THE FRONTIER Publiuhrd Every Thurtday by THE FRONTIER PKINTINU COMPANY. O'NEILL, - - NEBRASKA BRIEF TELEGRAMS. ! Efforts to conect the Chicago anar chists with a plot to-assassinate the president will be abandoned and the prisoners released. Captain Levi S. Mann, aged 64 years, for twenty-five years a master ot steam and sailing vessels on the lakes, died at Benton Harbor, Mich., of con sumption. It 1b estimated at Fall River, Mass., that 48.000,000 yards of black cotton cloth will not supply the demand dur ing the designated period of mourning for the late president. It is announced that a dinner in honor of Sir Thomas Lipton will be given at Chicago on October 5. Gov ernor Yates and other distinguished men have been invited. Secretary Gage will leave Washing ton on Thursday for Colorado where he will spend his vacation. Secretary Gage was on his way to Colorado when President McKinley was shot. The Society of American Wars in tends, with the financial assistance of patriotic people of San Francisco, to secure the erection of a monument to the memory of John Paul Jones. Mrs. John Morris, wife of the ven erable Judge Morris, late of the In diana supreme bench, died at Fort Wayne, Ind., aged 77 years. A hus band and six children survive her. The death of John Paul Jones in La Grange county, removes one of the historic figures of Indiana. He was a great-grandfather of Philip Jones, one of the surveyors who laid out the city of Baltimore. Complete success has attended the tests of the submarine vessel, Marques at Itlo Janeiro. The experiments were made In an aquarium and In the presence of representatives of the Brazilian navy. "There Is terrible destitution in UTS Yang Tse district,” sayB a dispatch to the Times from Shanghai, "owing to the recent floods, which have not yet subsided. More than ru,000,000 per sons are homeless.” In the belief that Czolgosz will be executed In Auburn, N. Y., prison, more than one hundred persons have already made application to Warden Mead to witness the electrocution of the assassin of President McKinley. The annual statement for the fiscal year of the American Board of For eign Missions shows total receipts of the year applicable for current ex penses was $697,370; total expendi tures, $717,081; the excess of expendi tures over receipts was $19,710, which, added to the debt of a year ago, makes the present debt, $182,341. The addition of two prisoners from Johnson county makes the number of convicts in the state penitentiary at l^arlmie, Wyoming, 191. This is the largest number in the history of the institution. Owing to delay in recov ering steel, caused by the strike, the new penitentiary at Rawlins will not be ready for the prisoners October 1, as arranged. The prisoners will not be moved before the middle of next month. The last Iowa crop bulletin pays: The last week was unusually cold, the daily mean temperature ranging from 8 to 12 degrees below normal. Frosts occurred In all districts, reported as "•heavy" or ‘'killing" in the western counties, and " light" in the balance of the state. The damage resulting from the frosts in the state as a whole appears to be relatively light. The percentage of unmatured corn was small and the damage to that portion of the crop has been mainly In killing a portion of the leaves, thereby im pairing the value of the fodder. It has been determined that the memorial of the late Senator Stephen M. White of California shall be in the form of a life-sized statue which will be placed in the court house grounds at Eos Angeles. Captain Herbert E. Draper, United States marine corps, died of heart di sease at Hong Kong on the 10th inst., according to a report from Admiral Kempff, to the navy department. Cap tain Draper was appointed from Kan sas and entered the marine corps in July, 1889. Omer Peelee, aged 10, was fatally shot at Winchester, Ind., while posing as President McKinley at Buffalo for Emil Miller, the same age, who was the supposed anarchist in the case. The lads were playmates and decided to go through the Buffalo case. United States Judge Estee has de cided that the constitution of the United States was extended to the Hawaiian islands by the Ncwlands resolution, sustaining the decision of Circuit Judge Clear and reversing the supreme court of Hawaii. J. E. Turley, superintendent of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad between Newton and Albuquerque, an nounced that the headquarters cf the division between Newton and I>a Junta would be removed from Ea Junta to Dodge City. Kan. Infantrymen of Ninth Regiment Sur prised While at Breakfast. NEARLY NETY IVUN ARE KILLED lien! .le* 1 lit* Many Are Wounded—A Force of Beventy-Two Men Overcome by dreater Number—Insurgent* Secure a Rich Prize. MANILA. Sept. 30.