The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, September 19, 1901, Image 5

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For Sale by M. LYONS,. Emmet, Neb.
*-*-*-*-^ *-*-*-*
w sw 14 25 9
ne 14 25 9
wH 25 26 9
se sa 10 s nw; nw sw
11 20 9
s*4 nw nH sw 13 27 9
ne 15 27 9
e sw, w se 22 27 9
se. w ne 35 27 9
n n 24 28 9
e se 26 28 9
sw 3 29 9
nw 8 29 9
nw 14 29 9
n ne, n nw 6 30 9
nw 8 30 9
ne 12 30 9
e ne, sw ne, nw se 14
30 9
nw 10 30 9
ne 82 30 9
se 84 30 9
se 7 31 9
sw 18 31 9
e ne 20, nw nw 21 21 9
w so 25 31 9
n ne* sw ne 27 31 9
sw 20 32 9
ne 25 32 9
s sw, nw sw, sw nw
26 32 9
s ne, n ne 31 32 9
n se, sw ne 19, nw sw
2025 10
lots 1 2 3, ne sw 30 25
ne 26 27 10
se 17 28 10
sw 1 29 10
se 2 29 10
sw 7 29 10
n w 11 29 10
nw 3 30 10
se 3 30 10
sw 3 30 10
ww 8 30 10
so 9 30 10
ne 10 3010
sw 7 30 10
se 13 30 10
nw 17 30 10
nw 24 30 10
ne 27 30 10
se 23 30 10
nw 31 80 10
ne 31 30 10
sw 29 30 10
nw 32 30 10
sw 32 30 10
nw 33 30 10
ne 35 30 10
e sw & se nw 1, ne nw
12 31 10
80 7 31 10
sw 25 31 10
e ne 27 82 10
u*4 nw sw nw s nw
sw 13 32 10
e se & n w se 35 32 10
ne n 25 11
sw 7 25 11
e e II 25 II
sw 12 25 11
e w 13 25 11
sw 14 25 11
sw 24 25 J l
n e 13 26 11
ne 18 26 11
sw 31 26 11
n se & n sw 3 27 11
ee 7 28 11
n w 32 28 11
n n 3 29 11
ne 25 29 11
sw 2 30 11
sw 22 30 11
nw 33 30 11
e sw 29 31 11
nV* nw M of 23 Sc seM,
of swk Sc bw& of se
\i 14 32 11
n se, sw ne & ne sw
23 3211
se 17 25 12
nw 29 25 12
sw 21 25 12
sw 12 12 25 12
se 10 20 12
w*4 of w sw 11, n nw
14 20 12
s se 15 20 12
nw 21 20 12
se 22 20 12
s sw 23 20 12
ne 23 20 12
s se 29 20 12
e ne 33 20 12
ne 14 27 12
se 20 27 12
nw 17 27 12
n n 27 27 12
se «28 12
n 20 28 12
nw 19 29 12
ne 20 29 12
se 22 29 12
se 10 30 12
ne 15 30 12
e sw 2; e nw 11 31 12
sw 9 31 12
ne 9 31 12
sw 13 31 12
se 14 31 12
s ne & W se 20 31 11
w nw & nw sw 21 32 12
e ne 3c e se 27 32 12
nw 34 33 12
ne 30 32 12
sell 25 13 s1/* nVt 1125
13. nw 10 23 13
sw 12 25 13, sw 21 2513
sYt sw ne sw sw ne 35
25 13
sw 28 20 13
Bisbee ranch in 22 27
28 20 13
s ne & s nw 29 27 13
5w 2 20 13
se 12 29 13
nw 12 29 13
sw 27 29 13
sw 2S 29 13
ne 32 29 13
se 34 29 13
se 35 29 13
e ne & nw ne 2 30 13
se 19 30 13
vv ne 20 30 13
n w 28 30 13
w nw 3c w sw 2 31 13
enw & w no 2 31 13
nw 5 3113
seO 31 13
ne 9 31 13
n sw & sw 8w 15 31 13
nw 15 31 13
se 17 31 13
ne 17 31 13
se 18 31 13
nw 19 31 13
nw 20 31 13
se 29 31 13
8 sw 20 31 13
ne 27 31 13
ne 29 31 13
ne 30 31 13
