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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 3, 1901)
he Frontier VOLUME XXII. O’NEILL, HOLT COUNTY. NEBRASKA, OCTOBER 3, 1901. NUMBER 14. | LAND SYNDICATE EXPOSED—COUNTY OFFICERS IMPLICATED—POP PAPERS CET S9,472.64 | The Frontier promised its readers last week that it would at au early date enter more exhaustively into the subject of the tax lien foreclosure business that is being carried on by the populist land grabbers’ association of Holt county. The following article which appeared in the Stuart Herald of September 13, and which was written by a member of the O’Neill laud syndicate, sent to Stuart for publication and republished in the Holt County Independent of September 20, will be used as a text for the sermon we will now preach, and we ven ture the opinion that none of the corrupt gang will go to sleep while reading this discourse. Here is the article referred to: The Bariley-Scott ring that dominated and controlled the republican convention denounced the method of lax fore closures now being carried on by the populist administration as a laud grabbing scheme. This is a very old cr; of theirs. ^ Thay made the same cry two years ago. The fact of the tnat ■ ter is, it is utterly impossible for anybody to “grab” any land under the law.****l'be sheriff advertises the laud for sale and every farmer in the couuty lias a chance to bid on it. Many tanners all over Holt county have got lands to add to their rauches on these tax foreclosures and more will get them every month We have known for some time that there has been more or less fraud uud corruption practiced in this per nicious system of tax foreclosure but we had uo idea of its magnitude, aud from our recent investigations we are simply appalled at the stupendiousuess of the cor ruption that is being carried on by some of our county officers and other members of the laud syndicate. To many, the real nature of the couuty foreclosures for delinquent taxes is not fully understood. A brief sum mary of the important features of the litigation may not be out of place here. There is no statutory provision authorizing the county attorney to bring auy such action or adopt this method to collect delinquent taxes. The plan was conceived by Mike Harrington aud ex Couuty Attorney llutler, they getting their inspiration from a decision of the supreme court in which the court indicates that the couuty can maintain au action at auy time to enforce the collection of delinquent tax. The supreme court has never passed squarely on the questiou, however, aud there is much difference of opinion arnoug the attorneys as to whether or not the actions are legal. This is about the only county in the state in which the system is in vogue. The first case filed in this couuty was by W. 11. But ler, populist couuty attorney, on May 3, 1899, aud since t which time there has been DOB cases filed in which the ’ couuty of Holt is plaintiff. We give below au itemized statement of the cases filed, showing the name of the defendant, numbers of the land, amount of printer’s fee charged and amount of tax involved in each case. Populist Couuty Attorney W. R. Butler had a contract with the printers whereby he was to get 20 per cent of the printers’ fees collected, notwithstanding the consti tution of the state explisitly prohibits auy county officer from receiving any sum above the salary allowed by law. witn tins contract wim me primers oi course it was tc Mr. Butler’s interest to commence as many cases as possible and make the notices as long as possible, thereby making the printer’s fee large, as he (Butler) was to receive 20 per cent of it. Whether Mr. Mullen, the present populist county attorney, has this same con tract with the printers or not we do not kuow, but from the number of cases he is tiling lately and the unneces sarily long notices, it is reasonable to conclude that he has. It will be seen from the statement here published that the populist press of this county has received the enormous sum of $9,472.64 as their share of the booty in connection with this rotten deal, and it has been .