The Frontier. PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY BY THE FRONTIER PRINTING COMPANY D. H. CRONIN, Editor. KOMAINE SAUNDERS. Associate. Notice of Republican Convention. The republicans of the county of Holt, state of Nebraska, are hereby called to meet in convention at the court-house in O’Neill on Monday) August 26, 1901, at 10:30 a. m., for the purpose of placing in nomina tion candidates for the following offices, to be voted for at the next general election in said county on the 5th day of November, 1001. One County Treasurer. One County Sheriff. One County Clerk. One County Judge. One County Superintendent. One Surveyor. One Coroner. The selection of 14 delegates to attend the republican btate conven tion to be held at Lincoln, Neb. on the 28th day of August 1901. The selection of chairman and secretary of the Republican County Central Committee for the ensuing year and for the transaction of such business as may regularly come be fore said convention. The various Townships in said County are entitled to representa tion in said convention as follows: Atkinson.10 | Pleasentview.... 2 Chambers. 7 | Rock Palls. 8 Cleveland. 8 I Band Creek. 2 Conley. 8 j Saratoga. 2 Deloit. 2 | Scott.2 Dustin. 2 | Bhamrock. 1 Emmet.8 1 Sheridan. 4 Ewing.10 I Sheilds.8 Fairview. 2 | Steel Creek. 6 Franois. 2 I Stuart.14 (irattan.2 | Swan. 2 Green Valley_ 2 | Verdigris. 6 Inman. 6 1 Willodale.2 Iowa . 8 Wyoming. 2 Lake. 8 | O'Neill, 1st ward 8 McClure.2 | O'Neill. 2 ward 3 Paddock. 0 | O’Neill, 8d ward 8 Total 125 It is recommended that no proxies be allowed in said convention, but that the delegates present from each Township be premitted to cast the full vote of the Township represent ed by them. Dated at O’Neill, Neb., this 2d day of August 1901. R. R. Dickson, Chairman Republican County Cen tral Committee. C. L. Bright, Secretary. * '■ --- By the way, where is Carrie Na tionf Ohio and Maryland democrats give Mr. Bryan a black eye. It don’t oost over a quarter to “find out” a natural deadbeat. Republicans will name the win ning county ticket on the 20th. The way a pop howls when accus ed of orookedness excites suspic ion. The oil excitement has struck Niobrara, which dont oare whither it retains the county seat or not if it strikes an oil well. The Frontier fails to see where the personal affairs of its editor has aught to do with Mr. Howard’s re ceivership of the Exchange bank. The Stuart Ledger is threatning to publish the names of editorial piartes. If the Ledger doesn’t get ‘em all, we can furnish a few names. The Independent probably thinks Holt county people prefer to read newspaper opinions of Bartley in preference to live home news. Oh yes, Mr. Eves, of Amelia, is a very independent newspaper man. When Mr. Harrington is out of town the Independant never expresses an opinion on any question. Nebraska’s corn crop ia estimated at 137,000,000 bushels. While 'counting chickens before they are hatched, is an uncertainty, this estimate is Considered low. As predicted by The Frontier last week Editor Henry allowed the blue penicl and the desert air to swallow his opinion on the roast given him by the Independent. The “ring” coller must be on rather tight. Towne: In my opinion t anator Hill of New York will be the next candidate for president of t ie re gular democratic party. It would be well for Mr. Towne to explain which is the “rt ?ular” democratic party. The pop ring masters are spend ing much time pacing up and down the cellar steps. With a despera tion born of necessity, the ring masters are laboring as they never labored. There comes a time, you know. --- The wisdom of the department in the manner in which the Indian Territory strip was opened is not questioned, but that government land lotteries should be legalized and private lotteries criminalized seemeth not exactly harmonious. Those inclined to laugh the tariff to scorn a few years ago have chang ed their tune in that respect. The present stir in Europe over the prob lem of how to maintain commercial equality with America shows that the people are awakening to the fact that America with her protective tariff can easily retain ascendency over free trade Europe. Our amiable and esteemed con temporary, ostensibly edited by the Amelia poet, in an unusually severe lit of epilepsy, last week said The Frontier did not mention the Deaver appointment. If the “poet” from