The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 15, 1901, Image 1

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    ► T Fronti .
Little Things of General In
ters ts People Like
to Read About.
Movements, Accidents, Fortunes and
Misfortunes of You and Your
Neighbor Made Public.
It. H. Jenness went to Atkinson Tues
For dental work go to Ur. McLeran
42-1 f
Dr. McLeran, dentist, office over
Corrigan’s drug store. 42-tf
Joe Hunter was in from the Minneola
country Saturday.
Dr. Homer Newell was over from
Lynch last Friday.
For furnishd room and board enquire
», of Mrs. M. M. Sullivan. G—It
Miss Helen O’Sullivan was over from
Butte the first of the week.
Another gentle shower Saturday
evening refreshened vegetation.
Dick Johnson was down from Stuart
Saturday and took in the show.
Have your teeth examined by Dr.
McLeran; he can save them. 42-tf
Miss Ella Barrett of Norfolk is in the
city visiting the Misses Hurley.
Teeth or photographs at Corbett’s,
16th to 30th of each month. 39tf.
Mrs. L Storm, of Spencer, is in the
city visiting friends and relatives.
Those looking for pastime games had
no trouble in locating them Saturday.
E. D. Jenkins, deputy revenue col
lector for this district, was in the city
Dr. 13. T. Trueblood departed Tues
day morning for Chicago for a month’s
clinical course.
Miss Annie Brennan came up from
Omaha last week for a few weeks visit
with relatives.
Itev. Whitehonse will hold services at
the Episcopal church in this city the
coming Sunday.
A ball game by and between Atkinson
and O’Neill is announced tor today, the
same to take place here.
Miss Cassie Gallagher, of Darlington,
Wis., is in the city visiting her brother
Ed. F. Gallagher.
Key. G. D. Hyden of Atkinson will
preach at the Presbyteian church Sun
day evening, August. 18
Pack Reed was up from Page
Saturday called at this office and left
some silver on subscrieption.
Members of the Presbyterian church
and Sunday school picniced in Gallag
hers grove east of town yesterday.
The O’Neill summer school is proving
successful. Some fifty students are in
attendance and profitable work is being
D. Clem Heaver, arrived in town
Monday evening. He expects to
enter upon his duties in the land office
^ Sept 1.
Miss Agnes Carberry returned to her
home at Norfolk last Saturday after
spending a few weeks visiting friends
i -
Mrs. I). A. Hoyle and children left
Monday morning for Alpena, Mich ,
where they will visit the next couple of
A big crowd was in town Saturday to
It see the Great Eastern show, and a whole
lot of people were sorry they went. It
was the concensus of opinion that it
was a pretty poor show.
Joe Young of Stanton was in the city
the first of the week. The object of
Mr. Young’s visit was to find a location
for a ranch. He is connected with the
Young Bros, ranch in Stanton county.
Heavy rains are reported in the east
ern and northern sections of the county
Monday night. In the vicinity of
Leonia a big rain fell and it appears to
have extended southeast below Inman,
which place reports two inches of water
The republicans voters of Emmet
township will meet in primary conven
tion at Emmet on Saturday, august 24,
at 3 o’clock p. m. to select three del
egates to the county cenvention to be
held August 26, and to place in nom
ination a township ticket—T. B. Mar
ing committeman.
Cheatwood is pitching great ball these
days. Last Thursday Cheat pitched for
Creighton against Oakdale and did not
allow the Oakdale boys to get a hit off
his delivery. The score was Creighton
1 Oakdale 0.
Superintendent E. H. Benedict of the
. Methodist Sunday school gave a recep
tion Tuesday evening to the officers and
teachers of the school. A pleasant even
ing was spent in a social way. Ice
cream and cake were served.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Calhoun of
Deadwood are in the city visiting Mrs.
Calhoun's mother, Mrs. S. Smith, and
other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Martin
VValralh of Atkinson are also visiting
Mrs. Smith.
Prof Cahill, principal of the Stuart
publice school is a candidate for the
republicans nomination for connty
superintendent. Prof Cahill is a prac
tical and thorough educator and has
many friends in the western part of the
county who are urging his candidacy.
