The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 26, 1901, Image 2

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t'ubtt«he>t Every TliurtUay by
Bishop Henry B. Whipple of the
Protestant Episcopal church of Minne
sota is dead.
Secretary Hay has been associated
with two administrations whose heads
have been assassinated.
The transport Warren sailed from
San Francisco for Manila with officers
returning to duty and a number of
school teachers.
' John B. Merrill, who gained a wide
reputation throughout the lakes region
from a Jlfelong connection with ma
rine Interests, died at Milwaukee.
James R. Dudley, aged WO years, a
prominent resident and early settler
of Adams county, died while eating
breakfast at his home in Mendon, 111.
Survivors of the l^idy Elgin disaster
attended mass in St. John's cathedral
at Milwaukee Monday, In commemora
tion of the anniversary of the disaster.
The Illinois Manufacturers' associa
tion. through its directors, has assured
President Roosevelt of its entire confi
dence and extends to him Its well
The Marquis Anglesey v. as robbed
of jewels valued at £30,000, which
were taken from a room at Walsing
ham House, ixmdon, while he was at
the theater.
The foreman of a bakery in Berlin,
named Surozynski, has been sentenc
ed to imprisonment for six months for
defamatory statements regarding Em
press Augusta Victoria.
Princess Victoria Louise, only
daughter of Emperor William, cele
brater her 9th birthday with her
mother and her youngest brother,
Prince Joachim, at Kadtnen.
The grand jury at Wichita, Kan.,
brought In a re-indictment against
Wm. Martindale, charging him with
wrecking the Emporia National bank,
which failed more than two years
Peter Pirsvh and Albert Smith, al
dermen of the city of Kenosha. Wis.,
were arrested in Chicago, charged
with accepting bribes for the grant
ing of an electric railway franchise
through Kenosha.
The United States grand jury at
Santa Fe, N. M., returned more in
dictments against Pedro Sanchez, cen
sus supervisor of New Mexico, and his
clerk, Mariano Sena, charging embez
zlement and forgery.
Prince Krnpotkin, the Russian revo
lutionist, in an interview on the at
tempted assassination of President
McKinley, characterized Czolgosz as a
"common murderer,” and said ho
should be dealt with as such.
S. S. Huntley, president and general
manager of the Yellowstone Park
Transportation company, and the
pioneer stagoman of Montana, died
suddenly of heart disease at Mam
moth Hot Springs, in the park.
The reorganlztaion committee of the
failed Seventh National bank of New
York has decided to see Comptroller
of the Currency Dawes and if possible
get a prompt approval of their plan
for the reorganization of the bank.
Grasshoppers are now ravaging the
rural districts near Chattanooga, Tenn.
While passing through the swarms as
they arose from their work of destruc
tion the cars are so overrun that the
windows have to be closed and the im
pact on the window glass is like haM,
thousands of the pest being killed by
striking the cars.
The king of Wurtemburg has writ
ten a letter of sympathy on the death
of President McKtnley.
The secretary of the treasury Mon
day purchased $1,590,000 long term 4
per cent bonds at $1.40 flat and $1,000
short fours at $113.3429.
France will have to import 50,000,000
bushels of wheat and Germany 05,
000,000 on account of short crops.
Twenty-three persons were drowned
by the wreck of a ferry boat which
was crossing the flooded Kulpa river,
near Osalj, Croatia.
A young man who gave his name as
Frank Rodgers, but is believed to be
John H. McNamara, alias "King" Mc
Namara. wanted at Lexington, Ky.,
for the murder of Jacob Keller, Feb
ruary 11, 1889, lias been arrested in
Topeka post, G. A. R„ has adopted
this resolution: "Resolved, That we
favor the deportation of all known an
archists, after a speedy public trial,
not to prey on other nations, but to
some island where they may be safely
At the hour set for the interment of
the body of the late President Mc
Kinley every train and every wheel of
'labor in connection with the Omaha.
Kansas City & Eastern railway came
to a stop and remained inactive for
five minutes.
Frank H. Burnham, commandant of
the Grand Army of the Republic at
Albert Dea, Minn., died suddenly at
the home of his daughter. Mrs. M.
Koch, of Chicago. Death is suppos
ed to have resulted from heart dis
Members of Erie County Court Prepare
for Murder Case at Buffalo.