Amelia can digress a moment from the worship of Mr. Eves he will find a half column devoted to this same appointment on the first page of The Frontier of July 25. With a ring of bogus reformers and a pop judge for a center piece bidding on land at a “public” tax sale and running it up beyond value to prevent honest men from the country getting it, and then not taking the land while the costs are assessed to the county with the taxes still unpaid is a bright specti cal of much vaunted reform. -- Tho Frontier this week publishes a letter from M. F. Harrington written to the State Journal regard ing its article on the recievership of the Exchange bank of Atkinson. The Frontier published the State Journal article and in justice to all concerned publishes the letter. Mr. Harrington does not discuss the actions of the receiver, merely his connection with the bank as attor ney. Maryland democrats take the initiative step toward the disfran chisement of the negro. Elimina tion of the negro from politics will be a feature of the democratic plat from in that state. It was the dem ocratic party that held the slave chain on the negro race in America until the bands were broken by a republican president in tho CO’s. The proposed Maryland platform is a fit emblem of democracy. Peoples’ Advocate: No one will ever know, unless a mid raoder should snare his job, what D. J. Cronin, who edits the O’Neill post offioe, thinks of Leaver's appoint ment. A populist can get things wrong with an ease and grace that puts to naught Shakespeare’s “Comedy of Errors.” For the enlightenment of the Advocate editor The Frontier will state that D. J. Cronin is the biggest pop in Shields township, a bully good fellow, and said to have an itching palm. The syndicate edited sheet in the cellar devoted about all of its last issue to the State Journal, The Frontier and the Bartley bank. A lot of space is used but none of the receivers acts denied. They do not explain why Mr. Howard sold the bank building for about $800 when it was worth $5,000. They claim Mr. Howard paid the depositors seventy five per cent, of the deposits. Let us see: The state of Nebraska had on deposit $55,000. The receiver paid $8,000. If $8,000 is seventy five per cent, of $55,000, then fig ures will lie. They did not explain why Mr. Howard carried about $1,500 of this money in his pocket for several months before turning it over to the state. Guessing on Corn. Globe Democrat: Probably the reports of the damage to the corn crop were exaggerated. Home of the reports sent out about ten days ago iignred that there would be a reduction of about four hundred million bushels in the yield this year, as compared with last year’s total.’ This would make the production of 1901 about one billion seven hun dred million bushels. As rains have fallen once or twice in the corn belt, however, in the past four or five days, the outlook for the crop has greatly improved. There is a possi bility that the yield will be one bil lion eight hundred million or one billion nine hundred million, pro viding the elements be moderately favorable from this time onward. For the past six y«ars the corn yield has not varied much from two billion mark. In four years of this time the crop went above the two billion line, and in two years it dropped below that mark. The lar gest crop in this period was in 1890, when it was 2,283,000,000 bushels, and the smallest one was in 1897, when it was 1,903,000,000. The years of the greatest and the smallest crop coming close together made a shrinkage in one year of 380,000,000 bushels. This was the broadest recent variation in the crop in suc cessive years, except in 1894 and 1895.The abnormally low yield of the former year was followed by a crop 900.000. 000 bushels greater, or 2, 151.000. 