—A disastrous fight hot ween (United States troupe and insurgents occurred yesterday in the island of Samar, near Balinglga. A large body of insurgents attacked Company C, Ninth infantry, only twenty-four members of the company escaping. All the others are. report ed to have been killed. The company was at breakfast when attacked and made a determin ed resistance, but the overwhelming numbers of the insurgents compelled retreats. Of the survivors, who have arrived at Basey, eleven are wounded. According to the latest returns the strength of the company was seventy two. The survivors include Captain Thomas W. Connelly, First Lieuten ant Edward A. Bumpus and Dr. R. S. Griswold, surgeon. Captain Edwin V. Bookmiller of the Ninth infantry reports that Gen eral Hughes is assembling a force to attack the insurgents. The insurgents captured all the stores and ammunition of the com pany and all the rifles except twenty six. WASHINGTON. Sept. 30.—News of the disastrous fight between troops of the Ninth infantry and the insurgents In the island of Samar yesterday was sent promptly by General Hughes, commanding in that island, to General Chaffee, at Manila, and by him transmitted to the War depart ment. It reached the department dur ing the early hours today and Ad jutant General Corbin, realizing the importance, at once made it public, after sending a copy to the White House. General Chaffee’s dispatch, which agrees with the Associated Press, is as follows: “MANILA, Sept. 29. — Adjutant General, Washington: Hughes re ports following from Basey, Southern Samar: “ 'Twenty-four men Ninth regi ment, United States infantry, many wounded, have Just arrived from Bal angiga; remainder company killed. Insurgents secured all company sup plies and all rifles except twelve. Company was attacked during break fast, morning September 28; com pany, seventy-two strong. Officers, Thomas W. Connelly, captain; Ed wrd A. Bumpus, first lieutenant; Dr. K. S. Griswold, major, surgeon, es caped.’ CHAFFEE.” The news created a sensation in official circles. It was the first se vere reverse that has occurred for a long time. Still the officials were not unprepared for news of just this char acter from Samar, in which the rev olution started by Aguinaldo still continues. Samar Is a country about as large as the state of Ohio and the American forces of occupation num ber in all between 2,000 and 2,500 men. These are distributed among various posts in the Island, a large number being located at the more im portant centers. Spain never made any efforts to occupy Samar and it only has been for probably three months past that the United States has undertaken that work. The lat est report made by General Hughes to the War department was that the number of insurgent rifles in the is land aggregated about 300. The Fil ipinos earr.ed on a guerrilla warfare and operations against them were dif ficult. The disaster to Company C of the Ninth infantry occurred, it is believed, while it was engaged in an expedition to clear the country of roving bands of these insurgents, -he fact that the Americans were attacked while at breakfast indicates the daring and pluck of the insur gents. Mrs. McKinley Driven Out. CANTON, O., Sept. 30.—Mrs. MeKin ley had two drives again yesterday. On account of dismal weather and the rain of yesterday and last night, the outing was confined to the streets in the city. It was said at the McKinley home last night that there had been no material change in her condition and that she continues to hear up re markably well. Waldersee'H Ccjj Tatu* Him. BERLIN, Sept. 30.—Count von Wal dersee. who is ailing, is worse. He suffers from a painful store on the leg and has no appetite. He is still near Nekarsulm. Wurtemberg, on the estate of his sister-in-law. Christ inn* In Conflict. PARIS, Sept. 30.