se 30 31 13
sw 32 3! 13
se se 35 31 13
n sw 3c w se 4 32 13
ne 5 32 13
s sw 7 32 13
se 9 28 13
n s\v 3c w se lo 32 13
ne 18 32 13
enw 18 32 13
sw 23 32 13
sw sw 25, e se & ne 20
32 13
w sw 20 3c e se 27 32 13
s sw 27 32 13
sw 28 32 13
ne 30 32 13
e sw &w se 31 32 13
sw 32 32 13
e ne, sw ne & se nw
32 32 13
ne 33 32 13
UW 34 32 13
eue&s nw 35 32 13
s ne & n se 24 33 13
s nw, ne sw & nw se
20 33 13
e ne & n se 36 33 13
w nw 7 26 14
s nw & e sw 10 26 14
nw 1128 14
sw 2 29 14
nw 20 29 14
nw 21 2914
sw 35 29 14
sw 8 30 13
se 11 30 14
sw 15 30 14
ne 21 30 14
se 22 30 14
nw 34 30 14
w se 35 30 14
se 2 31 14
n w 5 31 14
sw 6 31 14
se 6 31 14
se 7 31 14
sw 8 31 14
ne 8 31 14
sw 10 31 14
ne 10 31 14
ne 10 31 14
nw 11 31 14
nw 14 3114
s 11 31 i4
sw 18 31 14
ne 18 31 14
sw 19 31 14
se 22 31 14
n w 23 31 14
e!4 25 31 14
sw 20 31 14
n W 27 31 14
ne 29 31 14
nw 30 81 14
se 31 31 U
sw 34 31 14
8 ne & ne se 11 32 14
s nw, n sw & ne se 12
32 14
se 18 32 14
sw 30 32 14
ne 31 32 14
nw 32 32 14
se 32 32 14
sw 33 32 14
ne 33 32 14
se sw. w se & sw ne
34 32 14
se 3 33 14
n nw 4 33 14
se 6 33 14
SW 29 33 14
s SW 33 34 14
s nw & n sw 34 34 14
ne 27 25 15
nw31 25 15
e ne 12 20 15
n ne 21, n sw 22 26 15
ne 19 28 15
sw 20 28 15
uw 829 15
sw 8 29 15
se 24 29 15
ne 130 15
w l 30 15
nw 3 30 15
sw 12 30 15
nw 12 30 15
ne 14 30 15
nw 24 30 15
se 24 30 15
w nw, ne nw & nw ne
27 30 15
se 2 3115
ne 31 15
sw 8 31 15
86 10 31 15
e ne & sw ne 15 3115
sw 15 31 15
w w 20 31 15
e sw & so nw 20, no
nw 35 31 15
se 35 31 15
s nw Ac nw nw 35 31 15
nw 1 32 15
nw sw Ac fw nw 2, ne
se & se ne 3 32 15
ne 15 acres of nw 4 32
w ne & w se 14 32 15
ne 25 32 15
sw nw 17, s ne & Lot
7,18 & Lot 1, 7 33 15
w nw Ac ne nw 18 33 15
8w 8e 18. w ne & se
nw 19 23 15
e sw & s nw 21 33 15
ne 22 33 15, except 10 j
w nw, se nw & nw sw
25 33 15
n w 20 33 15
e 6 35 33 15
e se 31 34 15
8 n 14 25 10
sw 13 27 10, VfV» 18 27 16
so 12 27 16
S 8 3 28 16
nw 10 28 16
s se, nw so & ne sw 2
29 16
8 V% 3 29 16
n 9 29 16
n 10 29 16
8 W 83 29 16
se 20 30 16
nw 28 30 16
ne 33 30 16
ne 1 3116
e nw Ac n ne 7 3116
se 13 3116
sw 34 8116
nw 35 31 16
e sw, nw ne & ne ew
11 32 16
e sw. nw ne sw 11 32 16
w 8\v, ne sw & sw nw
22 32 16
w se 14, n ne 23 33 16
se 23 33 16
Sw 22 33 16
ne 25 33 16
se 26 33 16
86 20 33 16
e sw & 6W sw 26, Ac se
se 27 33 16
s ne 29 33 16
e sw Ac se nw 29 & ne
n w 32 33 16
no 33 33 16
8 nw & n sw 32 33 16
ne 35 33 16
Lot 1, Sec. 23, Lot 1.