000 bushels. But the smaller crop in those yeais was worth $10,000,000 more on the farm than was the greater one. A falling off in the corn yield, while it dose not commonly injure the producer seriously, strikes both the consumer and the railroads. The consumer usually makes up the loss to the producer in advanced prices. But the railways lose a great deal of freight through the shortage, their earnings are decrees ed and sometimes they are reduced to straits thereby, and are obliged to discharge some of their employes or cut wages. Then, too, a corn shortage tells in a reduced pork product and higher pork prices. Corn is the United States’ imperial crop. Commonly it is double the value of wheat, and is far ahead of that of cotton, hay or any other agricultural product. It is satisfac tory to know, therefore, that from present indications, the reduction in the corn yield will not be so great as was feared a week ago. Fremont Tribune: Governor Savage has decreed that no state official whose quisites include mileage shall be allowed to draw pay for milage if he holds and rides on a pass. On the contrary the official, if he pays his fare, will take a re ceipt and will get his money back from the state. This is precisely as it should be. ltailroads give passes not for the sake of the person but the position he holds. The position is created by the state. Therefore the money saved by riding on a pass conferred by reason of the position should clearly go to the state. Emmet Items. There was a box social given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Mar iug on last Saturday night. The boxes were sold at auction, the pro ceeds of the sale are to be used on the minister’s salary. Everyone had an enjoyable time. About 500 head of j cattle were shipped to Emmet last Friday for Franerman’s ranch about 5 miles southwest of here,from Kansas City. Frank Hubby of Leonia visited with his brother Chas Hubby a few days last week. Miss Myrtle Eubody is staying with her sister Mrs. Fred Hitchcock while Mr. Hitchcock is putting up hay at Mr. Grey’s. Mrs. Simimon’s mother and step-! father of Sioux City arrived at Mr. 1 Simimons last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Maring spent! Sunday evening with Mr. L. Enbody and family. Miss Atkinson and Mrs. L. Mar ing from Garfield county visited at Mr. Alex Maring’s Sunday. Miss Clara and Lida Pickering of O’Neill attonded the l>ox social at Maring’s Saturday night. Write Hitchcock, Ed. Olsen and David Ish, took supper with Mr. Hitchcock Sunday evening. Astounded The Editor. Editors. A. Brown, of Bennettsville, 8. C., was once immensely surprised. "Though long suffering from Dys pepsia,” he writes, "my wife was greatly run down. She had no strength or vigor and suffered great distress from her stomach, but she tried Electric Bit ters which helped her at once, and. after using four bottles, she is entirely well, can eat anything. It’s a grand tonic, and its gentle laxative qualities are splendid for torpid liver.” For Iudiges tion, Loss of Appetite, Stomach and Liver trouble it,s a positive, guaranteed cure. Only 50c at P. C. Corrigan. ELOCUTION HELPS THE VOICE. By Careful Training Harshness of Tone May Be Overcome. There are some who deride the pre vailing popularity among wom en of “the elocutionary fad,” as it is contemptuously called. But those who have observed the effect of Indulgence in this so-called mania have none but word3 of praise for it. The most no ticeable defect in an otherwise excels lent dramatic performance recently given in this city by a set of college girls was in the matter of voices. Of the large cast there was just one young woman who possessed a voice of any thing like requisite quality. Hers was both rich and carrying and it was an ruued pleasure to listen to her lines as she spoke them from tho contrast with the others. Thin, throaty tone, or, worse, those with a distinct nasal In tonation, are bad enough to the sen sitive ear when used in the key of ordinary conversation. When it is needed to expand such voices to the declamatory point, then lack of vol ume, displacement and mellowness are painfully evident. Faithful practice may do much to correct faults of em phasis and Inflection, but the most sanguine coach will not undertake to make over a poor voice in a course of three or even six weeks’ rehearsals. The possibilities of the speaking voice are beginning to be understood. Par ents are discovering that it is a wise plan to cultivate In their daughters and their sons too, for that matter, an agreeable voice for the speech of life. Instructors in the art of developing the exquisite mechanism and wonder ful capability of the human voice are springing up on every side. It cannot be long before it will be a positive re proach for a woman of education at least to speak in shrill, nasal p»r un placed tones. -- -.