—A dispatch froir Constantinople reports that a blood* fight has taken place between Mussul mans and Christians at Beirut, Syria No details are given. STAG M'KINLEY GUARD (ihoala or Grave Dynamiters Reported to Have Made ao Attack. CANTON, O., Sept. 30.—A strange story comes tonight from West I-awn cemetery, where a company of regu lars from Fort Wayne, Mich., is guarding the vault in which the body of President McKinley lies. It is to the effect that the guard on duty on top of the vault fired a shot at one man who refused to heed his challenege and that the shot was diverted by another man who appear ed from another direction. Also that an effort was made to stab the guard. Military regulations prevent either the officers or the men of the past from being quoted on any matter con nected with their service, and for this reason Captain Biddle, who is in command, was obliged to decline to be quoted at the camp tonight. He will make a full report to his super iors at once. Reliable authorities made the fol lowing statement: Private Deprend was on guard duty on top of the vault at a point commanding the entrance below and the approach from the rear. Shortly before 7:30 he saw what he took to be the face of a man peering from behind a tree about forty feet from his post. He watch ed it for twenty minutes, he says, and at 7:45 saw' the man hurry to a tree ten feet nearer. He challenged the man to halt, but this was not heeded and the fellow approached nearer. Deprend levelled his gun and aimed to shoot for effect, but just at that Instant another man who came toward him from the opposite side caught the gun, threw it up and the bullet was spent in the air. PRELIMINARY TO MESSAGE President Requests Cabinet Members to prepare Their Report. WASHINGTON, Sept. 30.—At the cabinet meeting yesterday only routine matters were discussed. The meeting was attended by Secretaries Hitch cock and Wilson, Postmaster General Smith and Attorney General Knox, the only cabinet member in the city. It was determined that the cabinet officials should begin at once the prep paratlons of their annual reports, in or der that the president might have at an early date such information regard ing the executive department as would enable him to prepare his first mes sage to congress. Regarding the action of the Hawaiian legislature in providing for an addi tional district court in Hawaii, the president and attorney general are in some doubt. The question of the validity of the act has been raised. Nothing about it will be done at pres ent, but Attorney General Knox will examine it and prepare an opinion upon it for the guidance of the presi dent. Columbia T.tkes First Prize. NEW YORK, Sept. 30—In the closest and most soul-stirring race ever sail ed for the old Ameiicas’ cup, the white flyer Columbia Saturday beat the British challenger over a windward and leeward course of over thirty nau tical miles by the narrow, heart-break ing margin of 39 seconds. As Lipton's latest aspirant for cup honors must allow the defender forty-three seconds on account of the extra 833 square feet of canvas in her sail area, gives Col umbia the victory by one minute and twenty-two seconds. Labor Riot in France. RHEIMS, France, Sept. 30.—The gen d’armes have been called out to suppress an outbreak of the grape pickers, who are dissatisfied with the pay they are receiving, and overrun ning the Ay district, in the department of Marne, waving red flags, singing the Carmagnole and attacking travel j ers. The strikers seized one employer whom they wished to hang, but he was rescued by the gen ’darmes. Many arrests have been made. Kltctilner Wants More Horses. LONDON. Sepr. 30.—Idle Daily Ex press publishes a report that Lord Kitchener has asked for 25,000 more seasoned mounted men and for power to hang rebels, traitors and murderers without reference to the home govern ment. Will Soon Have Protectorate. BOMBAY, Sept. 30.