The Spencer ball team came over to
O'Neill Tuesday and wiped the earth
with our boys. Spencer has a good
team while O'Neill has pratically none
at all. While there are a few good
players in the home nine the poor ones
are numerous enough to make the team
John Boyle, a nephew of lid. F.
Gallagher, arrived in the city the first
of the week fiom Darlington Wis , and
is now occupying a position in the first
National bank. He pitched the last six
innings for the O’Neill juniors agauiBt
the Spencerites Tuesday and convinced
the boys from Boyd county that he
could throw a few.
The prohibitionists of Holt county
will meet in convention at the court
house in O'Neill on Wednesday, August
21. at 10 o'clock a. in., for the purpose
of nominating a full county ticket and
to seltct delegatee to the state conven
tion which will meet at Lincoln on Sep
tember 4. —T. >1. Elder, county chair
Stuart Herald: The Standard Oil
company are to erect a tauk weBt of
Adams' Lumber yard for kerosene nud
gasolene. There are to be erected two
more, one at. Oakdale and another at
O'Neill. There will be only one tank
built here this fall and the other one in
the spring. Atkinson and Newport will
be supplied by a wagon plying between
the towns and supply their wants.
The Great Northern excursion to
Duluth last Friday was one of the big
gest affairs in the excursion line this
summer. There were 1550 passengers
picked between O’Neill and Wilmer and
and a truin of twenty-seven coaches
was required to hall them. Those going
from here were: Mr. and Mrs. T. V.
Golden, Patick Uarrett, M. F. Cronin,
James Triggs, Pat McCoy.
R. J . Hayes remits us $5 on subscrip
tion from Anaconda, Mont., where Mr.
Hayes holds the office of police judge.
He says: “Am doing well here so are
all the Holt county people, and there
is not a few of us here. We have twelve
thoueand people here and I think most
of them are from O'Neill, but we have
no populists—too much prosperity,
pleuty of work and good wages.” The
Frontier is pleased to note that pros
perity blesses our former citzens who
have “gone west.”
Stuart Hedger: An Omaha lawyer
lays that 80 per cent of the divorces are
applied for by women He says in ex
planation, that men’s sense of humor
keeps him from airing his connubial
woes in public. Men are afraid other
men will laugh if they tell how cruelly
they have been mistreated by their
wives. In proof of this he calls atten
tion to an Omaha woman who got a
divorce from her husband because be
slept with his boots on.
If the Omaha lawyer had told the
whole story he probably would have
had to say that that husband was so
badly booze soaked he couldnt take his
boots off.
The Gordon Journal goes after dead
beats in the following vigorous manner:
Dead beatism is the result of putting off
little bills that could and should be paid
at once. Once this practice gets a hold
on a man it grows on him untill he be
comes a confirmed dead beat and bis
credit is no good at any store in town.
Every community has a number of such
individuals and Gorden is not the excep
tion to the rule. Do you pay your bills
when they are presented? You ought
to take pride in doing this. We know a
score of men in Q irdon who never fail
to pay when a bill is presented. This
is a habit. That's the kind of religon
our old father instilled into us when a
boy and we shall always honor him for
60 doing. You can best teach your boys
this important lesson by example.
Every one despises a dead beat who
never pays his debts.
Mortgage blanks at The Frontier.
How Department of Interior
Decision Affects Lands
Held by Them.
Title to Several Thousand Acres in
Boyd and Knox Counties in
Much excitement is being caused here
by reason of a decision of
the department of the inteiior
With reference to land allotted to quar
ter and halfblood Indians. The sylabus
of the case referred to is as follows:
"Children born of a white man, a
citizen of the United States, and an
Indian woman, his wife, follow the
status of the fath.r in the matter of
citizenship and are therefore not en
titled to allotments under section 4, act
Febuary 8. 1887, or amended by the act
of February 28, 1891.”
The decision seems to affect the title
of several thousands of acres of very
choice land in Boyd and Knox counties.
In the act of 1890 there was allotted to
the Ponca tribe of Indians in Nebraska
several thousand acres of land in the
above named couuties, which then
formed a part of the Ponca and Sioux
ludian reservation. Many of the allot
tees were children born of a white man
and Indian woman and under the rule
than in force it was thought they were
entitled to an allotment. This ruling
was reversed in the decision above re
ferred to.