Sec. 24, Lot 1, Sec. 26
Ac nw nw 25 34 16
e sw, n w se & Lot 2,
26 34 16
Lot 1 & sw nw 28 Ac
Lot 1 se ne 29 34 16
s sw 3 & s se 4 3117
ne .8 32 17
e nw Ac e sw 7 31 19
sw 6 33 14
8W 15 27 9
sw ne Ac se 11 w Ac ne
8W Ac nw se 26 28 13
SW 4 30 10
8 nw & e sw Ac sw sw
11 & e so & se ne 10 32
se 24 32 15 nw 24 32 15
ne 23 32 15 ne 26 32 14
se 7 32 9
s ne Ac nw ne 14 31 10
s se Ac nw se 9 28 10
SW 33 30 10
i Chicago Lumber Yard 1
HI Headquarters for .... |||
I -♦p* COAL 4* I
. I O. O. SNYDER & CO. §
||^ . O’NEILL ® ALLEN ||
rTTL. ^ TlSTIPGT^ is the
JL HO DxiD 1 Cheapest
If you want to buy the best Buggy, Carriage, Farm Wag
on, Spring Wagon, Road Wagon, Farm Truck, Cart, Wind
mill, Feedmill, hand or power Corn Shelter, Plow, Disc Cul
' tivator, Sweeps, Stackers, Rakes, Mowers, Binders, Headers,
Threshers, Steam or Gasoline powers, call and see
Prop. Elkhorn Valley Blacksmith, Wagon,
Carriage, Shoeing & Machine Shop.
P. S.-—Just received another ear ot Rushford wagons, complete stock
sizes: they are the best wagons made.
Mack & Peeler
Stoves, Ranges
Mowers, Hay Rakes
^ The Frontier {
One year.$i 50
Six months. 75
Dying President’s
last lords:
“flood Bye, all; good bye. It
is flod’s way. His will be
•... .I
Mortgage blanks at The Frontier.
For dental work go to Dr. McLeran
42-tf _
Ice cream at Weingartners restanrant,
by the dish or in bulk.
Dr. McLeran, dentist, office over
Corrigan's drng store. 42-tf
For furnishd room and board enquire
of Mrs. M. M. Sullivan. 6—tt
Have your teeth examined by Dr.
McLeran; be enn save them. 42-tf
Teeth or photographs at Corbett’s,
16th to 30th of each month. 39tf.
Smoke the Shamrock, the best 5c cigar
in town. For sale by all dealers. 8-tf
Call for the Shamrock; little, but O,
my! Best value for your nickle. For
sale by all dealers. 8-tf
TAKEN UP—Two black sows with
five pigs. Three miles south of O'Neill.
I. It. Smith. 9-6
The Frontier is still doing good print
ng at moderate price. Let us figure
your next order.
FOR SALE—100 high garde Shrop
shire ewes aud 100 ewe combs. Adress
F. J. Manchester, Inez, Neb. 10-3
Don’t fail to sge those new fall pat
terns of Wall Paper at Gilligau &
Stout’s, they are beauties, 8c a double
roll and up. 11-3
Those owing us on subscription are
requested to call and pay up. We have
several hundred dollars on our books
which we desire to collect during this
month. Call in and pay up.