—The Bombay ! Gazette says it believes a British pro tectorate will soon be proclaimed over Koweyt, the proposed terminus of the Bagdad railroad on the Persian gulf , as a result of the Anglo-Turkish dis | pute. Foot Racer It* Too Slow. FORT SCOTT, Kan.. Sept. 30—O. G. Stanbury, a professional foot racer, who is charged whh having conspired with "Bud" GilLUt, another profes i sional sprinter, now in jail here, tc ! defraud State Representative Jonathan | Davis out of $5,000 by inducing him I to bet that amount on a race and then ! throwing the race, was arrested and i is now in jail. Officers are now aftei ! E. E. Ellis and "Bob" Boatright ol I Webb City. DECISION Of LITTLE EffECT Insurance -Men Had Anticipated the Federal Court. OMAHA, Neb., Sept. 30.—The de cision of Judge McPherson of the United States court in the ease of the Mutual Insurance company and others against the attorney general of the State of Nebraska and others, In volving the right of the insurance companies operating in the state to combine for mutual protection, will have little effect upon the practical work of the insut*ince companies, for the law which was declared uncon stitutional was never enforced and its terms were evaded by the companies interested. When the law was first enacted the companies united to make a test case of the' matter in the United States court. A temporary injunction was issued by Judge Munger restraining the state officers from enforcing the provisions of the law and this injunc tion has operated from that time un til the final decision rendered yes terday. The companies had made provisions to avoid penalty in case they should lose the suit and at the same time maintain practically the same sys tem which the legislature of the state had sought to destroy. A. G. Beeson at the time the law was passed was state inspector of insurance for the companies doing business in the state. By the terms of the agreement be tween the companies he made the rates which were to be charged on each class of risks, or upon each risk as desired. For this work he receiv ed a stipulated salary, which was paid by all of the companies to the agree ment. FOR VIOLATING NLW GAME LAW Rportgmen Fined for Hunting Without a Licence. DAKOTA CITY, Neb., Sept. 30.— Sheriff Sides' office here took on the appearance of a camp of the state militia, when Deputy Game Commis sioner C. P. Counsman of Omaha stacked up four guns, piled up several hundred shells, tied up a dog and hung up a string of four hell-divers, four mudhens, one turtle dove and one duck, and at the same time plac ed in custody of Sheriff Sides, Alfred, Edgar and A1 Richardson and George Hare of Sioux City, charging them with violations of the Nebraska game law. They are accused of being non residents hunting and killing wild game without the prescribed license. The defendants were brought before County Judge Enners. They pleaded guilty, but said they were ignorant of the law and that it was their first trip to Crystal lake in quest of game. Since this was the first arrest in this locality under the new law, Judge Enners was lenient with the offenders and fined them each $5 and costs. Crystal lake, with its two pleasure resorts, is a good place for Iowans to hunt and fish, as it is only two miles from Sioux City. The movement to enforce the law is strongly backed by local sportsmen and residents. Be fore his departure Deputy Sheriff Counsman will appoint a resident dep uty to enforce the law. The attorneys of this place will refuse to defend any violator of the law. but will as sist in the prosecution of any of fender. Hull Opened for York Library. COLUMBUS, Neb., Sept. 30.—The York public library committee now have plans and specifications for the new building and are advertising for bids to be filed with the secretary of the committee not later than October 1. The committee has $10,000 left to the city of York by the will of Mrs. C. G. Woods, who made provision for the building of a public library. Break* Leg in Runaway. LOUISVILLE, Neb., Sept. 28.—Henry Bluma, aged 23 years, a farmer three and a half miles southeast of here, was thrown from a wagon and between the horses. One foot caught and he was dragged some distance, breaking one leg and severely bruising him about the head. Thieve* Steal Buggy From Woman. ELK CREEK, Neb., Sept. 30 Thieves stole a buggy and a new set of harness from the barn of Mrs. Wil helmina Trute, a mile west of town. No clue has been found by the offi cers. Farmer Loses lluggy and Harness. TECUMSEH. Neb., Sept. 28.