S. J. Weeks, tegister of the United
States land office when seen by The
Frontier editor said:
"Yes, it is true that charges have
been preferred by individuals against a
number of Indian allotments in Boyd
county. The complaints are in the na
ture of an affidavit alleging in each in
stance that the allotee in each instance
is the child of a white man and a
citizen of the United States. In most
instances the complaint is accompainied
by an application to enter the land as a
homestead. The homestead application
is not allowed, but all papers nre trans
mitted to the comissioner of the general
land office and will, I take it, if he
deems the charges sufficient, make
the matter a subject of inquiry
by a special agent or order a hearing ai
the local land office. In case a hearing
is ordered the persons presenting the
charges against the allotments must
assume and pay the expense of the
hearing, but they acquire no preference
right to make entry of the land if
the allotment is cancelled.”
It is reporied here today that the
people >.f Bynch, the town nearest the
laud are much excited over the matter
and many are on the way here to make
application for the land.
Republican Caucus.
The republican electors of First ward
of O'Neill are respectfully requested to
attend a republican caucus to be held a'
E. II. Benedicts office on the 24th day
of August, 1901, at 8 o’clock p. m., for
the purpose of selecting 3 delegates to
attend the republican county conven
tion to be held in O’Neill, Neb., on
August 20, 1901, at 10 o'clock a. tn., and
to transact Buell other business as may
properly come betore said caucus.
K. H. Jtymess, Committeeman.
The great railroad show which gave
two performances in this city last
Saturday, afternoon and evening was
one of the poorest exhibitions of the
kind ever given in O’Neill. The only
feature about the show that a good
word could he spoken for was their
trained horse which pertarmed a couple
of good feats. Their ticket hold-up
game where a man sold general
admission tickets for 60 cents apiece
when they could be purchased at the
wagon for fifty cents, was a hold up
that should have been nipped by the
Stuart Lodger: George Hallock was
Out last week putting up windmills on
the ranch of the Shinstock Brothers
who live fifteen miles south-west of
town. The Shinstock Brothers are
making extensive improvements on their
land, seeing nothing in the hot winds
to deter their plans for the future.
Over 3,000 pounds of barbed wire and a
car load of Osage orange posts were
taken out to the Shinstock rauoh last
week. Two new windmills and tanks
will soon be put in their twelve
hundred acre pasture which already has
three windmills and a flowing well. A
600 acre pasture will soon be enclosed
by a fence and dotted with windmills.
Lies Coined From Whole Cloth by
Desperate "Reformers.”
The gang of wolves infesting the
corner of Fourth and Douglas and par
ading undering the banner of reform
came out in their despisable rag last
week with a poisonous pot of lies about
the republican county committee and
then wired their nlthy mess to the chief
of newspaper prostitutes, the Omaha
Fake Factory. Here is the lying wonder:
It is well known to all republicans who
have taken even a casual interest in pol
itcs that McKinley was fully advised as
to D. Clem Deavers standing in Nebras
ka. McKinley was much interested in
the effort that was made to oarry Bryan's
home state and wheu the deal was made
by Mark Hanna, Rosewater and the re
publican state committee with Deaver to
carry out the mid-road movement of
lyiug and fraud, and to defeat the will
of the Nebraska electors last fall the
scheme was indorsed by President Mc
The wishes of the rank and file of the
republican party were not consulted or
respected in negotiating this dirty deal
any more than it was in the election of
the two United States senators last
wiuter. Tne turning down of a republi
can like R H. Jenness and the appoint
ment of Rosewater’s tool and ^political
tuug to a position he had ably tilled was
a slap in the face of every republican,
and this insult is causing a deep rumble
of discontent to resound from the ranks
of the plain voters whom Diokson,
Skirviug, Cronin and the republican
dictators always claim to be able to muz
zle at a moment's notice.