Pli jHicinnft Who Examine C/.ti|gon* 8«y
He in No! Insaiio—The 1«* Not
to He Defended Alone llte Elite of an
(jDftound Mind.
BUFFALO. Sept. 23.—The most im- j
portant development in the Czolgosz
case yesterday was the announcement
that no poison had been found on the
bullets or on the revolver with which
the anarchist assassinated the presi
dent. Chemical and bacteriological
examinations were made and both
showed that no poison was used. An
other examination to determine the
mental condition of the prisoner was
made In the Erie county jail by Dr.
Carlos F. McDonald of New York, who
was brought here by the Erie County
Bar association, and Dr. W. F. Hurd,
superintendent, of the Buffalo State
hospital. The alienists were with the
assassin for one hour and a half and
when they left both declined to dis
cuss t he case.
District Attorney Penney and his
entire staff spent all of Sunday at the
city hall preparing for the trial of
Czolgosz, which will begin before Jus
tice White in part III of the supreme
court this morning.
Mr. Penney had conferences with
the alienistH and with City Chemist
Herbert M. Hill, who submitted his re
port upon an examination of the hill
lets and revolver.
Immediately after the death of the
president one of the staff of physi
cians In attendance on the president j
expressed the opinion that the bullets
may have been poisoned. District At
torney Penney, who had possession of
the assassin’s revolver, ordered care
ful and thorough examinations made.
Dr. Hill was directed to make a chem
ical examination of the bullets anil
the chambers and barrel of the revol
ver, and Dr. Herman G. Matzlnger,
one of the surgeons who performed
tlie autopsy upon the president's body,
was ordered to make a bacteriological
examination. This afternoon Dr. Hill
reported to the district attorney that
his work showed that no poison had
been used.
He also presented a written report,
but it. will not he used on the trial, as
that question is now eliminated from
(he case. Dr. Mutzinger has finished
his bacteriological examination and
his work also revealed the absence of
any poison. The district attorney lias
been informed to that effect, although
tue formal report has not been sub
mitted. Authorities on this question
state that the two examinations form
a complete test and that the sligliest
trace of poison would have been re
Dr. McDonald and Dr. Heard, alien
ists for the defense, called upon Dis
trict Attorney Penney shortly before
3 o'clock this afternoon and remained
with him until 3:15, when they were
escorted to the jail by Detective Solo
mon. The insanity experts went into
Czolgosz's cell, in murderer's row, and
were locked up with him until 4:05
o'clock, when they returned to the
city hall and held another conference
with the district attorney. Fifteen
minutes later Dr. James W. Putnam,
a local alienist, appeared and Joined
the conference. Although great se
crecy was maintained at the district
attorney's office, it was learned that
Dr. Allen McLune Hamilton, one of
the most able alienists in the United
States, and who was an expert wit
ness in the Guiteau case, was in Buf
Not a doubt of Czolgosz's sanity ex
ists in the mind of District Attorney
Penney, so that it is presumed that
Dr. Hamilton is here merely to meet
the question of Insanity should the
defense be determined to make a fight
on that ground. Although ine defense
declines to make any definite state
ment on the subject pending the final
opinion of Dr. McDonald, it is tfie
consensus of opinion among those in
terested in the case that no insanity
plea will he interposed by Judges
Lewis and Titus. The district attor
ney is already fortified wit lithe opin
ion of Dr. Joseph Fowler, Dr. James
\V. Putnam and Dr. Floyd Orego, Buf
falo alienists of some note, that Czol
gosz is perfectly sane.
Hay ««»»**» to Visit.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 23. Secretary
Ilay has left the city for a visit to ins
summer home at Kuna pee, N. II.
Hiisslans start for Home.
BERLIN, Sept. 23. Emperor Nich
olas and the Russian empress arrived
at Kiel at t> o'clock this evening. They
were met at the jailway station by
Prime and Princess Henry of Prussia
and the Russian imperial children,
with whom they drove to the castle.
At K o'clock the Russian sovereigns,
accompanied by their children, re
sumed the journey homeward. The
prince and princess went with them
to the station.
Kritzinger i« Unable to f orce the Pa»ftag«
of the Orange Itiver.