•livided, according to their own statements on file, as follows: Holt County Independent.'..$6,196 64 Atkinson Plain Dealer. 2,408 50 Ewing Advocate. 75» 00 Stuart Herald. 112 50 v. - Total.$9,472 64 This sum is nearly one third of the amount of the entire taxes involved in these cases. Of the 4o8 cases published below showing the tax, the total amount of tax involved is $30,391.72 and of this amount there has been less than $12,000 collected. The total costs in the same cases are $12,579.70, and of this amount it caL readily be seen that the printers’ fees form the very large per cent. It will be seen from the statement be low that the printer’s fees in mauy instances amount to much more than the tax involved. That the notices in these cases have been unnecessarily long and the publi cation fees exorbitant there can be no question. In the last issue of The Frontier one of these notices for which Eves charged $72 was reproduced and a notice we pre pared containing the same subject matter printed be side it, the legal fee for which would bo $10, and offered to forfeit $25 if our notice was not a legal notice and served the same purpose as the syndicate notice for which Eves charged $72. If the “long drawn out” pro cess has been worked with all the notices to the same extent as with the one referred to the publication fees charged are about seven times in excess of what they should be, or about $8,082 more than should have been charged. In view of this, is it any wonder that the populist papers of the county and the land syndicate are so clamorous for a coutiuuaton of this nefarious system which is robbing many people of their property and defrauding the county out of thousands of dollars of taxes? They attempt to justify their position by claiming that they are benefittiug the county by collecting large sums of delinquent taxes. We deny this, and point out the fact that in the cases referred to less than $12,000 has been collected and in doing this there has been over $9,000 in printers’ fees charged against the land. If the ordinary and lawful way of collecting taxes had been pursued, much more than this amount would have been collected on the land involved in these cases and the county would have had io pay no costs and would not have been defrauded out of thousands of dollars in taxes as has been the case by the foreclosure method. In a great many of these cases where the land has been sold to members of the syndicate they have sold for just enough to pay the c"sts and the county has not received a dollar for the taxes, and by reason of the sale the taxes have been “stricken” from the tax books and is so noted on the tax register. The school, township, f< COUNTY, STATE AND IN FACT ALL THE TAXES HAVE BEEN EN TIRELY ELIMINATED AND CHARGED OFF THE RECORDS WITH OUT THE PAYMENT OF A DOLLAR. In many other oases where the lands have not been sold the county’s claim for taxes]has been transposed from a first lieu against the laud to a secend lein by operation of this abominable practice. By this transfer of its claim from first to second place the claim of the county has beou practically