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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1901)
mummm The Season Changes and With the Season I Your Machines Must bo Changed—-§ We were with \ou dur ing the plow season and 5>>o desire to thank our cus tomers one and all for their i^J very liberal patronage, and r • we want to say to you . ' Sj2 that we will be with you *£*> during the coming grain jj&j and hay harvest with a full^line of the— OLD RELIABLE McCORMICK I BINDERS, MOWERS, CORN HARVESTERS, P SHREDERS, HAY RAKES AND HEADERS. g~ « 5 ► lO WEEKS trial subscript’n IOc THE TWENTIETH CENTURY, FARMER It contains a number of special articles each week by the most compe tent 'specialists iu every branch of agriculture; departments devoted to live stock, crops, the dairy, poulty yard, the orchard and garpen, farm machinery, veterinary topics, irrigation and the markets. The farmer’s wife, too, has her share of space, with recipes and sug gestions on cookery, dressmaking, fancy work, care of flowers and matters particularly pleasing to her, while the children have a department edited for them exclusively. Four or five pages are devoted to a complete review of the news of the week, covering happenings at homo and abroad, and news in particular interesting to the great farming west. Then, too, are the stories, choice poetry and humor and all the good things that one likes to read after the lamps are lighted and the day’s work is done. An ideal Agricultural \ per and Family Weekly j year. CUT THIS OUT AND SENDIT WITH A DIME OR riVE 2-CENT STAMPS TO THE TWENTI ETH CENTURY FARMER, 2297 FARNMAN STREET. OMAHA. ' > WAIT ROR THE I Big Omaha Showi Bigger, Better, More Gorgeous than Ever SEPT. 11 to 21 KING AK-SAR-BEN VII, and thc royal Knights of Ak-Sar-Ben .AND. Grand Oriental Carnival Eiery Day and Night! Free Entertainment all the time Graad Daylight Parade Wednesday Afternoon, September 18th Gorgeous Electrical Pageant Thursday Evening, September 19th TEN BATS OF UNE<(l!AI,KD FUN AND SIdHT-SI KINd! REDUCED RATES ON ALL. ROADS _BOHRBOOCH BROS., Proprietors. Omaha, Nebr. . ilM-OfM Monday, Sept. 2. Scores of new students will enttr in September. SO UTMfMMti complete for the opening. —Easiness, English, Shorthand, Typewriting, Telejjraphv, Pen masMUo tai Pti*4rt. __£57<A**A®*2—PJr»t-cl»»» equipments, employs the best teachers, has * College °,cA^<r»- Cull eye Baud, Collese Paper, Printing Office, Lecture Course* Literary Society. !”ggT*A?j?_BT-”AI1- Lret f system. Full course for *15. Write for particular's. mniL DCTOBMATION-Orer 1,000 students last year. Board given for ‘l ice slotts wurk seek dsy, places hundreds of students in positioits each year, and guarantees ' soctuss to its students. OdUIiOubu-FrN to any address. Write KOHKUOl'GIi BUGS., Onialia, Nob. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. ----=-=c~^rLT.; ~~rT7T-r^=s IN T1IE DISTRICT COURT OF HOLT COHN l Y, NEBRASKA. George \V. liackhaus, Plaintiff, vs. Peter Johnson, C. II. Toncray, Emma H. Toncray, J. JL. Ransom, H. N. McKee, and Mrs. H. N. McKee, llrst and full name un known, defendants. NOTICE TO NON \ ESI DENT DEFENDANTS To Peter Johnson, C. H. Toncray, Emma It. Toncray, J. L. Ransom, 11. N. McKee and Mrs. 11. N. McKee, llrst and full name un known: You and each of you will take notice that on the 7th day of August, liMH, the above named plaintiff filed his petition in the district court of Holt county, Ne braska, against you, the object and prayer of which arc to foreclose a certain mortgage made and executed by Peter Johnson, bear ing date August 15, 1887, securing a note for HOOD, and made payable to C. 11. Toncray, upon the following described real estate situated in Holt county, Nebraska, towlt: The northwest quarter of section four (4), In township twont -seven (27) north, of range tifteen (15) west of the 0th P. IM. Said mortg age was duly recorded in the office of the county clerk of said county oil the 22d day of i August, 18b7, and recorded in book number 28 at page 018. Said note bo secured was duo and payable on the tlrst day of August, i 1802, ami draws interest at the rate of 7 per cent from date. Plaintiff alleges that he is the owner of said note and mortg age, and that there Is now due thereon the sum of $1,080 with interest from this date at the rate of 7 per cent. Plaintiff prays for a decree in which the above named defendants be required to pay the