LONDON, Sept, 23.—The war office
has received the following dispatch
from Lord Kitchener:
"Kritzinger, while attempting to
force a passage of (he Orange rivet
near Herschell at 1 a. m. Friday,
rushed the camp of a party of l-ovatt's
scouts. He failed to cross the river,
but the scouts lost heavily. Lieuten
ant Colonel, tile Hon. Andrew Murray,
and Captain Murray, ills adjutant, w'ere
killed, r deeply regret the loss of Col
onel Muray, who throughout the war
had led Lovatt’s scouts with great gal
"Under cover of darkness, the Boers
managed to carry off a gun. They
were promptly followed up and the
gun was recovered in a smart engage
ment, in which Kritzinger lost two
killed and twenty taken prisoners."
Lord Kitchener also reports that the
British captured by the Boers in the
ambush near Scheepener Neb, Sep
tember 15, have been released and that
the British casualties in the recent
Vlakfontein engagement, when the
Boers captured a company of mounted
infantry and two guns, were one of
ficer and five men killed, twenty-three
men wounded and six officers and 103
men taken prisoners. He announces
that these prisoners have since been
He further reports the capture of
two commandos, one consisting of
fifty-five men tinder Commandant
Kochs, who were taken, together with
their entire transport, west of Aden
burg, and the other consisting of fifty
four men .including P. J. Botha, who
were taken with forty-eight wagons
and their belongings, forty-five miles
south of Carolina.
(tenvi'Hl Wood Hull* 1'rtnent Flan Will lie
Coul tuned.
WASHINGTON, Sept. 2'!.—Genera!
Leonard Wood, military governor ol
Cuba, sailed for Havana. Alex Gon
zales accompanied him. Tlte expecta
tion of General'YVood is that lie will he
able to complete arrangements hi
which ihe conduct of affairs in the
island can lie banded over to the Cu
bans by the first of next May. The
electoral vole, which the governoi
brought with him for Ihe inspection ol
the authorities here, is satisfactory tc
tlte administration, provided some
modifications are made. As a result
of his talk with the officials here
General Wood expressed (he opinion
that there will lie no change in the
attitude of the administration toward
the Cubans, but the policy inaug
urated by Mr. McKinley will be con
tinued by his successor.
I'ntlelni; Fafttern Knot*.
LONDON, Sent. 23.—M- rte Biowilz,
the Paris correspondent of the Times,
The conversations of the French and
Russian rulers and their ministers last
week pertained almost exclusively to
the near and the far east, the strained
relations between Turkey and France
and the necessity for removing the
jeulousies of the powers which en
abled Turkey to elude its engagements.
Armenian affairs were also dis
ctisBed, Russia holding that it was im
possible to tolerate a fresh explosion
and that tile Armenians must either
accept Russia protection or continue
the miserable existence they are now
Ann ant of *l>ipwiiAs« Trade.
LONDON, Sept. 23.—“Japan's trade
for the last eight months." says a ciis
i patch to tin* Times from Toklo,
| "amounted to 165,000,000 yen in ex
; ports and 1X1.000,000 yen in imports,
as against 123,000,000 and 207,000,000
yen last year. Owing to exceptionally
One weather the rich harvest prom
ises to be 20,000,000 bushels above the
average. The effect of this will be to
restore prosperity to trade."
Sp minrdft <iet Into l.inr.
SAN SEBASTIAN. Spain. Sept. 23.—
The natives of the Basque province
1 have sent a message to President
| Roosevelt congratulating him or. his
I accession, and expressing their best
I wishes for the welfare of the i’nited
i States as the "defender of oppressed
| people."
American Honored in l*arl..
WASHINGTON. Sept. 23—The In
tel national Institute of Sociology
which consists of ibe sociologists oi
ilie woild. with headquarters at Paris
has elected i'nited States Commission
i er of Labor 0. D. Wright to member
i ship.
For«*Hl Flren l)yinc Out.
DENVER. Colo.. Sept. 2;!.—A special
; to the Republican from EUiora. Colo.
| says: ' The forest Are which hat
threatened that town and neighboring
j mining camps with destruction for the
1 last week, has been chocked, and un
j less a high wind begins to blow, there
I is no further danger to the settlements.