eliminated for the reason that in many cases the laud is poor and would not sell for enough to pay both costs and taxes, and under the law and rulings of Judges Harrington and Westover the costs are a first lien. By this system of piling up excessive costs they not only confiscate the land from its owner but defraud the county out of its taxes. The truth of this statement is strikingly illustrated in case No. 6079 against the Commercial Investment Co., for the NYV4 aud \VJ SW4 Sec 4 and E 4 SE4 Sec. 5, Twp. 31, range 15—320 acres. The tax against this laud amounted to §174.26. Eves published the notice for which he received $72. Editor Henry received $15 for publishing the sheriff’s notice. The total costs amounted to $180. The laud was sold to T. V. Golden on June 22,1900,for $180—just enough to puy the costs. By this transaction Mr. Golden gets 320 acres of land clear for $180; Sam Eves gets $72 for publishing the notice,Lee Henry gets $]5 aud the county gets its claim for taxes of $174.26 CANCELLED WITHOUT THE PAYMENT OF A DOLLAK. We would like Mr. Eves or auy member of the cor rupt gaug of laud pirutes tell to us,if by this transaction, the couuty has not been as effectively robbed out of $174.26 as if one of the gang hud gone into the treasur er’s office and taken the sum out of the cash drawer? This is by no means the only transaction of this kind. The record is full of them aud the loss to the county runs into the thousands. We have not the space to call attention to all of them but ia this article will call at tention to but a few. Among the cases that appear most damnable to us is a couple in which two of our deputy couuty officials are directly implicated and in which they have utterly failed to cover up their tracks. In the case against Leauder Willhite No. 5339 for Sl£4 NW4 aud N4 NW4 Sec. 29, Twp. 31, range 12, the amount of taxes against the land was $59.13, the total costs $62.89 and the laud was sold on July 16, 1900, to James A. Donohoe, populist deputy county treasurer, for $67. A record of the deed can be found on deed record 56 at page 424. Mr. Donohoe gave $4.11 move than the costs for the land, and he settled the county’s claim of $62.89 with this munificent sum of $4.11. The balance of $52.78 is “stricken” from the tax list without the payment of a dollar. Mr. Donohoe or some of the gaug may attempt to justify this transaction by saying this was a “public” sale, and he had a right to get the laud for as little as possible. We deny this,and assert that the way these sales are conducted is more in the nature of a "private” sale as they are generally made when no one is present except some one of the gang. Instances have occurred where farmers or outsiders have appeared to bid on laud and some member of the cor rupt land syndicate would bid the land up for more thah it was worth and beyond the reach of the farmer, and then when the farmer left, the land syndicate man who bid the land in would refuse to take it and the land would be again advertised und another sale would be had at which no one was present except members of the land syndic ite and they would get the land at their own price. Futhermore, this claim would offer no possible excuse for Mr. Donohoe, who is an officer of the county whose sworn duty it is to protect the interests of the county and see that the taxes nre collected. For his services the county pays him $700 per year, The land was certainly worth more than the taxes and costs, as it was appraised for much more by the sheriff and apprais ers,and Mr. Donohoe should at least have paid enough to protect the county’s claim, instead of being a party