—. \ ^patponizc t£em and v/ill not £®t beat. > v v v MRS. S. G. NICHOLS Has a complete assort ment of fashionable Millinery If you wish the latest styles and best values get my prices. First door north of Cole’s jewelry store, 4th s MRS. C. E. HALL Dress Making Modern methods, latest patterns and perfect fits. A large,force of helpers enables me to turn work out rapidly. Front rooms over O’Neill National bank. JOHN MANN The Pioneer Harness Maker Is still at the old stand selling the best goods at the lowest prices and paying all the mar ket allows for hides and furs. Bring me them or come In if you need a harness or saddle or ] anything to be found in a harness store. R. H. MILLS Wells, Wind Mills, TANKS AND PUMPS. Write or call on me for estimates. Residence l12 block west Porter livery. PORTER A SOfi Dewev Hotel 'oStTtSS uuibl public to “come in” Checker Livery General feed and livery business. North Short Line depot. M. D- LONG U. S. Land Attorney Practice before U. S. Land Office. Buys and Sells Real Estate. Agent for MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. lias resided in O'Neill since Way, 1877. Office first door east O'Neill Grocery. JOHN J. HARRINGTON Keeps the best OUOLTC for the money line of. OllU L.O In the west. And at prices to satisfy all. He carries also a complete line of Fancy and Staple Groceries, Hats, Caps, Gloves, Shirts, Overalls, Suspenders, Underwear, etc. Mesdames WOODRUFF & PIANK Restaurant and Bakery Hot Meats Lunches Frliit ai)d Gandy FRESH Home Made Bread EVERY DAY. J. BENTLEY Groceries, Fruits & ..Candies.. BREAD, CAKES, ETC. i ___ RYAN & LACY Dealers In Frcgh and Salt Meat GAME AND POULTRY. LIVE STOCK BOJT & SOLD Berger’s Gash Store Headquarters for CLOTHI NG AND SHOES Wholesale and Retail Groceries, Fruits and ..Provisions.. FINE TEAS AND COFFEES OUR SPECIALTY. J. P. GALLAGHER, Prop. A. MERRELL Wholesale and Ketail FLOUR, FEED & ^ OIL MEAL ^ Walmer's old stand. BAZELMAN lumber CO. LUMBER & COAL Let us figure your bill. MRS. ROBERTS MILLINERY Store always stocked with the latest and newest Roods. We meet all competion in prices. New Fall Styles will soon be on display JOHN BENNETT Wjerchani! Tailor. Two doors east of Hotel Evans. HOWARD BROS. MEAT MARKET (Gatz’ old stand.) Choice Meat, Game and Poultry. V. ALBERTS Dealer in and Manufacturer of Harness, Saddles WHIPS, ROBES, ETC. Agtjor Qur Native Herbs P. J. BIGLIN Can give you the best bargains \ /~\ A I ( GASOLINE AND I I 1 /\ I ) KEROSENE W W h\ I ) ULACKSMITH 1 ( COAL. Yards east O’Neill Grocery. jia^gaBBgggregmE^SBBgBB«^BaEBBCTBaBBBSwaHgawBwnw»qa»CTai | HARDWARE | sagBgggB^s^5aES8BgaMSBHBmmBaB5a«a«aMaBBg5Bra»iisaCT.ffHES A long standing reputation gives us pre-eminence in the hardware business of this section. The Majestic Steel Range has won fame all over the country; we have them. Exclus ive agent for the Lick and Elliott anti-rust tinware and Stan skey steel ware—every piece guaranteed. Stockmens’ attention is called to the Prussian food—the best thing yet put out to feed stocd and keep them fat and healthy. A full line of guaranteed grades of cutlery, guns, amunition and all kinds of sporting goods. | NEIL BRENNAN*] the people’s national family newspaper NEW YORK TRI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Published Monday, Wednesday and Friday, is in reality a fine, fresh, every other-day daily, giving the latest news on days of issue, and covering news of the other three, ft contains all import ant foreign cable news which appears in the Daily Tribune of same date; also domestic and foreign correspondence, shot stories, half toue illustrations, hum orous items, industrial information, fashion notes, agricultural matters and comprehensive, reliable financial and market reports. Regular subscription price $1.50. With The Frontier, both papers, $2.25. NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. Published on Thursday and known for nearly sixty years in every part of the United States as a national family newspaper of the highest class for farm ers and villagers. It contains all the most important general news of the Daily Tribune up to the hour of going to press, an agricultural department of the highest order, has entertaining read ing for every member of the family. Market reports which are accepted as authority by farmers and country mer chants, and is clean, up to date, inter esting and instructive. Regular sub scription price $1; with The Frontier, both papers, $1.75. Send all orders to The Frontier, O’Neill.