[ The tiro is still burning on seven
I mountains, but there is less flame and
i more smoke than heretofore. Hessie
i is much exposed.
Nebraska Organization Completed and
Officers for Eugnulng Year Chosen.
OMAHA. Neb., Sept. 23.—The Ne
braska Retail Grocers' association has
completed its organization and the 150
members who have subscribed to the
constitution and by-laws have joined
hands for the purpose of mutual pro
tection and the advancement of their
interests, a campaign will bo inaug
urated until all of the grocers of the
state are induced to become members.
The organization was perfected at the
session yesterday afternoon, when the
following officers were elected:
President. J. B. t’oningham, Lin*
coin; vice president, O. C. Thompson,
Blair; secretary, H. Fischer, Omaha;
treasurer, F. A. Miller, Beatrice.
The next meeting place will be at
Lincoln, during September, 1902, tho
exact date to be fixed by the executive
committee that will be named by the
president at a later date.
Exemptions were handled in an ex
haustive manner, and the position
was taken that the deadbeat should be
helped to become honest by the pass
age of laws making it possible to col
lect pay for goods sold. Hundreds of
men, aided by the present collection
laws, the grocers claimed, are enabled
to cheat and defrand their grocers,
and there is no recourse.
The speaker held that the present
exemption laws are unfair to the
single man. as they permit the taking
of even his clothing if it can be found
off his back, while his more fortunate
associate who is married can run bills,
and there is no way of reaching him.
AaftoclatIon of TVomun’it ('InU to tlokl
Sessions at Wayne.
OMAHA, Neb., Sept. 23—The sev
enth annual meeting of the Nebraska
Federation of Woman’s Clubs will be
held 'in Wayne, October 8, 9, 10 and
11, inclusive. Club women who ex
pect to go to this meeting are asked
to take notice of the following in
Credentials for self or substitute
must he presented to the committee
on credentials, Mrs. John Ehrhardt of
Stanton chairman, before taking your
seat. This committee will be ready
to receive them at the Presbyterian
church, where the open meeting will
be held.
' The Boyd house will be considered
club headquarters. Dinner and supper
will be served here for 25 cents a meat.
Rooms and breakfast will be provid
ed by the women of Wayne for all.
A rate of one and a third fare has
been granted on all roads in the state,
on the certificate plan, providing one
hundred tickets are sold at a cost of
50 cents or more. When buying your
tickets, be sure and ask for a certifi
cate.. Fill in the certificate as requir
'd. and present at your earliest conve
nience, on arriving in Wayne, to the
chairman on transportation, Mrs. H.
D. Neely, that she may present them
to the ticket agent at Wayne for his
signature, without which the rate of
me-third return fare cannot be se
ltni»iiie»N Man l> sjippenrs.
EI,K CREEK. Neb., Sept. 23—S. C.
Bicknell, who has conducted a success
*ul business here for the past six
months by running an eating house
and confectionery, mysteriously disap
oeared from his place of business. So
far as can be ascertained he had no
excuse for leaving the way he did. as
Ids domestic and business affairs were
of the best.
Cowboy liadly Crushed.
HASTINGS. Neb.. Sept. 23.—While
the grand entry of Pawnee Bill's show
was in progress one of the cowboys
was aecidentlly thrown with his horse
and seriously injured. It is doubtful
if he will survive. The accident was
caused by one of the horses catching
a shoe of the horse in front of it. Both
rider and horse were thrown to the
Say tVas In ’I-'riacis.
SAN FRANCISCO. Cay., Sept. 19.—
Hie Call prints a story to the effect
that Postmaster Chamberlain of Pacific
Grove is certain that Leon Czolgosz
was in Pacific Grove during President
McKinley's visit to that place on the
occasion of the G. A. R. encampment,
uul that he called for letters, giving
the name of Fred Neiman.
tirevit Wpsttrn'K Survey.
HARLAN, la.. Sept. 20.—The sur
veying corps of the Great Western
will finish their work tills week. Op
tions are being taken on city property
for the route of the proposed line.
I' i ruior* Sowing Wheat.
MINDKN, Nell.. Sept. 23.—Kearney
county farmers are already sowing
wheat. The recent heavy rains have
put the ground in excellent condition.