Manager Smith of the operahouse has
engaged the Schubert Symphoney Club
for entertanimeut the 28th. The enter
taniment is on the high class musical
order with a lady quartet and other
Miss Alice Coykeudall wishes to an
nounce to the public that she has opened
her dress making parlors in her resi
dense in the western part of the city
and she is now prepared to furnish
her customers costumes cut and made
in thelatest style.
The supervisor convention for Dis
triot No. 2 will be held at the Minneola
school house in said district on Satur
day, September 21, 1901, for the purpose
of nominating one candidate for super
visor and transacting such other busi
ness as may come before the conven
tion. Representation will be the same
as at the county convention.
R. E, Bewden, T. B. Harrison,
Secretary. Chairman.
Excursion Rates.
For Ak-Sar-Ben Festivities and Stree
Carnival, Omaha, Neb. the F. E. &
M. V. Ry will sell excursion tickets to
Omaha at one fare for round trip
Dates of sale, Sept. 17, 18,19 and 20.
Return limit Sept. 23.
Notico of Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is hereby given that the
partnership of her»-to-fore existing
between E. J. Mack, & J. H. Peeler,
has this day been dissolved by mutual
consent, J. H. Peeler retains the bus
iness and assumes all liabilities and col
lects all acounts due said firm.
E. J. Mack
J. H. Peeler.
Working Night and Day.
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that ever was made is Dr. King’s New
Life Pills. These pills change weak
ness into strength, listlessness into ener
gy, brainfag into mental power.
They’re wonderful in building up health.
Only 25c per box. Sold by P. C.
Growth of New York.
The excess of births over deaths In
New York Is, on an average, about
5,000 a year, and if there were not
constant immigration into New York
from foreign countries and from othei
divisions of the United States, the
growth of the city would be 50,000 in
ten years, or less than per cent in
a decade. Actually, the increase in
population is at the rate of 38 par
cent. The territory of New York,
which had 2,493,000 population in 1.890,
had 3,437,000 in 1900.
AR&t *
in the coffee bin—not
a pleasant thought,
yet when coffees are
kept open in bulk who
knows what different
“things” come climb
__ ing and floating in ?
ELion Coffee
at up in sealed packages insures
eanliness, uniform quality,
eshness and delicious flavor,
A Night of Terror.
"Awful anxiety was left for the widow
of the brave General Burnham of March
ias, Me., when the doctors said she
would die from Pneumonia before
morning” writes Mrs. 8. H. Lincoln,
who attended her that fearful night, but
she begged for Dr. King’s New Dis
covery, which had more than once saved
her life, and cured her of Consumption.
After taking, she slept all night. Fur
ther use entirely cured her." This
marvellous medicine is guaranteed to
cure all Throat, Chest and Lung Dis
eases. Only 50c and $1 00. Trial bottles
free at P. C. Corrigan’s drug store.
Her Son a Youth of 70.
Mrs. James Mills, of Woodham, Ont.,
who recently celebrated her one hun
dred and thirteenth birthday, will visit
the Buffalo Exposition with her son,
a sprightly youth of seventy-six. She
Is not sure about the Midway, and will
consult her pastor before visiting it.
A Shocking Calamity.
"Lately befell a railroad laborer,”
writes Dr. A. Kellett, of Williford, Ark.
"His foot was badly brushed, but Buck
len’s Arnica Salve quickly cured him.
It’s simply wonderful for Burns, Boils,
Piles and all skin eruptions. It's the
world's champion healer. Cure guaran
teed. 25c. Sold by P. C. Corrigan.
Aira—'eved Woman Acquitted.
A woman in Adrian, Mich., who pro
tested without avail against a gam
bling den which got all her husband’s
earnings, set out the other night
with a can of kerosene and burned
the place to the ground. She was ac
quitted in court.
Programs at Winter Resorts,
Northern winter resorts are a new
suggestion, the programme for vis
itors including toboggan slides, ice
boats, sleighing, skating, sun parlors
and big log fires for evening enter
Stood Death Off.
E. B. Munday, a lawyer of Henrietta,
Tex., once fooled a grave-digger. He
says: “Mv brother was very low with
malarial fever and jaundice. I per
suaded him to try Electric Bitters, and
he was soon much better, but continued
their use until he was wholly cured.