to defrauding the county out of $58.78 by this system of legalized robbery. Another case similar to the above is that of Deputy County Clerk Casper Englehaupt who bought the land in case No. 5556 involving S\\\ Sec. 5-26-13 on June 6, 1900. The taxes involved amounted to $71.41, costs $91.16 making a total of $162.27. He paid $127 for the land, which amount paid the costs and $35.57 was left to liquidate the tax claim of $71.41. In this ease the county was beaten out of $35.57 and that amount of tax “stricken” from the records without the payment of a dollar, notwithstanding Mr. Englehaupt’s sworn duty is to protect the interests of the county for which service he is paid by the tax payers of the county. Mr. Eng lehaupt can not consistently claim that he paid for the laud all it was worth as the appraisement was for$200 and the records show that he sold the land to Anna Gapter for $200 on November 22, 1900, a record of which can be found on deed record 57 at page 356. He “touches” the county for $35.57 and makes a “rake off” of $73 on the transaction, while drawing his salary and $5 per month rent for his typewriter from the county. Another case in which a county official was directly interested is that of ex-Supervisor W. 13. Cooper, who, while in office, on Juno 25, 1900, bought the NEJ of Sec 21-26 12 for $80, which was just the amount of the costs, and the county thereby lost its entire claim of $126.27, and that amount was “stricken” from the tax books. What do the tax payers of Holt county who are not in the ring think of this method of “collecting” the tax on this land? The tracts of land that have been sold to Mike Mc Carthy, ex chairman of the populist county central committee, in which the county has lost its taxes are too numerous to mention and we will refer but briefly to a few of them. Case No. 5548 involving NEJ Sec. 33, Twp. 32, range 15, was sold to Mr. McCarthy for $44 on April 23, 1900, and of course by this operation the county’s claim of $57.44 was cancelled without the pay ment of a dollar. Casa No. 5501 for the SEJ and SEi SE^ 13-33 14 in which the county had a tax claim of $59.55 was on Juno 12, 1900 sold to McCarthy for the munificent sum of ONE DOLLAR. Think of it, Mr. Tax Payer! Mr. McCarthy was mag nanimous enough to pay tho county one dollar for its tax claim of $59.55’ and he got a clear deed to 120 acres of land. M. F. Harrington—that prince of reformers and re cognized head of the land syndicate—has done a pretty profitable business in this line. He bought the S.J N£ and N^ SW.'f 6 26-11, being Case No. -for $225.49 which amount was just sufficient to pay taxes and costs. Mike McCarthy was one of the appraisers who apprais / ed this laud aud of course he was a “disinterested” appraiser as the law provides the appraiser should be. In the case in which E. C. Covell is defendant, involv ing the NF-J 0 28-9, Harrington bought the land on February 2, 1900, for $312, which was just enough to pay taxes and costs. The records shows that on April 9, 1900, 07 days after purchase,he sold the land to Geo W. Hutton for $2,400. A “rake off” of $2,088 on an investment of $312 for 07 days is not so bad. A record of this deed, can be found in deed record 55 at page 419. Is it at all strange, Mr. Tax Payer, that Mr. Harring ton is such an earnest advocate of this system of collec ting taxes? The Herald says in the article referred to: “Many farmers all over Holt county have got lands to add to their ranches on these tax foreclosures and moro will get them every mouth.” This is a case where the "farmer” is getting the benefit by paying $2,088 more for the land than it