As the fall wheat was the winning
crop here this year a very large acre
age will lie sown this fall. Very lit
tle fall wheat has been sown in tiris
county until the last few years, but
the farmers are finding it the surest
crop of this seetioir, and will govern
themselves accordingly.
"Treated” With a Coat for Expressing
Pleasure at McKinley’s Death.
HUMBOI.DT, Neb., Sept. 21.—Chas.
Carsh. a well known farmer living a
mile east Of this city, was treated to
a coat of tar and feathers by a mob,
who charged him with having express
ed his pleasure on the death of the
president. Between the hours of 10
and 11 o’clock he says a man appear
ed at the door of his country home,
who awoke him and asked him for
the use of a lantern, saying that a
carriage on the public road near the
house was broken down.
He hastily donned his clothes and
accompanied the visitor to the car
riage, where he was surprised and sur
rounded by a number of masked men.
They unceremoniously forced him into
the carriage, which was driven about
a half a mile further on near some
timber. At this place he was taken
from the vehicle and then tarred and
He says he was asked by one of
the men as to how he had spoken of
McKinley and was charged with hav
ing stated that he was glad the presi
dent had been killed.
He denies that he made any of the
statements charged and is taking
steps to redress himself with the law,
as he claims to know a number of
men who were in the mob.
Bill Appropriating; Matriculation Keen
Died in the House.
LINCOLN, Neb., Sept. 21—The State
Board of Education met at the office
of Superintendent Fowler. Messrs.
Stuefer and West were absent. Rev.
Luther P. Ludden, the newly chosen
member, was present for the first time.
Principal W. C. Clark of the State
Normal school presented a report of
the affairs of the school for a year.
He said that the new year opened
with the school in better condition
than ever. He called the attention of
the board to the failure of the legis
lature to appropriate the matricula
tion fees to the use of the library
fund. The fees amount to between
$4,000 and $5,000, and the attorney
general says that they cannot be used
without action by the legislature be
ing taken. The bill appropriating the
money died in the house through an
error which was not discovered until
recently. Before Mr. Clark understood
the situation he had incurred a debt
of $900. The board took no action
and the claimants will have to wait.
The board will endeavor to raise
funds to supply the deficiency.
ArreBted for Heating; HU Wife.
HASTINGS. Neb., Sept. 21—Morgan
W. Bird had his son-in-law, Clinton
S. Broderick arrested on the charge of
assault with intent to kill. Broderick
is charged with having assaulted and
attempted to kill his wife. Maude E.
Broderick. The trouble came about
through the attempt of Broderick to
get possession of his 3-year-old hoy.
Reappearance of Smallpox.
DES MOINES, la.. Sept. 21—Two
cases of smallpox were reported to
the health officers in Des Moines, the
first in a long time. One is in a fam
ily on East Twenty-seventh street and
the other is at East Walnut and Fifth.
Both are light cases, but there had
been no new ones during the sum
Adjutant Itovven Injured.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Sept. 21.—
Adjutant Bowen of the Soldiers’ home
and Charles Corwin, his driver, were
both seriously injured during a run
away here. The horses took fright
at an engine and ran away, colliding
with a telephone pole. Adjutant Bow
en was rendered unconscious.
Briefs in Dank Case.
LINCOLN. Neb., §ept. 21.—Briefs in
support of the claim of the city of
Lincoln that it is entitled to have the
$5,000 deposited in the Lincoln Sav
ings bank by M. 1. Aitken. former city
treasurer, paid in full by the receiver,
were filed in the supreme court.
Lnt« (Torn Will bp Safe
WINSIDE, Neb., Sept. 21.—A heavy
frost, followed by a heavy frost and
freeze, killed garden truck and late
corn will he soft. The greater part
of late corn is being.cut for fodder.
n-nv.-R K»t»tc ..r tgioo.oon.
AUBURN, Neb., Sept. 21—The body
of Augustus Moore, who died a few
days ago, was taken to Lisbon. Me.,
for burial. Willis Corbet accompanied
the body. Mr. Moore leaves an estate
probably worth $100,000.
York College Opens.
YORK, Neb.. Sept. 21.—York college
opened for the twelfth year. The
chapel was crowded with students and
friends to hear the opening address
by Bishop N. Castle, D. D., of Philo
math, Ore.
Woman Drops Dead at Y'ork.