— Thieves stole a buggy, a set of harness and a lap robe from Henry Trute, i farmer in the southwestern part of this county. No AnarchUt Society at Fremont. FREMONT, Neb., Sept. 30.—For the last ten days an item has been going the rounds of the local state press concerning an alleged anarchist soci ety in Fremont. No trace of such an organization can be obtained here and if it exists it meet so secretly as to be unknown to the police. It is claimed that one or two copies of Most's paper come here regularly, but there is no anarchist organization fiere. HIE NORFOLK ASYLUM FIRE. Remaining Property Figured to Re Worth SI 70,000. NORFOLK. Neb., Sept. 28.—Superin tendent Teal had the old cornice at the top of the wall around the ruins of the hospital taken down. A force of workmen has put in steam, electric light and water fittings in all the re maining buildings. Things are in bet ter shape to handle a fire now, as there Is better pressure. All inmates remaining are comfortably housed and each patient h&s a separate bed. Members of the state board who were in Norfolk found things in much better shape thap they had antici pated. The institution will be able to take care of 150 patients. The damage is not as heavy as at first estimated. The value of the property saved is: Furniture, bedding and carpets, which have all been put under shelter, *5,000; buildings untouched by fire, the chapel, a two-story brick building, having the kitchen and a large dining room on the first floor; the laundry, a two story brick building; the engine and boiler houses of brick; the storehouse, a two-story brick building; two large frame structures; several boilers, en gines, pumps and dynamos; the tunnel leading from the boiler room and kitchen to different parts of the main building, which contain water and steam pipes and wiring, and the walls of the main building, which are worth half the original cost price, making a total of *70,000. The land is estimated to be worth *100,000. It has been estimated by an architect that *75,000 will put the burned build ing in better shape than it was be fore. WILL REBUILD AT NOREOLK. State Officials Sure Hospital Repairs Will Cost Less Than £00,000. ^ LINCOLN, Sept. 28.—It may be stated as a certainty that the hos pital for the insane at Norfolk will be rebuilt on its present site. Land Com missioner Follmer and Secretary of State Marsh returned from Norfolk and it is learned that both are op posed to removing the institution. They are confident that the destroyed portion of the building can be replacac for slightly over $50,000. - “We have not arrived at any definite agreement,” said Secretary Marsh, “and will not until all members of the board can get together for a meet ing, but it is very likely that plans will be made for rebuilding as soon as possible. We have investigated the ruins thoroughly and Governor Sav age and Attorney General Prout will go to Norfolk and look over the ground. After they return the board of public lands and buildings will hold a meeting and make the necessary arrangements. It is safe to say that the institution will be rebuilt at Nor folk if we can find some contractor willing to do the work and look to the next legislature for his compensation.” Nebraska Day at I x position. LINCOLN, Neb., Sept. 28.—Governor E. P. Savage and his entire military staff will attend the military exposi tion this week, arriving there in time to participate in Nebraska Day, Thurs day, October 3, having been set aside as a compliment to the people of this state. Governor Savage and his entire staff, many of them accompanied by their wives, will leave Omaha Monday evening. From Chicago to Buffalo the gubernatorial party will travel over the Wabash railroad, that line having been designated as the official route by Governor Savage yesterday. Harry E. Moores of Omaha, general agent of the passenger department of the Wabash, will be in charge of the party. State University Registration. LINCOLN, Sept. 28.—The registra tion at the State university up to this time is 1,338. This includes the enrollment of both new and old stu dents. The authorities hope that late arrivals and second semeter students will bring the attendance up to the figures of last year. Beatrice Preacher Goes to Iowa. BEATRICE, Neb., Sept. 28.