This feeling was very apparent at the
committee meeting held here Saturday,
there were a number who demaudod
that the two senators, Rosewater and
McKinley should be rebuked for their
repealed insults. Some declared that
every republican in the county should
vote the lusion state ticket this fall as a
rebuke for the slap they had received
lrom headquarters. Others demauded
that R, H. Jeuuuss be nominated for
county treasurer and head tire county
ticket as a rebuke for the insult of Rose
water and the two senators.
The republican pie-biters, Postmaster
Cronin, Register Weekes, Postmaster
Johnson and their boosters tried in vain
to pour oil on the troubled waters and
to again muzzle the kickers by telling
what an awful thing it would be to cast
any reflections on the administration —
their big fat and juicy jobs caused them
to wax eloquent on this subject. The
pie-biters clearly out-talked the plain
tellows on this proposition and pretty
thoroughly muzzled them while in ses
sion, but the muzzle came off as soon ns
they got out on the streets again, and
the dictators who are drawing big sala
ries fairly groaned as the rumors of
resentment began to pour in.
"We will have Dick. Jenness, for our
candidate for county treasurer or a free
fight,” said the kickers, while the
rumors of cutting the republican state
ticket were numerous. All of the mem
bers of the republican political clique
who have held the offices and controlled
the party for years in Holt county are
trying hard to curbjany such an outbreak
as they now admit that it is necessary
for them to dance to Rosewater’s mtisio
or lose their heads, and as much as they
despise the little dictator, the thought
of being pried loose from the public
teat will cause them to swallow their
chagrin and do as they are bid, and any
rebuke that is sought to be perpetuated
upon the administration they will fight
to the bitter end.
The above is a lie constructed out of
whole cloth and shows to wlist desper
ate straights the syndicate heelers are
reduced to when they resort to the pub
lication of deliberate and malicious
falsehoods to bolster up their cause.
Postmaster Johnson was not in O’Neill
the day the central committee met; Reg
ister Weekes was not at the meeting and
Mr. Cronin wasn’t there until the meet
ing was over and some of the committee
men gone home. Hence the “pic-biters”
poured no “oil on the troubled waters"
nor “muzzled the kickers.”
The entire article is a tissue of false
hoods and does not reflect much credit
upon the paper which publishes it. But
of course the editor cannot help pub
lishing such stuff; he feeds his readers
on like rot right along. Avount with
such hypocracy!
A Springview special says ;From con
versations held with Judge Westover
it appears likely that a grand jury will
be called for the next term of court in
Brown county. The special object of
calling the grand jury is to investigate
the killing of Luse by Detective Fred
Hans. The judge is quoted as using
decidedly strong language in speaking
of the affair, and is said to have stated
he would call the grand jury provided
the Luse estate or the friends of the
deceased would agree to provide an at
torney to assist in the prosecution in
case Hans was indicted, as Brown
county was not in a financial condition
to be expected to bear all of the burden.
Luse, it will be remembered, was killed
by Uhns while the detective was attempt
ing to arrest Luse on the charge of con
spiring to rob a train- .Hans stated Luse
resisted aud attempted to shoot him and
that he shot Luse in self-defense.
There has been much feeling over the
affair, the friends of Luse who reside
principally in Keya Paha county, con
tending the killing was not justified.
Hot Air Merchants Fan At
mosphere and Ball Curves
Into Catcher’s Mit.
Hut Couldn’t Stand Up Before tho
Dress Gang and Meet Defeat
on Score of 11 to 13.
It took the printers just an hour and
thirty minutes to convince people that
O'Neill real estate men could not play
ball. It was the best tiling that has
happened iu the O'Neill ampitheater
since Mike Sullivan made the run from
first to second in the fat and lean game
a year ago. liy pressing into service
their sons, cousins, uncles and grand
children and men wlio never before
made liot air pretentions, the real
estaters were preserved from utter
annihilation at the hands of such emi
nent newspaper men as Jim Triggs,
John be is, Jack McCafTerty et al.
I Parnell Golden pitched on the real
estate side and Mike McCarthy, caught
whenever a ball happened to get by
the batter. Dickson sat on first when
ho wasn't cussiug the umpire or over at
third catching halls for Joe Meredith.