was sold for 00 day, previous at one of these “public” sales. While on this point we wish to take this occasion to deny most emphatically that by this system the “farmers” are getting an opportunity to “add to their ranches,” and the records will bear out this statement. Out of all the sales that have been made in these county foreclosures there has been but seven “farmers” that have bought land at these “public” sales, aud for the information of the public we give their names. They are, W. B. Cooper, M. Libe, John Carr, Austin Hynes, C. Coyne, J. Sullivan and A. Rois. Most all the other sales have been made to the mem bers of the land syndicate, such “farmers” as Mike Harrington, Mike McCarthy, T. V. Golden, ex-County Attorney W. R. Battler, County Judge Sel&h, Ed S. Eves, John Morrow, Deputy County Clerk Casper En glepaupt, and Deputy County Treasurer James A. Don ohoe. These are the brawny, bronzed sons of toil that are “getting the land to add to their ranches.” The facts are that the farmers are getting thoroughly farmed by this system of foreclosures, as the members of the land syndicate are getting titles to thousands of acres of land in the county at a cost of $50 to $350 per quarter section. The land in many instances lies adjoining seme farmer who can scarcely do without it. This the members of the land syndicate well know and they compel the farmer to buy the land at a price many times greater than what they paid for it. If they are unable to sell the land to the farmer they compel him to pay rent for the land he has previously had the free use of when the land was owned by a non-resident. If this system continues a great while at the rate it is now going it will not be long until most of the unoccupied land in the county will be controlled by this heartless gang of land pirates and the farmers of the county will be at their mercy for land on which to range their stock. How many farmers in the county are their that have not been importuned by some member of the land syndicate within the past two years to buy or rent a piece of land that has been acquired by this infamous system? This same gang or land pirates are now writing letters ana going over the county importuning the farmers to vote for the populist ticket, for its election means a continuation of this pratice—and a continuation of the pratice means thous ands of dollars into the pockets of the members of the land syndicate. This gang will tell the farmers that the republi can party have been corrupt in this county, but they will not mention the high handed corruption that is now being carried on bv populist officials. Let the voters and tax payers be not deceived. The republican party has nominated a ticket made up of as good men as there is iu the county and their election insures ur honest and economical administration of the affairs of theco..nty and an immodiale stop put to this infamous system of tax forecloures.wherebythe county is being defraud ed out of thousands of dollars. This matter seems of so much importance to the tax payers of Holt couuty, that if there are anv who doubt the statements made herein, we would suggest that they call a mass meeting of the voters and tax payers of the county, and let them appoint a committee to investigate and see if every statement we have made is not true. We have not told all or one tenth part of the results of our own investigation, lack of space preventing, but we will have more to say concerning this gang from time to time. Following is an itemized list of the cases above referred to: Plaintiff. Defendant. Laud. Involved. Fee. Co.of llolt Waterman L. 1&2, B. 14 