amount found due, or that said premises may be sold to satisfy the same, and for other equitable relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before the lOlli day of September, A. i>. IDOL Dated this 7th day of August, IDOL 0-4 M G ROUGE W. UACKHAUS, Plaintiff. STATE OF NEBRASKA, I CQ HOLT COUNTY. fss IN THE DISTRICT OUKT THEREOF, OF THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. James N. Clarke, receiver of Nebraska Loan and Trust company, plaintiff, vs. Ella M. Stewart, Alexander T. Hart, — Hart Ins wife, llrst name to plaintiff un known, defendants. NOTICE OF SUIT. The above named defendant, Ella M. Stew art, is hereby notified that the above named plaintiff lias tiled in the above named court ins petition against her and the defendant Alexander T, llart, the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a mortgage of $8Ut), due March l, 18U7, with ten per cent interest from said date, on the northwest quarter of sec tion three (3), township thirty (80) north and range fifteen (15) west of the Sixth P. M., olt county, Nebraska. Said defendant is further notified that she Is required to appear and answer said peti tion i'i» or before Monday, the 28d of Septem ber, lDul. JAMES N. CL yRKE, Receiver of Nebraska Loan and Trust i ouipany. By U. it. Dickson and John M, Ragan, his attorneys. 7-4 NOTICE. Jaiues R Moorman, Eli S Moorman and Moorman Brothers, defendants, will take notice that on tne 20th day of August, 1901, lleorge F. Schmid, plaintiff, tiled his petition and atlldovit in attachment, in tire District ,ourt of Holt county, Nebraska; against you, allcgelng thrt you and eacli of you ' are mdbeted to tho plaintiff in the sum of $15,153 20 on a judgment rendered against you in liisf ivoi- in the Court of Common Pleas of Wyofidot county, Ohio, on or about the 3d day of June, 1901. That an order of attach ment for tire sum and amount, last loresaid was Issued out of the said Distiijt Court in said cause and the sheriff of said llolt. county as levied the same upon, and attached tlie southwest, quarter of section- two (2), town ship twenty-eight (28), north, range titteon 15), west, in said Holt county, as the pro perty of the said defendant Janies R. Moor man . You are required to answer said petition on or before the 14th day of October. 1901. Dated Vugust 31,1901, (leorge F. Schmid. Plaintiff, By R. U. Dickson and J. L. lvaley, his attorneys. 10-4 NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at O’Neill, Nebraska. Aug. 13, 1901. Notice is hereby given that the following named sett ler has tiled notice ot his inten tion to make final proof in support of liis iaim, and mat said proof will be made be fore register and receiver at O'Neill, Neb., on October 10, 1901, viz: Mary Bl I.l.iS, formerly Hills heir of Charles I) Hills, dte -a^od, H. E. No. 14023, for the SWki see 8, twp 32 north, range 12 west. He names the following witnesses tp prove liis continuous rt-^idtuico upon and cultiva tion of said laud, viz: C irist CbristemKiu of Phoenix, Neb., Slier ry Leslie and Clause Storeiohatin of Turner, Neb., and John 11 Richard-of Verdel, Neb. ®i-Gup 2$. J. WE EKES, Register. I State of Nebraska i In the District Court >SS Thereof of 15th Ju Hoit County j dicial District. NOTICE OF SUIT. County of Holt, Plaintiff, vs Alice Gilbert,-Gilbert, her husband, first name to plaintiff unknown, Nebraska Loan cS: Trust Company, and Minnie Thompson. Defendants. The above named defendant Elise M. Gilbert, minor child of Alice Gilbert deceas ed is hereby notified that the Nebraska Loan & Trust Company and James N. Clark, Receiver thereof, defendants, to the above entitled action have in said action filed an answer on cross petition the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a mortage of ¥1.000, due April 1st, 1893, with ten per cent. Interest on said mortgage from October 1st, 1890, against the southwest quarter of sec tion eight (8) township thirty-one (31) north and range fourteen (14) we»t ot' the 6th P. M. The said Klise M. Gilbert is further notified that she is required to appear and answer said petition on or before Monday th*) 21st day of October. 