Tom Golden cast a savage eye through
gold-rimmed specks when knocked off
of second by a liner from home and
Jack Weekes stood behind him in center
field ready to run like a dog with a tin
can lied to his tail whenever n ball
started toward him. Roger McGinnis
played short and looked silly as the fast
living hall from the end of a printer’s
hat shot between liis bow legs. Over
in left stood Morrow with a pillow in
one hand while right field was covered
by Newell, who never caught a ball and
fanned every time he went to hat.
Guv Green, liaviug been awarded the
amatuer state championship eight years
ago, was unanimously accorded the duty
of pitching for the printers, and thereby
fourteen men were strut k out and a half
dozen more fanned that Catcher Henry
didn't get. In lieu of three absent
printers, John Leia, Jim Triggs Rnd
Jack McCatlerty played with the news
paper gang. McCallerty held first base
and llirted with the girls in the “grand
stand'’ ; -Saunders was on second and
Eves third; Cronin performed the short
stop act. Triggs went to sleep in left
field for lack of something to do and
Martin Cronin played center while John
beis in right field caught the only fly
batted by the real estaters.
McGinnis anil Meredith neyer touched
the ball and each got a nice row of
goose eggs across the score card. Tom
Golden and Dennis Cronin each got a
home run on two bvejhlts by reason of a
fumbled ball. Nothing smaller than the
standpipe would do for Newell to bat
with although be got off of homo twice
on strikes. Morrow struck hard but the
bull dodged his blows. Eves thought he
had made a home run bit when some
body told him to run ou a foul that
struck the backstop. Pitcher Golden
made a good play when he run from the
box and caught a foul in the vicinity of
third. Green had no better luck hitting
the real estaters’ balls than they did his.
Henry gave the fielders some work
chasing balls and McCafferty struck
hard enough to knock the ball to the
round-house. Martiu Cronin missed
the ball more times Ilian he bit it.
Jim O'Donnell, with money bet on
the real estate men, umpired.
Five scores the last half of the seventh
saved the printers’ bacon.
John Golden, one of the real estate
gang, kept score. Hero is what his
card shows:
I'l int' is -Struck out.
i roiilm I) ff.| 1 | 0 | 0 111 0 | () | 1—3 | .... 0
Green ..| 0 I 0 | 0 ft | 0 | 0 i 1—2 | ... 2
Saumlcrs. | I) | 0 | 1 I 0 | 0 | 0 | 0— 1 | ... 0
Bear;. Ernest... I o I 0|i|0|l|0| 0-2 | .... o
front n.’ M S'. 77Z -101 8| 1_ 10 | 01 0 | 0—1 .... i
\ .. II 0 10 | 0 | X 10 j 1-21 .... t
Me utterly.fu j n | 0 | (r| 0 | 0 | 0—u | .... 2
Lets. | 0 1 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 111 1—11 .... 1
Trigg. i D | I) | II | 0 I 0 | 0 | 1—1 | .... 1
Totals. " | I i I) 1 3 | 2 | 2 | 0 | ft 13 1 .... H
Iteal Estaters— " ' Struck out
McCarthy.. | 0J_o jo | u | i | 1 | 0—2 1 .... 2
Dickson....,...... 0 [ 0 j0| 0 11|01 0—11~ 1
Golden, T V...... | 1 i 0 | 0 16 | 11010—81 ~ 2
Morrow ....jT| 61 0 | 11 0 I 0 | 0-1 i .... i
McGinnis.Fo"| 0 | 01 01 610 10-01 .... 3
Newell. 101 l|0 j0 <j>{"ff 1 0—X j ■■■■"8
Golden, P.I o| lTufi |o| l|0--3| .... 0
Week es.|0)0|0|0|0|1| 0—1 i .... 1
Meredith, .■ | 0 I 0 I 0 j 0 I 0 | 0 | 0-0 I .... 2
"Totals . . .. ! I 2 ■ I) ! 2 j 3 ! H~| 0-11~1 ....H
It was pretty fair hall for men who
were all “has beens” and the printers
are conceited enough to think they can
do any crowd the real estaters can trot
Ice cream at Weingartners restanrant,
by the dish or in bulk.
He Loves Her still.