O’Neill $194.46 . “ Wyman NE NE, 17, NE SE, S% SE, 8-31-10 123.83 $40.00 •• 1 uiou T.Co SVo-NE, SVi NW, 7-32-10 44.48 . “ Ws. U. F S’/c SE, N% NE L. Co. 11-26-15 113.41 37.50 Nichell W'/j W>/2, 32-27-12 56.27 . “ Minnesota EVa NE, SW NE, NW F. M. Co. SE, 6-28-10 149.00 27.50 “ Ludviqson SW, 23-31-13 124.87 30.00 Com. I. Co. EVa SE, 5-31-15 NW, Si/a SW, 4-31-15 174.26 89.00 Sehmit SW, 35-29-14 56.50 25.00 “ Bliven NW, 10-30-15 57.95 44.00 “ Allen NW, 26-33-15 102.45 25.00 Toy SE, 10-26-14 67.48 20.00 Stapleton E% SE, SW SE, 18 & NW NE, 19-32-15 100.00 10.00 “ Neb. L. & T. Co. SW, 28-29-13 49.80 25.00 “ Barto NE, 20-29-12 137.54 30.00 “ Carberry L. 8, B. 9, Stuart 195.19 . Dorsey NMj SW.SW SW,35-31-13 71.70 25.00 “ Thompson NE, 30-31-14 48.74 . " Thompson SE, 11-30-14 52.78 . Toncray EVa KVa, 14-25-14 78.30 18.00 “ Tierney L.11&12, B. 10 O’Neill 285.03 . “ Traw .NW, 35-29-15 97.98 30.00 Ws. U. F. & T. Co. SW, 4-31-12 99.69 25.00 “ Ws. U. F. & T. Co. SW, 10-30-15 57.95 44.00 “ Wyman NE, 28-29-10 72.84 25.00 “ Webster NE, 26-33-15 50.88 22.50 “ Wheeler SVi SVa. 7 30-14 37.32 . “ West SW, 6-28-12 106.03 25.00 “ Whelan NE, 17-29-9 75.64 . “ Wyman SW. 21-32-9 58.75 25.00 “ Wells SE NE. NE SW, N’Va SE, 3-28-16 46.80 20.00 *• Warner SW, 8-32-14 19.29 20.00 “ Warner S>/_. SE, 21 & N'/i NE, 28-28-14 55.68 22.50 “ Wright NE, 1-28-13 41.09 25.00 “ Fletcher NE, 15-32-9 50.68 25.00 “ Gibson NW, 13-33-15 45.50 25.00 “ Grable NE, 17-32-10 38.89 25.tK) “ Grove N>A S%, 28-29-15 9!l.09 30.00 “ Goddard SW, 6-33-14 44.61 32.50 “ Giiffin L. 1 of 27-34-14 20.60 . “ Grable W>4 SW. SE SW, 7-31-9 35.51 20.00 • “ Gibson NE, 18-32-14 25.82 17.50 “ Gallagher SE, 22-29-12 168.50 25.00 “ Garver ESW, SW SW, NW SE. 26-28-14 65.86 25.00 “ Gasnev S‘/a SVa, 4-28-16 72.62 . ' “ Garver SW, 14-30-15 62.(K) 32.50 “ Hass SE, 7-31-15 50.25 . “ Hanna SE, 31-29-14 50.25 27.50 | “ Hartford, S. SE NW, E Vj SW, SW B.I.I.Co. SW, 18-82-9 18.60 17.50 “ Hill NW, 30-30-16 77.31 . “ Holliugsh’d N% SE, SE SE, 15, NE NE, 22-29-9 50.06 20.00 Howard NW, 8-33-14 56.57 22.50 Hass SE, 31-31-14 73.31 32.50 “ Hanna SE, 27-29-10 62.75 30.00 ’’ Hyde SE, 21-32-9 58.75 25.00 ’’ Hayden SW, 23-32-14 27.84 17.50 Heaton SW, 35-29-10 89.21 27.50 “ Hanna NE, 35-29-16 79.54 30.00 " Johnson SW, 5-33-14 46.34 22.50 Johnson NE, 25-29-10 113.46 . “ Jereome E Vj SW, SW SW, SW SE. 30-32-10 57.68 22.50 •’ Kester NW, 20-32-10 27.22 25.00 “ Kadder NE, 22-29-10 02.01 10.00 Lewis EVj EVj, 23-31-11 72.23 30.00 Lemlrum SE, 29-30-16 59.24 20.00 1-lewis SVi SVj, 3-28-10 02.55 20.00 “ Moore SE SW, 8% SE, 8-32-10 SW SW, 9-32-10 42.33 25.00 Merrill W'/j W%, 20-31-15 50.00 . “ Mann EVj SE, 7 & W'/j SW, 8-32-10 43.79 . “ Miller S'/j SW, 20-31-13 25.00 15.00 Moline SE SW, N% SE, SW SE, 25-32-0 02.10 . “ MeCahn NW, 22-30-12 73.74 7.50 “ McKee SVj NW, N'/. SW, 12-28-14 56.30 22.50 McCarthy S% SE, 14, NVj NE, 23-25-0 30.00 20.00 “ Neb. L. & T. Co. NW. 30-31-14 59.97 . “ Nation SVj SVj, 24-32-10 28.38 25.00 “ Northrop NVj SW, 33-34-14 24.57 22.50 Niven NE SE, SVj SE, 29-30-9 20.40 20.00 Nielmug NW, 17-32-15 43.23 17.50 “ Neb. L. & T. Co. SE, 25-31-14 17.53 . “ Omaha L. It. Co. SE, 24-20-13 99.67 30.00 " Omaha L. It. Co. NE, 24-31-14 74.91 . “ Owens SE, 24-31-11 49.00 30.00 Oleaon NW, 11-31-14 123.44 25.00 “ I’aige SW NE, WVj NW, SE NW, 7-29-12 48.25 20.00 “ Pratt SE, 18-33-14 42.10 . •• Porter SE. 29-31-12 94.90 40.00 “ Paddock NW, 5-32-15 83.12 17.50 Russell N% NE, 24-29-12 14.55 lOjOO Roose S'/j NE, 20-30-14 15.00 12.50 “ Rollins SW, 29-32-15 31.08 25.00 “ Roden SW, 5-29-9 61.08 . “ ltawden NVj NVj, 24-20-15 44.62 25.00 “ Rogers SW, 28-28-14 55.56 25.00 Roberts L. 28, B. 22, O’Neill 505.00 20.00 “ Richards SE, 25-29-15 60.90 25.00 “ Rock I. P. Co. SE, 20-30-14 68.70 25.00 “ Russell SE, 5-29-10 76.98 25.00 “ Russell SVj NE, EVj SE, SW SE. 12-32-14 76.91 22.50 “ Strong SVj NE. NE SW, 17, SE SE, 18-26-14 78.67 . “ Slocum NVj NW, SE NW, 5-32-10 45.01 17.50 “ Swan L. I. Co. I,. 