1901. Nebraska Loan and Trust company, .lames N. Clark, Receiver Thereof. By It. It. Dickson and John M. Kagan, their attorneys, 11-4 SHERIFF’S SALK. By virtue of an order of sale, directed to me from the clerk of the disirict court of Holt county. Nebraska, on a decree obtain ed before the district court of Hob county, Nebraska. on the 23rd day f August, 1901, in favor of the Countv of Holt, as plaintiff and against Charles E. Sudrigson, Jane Sudrigson,real name uudnown, William D. Mathews. Smith Bros. Loan & Trust company, a corporation and the unknown owners of the south-west quarter of section 23, township 31 .north of range 13, west of the 6th p. m.. in llolt county. Nebraska, as defendants for the sum of one hundred t.went.y-seven dollars and seven cents,($127.07) as a first lien against said premises and a decree for $841.66 obtained by Smith Bros. Loan & Trust company, as a second lien against said premises, and costs taxed at $53.68 and accruing costs, 1 have lieved upon the following Real Estate taken as the porperty of said defendants, to satisfy said order of of sale, to-wit: The north-east quarter of ♦he south-west quarter, the north-west quarter of the south west quarter, the south-west quarter of the south-west quarter and the south-east quarter of the south-west quarter of section twenty-three (23), in township thirty one (31), north of range thrteen (13), west of the 6th Principal Merridlan, in Holt county, Ne braska. Said laud will be sold in separate tracts as cescribe above. Andwill offer the same for sale to the highest bidder, for cash in hand, on the 2lst day of October A. i>. 1901, in front of the Court House In O’Neill, Holt county, Nebraska, that being the building wherein the last term of Court was held, a the hour of 10 o’clock a. in. of said day, when and where duo attendance will be given by the under signed. Dated at O’Neill, Nebraska, this 17th day ofSeytember 1901. .John M. Stewart. 12-4 Sheriff of said County SECRET OF HAPPINESS. Eludooil, Love nnd Common Sense In Married Life* Happiness in married life is to be gained, just as enduring happiness in any other phase of existence on earth is to be found—by the use of the old fashioned virtues of unselfishness, consideration for others, politeness and kindness, all based on love and capped by common sense. Like the old recipe for cooking the hare, which begins, “first catch your hare,” a happy mar riage for a woman begins with “first select a man.” Not an ideal-made se raph—not an ossified brain, not a mere animal, but a man capable of loving and appreciating a woman’s love. Of course, he will be more or less selfish. That is the way parents rear their sons to be. It is your task to bear with his selfishness at firs: until you can tactfully teach him how beautiful is thoughtfulness for others, and in a very sweet but very dignified way show him that you expect the same treat ment you give, says Ella Wheeler Wil cox in the St. Louis Globe-Democrat. In the mean time, you must recollect that a husband can always, at every approach, be the prince charming to anchor the enchanted princess with his first kiss if he is skilled enough in love's arts and refined enough to wish to keep the interesting role. And in all love’s ways man is much given to following woman’s lead. If you have no independent income of your own, have an understanding in your honey moon with regard to money matters. Ask for an allowance to be set apart for your use, in order that no humiliat ing and indelicate discussions need ever occur between you on this sub ject. Then study to be economical and thrifty—and wise in your use of your allowance. Love, sense and patience. Those are the three important ele ments necessary to happiness in mar riage. SO HAPPYI Cooing Couple Embarvascd Policeman at Milwaukee I.iut Winter'. She was a fluffy-liaired little vixen, whose cheeks had been pinched by Jack Frost until they were as crim son as the sunny side of a full-ripe peach. Her pretty face was half hid den away in a wilderness of gray fur and her graceful form enveloped In a tailor-made gown and a cloak of light colored material. Deside her stood a youth in sable top coat which hung on his lank body like a letter “A” with the apex clipped off, his head crowned ■with a silk hat. He was ‘‘just awfully awful nice.” In his gloved hand he held a package of sugar plums, and as ha daintily seized one of them between thumb and finger and poised It in the ambient air, he tenderly articulated: “Does deary want anozzer?” “That’s its most precious wish!” Then the pretty lips were puckered above the fur collar into a delicate little funnel. The dainty gloved finger and thumb poised the sugar plum above and let it drop into the receptacle. The tall and stately policeman blushed and struck the iron post with his club. Then half a dozen newsboys missed a full note in their song, “All about the great fire!” and the crowd awaiting the street cars at West Water street and Grand avenue broke the awe-enforced silence of the moment with a round of rippling laughter. Then the man in the sable overcoat and the little maid en in fur collar boarded a Waukesha car, and as they stepped on the plat form a fev; grains<of rice sifted out of the furs and were lost in the snow.