann of Turner, Neb., and John H. Richards of Verdel, Neb. '-«»P S. J. WEEKES, Register. LEGAL NOTICE. Globe Investment Company, a corporation, and Henry A. Wyman. Receiver of the Globe Investment Company, defendants, will take notice that William Gillies, plaintiff, hss mod a petition in the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, against you. Impleaded with Jeremiah II. H. VVison, and Mary A. Wilson. defendants, the object and prayer of which Is to foreclose a certain mortage dated the first day of January, 1891, for $400, and lutorest, upon the North y% of the northeast 34 of section 33 and the east % of the southeast 3* of section 28, all In township 20, north of range 11 west of the flthl'. SI. in Holt couuty, Nebraska, given by Jeremiah 1. Wilson and Mary A. Wilson to the Globe Investment Company, and assigned to the Plaintiff, wit loti mortgage was recorded in Hook r>il page 2 of mortgage records of said county, and to have same decreed to be a a first lieu and the said lands sold to satisfy the same You are required to answer said petition on or boforo the llth day of November, 1801. Dated October 2nd, 1901, William Gillies, Plaintiff. CONSOLIDATED NOTICE FOB PUBLICA TION. Department of the Interior, United States Land Office. „ , , O’Neill, Neb., Sept. Jl, 1901. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settlers have filed notice of Intention to submit final proof in support of the'r respective entries and that said proof will be made before the register and receiver, at O’Neill. Nebraska, on November9,1901. viz: LUCY It. JOHNSON, formerly Lucy It. Slothower, T. 0. E. No. 6623, for 8W>4lsec. 17. twp 30 north range U west. °eorJ5e Shellhart, Page, Ne,b.; Walter Trullenger. Page, Neb.; Eli i rulleng er. Bondmont, la.; George Tomlinson, Page, Nel). STEPHEN W. LEMONT, T. C. E. No. 9561, for NE)4 sec 19, twp 30 north, range 9 w W itnesses: George Shellhart, Page, Neb.: Walter Trullenger, Page, Neb.; Eli Trulieng er, Bondmont, lo.; George Tomlinson, Page, N«b. S. J. WEEKB8, ' l.l-finp Register. SHERIFF’S SALE. By virtue of an order of sale, direoted to mo from the clerk of the district court of Holt county, Nebraska, on a decree obtain ed before the district court of Holt county. Nebraska, on the 23rd day of August, 1901, lu favor of tlioCountv of Holt as plaintiff and against Charles E. Ludrigson, Jane Ludrigson,real name unknown, William D. Mathews. Smith Bros, Loan & Trust company, a corporation and the unknown owners of the south-west quarter of section 23. township 31.north of range 13. west of the (>th p. in., in Holt county. Nebraska, as defendants for the sum of one hundred twenty-seven dollars and seven cents,!$127,071 as a first lien against said premises and a decree for *641.00 obtained by Smith Broa. Loan & Trust company, as a second lien against said premises, and costs taxed at *53.06 and accruing costs, 1 have lleved upon the following Real Estate taken as the porperty of said defendants, to satisfy said order ot of sale, to-wit: The north-east quarter of *he south-west quarter, tile north-west quarter of the south west quarter, the south-west quarter of the south-west quarter and the south-east quarter of the south-west quarter of section twenty-three (23), in township thirty one (31). north of range thrteen (13). west of the «th Principal Nlerridlau, lu Holt oounty, Ne braska. Sabi land will be sold in separate tracts as cescribe above. Ami will offer tlie same for sale to the highest bidder, for cash in baud, on the 21st day of October A. d. 1901, In front of the Court House in O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, that being the building wherein the last term of Court was held, at the hour of 10 o clock a. in. of said day, when and where due attendance will be given by the under signed. Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 17th day ofSeytember 1901. y John M. Stewart. 12“4 Sheriff of said County IN 1 H£ DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA. JOHN BEAU, Plaintiff, vs. Max Bald and wife, Victor Babl, William l\ rotter & Company and the unknown belrs of Harriet D. Bastedo, decesased Ueorge T. Bastedo, Defendants. The above named defendants and each of them will take notice that on the 91st day of Sept. ltIUI, tlie above named plaintiff filed his petition lu tho district court of Holt county Nebraska, against them and each of them’ the object and prayer of which are to fore close a certain mortgage executed by the defendants Max llalil ane wife to the plaint iff, upon the following described real estate situated in llolteouuty,Nebraska, to-wit Beginning at the southwest corner of the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section li, lu township 39 north, of range 16 west of the (ith p. m„ running ther.ce north on township Hue forty-eight rods, thence east sixteen rods at right angles, thence east and four degrees south twelve rods and two links to an elm tree twenty-one Inches in diameter, lliouee due south to intersection of quarter line, thence west seven teeu rods and thirteen links to place or beginning, said mortgago being given to secure the payment of two certain promissory notes dated May *J, 1‘JOO, one for *940 and the other for *400. due six months after date and on the 1st day of July, 1001, respectively. Plaintiff alleges that there is now due on said notes and mortgage the sum of *040 with interest at 10 percent from May 1), 1900, for which sum, wiili interest, plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendants be required to pay the same or that said premises may be sold to satisfy tiie amount found due, and that said mortgage he decreed to be a first Jlea on said premises. Plaintiff further prays that tha heirs of Harriet D. Bastedo be decreed to have no claim, right, title nor interest lu and to skid properly, aud that a certain mortgage given by J. A.Jaquesto Harriet D. Bastedo on said properly during her lifetime for WOO and recorded in book a of mortgages at page 451, be decreed to be fully paid and satisfied. \ ou are required to answer said petition on or bofore the 4th day of November, 1901. Dated this 91st day of September, 1901. , R. R. HICKSON, ■* Attorney for Plaintiff.