I am sure Electric Bitters saved his life.”
This remedy expels malaria, kills dis
ease germs and purifies the blood; aids
digestion, regultaes liver, kidneys and
bowels, cures sonstipation, dyspepsia,
nervous diseases, kidney troubles,
female complaints; gives perfect health.
Only 50c at P. C. Corrigans's drug store
Tallest In the Country.
In the Memphis Confederate reunion
the battle flag carried at the
head of the Texas Division was the
Eleventh Texas artillery flag, and its
colorbearer, Mr. H. C. Thruston of
Mount Verson, Tex., is 7 feet 7% inch
es high, a veteran of the war be
tween the states, and may be properly
designated as a product of three states,
being a native-born South Carolinian,
his early manhood being spent in Mis
souri (where he married), and for the
last 37 years a citizen of Texas. He
served four yer rs in General Parsons’
Missouri cavalry. General Marmaduke’s
brigade, is 71 years old, and probably
the tallest man in the United States.
Stops Sale ot Indian Lands.
The supreme court of the District of
Columbia has granted the restraining
order sought by the old Kiowa chief.
Lone Wolf, who wants to stop the dis
posal of the Kiowa and Comanche res
ervation. This means that the recal
citrant members of the tribes are to
have the benefit of a doubt, and time
will be allowed in which to take evi
dence as to the charges of fraud and
misrepresentation In getting the treaty
adopted by the Indians by means of
which their lands were secured to be
sold to settlers._
Glasgow's Costly ICpldsnifcn.
The plague and smallpox cost Glas
gow In money over £45,000. The pay
ment Is to be spread over five years,
so as not to tall too heavily on the
For Tiger,
No use to hunt tigers with
bird-shot. It doesn’t hurt the
tiger any and it’s awfully risky
for you.
Consumption is a tiger
among diseases. It is stealthy
—but once started it rapidly
eats up the flesh and destroys
the life. No use to go hunting
it with ordinary food and med
icine. That’s only bird-shot.
It still advances. Good heavy
charges of Scott’s Emulsion
will stop the advance. The
disease feels that.
Scott’s Emulsion makes the
body strong to resist. It
soothes and toughens the lungs
and sustains the strength until
the disease wears itself out.
Send for free sample.
SCOTT Si BOWNE, Chemists, 4™, Pearl St., N. Y.
50c aud ji.ooj ail druggists.
I America’s Three Martyr presidents 1
President Abraham Lincoln, shot through head from ihe rear by John l1
Wilkes Booth, April 14, 1805. He was attending Laura Keen's perfor- jj
mance of “Our American Cousin,” when the assassin shot through the |
door of the box. He died April 15, 7. a. m., when Stanton cried: "Now g
he belongs to the ages.” He was in his 57th year.
gl President James A. Garfield, shot by Charles J. Guiteau, disapointed j|
['!] officer seeker, in the Washington, D. C., Pennsylvania railroad station, |
[§ July 2, 1881. The first shot passed through the president’s coat sleeve. I
|] The second ball entered his back, fractured a rib and entered his body> i
iij where it was found after death below the heart, having splintered the |
p spine in its passage. He lingered until September 15, when blood poison- I
tS ‘ t
i.j ing set in, and he died on the 19th, at the ago of 50.
President William McKinley, shot while standing in the Temple of \
1 Music, at the Pan-American exposition, at Bufialo, N. Y., by Leon
Czolgosz, anarchist, who shook hands with the president, and him with 1
his disengaged baud, September 0, 1901, in the afternoon. One shot lodg* i
ed in the breastbone, the other passed through the stomach from the a
front. President McKinley died September 14, 2:15 a. m., at the age i
of 58. |
Born at Niles, O., January 29. j
1 1843. Educated at the public schools, :
1 Poland academy and Allegheny '
i college. ■
Taught in the public schools.