Ainsworth Star-Journal; All Bassett
telegram to the State Journal of date of
July 28, gives the following: John
Quincy Adams, the man who reoently
figured in what was reported as a sensa
tional affair at Sioux City by whioh he
was supposed to have lost considerable
property now denies in detail all the
stories told about him and the beautiful
widow. He^says:
“The truth about the matter is simply
this: Musfelt and I started to Sioux
City together to look at my lots which
Musfelt talked of buying. On the train
I met Mrs. Cora Smith, and we became
quite well acquainted. Musfelt decided
not to buy my lots, and Mrs. Smith
agreed to buy them for $500, also my
land south of Bassett. I had become
very muoh in love with the woman and
proposed marrago, and was accepted,
but was to deed the property to her
anyway. We were to be married at 9
o’clock next morning, so I turned the
deeds over to her and went to the court
house to wait for her. Something hap
pened to prevent her meeting me at the
proper hour, and I got mad and went
for a lawyer the first thing. I lost track
of Mrs. Smith and came to Bassett. Mus
felt had left the day before this happen
ed and had nothing to do with it.
Since coining here I have had a letter
from the woman, and she has explained
every thing. I love her as much as ever.
She is sorry she did not meet me to get
married. That is the truth about the
whole matter.”
Adams is an old man who oame here
this spring from Atkinson, his home,
and is looked upon as being rather child
ish. It is thought that the letter from
the woman is merely to keep the old
man quiet until the title of the land has
been transferred, and the old man has
dropped all legal proceedings and gone
to Valentine to meet his charmer.
Later.—The Bassett Leader says:
The trip to Valentine proved a fruitless
journey. A visit to Stuart, however,
brought him face to face with a woman
whom he claimed was the widow of
sheep ranoh fame. She denied ever
having seen him before and threatened
to have him arrested. Wednesday
morning he departed for O’Neill, with
the Intention of commencing legal
proceedings In the meantime a deed
has been filed conveying the Rook
county land to third parties.
Notice—Any person caught hunting
on the old Jim Wynn place, one and
a quarter miles east of O'Neill will be
7-2 P. F. Thompson.
Stanton Picket: Before issuing his
report on the condition of the Nebraska
corn crop Secretary Wilson should have
made a trip up the Elkhorn valley and
carefully inspected its waving fields of
grain, rather than to conbne his in
vestigation to that section of the state
bordering on Kansas and Missouri,
llad he done so his report would have
nearer done justice to the state. If re
ports from other counties are reliable,
and taken with the actual condition of
corn in our own county, it is safe to
assert that that portion of Nebraska
lying north of the Platte river will have
sufficient corn to supply its own de
mands, and from one-third of an ordin
ary crop.
FOR SALE—One full blood Holstein
Frieeiau bull 3 years old, bought in Port
Leyden N. Y., 2 years ago.
7 2 pd J. H. McAllister.
Ladies Notice.
Having recieved numerous requests to
reserve a night so that the ladies might
use the bowling alleys, I have decided
to give a Ladies night on Wednesday
next August 31, from 8 p. m. to 11 p. m.
on this night positively no one but
ladies and their escorts will be allowed
in the hall aud every thing will be
arranged for their convenience.
Respectfully, Ben Hollo, prop. O’Neill
Bowling Alleys. 1-w
For Bale.
Make offers upon the following de
scribed land: 160 acres section 6 and 81,
township 37 and 38, Range 11 west; 160
acres section 19 and 30, township 33,
range 13; 160 acres section 30 and 31
township 33, range 16; 158.53 acres sec
tion 7, township 33 range 14; 160 acres
section 15 and 33, township 33, range
13;|160 acres section 29 and 32, township
28 range 16. Terms *150 cash, balance
to suit. Address I. Douglas, 27th and
Bristol street, or 2702 Bristol street,
Omaha, Neb. 5 4 pd.
G. A. Stephens, vise-president of the
Moline Plow Co., was in the city a few
days this week.
Will sell at private sale at ruy resi
dence 3 doors east of Presbyteian church
2 bed room suits, 3 stoves all kitchen and
dining room furniture, carpets, Bofa
and a number of other articles. TheA
must be sold, I do not want to ship
them.—James V. Stout.