— Milwaukee Sentinel. A Degree for Gov. Odell. Governor Odell of New York has re ceived the honorary degree of LL. D. from the Syracuse university. He is the first chief executive to be thus honored by this institution. Great Acreage !n Cotton. Last year the area in ccxton was the biggest on record, being 23,805,629 bales, and it was an increase from be tween sixteen and seventeen million teres fifteen years ago. REMOVED ■■■■■■■■■——Ia——— HECKEL BROS’ Bakery and Restaurant Removed lo first door nrth Bowling Alley Bread, Cakes, Pies wi and all kinds of Bakery products.... HOT MEALS & LUNCHES C£T ft- O © Served W ¥ ^ 1 f£irf 5>any style H. BENEDICT. LAWYER Office iu the Judge RobertB building, north of O. O. Suvder'e lumber yard, O NKILL NEB. ££ R. DICKSON ATTORNEY AT LAW Reference First National Bank O'NEILL, NEB The Frontier The Frontier GOOD PRINTING GOOD PRINTING The Frontier The Frontier J^ABNEY STEWART, PRACTICAL AUCTIONEER Satisfaction guaranteed. Address, Page, Neb JQR. P. J. FLYNN PHYCIAN AND SURGEON Office over Corrigan’s, first door to right Night calls promptly attended. Wm. Sardeson, V.S. In O’Neill Tuesdays and Saturdays of each week. Can be found at the Drug Stores. J)R. G. M. BERRY, DENTIST AND ORAL SURGEON Graduate of Northwestern University, Chicago, and also of American College of Dental Surgeory. All the latest and Improved branches of Dentistry carefully performed. M. P. KINKAID LAWYER Office over Elkhorn Valley Bank. O’NEILL. NEB, J. J. KIMGr ATTORNEY-AT-LAW AND NOTARY -PUBLIC - Office opposite U. S. land office O’NEILL, NEB. J^R. J. P. GILL1GAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office in Holt County Bank building Orders left at our drug store or at my residence first street north and half block east of stand pipe will receive prompt response, as I have telephone connections. O’NEILL, - NEB. FOR SALE OR LEASE SE^ Sec 9, 29, 9 in Holt county. Inquire of MARTIN BROS. & CO SOUTH OMAHA, NEB. Mar 28—6mo FRED ANDERSON. - Proprietor Headquarters for farmers of Boyd and Holt counties stopping in O’Neill. Good beds, good meals and right rates. SPECIAL BARGAIN IN FLOUR Two carloads to sell to uiHke room for feedr I am making some special bar gains. All lirst class flour. It will pav you to see what I have. Oil meal for sale. A. MERRELL Fix 'Em Watches Clocks and Jewelry REPAIRED & GUARANTEED W. M LOCKARI) AVith GILLIGAN <fc STOUT I I with your name and address printed on them ONLY 50C1 The cheapest way to buy for K those wanting small quantities i| <H?e Frontier. :j B H f 0 z (A 0 c H B Purchase Tickets and Consign you Freight via the F. F. & M. V. and S. C.& F RAILROADS. TRAINS DEPART: GOING EAST. Passenger east. No. 4. 9:57 a. m Freight east. No. 24, 12:01 p. it Freight east, No. 28, 2:35 p. m. GOINO WEST. Passenger west. No. 3, 10:00 p. m Freight west, No. 27, 9:15 p. m RVotnrtit TJo, 23 Loral 2:35 P. M. E. R. Adams, Agent, O’NEILL, NEB. HOTEL -Evans* Enlarged Refurnished Refitted Only First-class Hotel In the City W. T. EVANS, Prop if A. B. NEWELL j j REAL ESTATE | O’NEILL, NEBRASKA j Selling and leasing farms and ranches Taxes paid and lands inspected for non residents. Parties desiring to buy or rent land owned by non-residents give me a call, will look up the owners and procure the laud for you. O'Neill — Abstracting Co Compiles Abstracts of Title ONLY COMPLETE SET OF AB STRACT BOOKs IN BOLT COUNTY O’NKILL, N Kit specialties: Eve, ear, nose and Throat Spectacles correctly fitted and Supplied. O'NEILL, NEB. fVTVrV*VWTVTVVTVVVVT»V»*VVT*V*VVVVVT»»VWVTTf«*V*e^ | C. !_. BRIGHT j | REAL ESTATE AND IN- j j SURANCE. \ I — j Choice ranches, farms and town J lots for sale cheap and on easy * terms All kinds of land busf ► ness promptly utterded to. $ Ii presents some of the best Insurance companies doing bus « ; iness in Nebraska. < £ .— -. I t Notary Work Properly Executed j