—Rev. I. McK. Stuart, paster of the Century Methodist Episcopal church of this city, will accept a call to the Metho dist Episcopal church at Harlan, la. Baby Drowned in Reservoir. COLUMBUS, Neb., Sept. 28.—The 3 year-old son of Henry Kruse, a gard ener in the eastern part of town, strayed away from home and was drowned in a reservoir. Killed In Colorado. PUEBLO, Colo., Sept. 28.—Bert Bee man, a member of the Carpenters’ union of Pueblo and of Woodmen's lodge No. 2, fell four stories, sixty-five feet, at the Prudential building, and was instantly killed. Beeman was 31 years old, unmarried, and had but re cently came from Hastings. Neb., to which place the body was shipped. Bei man was working on the third floor of the building when the accident oc curred. The Past GUARANTEES The Future The Fact That SUacobs Oil Has cured thousands of cases of Rheumatism, Gout. Lumbago, Neuralgia, Sciatica. Sprains. Bruises and other bodily ache3 and pains Is a guarantee that it will cure other cases. It Is safe, sure and never failing. Acts like magic. Conquers Pain Price, 25c and 50c. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS IN MEDICINE. ______________ Sozodont Good fox* Bad Teeth Not Bad fox* Good Teeth Sozodont . . 25c as Sozodont Tooth Powder 25c Large Liquid and Powder 75c • HALL & RUCKEL. New York. MORE THAN HALF A CENTURY; P-l- OP EXPERIENCE % Mfes*. OUR GUARANTEE ' ARC BACK OF EVERY j WATERPROOF OlkEO SLICKER OR COAT BEARING THIS TRADE MARK. •^ovraj r-if ■ ON SALE EVERYWHERE. •* BEWARE OP IMITATIONS A, — CATALOGUES FREE f/tlT MI»U SHOWING FULL LINE . ' tjH Rif BK" OF GARMENTS AND HATS. 11 1/^** ! A.JTOWER CO-BOSTON. MASS, ♦<* ENORMOUS CROPS North Dakota has just harvested a won derful crop of wheat and flax. Reports from the various railway points along the “Soo” Line show yields of 25 to 38 bushels to the acre of wheat, and from 15 to 20 bushels of flax per acre. Flax is now bringing $1.25 per bushel. Most of the crop was raised on newly broken land, so that the first crop pays for the farm and all the labor, and leaves a handsome profit. There is still plenty of good free govern ment land open for entry; also good open ings to go Into business in the new towns along the “Soo” Line. For descriptive cir culars, maps and particulars, write to D. W. Casseday, Land Agent, “Soo” Line, Minneapolis, Minn. the man who wears Sawyer's Slickers. They’re made of Specially woven goods, double throughout, double and triple stitched, warranted water proof. / Sawyer’s Slickers are soft and smooth. Will not crack, peel ott or become sticky. Catalogue free. . M. Sawyer & Son, Sole Mfrs. East Cambridge, Mass. LIFE OF WM. M’KINLEY by natlou’s prom inent men. Large, fully Illustrated. Extra terms. Freight paid. Credit given. Big pay for quick work. Outfit ready; FREE. Send 10 cents for postage to ZEIGLER CO., 324 Dearborn 8t.,Chicago» NEW DISCOVERY; gives I^H\ V r ■ quick relief and cures worst rases. Book of testimonials and 10 DAYS’ treatment fr'Bbiu DR. H. II. GREEN’S SONS. Box E. Atlacta, Us. Cheaper Than Passes. 519.15 to Indianapolis and Return. On sale Sept. 16, 23. 30; Oct. 7. 531.15 to Louisville, Ky., and Re •urn. On sale Sept. 16, 23, 30; Oct. 7. 831.15 to Cincinnati, O., and Return. On sale Sept. 16, 23, 30; Oct. 7. 531.15 to Columbus, Ohio, and Return. On sale Sept. 16, 23, 30; Oct. 7. 831.15 to Springfield. O., and Return. On sale Sept. 16, 23, 30; Oct. 7. G21.05 to Sandusky, O., and Return On sale Sept. 16, 23. 30; Oct. 7. 841*75 to New York and Return. Daily. 835.75 to Buffalo and Return, Daily. 011.50 to St Louis, Mo., and Return. On sale Oct. 6 to 11. HOMESKEKERS’ EXCURSIONS. On sale 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month. Tourist rates on sale DAILY to all sum mer resorts, allowing stop-overs, at De troit. Niagara Falls. Buffalo and other points. For rates, lake trips, Pan-Ameri can descriptive matter and all informa tion, call at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1415 Farnam Street, (Paxton Hotel Blk.) or write HARRY K. MOORES, O. A. P. D., Omaha, Neb. VJhcQ Answering Advertisements Kindly Mention This Taper. W.N. U.—OMAHA No. 40 —1901