YORK. Neb., Sept. 21 —Mrs. Stew
art, a resident of North York, was
found dead in the street in front of
her house. She died from hemorrhage.
Salisbury's Queen Souvenir.
A peculiar souvenir is kept in Lord (
Salisbury's historic home at Hatfield.
It is a stone, over a pound in weight,
with which the window of his carriage
was smashed at Dumfries on October
21. 1884. His two daughters were seat
ed with him in the vehicle, but fortu
nately all three escaped uninjured.
Ixjrd Salisbury had on that occasion
delivered the last of a series of
speeches in Scotland.
RpmpnihprpU His Negro Friend...
R. B. Weddington, a farmer of Union
county, North Carolina, who died re
cently, was not troubled by the “race
issue. ’ He lived in the kindliest rela
tions with the negroes, and in his will
he gave three tracts of land to three of
his faithful colored servants and gave
money to others. The balance of his
estate, amounting to 1,600 acres, he
bequeathed to the Methodist church.
The World's (Greatest Tavern.
New York is to-have the largest ho
tel in the world. It will be erected
by the Subway Realty company, which
is composed of capitalists who fur
nished tbe bond for John B. McDonald,
the man who is building the under
ground railroad. The structure will be
located on Bark avenue, between For
ty-first and Forty-second streets, and
will be built at a cost of $5,000,000.
Work on the immense structure will
be commenced within a fortnight.
An Incomplete House.
We run wild over the furnishings of
a house; its furniture, carpets, hang
ings, pictures and musie, and always
forget or neglect the most important
requisite. Something there should be
always on the shelf to provide against
sudden casualties or attacks of pain.
Such come like a thief in the night; a
sprain, strain, sudden backache, tooth
ache or neuralgic attack. There is
nothing easier to get than a bottle of
St. Jacob’s Oil, and nothing surer to
cure quickly any form of pain. The
house is incomplete without it. Com
plete it with a good supply.
Some naturalists says that no in
sects except the silk worm feed upon
the leaves of the mulberry.
Are Too tiling Alien*! Foot Eaief
It is the only cure for Swollen,
Smarting, Burning, Sweating Feet,
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen’s
Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into
the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe
Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad
dress, Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y.
Romantic women rather like a plain
tive lover.
By Murat Halstead; large book;
only $1.50; big profits to agents;
freight paid; credit given; agents mak
ing $15 daily. Send lOcts for mailing
free outfit at once.
Kansas City. Mo.
The first fire engine used in this
country was brought from England to
New York in 1731.
\/j&L/,//£k, WHT DON'TT81WA*
Showing Full Line, of Garments and Hats.
The eyes of all America are turned to
ward North Dakota's magnificent crops.
Just harvested. Over 80,000,000 bushels of
wheat and 19.000.000 bushels of flax, good
corn and abundant grasses. Thousands
of farmers raised 14 to 18 bushels of flax
per acre on new breaking, now bringing
them $1.25 a bushel. Think of your get
ting free government land and realizing
$25 per acre for the first breaking!
There is plenty of good government land
left, but it is being taken up fast. Also
excellent chances to go into any business
in new towns on the “Soo" Line. If you
want free land, or are looking for good
business locations, write D. W. Casseday,
Land Agent, “Soo” Line, Minneapolis,Minn
_ Warranted Waterproof,
lawyer's Excelsior Brund PommelSlickers
afford complete protection to both rider and
saddle. Mude extra long and wide In the nklrt.
Insuring a dry seat lor ruler. Easily converted
Into a walking coat. Every garment war
ranted waterproof. J>ook for trade-mark.
If your dealer does not have Kxcel
alor lliand, write for catalogue. i
H. M. SAWYER & SON, Sole Mfrs.,
East Cambridge, Mass.
ifQEaflvIS^iVIv Washington) D.C,
R 3 \ i k in civil war. ’3 tultiulit utiug claims. att v since.
VT V I quick relief and cures worst
rapes. Book of testimonials and 10 PAYS* treatment
A MEA. pit. II. II. UKKKN'S SONS, Uox K. Atlanta, tla.
tThompson's Eya Water
Vihen Answerinp Advertisements Kindly
Mention This 1‘aper.
W. N. U.—OMAHA No. 3q —1901