5, 6, 7, 8, Sec. 3-35-15 72.55 27.50 “ Siler NE. 25-28-9 70.34 30.00 " Stock NW SE, SW NE, SE NW, NE SW, 20-28-13 45.96 30.00 “ Schmit SE, 34-29-14 56.50 20.00 “ Scheiner SE SW, SVj SE, 15-32-10 26.69 20.00 “ Swan L. & Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Sec. I Co. 2-25-15 127.00 42.50 “ Swift W ^ NW. 26-28-16 35.65 10.00 “ Swinney SW, 18-32-10 45.38 27.50 “ Stevens SE SE, 21. N% NE, SE NE, 28-27-16 115.57 27.50 “ Swift EV. NW, 26-28-16 35.65 10.00 “ Shell W % SE. 1-28-15 31.92 20.00 “ Sutherland SW, 17-31-14 57.09 27.50 Smith SE, 8-31-15 97.33 32.50 “ Thompson S% NW, E% SW, 10-26-14 71.00 . “ Thceuwen SE. 6-31-14 109.27 25.00 “ Toncray NW, 21-28-12 42.04 37.50 “ Thompson EVj SW. W% SE, 14- 32-14 62.18 20.00 “ Curtis NE, 12-28-14 45.45 25.00 “ Commercial Inv. Co. SE, 17-27-12 40.06 25.00 “ Carr SVa NW, N% SW, 20-30-9 7.81 13.00 “ Conover NE, 27-29-16 62.70 25.00 “ Commercial N% NW. 27 & S'/j SW, Inv. Co. 22-28-13 45;64 20.00 “ Conkle SW, 9-31-10 53.13 . “ Cabtree NE, 33-34-10 49.59 31.50 Crew NE, 29-28-11 31.38 . “ Caylor SW NE, SE NW, NE SW, NW SE, 24-30-11 82.56 22.50 “ Clark SW, 13-29-13 11.12 10.00 “ Casteller SE, 30-30-10 67.44 27.50 “ Chester C. . . G. T. & S. D. Co. NE. 18-29-10 01.58 37.00 “ Alexander L. 6, B. 2, Inman 35.00 12.50 “ Commercial Inv. Co. NW NW, 6-25-14 89.64 32.50 “ Damon SW, 34-31-15 100.25 25.00 Dean NW, 8-31-14 68.25 25.00 “ Dorsey SW SB, NW NE, N% NW, 7-26-13 124.81 . “ Dorsey SW, 9-28-14 54.50 . “ Dorsey NE, 33-28-13 27.07 . Dorsey SW NW, N'/j SW, 5, SE NE. 0-28-13 47.60 . “ Dorsey NV. NE, SW NE, 24-28-14 49.28 20.90 “ Dorsey N% SW, N’/j SE, 26-29-11 76.27 35.00 “ Dorsey SW, 27-29-13 49.80 30.00 “ Dorsey SE. 5-28-12 55.70 37.50 “ Dorsey SE, 29-28-13 16.28 . “ Dexter NW, 29-30-14 91.86 32.50 “ Davis SW. 6-31-14 108.59 25.00 Ellis NW NE, 3-32-16 W >/' SW, 35-33-16 92.00 27.50 “ Evans NW, 28-30-16 108.39 25.00 “ Edwards E>/. SE, 33-26-12 58.51 17.50 “ Folloitt NW, 27-31-14 48.59 32.50 Fitzgerald Lots 6, 7, 8, B. 9, O’Neill 190.80 17.50 “ Florell SE, 11-25-14 79.55 25.00 Flannigan Lot 23. B. 16, O’Neill 173 58 . “ Beachly E% SW, W% SE, 15- 28-16 67.34 . Bump SE NE. NE SE, 26-32-10 36.54 37.00 “ Ballou S. B. Co. SW, 28-20-10 110.71 39.00 “ Boston U. E.&T.Co. WVa WVa. 25-30-11 151.20 25.00 “ Barney N% SE, SE SE. 11-26-14 38.51 20.00 “ Baglcy SVj SE, 28-26-13 26.29 . " Burrage W> . WV>, 27-32-12 58.30 37.00 “ Blake SE, 13-28-14 47.94 . “ Bliven N% SW, 31-29-12 67.39 26.50 “ Bartholo- SW NE, S% NW, NW mew SW, 24-33-14 55.80 34.50 “ BallouB.Co SW, 1-30-14 46.67 47.00 “ Butterfield SE NW. SW SW, NE SW, SE SW, 22-31-12 56.00 39.00 “ Burr NW, 18-27-12 40.00 37.00 “ Butterfield EV» SW. 22-30-9 39.66 37.00 “ Cady L. Co. NE, 21-32-15 42.74 16.00 “ Coburn SE. 18-32-14 53.85 27.50 “ Nichols NE, 13-25-15 56.93 . “ llarlan NMi SW, S% NW, 10-27-16 148.69 32.50 “ lliddenger NE. 34-25-15 31.35 . “ Adams NW, 7-31-12 108.55 37.00 “ Allen NW, 35-28-14 46.79 37.00 “ Allen SW, 28-29-16 46.20 7.50 “ Allen SW, 5-28-14 49.47 . ’• Allen SW, 15-33-15 88.20 Allen SE, 23-30-14 61.40 . Alden NE. 21-30-14 38.17 . “ Adams SE, 8-27-12 39.83 30.00 “ Brown NE NE, 23, NW NW, 24-33-14 21.21 17.50 “ Bliven SW, 27-26-12 123.02 25.00 “ Burnett SE. 1-29-14 65.31 . “ Brown NE. 14-33-16 46.98 34.00 “ Beebe NW, 15-29-9 61.53 25.00 “ Moore SW, 25-29-10 111.63 47.00 (CONTINUED ON PAGE EIGHT.)