Eulisted a private in Twenty-third •
• Ohio volunteer infantry in 1861; com- ;
• missary sergeant in 1802; second •
■ lieutenant in 1802; first lieutenant in •
1863; captain in 1864; served on the ;
j stall of Generals li B. [laves, George ;
' Orook and Winfield Hancock; bre- ;
; vetted major bv President Lincoln ;
; for gallantry in battle March 13, 1865, ;
; especially for services at Opequan, ;
j Cedar Creek and Fisher’s Hill; acting ;
■ assistant adjutant general, First :
division, First army corps; mustered :
out July 26, 1865. ;
• Admitted to Ohio bar, 1867, set- :
; tling at Canton. ;
Elected prosecuting attorney of 1
; Stark cocnty in 1869.
Marries Miss Ida Saxton January ;
25, 1871; two daughters born in 1871 :
I and 1873 died in early childhood.
Member of congress, 1876 91.
Reported tariff bill of 1890, known :
as the “McKinley bill,” high protec- I
tive tariff in its nature.
Defeated for congress in 1890.
Elected governor of Ohio in 1891
and re-elected in 1893.
Elected president in 1896 and re
elected in 1900, in both instances
over Mr. Bryan.
Shot at Beffalo, September 6, by
assassin Leon Czoligosz.
Died September 14, at 2:15 a. m,
Born October 27, 1858, in New I
• York city.
Graduated from Harvary univer- :
: eity, 1880.
Member of tbe legislature, 1882-4.
I Defeated candinate for mayor of ■
New York, 1980.
National civil service commis
sinor, 1889-95.
■ President of New York polic* ;
: board, 1895-97.
Assistant secretary of the United '
; States navy, 1897-98.
Resigned to organize First United ;
I States volnnteer cavalry (Roosvelt ;
rough aiders) to engage in war with •
Spain. Was lieutenant colonel of ;
the regiment. ;
Promoted to colonel for gallantry ;
at tbe battle of La Quasina.
Elected governor of New York, ;
November, 1898.
Nominated vice president with ;
: William McKinley as president, by :
: the republican convention of 1900 :
and elected. v ;
President of the United States, :
' taking the oath of office, September :
! 14, succeeding William McKinley, :
■ who was shot by an assassin.
Author of “Winning of the West,” !
• “Life of Gouverneur Morris," I
Baval War of 1812,” and works in i
Ring and western ranch life.
By the President of the United
States—A proclamation:
A terrible bereavement has befallen
our people. The president of the United
States has been struck down; a crime
committed not only against the chief
magistrate, but against every law-abid
ing and liberty-loving citizen.
President McKinley crowned a life of
largest love for his fellow men, of most
earnest endeavor for their welfare, by a
death of Christain fortitude, aud both
the way in which he lived his life and
the way in which, in the sdpreme hour
of trial, he met his death, will remain
forevei a precious heritage of our
It is meet that we as a nation express
our abiding love and reverence for his,
our deep sorrow for his untimely death.
Now therefore, I, Theodor Roosevelt,
president of the United States of Ameri
ca, do appoint Thursday next, Septem
ber 19, the day on which the body of
the dead president will be laid in its
last earthly restingplace, as a day of
morning and prayer throughout the
United States. I earnestly reoommend
all the people to assemble on that day
in their respective places of divine
worship, there to bow down in submis
sion to the will of Almighty God, and to
pay out of full hearts their homage of
love and reverence to the great and
good president whose death has smitten
the nation with bitter grief.
In witness whereof. I have hereunto
8et my hand and oaused the seal of the
United States to affixed.
Done at the city of Washington, the
14th day of September, A. D., one thou
sand nine hundred and one, and of the
independence of the United states, the
one hundred and twenty-sixth.
(Seal) Theodore Roosevelt.
By the President: John Hay, Secre
tary of State.
“Three Times • Duke.**
The Duke of Richmond has the dis
tinction of being “three times a duke."
He is Duke of Richmond In England,
Duke of Lennox In Scotland and Due
de Aubigny In France, a title con
ferred upon an ancestress by Louis
XIV in 1683.
. . :v
I ■